ORIGINAL ARTICLE Preliminary Survey of the Fauna on Great Inagua, Bahamas, West Indies

Jo-Anne N. Sewlal Christopher K. Starr University of the West Indies1 ABSTRACT A preliminary survey of the spider fauna of Great Inagua Island, Bahamas was conducted between December 2010 and January 2011. Six habitats in five localities were surveyed including three altered and three natural. Sampling efforts produced roughly equal richness in both natural habitats (12 species) and those that were man-made or altered by human activity (13 species). Twenty-five species representing 10 families were collected; members of the families Araneidae (eight species) and Tetragnathidae (two species) comprised almost half of the species found.

INTRODUCTION Currently, the spider fauna of most of the comprise the most diverse islands in the Eastern Caribbean has been organisms in any terrestrial environment. documented at the species level: Barbados However, biological surveys tend to favour (Alayón & Horrocks, 2004), St. Vincent and the collection of vertebrates and plant species the Grenadines (Simon, 1894; de Silva, (Scharff, Coddington, Griswold, Horminga, & Horrocks, & Alayón, 2006), Anguilla (Sewlal Bjǿrn., 2003). Hence information on diverse & Starr, in press), Antigua (Sewlal, 2009a), groups, such as (Araneae) is lacking Nevis (Sewlal & Starr, 2007), St. Kitts (Sewlal, (Longino, 1994). Currently, a little over 2008), Grenada (Sewlal, 2009b), Montserrat 42,000 species of spiders are described (Sewlal, 2010a) and St. Lucia (Sewlal, 2011). (Platnick, 2011), representing what is believed But, at the family level the spider fauna is to be roughly one-fifth of the total number of recorded for Trinidad (Cutler, 2005; Sewlal & spider species in the world. Thus it can be Cutler, 2003; Sewlal & Alayón, 2007; Sewlal, seen that the global spider fauna is still far 2009c, 2010b). from being completely known. This situation Thirty-two species of spiders are documented is especially true of the spider fauna of the from the Bahama Islands (Platnick, 2008; neotropics especially the West Indies. Schoener & Spiller, 2006) most of which are

1 Jo-Anne N. Sewlal, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago. Christopher K. Starr, Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago. Acknowledgments: We thank Stephen Fawkes and Dulcia Pennerman for facilitating our visit to Great Inagua and Colin Ingraham for guiding us about the island. E-mail: [email protected] How to cite this article in APA style (6th ed.): Sewlal, J. N., & Starr, C. K. (2011). Preliminary survey of the spider fauna on Great Inagua, Bahamas, West Indies. The International Journal of Bahamian Studies, 17(2), 3-8. Retrieved from http://journals.sfu.ca/cob/index.php

©J.N. Sewlal & C.K. Starr, 2011. Journal compilation ©The International Journal of Bahamian Studies, 2011 J.N. Sewlal & C.K. Starr. Preliminary Survey of Spiders on Great Inagua, Bahamas 4

orb-weaving spider species; however, a pitfall traps. These methods were chosen as detailed survey for a single Bahamian island they are most effective with respect to rapid inclusive of spiders of other ecological guilds collection of species from a wide range of like ground runners, vegetation runners and microhabitats. The first method, visual search, ambushers does not exist. involved collecting spiders that were seen at A 10-day preliminary survey of the spider ground level, for instance, under logs, inside fauna was conducted on Great Inagua, rotting logs, inside holes, under bark and rocks, Bahamas from December 29, 2010 to January to arm’s length above the head (approx. 0.5 m). 7, 2011. Sweep-netting involved sweeping the vegetation with an insect net. This action METHODS serves to dislodge spiders that are in retreats or Six localities in six habitats were selected resting on the vegetation. This method collects throughout the island; three were man-made or diurnal and nocturnal species and non web- influenced by human activity and the other building species. The third method, pitfall three were natural. Multiple localities of these trapping, targeted ground-dwelling spiders and habitats were sampled where time and involved setting 70 pitfall traps in four diverse accessibility permitted (Table 1). localities for several days. Each pitfall trap Table 1. Description of habitats and localities consisted of a plastic cup approximately 11 cm sampled in Great Inagua, Bahamas from deep. The cup was placed in the soil so that December 2010 to January 2011 the lip of the cup was level with the ground. It Localities was filled two-thirds of the way up with a Habitat Description sampled super-saturated salt solution and a few drops of Garden Lands landscaped and Mathew Town maintained at private dish washing liquid to break the surface residences, hotels or tension of the water so the spiders that fall in for public viewing. will not float on the surface and hence escape Roadside Vegetation up to 30m Mathew Town from either side of the from the trap. Twenty pitfall traps were road randomly placed in three of the four localities Inside and Inside and around Mathew Town chosen for this sampling method. However, around buildings occupied by dwellings humans only ten traps were placed in the final locality Coastal Vegetation comprises Conch Shell because the soil proved too embedded with Vegetation mainly sea grapes Point, Devil’s roots to allow one to dig with relative ease to (Coccoloba uvifera). Point, on ridge Most vegetation is about 2 km place the traps. At each locality, the traps were stunted and wind- from Conch placed within half a metre of each other, in an sculpted where wind Shell Point. area of approximately 25m2. This was done so exposure is high. Often, conifers are as to increase the likelihood of a spider’s found growing along entering a trap in the sample area. After the the coastline. sampling period the traps were removed, the Mangrove Mangrove and On the way to contents collected and the traps disposed of. vegetation under its East Point canopy found along the All specimens collected were transferred and banks of rivers or lakes or in dry coastal areas. stored in glass vials filled with 96% alcohol. Dwarf The vegetation is Conch Shell RESULTS Forest typical of a tropical Point forest but is stunted by The sampling effort produced a total of 21 high winds. species in ten families of spiders. Overall, habitats that have been altered by human Three methods of collecting were employed: activities and natural habitats contained almost visual search, sweep-netting and the use of

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 2 (2011) J.N. Sewlal & C.K. Starr. Preliminary Survey of Spiders on Great Inagua, Bahamas 5 equal numbers of species, containing 13 and yielding ten species, while gardens produced 12 species respectively. Roadside vegetation the lowest level of species richness producing produced the highest level of species richness only two species (see Table 2). Table 2. Showing the species of spiders for each habitat sampled in Great Inagua, Bahamas, for the period December 29, 2010 to January 7, 2011. Pitfall Families & Species Man made habitats Natural habitats traps In & on Dwarf Coastal Garden Roadside Mangrove Buildings Forest Vegetation Araneidae 9 9 9 9 9 Argiope argentata Gasteracantha 9 9 9 9 cancriformis Metepeira datona 9 9 9

Eriophora sp. 9 c.f. Zygiella sp. 9 9

Cyrtophora citricola 9 c.f. Araniella displicata 9

Araneus or Eustala 9 Tetragnathidae 9 9 Leucauge argyra Tetragnatha nitens 9 c.f. Misumenops 9 9 asperatus Salticidae 9 Sp A Sp B 9

Menemus bivittatus 9 9 Physocyclus globosus 9 9 9 Argyrodes elevatus Latrodectus 9 geometricus Oxyopidae 9 Oxyopes salticus Cheracanthium 9 9 9 9 inclusum Nephilidae 9 Nephila clavipes Lycosidae 9 Sp A TOTAL 2 3 10 5 8 9 1

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 2 (2011) J.N. Sewlal & C.K. Starr. Preliminary Survey of Spiders on Great Inagua, Bahamas 6

The family Araneidae was the most species habitat that showed a high level of species rich, yielding eight species. It was also the richness, containing ten species. An most ecologically diverse family containing explanation of this could be that of all the species collected from five out of the six areas of man-made habitats sampled, roadside habitats sampled, followed by Miturgidae had more features that encouraged spider which was collected from four habitats (see occupation when compared to the other Table 1). However, three families were altered habitats. documented as only being present in a single In this study, the species richness of natural habitat; these habitats were in and around habitats was distributed over the three habitat houses and roadside. Further sampling might types sampled. The fact that most of the show these to occupy multiple habitats. localities are not heavily populated or Finally, of the 70 pitfall traps set, only a cultivated could account for the relatively single trap yielded a single individual of the high level of species richness and diversity of ground-dwelling family Lycosidae. the natural habitats. However, none of the natural habitats sampled exhibited a level of DISCUSSION species richness as high as roadside habitat The islands in the Eastern Caribbean have (10 species). All the habitats were exposed to exhibited either greater species richness in harsh conditions, such as constant exposure to natural habitats over man-made habitats as in, strong winds; however, features such as gaps Grenada (Sewlal, 2009b), Montserrat (Sewlal, in the vegetation and artificial lighting could 2010a) and Antigua (Sewlal, 2009a) or vice be responsible for encouraging more spider versa, as in Nevis (Sewlal & Starr, 2007) and species in these areas. The island was also hit St. Kitts (Sewlal, 2008). Neither of these by several hurricanes in recent years which trends applies to Great Inagua which has an would cause damage to the vegetation, almost equal distribution of species in natural destroying microhabitats, so that it would take and man-made habitats. time for specialist species to become In this survey it was found that the level of established after a hurricane has passed over species richness exhibited by man-made the island. Therefore future sampling over an habitats was slightly higher than in natural extended period might reveal more species as habitats. This is most likely, as, they provide the vegetation becomes more established, numerous and/or suitable points of attachment developing more levels of vegetation. for families that construct webs to catch their Compared to other islands in the region like prey. Some altered habitats such as the those that have been sampled in the Eastern roadside contain features that encourage the Caribbean, Great Inagua did not have any presence of spiders; for instance, it provides a spiders belonging to the order natural path or gap in the vegetation where , commonly referred to as prey—in particular, flying insects—can be . Of all the species found during blown into webs. Another feature of most this survey, Latrodectus geometricus altered habitats is the presence of artificial belonging to the family Theridiidae is lighting during the night which attracts flying considered potentially dangerous to humans. insects, so that nocturnal species have a Bites from this is documented as relatively steady food supply. These factors commonly causing nausea, cramps and severe may also account for the members of two of muscle pain, and are occasionally fatal (Garb, the three families, which are web-builders, Gonzalez, & Gillespie, 2003). Although this being found only in altered habitats. species was only found in roadside vegetation However, roadside was the only altered

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 2 (2011) J.N. Sewlal & C.K. Starr. Preliminary Survey of Spiders on Great Inagua, Bahamas 7

on the island, it has been recorded from The choice of habitat selection by the spiders around buildings in other islands in the region found on the island was not compared to the (J.N. Sewlal, personal observation, 2007, topography of the island as most of the island 2008). is gently undulating with a slight variation in Web-builders, in particular aerial web- elevation from about 0 to 50 m. building species, dominated the sampling CONCLUSIONS yield (see Figure 1) followed by foraging The information from this study serves to spiders that are found on vegetation provide a current list of the spider fauna of (approximately 24%). This heavy the island. The results of this survey added preponderance of web-building spiders, 12 species and six families to the list of especially of orb-weavers, may be due to the known species for the Bahamas. Voucher more extensive use of collecting methods specimens are deposited in the Gerace Research directed toward species that can be seen under Center of the College of the Bahamas and the ordinary circumstances. Land Collection of the University of the West Indies.

4.76% 4.76%

Aerial web-builders 23.81% Sheet web-builders Forage runner Ground runner 52.38% Ambushers


Figure 1. Pie-chart showing percentage of species according to guild structure

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The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 17, no. 2 (2011)