J\ Mortgage V Tarm City State Bank GROGERI&S
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TT^'V TT'' T' P "v.vV ' ' LOWELL LEDGER VOL. XXIV LOWELL, MICHIGAN, APR. 12, IQI; No. 44 jpai in ESchool ffioys to Jfelp the farmers With the world facing food shortage and the highest SEASSEASONABLr E GOODS YOU NEED Grand Rapids Preacher Still prices trer known, farmers every where are being urged Charles D. Carey Laid to Rest I J\ mortgage v Tarm Working for Delay. to use every available foot of ground in crop production, at Oak wood. | FROM THE REXALL STORE NOW There has long been a wide- in face of the fact that the big cities have lured away the Charles 1). Carey, son ol Horace spread Dotion that the clergy as men and boys who should help the farmers plant, tend and and Betsy Carey, was born No- a class are impract icable and poor harvest. To meet the emergency, university, college and vember 21, 184r>, in Calhoun business men; but they havenev* Ulhat n 1$ and 1$ not school boys are everywhere being appealed to. All can eouuty, Mifhiuan. and died at WALL PAPER—A complete, up*to>date er been accused of lack of patriot- his home in West LoweH, April not enlist in the army end navy, but all can help feed those stock—bought at right prices and selling ism. However, Rev. D. R. Free- 0, 11)17, aged 71 years. -1 months man's contributions to war liter- who do go. Better, far better, to engage In useful, pro- ami 1*0 days, lij 1«7.'! he was right. Bring along any samples you may A mortgage is not a disgrace. No longer is ature in the Grand Rapids pa- ductive labor this summer than to idle away the time at united in marriage to Alice L have from anywhere and compare with our it an evidence of hopeless debt. pers, seem to bear out the first golf, base ball or loafing about the resorts. Mclntyre, to this union seven charge, if not the last. children were born, two of whom prices and quality. While Germany was working In view of the exacting conditions, Supt Mitchell of the died in infancy, and Everet, the Today it is a sign of progress. night and day sinking our ships, Lowell schools announces his desire to bring the farmers youngest son. passed awav in Look's Hand Lotion murdering our citizens, destroy, and school boys of this vicinity together for their mutual 1011. Reflecto Furniture ing Belgian relief ships to starve benefit and for the country's good. No plan of action has He leaves to nionrn his loss, Remember there is only Polish Farmers are mortgaging their land to buy innocent women and children one Look's Hand Lotion yet been outlined; and the only object of this announcement his wife, two daughters and two For Pianos—Furniture. more land, to builcf silos, to build new barns covering our land with spies and sons, Emily K. Carey, Mrs. Char- and it is sold only at this assassins, and laying the treach- is to state the necessity for co-operation and the willing- Imparts a rich gloss to and houses, to fence fields, and even to improve lotte Anderson, .lames anddlenn store. You need it now whatever article of fu» ni- erous Mexican-Japanese plot, ness of all concerned to do so. Let us get together and for your chapped hands, their stock. Carey, all ol Lowell also two ture it is applied. Easy this eloquent preacher, who had meet the demsnds upon this community in the best man- brothers and one sister. .Junies face and lips. 0 better use for his time and tal- t use—dries quickly. ner possible. Carey of Lueas, Mich., .lohn A. 15c and 25c bottles. 20c bottles. ents, appealed for a national ref- Carey and Mrs. Hattie Kuster- It enables them to branch out and increase erendum vote on war, a matter brook ol" West Lowell, besides Paint and Varnish their earnings; thus it is often advisable^ to that would have involved weeks seven grandchildren and a host Straw Hat Dye borrow. if not months, while the world of other relatives and friends, Just a little money in- Several different colors. was burning up. Nero fiddling l or a number of years Mr. Carey vested in paint or varn- Wear proof and light while Rome burned wasn't a cir ALL ifch will make a big differ- was a well known thresher, after proof. Dries instantly- uc- cumstance. ence in the looks of your If you wish to borrow money upon produ( Wants to Run Raoe of Fifteen which he owned and operated a tive farm land, come to this City State Bank. And now that war has beende Bits of News About People and saw mill in Ottawa, removing furniture or woodwork. colors straw, leather, clared, when good citizens recog- Things You Know. Miles. trom there to Lowell in isid he We have it for all pur- wood, etc. nize the fact that the time for A lo-mile go-as-you-please foot ran a portable miil until he pur- poses. 25c bottles. discussion is past, with his head Little Jack Bergin is much im- If you have money to deposit, bring it here proved. race for peppery young athletes chased the farm in West Lowell, so full of one idea that he has ap- who have passed their »*ightietli where he spent the remaining where it will have as security such mortgages. parently no room for another, Bissel's vacuum sweepers |5.00 at Weekes.' adv birthday! years of his life. One of the 8,000 back he comes with another refer That is just what Geortre 1'. When a younir man he gave D. G. LOOK, Rexall Drug Stores endum proposition, on the man- Henry Delk visited his children Ueffran, a gray bearded delier uf his heart to Jesus, and after re- ner of raising an army, again in Grand Rapids Sunday. Father Time, of Cannonsburg, is moving to Lowell lie united with Cowll, working for more delay, while William Yardley, sou of Walter planning to stage, preferably at t he Chu reh of Chr ist a n d ret 11 a i ned micDigM. Germany's devilish work goes on Yardley of this village; has joined City State Bank Comstock Park on June 30. a faithful member of that cimreh a pace. the Naval Reserves in Grand Rap- Mr. Ueffran, who will enter un. until the end. If Mr. Freeman has any idea of ids. Safety First and Always. djr the sobriquet ol "Old George Honest, upright and loyal. A future usefulnessjin this country, Maynard Elerick, son of Mr. Fwrester"—a title tie feels de- loving husband and father al- it is time for him to heed the in and Mrs. T. J. Elerick. has en- serving of in view of the fact that ways. A kind friend and neigh- [» — j ^ large percentage of junction from Washington : listed in Troop B Cavalry of Col-v he has spent three score and ten bor. over ready to extend a help- "Obey the law and keep your umbus, Ohio. years at Cannonsburg, arriving ing hand or speak a good word. ^ --Vi'.W, r^ Pfttpte W;io Love mouth shut." Editor. Mrs. Walter Roberts of Gay- in Michigan when the well known We shall HUSH him in this home, lord and Mrs. Alfred Wattson of red man was our most prominent we shall miss his eherrv greeting iA'.JUAX" Music as we pass by. but we know that Alba are guests of Mesdames citizen—admits that he is but 71 > are not able to play or TIE PEOPLE'S COLUMK Taylor and Gilbert. years old, but Mays that he will our loss is small and fleeting V:: • ha ye passed the eightieth mile- compared with the joy that is oi sing at all, and there are E. D. McQueen moved his livery i, and shall be his forever. also some who play or Prove All Thlnw), Hold Ku*l That and bus line to his own barn on stone on June28. and will there- Which IH ttood." Broadway and the brick building fore be qualified to enter under Thankful lor the blessings re- sing, so to speak, but Mr. Editor: will be used as a garage. his sell-named terms. ceived he was always ready to from a musical standpoint are unable to impart much George stated that he at first pass them along. .\u hungry During the War of the Rebellion Mrs. Janet Essex ot St. Louis, pleasnre to others by their efforts. With the there was a class of stinkers called conceived the idea of having the beggar ever left his door without Mo., visited her uncle T. J. Eler- course run from Cannonsburg to food or cheer. Cncomplaining '•Copperheads." The breed, it ick. whom she had not seen in 47 appears, is not extinct. They the Morton house, a distance of and unafraid, conscious that he years. They had "some good 10 miles, but realizing that a had reached the end of life's New Edison xcmr have been seen and heard on our visit." streets in Lowell recently. If large crowd would like to witness pathway, he peacefully entered they had a small amount of com Misses Lucy and Ada Caukin the match he favors the Comstoek tiieshadows of death." knowing in the home every musical longing is satisfied, for it is of (irand Ra mon sense they would keep their mlsand Mrs. Julia Park course for the affair. that from these shadows he the one only musical instrument that actually re-creates GIFTS GIFTS Ostrom of A ba are visiting their would emerge into the bright mouths shut.' But then, if they He is well known in Cannons- music with true fidelity.