Tzfat & Kabbalah *this document is for personal use only, for any other use, ask for promising in writing from the Tzfat Kabbalah Center:
[email protected] Articles: Introduction Page 2 ’Gemstones’ - A story from Page 2 Tzfat The Kabbalists of Tzfat Page 4 Tzfats’ energy Page 4 Kabbalah Stories from Tzfat Page 7 "Encompassing" Light and Page 8 "Inner" Light The Holy Ari Page 9 Rabbi Shlomo Alkabetz Page 11 The Month of Elul and Tzfat Page 12 Kabbalah Tzfat & Kabbalah: introduction Tzfat (Safed) - The birthplace of Kabbalah The city of Tzfat in Israel's Upper Galilee, has always been known as the "Capital of Kabbalah", and for many long historical periods was the home of Judaism's greatest mystics and masters of Kabbalah. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, the author of the "Zohar" lived, studied and worked in the the 2nd Century, C.E., studying the deepest Kabbalistic secrets with his disciples in a cave near Tzfat called "Me'arat Ha'idra". It was there that they experienced the lofty spiritual and Heavenly revelations described in the Zohar. The entire Tzfat area is dotted with many graves of ancient Jewish sages and mystics, dating from the First Temple Era through the Middle Ages. These holy sites bear witness to the work and activities of Prophets and early Talmudic sages, who were also well-known mystics in their own right. They were attracted by the region's special energy and atmosphere, and saw it as the ideal location for connecting with the inspiration and insights of Kabbalah.