October 24, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 20 28293 Nome, and many native villages. The unit also Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Although Congress, the , and included National Guardsmen from New York, Senate concurring), That Congress— the State of have lost a great statesman, Mississippi, Illinois, Georgia, and Puerto Rico. (1) commends the 3rd Battalion, 297th In- he has been outlived by his legacy, and I am This was the largest deployment of the fantry of the Alaska Army National Guard upon its completion of deployment and brave confident that we will continue to fondly recall Alaska National Guard since World War II and service to the Commonwealth of Alaska and and the great work he did for thankfully all 586 guardsmen who were de- the citizens of the United States; and years to come. ployed overseas returned home safely. Many (2) directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- Again, I want to express my condolences to of these guardsmen had never left Alaska resentatives to transmit a copy of this reso- the Vanik family. prior to joining the National Guard, but none lution to the Adjutant General of the Alaska f hesitated to serve their country. National Guard for appropriate display. As I told the National Guardsmen at their f HONORING FORMER welcome home ceremony at Camp Shelby, CONGRESSMAN CHARLES VANIK HONORING FORMER Mississippi, ‘‘You can’t support the troops un- CONGRESSMAN CHARLES VANIK less you respect them. And I humbly respect HON. you because you have done your job as you OF OHIO were charged to do so, and as volunteers. HON. BETTY SUTTON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES You left your families and you went forth and OF OHIO Wednesday, October 24, 2007 accomplished what you were taught to do.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, it is my I truly believe that the importance of the Na- Wednesday, October 24, 2007 tional Guard to our country cannot be over- honor to pay tribute to a fellow Ohioan, Char- stated, which is why it is important that we Ms. SUTTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today lie Vanik, who served honorably for 26 years honor these citizen-soldiers. For this reason I with a heavy heart to pay tribute to former in this House. am introducing the following resolution to Congressman Charles Vanik, who served his Charlie passed away last month at the age honor these Guardsmen for their outstanding constituents with honor and integrity in this of 94, and I thank the gentlewoman from service to our country. body for 26 years. for organizing this special order in H. CON. RES. 240 On behalf of the people of Ohio’s 13th Dis- his memory. Whereas the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry trict, I want to express my deepest sympathies Charlie Vanik was a beautiful person. In of the Alaska Army National Guard deploy- to his wife of 62 years, Betty Best Vanik, their many ways, he was the quintessential Cleve- ment of almost 600 Alaskans was the largest 2 children, John Vanik and Phyllis Vanik, his lander—born of Czechoslovakian ancestry, he deployment of the Alaska National Guard 2 grandchildren and the rest of the Vanik fam- represented Cleveland’s east side and eastern since World War II; ily. suburbs and did so with distinction and with Whereas the Alaskans of the 3rd Battalion, We have lost a man who dedicated his life class. He was learned and determined. As 297th Infantry came from 80 different com- to serving our great State and this great coun- Dick Feigler, the well-known journalist in munities across Alaska; Whereas the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry try. Prior to being elected to Congress in Cleveland said of Charlie, ‘‘It was all about included 75 soldiers from New York, Mis- 1954, Congressman Vanik served on the hard work and humility.’’ Charlie Vanik was a sissippi, Illinois, Georgia and Puerto Rico; Cleveland City Council, in the Ohio State Sen- showman, but he wasn’t a showoff. He was Whereas the 586 soldiers of the 3rd Bat- ate and as a Cleveland municipal judge. He charming and he was humble. talion, 297th Infantry were mobilized in July also served in the Navy during World War II. He threw himself into public service with a of 2006 and deployed to Camp Shelby, Mis- In Congress, he earned a reputation as style and gusto that his constituents enjoyed sissippi; savvy legislator and a tireless advocate for the and appreciated. He took his responsibilities Whereas the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry people of northeast Ohio. His 1974 amend- was deployed to Camp Navstar and Camp seriously, but he didn’t take himself seriously. Buehring in Northern Kuwait; ment to the Trade Reform Bill is widely re- He rose to a position of prominence on the Whereas the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry membered for forcing the Soviet Union to Ways and Means Committee. In fact, he be- courageously performed route and perimeter allow fair treatment and increased emigration came chairman of the trade subcommittee. security missions, mounted combat patrols of Soviet Jews. This accomplishment had a But make no mistake: Charlie Vanik never and inspections and searches of vehicles significant impact on American-Soviet rela- sold out. He never succumbed to the seduc- going into Iraq from Kuwait, among other tions. tion of what the pundits call ‘‘Gucci Gulch.’’ assignments; And Congressman Vanik was ahead of his Charlie never forgot where he came from: Whereas the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry, over the course of 15 months in Kuwait and times on civil rights, sacrificing his own con- 55th and Broadway had a different values set Iraq, inspected and searched over 30,000 semi- gressional seat in 1968 so that than Gucci Gulch. Still does. trucks; could become Ohio’s first African American So Charlie Vanik fought tooth and nail Whereas the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry Congressman. against tax loopholes for big business. He designed all force protection plans in north- But Charles Vanik was so well-regarded in never forgot where he came from. Charlie ern Kuwait; northeast Ohio that voters from the neigh- Vanik may have retired from Congress, but his Whereas the families of the members of the boring district would not stand for him leaving heart and mind kept working for America ev- 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry have provided unwavering support while waiting patiently this House, and they chose to send him to eryday. for their loved ones to return; Congress instead of the Representative who On a regular basis, I would get phone calls Whereas the employers of members and had served for nearly 30 years. Congressman from Charlie, just to say hello. He was never family members of the 3rd Battalion, 297th Vanik returned to Congress and continued to representing a client for monetary compensa- Infantry have displayed patriotism over work with Congressman Stokes and others to tion—he always just kept working for America, profit, by keeping positions saved for the re- advocate for the people of Ohio. and wanted to share his great ideas. He gave turning soldiers and supporting the families Although I did not have the privilege of serv- away his ideas—MARCY, he would say, Con- during the difficult days of this long deploy- ing in the House with Congressman Vanik, I gress needs more strong voices to protect ment, and these employers are great cor- porate citizens through their support of am honored to follow in his footsteps as a consumers in our nation, or on another occa- members of the Armed Forces and their fam- public servant and a voice for the people of sion he would call to remind me to replace the ily members; Ohio. sand on the public beaches of the Great Whereas the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry It is truly an honor to stand on the Floor of Lakes that had either washed away or been has performed admirably and courageously; the House of Representatives, where Charles used by construction companies over the gaining the gratitude and respect of Alas- Vanik stood for so many years fighting for years. Early on in my career, he advised me kans and all Americans; and northeast Ohio, to celebrate his life and his to visit many of the foreign embassies located Whereas members of the 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry received 7 Bronze Stars, 23 accomplishments. in Washington to link to diplomats and schol- Meritorious Service Medals, 142 Army Com- And it is wonderful to hear so many touch- ars. He shared his love of life, and always mendations and more than 200 Army ing stories about the memories my colleagues called with an enthusiasm that revealed his Achievement Medals for their outstanding have of him and the influence he had on this joyful, encouraging and caring nature. His hu- service: Now, therefore, be it House and its Members. manity was underscored by the manner in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:35 Aug 05, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E24OC7.000 E24OC7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 28294 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 20 October 24, 2007 which he watched over his wife as she be- co-authoring an amendment to the 1974 Trade HONORING FORMER came ill. He never lost his way. Reform Bill with the late Senator Henry CONGRESSMAN CHARLES VANIK His name was attached to 1 of the landmark ‘‘Scoop’’ Jackson that linked a country’s fa- pieces of legislation from the Cold War era: vored trade status to its record on human HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER The Jackson-Vanik Amendment. In truth, Sen- rights. Specifically, their Jackson-Vanik OF OHIO ator Henry Jackson and Representative Char- amendment tied the former Soviet Union’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lie Vanik were actually ahead of their time. In trade status to its willingness in allowing freer Wednesday, October 24, 2007 an era that predated Bill Clinton’s decoupling Jewish emigration. As a result, an estimated 2 of human rights and trade, Scoop Jackson million Jewish citizens were permitted to immi- Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, I rise and Charlie Vanik insisted that the Soviet grate to other countries. today to honor former Congressman Charles Union respect human rights before it could re- Vanik, who passed away earlier this year. Congressman Vanik also worked with Con- ceive most favored nation trading status. Be- There are two things we do in Washington— gressman to create the Cuya- cause of Scoop Jackson’s and Charlie Vanik’s politics and policy. Congressman Vanik ex- hoga Valley National Park, and was involved courage and commitment, hundreds of thou- celled at policy and understood politics well with the important work of cleaning up of the sands of oppressed people—mainly Soviet enough to make a difference with the policies Great Lakes. Jews—were able to leave tyranny behind and that he fought to see enacted. A champion of start new lives as free people. Madam Speaker, Ohio, our Nation and the the underdog and an unfailing advocate for Madam Speaker, it is no longer fashionable international community have lost a true public the poor, Congressman Vanik’s legacy was to talk about the linkage between human servant with the passing of Congressman solidified in 1974 by the Jackson-Vanik rights and trading privileges. But, if anything, Vanik. I join my colleagues in honoring him Amendment to the Trade Reform Bill linking the issue is even more relevant today than and in expressing our condolences to his fam- the former Soviet Union’s trade status with the when Charlie Vanik stood up for oppressed ily. ability of Russian Jews to emigrate freely. people. That’s why I say Charlie Vanik was Congressman Vanik served in the House ahead of his time. f from 1955 to 1981, representing his Cleve- Just ask Wei Jing Sheng, who continues to land-area constituents well. A 13-term veteran fight for human rights for the millions of op- HONORING FORMER of the U.S. House, Congressman Vanik gra- pressed people in China. Ask the family and CONGRESSMAN CHARLES VANIK ciously stepped aside from his original district friends of Santiago Rafael Cruz, who was in 1968 to make way for Louis Stokes, who murdered earlier this year in Monterrey, Mex- became the first African-American Congress- ico, where he fought hard to get human rights HON. JIM JORDAN man from Ohio. He also had his own particular for peasant workers. OF OHIO style, and those privileged to have served with We see the trafficking in human beings from Congressman Vanik remember his black suits Mexico to the United States. But the pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and bow ties in addition to his utter disdain to ponents of free trade fundamentalism still having to raise re-election funds. His constitu- Wednesday, October 24, 2007 deny any linkage between trade and human ents responded to his hard work and his com- rights. We see the gross human rights abuses Mr. JORDAN of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I mitment to them by continuing to re-elect him, in China and the growing unrest among rural am honored today to join in the tributes to the proving that a hard-charging public servant people there. Yet we’re told there’s no con- life and career of former Ohio Congressman who’s in Congress for the right reasons will be nection between trade and human rights. Charles Vanik, who passed away in August at returned to continue his work. Despite all the abuses that perpetrated age 94. Congressman Vanik’s public service began against poor people around the world in the after graduating from Western Reserve Uni- name of globalization, the free trade crowd re- Born in Cleveland in 1913, Charles Vanik versity and Law School when he entered the fuses to acknowledge any connection between recognized the call to service long before his Navy during World War II. Following the war, trade and human rights. 26-year House career began. After earning his he served as a municipal judge and in the We see all these things and we can’t help law degree, he was elected to the Cleveland Ohio Senate before first running for Congress but wish for more Charlie Vaniks—for more City Council and the Ohio State Senate—all in 1954. Members like him—genial, compassionate and before the age of 30. His career in elective of- My thoughts and prayers continue to be with humble public servants who have the eyes to fice was interrupted by World War II, where he Congressman Vanik’s family and friends, and see injustice and the heart to do something served in both the Atlantic and Pacific theatres we are grateful for his dedicated public serv- about it. as a member of the Naval Reserve. Following ice. f the war, he held a judgeship in Cleveland prior f to his election to Congress in 1954. HONORING FORMER TRIBUTE TO FORMER As my colleagues have noted in prior Floor CONGRESSMAN CHARLES VANIK CONGRESSMAN CHARLES VANIK tributes to Congressman Vanik, his congres- sional legacy was defined by his many con- HON. DAVID L. HOBSON tributions to human rights around the world— HON. TIM RYAN OF OHIO especially through what came to be known as OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Jackson-Vanik Amendment. This measure, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 24, 2007 which passed with broad bipartisan support, Wednesday, October 24, 2007 requires the United States to gauge the Mr. HOBSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I rise human rights records of foreign nations when to join my colleagues in paying tribute to today to pay respect and tribute to former assessing potential trade deals. As a result of former Congressman Charles Vanik, a long- Rep. Charles Vanik of Ohio, who died Jackson-Vanik, the Soviet Union was com- time representative of northeast Ohio and a Wednesday August 31 at his home in Jupiter, pelled to allow more than 2 million people of strong human rights advocate. Florida at age 94. faith to escape the religious persecution they While I did not serve with Congressman Looking back at the career and mission of Vanik in Congress, his work to improve the faced under this cruel regime. The Amend- Representative Vanik, it is an utterly refreshing quality of life for others is well-known. ment made Charles Vanik a target of scorn example of a legislator who didn’t let politics Throughout his 26-year career in Congress, from the Soviet-controlled media—something get in the way of his goals and vision for his he worked tirelessly on behalf of his constitu- he wore as a badge of honor. constituents and people all over the world. ents and on the issues that he cared about, Throughout his career, Congressman Vanik Many of my colleagues have already men- including: Social Security, Medicare, the envi- well served the people of his district and tioned the historic Jackson-Vanik amendment ronment and trade. fought for freedom around the world. I offer his to the Trade Reform Act of 1974. This critical As many of my colleagues have mentioned, family and loved ones my condolences at their human rights legislation was the mark on the Congressman Vanik is most widely known for loss. map for Charles Vanik with regards to those

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