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salary. When I told him it was too low, he PASSION FOR JUSTICE by Synthia Tran © 2016 said as I knew more, he would give me a Fullerton raise. I told him I would have to think Graduating from CSUF about it. Observer When I told my support group at At the beginning of the semester, stu - ed sections and dropping off my resume. school about the low offer, they got mad The Fullerton Observer Community dents often asked each other if they got I got an interview with the Car Rental saying the owner was greedy, and they Newspaper, founded by Ralph and Natalie the classes they wanted. I asked one of my Office in Anaheim, and the manager urged me not to accept it, “Where you Kennedy and a group of friends in 1978, is co-workers in the computer lab that ques - wanted me to start working right away. start will determine where you are going. staffed by local citizen volunteers who create, publish, and distribute the paper throughout tion. He told me he was unable to regis - When I said I still had another few weeks It would take a long time for you to catch our community. ter because he “was waiting for his of school, he hired someone else because up.” When I called the owner and This venture is a not-for-profit one with friends." Because it was now too late to he had immediate needs. declined his offer, he was surprised. He all ad and subscription revenues plowed back register he and his friend had to petition I managed to graduate with thought I was desperate and into maintaining and improving our inde - classes to get in. I told him “You should Honors. I don’t remember the would accept anything. He pendent, non-partisan, non-sectarian com - After three munity newspaper. have signed up for the classes you wanted exact GPA, but I couldn’t forget said, “What happened? I have a Our purpose is to inform Fullerton resi - and then after talking to your friends, you when I lined up for the ceremo - months of desk set up for you and I am dents about the institutions and other socie - could have changed, added, or dropped.” ny, a fellow graduate tried to looking, expecting you to come.” I apol - tal forces which most impact their lives, so He looked at me for a second and said tell me that I was in the wrong ogized for disappointing him. that they may be empowered to participate I started to “You sound like my mom!” line, worry. I went to UCLA for an inter - in constructive ways to keep and make these For Elective courses, some students view and received a job offer private and public entities serve all residents “This line is for students who Student loan in lawful, open, just, and socially-responsible took what they have already known to graduate with Honors.” I from the Foundation Office. ways. help improve their scores. I didn’t know a smiled “I know.” payments The pay was reasonable for an Through our extensive local calendar and lot of things, so I took what I wanted to My brother took a picture of would be due entry level, but it was a long other coverage, we seek to promote a sense learn like Nutrition or Geography. I fre - me standing in line which also drive from Fullerton. If I were of community and an appreciation for the 6 months values of diversity with which our country is quently visited my Geography professor at captured her standing next to after to accept it, I would have had to so uniquely blessed. her office to talk over what I didn’t under - me, with an unhappy face. graduation.. move to Los Angeles. But I stand about her lecture. Once after a Most of the jobs advertised couldn’t leave my family SUBMISSIONS : long weekend, she came back to class with required experience, and in one behind. Being with them was Submissions on any topic of interest are crutches. Asked what happened, she said of the phone calls I complained more important, so I again accepted from Fullerton residents and we try hard “Skiing accident.” “Is it hard to ski?” I “Someone has to give me a job, so I can declined. to get it all in. Sorry we sometimes fail. Shorter asked. She said “It’s an expensive sport.” have experience.” The response was, “You One day, I found an ad in The Register, pieces have a better chance. Send by email to I took it as “You can’t afford it.” got to look for entry level positions, and about an inch big, looking for an entry [email protected] or by snail mail to: Two and a half years at CSUF went by we don’t have any right now.” level programmer. How perfect was that! FULLERTON OBSERVER fast. The weeks before graduation were an I immediately called to schedule an inter - PO BOX 7051 After three months of looking, I started FULLERTON, CA 92834-7051 anxious time. Where to find employ - to worry. Student loan payments would view. It was a small company in Costa ______ment? I frequented the Placement Office be due 6 months after graduation, so I Mesa; the owners were a twin brothers, How To Subscribe looking for work. There were posts for enrolled for graduate school. It doesn’t and I had problem distinguish who is Subscriptions include home delivery internships, but not for graduating stu - hurt, I said to myself. I got an interview who. They made an offer, and I coun - and are due each October dents. Some of my classmates told me with a small company in Santa Ana. tered it. They needed some time to think, $25/Fullerton • $35/Out of Town they had a job waiting for them upon There was no private office, just some and called me the next day telling me to Send Check with Name & Address to: graduation. One at Hughes Aircraft and come to work. Fullerton Observer, PO Box 7051, space and a desk. After the interview, the Fullerton CA 92834-7051 one at Boeing. How fortunate! owner asked me to walk with him, so he I was exuberated to have my first official ______School offered a workshop on resume could make an offer without other full time job! How to Advertise writing and interview techniques. A employees hearing him. He was smoking Call 714-525-6402 , workshop “Dress for Success” was also as we walked, and I bit my tongue not to Synthia Tran and her family immigrated to or email being offered. say a word. the US after the Vietnam War, when it was [email protected] ______I started reading newspaper help want - He offered me a very low monthly too dangerous to stay in the country. 10,000 issues of the Fullerton Observer are distributed throughout Fullerton and sent through the mail to subscribers Benefits of Chief’s Advisory Board Trail to the Beach! every two weeks except only once in Thank you to OC Supervisor, Shawn Nelson, for his January, July & August. One year ago this summer, I was enforcement. success in obtaining financial backing for the 66 mile in Toronto, Canada, attending the - I spoke at a Fullerton City Missed a Copy? OC Bike Loop Plan ("OC Bike Loop Plan Approved", annual conference of the American Council meeting for the first time Fullerton Observer , 6/16) . The OC Supervisors recent - Visit us online at: Psychological Association when I ever. While I disagreed publicly www.fullertonobserver.com ly pledged $52.8 million over the next seven years to & on FaceBook was contacted by our City’s Chief with the Chief of Police in my implement the plan. I am glad to see La Habra's miss - • STAFF• of Police, Dan Hughes. Chief comments at the microphone, it ing link along the Union Pacific Rail line is a high pri - • Editor: Sharon Kennedy Hughes asked me if I would be was still a good civic experience. ority. This rail trail was first proposed in 1990 and is a • Database Manager: Jane Buck willing to consider joining his - I went on a “field trip” to tour critical gap in the North OC Regional Trail Plan. • Advisor: Tracy Wood Community Advisory Board. The the Orange County Regional Robert Dale La Habra • Copy Editors: Viveca Wolff. first thing I did was to contact a Forensics Laboratory. Sam & Janet Evening • Distribution: Roy & Irene Kobayashi, local friend who is well connected - I attended a Community Tom & Kate Dalton, Marjorie Kerr, politically to see if this Board or my Oriented Policing meeting at Library Map Forum Pam Nevius, Manny Bass & Leslie Allen appointment was political in any Police headquarters Before coming to the District Map Forum held at • Photography: way. If the answer had been yes, I - I’ve learned about Fullerton the on June 1st, I printed out Jere Greene & Domo Briet would have respectfully declined PD’s Drug Recognition Expert and looked over the 4 maps which would be present - • Webmaster: Cathy Yang the Chief, even though I consid - training program, one of only 3 in ed: 2B, 8A, 10A, and 11. I intended to have an open • FEATURES • mind and give these maps equal attention. The atten - • Politics & other stuff: Vince Buck ered it an honor to be asked. When the entire State of California. • Roving Reporters: Jere Greene, I was assured it was not political, I Like all the other citizens of this dance was impressive! Almost all chairs were filled. Dominique Hernandez-Briet, said yes and have spent the last year City, I read, heard, &/or saw all the Everyone was surprised and disappointed to find out and other Community Members meeting almost monthly with a negative press about our Police that the author of map 8A didn’t make it due to a prior • COLUMNISTS • wonderful variety of other local cit - Department in the recent past. As a engagement. Neither did he send a representative to •Art: Marjorie Kerr present his map. I assumed that he didn’t care to pres - •Conservation Gardening: Penny Hlavac izens that serve on this Board. result of my service in the last year, • Council Report: Need Reporter During the last year, my service I am proud to say, that the ent and defend his map, but other participants told me •Crossword: Valerie Brickey on this Board has afforded me Department that I have experi - that the downtown folks were sure they already had the •The Downtown Report: Mike Ritto many opportunities I probably enced and interacted with is not city council’s approval. Thus, they didn’t feel the need • Movie Review Hits & Misses: Joyce Mason would not have otherwise had. For anything like what I heard in the to be there. Whether this is a true assessment or not, •Youth Columnists: only the council can answer. Sinh Dang Fullerton C.C. Lee, and Francine Vudoti example let me share some of past. I would say that today they •Video Observer: Emerson Little them: are efficient, compassionate, and •Out of My Mind: Jonathan Dobrer - I’ve learned about current and effective in doing their jobs to A Piece of CSUF •Passion for Justice: Synthia Tran historical crime statistics and ensure our safety and quality of Even though the Fullerton City Council rejected • School Board Reports: Jan Youngman & Vivien Moreno trends in our community. life. I am grateful for the opportu - Demographer David Ely’s Map 2B, the city still must •Science: Sarah Mosko & Frances Mathews - I’ve learned about Fullerton’s nity I have had, and still consider it pay his $60,000 fee. Kinda makes you wonder why • Theatre Reviews: Gang Reduction & Intervention an honor to serve our Chief of they hired Ely if they weren’t going to use his expert - Mark Rosier & Angela Hatcher Partnership (GRIP) Program. Police in the small way I have in ise. Created & Published in Fullerton - I’ve had the opportunity to the past year. Cal State Fullerton, with its 35,000 students and by local citizen volunteers for 38 years meet Captain Rudisil & Captain I would encourage anyone who maybe another 15,000 teaching-administrative-sup - Fullerton Observer LLC Siko as well as many other mem - asked me, and maybe some of you port staff brings 50,000 people to the city. If you use The only July 2016 issue bers of the command staff, Officers who didn’t, to look for more ways the Council’s rationale, it makes perfect sense that Cal will hit the stands on June27 and Detectives in our Police to get involved in your community. State should be the focus of the Council’s map-draw - SUBMISSION & AD Department. It makes a difference! ing efforts. Let’s have a map that has five voting dis - - I’ve learned about the present Dr. Dallas M. Stout DEADLINE: June 20, 2016 tricts, and each of them has a piece of Cal State. & future use of drones in Law Fullerton Jerry Brown Fullerton MID JUNE 2016 COMMUNITY OPINIONS CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 FULLERTON OBSERVER Page 3

OUT OF MY MIND by Jon Dobrer © 2016 [email protected]


What court can try Donald Trump? out.” No, just some Muslims. No, it was What judge or jury would be fit to judge “just a suggestion.” He wants to deport 11 him? Not an ethnically Mexican judge or million Mexicans, but he promises it will jury. He wants, after all, to build a wall. be “unbelievably humane.” He proposes Not a Muslim judge or jury. He wants to “a deportation force” to unbelievably ban Muslims. Not a woman judge, not humanely round up brown people. after all the antagonistic and misogynistic Unbelievably, indeed. statements he’s made. They might preju - Presidents sometimes are deep thinkers, dice women. If he can disqualify any jurist sometimes not. We usually live through or juror by acting like a jerk, maybe he’s both kinds. But presidents cannot think actually beyond the reach of law—having out loud. Making your interior dialogue already gone well past the law of decency. audible is not a good thing in any rela - If Trump were to demand trial by “a tionship, but as president it’s catastrophic. jury of his peers,” we’d have to define his Someone might take you seriously, even if peer group. This might come down to only by mistake. Musing that maybe arrogant, insecure and paranoid billion - Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia aires. Ok, there might be more than need their own nukes to defend them - Medical Madness twelve in the nation. It could happen. selves; and maybe we can write down our However, the flaw is that sovereign debt like After a ten hour flight April 7, 2016 was consideration of his return to what billionaire couldn’t and Greece, or warn that from Amsterdam to LAX, and then travel - Amsterdam for surgery. wouldn’t get out of jury serv - He proposes there’s a housing bubble, ing to Fullerton, my visitor was admitted His vacation time in Southern ice. Jury service is for “a deportation well this mental mean - to emergency at a well known hospital for California was diminishing when his cell “losers!” force” dering can cause wars to severe back pain on April 9th. He had phone rang on May 26th. We learned the There are absolutists for break out and markets to many tests in emergency and was shocked insurance company has agreed to fly him the 2nd Amendment and to unbelievably crash. to learn he has an aneurysm on the stom - back to Holland. A message on my land - some for the 5th. But the humanely So, if I can’t rely on his ach aorta. If it burst it would be death and line at home from the Fullerton doctor most important Amendment round up positions to determine immediate surgery was suggested! informed us that they had scheduled sur - may be the 25th. The sacred my support or opposi - The diagnosis was chaos for family and gery for June 7. We wondered how 25th describes how the Vice brown people. tion, what can I rely on? friends here and in the Netherlands. He urgent the surgery could be with the lapse President and the majority of Unbelievably, His success in business? stayed in the hospital until April 12 and of time from April 9 to June 7? the Cabinet can suspend a indeed. His bankruptcies? His went to an appointment with a vascular We finally went directly to the hospital sitting president from duties. divorces? His smart surgeon on April 22. International phone and found that he could personally If President Trump, er, I daughter? His game- calls to his travelers insurance ensued. acquire the four CDs of his medical mean, any president, dis - It’s not hunting sons? Just making an International phone call record. With medical records in hand, my putes the vote, it goes to even Since I can’t see into his was a challenge for the caseworker and visitor decided on a second opinion and Congress. soul (assuming a fact not clerical personnel. In fact there seemed to found a local office for a CT body scan. It The fatal flaws in this pro - if he believes in evidence), I’m stuck be a “clerical barrier” to accomplish the was done immediately and explained tective amendment are that what he says, with how he reveals his surgery in Fullerton. The issue of pay - thoroughly. This doctor told him it it only applies once the pres - it’s that temperament - or, in his ment became a “Catch 22.” would be safe to fly home. ident is in office, and that it case - his temper. My friend and his daughter in My visitor’s Holland Medical Insurance has to be confirmed by the he says Accepting for the possi - Amsterdam pursued the travel insurance flew a Belgium doctor emergency care president’s own cabinet. what he says. bility that even his anger, with contacts in Holland and Canada, specialist to Los Angeles to accompany his We have no means of pettiness, paranoia, and plus the billing clerk of the Fullerton doc - travel from Fullerton to LAX to his apart - removing someone medical - many manifestations of tor. The $10,000 up front payment was ment in Amsterdam! My friend left with ly or mentally unfit for office personal insecurity might an impenetrable barrier. The insurance the doctor on a flight to Belgium on June before they reach that office. be an act, a part of his company wanted medical records. Phone 7th. All went well and he is now in Well, we do have the vote, but the will of performance, still, I’m stuck with the calls to the hospital all ended in voice Amsterdam where his Holland Medical the people seems a more flawed idea every information I have. mail or simply a loop. The insurance Insurance will cover the full cost of sur - day. Whether it’s reflex, emotional immedia - company asked for authorization to view gery if it is necessary. Needless to say fam - Seriously, while psychologizing from a cy, intuitive political genius or just nuts, the medical records. The signed docu - ily and friends are exhausted and frustrat - distance is both dangerous and common, his lashing out at gays, Mexicans, women, ment was sent back and forth by e-mail ed by this “Medical Madness”. it seems fairly clear that Trump is at least Muslims and judges seem to me to be dis - to Holland and Canada to no avail. There M.Kerr Fullerton acting nuts. Now, I know the usual for - qualifying. It’s not even if he believes what mulation is “I don’t dislike the person, he says, it’s that he says what he says. only the policies,” but with Trump, I have I don’t know if he’s crazy or only acts no idea of his policies. He’s told us that that way. Most critical observers have Happy End to Stolen Trike he’s a negotiator and “will do what it takes diagnosed a narcissistic disorder. I‘m not to close the deal.” He’s actually telling us sure. Trump does bring the unbridled Id Pat Jenkins ran into some good luck money. It only took 10 days to raise not to believe him, even when he’s always of Howard Stern from radio/entertain - after her three-wheeled trike was stolen enough to order a new special order trike saying, “This I can tell you. Believe me.” ment to politics. Maybe, eventually to the from in front of her home. As a senior and have it shipped to Pat. On May 25 He embodies the classic Greek Paradox, White House. Trump may not be a clini - with Multiple Sclerosis she depends on Pat received a phone call from the “All Cretans always lie. I am a Cretan.” cally diagnosable sociopath but I’m clear - the trike to get around town. She was National Multiple Sclerosis Society. They How meta. ly a clinically diagnosable depressed per - heartbroken after the theft and hoped the sent her some bus passes to help her get Trump’s passionate position today, son. trike would be returned since she did not around until the new trike arrives. Then tomorrow becomes a mere suggestion or have the money to replace it. Her sadness on May 30th she and her neighbors were negotiating point. He wanted to ban all www.Dobrer.com over the theft did not stop her from tak - surprised when the Anaheim Fire Muslims “till we get this thing figured Follow me on Twitter @jondobrer ing action. She immediately contacted the Department pulled up in a huge fire Anaheim Police, her friends, her MS sup - truck. Captain George Rangel and five port group, all her contacts on Facebook firefighters from Station #1 told her they and every news organization, including were going to build her a bike locker to HOW TO VOICE the Observer, that she could think of. keep her new trike safe. They also offered That action paid off. The Observer to buy her a new trike until she told them YOUR OPINION reposted her message on its Facebook about the Go Fund Me success. Community Opinion pages are a forum for the community. The page. “I want to thank everyone who donated Observer welcomes letters on any subject of interest. Comments are the On May 20, an ABC7 Eyewitness news towards replacing my stolen trike,” says opinions of the author, may be shortened for space, and typos corrected. crew visited Pat at home and interviewed Pat. I love and appreciate everyone of We must verify your identity, but you may choose to have only your ini - her for a story that was broadcast that you. You have brought back my faith in tials appear in print. Anonymous letters are accepted if the writer can afternoon at 4:30pm. She began receiving humanity.” She sends special thanks to make a case that revealing their name would be a problem. donations for a new trike shortly after. Steve and Michael of Ducks N Pucks and The first generous donation came from Liza MV Ramirez from the LA Kings; the Send to: [email protected] Steve Inman of Riverside. On the 22nd, California Multiple Sclerosis Support or Fullerton Observer, PO Box 7051, Michael Walters from Ducks N Pucks Group’s Katie St. John Lilliston and an Fullerton, CA 92834 informed her that he had opened an anonymous donor; and ABC7 for airing online Go Fund Me campaign to raise the story and making everyone aware. Page 4FULLERTON OBSERVER CITY GOVERNMENT MID JUNE 2016

Union Pacific Park Chained off from Residents for Six Years

An example of the need for district rep - resentation was brought up by one young woman who said, “I live on Truslow across from a park which has been fenced for six years. We need a park for the kids to play in but none of you have taken action. We need a representative who cares about our part of town.” She said if the fenced park was in the wealthier sections of town, where most councilmembers come from, it would have been opened by now.


sive. He held that former councilmembers Another 2B supporter, a Fullerton High CITY COUNCIL NOTES Sharon Quirk-Silva and Julie Sa were School teacher and coach said, “The The Council meets at 6:30pm on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. examples that there is no problem of rep - whole purpose is to get representation Upcoming agenda information and streaming video resentation in the Latino and Asian com - from people concerned about us.” of council meetings are available at www.cityoffullerton.com. munities. Long time resident Wanda Shaffer, who Meetings are broadcast live on Cable Ch 3 and rebroadcast at 3pm and 6pm He was followed by Young Shin, Dan attended all but one of the public meet - the following Wed. & Sun. & 5pm Mon. Chong, and Bobby Melendez who each ings, recommended Map 2B. She said City Hall is located at 303 W. Commonwealth, Fullerton. asked that the council respect the public Map 8A was drawn for one reason and Contact Council at 714-738-6311 or by email to: [email protected] process and select 2B with a rotational doesn’t adequately reflect the community. mayor because it respects the demograph - The next speaker agreed and added that JUNE 7 C OUNCIL M EETING (NEXT MEETING J UNE 21) ics of the city, meets the legal criteria, people in her neighborhood couldn’t aligns with the elementary school district afford to run for council but will be able Council Goes for Business District’s Map 8 map, puts interests of the community over to run for a district election. those of the business sector and was vetted Mario Villimia said he had lots of trou - But is it Legal? through an 8 month public process. ble trying to get support from the city for The council chambers were packed and consensus of the 160 who attended public Next came Building his soccer group but he bet if the thirty-six public speakers shared their meetings plus the 84 people who had Industry Association board - he wanted a liquor license opinions of the pros and cons of the dis - scheduled meetings at other times with member Debra Pember who One Map 8 downtown there would be trict maps under consideration before city Mr. Ely, was heavily in favor of Map 2B. said though she is opposed to supporter said no problem. “We want council members selected one to be placed At the May 17th council meeting the districts that Map 8 made the that people only someone in our community on the November 2016 ballot. council extended the time to tweak sever - most sense because there is want Map 2B to support us.” By-district voting will allow voters to al recent map submissions that had not interest in the Commonwealth Slidebar owner and the select a councilmember who lives in their gone through the public vetting process so corridor by Korean businesses. because of author of Map 8 said it is area of town. This form of selecting offi - that they would meet legal criteria. The Charles King of the Icahn racial issues “not the big bad bars against cials is expected to give voters in some council narrowed the field to four maps; organization supported Map and they should everyone else. Downtown areas of town a representative who knows 2B and three late submissions, 8, 10, and 8A because he said there are be ashamed, businesses are important to and cares about issues unique to that dis - 11 to be considered at the June 7 meeting lots of Korean churches along our city. Downtown has too trict with an added bonus of cutting down where one would be selected by the five the Commonwealth corridor. “especially many problems for one rep - on the enormous money required to run a councilmembers. “Koreans come to Fullerton minorities who resentative. Everyone should citywide campaign. Councilmembers will At the June 7th meeting, as at the previ - because it is known for educa - have come here have a seat at the table.” still deal with citywide issues the same as ous meeting, the majority of residents tion. Thats why they aren’t to divide us.” Gretchen Cox, a Map 8 they do now. spoke in favor of Map 2B, but this time here at this meeting. They are supporter, cautioned the In Fullerton’s over 100 year history one nearly an equal showing of mostly down - happy with Fullerton.” crowd, “When you are talk - Asian, two Latinos, and nine women town bar owners and employees spoke in Both plaintiffs spoke in ing about evil business own - have served as councilmembers. The favor of Map 8A. Two people spoke on favor of 2B. Kitty Jaramillo noted that ers remember who you are hitting up for remainder have been white males. And, the benefits of Map 10 and no one “the downtown area actually drains the donations to charitys and sports teams.” with only a few exceptions, the winning defended Map 11 except council mem - city budget but they do contribute to She said that the democratic process is candidates have come from the wealthier bers Sebourn and Whitaker. campaigns.” She said, “You are violating about participation, not suing everyone. areas of town. State law allows only one map to be put the Brown Act by ignoring the public Several downtown residents spoke: Jane Dave Ely and his crew at Compass on the ballot. If the ballot measure to process.” Jonathan Paik agreed and Rands, author of Map 10A, pointed out Demographics was hired by the city to institute district voting fails the issue will advised the council to avoid coming the flaws of 8A, including that dividing conduct public meetings and make sure likely go back to court and be decided by under the scrutiny of the state. the downtown neighborhood would dis - the final maps met the necessary legal cri - a judge who will make the selection. If the The next three speakers supported Map enfranchise residents. She preferred her teria. Eight months of sessions were held measure wins with a map that has faulty 8 because it is important to be connected map because Map 2B lumped her down - to inform participants on the required criteria it may still end up in court with a to downtown where events happen. One town neighborhood in with CSUF. Matt standards and identify unique sections of judge deciding on a replacement map. defended the downtown business people Leslie agreed. “We are asking for our own town that should be kept together. The mayor invited Assembly Member who couldn’t attend any of the public neighborhood, not a fragmented voice.” Standards included drawing districts of Young Kim to come to council and she meetings. Another speaker thought dis - Downtown business owner Jane Reifer near equal population that do not dilute was the first public speaker. trict voting took away representation supported 2B saying that downtown busi - minority communities, but also are not Assemblymember Kim endorsed Map 8 because each district would only have one nesses don’t need five times the represen - based primarily on race. Topography, saying “a pattern of racism does not exist representative. Another Map 8 supporter tation as other districts. geography, cohesiveness, contiguity, in the city of Fullerton.” She was followed said the only reason people want 2B is The author of Map 2B, a teacher who integrity, compactness of territory and by the mayor’s appointed Planning because of racial issues and that they grew up in Fullerton, asked the council to communities of interest were all consid - Commissioner Larry Bennett who agreed should be ashamed “especially minorities stand on the right side of history and not ered in creating districts with an equal saying he thought it was logical to priori - who have come here to divide us.” against the community. opportunity for representation. tize the downtown business area and Munish Bharadwaja, noting his Indian Other 2B and 8A comments were simi - At the end of the public process, the found the issue forced by plaintiffs offen - heritage was left out of the demographics, lar to those listed. After the last speaker, said that you don’t have to be of a certain public comments were closed. race or group to represent everyone. He Mayor Fitzgerald scoffed at the idea that told the council not to listen to special Map 2B was the peoples map as was often interest groups and recommended Map 8. repeated during the evening. She ques - Leslie Reynoso said that it is not about tioned the motives of those attending the race or borders. Whoever represents a dis - public meetings and wondered how many trict, of whatever race, will know the com - lived outside of the city. She said, “We munity. We should support 2B. Several followed the process. Every map presented other speakers agreed with her. One said meets the criteria. 8A respects the law and she had a petition signed by 350 people District 1 has more Asian voters. She said supporting Map 2B. Another commentor she would put her name on the ballot said, “we are all one race, the human race. statement in favor of passing the revised She noted that based on their comments Map 8 and district voting. The council many speakers did not have enough infor - unanimously voted to select Map 8 and mation on what district voting was about. the audience unanimously got up and left. MID JUNE 2016 DISTRICT VOTING DECISION FULLERTON OBSERVER Page 5

Late Submission NOTE : The CVAP citywide is: Map 2B Selected Map 8A 24% Latino; 22.2% Asian; by Citizens in Selected by 48.6% White. Public Meetings City Council

NOTE : Figures on this page in Bold show clear CVAP 1 2 3 4 5 CVAP 1 2 3 4 5 majorities. NOTE : Latino 22.4% Latino 12.9% 10.2% 21.0% 39.3% 44.1% Figures within 10.0% 11.6% 36.7% 44.9% CVAP Asian 48.4% 19.0% 18.0% 12.4% 11.3% 5 points of Asian 51.1% 18.3% 16.4% 11.1% 13.0% stands for White 35.5% 67.6% 54.9% 39.7% 38.9% each other White 36.3% 66.1% 55.5% 43.3% 36.6% Citizen Republican 38.5% 50.0% 36.5% 32.2% 28.0% are shown Republican 42.0% 50.0% 33.3% 33.5% 28.2% Voting Age Democrat 29.3% 26.6% 33.9% 39.8% 41.8% in italics. Democrat 27.1% 26.7% 36.0% 38.5% 42.1% Population

Late Submission NOTE : Registered Voters Citywide: Elbidge Gerry Would Be Proud Map 10 33.3% Democrats; by Vince Buck selves are not a significant voting bloc: 38.5% Republican. most do not live downtown and many do The Council was scheduled to decide not even live in the city. If they need sup - on a map at the May 17 meeting, but at port from the Council they can try to gain the last minute downtown business own - that support through campaign contribu - ers, who had not previously participated tions, just as they do now. 1 in any significant way, showed up with For better and for worse, downtown is Map 8. Their stated goal is to see that every important to everyone in Fullerton. It is district has a piece of downtown. Rather the core that helps make this a community 2 than maintain a cohesive downtown neigh - and not just a group of homes. But it is borhood, it carves up the center of the city. also the source of many of our problems 5 Their map is truly bad. One district runs and our greatest expenses. If it is impor - the full width of the city, sometimes only a tant to every person then it is likewise couple of blocks wide. Two other districts important to all Councilmembers whether 3 have long artificial extensions, needed in it is physically in their district or not. order to reach Harbor. Elbridge Gerry Artificially carving up the downtown will 4 would have been proud. not accomplish what the absentee business While the stated purpose is that all owners expect. SOURCE : Councilmember will have a stake in down - In contrast to Map 8, Map 2b, with all CVAP 1 2 3 4 5 town, the unstated one is that business Figures and its shortcomings, is a reasonable choice (as Latino 9.2% 12.0% 44.1% 35.4% 24.5% owners will have more influence with the is Map 10). It has the blessing of the con - maps on Asian 51.3% 17.2% 8.5% 14.6% 19.4% Council. Why should downtown interests sultant and meets the legal requirements. this page be more favored than the businesses of the With little guidance from the Council or White 36.0% 68.6% 42.1% 40.5% 49.7% are online Orangethorpe corridor; or than Cal State community, David Ely has followed a fair Republican 43.1% 48.2% 29.5% 32.3% 33.2% on the city or St Judes; or the many residential areas of and objective process to get to this point. Democrat 27.1% 27.5% 40.3% 39.6% 36.1% website. the city? Map 2B is not a partisan nor economi - But maybe that is not the point. Perhaps cally motivated product. Its weakness is in COMMUNITY OPINIONS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 the business owners want to divide up the District 3 which runs from east of the 57 downtown so that there is no one strong Freeway to Euclid in a narrow swath across Is Council Afraid of Southside Fullerton? voice to represent the citizens of down - the center of Fullerton. It seems to be what town who might complain about all of the is left over after the other four districts I'm so disappointed that district elec - community and we should be satisfied. problems that the bars and restaurants cre - were drawn. There is no natural communi - tions have turned extremely racial. Don't get me wrong, thousands of peo - ate. ty here. Otherwise this map respects Diversity plays a part in the CVRA, how - ple, as well as myself, were thrilled with Whatever the case may be, the map neighborhoods (as does Map 10) and it ever, it's not solely about racial represen - her, but she would be the first to tell you makes no sense other than to fracture could be easily tweaked to place the neigh - tation. that she lived in north Fullerton and her downtown and in doing so, it distorts the borhoods around Hillcrest Park and the Anyone who knows me, knows that name was Quirk when she was elected. other communities of Fullerton. south facing hills -- all of which are part of my prime objective was to make These factors make a big difference in a The political thinking behind it seems the older Fullerton core community -- into Fullerton a better place to live and raise campaign. And if you think they don't ill-founded. If every Council district District 3 ; and then keep the areas east of our families. you're living in a bubble. touches upon the downtown area, then the 57 Freeway in a single district (#2). If Why is it so scary to our current coun - All my years of being a volunteer and downtown counts for only a small percent the Council is committed to 5 districts, cil to have equal representation through - involved with the City and council of the voters in each district, which can Map 2b should be tweaked, but ultimate - out our city? Whether that person is members, some I naively thought were then be easily ignored. ly supported. Asian, Latino, African American or any friends, have tried to reduce me to noth - Moreover the political strength of the blue collar worker from the south side of ing more than a radical Mexican. The business owners is not based on votes, but ED : This article was submitted too late Fullerton east or west. My goal was to council continued to listen to the rheto - to print in the last issue but was hopefully have council members who ric and hateful words of the supporters of on money (and perhaps standing in the forwarded to every councilmember community). The business owners them - understand the issues faced in any partic - map 8 and ultimately supported it! before the June 7 decision. ular section of the city. Shocking. But not surprising. If the council would be honest with I am still a proud Fullertonian, born at FRIENDS OF THE FULLERTON PUBLIC LIBRARY itself, I would hope they could see that St. Jude 62 years ago, married 42 years, districts are good for everyone who lives raising my children here and serving on ONE-DAY USED BOOK SALE here. Why the downtown area deserves the past boards of Fullerton Rangers Fiction, Children’s, Crafts, Out of Print more representation than any other com - Soccer, West Fullerton Little League, AM PM ATURDAY UNE TH munity in the city is beyond me. To ger - Meals on Wheels, Maple Alumni 10 - 4 , S , J 18 rymander the map in favor of only Committee, Orangethorpe Learning FULLERTON COMMUNITY CENTER LOBBY downtown businesses is disheartening. Center, CDBG Committee and the 340 W. Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton There are numerous businesses and General Plan Advisory Committee. (across from the Fullerton Public Library) shopping centers throughout our city Those of you who still think we don't that are thriving and not threatened by have a right to speak on behalf of those FRIENDS USED BOOK STORE districts. who are not comfortable approaching Fullerton Public Library, 353 W. Commonwealth Ave. The Council continues to mention council members at city hall are just Open: 10am to 4pm Monday through Saturday that there was diversity and representa - plain wrong! tion in Sharon Quirk-Silva for the Latino Kitty Jaramillo Fullerton Page 6 FULLERTON OBSERVER The DOWNTOWN Report © 2016 MID JUNE 2016 text & photos by Mike Ritto [email protected]

ANDY LANDS DOWNTOWN Above: Warhol’s portrait of Lennon It has been said that art is the signa - Hollywood. They’re beautiful. Below: An early soup can ture of civilizations, yet the emotions Everybody’s plastic, but I love plastic. I great art generates divide us as much as want to be plastic.” Maybe the huge life - they thrill us because we all have differ - like bust of him in the Museum show ent ideas of what art is. Andy Warhol fulfills his wish. certainly had a way with scrambling our Most of us also know Warhol’s iconic definition of art and the impact of his paintings and celebrity portraits but redefinition is still there. don’t realize drawing was central to his We can only show you a few of the creative output. He created thousands of drawings here to give you an idea of drawings and some of them are on dis - what you will see once you make your play here for the first time. Also on dis - MIC CHECK way over to our Downtown Fullerton play in the Foyer Gallery is Entry Point, Museum Center, and I have a feeling a collection of 40 contemporary art The Bootleggers/Day of Music IPL, you will do that if you have not already pieces. infused with solid maple G&L Guitar done so. As if that were not enough, while necks, is ready and will be available on the Wharhol’s “15 minutes of fame” line there, don’t forget the Leo Fender Day of Music, June 21, ONLY at Day of was quoted so often that even he tired Gallery. They are now exhibiting a num - Music venues. For a list of locations, of it, changing it to “In 15 minutes ber of ‘Art Guitars’ from the Custom check the Day of Music website, everybody will be famous” so how about Shop, plus the Museum gift shop is www.thedayofmusic.com a less quoted quote for our purposes here loaded with unique items so stop by - “I love Los Angeles, and I love soon, and bring a friend or two.

At Left: Handmade items are signed by the person who made them.

Below: A great assortment of items at Do Good

DO GOOD “Whether it’s jewelry made from past You may be thinking do good is bad weapons of war in Ethiopia, candies that grammar and it should be do well, not do help to feed a malnourished child or good. Nossir, not here at Share & Do greeting cards that are hand crafted by Good on East Amerige. survivors of human trafficking, we are There is a world of difference between passionate about each product and cause CONGRATULATIONS the two, as every purchase “Helps make and hope you will be too.” the world a better place” according to What a great assortment of items too, TITANS BASEBALL owner Lilly Tokuyama. take a good look. We are spoiled. Our Titans have made it to the NCAA Baseball Regionals so often, we forget how big of an accomplishment it is. Our guys fought hard but were eliminat - ed by Louisiana Tech at the Starkville Mississippi Regional last week. Still, they deserve a high five and slap on the back for another exciting season in which they won the Big West Conference with an impressive 17-7 record. All together now, wait ‘till next year -we’ll be back. MID JUNE 2016 PHOTO QUIZ & CROSSWORD FULLERTON OBSERVER Page 7

Fullerton Photo Quiz OUR TOWN CROSSWORD © 2016 “T HE OTHER TONYS ” by Valerie Brickey (answer key on page 19)

QUESTION : Coming soon to this location, Butterhill Bakery & Bistro. Name the previous bakery that was here for many decades.

SEND YOUR ANSWERS TO MIKE at [email protected] ACROSS 40. “Chandelier” singer St.? LAST ISSUE ’S 1. Photograph again 42. Tiny bit QUESTION & 7. Kindergarten basics 43. Flightless bird bio? ANSWER 11. Despot Amin 45. ___ gin fizz 14. Scents 46. “___ bitten, twice shy” What prominent 15. Highchair feature 47. 24-hr. banking convenience businesswomen started 16. Catch red-handed 49. Having visible blood vessels the business in this 17. Infomercial and motivational 51. Former Cowboys running back distinctive downtown speaker 56. “This means ___!” building? 19. Sue Grafton’s “___ for Lawless” 59. Traditional and ROTH 20. Bottomless pit 60. Backside Answer: 21. J___’s Fabrics 61. City near Florence Gloria Winkelmann 22. Alleviate 63. Beaver’s work 23. King, in Portugal 64. “I Left my Heart in San Francisco” 24. He plays the President on “Scandal” singer 27. Desert watering hole 66. Dined 29. French pronoun 67. Followers: suffix 30. 1958 film, “___Yankees” 68. Novice 32. Light source 69. ___ Zeppelin 35. Playful aquatic animal 70. Coin, in Cancún 39. Infantry 71. Balance

DOWN 30. Drifting driver Yoshihara 1. ___-O, mutant commander in 31. “Raiders of the Lost ___” “ThunderCats” 33. Bien’s opposite 2. Online cover up? 34. Saying 3. Lead guitarist of Black Sabbath 36. International boxing referee 4. Schumer and Poehler 37. List ender 5. Barren areas with sinkholes and caves 38. Sally Field’s “Norma ___” 6. That, in Tijuana 41. Mosquito repellent 7. Held off, with “kept” 44. “___ be a shame...” 8. 2000 cheerleading movie, “__It On” 48. Down in the dumps 9. “I ___ tell a lie...” 50. “___ you, it’s me” (break-up line) 10. Part of CBS, abbr. 51. Kind of wave 11. Acquired relative 52. Give a speech 12. ___ Duke shorts 53. Appointed 13. “A Doll’s House” playwright 54. Doesn’t own 18. Small, ornamental trees 55. Authority 22. Newsmagazine TV show, 57. Against me? “Inside ___” 58. Assesses NOT ALL TOOTH DECAY REQUIRES DRILLING 25. Olive and canola 62. L’Oreal’s ammonia-free hair color New research suggests that not all tooth early decay. With conscientious home 26. London lav 64. Restaurant calculation decay needs to be treated with the tradi - brushing and avoidance of decay-causing 28. “Moving on...” 65. Hosp. areas tional “drill and fill” approach. Studies foods, this treatment can help strengthen now reveal that it takes an average of eight enamel and even reverse decay. This years for decay to progress from a tooth’s approach requires strong commitment by outer layer (enamel) to the inner layer the patient. (dentin). In the meantime, if decay is According to an Australian study, detected early enough, the affected tooth patients treated with preventive oral care may be treated with “preventive oral care” involving early detection, fluoride appli - that may avert the need for drilling and cation, and good oral hygiene habits were filling. This “no-drill” approach involves 30% to 50% less likely to need fillings the application of high-concentration flu - than those not given the preventive treat - oride varnish to surfaces showing signs of ment. New technology is encouraging. Page 8FULLERTON OBSERVER LOCAL NEWS MID JUNE 2016 Women in Military Saluted Women in the Military Service were the Me Knott Photography. focus on Monday, May 30, at the 78th Also recognized was Buck Catlin, age Annual Fullerton Memorial Day obser - 97, former Navy Commander and mayor vance at Loma Vista Memorial Park, of Fullerton, who led the program for 25 attended by an estimated 2,200 people. years and made it into what Gen. Joseph Prior to the program, 35 women veter - Dunford, current Chairman of the Joint ans received special recognition pins from Chiefs of Staff, described as a “World the AVMA in thanks for their service. Class Ceremony”. Dunford was the patri - Included in this group was Martha Huff, otic speaker in 2010 Fullerton American Legion District 29 Also participating in the ceremony were Commander and a Vietnam Veteran who vocalists Dave Deno and Kristen Romero, served in the Marines. Professional pho - the Fullerton Police and Fire tos were taken by Brian Knott of Forget Departments, the Fullerton American

Volunteers iron, roll and store the flags for next Summer Ryan presents pin and thank you card to Martha Huff, year. Fullerton American Legion District 29 Commander. PHOTO BY BRIAN KNOTT Legion Post 142, the Orange County years in the Navy and the advances PHOTO Sheriff’s Helicopter Unit and Air Combat women have been able to make. She also BY JERE USA. said while we honor the veterans, “we also GREENE On the prior Saturday, 500 community should honor the families who may be left volunteers placed a cross or Star of David behind.” and a flag on 4,100 veterans’ graves More information about the ceremony throughout the cemetery. including photos and videos may be Special guest speaker was Vice Admiral obtained by visiting the American Nora Tyson, Commander, 3rd Fleet, US Veterans Memorial Association website at Navy, San Diego. She talked about her 37 www.avmafullerton.org.

CONFESSIONS OF AN ELECTION DAY POLL WORKER and the whole team would laugh. This election was completely dif - Presidential Primary June 7, 2016 but the rest of us were bilingual; the ferent than others that I have worked by Sinh Dang inspector spoke Spanish, two student in the past. We provided a lot of I have been volunteering as an election clerks spoke Spanish (though only one Provisional Ballots to voters who had Poll Worker for years, and it has been a showed up), and I speak Vietnamese. switched parties, whose names were rewarding experience. Each volunteer has There were a couple of Spanish speak- not on the roster, or those who had to go through a 3-hour training class ing voters who needed assistance and a changed their names and not reregis - where the instructor makes absolutely few Vietnamese voters who smiled at my tered, and to others who said they sure we understood that everyone has the name tag that said “I speak Vietnamese” weren’t sure if they had mailed in right to vote, and we should do everything but required no help from me. their ballots but wanted to make sure in our power to help them vote. Each worker has a specific function they voted, and others who didn’t The instructor mentioned that this year from greeting the voters, checking their receive their vote-by-mail ballots, etc. the OC Registrar of Voters Director Neal names, addresses, issuing a control num- At the end of the day we found we Kelly added customer service to the list of ber to the eBooth, supplying a paper bal- had provided new Voter Registration poll worker responsibilities. lot if the voter asks for one, and providing forms to 30 people. There were a After training, everyone was assigned to voters an “I Voted” sticker. Throughout few first time voters, and one who a polling place; a school, a corner of a the day, we switched stated that he just met business, or a garage provided by a roles as we took breaks, This election Bernie Sanders that day. thoughtful resident. and took turns going out We saw more Democrats At each polling place, there was an to lunch. was completely than Republicans at our inspector in charge and several workers. Voters came in groups different than polling place. My poll worker team-mates The polling place was open from 7am to because there were apart- others that We were told that for I volunteered to follow my inspector to 8pm, but we were asked to come an hour ment complexes nearby, I have worked NPP (No Party Preference) vot - deliver the ballot box and return the sup - so sometimes we were early to help set up and stay an hour after in the past. ers, we should advise them plies. My job was to make sure she didn’t the polling place closed to wrap up. That very busy, and sometimes there were no presidential can - stop anywhere on the way, but to my sur - was a 15 hour day. At the location I was we were not. I kept my We provided a lot didates on the NPP Ballot, and prise, she stopped at the Fullerton Police assigned to we didn’t have the chance to team entertained by of Provisional that if they wanted to vote for Station. set up and test the eBooths the day before, referring to voters as our Ballots to voters president, they needed to tell us As we both got out of our cars, I asked customers. As cars so we had to come in at 5:30am making who had switched which party ballot they wanted; her why she had stopped and she said the day even longer. pulled into the parking Democratic, American “The coordinator told me to deliver the Many poll workers are bilingual. Our lot, I would announce parties... Independent, or Libertarian. ballot box and supplies here.” team had a clerk who only spoke English “Customer coming!” (The Republican, Green, and I directed her attention to the parking Peace & Freedom parties chose lot across from City Hall, where cars were to not allow NPP voters to vote for presi - lined up. “That’s the place.” I said. She dent on their ballots.) insisted that the coordinator had told her One voter insisted he wanted to vote for the drop off was at the police station and president but wanted no association with tried calling him to confirm, but he didn’t any party. We tried to explain to him that answer his phone. She agreed to join the the NPP ballot didn’t have a presidential line up at the parking lot. candidate on it. A voter standing behind She drove - and I followed her - to the him in line raised his voice, “Are you say - parking lot across from City Hall which ing that he cannot vote for Bernie did turn out to be the correct drop off Sanders?” “No Sir, what we said is that if place. We said goodnight to each other he wants to vote for Bernie Sanders, he and I drove home. should get the Democratic ballot.” There, It was a quarter to ten when I got home. problem solved. I turned on the TV to watch the council The voter turnout was low, about 20%, meeting, but the District Map Selection and there were no media or party officials item was over! I texted a friend to ask how who came to check on the Street Index as it went, and she told me the city council they do in contested or general elections. unanimously voted for Map 8A! I was After the polling place closed, we stayed speechless to find that after my 16 hour another hour and a half to disassemble the day at the polling place assisting voters paper booths, the eBooths, collecting and that our council had failed to take the packing the supplies, counting the unused opportunity to ensure fair representation ballots, signing the payroll sheet, and per - of residents in our city. forming other closing duties. MID JUNE 2016 LOCAL NEWS FULLERTON OBSERVER Page 9

Children cool off in the recirculated water fountain at the Plaza during Fullerton’s Downtown Market. -PHOTO BY DOMINIQUE HERNANDEZ BRIET Fullerton’s Outdoor Markets Text and Photos by Dominique Hernandez Briet Fullerton is lucky to have two outdoor Certified Farmers’ Market, Fullerton’s markets. The Downtown Market from oldest outdoor market is open from 8am 4pm to 8:30 on Thursdays from April to 1pm every Wednesday year around and through October is a great place to enjoy focuses mainly on food staples. It provides an evening of entertainment and food a place to purchase quality produce direct - with family and friends. An array of activ - ly from small farmers with a large variety ities offer a kid’s area, craft and food ven - including organic fruits and vegetables, dors, live music, a beer and wine garden honey, eggs, nuts, oils, flowers and plants. and produce booths. You can also view the Baked goods, Kettle Korn and tamales are latest museum exhibit. also available. CERTIFIED FARMERS ’ Fullerton Police officers with Special Olympics athletes MARKET (including Fullerton medalist Joey Valliere pictured above waving) carry the torch WHERE: Independence Park through Fullerton on June 3rd. - P HOTO BY DOMINIQUE HERNANDEZ BRIET 801 W. Valencia Dr. next to the DMV The Special Olympics Torch Run WHEN : Every Wednesday, year ‘round Thirty Fullerton police officers includ - ending the day before the Orange County rain or shine, from 8am-1pm ing Chief Hughes participated in the Special Olympics Summer Games at Cal SPECIAL FEATURES: annual Special Olympics Torch Run State Long Beach began on June 11th and • fresh fruit, vegetables, through town on June 3rd. 12th. eggs, honey, nuts, oil, bread, At the 91 Freeway Anaheim police offi - The annual event draws over 3,600 flowers, plants, and more cers passed the torch to Fullerton officers Special Olympic athletes from across the straight from small farmers who, along with several Special Olympic county to compete for gold, silver and PARKING : athletes, continued in a 5-mile stretch up bronze medals and ribbons in categories •Parking is simple. Harbor and Chapman to pass the torch to including aquatics, track & field, basket - There is parking at each end of Cal State police officers. ball, bocce, golf, and gymnastics. the market & along the street. The Flame of Hope Torch Run covered For more information about the games 1,500 miles of territory through 200 cities visit www.sosc.org DOWNTOWN MARKET WHERE: Downtown Fullerton Plaza 121 E. Wilshire WHEN : Thursdays, April-October A variety of fruits and vegetables from 4pm-8:30pm can be purchased at the Every Wednesday SPECIAL FEATURES: Certified Farmer’s Market. • fresh produce • hot food vendors • Kids activities • arts & crafts booths • Visit the Fullerton Museum • live music from Southern Center exhibits California bands performing PARKING: on stage from 6:30-8:30pm •Parking is available in the • Beer and Wine Garden structure across from the Market

Fullerton Police Department officers join Special Olympic athletes carrying the torch through Fullerton. - PHOTO BY JERE GREENE



Look for the Thrift Shop sign on West Amerige across from the back of the police station. Proceeds from the shop fund the group’s main philanthropic projects.

At Right: This year’s event drew 574 people.

the group’s main source of funding. The was founded as a guild in 1940 and in VIDEO OBSERVER store is located at 233 W. Amerige in 1950, the Fullerton chapter was char - by Emerson Little © 2016 Fullerton and is staffed and managed tered. The nonprofit serves the North entirely by member volunteers. Inside, Orange County communities of Brea, there was a wide variety of used clothes, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, Assisting Fullerton books, toys and household items on sale. I Placentia and Yorba Linda. According to was invited into the backroom, where all their website, they currently have about If you were one of the 574 people at the Guests were able to taste everything the donations are processed. I saw volun - 300 members, who in 2014-2015 volun - Taste of the Town celebration at the from curry to cupcakes, from bisque to teers working and sorting through items teered almost 20,000 hours to make a dif - Fullerton Museum Plaza on June 4, or barbecue. There was American, British, as I made my way through the aisles. ference in the community. You can visit you’ve ever bought clothing from the lit - Cajun, Chinese, Mexican, Middle On the tour, I also visited the League assistanceleague.org/fullerton or call 714- tle thrift store located on West Amerige Eastern, and Italian food, as well as sever - Chapter House next door to the thrift 562-5124 for membership information. Avenue, then you already know about the al types of wine and desserts, from Big B’s shop which is used to hold meetings and In order to access my video, all you have Assistance League of Fullerton. If not, BBQ, Bourbon Street, Brownstone Café, can be rented out for events, and an area to do is visit the Fullerton Observer web - maybe it’s time to learn about this local Café Hidalgo, D’Vine, El Farolito Jr., where administrative office space is pro - site, click on the front page of the current nonprofit organization. Fratellino’s, Hapa Cupcakes, Heroes, vided for the local Meals on Wheels pro - issue, scroll down to this column and click I didn’t know much about the League, Hopscotch Tavern, Joe’s Tavern, JP23 gram. on the following link: but recently, I received an email from its BBQ Smokehouse, Mulberry Street, Mrs. Hill told me about the programs https://youtu.be/Z3_SOTFmFdY Community Relations Liaison Pat Patty’s Cakes, Polly’s Pies, the League supports, includ - I have included a complete list of Taste Westbrook asking me to cover the organi - Roscoe’s Deli, Stadium Tavern, This year’s ing: zation’s thrift store and Taste of the Town Stefano’s, Taste It, The Cellar, of the Town participants at the end of the Taste of •Operation School Bell, a video. Thanks to Deanna Hill, Pat event. I was happy to help. The Olde Ship, and Ziing’s. national philanthropic pro - The Assistance League of Fullerton I strolled around with my the Town Westbrook and the rest of the Assistance gram established at the League of Fullerton for the invitation. (ALF), a chapter of National Assistance camera, found a table in the featured Fullerton chapter in 1991, League, serves the community guided by center of the plaza, and ate Video Column Suggestions? food from provides new clothing to ele - the core values: “Love of Community, while listening to the 10-piece mentary school children Readers with suggestions about an Friendship, Respect, Generosity, Dignity Swing Cats Big Band, which twenty-two referred by their schools. interesting event or historic location that and Service.” Over the years the League, played music from the 1940’s of Fullerton’s •The Fullerton Youth would make a good video column, can which is celebrating its 75th anniversary, for the first half of the evening finest dining Success Initiative, established email me at [email protected]. has had a lasting impact in Fullerton before switching to music from by the Community College through its programs to children and every decade after. and catering Chancellor’s Office, assists families who are less fortunate. After eating, I stuck around establishments, foster youth in accessing and My video of the thrift store and Taste of for the silent auction. There plus live music successfully completing col - the Town is available at the following link: was a booth showcasing the gift lege. https://youtu.be/Z3_SOTFmFdY. baskets people could win, and an auction. •Operation New Start, At the beginning of this month, the including a “Total Wine & which provides women in League hosted its 37th annual Taste of the More” Private Wine Class for crisis and their dependent children with Town event at the Fullerton Downtown 20, a La Mirada Theater 2016/2017 sub - clothing and domestic items. Plaza, an evening of food, beverages, scription for two, premium tickets for •La Vista High School, for which the music and entertainment benefitting its Selena Gomez at the Honda Center for Assistance League provides funds for local philanthropic programs. This year’s two, Angels’ tickets including VIP park - scholarships, recognition awards, and theme was “Dazzling Diamond Jubilee” ing for four, and much more. other support activities. and featured twenty-two of Fullerton’s All the funds from the event directly League members are dedicated volun - finest dining and catering establishments. benefit the philanthropic programs of the teers who raise funds through the annu - I had the pleasure of experiencing the Assistance League of Fullerton including: al Taste of the Town event and the thrift event for the first time. Operation School Bell, which provides store in order to support the philan - new school clothing for over one thou - thropic programs listed above. sand, one hundred children each year; The League also has two auxiliarys: Vision Screening and Referral, providing Assisteens - an active group of teenagers over five thousand children with vision from seventh to twelfth grade who learn testing and glasses when needed, and leadership skills through volunteer work; Santa’s Closet, which, working with and ALPHA (Assistance League Pathways of Hope, provides seven hun - Professional Humanitarian Auxiliary) dred twenty two families with Assistance with a membership of professional and League Thrift Store gift cards. business women who host the annual I was invited by Deanna Hill, Vice “Day of Authors” fundraiser which also President of Resource Development, and supports Assistance League and addi - Pat Westbrook to take a tour of the tional charities. Assistance League Thrift Shop, which is The Assistance League of Fullerton MID JUNE 2016 EDUCATION FULLERTON OBSERVER Page 11

HIGH SCHOOL BOARD HIGHLIGHTS CONGRATULATIONS ! & commentary by Vivien Moreno The Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board meets at 7:30pm on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month at district headquarters, 1051 W. Bastanchury Rd. 714-870-2800 • See the agenda at www.fjuhsd.net June 7 FJUHSD Board Meeting NEXT BOARD MEETING June 21 PRINCIPAL REPORTS Emily’s winning design. The principals all reported about suc - Trustee Montoya commended the prin - cessful end of the school year celebrations cipals on their graduation celebrations with testing over, graduations and awards and he noted that all the administrators National Anti-Texting ceremonies, and ASB elections for next seemed to go above and beyond their job year completed. duties to make these celebrations special. Design Winner Summer school has started with a Dr. Scambray attended 3 graduations greater emphasis on math preparation. A commenting that it is one of the best parts Congratulations to high school senior few of the high schools are experimenting of his job every year to celebrate with Emily McDonald whose artwork was with an on-line health course this summer graduates and their families. All the selected as one of two winners of a major and many of the schools are conducting Trustees mentioned how enjoyable gradu - national design contest which includes a tours for new students and planning next ation was this year. $2,000 scholarship. Over 883 submis - year’s orientation in the midst of enjoying sions from 49 states were received. summer break. The artwork Emily submitted for the anti-texting and driving campaign was LOCAL CONTROL ACCOUNTABILITY PLAN (LCAP) revealed in Times Square on the morning Director of Education Services, Steve addressing areas of concern within the of June 8, and will go up on billboards Zamora presented a quick overview of the schools. There is a student, teacher and nationwide to discourage texting and of the crash. Project Yellow Light was district’s 115-page 2016 LCAP. The parent forum summary, and it is interest - driving. established in 2007 by Julie Garner in LCAP is on the website under education ing to see the different perspectives con - The U.S. Department of memory of her teenage son Hunter who services and the annual update starting on cerning many of the same issues. Transportation’s National Highway Traffic was killed in a car crash. page 55 gives the best overall view of the The board members thanked Mr. Safety Administration, the Ad Council Texting and driving puts teenagers’ lives many programs found throughout the Zamora for his team’s hard work this year and Project Yellow Light made the at risk as well as others around them,” said district. It separates the data into 5 goals and their comments mainly focused on announcement of winners in both the NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind. and shows where schools improved and the difficulty navigating the document video and out-of-home design competi - “The work of the competition winners where work still needs to be done, but I itself. The LCAP is controlled by a state tions. will help more drivers see that staying think the most interesting information is template that is set to change in October, In 2014, 3,179 people were killed and focused on driving is the only way to stay found on the last 10 pages. so hopefully they will find next year’s an estimated additional 431,000 were safe on the road.” This year the district held focus groups LCAP easier to read. injured in motor vehicle crashes involving Emily is a life-long Anaheim resident distracted drivers, according to the latest who graduated from Oxford Academy 2016/17 Fiscal Year Budget Report NHTSA data. Ten percent of teen drivers this year. Assistant Superintendent of Business ties for the students, along with longterm between 15 and 19 involved in fatal crash - For more information visit projectyel - Services, Ron Lebs delivered the budget retirement expenditures, are higher than es were reported as distracted at the time lowlight.com and www.nhtsa.gov. presentation. Overall the district is in a the current state and federal revenues. healthy place and is pointed in a positive The district has cut its deficit spending US Chemistry Olympiad direction. He cautioned prudence because significantly though and the situation though the district works hard to not does not call for drastic action in any way, Junyu Yang, a senior at At the camp students spend more money than it receives there is just caution and care moving forward. Troy High School in receive college- and still deficit spending. You can find the new $164,803,210 Fullerton was invited to graduate-level training Costs to preserve the high program budget on the website under business compete for one of four with an emphasis on standards and provide various opportuni - services, 2016 budget information. spots on the U.S. organic chemistry. Chemistry Olympiad They participate in a BOND PROJECT FISCAL UPDATE team, bound for an inter - series of lectures, prob - national competition in lem-solving exercises, Todd Butcher, Director of Facilities and about the projects, and Board President the Eastern European lab work and testing. New Construction, updated the fiscal Hathaway stated that he would be happy nation of Georgia later this At the conclusion of outlook for the bond projects. Trustee to schedule additional information ses - summer. the camp on June 15, Buchi requested additional information sions. The fiscal update list is on the Yang is among the top the top four students before they vote to fund some projects, recent board agenda. Find it under recent 20 chemistry students in and two alternates will particularly those like the stadium fields agenda and then Board of Trustees on the the U.S. and won the be selected to represent and tracks which could impact not only website. It is attached to item 11.1. The opportunity after partici - the U.S. at the 48th the students, but also the community. approved Master Facilities Plan, which we pating in a series of exams International Trustee Kilponen suggested summer study were assured could still be changed, is that involved over 16,000 students from Chemistry Olympiad in Tbilisi, Georgia, sessions where the board could learn more located on 16.8. across the country. The group of 20 select - July 23-Aug. 1. ed students are now taking the next step There they will compete with peers in qualifying for the U.S. team by attend - from over 70 nations for gold, silver and SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTES ing a study camp at the University of bronze medals. Best of luck to Junyu. by Jan Youngman Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Fullerton is rooting for you! Fullerton School District Board meets at 6pm on Virginia which started May 31. 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month at district headquarters, 1401 W. Valencia Dr., Fullerton, 92833. For agenda go to: www.fsd.k12.ca.us or call 714-447-7400 Gold Award Winner NEXT FSD S CHOOL BOARD MEETING IS JUNE 21 Congratulations to Malvika Sheth (at right) of Fullerton Troop 394 who was awarded a Girl Scout Gold Award for the “Learning Through Means of Creativity: Lego Building” project she has been con - ducting at the Fullerton Public Library on Saturdays since 2015. The Gold Award is the highest award in Girl Scouting and acknowledges the power behind a girl’s dedication to empower herself and to improving the world around her. The ceremony took place on June 12 at the Disneyland Hotel. - PHOTO BY LIZ MARCHANT Page 12 FULLERTON OBSERVER UPCOMING OUT OF TOWN EVENTS MID JUNE 2016 Text by Dominique Briet & photos by Pierre Briet Pageant of the Masters: From Paintings to People The Festival of Arts Pageant of the the Hand”, “American Collectors, and Masters held a media night on June 6th “La Belle de Nuit” with “Butterfly to preview the process of putting the show Brooch.” together. The production is open to the A hosted dinner at Tivoli finished the public from July 7th through August 31. night and we had the privilege of sitting at The Pageant of the Masters all started the same table with one of the performers with Roy and Marie Ropp in 1933 with in the replicated “American Collectors.” only eight days of shows. Now, the event He told us that the volunteers, and per - lasts eight weeks with 56 performances formers like him, come seven days a week directed by Diane Challis Davy, who every other week for the whole summer, introduced this year’s theme “Partners.” in order to prepare and perform for the The tour began with a walk over to Pageant of the Masters show. where the sculptures are designed and The Pageant of the Masters perform - built that will later be used in the show. ances start on July 7 and continue Daniel Stonebreaker, the sculptor work - through August 31 at 8:30pm in Laguna ing on a piece that will stand in the fore - Beach. Tickets for the show range between ground of the reproduction of the paint - $15 to $230 depending on the seating ing “La Fountaine des Mers” explained desired. For tickets call (800) 487-3378 or how the live stationary performers will fit visit PageantTickets.com online. into the fountain itself. Above: Pageant of the Masters 20 foot wide framed copy Next, we ventured over to the neighbor - of “American Collectors” with actual people posing as parts of the painting. ing building which holds the costume Left: Michelle Scrimpsher created the costume and painted it designers and the background painters. to replicate the look of the original artwork. Costume designer Michelle Scrimpsher is one of the designers responsible for turn - ing items from a two-dimensional paint - ing into three-dimensional articles of clothing that a live performer will wear. In order to complete all the costumes needed she does a garment count. One painting can have up to four garments. We then witnessed the process of creat - ing the characters in the paintings. The makeup artists replicate the look of the painting in order to make the person as similar as possible. They take into consid - eration that the person’s makeup needs to be visible from far away. Afterwards, we got a backstage view of how the performers take their positions on the painted backdrops. At the end of the tour, we had the priv - ilege to watch three different paintings come to life. This included “The Kiss on Carla Bosch working on a painting that will be displayed at the Festival of Arts exhibit. The Festival of Arts The Festival of Arts is an annual sum - workshops including Multi-Media Art, mer event in Laguna Beach open daily Printmaking, Raku Ceramics, Youth Art from 10am to 11:30pm from July 5 Education, and even Wine & Paintings through August 31st. Nights. Some of the workshops are free The first Festival was founded by John with paid admission. Hinchman in 1932. This is the 84th year General Admission costs $8 during the of the Festival of Arts Fine Art Show weekdays and $12 during the weekends. which features 140 artists exhibiting (Tickets to the Pageant of the Masters their work in varied mediums and styles. includes admission to the Festival of Arts, Media got a sneak preview of three of or tickets for the festival can be purchased the exhibiting artists: Mike Tauber, Carla separately.) Bosch, and Vinita Voogd who were Tickets are available online by visiting demonstrating their techniques. LagunaFestivalofArts.org or by calling The festival also includes special events (949) 494-1145. such as Art & Story Time, Art Talks, Concerts on the Green, Family Art Day, Below: Vinita Voogd demonstrated Festival Runway Fashion Show, and her woodcarving techniques. MID JUNE 2016 FULLERTON DAY OF MUSIC VENUES FULLERTON OBSERVER Page 13 Mass Appeals •A LL DAY PUBLIC PIANO : Come by and 4pm-9pm: Don’t Miss a Beat Drum Tickle My Keys at Fullerton Library, Max Duel/Clinic sponsored by Gretsch at Bloom’s Cafe Noir, , Mo’s Music Center, on Harbor (enter Juanita Cooke Bridle Trail, Fullerton from Amerige Parking lot at back) Train Station, and Salon Bernardo. 5pm: UkeFULL at Ford Park spon - 3pm-4pm: Fiddlers on the Roof (2nd sored by Kala Ukuleles. Free songbooks. floor of Villa del Sol at W. Wilshire & Bring your ukulele or borrow one of the Harbor- bring your violin and join in. 15 available to loan. VISIT WWW .THEDAYOFMUSIC .COM FOR THE FULL LIST OF VENUES

WOODCREST PARK AT 440 W. O RANGETHORPE AVE . MUCKENTHALER •5pm-8pm: Melinda Salcido, 1201 W. M ALVERN AVE Raymundo Regular, Las Colibri •6:30pm-9:30pm: Jessie Jones, Channel, The High Curbs, VAJJ FULLERTON PUBLIC LIBRARY (Experimental, Indie Rock, Other) 353 W. C OMMONWEALTH ILLCREST ARK RONT AWN •5-8:30pm: Featherstone & Vocalist H P F L Lew Dentler (Rock/Americana/Bluegrass) 1200 N. H ARBOR •7-8:30pm: Orange County Guitar •7:45-8:15pm: Bagpiper Tucker Skapeche Mode (above) will perform on Orchestra (Classical/Other) Fleming (Celtic) the Downtown Plaza stage at 7:30pm Katie Stump performs at 6:30pm COMIC BOOK HIDEOUT MAGOSKI ARTS COLONY 215 W. C OMMONWEALTH (T HE VIOLET HOUR ) 225 W. S ANTA FE FULLERTON MUSEUM PLAZA , •11am:: Sugar Sugar •6pm: Sydney Blake (Folk/Pop/Indie) E. W ILSHIRE AVE . (Folk/ Singer-songwriter/Country) •7:15: Makuta Ensemble •4:30pm: Orange Empire Chorus •12:30pm: The Fallen Stars (Afrobeat/World/Other) (Barbershop Standards/Other) (Singer-songwriter/Bluegrass/Rock) •8-9pm: The Rhythm Sisters (World) •5:30: Jeremy Benson Band (Rock) •2pm: Waker Glass (Indie-Rock/Rock) •6:30: Katie Stump •3:30: former friend (Indie-Rock/Rock) CONTINENTAL ROOM (Country/Pop/Singer/Songwriter) •5:00: Gadget Car (Rpck/Punk/Indie) 115 W. S ANTA FE •7:30: Skapeche Mode (Ska/Celtic) •6:30: Larry Morse & the Breeze (Rock) •9-11pm: Part Time & other artists •8:30: EV LOUD (Rock) •8pm: Half Past Two (Ska) (Rock/Indie-Rock/Experimental) •9:30-10:30: Hooray for our Side •11:00: Channel FULLERTON 1ST METHODIST (Ska/Punk/Other) (Rock/Indie-Rock/Experimental) 114 P OMONA AVE . •12-1pm: tba (Rock/Indie-Rock/Blues) •6pm: Oro Voce BLACK HOLE RECORDS (Americana/Musical Theater) 108 N. H ARBOR BLVD . •6:30: Curtain Call SHARE & D O GOOD •11am: One High Five ROSCOE ’S FAMOUS DELI (Jazz/Musical Theater/Standards) 114 E A MERIGE (Rock/Indie-Rock/Punk) 116 W C OMMONWEALTH •7:00: All That Jazz (Blues/Jazz/Latin) •7-8pm:Tavia (Singer/Pop/Folk) •4-6pm: Ry Bradley & Band (Country) •8-9pm: Jennifer Dietz •12pm: The Dysfunctional Caravan •6-8pm: Bubba (Blues) w/ Katie Stump •8-8:45pm: Hanna Cello Studio (Blues/Rock/Indie-Rock) (Classical) •2pm: Lyre Decree (Blues/Rock) D’V INE THE PATIO 128 W. W ILSHIRE VILLA DEL SOL •3pm: F’A (Punk/Ska/Arabic/MidEast) 133 W. C OMMONWEALTH •4pm: wuthuh •4pm: Operation Mockingbird 305 N. H ARBOR BLVD . ( AT WILSHIRE ) (Reggae/Hip Hop/ Experimental) •5:30-9:30pm: The Usualz •1pm: Celebration Quartet (Classical) (Indie-Rock/Other/Rock) (Rock/Indie-Rock/Blues •4:45: Daliam (Soul/R&B/Hip Hop) •5pm: Indigo State (Indie-Rock/Funk) •2:00: Vern Nelson (Singer-songwriter) •6:00: A Hard Knock Life •6pm-7pm: Just Because MAX BLOOM ’S CAFE NOIR •3:00: Fiddler’s On the Roof Mass Appeal (RockPunk/Metal) (Pop/Rock/Punk) 220 N. M ALDEN AVE . •4:00: TBA •6:30: Danny Doom (Rock/Punk) •6:00: Sofa City Sweetheart •7:00: Doc DPC (HipHop) •12-1pm: Sugar Sugar (Indie Folk/Singer-songwriter/Indie Rock) •7:15: Ell$ (HipHop) COMIC HERO UNIVERSITY (Folk/Singer-songwriter/Country) •7:00: Waterparx (Indie Folk) •7:30-10pm: Lossless Heavy Hittaz 140 E. S ANTA FE •2:00: The Fallen Stars (Singer-song •8:00: Merry Wives of Windsor (Celtic) (Electronic/HipHop/Punk) •2pm: Phonebooth writer/Americana/Bluegrass/Rock) •3:00: Tynar (Folk/Rocl/Indie-Rock) MATADOR CANTINA (Punk/Experimental/Electronic) THE PINT HOUSE 136 W. W ILSHIRE •3pm: H.S.K. (Punk/Metal/Other) •4:00: Bravo Academy of Music AGAVE ROOM 100 N. H ARBOR BLVD . (Rock/Pop) •4:30pm: Windowsill Audrey •4pm: Apollo 69 (Rock/Punk) •6-9pm: Hodgepodge, The Band •5:00: Tubular Turbulence (Rock/Pop/Indie-Rock)) •5pm: Wicked World (Rock/Metal)) (Rock/Jazz/Folk) (Pop/Rock/Indie Rock) •5:30: Bill Pratt (Singer-songwriter/Folk) •6pm: Chemical X (Punk) •6:00: Gadget Car PATIO 111 N. H ARBOR BLVD . •6:00: Crooked Highway •7pm: Tyranis (Pop/Rock/Metal) (Rock/Punk/Indie-Rock) •2:30: 5 Star Trio (Indie-Folk/Americana/Bluegrass/Rock) •8-9pm: Tanzler (Punk/Metal) •7:00: Retronym (Singer-songwriter/ (Standards/Rock/Country) •7:00: Kiovi (Rock/Indie-Rock/Other) Rock/Indie-Rock) •4:45: Saddleback Bluegrass Band •7:45: Partials (IndieRock/Rock/Other) NIGHT OWL 200 N H ARBOR •8:00: Waker Glass (Indie-Rock) (Folk/Country/Other) •8:30-10pm: Tavia (Pop/Folk) •4:30-10pm: Various Artists - Live •6:00: Sugar Sugar Open Mic (Indie-Rock/Experimental) •9-10pm: Frank Cope (Folk/Singer-songwriter/Other) (Pop/Folk/Electronic) •7:45-10pm: Los Vecinos BACK ALLEY BAR 116 W. W ILSHIRE (Latin/World/Standards) •4pm: Darden Sisters (Folk/Country/Americana/Bluegrass) REVOLUCION 205 N. H ARBOR •5pm: Caroline Movement (Singer-song •6-7pm: Oddsock (Folk/Pop/Rock) writer/Rock/Americana/Bluegrass) •6pm: Deep Sea Madness INTERNAL GALLERY & (Pop/Indie-Rock/Experimental) ODDITIES 115 S. H ARBOR •7pm: Stuffed Animal Baby (Indie- •6:30-10pm: Adam Watts & Friends Folk/Experimental) (Other/Singer-songwriter/Rock) •8pm: Odelia (Rock/Punk/Indie-Rock) •9:45-10pm: Tragic Radicals (Punk/Rock) FLORENTINES GRILL 102 N. H ARBOR •4-8pm: Fullerton Union High School PURPLE YOGA 140 W A MERIGE Jazz Ensemble/Combos and individual •8-9pm: Dana Sparrow performances (Celtic/Singer-songwriter/Indie-Folk) ST. J UDE MEDICAL CENTER 908 N. H ARBOR N. H ARBOR FULLERTON PHOTO •11am: Vern Pat Nelson (Jazz/Classical) •4pm: Celebration Clarinet Quartet •12-1pm: Matt Salazar (Classical) (Classical/Rock/Standards) •1-2pm: Katie Stump (Country/Pop •4:15-5pm: Los Dos Saxos y Mas Singer-songwriter) (Classical/Standards/Rock) Page 14 FULLERTON OBSERVER ART•THEATER•MUSIC•DANCE MID JUNE 2016

REVIEWED by Angela Hatcher DANCE Nouveau Chamber Ballet’s “Reunion”

Nouveau Chamber Ballet presents “Reunion” on Saturday evening, June 25th, 2016, at 8:00 PM at the Curtis Theatre in Brea, California. ”Reunion” is a tribute to the return of several of Artistic Director Lois Ellyn’s

A past principal dancers. Coming back G

E home to the company are Sammy Aiello, V

A Yvette Brunswick, Kindra Gladish, and U

H Theresa Knudson. Strong dancers all, this S

O will be a reunion indeed! J Y

B Returning are some favorite pieces from

O the past, including “Capriole Suite”, a col - T

O orful, energetic, and playful ballet in an H P English country dance theme, as well as “Dive In.” Choreographed by Lois Ellyn, Artist Basil Hallwood (Mark Rosier) with Dorian Gray (Jason Cook). “Dive In” is an amusing story ballet set in a seaside resort in a bygone day, and fea - The Picture of Dorian Gray at Stage Door tures a rich cast of characters. In today’s bizarre world of Botox and they’ve just caught a glimpse of a smirking The ballet “Spring Waters” will be per - fillers, lifts, tucks, and liposuction, the Mona Lisa or a newly released never formed by Chris Kaiser, formerly of idea of selling one’s soul to the devil for before seen Warhol exhibition. As time Alberta Canada Ballet and currently the preservation of youth and beauty may moves on and decades pass by, the paint - under contract to Oregon Theater Ballet, PHOTO BY PATRICK HOUGH seem highly illogical and completely ing creepily transforms. As the malevolent partnering Ria Adachi, the 2016 Spotlight unnecessary; however, from Oscar Wilde’s and evil Dorian commits more and more Award winner in Classical Dance. reprise Lois Ellyn’s “Tonight or Never”, a The Picture of Dorian Gray , Roberto reprehensible and unforgiving crimes, the The production will feature many dif - dramatic piece set in the heyday of the Aguirre-Sacasa takes the Gothic horror portrait begins to bear a resemblance to ferent styles of dance from a host of cho - cabaret scene. story of a magnificently beautiful young one of those scary B horror film clowns reographers who have worked with Lois This will be a cast rich in experience, man - whose aging, hedonistic evil, and that brings back nightmares just thinking Ellyn’s Nouveau Chamber Ballet. skill, and technique, guided by creative corruption shows only in his portrait – about the mockingly cunning evilness. Natalie Baldwin brings new choreogra - and inventive choreographers, set on the and he audaciously transports the English The painting itself may have made an phy to us in a dynamic modern number, lovely, intimate stage of the Curtis literary classic tale into modern times. Is even bigger statement if some type of cre - and Scott Anderson will present new Theatre. Complimentary deserts and bev - this too much of a risk? Does it lose value ative lighting or some type of special work, as well. Eric Hines returns with a erages will be available. in its new translation? effects had been used; however, that does strong contemporary piece. “Reunion” will be performed at the Visionary director Rose London adds not deter from the storyline nor the enter - Kaitlyn Nguyen will perform a striking Curtis Theater on Saturday, June 25th at her signature to the portrait along with a tainment value of SDRT’s latest must see modern solo choreographed by Donald 8PM. Tickets are $25, reserved seating, dedicated and strong cast, and SDRT’s production. McKayle. $27 if paying by credit card. For tickets, provocative and clever rendition of the While the acting by the entire ensemble René Bharath Kim and David Kim, for - please call Nouveau Chamber Ballet at scandalous Dorian Gray becomes surpris - is superb, what makes this production merly of the Harlem Dance Theater, will 714-526-3862. ingly relevant in spite of modern day particularly special is the obvious mutual advancements in medicine. trust and admiration between Rosier and We find ourselves in London, 1988. Cook. There is an undeniable sense of FINE ART There is a hip, cool art world vibe in the commitment and dedication amongst the MUCKENTHALER air. Basil Hallwood is the talented young talented cast with several members taking 1201 W. Malvern, Fullerton artist (Mark Rosier) whose unrequited on multiple roles. Justine DeAngelo love for his friend, Dorian Gray (Jason shows her range in her portrayal of five 714-738-6595 Cook) torments him and shakes him very different characters throughout the www.themuck.org beyond desire. As an expression of his car - play. The other notable mentions are: nal obsession, he paints a jaw dropping Carlos Lopez as Harry, Adam Joseph Richard Duardo Print portrait of Dorian, but Basil’s painting Ferry as Alan/James, Wendy Karn as Exhibit Opens June 23 appears to go one step farther – it captures Victoria, Kevin Manalang as Dorian’s soul. With one wish, history is Rolf/Theodore, and Steven Teats as An The prints of master printmaker changed forever. American Senator. Richard Duardo opens with a reception at Yes, the play itself is dark, but as The bottom line? SDRT’s The Portrait 7:30pm on Thursday, June 23. A gallery London herself says, “…don’t be afraid to of Dorian Gray is worth the trip, and in tour of the exhibit led by Duardo’s sister laugh at the funny parts.” And, although case you’re wondering… it never gets old. Lisa who manages Modern Multiples will the story is one of sexual deviation, cor - Director/Set Designer: Rosemary take place Thurs., August 11 at 7:30pm. The artist at work in his LA studio. The late Richard Duardo was known as ruption, violence, and murder, the come - London; Asst Director/Stage Mgr: Judy collaborative prints made with artists the “West Coast Warhol” for his often dy that ricochets between the lines is Mina-Ballard; Costume Designer: Gajin and Chaz Borjorque. large-scale colorful prints of famous musi - worth a few laugh-out-loud chuckles Heather Enriquez; Lighting Design: A separate area of the show will feature cians and entertainers like Duke (including inside references about Cook’s Marianne Papadopoulos; Executive artwork by some of the many artists Ellington, Miles Davis, Madonna, Jimi previous role as Count Dracula at a local Producers: Nick Charles/Julie Charles. whose work Duardo printed including Hendrix and others as well as artists like theater). Running through June 25th. John Valdez, Frank Romero, Carlos Frida Kahlo, and even Andy Warhol him - All the while, the portrait that Basil has STAGE DOOR REPERTORY THEATRE Amaraz, Camille Rose-Garcia, Bob Zoell, self (who once offered Duardo a job at the painted of Dorian is, for most intents and Sonia Romero and others. 1045 N Armando St, Ste A, Factory in New York). In the late 1970s purposes, a basic illustration of photo- Duardo was born in the Boyle Heights Anaheim, CA 92806. Duardo produced prints for LA punk pio - realism that has everyone who sees it feel - area of LA in 1952 and died unexpected - Tickets: 714 630.7378 or neers the Plugz, the Brat, and the ing breathless and as awe-struck as though ly in 2014 at his home in LA. This is the www.stagedoorrep.org Screamers, some of which are included in first survey of his work since his death. the show. The exhibit will also include

MORE THEATER FULLERTON MUSEUM CENTER documenting the world around him. The STAGES THEATER Pomona Ave, at E. Wilshire 400 E. Commonwealth, Fullerton drawings in this exhibit began during a Downtown Fullerton very productive period in Warhol’s life. Tickets: 714-525-4484 110 E Walnut Ave, Fullerton 714-738-6545 In the mid 1970s he began producing www.stagesoc.org Tickets: 714-526-7070 paintings and prints and began incorpo - •AN ABSOLUTE TURKEY written by www.mavericktheater.com The Late Drawings rating drawn lines into his print series, Georges Feydeau, directed by Shawn •DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE adapt - of Andy Warhol such as Mao, Mick Jagger, and Gems. Brewer plays thru July 17th. A witty ed by Jeffrey Hatcher, directed by Brian Warhol often used an overhead projector French farce about courtship, secrets & Newell plays Fri and Sat at 8pm through Many of the drawings in this exhibition to trace the source image onto heavy lies among several married couples. June 25. A smart, tense, suspenseful are on view for the first time. More than drawing paper. •THE TWILIGHT ZONE adapted and more complex look at the dual any other medium, drawing was central to Also check out the books at the film and directed by Darri Kristin & David nature of man than Stevenson’s original. Andy Warhol’s creative output. kiosk to see some of Warhol’s wonderful Campos opens June 17th - thru July 17th. (15 and over) Throughout his lifetime, the artist created paintings not related to the commercial thousands of drawings, observing and pop work he became famous for. MID JUNE 2016 CALENDAR EVENTS FULLERTON OBSERVER Page 15

MON, JUNE 13 SUN, JUNE 19 MON, JUNE 27 continued •2:30pm: The Iron Mask & HITS & •6:30pm: Parks & Recreation Violin & Piano, and “Trio for Flute, Cello Theatre Organ A full length silent Commission Meeting at City Hall & Piano.” Her concert explores the music MISSES film screening of “The Iron Mask: the by Joyce Mason Council Chambers, 303 W. of two composers who overcame political further adventures of the Three © 2016 Commonwealth. On the agenda: and geographical circumstances to bring Musketeers” starring Douglas Presentation on concerts & 4th of their music into the world. Theo Smit Fairbanks accompanied on the July; Drought Condition impact on Sibinga walked out of prison camp carry - LOVE & Wurlitzer theatre organ by Bob trees and parks; improvements to ing a suitcase in one hand and the broken Salisbury at Plummer Auditorium, FRIENDSHIP: Pacific Drive Park adjacent to Pacific remains of his cello in the other. Bohuslav 201 E Chapman at Lemon, in Drive Elementary School. Martinu, blacklisted by the Nazis, fled Two Hits Fullerton. $15/kids under 12 are free. TUES, JUNE 14 Paris, sleeping on train platforms while www.octos.org or 714-870-2813 Jane Austen fans will be happy to know •10am-11:30am: Volunteers in trying to get to America. Both survived to TUES, JUNE 21 that director Whit Stillman Policing Enhancing Your write beautiful music that has become •10am-10pm: Day of Music (“Metropolitan” and “Last Days of Disco”) Neighborhood w/Police Chief Dan “inextinguishable.” The even its free to Fullerton Over 150 free musical has mined a little-known Austen novella, Hughes at OLLI, Ruby Gerontology the public. Call 714-755-5799 or visite events are scheduled this year as “Lady Susan,” for its wit and humor even Center Mackey Auditorium, CSUF, www.PacificSymphony.org Fullerton takes part in the global though true love gets sacrificed to financial - 800 N. St. College Blvd. Fullerton. WED, JUNE 29 Make Music Day celebration that ly sound marriages. Known as the most Free but parking is $8. Contact OLLI •8am-1pm: Every Wednesday takes place on the summer solistice accomplished flirt in England, Lady Susan, at 657-278-2446 for info. Farmers Market at Independence Park and brings people from 700 cities played to perfection by the sparkling Kate •10:30am: Wilshire WISE 17th Fresh produce (now including summer across 120 countries around the world Beckinsale, fills every stately room with her Annual Flag Day Ceremony at the fruit!). See Wed, June 15 listing for more together, including 36 US cities. Any beauty and scheming charm. Anaheim Campus Board Room, THURS, JUNE 30 musician, amateur or professional, Stillman brings life to the elegant 1830 W. Romneya Dr., Anaheim. •4pm-8:30pm: Thursday Downtown young or old, is invited to take part by Regency interiors and stately grounds that Free parking and admission. WISE is Market & Beer/Wine Garden at the signing up at thedayofmusic.com (by create the setting for the ennui-filled lives an acronym for Work, Independence, Downtown Plaza next to the Museum June 1, 2016). Businesses, buildings, of late eighteenth century aristocrats. He Self-Advocacy, and Eduction. The Center on E. Wilshire Downtown schools, churches, and other institu - also pays homage to the style of Austen’s Wilshire Wise Program serves 20 Fullerton. Smokin’ Cobras provide music tions can visit the website to offer epistolary novel by creating many scenes in developmentally disabled adults. The starting at 6:30pm. See June 16 listing for their outdoor or indoor spaces as con - which the plot is advanced by way of wax- students in the program perform in more. cert locations. See line-up on page 14. sealed letters delivered by gloved footmen. the ceremony each year. •5:30pm: Resumes that Work, a free Check www.facebook.com/thedayof - Widowed but not wealthy, Lady Susan •6:30am: Fullerton City Council job search boot camp at the Fullerton music must find her next husband as well as a hus - Meeting at City Hall, 303 W. Public Library, 353 W. Commonwealth. •6:30pm: City Council Meeting band for her 16-year-old daughter, who has Commonwealth, Fullerton. See the 714-738-6326 City Hall, 303 W. Commonwealth, just run away from school. Even dressed in agenda online at www.cityoffuller - MON, JULY 4 Fullerton. Agenda is online on the widow’s black, Susan Vernon exudes a jaun - ton.com under “How Do I” and then •6:30pm: City of Fullerton 4th of Friday before the meeting. cityof - ty elegance and flirtatious bounce. Because “View Council Meetings.” You can July Festival, a celebration with live fullerton.com men find her enchanting, she often has her also watch the council meetings on music, non-profit booths, food, and fire - WED, JUNE 22 visits to friends and relatives cut short at the streaming video. works at midnight. Fullerton High School •8am-1pm: Every Wednesday insistence of a jealous wife. We first meet WED, JUNE 15 Track Field. Free Farmers Market at Independence her leaving one country home for another •8am-1pm: Every Wednesday TUES, JULY 5 Park Fresh produce (now including as she confides to her companion, “We Farmers Market at Independence •5:30pm: Going Beyond the Internet, summer fruit!). See Wed, June 15 list - don’t live; we visit.” Park (next to the DMV on Valencia a free job search boot camp at the ing for more In the home of her brother-in-law, between Euclid and Highland in Fullerton Public Library, 353 W. THURS, JUNE 23 Charles Vernon, and his wife Catherine, Fullerton. Fresh produce (now Commonwealth. 714-738-6326 •4pm-8:30pm: Thursday Lady Susan meets Catherine’s younger including summer fruit!), eggs, flow - •6:30pm: Fullerton City Council Downtown Market & Beer/Wine brother Reginald Decourcy (Xavier ers, plants, baked goods, nuts, and Meeting, at City Hall, 303 W. Garden at the Downtown Plaza next Samuel), handsome, slightly naive, and easy more straight from the farmer. Easy Commonwealth. to the Museum Center on E. Wilshire prey to Susan’s beauty and worldly experi - parking. Rain or shine. WED, JULY 6 Downtown Fullerton. Live music by ence. Sophisticated and a stunning conver - •4pm-5:30pm: “America’s Social •8am-1pm: Every Wednesday Superlark. See June 16 listing for sationalist, Susan easily captures Reginald’s Arsonist Fred Ross” Booksigning Farmers Market at Independence Park admiration and affection. But does she with author Gabriel Thompson more. want him for herself or does she want to includes a reading, discussion and •5:30pm: Reviewing the save him for 16-year-old Frederica refreshments at the International Interview, a free job search boot Hibbleton (Morfydd Clark)? Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, camp at the Fullerton Public Library, Frederica, however, has received the 309 N. Rampart, Suite M, Orange 353 W. Commonwealth. 714-738- Film Series: attention of another suitor, Sir James (between Orangewood & Chapman 6326 A Tour of Martin (Tom Bennett). Sir James provides adjacent to the 57 freeway). Free but SUN, JUNE 26 American Cinema •Noon - 4pm: Muckenthaler much of the humor in the movie, being RSVP to [email protected] HIBBLETON GALLERY , older but not wise and described in THURS, JUNE 16 Summer Solstice Festival at the 223 W. Santa Fe, Fullerton Muckenthaler Cultural Center, 1201 Regency language as a “bit of a rattle”. •4pm-8:30pm: Thursday Every Monday night this summer, W. Malvern Ave., Fullerton. Enjoy While dining in the Vernon’s stately home, Downtown Market & Beer/Wine award-winning filmmaker Steve live music by Grammy nominated he doesn’t know how to eat peas, referring Garden at the Downtown Plaza next Elkins will present a different Lisa Haley and the Zydekats and the to them as “little green balls.” Even to the Museum Center on E. Wilshire American film. All screenings begin Darden Sisters’ Band and more, story - teenager Frederica sees Sir James as a kind Downtown Fullerton. Arts & Crafts at 8pm and are free. A discussion will tellers, arts & crafts fair, food booths, and gentle man but not one she would ever and food vendors, fresh produce, kids follow each film. Visit Hibbleton on craft beer, gallery tours, free art work - want to marry. activities, beer & wine garden and live Facebook for more. shop, and a children’s play area. Free Many traps must be set and many music by Upstream. Admission is free •June 13: “The Straight Story” admission. 714-738-6595. www.the - intrigues plotted before Lady Susan can as is parking. (David Lynch, 1999) based on the muck.org arrange two suitable marriages. Her only SAT, JUNE 18 true story of Alvin Straight, who at MON, JUNE 27 confidante is an American, Mrs. Alicia •1:15pm: Separation of Church age 73 unable to get a drivers license •7:30pm: Pacific Symphony Johnson (Chloe Sevigny), married to a man & State with Judge Lynne Riddle due to poor eyesight, drove his old Flutist Cynthia Ellis in Free known for his frequent attacks of the gout. who will discuss the impact of reli - lawnmower 240 miles across Iowa Concert at the Fullerton First United Lady Susan describes Mr. Johnson as a man gious hospitals taking over secular and Wisconsin to make amends with Methodist, 114 N. Pomona Ave., at “too old to be governable, too young to hospitals. Irvine Ranch Water District his estranged brother who had just Commonwealth. The program fea - die.” She gets no disagreement from Alicia. Community Room, 15500 Sand suffered a stroke. tures music by composers suppressed We first saw Kate Beckinsale in the early Canyon Ave, Irvine 92618. Visit •June 20: “The Night of the during WWII including Sibinga’s 1990s starring in “Cold Comfort Farm” www.au-oc.org or call 714-299-4551 Hunter” (Charles Laughton, 1955) “Trois Images for Flute & Harp” and and later in the BBC production of for more information. Free poetically depicts the changing con - Martinu’s “Madrigal Sonata for Flute, “Emma,” but she has also starred in action •5:30pm: Arboretum Summer sciousness of two children expelled films such as the “Underworld” series and Solstice Gala and evening in the gar - from the Eden of their childhood “Total Recall.” Beckinsale credits much of den. Reception and Silent Auction led Fullerton into a world of uniquely American her versatility and acting ability to working by Fullerton Police Chief Dan dualisms. with director Kenneth Branagh and co-star Hughes at the Pavilion with Dinner •June 27: “Modern Times” Emma Thompson in “Much Ado About on Orchard Lawn at 7pm and danc - ArtWalk (Charlie Chaplin, 1936) was partial - Nothing,” Thompson remaining a role ing to The Good Foot. Proceeds sup - ly inspired by a conversation model for Beckinsale as a “cool and inde - port the Arboretum. Fullerton Friday, July 1 between Chaplin and Gandhi. pendent-minded female.” Arboretum, 1099 Associated Rd. Chaplin said, “the different countries $125. Visit www.fullertonarbore - 6pm to 10pm I visited, embroiled in unrest, seem Two Hits: Don’t Miss It! tum.com/Nature Downtown Fullerton brewing a new epoch - theistic, soci - A Hit & A Miss: You Might Like It. Happy Fathers Day June 19th ological, and economical - unprece - www.fullertonartwalk.com dented in the history of civilization.” Two Misses: Don’t Bother. to all the Great Dads! Page 16 FULLERTON OBSERVER Rest in Peace • We Remember You MID JUNE 2016

Lovelady Mildred Violet Tomberg Dora May Sim Memorial Service Lovelady, Mildred Violet Chris Nease and Kelly Amin David The city of Fullerton, friends Founder of OC Human Relations, Los Tomberg, 88, passed on Kennelly and her 1st and and family have lost a beloved May 3, 2016. from ovarian 2nd great grandchildren, Amigos, SANO, OC Community resident, with the passing of Housing Corp, voice of the disenfran - cancer and a stroke. Joy and Grace. Dora May Sim, age 97, on June Preceded by her Ist hus - Milly worked at the chised, teller of truth, and one who always 6, 2016. liked to help others…will be held at: band of 32 years, Walt Fullerton Public Library As per her wishes, no services 2:00pm Monday, June 20, 2016 Tomberg, who passed away for over 30 years. She will are planned but a more informa - in 1979; and her later hus - be missed by her many St. Anthony Claret Church tive "goodbye" tribute will 1450 La Palma Ave. band Bill Lovelady, of 17 friends and family. appear in our next issue. years. A memorial service was Anaheim, CA 92805 She is survived by her son held June 5th at McAulay Bruce Tomberg of Virginia, & Wallace Mortuary, in his wife Karr, and their two Fullerton. DeLyle Dolores Underwood sons, Erik and Ryan, and Donations may be made March 4, 1923 – May 27, 2016 her 3rd great grandchild Theo; and her to the Southern California School of daughter Bonnie Nease of Fullerton, her Evangelism at the Church of Christ in DeLyle Dolores Underwood, née husband Robert, and their 2 children Buena Park. Sattler, died peacefully on May 27, 2016 at the age of 93. She is survived by her children, Sharon Voight of Fullerton and Peter Carpio Gomez WWII Veteran Keith Underwood of Downey, and by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Our beloved Peter was a World War II Kenneth Underwood, her beloved hus - veteran and he received several medals, band of more than 60 years, preceded her including: the World War II Victory in death by a decade. DeLyle was a resi - Medal, American Campaign Medal, dent of Sunnycrest Senior Living in European African Middle Eastern Fullerton until shortly before her passing. Campaign Medal, and the Good Conduct DeLyle was born March 4, 1923, the Medal. only child of Abraham Reinhold and He also received an Army Zerlina Sattler, and the first child born in Commendation Medal, praising his mili - Sutter’s Basin, near Lodi. Her family tary, musical, administrative duties and moved to Los Angeles when she was in abilities throughout his military career. elementary school, and she remembered He served faithfully in the U.S. Army living in Long Beach during the 1933 from March 8, 1943 to August 1, 1966. earthquake. She graduated from Bell High DeLyle was a great storyteller. She was Peter served in the 9th Army under School in 1941 and met Kenneth Leroy known throughout the family for her bed - General Simpson. Throughout his life he Underwood, the love of her life, in 1942. time stories and for the mysteries she cherished his time spent in the Army, and DeLyle and Kenny married in 1943, in would handwrite in spiral notebooks. A forever remained devoted to his country. the midst of WWII. While still newly - collection of her stories was published as He lived a simple life enjoying the com - Peter Carpio Gomez, of Placentia, weds, Ken was drafted to work stateside in Bedtime Stories from Grandma’s House pany of family and friends. passed away on May 20, 2016, peacefully the Army Air Force. DeLyle followed him when DeLyle was 89. She was a kind and American, through and through...base - in his family's home. Born in Placentia to from base to base with their new baby, generous woman who loved reading and ball, specifically the Los Angeles Dodgers Domingo and Ana Marie Gomez on April Sharon, in tow. After the war ended, Ken visiting with friends (even those she’d only were always a passion. 27, 1923, he was one of eleven children. and DeLyle settled in South Gate, where known for five minutes). She was passion - Politics excited him, and he kept up they would live for more than half a cen - ate about animals, and offered a home to with the daily news. He maintained a tury. DeLyle worked for Sears, Western any stray dog that came her way. meticulously organized home, a testament Union, and for a small manufacturing A memorial service is being planned for to his military background, training and company until the arrival of their son, DeLyle in early July at First Presbyterian discipline. Keith. DeLyle became a full-time mother, Church of Fullerton. In lieu of flowers, He is survived by sisters Pauline Arroyo then a full-time grandmother, rearing please send donations to the ASPCA. The and Irene Escarsega, brothers Robert generations of her family. Her children family would like to thank the amazing Gomez and Jesse Gomez, and nieces and and grandchildren remember her as a lov - staff of Blessings Home Care and nephews. ing presence who encouraged them to do HospiceTouch for their love and attention their best. in DeLyle’s final days. LOCAL CONGREGATIONS WELCOME YOU

Orangethorpe Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Dr. Robert L. Case, Pastor Sunday Service : 10 AM 2200 W. O RANGETHORPE WAR COSTS in Life & Money FULLERTON (714) 871-3400 www.orangethorpe.org California leads the nation with 3,972 soldiers wounded and 731 dead in wars since 2001. IN IRAQ & A FGHANISTAN

• 159,539 Civilians killed by Violence www.iraqbodycount.org (6/11/2016) • 4,502 US Soldiers killed in Iraq: (DoD 6/11/2016) • 2,381 US Soldiers killed in Afghanistan (2/12/2016) www.icasualties.org US Soldiers wounded (DOD reports) www.icasualties.org • 32,223 Iraq 3/2003 to present (no updates since 11/2011) • 17,674 Afghanistan 10/2001 to present (no updates since 9/2012) • $1.693 Cost of Wars Since 2001 www.costofwar.com (6/11/2016) Trillion (rounded down) (Iraq $819.5 billion) (Afghanistan $739.2 billion) Cost of Military Action Against ISIL $10.7 billion Pentagon Slush Fund $121.8 billion www.nationalpriorities.org Every Hour US taxpayers are paying $8.36 million for costs of war since 2001 What Could We Be Doing With this Money Instead? MID JUNE 2016 LOCAL NEWS FULLERTON OBSERVER Page 17

At Left:

Former Pathways board president Barb Jennings with new Pathways Executive Director Pam Sousa at this year’s CROP Walk. $500 Reward for Return of Tiger - The Lost Cat Tiger’s Point of View: Hi, my 2-legged our first lost cat flyers. I walked with my family tells me my name is Tiger (though daughter and her friends, as they handed they originally named me Tiger Lily, but them out and stapled them to trees. We we will get to that in a moment). They covered the area from the animal hospital Pam Sousa Selected as Pathways Director adopted me at 8 weeks old from what was to N. Marwood and Wilshire avenues in left of my mother’s litter Thanksgiving every direction. Of everyone we talked to, Pathways of Hope announced the nerable in Orange County,” said Joanne. week 2015. They gave me a great home only two people remembered seeing him. appointment of its new Executive “Her depth of knowledge and calm with lots of places to hide and play in, I began to feel really blue because he Director, Pam Sousa. For over forty years, demeanor will be an invaluable resource fresh water every day, a bowl always full of escaped on my watch, and I loved that Pathways of Hope has been providing for our dedicated staff as they match yummy food, and my own private toilet - feisty kitten! I was also doing extensive food, housing programs, and support and clients in crisis with community ing box. searching online including the County of prevention services to those who are hun - resources.” One morning when I was 5 months old, Orange Animal Shelter, craigslist, and gry and homeless (changing its name from “It is rare for an established organiza - I was placed in my cat carrier and was similar places that list lost & found ani - FIES several years ago and expanding its tion like Pathways of Hope to find such a taken for my first shots. We drove to the mals. I checked those sites daily for any mission to surrounding cities). ‘perfect fit’ to lead us into future,” said local animal hospital. I quickly learned sign of our Tiger and it was in one of these Pam Sousa, formerly Pam Lee, is no Peter Fong, a member of Pathways’ Board what shots feel like! After I got my shots, search sessions, I came across a link for stranger to the organization. She served as and the Search Committee. my 2-legged family found out I was a boy! using bloodhounds to search for lost pets. executive director of Pathways from 2009 Pam believes that it is crucial for com - About a month later, I was again placed I really liked the idea of having a more to 2011, and she is well-versed in munities to work together to overcome in my cat carrier, and this time taken on a accurate idea of where Tiger had gone. I Pathways’ work and mission in the poverty and homelessness. “There is an drive to get fixed. Now I was really scared! sent out an exploratory email on Friday Orange County Community. old Russian proverb, ‘If each man gives a The place was full of other unhappy cats May 27 asking for help on finding our Pam has also served as the executive thread, the poor man will have his shirt,’” in their own carriers. I vaguely remember lost Tiger cat and hired a company to have director of several human services organi - she said. “We can end homelessness and being taken out of my carrier later and their bloodhounds search for Tiger. They zations, including Access OC and Olive food insecurities if each man will give a given a shot. The rest of the day was a arrived on Wednesday May 31 to start the Crest. Pam’s appointment is the culmina - thread!” blur. At some point I realized I was home search. At the end of her search, the tion of an extensive process conducted by Learn more by calling Pathways at (714) again, safe and cozy in my own bed by the bloodhound owner was able to provide a search committee lead by Pathway’s 680-3691, emailing info@path - front window. two scent trails showing where Tiger had Board of Directors Chair Eric Azariah. waysofhope.us or visiting the website I loved looking at the world beyond traveled. We found we had been searching Vice Chair Joanne Larson said, “Pam’s www.pathwaysofhope.us. Also plan to that window and was always trying to in the wrong areas! Tiger’s scent trails long-term experience with homelessness attend the annual Look Who’s Dancing sneak out the front door whenever it was looped around W. Wilshire Avenue, N. issues will benefit Pathways of Hope as we fundraising event coming up June 30th. opened. On Friday May 20, while papa Woods Avenue, W. Amerige, and N. expand our collaborative efforts with See information below. was distracted talking to a couple stump - Roosevelt. She provided us with materials other area providers on behalf of the vul - ing for Bernie Sanders, I finally managed to make better-lost cat posters, and a Lost to sneak out behind him and go explor - Cat Recovery Guide. But, alas, we have ing. But later I got really scared! See I was had no sightings since the first day. having so much fun exploring the world So now I’m expanding my search to the outside of my house, I forgot where I readers of the Fullerton Observer. There is lived. Please help me get back to my a $500 reward for his safe return to our home. I miss by family terribly and I family. Simply take him to a vet clinic or know they miss me too! animal shelter, they have scanners that can 2-legged Papa’s Viewpoint: After we read his microchip number and obtain the realized Tiger was gone, I remembered information needed to get our contact that I had paid to have a microchip insert - phone number. Thank you for any help ed for just this purpose. I activated the you can provide getting Tiger safely back microchip and from the website created to us. - Kevin Curtis Dancing to End Hunger and Homelessness On Thursday, June 30th, at the Ensemble Member of Orange County Campus Theatre, based Alchemy Theater Company and the Pathways of Hope is hosting it second Director and Co-Creator of Alchemy Du annual Look Who’s Dancing competition Fromage. to raise funds for programs to fight • Sue Goellrich is the principal at hunger and homelessness. Walnut Elementary School in La Habra. Seven dancers hailing from a diverse • Troy Hanson is an account manager array of backgrounds, including faith for ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings. communities, the arts, the health care • Rachel Torres is the Admissions industry, businesses, and educational Director at Park Vista Health Center, institutions will compete. None are pro - located in Fullerton. fessional dancers, and yet all have donated There are several sponsorship opportu - their time, talents, and tenacity to learn - nities available for individuals and busi - ing and performing a dance routine nesses who would like to support because they believe in the mission of Pathways of Hope’s quest to end hunger Pathways of Hope. This year’s dancers are: and homelessness. Many of the sponsor - • Rev. Duncan McColl is the Senior ships come with complimentary tickets to Pastor at First Presbyterian Church of the event and VIP seating, and all of the Fullerton. sponsorships offer the opportunity to • Kareena Kirlew is an employee of advertise in the event’s program. To spon - Geico and serves on Pathways of Hope’s sor Look Who’s Dancing, contact Alycia HOPE Committee. Capone by calling (714) 680-3691 ext. • Tricia Lively served as Treasurer on 202 or emailing alycia.capone@path - the Board of Directors at Pathways of waysofhope.us. Hope and continues to support the Fullerton community through a variety of Tickets are $45 and can be channels. purchased online at • Stephen John is a Founding www.pathwaysofhope.us/LWD2016 Page 18 OBSERVER ENVIRONMENT MID JUNE 2016


If a disaster were to occur, emergency disaster but a little bit of foresight can services could be delayed so it is impor - help keep you and your family safe. tant to have basic supplies within easy Below is a list of items to consider pur - reach to keep your household safe. You chasing and actions to take that could can easily include a few items in your keep you safe in a disaster. Adapted from weekly shopping to create a homemade Jere Greene’s Disaster Supply Kit previous - kit. It is easy to put off preparing for a ly published in the Observer.

Food (items per person) Toilet paper, handiwipes 3 gallons of water Paper towels 1 large can juice plastic garbage bags 2 large cans fruit 1 can vegetables Flashlights with batteries in zip-lock 2 cans ready to eat soup Radio with batteries in zip-lock 2 cans meat (or beans) Matches in waterproof container 1 jar peanut butter (unless allergic) Work gloves Dried fruit and nuts 12” adjustable wrench Pet food if needed (to shut off utilities if needed) Plastic bowl, cup, spoon 4-in-1 type screwdriver Hand operated can opener Multi-function knife (Swiss Army) Disposable dust mask per person Clothing Duct Tape Set of clothes, socks Pair of sturdy shoes Waterproof container for copies North OC Climate Advocates Heading to DC Health & Hygiene of important documents Prescriptions List of family contacts to Ask Congress to Price Carbon Eye glasses if needed Map of the local area Batteries for hearing aides Notebook & pencil Later this month, eight volunteers from can limit the damage by reducing the pol - Toothbrush, sunscreen, bug-spray, the North Orange County chapter of lution that is heating up our planet. Can chapstick, lotion, aspirin, feminine Sleeping bag or blanket per person Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) will trav - we preserve a livable world for our chil - pads, etc. Diapers if needed Tent or tarp & heavy cotton or el to Washington, DC, where they will dren and our grandchildren?” hemp rope to make outdoor shelter meet with members of California’s con - Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s proposed pol - First Aid Kit, Whistle gressional delegation and call for legisla - icy, Carbon Fee and Dividend, would tion to address climate change. Their mes - place a rising fee on the carbon dioxide sage: Placing a fee on carbon-based fuels content of fuels and return all net revenue Actions to Take Before a Disaster Happens and returning the revenue to households to households as monthly payments to •Find out where your utility shut-offs •Add childproof cabinet latches. would provide fair, transparent incentives offset any related increase in energy costs. are and learn how to shut them off. If •Find out how to purify water at for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions A study from Regional Economics you smell gas but can’t reach the gas com - www.redcross.org most responsible for global warming. Models, Inc. found that this policy would pany and decide to turn off the gas at the •Make a disaster supply kit for each The eight North Orange County volun - cut CO2 emissions by half within 20 meter, do not turn it back on before call - car. teers are among more than 900 unpaid years while adding 2.8 million jobs to the ing SoCalGas at 1-800-427-2200. Visit •Find out about workplace and school participants from across the U.S. attend - economy. www.socalgas.com/safety/shutoff.shtml disaster plans. ing the 2016 Citizens’ Climate “In a crazy political year when many •Find out how to shut off electricity at •Always keep your car gas tank at least Lobby/Citizens’ Education International U.S. citizens are Googling ‘How to move www.pge.com/mybusiness/edusafety/gas half full. Conference on June 19-21. Following two to Canada,’ the volunteers of CCL refuse -electric/electriconoff/. •Obtain a map of the area. (AAA mem - days of plenaries and workshops, CCL to cast themselves as victims being carried •Make a list of emergency numbers bers can get maps for free from the members will head to Capitol Hill for a out to sea by a chaotic river,” said CCL and family contact numbers. Decide on Automobile Club on Harbor) day of citizen lobbying for climate change Executive Director Mark Reynolds. alternative locations to reunite if not at •Consider attending Fullerton solutions. “Instead, they are coming to Washington home. Neighborhood Watch meetings The North Orange County CCL con - to engage their government and press for •Sign up for a First Aid/CPR course at (714)738-6836 or taking CERT tingent, led by group leader Dennis Arp, a solution to the greatest threat humanity www.ocredcross or 714-481-5300. (Community Emergency Response is looking forward to visiting the D.C. has ever faced.” •Make a floorplan of your home show - Team) classes through the Fullerton Fire office of Republican Ed Royce whose The prospects for such a solution ing utility cut offs, emergency storage Department (714)773-1316 39th congressional district covers improved dramatically in the past several containers, and exits. Identify safe places Fullerton, Brea and other nearby commu - months with the formation of the biparti - to go in case of fire, earthquake and Other Resources nities. Arp points out how Royce has san Climate Solutions Caucus – led by flood. Have a family meeting and prac - Red Cross: www.oc-redcross.org always been receptive to discussing com - Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) and Rep. Ted tice what you would do. Ready-OC: www.readyoc.org mon sense solutions to California’s Deutch (D-FL) – which held its first •Inspect your house for heavy items www.earthquakecountry.info drought. Arp’s contingent will also be lob - meeting in April. that might fall down and create a hazard. (download free 32-page booklet bying the offices of Democrats Linda “Our aim is to tone down the rhetoric Secure them. “Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Sanchez and Lucille Roybal-Allard who and bring both sides together,” said Arp. •Test your smoke detectors and replace Country” by Southern California represent the 38th and 40th congressional “There is too much at stake to allow par - batteries. Earthquake Center at USC) districts, respectively. tisanship to stand in the way.” “We’re already seeing the impact of cli - For more information on the North mate change in California with drought, Orange County Citizens’ Climate Lobby longer brush fire season, more frequent contact Dennis Arp at (714) 747-0206 or 95°F plus days, and poorer air quality”, [email protected], BALANCE & CHANGE says Arp. “The big question is whether we Enjoy Where You Are Beckman Business Center Project Public Meeting I once asked my mother, a very wise and can make healthier choices. A public meeting will be held by the amendment to change zoning of the woman, if she was sad as her children Life continues to change and bring us city on Thursday, June 30, at 6pm at the southern portion of the site from manu - left one stage and moved on the next, new adventures. We need to be open to Fullerton Public Library Osborne facturing park to manufacturing general, whether it was a new school, moving whatever is next and not mired in what Auditorium, 353 W. Commonwealth major site plan, conditional use permit to out, getting married, or having children was. While there will always be people concerning the environmental impact exceed the allowable floor area ratio, and of our own. She replied that, no, she who are no longer part of our lives, we report for the project. tentative parcel map. was not sad, but that she was always must keep moving forward and The proposed project, located at the The initial study on the property states excited to see what the next stage would embracing what is. 44.3-acre former Beckman Coulter facili - there may be significant adverse environ - bring. I lost my mom over two years ago. ty at 4300 N. Harbor, Fullerton, includes mental impacts including air quality, We all have a great deal to learn from The lessons she taught me reverberate redevelopment of the site with 978,655 greenhouse gas emissions, hazardous my mother’s perspective of enjoying every day. So, Mom, I am listening and square feet of manufacturing, warehouse, materials, hydrology and water quality, where you are now. Do not worry about continuing to celebrate all that life is light industrial, and office uses in 8 build - noise, transportation and traffic, utilities what is lost. It is over. Learn from it so bringing me. And I continue to enjoy ings. The existing BCI Administration and services. that you do not make the same mistakes the adventure. Building, which is an eligible historic The “NOP and Initial Study for resource, would be protected in place and Beckman Business Center Project” is MICHELLE GOTTLIEB Psy.D., MFT used as part of the project. available at the Fullerton Public Library INDIVIDUAL , C OUPLE & F AMILY THERAPY Anticipated approval actions to imple - and online for public review through July 305 N. Harbor Blvd, Suite 202, Fullerton, CA 92832 ment the proposed project include 7, 2016. Comments may be emailed to 714-879-5868 x5 www.michellegottlieb.com Certification of the final EIR, a zoning [email protected]. MID JUNE 2016 CROSSWORD & CLASSIFIEDS & MORE OBSERVER Page 19 ANSWER KEY LOCAL ONLY CLASSIFIEDS At left is the answer key to the crossword Call 714-525-6402 “The Other Tonys” on The Fullerton Observer provides ads placed here. However, if you have page 7. space for NEIGHBORS to advertise. a complaint or compliment about a To participate you must have a local service, please let us know at 714- phone number. Contractors must pro - 525-6402. vide valid license. Editor reserves right Call City Hall at 714-738-6531 to to reject any ad. Sorry, we do not inquire about business licenses. accept date ads, get rich schemes or For contractor license verification go financial ads of any sort. Call 714- to the California State Contractor 525-6402 for details. License Board website at Fullerton-born resident The cost of a classified is $10 for 50 www.cslb.ca.gov. Once there click on Valerie Brickey words or less per issue. Payment is by the red link on the left of the page has been check only. Items to give away for free which will take you to a screen where constructing puzzles and lost and found item listings are you can enter the name, contractor for numerous years. printed for free as space allows. number, or business to make sure they She has agreed to keep The Observer assumes no liability for are legit. Thank You! us entertained with more in the future! JOBS

ASSISTANT CLERK FULLERTON SCHOOL Dockets, processes, Schedules pre-trial DISTRICT JOB OPENINGS activities, trials, motions, and other pro - The Fullerton School District is seek - ceedings.Manages trailing dockets and con - ing qualified individuals for the follow - solidated trial lists. Please email resume and ing job openings. Details and applica - salary expectations to: [email protected] tions can be found on www.edjoin.org – search Fullerton Elementary. MARKET RESEARCH ANALYST •Instructional Assistants for Special Market Research Analyst to support sales Education, Bilingual/Biliterate & marketing activities in automotive acces - Spanish ($16.30/hr.), Regular and sories industry. Mail to Plasticolor Molded Recreation ($15.12/hr.) wanted for Products Inc., 801 S. Acacia Ave., part-time positions. Exp. working with Fullerton, CA 92831. children and 48 college credits required. •After School Site Lead - CITY JOB OPENINGS BEAUTY & HEALTH HANDYMAN $17.99/hr., 30 to 35 hrs/week – Three Visit www.cityoffullerton.com and click AMWAY, ARTISTRY, NUTRILITE LICENSED HOME SERVICES years related experience, minimum of on the “How Do I” tab and then “City To buy Amway, Artistry, Roofing, Patios, Windows, Doors, two years college required. Employment.” Check closing time. or Nutrilite products •Health Assistant, Bilingual- Gates, Fences, Dry rot, Electrical, New, •Library Clerical Assistant $15.26- please call Jean 714-349-4486 Repairs, Special Projects. CSLB #744432. Biliterate, Spanish - $17.99/hr. (Part- $19.48/hr, (Temporary/non-benefited/at time 3.75 hrs./day) One-year paid exp. Bonded, Insured. Free Estimates 714- will). Closes in a week 738-8189 performing first aid care and routine •Building Inspector I/II. Full time, TUTORING healthcare procedures with clerical exp. $4,444 - $6,064/monthly with an increase TUTORING Valid first aid and CPR certificates to $4,753-$6,066 on July 2. Performs a Sherri Spiller, MA, holds California FREE HELP LINES issued by American Red Cross required. variety of technical inspection duties relat - Teaching Credentials in Regular and •Clerical Assistant II/Bilingual- ed to building, zoning, municipal codes Special Education. She offers private •Call 2-1-1 on your phone for non- Biliterate/Spanish - $18.90/hr. – Two and regulations. Closes in a week. tutoring in Reading, Writing, and Math emergency help on any issue you are hav- years clerical exp. required. Must read, •Fire Dept. Utility Worker. $10.50- for grades K-9. Her greatest strength is ing in OC. Free. www.211.org write and speak both English and $12/hr. Under supervision performs fire working with students who have difficul - Spanish. station support & tasks. (non-regular, non- ty learning. She can be reached at: 714- •Social Service Assistant - •TEENLINE’s number is (800) TLC- benefited). Continuous. 688-6241 and [email protected] TEEN (800-852-8336). Open 6pm to $17.54/hr. – Two years exp. working •Library Page. $10-$10.75/hr, (non- with community service organizations 10pm and answered by teens. Also avail- benefited/at will). Continuous able online at teenlineonline.org. or youth groups, part-time position. •Water System Manager/Assistant City Unclaimed Property Outdoor supervision of students Engineer. Full time, $113,475- $640 in US currency becomes property of •WTLC: If someone you know is, or required. $137,930/annually. Under general direc - the City of Fullerton on June 30, 2016. •Playground Supervisor - $15.12/hr. you are, the victim of domestic abuse, tion of the Public Works Director. Contact Cpl. S. Drew at 714-738-3130 or contact the 24-hour bilingual hotline at – One to two hrs/day or on-call. [email protected] to ID. Responsible for management of the Water 877-531-5522. Supervises students on playground to Engineering and Construction Divisions, ensure student safety and rules are including water system planning, quality observed performing duties with control, rate setting, and engineering, and Summer Food Environmental patience, tact and good judgment. for the safe, efficient and cost-effective Free meals will be available to all chil - •Custodian - $17.54/hr. substi - administration of a variety of related func - dren 18 and under on a first come, first Working Group’s tute/on-call 6 mths. exp. req. tions. May be assigned as the Public Works- served basis. No registration is required. Best & Worst •Transporter $18.90 substitute/on- Engineering Deputy Director for a 10% June 6 through July 1, Mon-Fri call – One year exp. general delivery in •12pm: Richman School, Sunscreens 2016 assignment pay. EWG tested and rated over 750 warehouse or stockroom, good driving 700 S. Richman Ave. •Police Cadet/Sr. Police Cadet sunscreens for record req. •11:45am: Valencia Park School, $11.50/hr; Sr. Police Cadet $13/hr (non- harmful ingredients and effective - •Speech and Language Pathology 3441 W. Valencia Dr. benefited). Non-sworn part-time opportu - ness. See the list at: Assistant - $19.36/hr. – Part-time posi - June 6 through July 1, Mon-Fri nity for training and exposure in all divi - https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/r tion 3.75 hrs/day must be registered as sions of the Police Dept. •11:45am: Pacific Drive School, a Speech-Language Pathology Asst. w/ •Police Dispatcher. $23-$29/hourly 1501 W Valencia eport/executive-summary/ the State of CA. 6 months experience (non-regular, non-benefited) Continuous. Page 20 FULLERTON OBSERVER OBSERVERS AROUND THE WORLD MID JUNE 2016

Hello from Sister City Fukui, Japan “Hello from Fukui! I wanted to send in Takeuchi (on the right) from the city of a photo taken this week in one of Fukui. Yumi and Kazushi will be taking Fullerton’s sister cities, Fukui, Japan. care of the Fullerton Junior Ambassadors Here I am with my wonderful hosts, who will visit Fukui in July.” Maurice Splichal of Jin’ai University (at - Kristine Dennehy left), and Yumi Matsunari and Kazushi Cal State Fullerton History Department

Justin, JD, Yvonne, Ryan DeCaprio and Sydney Sanford DeCaprio Family Vacation “While on a 14 day Mediterranean cruise, one of our stops was in Valletta, Malta where we celebrated my son Ryan's 21st Birthday. We also visited Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, France, Spain, Germany and Austria.” - Yvonne DeCaprio

The Ivens Attend Granddaughter’s Graduation Proud Grandparents Jim and Nadene of the Fullerton Observer . They each Ivens traveled to WallaWalla, Washington played critical roles getting the paper to see Granddaughter Ellen at her started and keeping it going for the first Graduation from Whitman College. twenty years of its existence, before mov - Jim and Nadene are founding members ing on to other interests.