New Orleans' National Register Historic Districts
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8 O F 8 E X P E RIEN C E New Orleans’ Historic Neighborhoods New Orleans’ National Register Historic Districts PRESERVATION RESOURCE CENTER ARCHITECTURAL GUIDE lining the streets. the lining and well maintained, historic architecture architecture historic maintained, well and tradition, with block upon block of stunning, stunning, of block upon block with tradition, community grounded in a strong sense of of sense strong a in grounded community from Crescent Park. Park. Crescent from residents, the Garden District is a dynamic dynamic a is District Garden the residents, and Creole cottages, and admire the river river the admire and cottages, Creole and home. their for caring known around the world. Anchored by loyal loyal by Anchored world. the around known Victorian shotgun homes, Italianate mansions mansions Italianate homes, shotgun Victorian passionate residents of all ages and creeds creeds and ages all of residents passionate luxurious condos. luxurious cottages of the Garden District are famous, famous, are District Garden the of cottages exciting neighborhood. Look for gorgeous gorgeous for Look neighborhood. exciting and variety, impressive greenspace and and greenspace impressive variety, and museums, excellent restaurants and and restaurants excellent museums, The Classic Revival mansions and charming charming and mansions Revival Classic The humble make the Bywater a dynamic and and dynamic a Bywater the make humble all walks of life. life. of walks all strips for local shopping, architectural beauty beauty architectural shopping, local for strips Warehouse District has art galleries, galleries, art has District Warehouse buildings ranging from the grand to the the to grand the from ranging buildings GARDEN DISTRICT DISTRICT GARDEN vines, vibrant colors and characters from from characters and colors vibrant vines, neighborhood eateries, busy commercial commercial busy eateries, neighborhood concert series in the summer months. The The months. summer the in series concert eclectic eateries and cafes, and historic historic and cafes, and eateries eclectic famous for its lacy balconies, fragrant fragrant balconies, lacy its for famous by all that makes the city great: famous famous great: city the makes that all by greenspace downtown that hosts a free free a hosts that downtown greenspace Artist housing and galleries, a plethora of of plethora a galleries, and housing Artist French, Creole and American styles. It’s It’s styles. American and Creole French, ned ned f de Orleans, New of heart the is Mid-City anchored by Gallier Hall, is a welcome welcome a is Hall, Gallier by anchored Quarter architecture is a mix of Spanish, Spanish, of mix a is architecture Quarter BYWATER buildings and residences. Lafayette Square, Square, Lafayette residences. and buildings MID-CITY the oldest cathedral in the country. French French country. the in cathedral oldest the ce ce f o by dominated is Place Picayune cant buildings in the city, including including city, the in buildings cant f signi the historic residences. residences. historic the intact street of impressive historic structures. structures. historic impressive of street intact tness and arts trail along Napoleon Avenue. Napoleon along trail arts and tness f residents and some of the oldest and most most and oldest the of some and residents crepe myrtle trees and azalea bushes framing framing bushes azalea and trees myrtle crepe taking tourists and residents along a largely largely a along residents and tourists taking community center, new restaurants and a a and restaurants new center, community New Orleans. It is home to nearly 4,000 4,000 nearly to home is It Orleans. New its borders. But its character is strong, with with strong, is character its But borders. its restaurants, shops, and its own streetcar line line streetcar own its and shops, restaurants, today is once again thriving, with an active active an with thriving, again once is today the 85-square-block original footprint of of footprint original 85-square-block the families, has all of 164 historic buildings within within buildings historic 164 of all has families, long-time residents. long-time Global Green houses on Andry Street. Andry on houses Green Global Street, is alive 24 hours a day, with hotels, hotels, with day, a hours 24 alive is Street, area was devastated in Hurricane Katrina, but but Katrina, Hurricane in devastated was area Also known as the French Quarter, this is is this Quarter, French the as known Also and Mediterranean Revival homes, popular with with popular homes, Revival Mediterranean and banks and more, Edgewood Park has many many has Park Edgewood more, and banks cient cient f e and modern the to Street Egania heart of the city of New Orleans, Canal Canal Orleans, New of city the of heart impressive 20th-century historic homes. This This homes. historic 20th-century impressive VIEUX CARRÉ VIEUX This small nook of California-style bungalows bungalows California-style of nook small This tained area, complete with schools, churches, churches, schools, with complete area, tained historic “Steamboat Gothic” houses on on houses Gothic” “Steamboat historic vibrant urban core. The historic commercial commercial historic The core. urban vibrant ned by its its by ned f de largely Orleans New of heart - self-con almost but quiet a Long 1909. in unique assortment of residences, from the the from residences, of assortment unique SOUTH LAKEVIEW SOUTH neighborhoods rolled up together into one one into together up rolled neighborhoods ly and racially diverse neighborhood in the the in neighborhood diverse racially and ly developed as a middle-class streetcar suburb suburb streetcar middle-class a as developed the perfect backdrop to the neighborhood’s neighborhood’s the to backdrop perfect the Districts are actually several distinct distinct several actually are Districts - economical architecturally, an is Broadmoor larger Gentilly district of New Orleans, was was Orleans, New of district Gentilly larger downtown and the curve of the river and is is and river the of curve the and downtown The Upper and Lower Central Business Business Central Lower and Upper The BROADMOOR lining streets as well. well. as streets lining Edgewood Park, a neighborhood within the the within neighborhood a Park, Edgewood provides breathtaking views of New Orleans’ Orleans’ New of views breathtaking provides CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT BUSINESS CENTRAL some grander Spanish Revival style homes homes style Revival Spanish grander some cottages set on large lots. The levee levee The lots. large on set cottages EDGEWOOD PARK EDGEWOOD shotguns and raised-basement homes, with with homes, raised-basement and shotguns Holy Cross is tranquil, with shotguns and and shotguns with tranquil, is Cross Holy nights a week. week. a nights historically been attracted to the area. area. the to attracted been historically alike, it features early 20th-century bungalows, bungalows, 20th-century early features it alike, jazz and other live music can be heard seven seven heard be can music live other and jazz HOLY CROSS HOLY including some jazz pioneers, have have pioneers, jazz some including families, older residents and young renters renters young and residents older families, vibrant stretch of music clubs where excellent excellent where clubs music of stretch vibrant as is its future. its is as established in 1827. Artists and musicians, musicians, and Artists 1827. in established and pristine pocket of town. Filled with with Filled town. of pocket pristine and Its most popular draw is Frenchmen Street, a a Street, Frenchmen is draw popular most Its while others wait. But its history is powerful — — powerful is history its But wait. others while streets, iconic bars and a ferry that was was that ferry a and bars iconic streets, oddly intersecting and hidden courts, is a quiet quiet a is courts, hidden and intersecting oddly this neighborhood house a diverse population. population. diverse a house neighborhood this Central City are undergoing a renaissance renaissance a undergoing are City Central with schools, parks, children playing in the the in playing children parks, schools, with streets with maze tropical verdant, a Parkview, ll ll f that homes Revival Classic and shotguns thriving shopping area. Today, some areas of of areas some Today, area. shopping thriving pocket of the city that feels like a village, village, a like feels that city the of pocket vibe. The bright historic Creole cottages, cottages, Creole historic bright The vibe. renamed Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard, was a a was Boulevard, Haley Castle Oretha renamed PARKVIEW New Orleans’ skyline, Algiers Point is a quiet quiet a is Point Algiers skyline, Orleans’ New neighborhood is not to be missed. be to not is neighborhood neighborhood with a Caribbean-cosmopolitan Caribbean-cosmopolitan a with neighborhood Eastern European Jews. Dryades Street, later later Street, Dryades Jews. European Eastern and River Mississippi the of views great With The 19th-century architecture in this this in architecture 19th-century The The Faubourg Marigny is a bohemian bohemian a is Marigny Faubourg The German immigrants, African Americans and and Americans African immigrants, German ALGIERS POINT ALGIERS Lower Garden District’s other pocket parks. parks. pocket other District’s Garden Lower settled by diverse groups: Irish, Italian and and Italian Irish, groups: diverse by settled FAUBOURG MARIGNY FAUBOURG live-oak tree in Coliseum Square, or one of the the of one or Square, Coliseum in tree live-oak Central City has a storied history, having been been having history, storied a has City Central thoroughfare, or relax in the shade of a a of shade the in relax or thoroughfare, CENTRAL CITY CENTRAL lining the neighborhood’s commercial commercial neighborhood’s the lining most popular urban parks in the country. country. the in parks urban popular most boutiques, renowned restaurants or sultry bars bars sultry or restaurants renowned boutiques, streetcar. Avenue Charles the of one Park, City is top the At Avenue.