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Ozzy-Osbourne-Upgrade-Meet-Greet Dear Guest It’s nearly time for you to experience No More Tours 2 with Ozzy Osbourne! This package is an upgrade only and does not include a show ticket, which must be purchased separately. Show Information and Schedule Show Date: July 2nd Venue: Altice Arena Check-In: 6:20 p.m. If you arrive after 6:40 p.m. you will miss the photo opportunity with Ozzy. Check-In Location: North Ramp (please check map below) Arena Opens at: 6:30 p.m.* Support Act Judas Priest: 8:00 p.m.* Ozzy performance: 9:45 p.m.* Please bring a photo ID matching the attendee or purchaser name listed on your order. This package is non-transferable. At check-in, you will receive your official Ozzy Osbourne Meet & Greet laminate, your Commemorative Ozzy Osbourne 2018 concert ticket and your Collectible 2018 Ozzy Osbourne VIP gift item. If you arrive after the check-in time of 6:40 p.m., Please text your host for your gift bag as they will only be available onsite. You’ll have a personal photo opportunity with Ozzy Osbourne. Please keep personal cameras/cell phones in your pocket or purse. NO videotaping allowed. Your Meet & Greet Upgrade package includes: • Personal photo opportunity with Ozzy Osbourne • Collectible Ozzy Osbourne 2018 VIP gift item • Official Ozzy Osbourne Meet & Greet laminate • Commemorative Ozzy Osbourne 2018 concert ticket • On-site VIP Host Personal Photo with Ozzy Osbourne: Your host will take your photo, and it will be posted online within two weeks following your show at: https://vipnationeu.smugmug.com/OZZY-OSBOURNE-/LISBON-0207 altice207 Please note that if you “copy and paste” or use the action “save as” in order to view and save your photograph, the image size and quality will be greatly reduced. Please use the download icon. Share your photos & VIP experience with us by tagging #OzzyOsbourneVIP #VIPNationeu @VIPNationeu in all of your social media! *All times subject to change without notice Contacts: Your host’s mobile phone number is: +44 7923 080 549 Please only call/TEXT for day of show issues or emergencies. If you have any questions please email [email protected] The Legal Stuff: Below is a copy of the waiver for your review. When you check in, you will be required to sign the waiver (no need to print and bring the waiver with you). OZZY OSBOURNE VIP MEET & GREET PACKAGE WAIVER YOU AND YOUR GUEST(S) WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR TICKET(S) UNTIL THE WAIVER IS SIGNED ON THE DAY OF THE SHOW. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND TAKE ANY STEPS NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND THE TERMS OF THIS WAIVER PRIOR TO THE EVENING OF THE SHOW. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RETURN THIS WAIVER. THIS IS FOR YOUR RECORDS ONLY. As a purchaser of the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe, you wiLL receive the foLLowiNG: • Personal photo opportunity with Ozzy Osbourne • Collectible Ozzy Osbourne 2018 VIP gift item • Official Ozzy Osbourne Meet & Greet laminate • Commemorative Ozzy Osbourne 2018 concert ticket • On-site VIP Host VIP NatioN aNd/or Ozzy OsbourNe do Not GuaraNtee aNy additioNaL products or services with your purchase of the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe, other thaN these described above. If circumstaNces beyoNd the coNtroL of VIP NatioN preveNt us from beiNG abLe to provide the exact packaGe stated above, a substitute of equaL vaLue wiLL be provided. You aGree to act iN accordaNce with the ruLes articuLated to you by VIP NatioN aNd Ozzy OsbourNe prior to or duriNG your participatioN iN aNy activity reLated to the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe. You aGree Not to eNGaGe iN aNy iLLeGaL or iNappropriate activities, iNcludiNG but Not Limited to the use of iLLeGaL druGs or coNtrabaNd (or aLcohoL if you are uNder the LeGaL driNkiNG aGe iN the LocatioN of this show), eNGaGiNG iN acts that are coNsidered disturbiNG to the operatioNs of the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe, or the operatioNs of Ozzy OsbourNe, VIP NatioN, veNues iN which aN VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe activity is takiNG pLace, Ozzy OsbourNe or his crew. You agree not to waNder off iN aNy way, or seek out Ozzy OsbourNe or members of his crew. VIP NatioN aNd Ozzy OsbourNe reserve the riGht to remove you from the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe at aNy time for faiLure to abide by the terms of this agreement or the rules set forth at aNy time by Ozzy OsbourNe. IN the eveNt you are removed from a VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe, VIP NatioN aNd/or Ozzy OsbourNe shaLL Not be obLiGated to refuNd aNy amouNts paid by you to participate iN the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe. VIP NatioN caNNot be respoNsibLe for the caNceLLatioN or postpoNemeNt of a show for reasoNs beyoNd our coNtroL. IN the eveNt that you are participatiNG iN a VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe aNd a show is caNceLLed, VIP NatioN wiLL provide you with a refuNd that represeNts the totaL amouNt paid to VIP NatioN for the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe miNus aNy non-refuNdabLe costs iNcurred by VIP NatioN. As a meaNs of exampLe, NoN-refuNdabLe costs may iNclude, but are Not Limited to, costs associated with amouNts paid to secure reservatioNs that caNNot be refuNded, costs associated with persoNNeL, aNd costs of previously purchased merchaNdise. IN the eveNt that a show is postpoNed, VIP NatioN, iN its soLe discretioN, may either offer a VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe duriNG the rescheduLed tour date or provide a refuNd represeNtiNG the totaL amouNt of the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe miNus aNy NoN-refuNdabLe costs, as defiNed above, iNcurred by VIP NatioN. IN coNsideratioN for participatioN iN a VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe, you thereby aGree to authorize VIP NatioN to use your Name, voice, portrait aNd LikeNess, iNcludiNG aNy statemeNts, iNterviews or performaNces of you iN aNy video, recorded, fiLmed, taped, aNd/or photoGraphed materiaL created by VIP NatioN iN coNNectioN with VIP NatioN photographing and produciNG video materiaL reLated to your VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe duriNG the Ozzy OsbourNe coNcert tour (the Work). VIP NatioN owNs the worLdwide copyriGhts iN aNd to the Work aNd has the riGht to use the Work for aNy purpose, iNcludiNG but Not Limited to aNy reLated advertisemeNt, promotioN aNd pubLicity for VIP NatioN aNd/or Ozzy OsbourNe, aNd to exhibit, produce, broadcast, distribute, aNd otherwise expLoit the Work iN whoLe or iN part, throuGh aNy aNd aLL meaNs aNd aLL media, whether Now knowN or hereafter deveLoped, throuGhout the worLd iNto perpetuity. VIP NatioN shaLL have the riGht to edit, modify, add to aNd/or deLete aNy or aLL of the materiaL coNtaiNed iN the Work, iNcludiNG that materiaL which coNtaiNs your Name, voice, portrait aNd LikeNess, iN whoLe or iN part. Except as otherwise expressly provided thereiN, you shaLL Not receive aNy compeNsatioN whatsoever iN coNNectioN with your services aNd performaNces iN coNNectioN with or as part of the Work, the use aNd expLoitatioN of the Work or the exercise of the riGhts GraNted to you thereiN. IN coNsideratioN for participatioN iN the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe, you hereby reLease, discharGe, iNdemNify aNd hoLd harmLess VIP NatioN, Ozzy OsbourNe, Live NatioN ENtertaiNmeNt aNd their respective pareNts, subsidiaries, sharehoLders, empLoyees, assiGNs aNd affiLiates from aNy aNd aLL claims, causes of actioN, LiabiLities, costs aNd expeNses (iNcludiNG reasoNabLe attorNey's fees) arisiNG out of, or reLated to the breach of your aGreemeNts, the Work, or resuLtiNG from your participatioN iN aNy Ozzy OsbourNe spoNsored eveNt or activities associated with the VIP Meet & Greet PackaGe. By siGNiNG beLow, I aGree to the terms iN this waiver. This iNdicates that I have read this eNtire documeNt, uNderstaNd it compLeteLy aNd aGree to be bouNd by its terms. I aLso aGree to siGN my acceptaNce of these terms prior to receiviNG my Ozzy OsbourNe Ozzfest ticket(s) the eveNiNG of the show. I aGree to these terms: ____THIS IS A COPY ONLY__________ VIP Nation Europe Live Nation (Music) UK Ltd Regent Arcade House 19 – 25 Argyll Street London WIF 7TS .
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