DAM BUSTERS: THE RACE TO SMASH member of the Guild of Battlefield Guides, THE , 1943 has recently written a new book detailing the exploits of this squadron in their efforts By James Holland to cripple the German war machine. His book, Busters: The Race to Smash the London, : Dams, 1943 is an outstanding read, which I Bantam Press, 2012 recommend to anyone with an interest in this 437 pages squadron’s exploits. ISBN 978-0-593-06676-8 Interestingly, despite the notoriety of the movie , there have only been two other significant works detailing this operation. Given its 1951 writing and Review by Lieutenant-Colonel Doug the vagaries of Hollywood, accuracy was not Moulton, CD, MBA The Dam Busters prime concern.1 With most World War II files declassified, Holland has s the Canadian Forces Liaison Officer had an opportunity to get to the real meat of to the United Kingdom Air Warfare the operation, and he has not disappointed. A Centre at (RAF) Waddington, I have been privileged and The book, written chronologically, honoured to view the RAF from a unique interweaves the life experiences of a num- perspective. Not far from RAF Waddington, ber of British personalities to tell the story one can find The Petwood Hotel, just outside of . Delivered in four of , the mess of 617 Squadron parts, the book initially examines the develop- during World War II. The hotel, filled with ment of the weapon and the man behind it. mementos from that era, can quickly take you It then explains the heroic effort required to back to the days and stories of this special establish this specialized squadron and the squadron. Mr. James Holland, a historian and personalities that drove it. The actual raid is

52 Dam Busters: The Race to Smash the Dams, 1943 THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE JOURNAL VOL. 2 | NO. 3 SUMMER 2013 chronicled in exquisite detail, and Holland Abbreviation brings all the pain and triumph of Operation RAF Royal Air Force CHASTISE to life. Finally, the book exam- ines the legacy of 617 Squadron and its impact Note on the RAF. 1. James Holland, Dam Busters: The Race to Smash the Dams, 1943 (London, An extensively researched book, Holland United Kingdom: Bantam Press, 2012), has taken the opportunity to provide a unique Author’s Note. insight into the story behind the legend of 617 Squadron. Focusing on the main charac- TARGET LONDON: UNDER ATTACK ters, Holland presents both their personal and FROM THE V-WEAPONS DURING professional lives. From Mr. — WORLD WAR II Assistant Chief Designer, Vickers-Armstrong Aviation Department, who created the idea of By Christy Campbell UPKEEP—to Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris, Commander-in-Chief, Bomber Command to Little Brown Book Group , Commanding Publishers, 2012 Officer of 617 Squadron, Holland discusses 544 pages those who made Operation CHASTISE the ISBN 1408702932 success it was and describes the personal toll on those involved.

The appropriate maps, figures and photographs complete Holland’s effort in Review by Sean M. Maloney, PhD the retelling of Operation CHASTISE, as they allow the reader to contextualize the his fascinating book is an object les- events. Holland also takes the time to provide son in the personalized politicization a cast of characters at the beginning of the T of intelligence as well as a study in book that identifies the major players from strategic targeting and air power. Some read- defence and industry as well as the crews of ers may be familiar with the broad aspects 617 Squadron that were involved in the oper- of ’s advanced weapons pro- ation. Additionally, the inclusion of technical grammes during the Second World War. In drawings of the weapons and the dams allows addition to rocket and jet-propelled aircraft, the reader to really understand the challenge the Fieseler F-103 cruise missile, better known Operation CHASTISE presented. as the V-1, and the A-4 ballistic missile, bet- ter known as the V-2, became notorious as Dam Busters: The Race to Smash the Hitler’s Germany sought a means to retaliate Dams, 1943 is a well-researched and well- for the Allied combined bomber offensive. written book that will prove an enjoyable and What we are not overly familiar with is the easy read for the air power enthusiast. internal British intelligence debate over these new threats, the planned use of weapons Lieutenant-Colonel Doug Moulton, a Sea of mass destruction as one possible Allied King pilot, is currently the Deputy Chair response, and how the two issues were con- Department of Exercise and Simulation, nected. Target London is really the first work Canadian Forces College, . to use primary sources to seriously explore this linkage.

Target London: Under Attack from the V-Weapons during World War II 53