Tape Recording Tape Recording

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Tape Recording Tape Recording . ; .. ~: r, . aLl] TAPE RECORDINGRECORDING VOL.VOL 22 No 6b |1 VOL 2 No. 6 PRICEPRICE 2/-2/-2 JANUARYJANUARY 196)19611 %1 I - =s ll© . KsWa Furniture by Uniflex Forfor Allfull details of thethe ""Winston" Winston" range of Tape Recorders write toto | WINSTON ELECTR.ONICSElECTRONICSELECTRONICS LTD GOVETTCOVETT AVENUE SHEPPERTON MIDDLESEX Telephone: Wahon-on-ThamesWalton -on--on- Thames 2632126321 www.americanradiohistory.com Please- NO gimmicks! Frequent model changes toto stimulate salessales have nevernever formedformed part ofof thethe FerrographFerrograph policy.policy. Indeed,IndeedjIndeed, itit isis veryvery significant thatthat in its externalexternal appearance today's instrumentinstrument still bears aa very strong resemblance toto thethe original Ferrograph of 1949. The factfact thatthat even afterafter eleven years it hashas not been found necessary to make anyany substantial changeschanges isis obvious proof of the soundness of thethe Ferrograph basic principles of design.design. Today, when keen competition among manufacturersmanufacturers of TapeTape Recorders isis stimulatingstimulating interestinterest in 4-track4 -track heads, slowerslower tapetape speeds, cassettes and thethe like,like, it isis appropriate thatthat we should once moremore re-statere -state the Ferrograph policy. Because RecordingRecording is our business, the unceasingunceasing efforts of our engineers will continue toto be directed towardstowards perfection in thethe recordingrecording functionfunction of thethe Ferrograph rather than attemptingattempting to foster itsits adoption as aa competitor to thethe gramophone. Those who have bought thethe Ferrograph inin thethe past have deliberately chosen it for itsits incomparablyincomparably highhigh standardsstandards of performance and for nono otherother reason. AmongAmong themthem we numbernumber many ofof thethe leadingleading personalitiespersonalities inin thethe world ofof music andand drama, radioradio and television broadcasting organisations, Government departments, record manufacturersmanufacturers andand inin fact all who demand thethe highest attainable standardsstandards ofof quality andand dependability. Based uponupon our intimateintimate knowledge of thethe work being carried out on thethe Ferrograph wewe believebelieve thatthat any widespread introduction at the present timetime ofof narrow tracks and slowerslower speeds could leadlead toto a general, andand regrettable,regrettable, deterioration inin thethe standards of tape recording.recording. We affirm, therefore,therefore, ourour determination toto make no compromise with quality. TheThe reputationreputation enjoyed by thethe Ferrograph willwill not be hazarded, either now or inin thethe future,future, by the prematurepremature introduction of any featuresfeatures thatthat have not been provedproved fundamentally soundsound andand inin thethe best interestsinterests of thethe user.user. Series 4A Stereo 808808 4A/N4A /N TwoTwo SpeedsSpeeds 3J/7i31/7i3 }/7} i.p.s.i.p.s. Two Speeds 3}/7f3 }/7} i.p.s.i.p.s. ForFor useuse Monaural Recording/Playback.Recording /Playback. with external HiFli FiFi amplifiersamplifiers 81 Gns. and LoudLoud Speakers.Speakers. The all-all - purpose machine forfor Monaural and StereoStereo Recording/Playback.Recording /Playback. 105 Gns.Gne.Gns. Three IndependentIndependent Motors • Synchronous CapstanCapstan Motor • Recording Level Meter • Brief StopStop ■ interchangeableInterchangeable Plug-ln-HeadsPlug -in -Heads SwltLhedSwitched Speed Change with CompensatedCompensated CorrectionCorrection NetworkNetwork • Separate Tone ControlsControls • High Fidelity 2i2f WattsWatts Output Stage Uses Si'8i"8}" TapeTope Spools ■- Gear-DrivenGear- Driven Turns CounterCounter ■ Automatic SwitchSwitch CutsCuts Motors at End of Spool ■ EndlessEndless LoopLoop Cassette (Optional Extra) ±-crtoerryv7rap Qraph BRITISH FERROGRAPHFERROGRAPH RECORDERRECORDER CO.CO. LTD. (A(A subsidiarysubsidiary ofof thethethe FerrographFerrograph CompanyCompany Ltd.)Ltd.) 88 HORSEFERRY ROAD,ROAD, WESTMINSTER.WESTMINSTER, S.W.I • Tel: SULIIvanSULlivan 5426/7/85426/7/8 www.americanradiohistory.com biTapesT apes New Year Competition Go toto your nearest Dealer NOW! and every BI-TapesBI- Tapes Pre-recordingPre -recording that you purchase will entitle you to enter Free of Charge, The BI-TapesBI- Tapes New Year Competition. Win the NEWT MINIMINIVOX VOX 'C'fC' Portable Tape Recorder for yourself (Value 41 Gns.) and a complete stock of the BI-BI-Tapes Tapes popular Pre-recordedPre - recorded raneerange for your Dealer (Value jo3o Gns.). Complete the voucher below and include a Sales Slogan of not more than 66 words, andand send it to us together with a receipted bill for youryour purchase of BI-BI-Tapes Tapes and you will then be included, once for every tape purchased, inin our New Year Competition. vv New Ifearear CompetitionCómpetitionCómpétitionvVouchér VoucherVoweher To :: BI-TAPESBI -TAPES LTD.,LTD., 78 UPPER BERKELEY STREET.STREET, LONDON.LONDON, W.J.W.1. (Mr. Dealer pleaseplease completecomplete thisthis section)section) ■ i/we.I/We.I /We. nessrsMessrsMessrs.... ..............._......_.._..._.....__.._._._.._....... ........._......._....._._.._.» ....— or.ofof. -....— . plpl Certify thatthat ;—:- lilll gS|E|SN Name of PurchaserPurchaser.... ...... _.._.._........... _._._.._.._..... .. .............. _....._........ ... ofof N - ^^l.. Suggested Sales Slogan .................__.. N ■ ... NHasHas usus..._.___............._Reels BI Pre -Recording Catalogue Numbers Has purchasedpurchased from us ReelsReels ofof Bl-Tapes-Tapes Pre-RecordingPre Catalogue Numbers N ■ andand receiptedreceipted BillBill forfor thisthis purchasepurchase isis attached.attached. ..rr`..-. 1 The resultresult ofof thisthis competition willwill bebebe announcedannounced inin thethethe AprilApril 19411961 issueissue of 'Amateur'Amateur TapeTape RecordingRecording ' CLOSING DATE FORFOR ENTRYENTRY ISIS JANUARYJANUARY 31st, 1941.1961. SEE YOUR DEALERDEALER NOW ..... uvvvv`` BI-TAPESBI -TAPES www.americanradiohistory.com mi troubadorstroubadors and p r'r ii tubatuba men i SSi? insistINSIST onON Mastertape MASTERTAPE IS PRECISION TESTEDTESTED FORFOR PERFECTION STANDARD LONG PLAY DOUBLE PLAY SIZES SIZES Tel,,,,K Mae.NN maTMMOMS MOMS SIZES Mu MONK FEET ' 1 PRICE FEET `PRICEPRICE FEETFFET PRICE (.r;:fd( .:loo , > 4iGlfin*' n,r..i1 a >I (dips)TM. mssMss Mastertape 150 Mastertape 3" 5 6 225225 24 1n 6 33" 150 1616.016.a Mils 5 6 225 24...,24.... 8 6 3"3' 300 32...32 10 6 }" 250 IS NOW AVAILABLEAVAILABLE IN 3i"3 250 26 .. 9 0 350 37 .. 11II 0 5"5' 1200 2.. 88 .. 2 5 0 4"4' 300 32 .... 10 0 450 4848 ....,. 14 6 5r5}- 1700 3..33,. 0 ..., 2 17 6 I 1 4 GRADES & 5"5' 600 1.Ue 4..,4...4 ... 1 0 0 850 1.30...1..300.1.. 30 11 8 0 7"7' 2400 4..4 16.16 .. 4 0 0 5 1 1 sr5}*}" 850 t.,30 30' ...,.. 1 7 6 1200 2,.2.. 8..8 1 15 0 8 SUPERGRADE 7 SPOOL SIZES r7 1200 2..2,. 8 .... 11 15 0 1800 3..123,. 12 ..,. 22 10 0 ar8 }" 1750 3.. 6 .. 2 1010 0 2400 4,164..164.. 16 .... 3 10 0 7"77' 1200 I2.Ito2a 8...8.8.... .. |12 2 18 6 mm mm A MEMBER OF THE ICC^^OF MssMSS Mastertapemast e rt a pe GROUPBOFGROUPjk! OF COMPANIES MSS RECORDING COMPANY LIMITED, COLNBROOK, BUCKS. Tel. COLNBROOK 2431243 1 www.americanradiohistory.com Now at TootingTooting!r..m,t SOUTHSOUTH LONDON'SLONDON'S MOSTMOST UPUP TOTO DATEDATE TAP£T4PETAPE RECORdBRRECORDER andand Hi-fiN/ -f/ CENTRE ----.-,r-r-.----,. offers unrivalledunrivalled selectionselection ofof Professional andand Domestic MachinesMachines ON BESTBEST POSSIBLEPOSSIBLE NO INTERESTINTEREST TERMSTERMS —■r FOR 1212 MONTHS. 18-241818 -24 MONTHSMONTHS H.P.H.P. AVAILABLE ALL YOURYOUR REQUIREMENTS FULLY SATISFIEDSATISFIED WHETHERWHETHER YOU PURCHASE ININ PERSONPERSON OR BYBY MAIL SEND TODAYTODAY FORFOR FREE DETAILSDETAILS ON ALL MODELS. AA LARGELARGE SELECTION OFOF NEW & USED MACHINESMACHINES ATAT BARGAINBARGAIN PRICESPRICES Officially appointed agents forfor :: WE SPECIALISE ININ FERROGRAPH VORTEXION SIMON REFLECTOGRAPH PART EXCHANGES REPS AMPEX GRUNDIG BRENELL AND WILL OFFER THE BEST ALLOWANCE ON SOUND WYNDSOR YOUR TAPETAPE RECORDER, HI-FIHI -FI EQUIPMENT, etc. Prince MONO RECORDERSRECORDERS Sound Prince 32 gns. *■*Brenell BronellBrenell _...__ . ...... ...... 92 gns.gns. TSL SoundSound De Luxe 45 gns. 'Ferrograph*Ferrograph __. 80BO gns. AKG Verdik ._... __.. 45 gns. 45 gns. •Ferrograph 80 gns. AKG Verdik 45 gns. Sound Studio 42 gns. TAPES Geloso 26 gns. Sound Studio 42 gns. Philips EL3S36EL3536EL3536 92 gns.gns. TAPES Gcloso - 26 gns. Philips EL3541EL3541 34 gns.gns. BASF Kurland Hi -Fi-Fi ..,... .... 56 gns.gns. TRANSISTORTRANSISTOR BATTERY Kurland Hi-Fi 56 gns. Philips EL3S42EL3542 59 gns.gns. TRANSISTOR BATTERY AudiotapeAudlotapeAudiotape Brenell 3 Star 5858 gns. 59 gns. Bronell 3 Star — 58 gns. Simon MinstrellcMinstrelle 39 gns.gns. Grundig Cub ...,.. 2626 gnsgns.gns. IrishIrish Tape *'Brenell Brenell Mk. 55 64 gns. •Brenell Hk. 5 ..... 64 gns. SimonSimon SP4 9595 gns. Clarion . .._ 25 gns.gns. EMIEMI Wyndsor Victor .__. 45 gns. Saba Hi-FiHi -Fi ...._ 79 gns.gns. FiFi-CordFi -Cord ........._. 5959 Ens.gns.gns. Ferrograph Wyndsor 44 TrackTrack 49 gns. 79 gns. Ferrograph Wyndsor 4 Track 49 gns. Robuk RK3 ..... 36 gns. Butoba ._._ _. 69 gns.gns. Grundig Walter 505SOS 5757 gns. 36 gns. Grundig Vortexion WVA 8989 gns. Minivox .., .. 37 gns.gris. PRE--RECORDED RECORDED TAPES "Telefunken 75 KL15 52 gns.gns. Vortexion WVA 89 gns. PREPRE-RECORDED TAPES •Telcfunkcn*Telefunken 75 KL15 52 gns. Ferrograph 4A 81 gns. Stuzzi-HagnetteStuzzi- Magnette 59 gns. ACCESSORIES •Telefunken'Telefunken*Telefunken
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