
Vol: 26 Issue 4 1 April 2012

KETTLEWELL/ BUCKDEN Coaches leave Kettlewell at 5.30pm

FUTURE WALKS Coach Walks 8.30am start : 5.30pm return Sun 29 Apr Leek A: Dave Colbert B+: Stella Wadsworth B: C: Joyce Bradbury Sun 13 May Coniston A: Val Walmsley B+: Barry Mather via Newby Bridge B: Dave Tilleray C: Roy Smith

Thursday Car Walks 10.30am start Thurs 12 Apr B Walk with Dave Thornton Meet at the riverside car park 8 miles / 12.9km with 700ft / 213m ascent Starting from the car park in the village we follow the River Dunsop northwards to the water treatment works, cross the bridge to turn eastwards to the waterfalls and our lunch stop. We traverse along the hillside heading towards the beautiful hamlet of Whitendale. We now climb Middle Knoll and pass the old mine workings before going down to Brennand and returning to Dunsop Bridge. Part of the walk includes an area used as a nesting site by eagle owls so a detour may have to be made.

Thurs 10 May Brock B Walk with Phillip Brunskill Meet at Higher Brock Bridge GR 549431

Sunday Car Walks 10.30am start Sun 15 Apr Garstang / Barnacre /Calderdale B Walk with Chris Metcalfe Meet in Garstang An 8½ mile /13.7km walk with 650ft/198m cumulative ascent. Starting at the (Pay & Display) Riverside Car Park this walk will take us through Barnacre to Calder Vale via field foot- paths, farm tracks and quiet country roads returning along part of the Wyre Way. The walking will be relatively easy – with just two short, sharp ascents. If the weather is favourable there will be great views of the countryside from the Lake Dis- trict in the north round to the Welsh Mountains to the south. Plenty of local history and wildlife to observe as well. There are toilets at the car park in Garstang but you will find far nicer ones in the Booths store on the ring road.

Sun 15 Apr C Walk with Bill Manning Meet in Chatburn Distance: 6 Miles/9.7km Climbing: 256ft/78m Starting from Chatburn and Hudson’s ice-cream shop, we make our way up the lane to Downham. Turning left by the Assheton Arms, we pass the cottages before crossing over field paths to Lane where we reach Newfield Barn Farm. We continue down along tracks and field paths to pass over a single arch bridge used in the TV film “Born and Bred”. Climbing up from here, we soon drop down to the A59. After crossing over we continue down to Sawley Abbey by the Spread Eagle Hotel. Leaving here by the road we follow the to Sawley Bridge. Turning left over the bridge we go along the riverside to rejoin the road for about 700 yards until we make a left turn to follow the riverside path to village. Turning left over the bridge we make our way back to Chatburn. Car parking on roadside at Chatburn. Need a lift? call 01772 628924

Sun 27 May Sunderland Point B Walk with Chris Metcalfe Meet at the Globe Hotel, Overton Sun 27 May Crook o’Lune C Walk with Jackie & Sheila Meet at the car park A 6½ mile / 10.5km walk: almost entirely flat apart from a slight incline at the end. We start off on a hard surfaced riverside walk / cycle path towards Lancaster. We cross the Lune at Aqueduct Bridge and walk back along the opposite bank on a riverside path, leaving it for a short period to go through Halton. We then rejoin the path to return to the car park .

Please note – Walk details must be in 2 (TWO) weeks before each coach excursion.

Today’s Walks

Today’s starting points: 1. A: Near 2. B+, B, C: Kettlewell

Great Whernside w ith Sandra Robinson

Grade. A Distance 13 miles / 21km Climbing 2000ft / 610m

From the main road near Conistone we cross the river and walk into Conistone. From here we go up the Conistone Dib and briefly onto the Dalesway where we take a track north east and cross moorland to Sandy Gate. (There is neither gate nor sand!) From here we head north following the boundary fence to . It’s very boggy in places! Then we carry on following the boundary to Black Dyke and down to the road. Next we join a path that leads to Top Mere Track which takes us to Kettlewell for refreshments and the coaches.

Littond ale with Stella Wadsworth

Grade. B+ Distance 12 miles / 19.3km Climbing 1500ft / 457m

Leaving Kettlewell we cross the to follow a footpath through Knipe Wood where we cross the moor and drop down into . Following the river we carry on to Arncliffe where we should be able to have our lunch outside the church. From here we take the path to Litton passing Guildersbank. Just after this if the river isn't too high we cross over on stepping stones to the other side where we continue into Litton, from where we make our way back to Arncliffe. We then ascend through Park Scar to Middlesmoor Pasture then eventually drop down into and back to Kettlewell for our refreshments. Enjoy your day.

Top Mere Top w ith Barry Mather Grade B Distance 7½ miles / 12km Climbing1600ft / 488m

From Kettlewell we head north up the track to Top Mere Top. At Cam Head we turn right onto Road to the summit of Top Mere Top. From here it is mostly downhill joining the Starbotton Cam Road to Starbotton. Then it’s back to Kettlewell via Cross Wood.

Kettlewell (Kafe) Crawl with Alison & Lesley Grade C Distance 4½ miles / 7.3km Climbing 230ft / 70m

We begin our walk today from Kettlewell car park (toilets available) by walking along Far Lane on our journey to Paradise. We start a slow gently climb up to a path known locally as the ‘stiles path’ and you can probably guess why as we are in . There are approximately 8 stiles on this stretch to Starbotton, but they are all good solid wall stiles. It is a well trodden, easy path along the hillside, passing Paradise and Cross Wood as it follows the River Wharfe in the valley below. Eventually we will arrive in the picturesque village of Starbotton. At this stage we have completed half our walk. We then cross the B6160 near Calf Hill Farm and head down to the river. Turning south east we pick up the and, with Moor End Fell on our right, amble in a leisurely way alongside the River Wharfe back into Kettlewell for refreshments. This walk is at the lower end of the C walk limits for distance and height due to the paths which are available. Weather permitting it will definitely be a C walk amble.

Please help to keep the coaches clean by removing muddy boots. Please check that you have all your belongings and take newspapers etc. away with you. Thank you.