◥ sized that such inhibition of dopamine neurons RESEARCH ARTICLE would reduce BOLD activity in downstream re- gions, although it is unknown whether tonic dopamine levels would be sufficient to allow NEURAL CIRCUITS detection of a downward modulation in BOLD. Furthermore, the expected direction of the BOLD response is a matter of debate, given the func- Prefrontal cortical regulation of tional heterogeneity of dopamine receptors. Finally, we assessed the influence of mPFC excitability over this subcortical dopaminergic brainwide circuit dynamics and reward signaling. Altered excitability in the mPFC has been correlated with anhedonic behaviors reward-related behavior in human patients and mice (23), and there is a growing body of literature characterizing altered Emily A. Ferenczi,1,2* Kelly A. Zalocusky,1,2* Conor Liston,3* Logan Grosenick,1,2 resting-state BOLD correlations in patients with Melissa R. Warden,4 Debha Amatya,1 Kiefer Katovich,5 Hershel Mehta,5 psychiatric disease (24). Nevertheless, it is still Brian Patenaude,6 Charu Ramakrishnan,1 Paul Kalanithi,7 Amit Etkin,6 unclear whether and to what extent local changes Brian Knutson,5 Gary H. Glover,8 Karl Deisseroth1,4,9† in activity might propagate to distant brain regions to modulate reward-related Motivation for reward drives adaptive behaviors, whereas impairment of reward perception and signals. To address these questions, we used the experience (anhedonia) can contribute to psychiatric diseases, including depression and stabilized step-function opsin (SSFO), a double- 128 128 156 schizophrenia.We sought to test the hypothesis that the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) controls mutant excitatory ChR2 (Cys →Ser ,Asp → 156 interactions among specific subcortical regions that govern hedonic responses. By using Ala ) engineered to have slow off-kinetics (rate optogenetic functional magnetic resonance imaging to locally manipulate but globally visualize of channel closure toff ~30min)(23). Upon acti- neural activity in rats, we found that dopamine neuron stimulation drives striatal activity, vation by blue light, SSFO causes stable sub- whereas locally increased mPFC excitability reduces this striatal response and inhibits the threshold depolarization of cell bodies, sensitizing behavioral drive for dopaminergic stimulation. This chronic mPFC overactivity also stably neurons to synaptic input. The resulting elevated suppresses natural reward-motivated behaviors and induces specific new brainwide excitability of targeted cells (23, 25)outlaststhe functional interactions, which predict the degree of anhedonia in individuals. These findings light pulse, permitting extended-duration shifts describe a mechanism by which mPFC modulates expression of reward-seeking behavior, in neural excitability and moderate asynchronous by regulating the dynamical interactions between specific distant subcortical regions. increases in neural firing. In milliseconds, SSFO can also be switched off by a pulse of yellow light; this feature is essential for repetitive stimulation he drive to pursue and consume rewards associated with normalization of this localized in fMRI experiments. Additionally, the transient is highly conserved across species (1). Sub- hyperactivity, alongside patient reports of renewed and minimal light requirements of SSFO decrease cortical neuromodulatory systems, includ- interest in rewarding aspects of life (11, 17, 18). By the potential for tissue heating (which could cause T ing midbrain dopaminergic projections, play combining optogenetics with functional mag- an artifact in fMRI BOLD studies) (26). To direct- a central role in predicting and signaling the netic resonance imaging (fMRI), we sought to ly test the hypothesis that mPFC modulates do- availability of rewards (2–5). Anhedonia repre- test the hypothesis that the mPFC exerts causal paminergic reward signaling in the striatum, we sents a core symptom of depression but also top-down control over the interaction of specific devised dual-stimulation experiments, combin- characterizes other neuropsychiatric disorders, in- subcortical regions governing dopamine-driven ing mPFC SSFO stimulation with dopaminergic cluding schizophrenia, suggesting the possibility reward behavior, with important implications midbrain stimulation by using the spectrally of shared neural substrates (6). Although the un- for anhedonia. shifted excitatory tool C1V1TT [a red-shifted hybrid derlying cause of anhedonia remains unknown, Although human fMRI experiments have re- (23, 27) between Chlamydomonas and Volvox anumberofhypothesesexist, including cortical- solved activity patterns in distinct subregions channelrhodopsins], permitting the assessment ly driven dysregulation of subcortical circuits of the brain that respond to reward anticipation of interaction between two distinct cell populations. (7–10). Imaging studies have detected elevated and experience (19, 20), the causal relationships metabolic activity in the mPFC of human patients betweenneuronalactivityinreward-relatedcir- Results suffering from depression (11); this type of brain cuits and brainwide blood oxygen level–dependent Awake ofMRI activity is correlated with anhedonic symptoms (BOLD) patterns have yet to be established. In Because reward anticipation and experience involve (12–16). In particular, the subgenual cingulate optogenetic fMRI (ofMRI), light-responsive regu- varying states of arousal, and because anesthesia of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is lators of transmembrane ion conductance (21) dampens BOLD activity, assessment of the neural a therapeutic target for deep brain stimulation are introduced into target cell populations and activity of awake and alert animals was critical for in refractory depression, and treatment has been controlled by focal pulses of light to assess the the collection of behaviorally relevant brainwide causal impact of the targeted circuit elements on signals (28). We therefore established protocols for 1Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, local and global fMRI responses. We developed ofMRI in the awake rat, with careful animal 2 CA 94305, USA. Neurosciences Program, Stanford and extended this technique to scanning of awake habituation and monitoring, permitting the University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 3Brain Mind Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY 10065, rats and included a number of optogenetic tools imaging of brain networks uncontaminated by USA. 4Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell specifically suited to our experimental questions. anesthesia or excessive subject movement. Ani- University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 5Department of We began by mapping the brainwide BOLD mals were habituated in a mock MRI environ- Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. response to optogenetic stimulation of dopamine ment before scanning (Fig. 1A), and respiratory 6Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 7Department of neurons in transgenic tyrosine hydroxylase driver rate and head motion were monitored during Neurosurgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. (TH-Cre) rats, using an excitatory channelrhodopsin scanning (Fig. 1, B to D). Compared with anes- 8Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, (ChR2 His134→Arg134, hereafter referred to as thetized protocols, our protocol enhanced the 9 94305, USA. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford ChR2). Next, we tested effects of a similarly tar- detection of evoked changes in BOLD activity University, Stanford, CA, 94305, USA. Natromonas *These authors contributed equally to this work. geted inhibitory opsin, the enhanced (fig. S1 and table S1). In addition to scanning †Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] halorhodopsin (eNpHR3.0) (22). We hypothe- fluorophore-only (virus-injected, fiber-implanted,


Fig. 1. Optogenetic functional MRI (ofMRI) in awake rats. (A)MRIsimula- an unhabituated (top) and a habituated (bottom) subject.The unhabituated scan tion environment for rodent habituation to the scanning procedure. (B)Exam- was aborted early. (E) Visual stimulation during fMRI. A sagittal view of the brain ple of respiratory rate monitoring [bpm, breaths per minute; n =1rat;eight indicates the location of MRI images from anterior (image 15) to posterior (image sequential scans, four anesthetized (1 to 2% isoflurane) and four awake (0% 1). The schematic illustrates event-related stimulation design. (F) Z-score map of isoflurane)]. (C) Effect of habituation on head motion during scanning, as a func- BOLD activity in visual brain regions in response to visual stimulation in control tion of anesthesia depth (n = 2 rats). Head motion score is the root mean square subjects (n = 5 rats, 20 runs). For this figure and all subsequent statistical maps, of head translation in three dimensions over the course of a scan. (D)Example maps were thresholded at P <0.05(corrected)[K > 5 functional voxels (80 head motion plots (head translation in three dimensions, calculated as shifts in transformed voxels), uncorrected P < 0.01]. Gradations in color (e.g., red-orange- the center of mass of all voxels in the image over the course of a single scan) for yellow) indicate incremental P-value thresholds of one order of magnitude. no opsin) negative-control subjects [yellow fluo- increase striatal BOLD activity by driving synap- We chose a 2-s burst duration because initial rescent protein (YFP) controls], we incorporated tic input to the region (31), and the response in dose-response experiments indicated that this a nonoptogenetic visual stimulus as a positive ventral striatum would be closely correlated with duration was more effective at driving reward- control into our standard fMRI stimulation pro- reward-seeking behavior. seeking behavior (fig. S2A) and reliable striatal tocol, in which moderate green light (bursts of We expressed ChR2 fused with YFP in mid- BOLD activity (fig. S2, B and C) compared with 13 s, 10 Hz, 20-ms pulse width, ~0.5 mW) was brain dopamine neurons by unilaterally inject- shorter burst durations and was also within a flashed in front of the eye in a pseudorandomly ing a Cre-dependent construct into the right previously validated physiological burst-duration ordered event-related sequence (Fig. 1E). This midbrain of tyrosine-hydroxylase TH-Cre trans- range for ventral tegmental area (VTA) neurons stimulus evoked predictable and consistent BOLD genic Long-Evans rats (30) (Fig. 2A). Specific (32). Unilateral ChR2 stimulation of the midbrain activity in subcortical visual regions (superior expression was confirmed by colocalization of evoked robust, largely ipsilateral increases in colliculus, lateral geniculate nucleus) (Fig. 1F). YFP with anti-TH staining in confocal images BOLD activity in the dorsal and ventral striatum (Fig. 2A). We performed optogenetic stimulation (Fig. 2G), as well as increases in other brain Brainwide mapping of a dopamine of midbrain dopaminergic neurons in a 7-T small- regions, including the retrosplenial cortex and – neuron driven rewarded state animal scanner. Blue light pulses were delivered thalamus (Fig. 2C). These widespread changes in We next investigated how activity in midbrain to the midbrain of awake, habituated rats [we BOLD activity were not observed in fluorophore- dopamine neurons affects BOLD activity pat- used a physiologically relevant in magnitude, only (no opsin) YFP-control subjects (Fig. 2, D terns in dopamine terminal regions (20). Be- event-related stimulation design (phasic 2-s bursts and H), despite robust activity increases during cause optogenetic control of dopamine neurons of 20-Hz blue light pulses, 10-ms pulse width, visual stimulation (Fig. 2, E and F), and the dif- has been shown to drive reward-seeking behav- minimum of 11-s recovery time after each stim- ference in optogenetic response was significant ior in rodents (29, 30), we predicted that phasic ulation burst) interleaved with the nonoptoge- between the ChR2 and YFP-control groups (fig. activation of midbrain dopamine neurons would netic visual stimulus described above (Fig. 2B)]. S3, A and B, and table S2).


Fig. 2. Influence of midbrain optogenetic dopamine stimulation on brain- locked BOLD activity time courses in the ventral and dorsal striatum for ChR2- wide BOLD activity and behavior. (A) Schematic of Cre-dependent ChR2 expressing subjects (n =8rats,34runs)and(H) YFP-control subjects (n =4rats, construct and sagittal view of injection site in the midbrain. Confocal images 16 runs). Mean and SEM (n = number of runs) are shown.Timing of light delivery is demonstrate ChR2 expression in dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain. indicated by the blue lines above the plots. Regions of interest (ROIs) used for Green, ChR2-YFP; red, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH); blue, 4′,6-diamidino-2- time-course extraction are indicated by green dots on atlas images above phenylindole (DAPI). (B) Schematic of event-related design for midbrain plots. (I) Active and inactive lever presses as a function of training day for ChR2 stimulation and visual stimulation. (C) Z-score map of BOLD activity in ChR2-expressing (n = 8) and YFP-control (n =4)rats.(J) Active-to-inactive response to ChR2 stimulation of midbrain dopamine neurons (n =8rats,34 lever press ratio on the final day of training for ChR2 and YFP rats (two-tailed runs). (D) Z-score map for YFP-control subjects in response to blue light stim- Mann-Whitney U test: sum of ranks = 68, 11; U =1;**P = 0.0081). (K)Relationship ulationinthemidbrain(n = 4 rats, 21 runs). (E) Z-score maps for ChR2- between BOLD activity contrast in the ventral striatum and active-to-inactive lever expressing subjects (n = 8 rats, 34 runs) and (F) YFP-control subjects (n =4 press ratio for ChR2-expressing subjects (n =8rats,Spearmanr =0.78,P = rats, 21 runs) in response to visual stimulation. (G) Average ChR2 stimulation– 0.028) and YFP-expressing subjects (n =4rats).


Visualization of the dynamic influence of paminergic antagonists (Fig. 3, B and D to F) striatum in response to the eNpHR3.0 manip- optogenetic dopamine stimulation on downstream significantly reduced these responses. Increases ulation (fig. S7, D and E), and this result was BOLD activity through stimulation-locked aver- in BOLD activity returned during the washout more pronounced for 10-s inhibition than for aged time courses suggested that striatal BOLD phase (Fig. 3, C to E; fig. S5; and tables S3 and 2-s inhibition (fig. S7, G and H, and fig. S2B). activity exhibited a double-peaked profile, par- S4). The ability of the visual stimulus to increase Thus, this finding confirms that neural silencing ticularly in the dorsal striatum (Fig. 2G and fig. BOLD activity in visual processing circuits re- can reduce BOLD activity in a dose-dependent S3C). The early response, which peaked 2 to 3 s mained strong. In fact, it was stronger during D1 manner (fig. S2, B and C) but in a slightly dif- after the onset of stimulation, with a fast decline, and D2 receptor antagonist administration than ferent spatial pattern from that elicited by phasic was tightly correlated in magnitude with a sec- at baseline and washout, eliminating the possi- activation. ond later response (fig. S3D). We suspected that bility that dopamine antagonism abolished all this prompt response resulted directly from vas- BOLD activity throughout the brain (Fig. 3, A to Elevated excitability of the cular inflow to activated regions (providing new, E) and supporting previous research suggesting mPFC suppresses natural unsaturated spins to blood vessel–containing re- that tonic dopamine may play a role in modulat- reward-related behavior gions, enhancing signal independently of blood ing visual processing (36–38). Having characterized brainwide BOLD activity oxygenation level), which we were able to detect These findings were confirmed by a model- patterns corresponding to a dopamine neuron– because of our fast sampling rate [repetition free support vector machine classification anal- driven rewarded state, we next sought to in- time (TR) = 0.5 s] (33). There was no response ysis with recursive feature elimination (SVM-RFE) vestigate how these signals might be modulated to optogenetic stimulation in fluorophore-only (39) (fig. S6). At baseline, SVM-RFE classified by top-down cortical glutamatergic input, which YFP-control subjects (Fig. 2H). midbrain stimulation versus no stimulation with has been implicated in physiological reward- Operant chamber behavioral testing confirmed 82 to 84% accuracy, but accuracy level fell to 63 seeking behaviors (42) and pathological anhe- the rewarding nature of optogenetic stimula- to 66% for scans acquired after administration of donic states (23). Neuroimaging studies indicate tion of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. ChR2- D1 and D2 receptor antagonists and to chance that elevated metabolic activity in the ventro- expressing but not YFP-control rats reliably classification rates (~50 to 55%) for YFP-control medial prefrontal cortex is associated with anhe- chose to press a lever to deliver blue light stim- subjects (fig. S6A). SVM-RFE classified visual donic symptoms in depression (11–16), and ulation to the midbrain (active lever), as opposed stimulation versus no stimulation with 72 to normalization of prefrontal hyperactivity is as- to a lever that delivered no light (inactive lever) 80% accuracy at baseline and for YFP controls, sociated with renewed interest in rewarding (Fig. 2, I and J). We noted a significant corre- and the accuracy level increased to 85 to 86% activities (11, 17, 18). We therefore chose an lation between an individual rat’s preference for scans acquired after D1 and D2 receptor optogenetic stimulation method (SSFO) that would for the active lever over the inactive lever in the antagonist administration (fig. S6B). When fea- not drive synchronous elevation in cortical firing operant chamber and the change in BOLD activ- tures from these optimal classifiers were back- but would instead produce an asynchronous en- ity in the rat’s ventral striatum during ChR2 projected onto brain volumes over time, the hancement of excitability (23)tomostaccurately stimulation in the scanner (Fig. 2K). A similar features were located in the striatum for opto- re-create the proposed human pathophysiology. relation was observed in the dorsal striatum genetic midbrain stimulation and in the visual We hypothesized that although this manipulation (fig. S3, E and F). Significant correlations were midbrain and thalamus for visual stimulation, may favor local BOLD activity within the mPFC, not observed for the total number of lever pres- confirming the magnitude and spatial localiza- the wide-reaching projections of the mPFC would ses, suggesting that the BOLD activity change tion of the BOLD activity and its responsive- exert a subtler, more modulatory effect through was associated with lever selection preference ness to modulation by pharmacological agents changes in coordination of activity between brain rather than overall motor activity (fig. S3, G during two different types of stimulation. regions (43) rather than through directly evoking and H). Striatal BOLD activity was also influ- downstream BOLD activity. Because the cortex enced by the medial-lateral position of the op- Optogenetic inhibition of dopamine is thought to sculpt subcortical activity through feed- tical fiber within the VTA (fig. S4), with more neurons decreases BOLD activity in forward inhibition via fast-spiking interneurons lateral positioning associated with stronger divergent brain regions (44), we suspected that elevated cortical excitabil- BOLD responses in both the dorsal and ventral We wondered whether the silencing of dopa- ity might suppress the response of the striatum to striatum. mine neurons would also influence BOLD activ- dopaminergic signals from the midbrain. ity. We predicted that because dopamine neurons Using the Ca2+/calmodulin kinase IIa (CaMKIIa) – Dopamine neuron driven BOLD exhibit tonic activity (40), which can be de- promoter, we expressed an optogenetic neural activity patterns require dopamine pressed by reward omission (41), optogenetic in- sensitizer (SSFO) to specifically drive asynchronous receptor activation hibitionmightdecreaseBOLDactivityinbrain neural excitability, targeting predominantly ex- To better understand the mechanisms under- regions that are responsive to this tonic input. citatory glutamatergic pyramidal neurons in the lying BOLD activity patterns driven by activity in We expressed the yellow light–activated halo- mPFC of wild-type Sprague-Dawley rats (45, 46) dopamine neurons, we next tested whether these rhodopsin eNpHR3.0 (22) via a Cre-dependent (Fig. 4A). We used in vivo optrode recordings of BOLD patterns required dopamine receptor acti- construct in the midbrain of TH-Cre transgenic multiunit activity to confirm the ability of SSFO vation. In four rats, we performed a series of rats and histologically confirmed colocalization to increase the excitability of mPFC in response longitudinal pharmacological experiments con- of TH and eNpHR3.0 expression (fig. S7A). A to blue light, as well as the reversibility of this sisting of a baseline scan (no pharmacological real-time place preference test revealed that the effect with yellow light (Fig. 4B). We also en- agents), followed ~24 hours later by a scan in majority of rats spent significantly less time in sured that this excitability increase was asynchro- which a cocktail of dopamine D1 receptor and D2 the chamber in which they received inhibition of nous across neurons as expected, using in vivo receptor antagonists was administered intraperi- midbrain dopamine neurons (fig. S7B), but mid- multielectrode-array single-unit recordings in toneally immediately before acquisition of func- brain inhibition had little influence on loco- awake rats (fig. S8, A to E). tional images, followed by a washout scan (with motor behavior (fig. S7B). In the MRI scanner, We next performed SSFO optogenetic stimu- intraperitoneal injection of saline/dimethyl sulf- yellow light pulses (590 nm) were delivered to lation experiments in awake rats during fMRI oxide vehicle control) performed 24 to 48 hours the midbrain with the same event-related design scanning. Rats received stimulation of the mPFC after drug administration to allow sufficient time previously used for stimulation, with either 2- or in an event-related design, using a 2-s continu- for drug elimination (34, 35)(Fig.3,AtoC).We 10-s continuous light pulses (rather than 20-Hz ousbluelightpulsetoactivateSSFO(orsham- observed robust increases in striatal BOLD activ- pulses), in parallel with visual stimulation as activate a YFP control) for a total of 10 s. This was ityinresponsetodopamineneuronstimulation before (fig. S7, C and F). We observed decreased followed by deactivation with a 3-s yellow light at baseline (Fig. 3A). Administration of the do- BOLD activity in the hypothalamus and dorsal pulse (Fig. 4C), again interleaved with visual


Fig. 3. Sensitivity of brainwide ofMRI BOLD patterns to dopamine recep- (D) Statistical comparison between drug-versus-baseline and drug-versus- tor pharmacological inhibition. (A to C) Sequential pharmacological exper- washout conditions for ChR2 and visual stimulation. (E) Total number of iments in ChR2-expressing TH-cre rats undergoing ChR2 stimulation of midbrain activated voxels in response to ChR2 and visual stimulation under each dopamine neurons (top) and visual stimulation (bottom). (A) Baseline scan pharmacological condition. B, baseline; D, drug; W, washout. (F) Average (no drugs or vehicle administered, n = 4 rats, 16 runs). (B) Drug scan: sys- stimulation-locked BOLD activity time courses in the ventral and dorsal temic (intraperitoneal) administration of D1 (SCH23390, 0.6 mg/kg) and D2 striatum in response to ChR2 stimulation of midbrain dopamine neurons at (raclopride, 0.3 mg/kg) dopamine receptor antagonists immediately before baseline (n = 4 rats, 16 runs) in the presence of systemic D1 and D2 receptor acquisition of functional scans (n = 4 rats, 22 runs). (C) Vehicle control antagonists (n = 4 rats, 22 runs). Mean and SEM (n = number of runs) are washout scan: 48 to 24 hours after drug administration (n = 4 rats, 18 runs). shown. stimulation bursts (13 s of 10-Hz green light excitability would reduce the expression of duction in social interaction after 3 days of flashes), to serve as a natural sensory positive reward-seeking behavior (15, 16). We employed light stimulation, whereas YFP-control rats showed control (Fig. 4F). During SSFO stimulation, we two well-established appetitive assays: the sucrose a similar level of interaction across all three tests observed increased BOLD activity at the optical preference test (32, 48–50) and the social interac- (Fig.4M).Atthestartofthetest,SSFO-expressing fiber site [with only limited extension to known tion test (51). We used a chronic (12-day) sucrose rats still recognized and explored the juvenile rat nearby projection regions (47), consistent with preference test (Fig. 4I) in which rats’ preference to an extent comparable to their YFP-expressing the desired subtle and focal nature of the SSFO- for a 1% sucrose solution relative to plain water counterparts, but with chronic light stimulation, mediated optogenetic manipulation] in SSFO- was measured daily. SSFO-expressing rats showed this engagement diminished more rapidly in SSFO- expressing subjects (Fig. 4D) but not in YFP a mild but consistent and reversible reduction in expressing rats compared with YFP-expressing controls (Fig. 4E), with a significant difference sucrosepreferenceonlyduringdayswhenlight- rats (Fig. 4P). We did not observe any light- in optogenetic mPFC activation between the two stimulation was delivered. In contrast, YFP-control mediated effects on novel object exploration, groups (fig. S9A and table S5) despite a similar rats maintained a preference for sucrose (~90%) as rats in both groups exhibited initial interest response to visual stimulation (Fig. 4, G and H, over the entire testing period (Fig. 4J). Plain water in the novel object, which then abated (Fig. 4N and fig. S9B). consumption was largely unchanged (Fig. 4K). and fig. S10B). We also did not observe any On the basis of human neuroimaging stud- In the social interaction test (Fig. 4L), SSFO- differences in locomotor behavior, consistent ies, we predicted that this modulation of mPFC expressing rats demonstrated a reversible re- with previous studies of mice (Fig. 4O) (23).


Fig. 4. Prefrontal cortical excitability modulation of multiple natural **P = 0.0051, two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)], with reward-related behaviors. (A) Schematic of the optogenetic construct significant differences between SSFO and YFP-control groups on days 3, 4, and CKIIa-SSFO-eYFP.Confocal image of SSFO-YFP expression in the mPFC. WPRE, 6 of light stimulation (P <0.05,Sidak’s multiple comparisons test). (K) Plain woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscriptional regulatory element. (B)Example water consumption across test days for SSFO-expressing subjects (blue, n =8 of multiunit in vivo anesthetized optrode recording of SSFO stimulation in the rats) and YFP-controls (black, n = 10 rats). Mean and SEM are shown.We found mPFC, terminated by yellow light. (C) Event-related SSFO stimulation of the no significant difference between SSFO-expressing and YFP-control groups mPFC during fMRI scanning (optical fiber positioned in mPFC image 12). (D)Brain- after multiple comparison testing. (L) Social interaction test paradigm. (M to wide Z-score map of BOLD activity in response to SSFO stimulation of the mPFC in O) Total duration of social interaction, novel object interaction, and mean SSFO-expressing subjects (n =6rats,17runs)and(E) YFP-control subjects (n = velocity are compared across the three test days (n =6ratsforSSFOsocial 5rats,20runs).(F) Event-related visual stimulation. (G) Z-score map in behavior, n = 5 for novel object and velocity, and n = 6 for YFP). We found a response to visual stimulation in SSFO-expressing subjects (n =6rats,17runs) significant main effect of light (F2,20 =5.470,*P = 0.0127, two-way repeated and (H)YFP-controlsubjects(n = 5 rats, 20 runs). (I) Sucrose preference testing measures ANOVA), with a significant difference between SSFO and YFP- paradigm. (J) Sucrose preference across test days for SSFO-expressing subjects control groups only on the light-stimulation day (P <0.05,Sidak’s multiple (blue, n = 8 rats) and YFP controls (black, n = 10 rats). Mean and SEM are shown. comparisons test). (P) Social investigation (in 5-s bins) over the course of the

We found a significant interaction between group and test day [F11,176 = 2.555, interaction period. Shaded regions indicate the mean across all rats. aac9698-6 1JANUARY2016• VOL 351 ISSUE 6268 SCIENCE RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE

Fig. 5. Cortical suppression of striatal BOLD and behavioral response to comparison of mPFC-activated versus nonactivated condition for midbrain dopa- midbrain dopaminergic stimulation. (A) Schematic illustrating the design minergic stimulation and visual stimulation. (G)Real-timeplacepreferencetest of the dual-stimulation experiment.The sagittal T2 anatomy scan (two adjacent for C1V1TT stimulation alone and in combination with mPFC activation with SSFO. sections shown) demonstrates the angled orientation of the two fibers. (B)Brain- The percentage of time spent on the C1V1TT stimulation side was assessed wide Z-score map of BOLD activity in response to C1V1TT stimulationinmidbrain for all three bursts. (H) One-way repeated measures ANOVA shows a sig- dopaminergic neurons and (C) visual stimulation alone (n = 6 rats, 32 runs). nificant effect of mPFC activation (**P =0.0047,F = 8.652, number of groups =

(D) Z-scoremapinresponsetoC1V1TTstimulation and (E) visual stimulation in 3, number of rats = 7), with a significant difference from baseline and washout combination with SSFO activation in the mPFC (n =6rats,32runs).(F) Statistical conditions after Newman-Keuls multiple comparison testing.


Fig. 6. Evoked changes in brainwide interregional relationships and key is provided in fig. S12. Selected brain regions have been highlighted. (E) joint statistics after focal optogenetic modulation of mPFC excitability. Seed-based correlation analysis (for mPFC seed). (F) Z-score map for changes (A) Brainwide graphical analysis was performed on resting-state fMRI scans in correlated BOLD activity with mPFC after SSFO activation for SSFO- for SSFO-expressing and YFP-control subjects to assess changes in BOLD expressing subjects (n = 4 rats, 14 runs) and (G)YFP-controlsubjects(n =4 activity partial correlations between mPFC-activated versus nonactivated rats, 15 runs). (H) Example BOLD activity time series in two ROIs: mPFC (black scans. (B) Change in edge degree distribution across SSFO (n =4rats,14 or blue) and ventral striatum (red) during opsin-off (Pearson R2 =0.001,P = runs) and YFP subjects (n = 4 rats, 15 runs) in response to mPFC activation 0.06) and opsin-on (Pearson R2 =0.65,P < 0.0001) conditions. (I to K) by light (Kolmogov-Smirnov test for difference in distributions between SSFO Relationship between sucrose preference and mPFC-activated BOLD correla- and YFP groups: D =0.3394,****P < 0.0001). (C) Pairwise correlation and tions between the mPFC and three brain regions for SSFO-expressing (blue, sparse partial correlation matrices for 109 brain regions for an example n = 4 rats) and YFP-control subjects (black, n = 4 rats). (I) Ventral striatum SSFO-expressing subject and (D) a YFP-control subject under nonactivated (Pearson R2 =0.56,P =0.032,n = 8 pairs). (J) Orbital cortex (Pearson R2 = and mPFC-activated conditions. Each matrix represents the data from a 0.79, P =0.0031,n = 8 pairs). (K) Dorsal striatum (Pearson R2 =0.001,P = single scan. Brain regions (individual ROIs) are labeled by number; the index 0.95, n =8pairs).


Elevated mPFC excitability suppresses whichratswereeitherscannedwithnooptoge- activation, in subjects that had participated in striatal responses to dopamine netic stimulation at all (nonactivated) or scanned behavioral testing as well as fMRI scanning. The We next sought to determine whether this al- in the mPFC-activated state, in which a 5-s blue strength of BOLD activity correlation between the tered behavior might be associated with dis- light pulse was delivered to activate SSFO before mPFC and ventral striatum and orbital cortex during rupted recruitment of the striatal response to initiation of a 5-min scan. After completion of SSFO stimulation predicted the degree of anhedonic activation of midbrain dopamine neurons. We the activated scan, a 10-s yellow light pulse was behavior. This was not true of the dorsal striatum, performed a dual–optogenetic stimulation exper- delivered to deactivate SSFO (Fig. 6A). No visual implying that circuit-specific changes in functional iment in which we expressed a red-shifted chan- stimulation was delivered during these exper- connections can predict behavioral phenotype (Fig. nelrhodopsin variant (C1V1TT) via a Cre-dependent iments, and nonactivated and activated scans 6,ItoK).Moreover,incontrasttotheselong-range construct within the midbrain dopamine neu- were interleaved over the course of the scan- interactions between brain regions, local evoked rons of TH-Cre transgenic rats, as well as the blue ning sessions. increases in BOLD activity in the mPFC alone were light–activated SSFO in the mPFC under the Increased excitability of mPFC CaMKIIa- not sufficient to account for the emergence of CaMKIIa promoter in the same rats (Fig. 5A). expressing neurons in awake rats modulated the anhedonic behavioral phenotype (fig. S10A), In the MRI scanner, we used an event-related spontaneous BOLD activity fluctuations and demonstrating the importance of this brainwide design (560 nm, 2 s of 20-Hz light pulses, 10-ms resting-state relationships among a number of analysis. pulse width) to stimulate C1V1TT, with visual distinct cortical and subcortical brain regions. To explore SSFO-mediated changes in neural stimulation in parallel as described above. In To explore these brainwide changes in an un- signalsonafinertimescale,weuseddual-sitein interleaved, matched scans, we superimposed biased manner, we segmented the brain into 109 vivo electrophysiological recordings in the mPFC mPFC activation with SSFO, using a 5-s pulse anatomical regions defined a priori (fig. S11A), and the striatum, simultaneously recording local of blue light (470 nm) to the mPFC before the extracted the time course of spontaneous acti- field potentials (LFPs) at each site before and after start of the scan and a 10-s pulse of yellow light vity during each scan for each brain region, and shifts in mPFC excitability (fig. S13). Coherence (590 nm) to inactivate SSFO at the end of the estimated sparse partial correlations with graph- in the LFP (in particular, the gamma frequency scan. Although visual responses were similar ical lasso (52, 53) to identify brain regions (or band, >30 Hz) has been suggested to play a role between the two types of scans (Fig. 5, C, E, nodes) with significant changes in connection in mediating functional connectivity across an- and F), we observed significant suppression of strength (edge degree) after mPFC activation atomically distributed brain regions (56–59). Be- the evoked striatal BOLD response to C1V1TT- (Fig.6,BtoD,andfig.S11,BtoF).InSSFO- cause we have found that elevation in mPFC mediated dopaminergic stimulation when the expressing subjects, we found a greater change in activity causes increased high-frequency gamma mPFC was activated, compared with when the the number of significant partial correlations power in the mPFC (23)andincreasedcorrelated mPFC was not activated (Fig. 5, B, D, and F; (hereafter referred to as “connection changes”) activity between the mPFC and the striatum on and table S6). between activated versus nonactivated scans, longer time scales (Fig. 6), we hypothesized that We performed a real-time place preference compared with the YFP-control group (Fig. 6B increased coherence in the gamma frequency test in which rats were free to explore two cham- and figs. S11, C to F, and S12). Many regions— range between the mPFC and the striatum might bers for a total of 30 min, during which time such as the mPFC with the orbital cortex and appear after focal elevations in mPFC excitabil- C1V1TT stimulation of dopaminergic cells was ventral striatum (Fig. 6C) and the cingulate ity. Multielectrode arrays were implanted into continually paired with one chamber. The test cortex with the dorsal striatum—became more the mPFC (in addition to an optical fiber) and began with a 10-min period in which SSFO was strongly interconnected after mPFC SSFO acti- the striatum (fig. S13A). We recorded the LFP in not active, then followed by 10 min of super- vation. The lateral orbital cortex, although not these two regions at baseline (before light deliv- imposed mPFC activation by SSFO (single 5-s a direct target of the optogenetic excitability ery) and after a 2-s pulse of blue light (fig. S13B). pulse of blue light in mPFC at the start, 10-s change, exhibited the greatest number of con- After SSFO activation, we observed a reduction pulse of yellow light at the end), and finally fol- nection changes, linking with other areas of inLFPpowerintheslowgammafrequencyrange lowed by a final 10 min with SSFO inactive again the frontal cortex, as well as subcortical regions (30 to 40 Hz), with a relative preservation (in the (Fig. 5G). At baseline, rats tended to preferen- such as the ventral striatum, claustrum, and mPFC) or increase (in the striatum) in the fast tially seek out the chamber in which they re- septum. Relatively fewer regions became more gamma range (70 to 80 Hz) range (fig. S13, C and ceived midbrain dopamine neuron stimulation, isolated; these included the auditory and retro- D). Across all subjects, this resulted in a signifi- but in the presence of superimposed mPFC ac- splenial cortices, regions that have been clinically cant increase in the ratio of fast to slow gamma tivation by SSFO, no such preference was exhib- implicated in both depression and schizophrenia power in the striatum (fig. S13E), as well as an ited. Once SSFO was switched off, the sensitivity (54, 55). Far fewer changes were detected in YFP increase in LFP coherence between the mPFC to midbrain dopamine neuron stimulation re- controls, and these predominantly included lost and the striatum across the gamma (and even turned, as indicated by increased time spent in connections, which could partially reflect alter- high beta) range of frequencies (fig. S13, F and the C1V1TT stimulation chamber (Fig. 5H). ations in spontaneous BOLD activity due to local G). Single-unit recordings of neural spiking in metabolic or temperature changes (26)orsimply the striatum simultaneous with SSFO activa- Elevated mPFC excitability triggers temporal drift (figs. S11B and S12). tion in the mPFC demonstrated that striatal spatiotemporally correlated BOLD We next turned to a traditional seed-based units showed a mixed pattern of spiking ac- activity among distant brain regions analysis (Fig. 6E). Using the time course of spon- tivity in the 500-ms period after a pulse of blue and predicts anhedonic behavior taneous BOLD activity from a seed at the tip of light, with 44% of units exhibiting an increase Altered resting-state correlations between the the optical fiber in mPFC, we confirmed that a in spiking and 42% showing a decrease, com- prefrontal cortex and a network of brain regions number of brain regions—including the orbital pared with spiking activity during the 500-ms have been observed in neuroimaging studies of cortex, the dorsal and ventral striatum, and the period preceding the light pulse (fig. S8, F to I). patients with depression (43), schizophrenia, and septum—showed significantly increased corre- LFP synchrony between brain regions thus rep- other psychiatric conditions (24)forwhichanhe- lation with fiber site activity after mPFC acti- resents a complex phenomenon involving both donia is a prominent symptom. However, causal vation with SSFO (Fig. 6, F and H). No significant excitatory and inhibitory interactions at the circuit mechanisms by which these relationships changes were observed for YFP-control subjects single-cell level (60). could be altered remain unknown. We hypothesized (Fig. 6G), and the between-group difference (SSFO that stably increasing mPFC excitability would versusYFP)incorrelatedactivitywassignificant Discussion causally modulate resting-state spatiotemporal (fig. S9C and table S7). We considered whether We have combined focal, cell-type–specific chronic activity relationships between distant brain struc- such resting-state BOLD activity correlations could and acute optogenetic manipulations togeth- tures. We performed resting-state fMRI scans in predict the behavioral changes elicited by mPFC er with fMRI, behavioral testing, and in vivo

SCIENCE 1JANUARY2016• VOL 351 ISSUE 6268 aac9698-9 RESEARCH | RESEARCH ARTICLE electrophysiological recordings to probe inter- could increase BOLD activity in terminal projection ilarly pointed to altered patterns of neural activ- actions between cortical and subcortical brain regions, such an association cannot be assumed, ity associated with anhedonia (16, 75, 76). These regions causally involved in reward-related behav- because activation of postsynaptic dopamine recep- studies led us to hypothesize that dysregulation ior. The major advances of this study are threefold. tors has diverse modulatory influences through of long-range neuronal interactions triggered First, we demonstrate that stimulation of midbrain intracellular G protein cascades. by elevated mPFC excitability could contribute dopamineneuronsissufficienttoincreaseBOLD Although we found that reward-seeking be- to anhedonia in neuropsychiatric disease (7, 8, 77). activity in the striatum, in a manner correlated havior increased monotonically with stimulation Enhanced mPFC excitability in rats led to spe- with reward-seeking behavior across individual duration (up to and beyond 2 s), and stimulation cific synchronization of physiological signals subjects, addressing a long-standing controversy of dopamine neurons for 2 s (at 20 Hz, 10-ms (both BOLD and LFP) between the mPFC and over the potential source of reward-related striatal pulsewidth)wasmoreeffectivethanshorter connected subcortical regions, and the degree BOLD activity in human fMRI studies. Second, burst durations for eliciting striatal BOLD, in of synchrony between specific brain regions elevated excitability of the mPFC was found to future work it will be interesting to compare (mPFC, orbital cortex, ventral striatum) corre- reduce both striatal BOLD responses to the sti- further burst and tonic stimulation frequencies lated with the expression of anhedonic behavior mulation of dopamine neurons and the behavioral in different experimental contexts, which may in individual animals. Modulating the excitabil- drive to seek stimulation of dopamine neurons. drive different physiological states and BOLD re- ity of specific cell populations is thus sufficient to Thus, the mPFC exerts top-down control over sponses with important consequences for behav- drive changes in BOLD activity correlations be- the interaction between the dopaminergic mid- ior. Additionally, dopamine receptor blockade tween brain regions, resembling those observed brain and the striatum to modulate the expression increased BOLD activity in response to visual in human psychiatric disorders. The down- of reward-related behavior. Finally, stably elevating stimulation, suggesting that dopamine might stream effect of this phenomenon became most the excitability of mPFC pyramidal neurons was modulate aspects of primary sensory processing; apparent in the context of concurrent dopamin- sufficient to drive changes in corticolimbic BOLD this finding prompts many questions about how ergic stimulation, when mPFC hyperexcitability synchrony, as well as corresponding anhedonic other neuromodulators (such as serotonin, ace- exerted a top-down suppressive effect on reward- behavior, resembling imaging and clinical phe- tylcholine, and noradrenaline) influence BOLD related neural signaling in the striatum and notypes observed in human psychiatric disease. activity in health or disease. Another area for ex- reward-seeking behavior. These findings suggest that, rather than acting in ploration is the role of co-released neurotrans- The clinical background guiding our work was parallel, dopaminergic and top-down cortical pro- mitters. For example, glutamate exhibits stronger increased mPFC excitability and fMRI BOLD jections are instead intersecting at the striatum co-release in the ventral compared with the dor- activity, rather than a specific spiking pattern in and working in concert to regulate reward pro- sal striatum (72). Our pharmacological data show a particular cell type. We chose to use SSFO, cessing, with implications for our understanding of that ventral striatal BOLD was completely sup- which does not act via coordinated activation of the pathogenesis of anhedonia. pressed by dopaminergic antagonists, support- expressing neurons at a firing frequency chosen The striatum receives midbrain dopaminergic ing the hypothesis that this signal results from by the experimenter, but instead elicits an asyn- and cortical glutamatergic inputs (8, 61, 62)and dopamine release. However, analysis of our fiber chronous enhancement in excitability by causing is therefore ideally positioned to both motivate tip placement in the midbrain (located within subthreshold depolarization (23, 25). Crucially, and modulate reward-related behavior (3, 42, 63). the medial-lateral and anterior-posterior spatial this manipulation exerted its downstream effects We first observed that specific optogenetic drive extent of the VTA in all animals) suggests that on functional connectivity rather than on the of midbrain dopaminergic neurons increased lateralratherthanmedialVTAfiberplacement univariate BOLD signal locally or in predicted striatal BOLD activity and that rats with greater most effectively increased BOLD activity in the projection areas. Moreover, this distinct BOLD ventral striatal BOLD activity in the scanner ventral and dorsal striatum (although placement effect was correlated with a decrease rather than worked harder for optogenetic stimulation of did not significantly influence behavioral respond- an increase in hedonic behavior. This approach midbrain dopamine neurons in the operant cham- ing) (fig. S4). This finding is consistent with had the additional practical advantages of per- ber. The observed increases in ventral striatal recent work showing that the medial VTA projects mitting BOLD signal acquisition without contin- BOLD activity could be blunted by administra- most strongly to the medial nucleus accumbens uous light delivery in the scanner (avoiding the tion of dopaminergic antagonists and exhibited a (73), mapping spatially to sites of vesicular glu- potential for tissue heating) and facilitating chron- similar temporal profile to BOLD activity mea- tamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2)–associated glu- ic manipulations of excitability over days in the sured during reward anticipation in humans (64). tamate co-release (72), whereas the lateral VTA appetitive behavioral assays. Optogenetic inhibition, on the other hand, re- projects more broadly to the lateral nucleus ac- Low-frequency electrical stimulation (10 Hz; duced BOLD activity in the dorsal striatum, as cumbens and dorsal striatum (73). Experiments typicalofmPFCneuralactivityduringcognitive well as in other unexpected brain regions, such that establish the role of neurotransmitter co- tasks) can reduce dopamine release in the stri- as the hypothalamus, suggesting that the spatial release in BOLD activity might involve the use atum, whereas high-frequency electrical stimu- influence of changes in tonic dopamine may dif- of conditional VGLUT2 knockout in dopamine lation at 60 to 200 Hz can have the opposite effect fer from that of phasic dopamine. These results neurons. (78). These contrasting observations may relate alone bridge a gap in our current understanding Next, we turned to pathophysiological processes to the finding that high-frequency (and possibly of dopamine signaling. Previously, researchers that may blunt reward-seeking behavior and supraphysiological at ~100 Hz) burst stimulation have used fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to track contribute to the clinical symptom of anhedonia. of the mPFC can exert antidepressant effects in dopamine release in selected projection regions Neuroimaging studies in human patients with mice (48, 79) and humans (11). When mPFC (30, 65, 66) and electrophysiology readouts to depression have identified a region of the mPFC firing rates were mildly and asynchronously ele- investigate the firing of downstream neurons in (subgenual cingulate gyrus) that exhibits ele- vated within a physiological range by SSFO (fig. response to dopamine release (32, 51, 67). Mean- vated activity (11) in correlation with severity of S8B), we observed blunting of the striatal re- while, neuroimaging studies in humans and ani- anhedonic symptoms (15). The subgenual cingu- sponse to dopaminergic input and anhedonic ef- mals have identified mesolimbic BOLD activity late becomes increasingly connected within resting- fects on behavior. The precise circuit mechanisms in response to reward-related cues and outcomes state brain networks in depressed patients, and of the prefrontal influence on these subcortical (68–71). However, no causal link had yet been this network effect is associated with disease re- interactions could occur via feed-forward inhibi- established between defined firing of midbrain fractoriness (43). Treatment of depression with tion in the striatum, the midbrain, or another dopamine neurons and BOLD activity, but making the mixed-effect glutamate receptor antagonist intermediary brain region. Alternatively, mPFC this connection is crucial for interpretation of ketamine may also improve anhedonic symptoms activity could increase tonic dopamine release in BOLD studies in reward-related behavior. Although and increase striatal metabolism (74). Imaging the striatum, producing a ceiling effect on further one might predict that dopamine neuron activation studies in patients with schizophrenia have sim- dopaminergic signaling and potentially thereby


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