Name:Jiang Zheng

Advisor : OrlandoR.Santos





1.1 Introduction

The prospects on business of portable media transmission on the planet give the essential impact for the organization or seller of broadcast communications, which makes a universe of extreme rivalry on the cell phone business. Organizations and designers correspondence rely on upon item and its cost, as well as give included esteem that can be delighted in by clients as per the purchaser needs. Individually, they made the manifestations and advancements of new elements all together for clients stay faithful. In this time of globalization it makes organizations of broadcast communications on the planet going up against each other to continually enhance in offering claimed items. The producers of media transmission are required to give the best quality from their rivals. Organizations of the media communications are constantly confronted with the risk postured by the items issued by another organization, in which the other organization effectively enter the market by giving items and administrations to the clients better and quicker. The capacity of the organizations that still exist in the extreme rivalry obliges organizations to win the opposition and persistently endeavor to comprehend the requirements and cravings of clients, increment the quantity of supporters, offering fulfillment to clients, and get the business openings that exist. In the event that the organization can't satisfy the yearnings of the clients, it will bring about customers disappointment. it can make the organization would lose cash ,, for example, diminished obtaining power reset , the brand move , and it will make the negative verbal exchange that can debilitate the great picture of the organization. (Darsono, 2008).

Along these lines development has been conveyed to more keen concentration, with presentation of a few administrations, for example, worldwide meandering, portable cash, web offices, and remotely coordinating offices giving clients a scope of decisions separated from just making and getting calls (Mahmoud and Hinson, 2012). These days cell phones turn into a need that must be shared by all individuals, in Indonesia, running from kids to grown-ups have this specialized apparatus. Cell phone is a specialized device that is required by everybody to speak with each other. As the evolving times, making cell phones has not as an extravagance thing among the general population. Parcel of organizations of the media transmission is putting forth their cell phone item with modest rates (ease) to the client, so clients can have this one specialized instrument. With spending plan ± 300.000 IDR buyers ready to have the cell phone to discuss, as per the costs offered by organization the elements that served is just to call and send or get messages. Organization of the cell phone not just offer the items with low cost to customers, organizations of media transmission and engineer of cell phone item contending to make an effective specialized device and give extensive elements to their items, Such as: Blackberry, Apple, , Samsung, , and so forth. This makes a change of the elements of phone capacities basically as a device to convey or send a SMS (short instant message), an instrument for mingling. Presently the cell phone getting to be multifunctional thing that individuals use to impart, mingle, and as excitement media of specialized gadgets, for example, MP3, Camera, Games, TV and Internet-based technologies.Smart telephone is a term for multi-utilitarian cell phones. So much give an administration to impart. Cell phones are fundamentally the same with the other specialized gadget, however the gadget has the capacity of PDAs (individual advanced partners) and can work like a small scale computer.[] With the quantity of administrations offered by broadcast communications makers on the planet, it makes the buyers of cell phone have a request with bigger esteem and assortment since customers are confronted with a wide assortment of items. Keeping in mind the end goal to confront in this circumstance the cell phone makers or engineers ought to be savvy in giving quality items that can be acknowledged by customers. Since when they can't ready to convey more development in their items so buyers will change to other comparative items uncommonly with great working systems.They attempt to seek another specialized gadget since they are not happy with the elements. Mark exchanging also called mark hopping is the way toward changing from routine utilization of one item or brand to enduring utilization of an alternate however comparative item. At the point when customers change starting with one brand then onto the next, building a photo of likely brand exchanging conduct happens. On the off chance that a buyer's penchant to switch is known, the market can be demonstrated to show future piece of the pie and the relative situating of the contending brands (Chaarlas and Rajkumar, 2012)

Table 1

Worldwide Sales to End Users by Operating System in 2Q16 (Thousands of Units)

Operating 2Q16 2Q16 Market 2Q15 2Q15 System Share (%) Market Units Units Share (%) Android 296,912.8 86.2 271,647.0 82.2 iOS 44,395.0 12.9 48,085.5 14.6

Windows 1,971.0 0.6 8,198.2 2.5

Blackberry 400.4 0.1 1,153.2 0.3

Others 680.6 0.2 1,229.0 0.4

Total 344,359.7 100.0 330,312.9 100.0

Source: Gartner (August 2016).Additional information is available in the Gartner report "Market Share Alert: Preliminary, Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 2Q16."

According to the operating system of intelligent mobile phone (OS) in the 2016 quarter of second market share has reached 86% in the 2016 quarter of second market share in iOS and Android (see Table 2), according to the global intelligent mobile phone sales by the end user operating system 2). Android performance continues to come from low-end smartphone demand in emerging markets. In fourth by BlackBerry / RIM (Sports Research) occupation. The company can only sell 2016 units in the two quarter of 400.4 units. Compared with the two quarter of last year, sales units of 1229 units. According to BlackBerry financial reports, two quarter and 16 BlackBerry suffered heavy losses and recession in. BlackBerry losses, because the stock is not sold, the company operating costs high. Friday (12 / 20 / 2013) citing Agence France-Presse. Due to many changes in mobile products lead to fierce competition among telecom companies suppliers or developers. Mobile phone manufacturers compete not only in the mobile phone variants, but they emphasize the quality of each product, such as: technology, operating system, service, advertising, promotions and other functions, so that consumers attractive goods are high. Therefore, the competition also determines the sales efficiency of each mobile phone manufacturers, whether the company can show the best results. As the emergence of a variety of products and technologies to provide each product, it increasingly allows consumers to make a high level of brand conversion decisions. According to isyanto et al. (2012) the quality of mobile products is affected by performance, characteristics, reliability, conformation, durability, usability, beauty and quality. In addition, according to SATA & Belete (2013), there are six independent variables, including product quality: durability, brand name, product characteristics, social impact and after-sales service. According to Fredereca (2010), and Germany's decision to buy a product is also affected by psychological factors, mental factors of consumers four of consumers, including motivation, perception, learning and attitude. Mulyana with inflow (2012) in each consumer are affected by various psychological attitudes. According to Mulyana and inflow (2012), positive behavior leads to consumer products. Uddin et al. (2014) several factors affecting the decision to buy a product.

1.1.1 Company Profile

Founded in 1984 years in the company, the company in Waterloo in 1984, according to the commercial company law, limited to the company for years in the company merged. Look at the contours of the motion (RIM), make and publicize long-range telecommunications suitable for portable AC display. The organization provides phases and arrangements, including e-mail, telephone, short notice management (SMS), Web based and Intranet based applications. Edge is maker BlackBerry logo remote handheld / phone and related arrangements. They disrupted the "mobile" performance won the BlackBerry gadget 1999, imagined ) and organization, President and CO ceo. Query activity (RIM) is one of the main founder of producers and advertisers, remote arrangements. Organize and arrange the stage allow access time sensitive data, including e-mail, telephone, SMS, Intranet based Web. Its innovative addition to licensing a wide range of outsider engineers and manufacturers exhibited upgrade projects and remote availability information management. Edge arrangements for projects, management and insertion of progress into BlackBerry Remote arrangements, and other programming and equipment. The organization's workplaces in North America, Europe and the Asia pacific. The organization is supervised by an isolated reporting business segment, which includes inspection, outline, production and provision of remote exchange projects, management and planning. This fragment uses BlackBerry remote configuration to determine the basic operation. BlackBerry Remote arrangements involve remote gadgets, programming and management. The organization's BlackBerry portfolio features BlackBerry Bold arrangements, BlackBerry Storm arrangement, BlackBerry Tour, curve arrangement, and BlackBerry Pearl arrangements. BlackBerry BlackBerry Enterprise Server scheduling involves (BES), BES said BlackBerry voice system (BlackBerry MVS), and hosted BlackBerry management.

1.1.2 Need of Study

The significant reason for this study is to talk about the connection between the brand switching and their decisions. Along these lines they are various types of facilities and many other factors that are considered and expected as selection criteria by customer. In terms of choosing mobile phone brand, a large part is considered as factor by customers including product quality, pricing, charging and operation facilities, size and weight, friends and colleagues recommendations neighbors and advertising With thishe researcher would like to research about the "The Impact of Customer Dissatisfaction, Price, Variety Seeking, and Product Attributes Toward Brand Switching on Consumer Blackberry Mobile Phone. 1.1.3 Problem Identification

The basic problem on this study is the existence of brand switching behavior by consumers on blackberry mobile phones, which is based on the table of Worldwide Smartphone Sales by the Operating System, the growth of Blackberry’s market-share in the 2nd quarter 2015 until 2nd quarter 2016 there is a significant decline . With so many mobile phone options on the market make consumers faced with a variety of options for purchasing a mobile phone product. With many variants of mobile products causes a very tight competition among vendors or developers of telecommunications enterprise. Thus condition show that there is an element of consumer dissatisfaction in their product resulting in consumers will not to re-purchase and switch to the other brand. This is a very surprising phenomenon that happens in Indonesia’s smartphone industry. Even though BlackBerry still is a smartphone that has wide range of applications like other smartphone has, people start to neglect it and change into another brand the researcher would like to find out the factors that influence the consumer's Blackberry Mobile Phone on Brand switching”.Based on the background described above, the researcher would like to study about the "The Impact of Customer Dissatisfaction, Price, Variety Seeking, and Product Attributes Toward Brand Switching on Consumer Blackberry Mobile Phone.

1.1.4 Research Questions

This study aims to answer the research problem, and used the following research question:

1. Does Customer dissatisfaction have significant influence on Brand Switching? 2. Does Price have significant influence on Brand Switching? 3. Does Variety seeking significant influence on Brand Switching? 4. Does Product Attributes have significant influence on Brand Switching? 5. Do Customer dissatisfaction, Price, Variety seeking, and Product attributes have simultaneous significant influence on Brand Switching 1.1.5 Research Objectives

Based on the preceding research questions, the research objectives of the study can be translated as follows:

1. To find out if Customer dissatisfaction has significant influence toward Brand Switching of Consumer of Blackberry Mobile phone in Cikarang. 2. To find out if Price has significant influence toward Brand Switching of Consumer of Blackberry Mobile phone in Cikarang. 3. To find out if Variety seeking has significant influence toward Brand Switching of Consumer of Blackberry Mobile phone in Cikarang. 4. To find out if Product attributes has significant influence toward Brand Switching of Consumer of Blackberry Mobile phone in Cikarang. 5. To find out if Customer dissatisfaction, Price, Variety seeking, and Product attributes has significant influence toward Brand Switching of Consumer of Blackberry Mobile phone in Cikarang.

1.1.6 Significance of the Study Through this research hopefully could expand knowledge, information, and suggestion for:

1. Researcher. For researchers, this study is a more in-depth learning about the various consumer behaviors towards Brand Switching decisions, and this research as application theories ever studied in college. 2. Academic. For the Academic this study may be used as an additional material about the marketing strategic, and is also very useful for teachers as an additional. 3. Future research. This research is expected to be used as a reference and reference material for other researchers who want to examine the customer behavior and factor that influence on brand switching. 4. Company. For companies, this research can serve as a guide and strategic for consideration to be taken in the future to be able to retaining customers, about phenomena that influence the consumer’s behavior toward brand switching decision.

1.1.7 Scope and Limitations

The study is conduct to “The Impact of Customer Dissatisfaction, Price, Variety Seeking, and Product Attributes Toward Brand Switching on Consumer Blackberry Mobile Phone. (Case Study on User Blackberry Mobile Phone in Cikarang)”. The scope in this research is focused on West Cikarang. This study focused on Indonesian citizen especially user of blackberry mobile phone in Cikarang. Questionnaires are distributed to 100 consumer of Blackberry mobile phone in Cikarang.The samples that used in this study are limited only 100 citizens who switch the product of blackberry to the other product. So it make this research still hasn’t to show the condition and all the phenomena that was happened.The Independent variable in this study is only used four variables: Customer dissatisfaction, Variety seeking, Price, and Product attributes to deciding factors that influence on brand switching behavior.

1.1.8 Organizational of the skripsi

Chapter 1 talk about the background. In the background will have a state board theme or topic of the study, need of the study, problem identification, research question, research objectives, significance of the study and the scope and limitations of the study, Chapter 2 presents the review of the literature review and studies, the dependent variable and independent variables,it’s definitions and the measurement of its variable and the relationship of dependent variables and independent variables. Chapter 3 presents the review of the methods, theoretical framework (Figure),The statistical hypothesis, Operational definitions of variables, its indicators and authors, instrument used (questionnaires) and the sampling method used in one paragraph. Chapter 4 will present descriptive, inferential analysis, discussion and interpretation of the result, and Chapter 5 will discuss about conclusion and recommendation.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Brand Switching

As per Sumarketer in Ribhan (2006) mark exchanging is an exchanging conduct by the client for each season of use that that demonstrates the degree to which a brand has a devoted client. "Mark exchanging is exchanging conduct directed of buyer because of specific things, or (Agha, Haider, Kakakhel, and Murtaza, 2012), the primary element of exchanging conduct of understudies and experts is (in Chinese). Innovation. Customers change their mobile phones due to the technicalological progression. Understudies and experts need to end up cutting Edge with the earth. Versatile value, plan and innovation put the effect on the client. Propel innovation like Wi-Fi, Viber, WhatsApp, envoy, Email, perusing and so on. Hello there tech and electronically enterprises ought to essential concentrate on these Variancies have to talk over and saw a portion of the best utilization of PDA (Rajkumar & Chaarlas, 2012) research is that cell phone is presently turned Into the need of life because of the expansion of rivalry. Distinctive elements like socioeconomics and individual Issues were trying through the different methodological instruments. The discoveries demonstrate that outside issues for the most part management rivalries like new bundles, plans, shape the brands and so Forthcoming. Makers may concentrate on the outside issues which can minimize the exchanging conduct of the purchasers. Mark exchanging is a consequence of lacking client maintenance (Chadha and Kapoor, 2009). There are a wide range of components bringing on brand exchanging as portrayed by a (2010) concentrated on the investigation. A review directed in Bahrain uncovered that the relationship between Wahab et al. Of administration quality from various measurements of all servicesprovided by the portable organizations in view of an observational examination made in Jordan (Walsh et al. And showed a solid negative connection when benefit quality is identified with brand exchanging. In cutting edge nations which are moreoriented towards consumer loyalty and administration quality Like Germany, lacking client administration is aconsiderable variable influencing versatile supporters changing to another brand (Martins, , 2011).

2.2 Customer Dissatisfaction Inability to guarantee greatest consumer loyalty prompts to client disappointment. Disappointed clients usuallyswitch banks, include themselves in negative expressions of-mouth (Abubakar et al., 2014) and client whines (Shi and Zhao, 2007). In any case, legitimate treatment of disappointed clients, for example those with protestations ordinarily reinforcestheir faithfulness (Kitapci and Dortyol, 2009). Clients get to be distinctly disappointed when item or administration exhibitions are not up to their desires. Understanding the potential wellsprings of disappointment and clients' responses to negative circumstances are obligatory necessities in the outline of successful administration Recovery methodologies. Client reactions to different mistakes or upsetting episodes are not novel (Voinea et al., 2011). In this manner, a few people will start an open activity, which may comprise of: sending a dissension to the association, grumbling to an outsider, for example, to a shopper affiliation, or notwithstanding attempting to take care of the issue through a legitimate activity. In different cases, clients will make a private activity and will send negative messages to other potential clients or they will end the business relationship, took after no doubt by relocation behavior.Therefore getting grumblings and taking care of them legitimately and adequately is a capable instrument in the hand of associations to utilize the input to enhance client certainty and when all is said in done to discover the reasons for disappointment and enhance the greater part of the association forms (Fornell and Wernerfelt, 1987; Johnston, 2001; Hallen and Latino, 2003; Ramsey, 2003; Clemes et al., 2011). Client reactions to a poor item or administration are not exceptional (Voinea et al., 2011) accordingly, associations need to give distinctive reactions inside their dissensions taking care of framework relying upon the kind of move the client makes, to be specific an open activity which may comprise of sending a protest to the association, griping to an outsider, for example, to a buyer association, or at times attempting to legitimately unravel the objection (Filip, 2013); in different cases, clients can make a private activity and send negative messages to other present or potential clients; another choice of client conduct responding to an awful grievances taking care of is the closure of the business relationship, took after undoubtedly by a relocation to a contender; at long last, there is likewise the likelihood that latent clients won't execute any activity, because of a low level of enthusiasm for that particular item or administration (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004; Filip,2013). Another pertinent thought is the outcome dissensions can create on the association's benefit. As indicated by a few creators (Johnston, 2001; Stauss and Schoeler, 2004; Zairi, 2000), adequately building up a protestations taking care of improves client maintenance which thus has an immediate positive effect on income, since steadfast clients look after buys, create long haul income streams, tend to purchase more, and might will to pay more for items and administrations (Petnji-Yaya et al., 2011).

Customer will utilize the past data and the present to see the brands that that furnish benefits as per expected (Junaidi and Dharmmes, 2002). Sumarwan (2003) portrays the hypothesis of purchaser fulfillment and disappointment are framed from the model desire disconfirmation, which clarifies that buyer fulfillment or disappointment is the effect of the correlation between clients' desires preceding the real buy of the client got the item or administration. Clients who are fulfilled will be steadfast and need to fabricate a continuous association with an organization that offers items that address purchaser issues and needs (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Buyer fulfillment is the reaction to client satisfaction to an utilization encounter, or a small amount of that experience. Consumer loyalty is a wonderful reaction not surprisingly needs and needs are met, Meanwhile, disappointment is the reaction of frustration since that they expected not met. (Buttle, 2011). Buyer obtaining movement is one period of the general procedure of purchaser's mental and other physical exercises that happen in the purchasing procedure in a given period. Firstly, customers will attempt to discover data identified with the items that are required and needed. Also, customers make the choice on the accessible choices. At that point, in the wake of viewing an assortment of choices, the buyers pick one brand and settle on the acquiring choices. At long last, buyers will direct the post-buy assessment. From the last procedure, a purchaser can figure out if he/she is fulfilled or not. This procedure will proceed more than once until customers feel happy with their item obtaining choice (Assael, 2004 in Uturestantix 2013).

2.2.1 Customer Dissatisfaction has significant Influence on Brand Switching Decision Purchaser disappointment is one variable contributing on brand exchanging in light of the fact that disappointed clients will search for other item choice data, and likely will stop to purchasing the item or influence other individuals not to purchase (Kotler, 2007: 177-193). As indicated by Peter and Olson in Setyaningrum (2007), dislodging of the brand (mark exchanging) is buying examples are portrayed by the change or the move starting with one brand then onto the next brand. Mark exchanging can emerge as a result of the assortment looking for. In view of the consequences of the review by Clemes, D. Michael, et al. (2007) in his review presumed that client disappointment is the no doubt figure that adds to the client to change to another bank. Furthermore in the aftereffects of the review by Ermayanti S, Goddard (2006), Anwar (2007) and Nilasari, D. Charles and Yoestini. (2012) that shopper disappointment impacts on brand exchanging choices. As indicated by Dharmmesta, (2002) that one of shoppers who feel disappointment have the likelihood to change the conduct of obtaining choices by searching for options different brands on consequent utilization to expand fulfillment. the disappointment may lead purchasers to gripe, shopper's grumble may make customers make some move, that buyers will probably leave the association with the item and organization. Purchasers will probably lessen the level of utilization of products and ventures (Mowen and Minor, 2001 in Ermayanti 2005). In the event that makers exaggerate the advantages of the item and the level of desires will came about customer disappointment (Kotler in Nilasari and yoestini 2012). Purchaser disappointment can bring customers significantly more disillusioned at the demeanor annoyed with the item and need to settle on further thought or leaving the item.

2.3 Price

Cost is the last consequence of the cooperation of these two strengths, to be specific request and supply. There are a few meanings of cost by financial analysts, According to Dharmaesta in Nurullaili (2013) characterizes the cost is the measure of cash expected to get the quantity of blends and products alongside administrations.

"Cost is the money related esteem relegated by the merchant to something obtained, sold or offered available to be purchased, or exchanges by a purchaser, as their eagerness to pay for the advantages the item and channel benefit conveys" Gilbert (2003:157). In this way cite implies that the cost is the offering value set by the dealer against something that is purchased, sold, offered or exchanges by the purchaser, in light of readiness to pay for the item advantage. For the most part buyers want to purchase at retail locations that offer an extensive variety of items with aggressive rates, or might be modest, in any event as per the item to be devoured. In all actuality, the cost affects consumer loyalty. Cost gave a noteworthy impact on shopper view of value and consumer loyalty. Valuing an item is mind boggling thing to do. Costs are set by estimation of the item (Khan.S, Majid, and Fahad, june 2012). Late reviews reliably report that cost is among the most imperative criteria in authoritative obtaining. Troublesome financial conditions increment value's significance and developing generation outsourcing to minimal effort nations rising aggressive force (Christian, Jan, &Martin, 2013). As indicated by Cravens refered to in Nilasari (2012:3) said, cost is a quick approach to assault competition or other plausibility to situating organization in the outside straightforwardly. As indicated by Stanton refered to in Nilasari (2012:3) if the sticker price not fitting with shopper observation toward brand class with the nearness of the brand, it will make purchaser question and no repurchases since customer guarantee the cost of item unacceptable in it class of brand. Advancement connection among other variable may from brand picture, generally purchaser judge the inventiveness of the organization who has great advancement through the radio,television or magazine and convey it basically clever or amazing.

Saeed, Hussain and Riaz (2011), inferred that the value rates had an incredible effect on the exchanging conduct of the clients and a little fluctuationin the cost of bundles may lead toward other financially savvy organize. Clients are more worried about the cash which they pay for the administration. alludes to an assortment of value related perceptions (Christian; Jan; Martin, 2013).Price alludes to the change of shopper request coming about because of the ascent or fall of cost. A firm that takes into account clients with low cost affectability increases more noteworthy upper hand in items and administrations, in this manner expanding organization gainfulness (Wen.S, Jeng.D, and Soo.M, 2013). Randall Ulrich and Rebsetain in Rahmat agus (2011) said "While assessing an item, buyer's image". In view of these feelings, when different choices have picked up buyers assess the options. Assessment of these options, the presence is dictated by shopper contribution with an item that will be purchased. When customers have the option assessments buyers settle on a choice to purchase, and evaluation choices cause buyers shape mark decision among a few brands available.To get a decent picture framed by the psyche of the shopper, and the purchaser intrigue, once in a while organizations ought to apply a few techniques where the reason for the organization is to get the reliability of the buyers; one such strategy is the rebate and recompense. Organization in deciding the rebate will conform their-value rundown and give rebates and in addition pieces for every installment that is all the more rapidly, extensive buys and buys in the off season (Tjiptono in Mariza Shabastian 2013)..Pricing is finished by the organization ought to consider the reason for estimating itself. This is essential, in light of the fact that the objective is the premise or direction for organizations in deciding the value level. As indicated by Basu and Irawan in Arry Yudistia (2013) expressed that fundamentally there are some valuing destinations are as per the following: Increase deals, Maintain and enhance piece of the overall industry, Price security and accomplish most extreme benefit.

2.3.1 Price has significant Influence on Brand Switching Decision

As indicated by Kotler and Armstrong In Sarfat afzal (2013) cost is one the vital element which assumes an imperative part in brand exchanging, cost is that sum which customer pays for any item or administration, while acquiring or utilizing of that item or administration. In the event that specialist organizations charge value sensible and give the preferable administrations over it will make consumer loyalty and less customer will change to another brand, since value reasonableness is a to a great degree noteworthy worry that leads toward fulfillment (Martin et al., 2007). That is mean cost positively affects mark exchanging. In the event that specialist co-op charge high cost than more customers will change to another brand (Herrmann et al., 2007).According to Stanton In Nilasari (2012) if the evaluating is not as per shoppers' impression of brand class, will influenced buyers hesitant to purchase since they think the cost of the brand is not as per the class. Costs have more impact on brand exchanging choices contrasted and the low level of consumer loyalty and superstar endorser (Wibawanto and Soesanto 2012).

2.4 Variety Seeking

At the point when the clients feel exhausted or even disappointed with the item they are utilizing now, for this situation cell phone, then they will attempt to look for different assortments (Sulistyaningrum, 2012). Assortment looking for is a cognizant duty to purchase another brand in light of the fact that inspired to get included or attempt new things, interest to new things, new joy, or to beat the issue of immersion on the old or typically (Peter and Olson in Gusti (2010:28). Assortment looking for conduct alluded as the inclination of people to look for differences in selecting the administrations to look for differences in selecting the administrations or merchandise during an era that emerge because of a few unique reasons. This conduct is regular in a few items where the item is a low level of association (Kahn, Kalnawi, and Morrison, 1999). Low association can characterize if the shopper's basic leadership prepare does not include in many elements and the data that must be contemplated. Assortment looking for conduct is probably going to happen in the buy of an item that postures least hazard to be secured by purchaser and when customers are less dedicated specifically mark (Assael in Rahmat Agus, 2011), assortment looking for conduct will prompt to brand exchanging conduct. Advertisers need to recognize clients who get a kick out of the chance to attempt new items. It is on the grounds that they can be the pioneers who help the organization in offering new items (Junaedy and Dharmmesta, 2002). Schiffman and Kanuk in Gusti (2010:27) gathered a few sorts of shoppers who are searching for varieties are as per the following:

1)Exploratory Purchase Behavior

Mark exchanging choice is meant to increase new encounters and potential outcomes for a superior option.

2)Vicarious Exploration

Customers are searching for data about another item or an alternate option, and after that attempt to utilize it.

3)Innovative utilization

Shoppers have utilized and received an item via hunting down more up to date items with higher innovation items, for example, electronic machine models/work has changed.

Junaidi and Dharmmesta in Gusti (2010:28) likewise change it up looking for emerges in light of the fact that upheld by a few variables:

1)The exceptional rivalry between comparative items, so that each item attempting turn into the best item. These states obviously impact the customer to attempt.

2)The item quality has diminished. The decrease in the execution of an item to urge the purchasers to search out and attempt new items they need ready to give a fulfillment.

3)Natural qualities of buyers. Attributes of buyers are distinctive. A customer aggregate has behavioral conceivable to dependably try to discover and have a go at something new, despite the fact that the item has been expended likewise ready to give a fulfillment.

2.4.1 Variety Seeking has significant Influence on Brand Switching

Because of the imperative part of advancements in advertising procedure, advertisers and analysts are exceptionally required to improve advance their comprehension on how deals advancement influences purchasers' reliability to certain brand alluding to the attributes of clients who will just purchase items from a specific brand as opposed to change to an option mark (Lin et al., in Uturestantix, 2012). Need to look for variety is a psychological responsibility to purchase an alternate brand for various reasons, or the rise of new longings fatigue on something that has for quite some time been devoured (Peter and Olson in Debora Ratna and yoestini, 2012). Feinberg, et al. (1992) uncovered that assortment looking for conduct is a conclusive calculate mark exchanging. Mark exchanging is accepted that these clients end their association with the old makers to attempt the items offered by contenders. Nilasari, D. Charles and Yoestini. (2012) reasoned that the need to discover varieties affect mark exchanging choices. As indicated by Khan, et al (in Keaveney, 1996) mark exchanging conduct might be brought about by the look for differing qualities. Purchasers are confronted with an assortment of items with various types of brands can impact customers to attempt a wide assortment of items and brands, so buyers won't totally faithful to a brand.

2.5 Product Attributes Items and item's characteristics are real jolts that impact shopper influence, perception, and conduct. Shoppers may assess these properties as far as their own particular qualities, convictions, and past encounters. Showcasing and other data likewise impacts whether buy and utilization of the item is probably going to reward (Peter, Olson 2010). Qualities are the essential attributes of merchandise and enterprises. Traits can be substantial andintangible. Substantial traits are effortlessly measured. Immaterial characteristics, albeit to a great extent conceptual, can likewise be measured. Buyers' states of mind towardquality,comfort, and comfort can be measured by review instruments, for example, Likertand rating scales (Kardes, Cronley, Cline 2011). An item's substantial qualities can be surveyed in physical terms, for example, weight, measurements, or materials utilized and Intangible item properties, incorporating the status connected with item possession, a maker's administration responsibility, and a brand's general notoriety or persona are additionally critical (Keegan, Green 2013).Product traits impact the view of the purchasers on the item. As indicated by Tjiptono In Arijo Isnoer, (2012) uncovered that the item characteristics are item components that are esteemed by customers and utilized as a premise of settling on obtaining choices. Item properties incorporate marking, bundling, or quality affirmation, administration et cetera. In the mean time, as indicated by Assauri (2007) is an item property "bundle" that is bigger than the center item, and have attributes or attributes, for example, trademarks, bundling, appearance, style and quality. Kotler (2009) uncovered that the advancement of items and administrations requires characterizing the advantages being advertised. The advantages and afterward imparted and conveyed by item properties, for example, item quality, item elements and item style and outline.

2.5.1 Product Attributes has significant Influence on Brand Switching

Brands Switching can emerge in light of the fact that the traits of the item. Item characteristics can be utilized as the fundamental fascination for clients. As indicated by Kotler and Armstrong (In Anandhita Bagus, 2011) groups item properties into three fundamental components, in particular the nature of the item, item elements, and plan of items. Next to that Devaraj, et al. (2001) found the confirmation that the nature of the item is the overwhelming variable driving for faithful clients. Cornelisz, S. (2009) demonstrated that the item ascribes firmly identified with the unmistakable advantages the purchaser, so the higher qualities of the item permits shoppers progressively intrigued to unleave the Pepsodent Herbal items. What's more, the exploration was led by Anwar (2007) demonstrated that there is a huge impact on the attributes of the item class mark exchanging choices made ​ ​ by purchasers. Lim, E. Jin and Hwang, C. Soup (2009) discover confirm that Brand exchanging conduct is more basic in conjunction with the qualities of the item itself.

2.6 Research Gaps

In view of past research, there are a few components of brand exchanging measurements that can impact on Consumer Decision, which are brand mindfulness, mark affiliation, mark dependability, percieved quality, a few research additionally utilized customer mindfulness, bundling developments, purchaser conduct, valuing, promoting, item quality and the needy variable is the choice to switch brands. The examination test from the number of inhabitants in purchasers in Ciputat, utilizing an example of 100 respondents. The inspecting strategy utilized was comfort examining, implies that the chose test units simple to be come to anyplace and at whatever time. The aftereffects of these reviews demonstrated that the total rate of fluctuation of the elements in the concentrate is 64,463%, it implies that the consequences of this review could clarify if these elements can impact the purchasers to switch brands with 64,463%. Another exploration utilized distinctive variable to gauge mark exchanging, Ribhan (2006) inquire about on "the components that impact mark exchanging on the SIM card clients in the workforce of Economics University of Lampung. The Variables utilized are: Product traits (X1), value (X2), advancement (X3), Inventory item (X4), and brand exchanging (Y) as the needy variable. This review utilizes relapse weight examination and theory testing, and in addition immediate and backhanded impact.

2.7Theoretical Framework

Custoemr Dissatisfaction (X1)

H1 Price (X2) H2 Brand Switching (Y) Variety Seeking H3 (X3) H4 Product Attributes (X4)


Figure 1 : Theoretical Framework Sources: Adapted from Rajkumar and Chaarlas 2012

The Figure 1 above illustrated the process of Brand switching, in which the Customer Dissatisfaction, Price, Variety seeking, and Product attributes as factors that influence on brand switching of blackberry mobile phone in Cikarang. This research use four variable in which Customer Dissatisfaction (X1), Price (X2), Variety seeking (X3), and Product Attributes (X4) as independent variable and Brand switching (Y) as dependent variable

2.8 Research Framework

The main study of this research is finding out the The Impact of Customer Dissatisfaction, Price, Variety Seeking, and Product Attributes Toward Brand Switching on Consumer Blackberry Mobile Phone. As describe in literature review brand switching dimensions has impact several research in different product as it influence customer to decide and purchase. Before conducting this research, the researcher had to find the problem situation, analyze it until interpretation ( Appendix).

2.9 Hypothesis

1. Ha1 There is a partial significant influence of Customer Dissatisfaction toward Brand switching on blackberry mobile phone 2. Ha2 There is a partial significant influence of Price toward Brand switching on blackberry mobile phone 3. Ha3 There is a partial significant influence of Variety Seeking toward Brand switching on blackberry mobile phone. 4. Ha4 There is a partial significant influence of Product Attributes toward Brand switching on blackberry mobile phone. 5. Ha5 There is simultaneous significant influence of Customer Dissatisfaction,Price, Variety Seeking and Product attributes toward Brand switching on blackberry mobile phone.

3.0 Operational Definitions

1. Brand Switching - otherwise known as brand jumping is the process of choosing to switch from routine use of one product or brand to steady use of a different but similar product (Chaarlas & Rajkumar 2012) 2. Customer Dissatisfaction - factor contributing to the brand switching because of dissatisfied customers will look for another product, and will probably stop buying products or influence others to not buy.( Kotler P. and G. Armstrong 2010). 3. Price - is the amount of money charged for a product or service. Broadly, price is the total amount being exchanged by the customer to obtain a benefit of the product or service owning (Philip Kotler, 2011). 4. Variety Seeking - The extent to which a brand is brilliant and considered to provide good quality of product and service in comparing with the rivalry products (Aaker, 2010). 5. Product Attributes - are product elements that are valued by consumers and used as a basis of making purchasing decisions. (Tjiptono In Arijo Isnoer, 2012).

3.1Instruments The questionnaire that researcher made consist of three parts. First part, was used to gain the basic information of respondents regarding to their profile and in this part also provide a filtering question, it has purpose to filtering the respondent, so the respondent can continue to the next part in questionnaire if they passed on filtering question, it has purpose to get a representative data.Part two, were the instruction for respondents to fill the questionnaire.Part three, is the statement of blackberry’s respondent toward brand switching decision.The questionnaire were arranged such as 4 question each variables related to Brand equity dimensions and 4 questions related to purchase decisions. In this research, the researcher used 5 point Likert Scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree) to measure the degree of agreement from the respondent and variable value to be shown in from on number so it can be analyzed accurately, efficiently, and more communicative. Furthermore, this degree of agreement result will be tested for its reliability and validity using SPSS 16, and evaluate it based on Cronbach Alpha value for the reliability and Pearson Correlation Scale for its validity.

3.2 Population and Sampling

Population is all elements, individuals or units that meet the selection criteria for a group to be studied. (, 2013). The population refers to the entire group of people events, or things of interest that the researcher wishes to investigate (Sekaran, Bougie, 2010). In this study, researchers use the technique of non-probability sampling with Purposive sampling method. In non-probability sampling, every element in the population doesn’t have the opportunity or the same opportunities to be selected as the sample (Santoso and Tjiptono 2001: 89). Purposive sampling is non-probability samplings that conform to the certain criteria. The categories of respondent set in this research described as follows:Age should >17 years old, Whereby on those ages assumed the respondents already mature enough and understand to respond and answer the question as well.Respondent in this research is consumer of blackberry mobile phone who ever made a purchase of these products but has been moved to use the other brand. In this research the population of blackberry mobile phone users in Cikarang that are in large and the amount is unknown with certainty. Because the total population can’t be predicted, thus determining the number of samples used in this study based on the statistical formula (Rao purba in Faela 2012) with level of significant .05 or 95%


Determination of the number of samples above are also strengthened by Ferdinand in Diana Vita Lestari (2011) which says that the regression analysis with four independent variables requires adequate sample of 100 sample respondents. Due to this reason the researcher determines the number of samples in this study as much 100 people. From the formula the calculated respondent are 100.

3.3 Validity and Reliability Test

In this study, the researcher will test the questionnaire respondent data by using SPSS 16 and evaluate it based on Cronbach Alpha value for proving its reliability and Pearson Correlation Scale for its validity. The 30 respondents’ data will be used as the data for conducting pre-test. If the result of pre-test is reliable and valid, then the questionnaire will be directly spread for getting real and include it as respondents data needed in this study.

4.0 Discussion

4.1 Validity and Reliability Test

The data collected on this research has proven for its reliability and validity by examine using SPSS 16. Result shown for value of each variable’s Cronbach Alpha Value are all greater than 0.6 means reliable and its Pearson Correlation Scale are all greater 0.361 which means valid. (See Appendices)

4.2 Demographic Profiles

The respondent of this research are dominated by males respondents, which are 58 males (58%) and the other were 42 females (42%) participated in this research. 56 respondents (56%) dominated in this research are in the age between 18-25 years old, follow by 39 respondent (39%) in the age between 26-40 years old, a 3 respondent (3%) are in the age of above 40 and 2 respondent (2%) are in the age of 17. From the total 100 respondent of this research under education level it shows that (41%) or 41 respondents comes from senior high school and the majority of the respondent which is (55%) or 55 respondent are in Bachelor degree and the 4% comes from elementary and junior high school. On the basis of income range the majority of the respondent comes from Rp 2.5J to 5J with 47 respondent or (47%) and 1J to 2.499J having 44 or 44% respondent theother oercentage comes from the other income. In the filtering question for mobile currently using , majority of the respondent are Samsung with 44 or 47% respondent, followed by Nokia with 24 or 24% respondent, Sony with 14 or 14% respondent and the other percentage comes from other users. In the descriptive statistics value the respondent responses to four statements about switching on mobile shows that the customer dissatisfaction are the most dominant variable with mean value of 3.75. (See Appendices)

4.3 Inferential Analysis

Brand Switching dimensions elements was treated as independent variables in this research and were examined and brand switching is the dependent variable. Regression analysis and coefficient determination (R2) were performed by considering the four construct of Brand Switching dimension such as Customer Dissatisfaction (X1), Price (X2), Variety Seeking (X3), and Product Attributes (X4). The result from the analysis of each variable of Brand Switching dimensions on consumer of blackberry is shown in the Table 1 and the result for all variable as a whole is shown as a whole in Table 2.

Table 2. Regression Analysis

Table 3. Anova It was found that all the independent variables such as Customer dissatisfaction, Price, Variety seeking and Product attributes has partial significant influence . Furthermore, on Table 3, it was found that there are simultaneous significant influence on Brand switching of consumer in Blackberry mobile phone. Consequently Hypothesis 1,2,3,4 and 5 are accepted.

Table 4. Coefficient of Determination (R2)

Based on the Table 3, it was indicated the value of adjusted R2 obtained is .873 or 87.3%. This number represent the Brand switching can be explained by the variation of Customer Dissatisfaction, Price, Variety Seeking and Product Attributes . On the otherhand, the rest 12.7% of Brand Switching is influenced by other factors which are not examined in this research.

4.4 Interpretation of the Result

The Table 3 Coefficient determination (adjusted R) of multiple regression models has clearly shown the dependent variable (Brand Switching) in this study is 87.3 affected by Brand Switching dimensions (independent variable) such as Customer Dissatisfaction, Price, Variety Seeking,and Product Attributes . However, there is also 12.7% of another element like Features, Design, Applications that affecting brand switching. Meanwhile, the ANOVA test result shown at Table 2, the F is calculated on 170.655 with the level of significant is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05. This proves that all the independent variables Customer dissatisfaction, Price, Variety seeking and Product attributes have simultaneous significant influence with the dependent variable (Brand switching). Therefore, the null hypothesis Ho5 is rejected and the alternative hypothesis Ha5 is accepted.

4.4.1 Customer Dissatisfaction (X1)

Hypothesis 1 testing results shows that variable Customer dissatisfaction has a significant influence on Brand switching through the result of the regression analysis with significance level of 0.000 below 0.05. This means that the process of the brand switching decision by the consumer arise because there is a feels unsatisfied in post-consume to the products/brand. In this research, according the consumer response, they has experienced post-consume dissatisfaction with the blackberry mobile phone. This show Customer dissatisfaction then become one- factor that influence to the high level on brand switching decision as it shown in table 4 Multiple Regression analysis. The regression Coefficient Customer Dissatisfaction is 0.274 and the t value is 6.815. (Kotler, 2007: 177-193) explained that Consumer dissatisfaction is one factor that contributing on brand switching because Customers who feels unsatisfied will look for other product option information, and probably will stop to buying the product or affect the other people not to buy.The consumer feels unsatisfied toward blackberry mobile phone and they switch to the other brand causes in blackberry mobile phone has a shortage on its product, Such as on quality and performance mobile phone, error in the system, mobile phone easy to heat up quickly if operate in long time and soon.

4.4.2 Price

Hypothesis 2 testing results shows that variable Price has a significant influence on Brand switching through the result of the regression analysis with significance level of 0.000 below 0.05. This means that the process of the brand switching decision by the consumer arise because the factor of Price. In this research- according the consumer response, they feel if the Price of Blackberry products are offered is not suitable with the quality and benefits that obtained, it show that Consumer will choose the product with the affordable price and suitable with the benefits that obtained. This show variable Price is the Biggest factor that influence to the high level on brand switching decision as it shown in table 4 Multiple Regression analysis. The regression Coefficient of price is 0.316 and the t value is 7.764. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2010) price is one the important factor which plays a vital role in brand switching, price is that amount which consumer pays for any product or service, while purchasing or using of that product or service. If service providers charge price sensible and give the better services than it will create customer satisfaction and very less consumer will switch to another- brand, because price fairness is an extremely significant concern that leads toward satisfaction (Martin et al., 2007). The consumer see the Price that offered by blackberry isn’t suitable and they switch to the other brand causes price of blackberry mobile phone isn’t offering the affordable prices and not offered better quality. Meanwhile, from the other brand has offering the interesting Price and has more quality than the blackberry product, so it’s make the customer switch to the other brands/products.

4.4.3 Variety Seeking

Hypothesis 3 testing results shows that variable Variety seeking has a significant influence on Brand switching through the result of the regression analysis with significance level of 0.000 below 0.05. This means that the process of the brand switching decision arises because there is a feels bored with the Blackberry product and there is needs to seek variation by the customer. In this research, according the consumer response, they felt bored with the blackberry mobile phone. This show Variety seeking then become one- factor that influence to the high level on brand switching decision as it shown in table 4 Multiple Regression analysis. The regression Coefficient of Variety seeking is 0.383 and the t value is 9.499. According to Nilasari, D. Charles and Yoestini. (2012) concluded that the need to find variations have a positive influence on brand switching decisions, and the perception strengthen by Khan, et al (in Keaveney, 1995) brand switching behavior may be caused by the search for diversity. Consumers are faced with a variety of products with different kinds of brands can influence consumers to try a wide variety of products and brands, so consumers will not entirely loyal to a brand. The Brand switching process toward blackberry mobile phone cause affected by variety seeking, some factor as follows; Consumer felt bored with the blackberry- product, the needs to try the other brand that they hasn’t ever tried before, needs to try other product that suits their needs etc.

4.4.4 Product Attributes

Hypothesis 4 testing results shows that variable Product attributes has a significant influence on Brand switching through the result of the regression analysis with significance level 0.002 below 0.05. This means that the process of brand switching decision by the consumer arise because the factor of Product attributes. In this research according the consumer response, they feel if the Blackberry product doesn’t have an attractive and competency in their product attributes. It means that the consumer will choose a product which has an attractive and competency in product attributes. Product attributes then become one- factor that influence to the high level on brand switching decision as it shown in table 4 Multiple Regression analyses. The regression Coefficient Product attributes is 0.132 and the t value is 3.187. According to Dharmmesta (2002).The characteristics of product and attributes of the product are linked to the brand switching. Each of these proposed variables have contributed to the displacement of a brand, so that each form of transfer can be identified from the contribution of the variable product attributes. Cornelisz, S. (2009) showed that the product attributes closely related to the benefits that feel by the consumer, so the higher attributes of the product allows consumers increasingly interested to unleave. The customer has to switch the blackberry product to the other causes the product attributes of other brand has plus value such as; have the attractive packaging, popularity of brand, has more features and attractive design, and the guarantee and service quality. Meanwhile, the attribute product of blackberry doesn’t have an attractive on packaging, design, feature etc. 5.0 CONCLUSION 1. The Consumer Dissatisfaction has partial significant influence toward brand switching of consumer of blackberry mobile phones.

2. The Price has partial significant influence toward brand switching of consumer of blackberry mobile phones.

3. The Variety seeking has partial significant influence toward brand switching of consumer of blackberry mobile phones.

4. The Product attributes has partial significant influence toward brand switching of consumer of blackberry mobile phones.

5. Costomer dissatisfaction, Price, Variety seeking and Product attributes has simultaneous significant influence toward consumer of blackberry mobile phones. 5.1 RECOMMENDATION Based on the conclusions obtained in this study, the recommendations proposed as a complement to the results of the study as follows:

5.1.1 For Blackberry Blackberry should put more attention to their product and the company should be able to develop and fix the blackberry product in order to satisfy the customer, and also Blackberry should innovate in features, design, technology because many customers feel unsatisfied with the product such as; quality and performance, the blackberry product are often damaged in the system, blackberry mobile phone easy to heat up quickly and soon. In term of Price, the Variable Price showed a significant effect on brand switching decision. The price offered more expensive than other mobile products and the price offered does not match with the benefits obtained so it can makes the customer switch to the other brands. To minimize it, the Blackberry should reduce their pricing strategy and able to give the competitive price than the other competitors, certainly the price should be appropriate with the benefits that provide in its product.

5.1.2 For the Future Researchers For the future research it is suggested that increasing the number of research variables, because in this study the variables used has been give the significant influence by 87.3% and the rest is 12.7% of brand switching decision is influenced by other variables So it expected to pass up a potential expansion of the independent variables that give contribute to the brand switching decision on the mobile phone.For further research in order to use sampling techniques and respondents with different methods to see the comparison between the method with other methods.