March 2018

Curriculum Vitae Department of Evanston, IL 60208 (847) 491-3495


2016-present JAMES E. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY Department of Sociology, Northwestern University

2004-2016 JOHN EVANS PROFESSOR OF SOCIOLOGY Department of Sociology, Northwestern University

Spring 2018 VISITING RESEARCH FELLOW School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Spring 2017 VISITING RESEARCH FELLOW Centre for Corporate Reputation, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Spring 2016 VISITING FACULTY Department of Sociology, Observatoire Sociologique du Changement, Sciences Po, Paris, France

2016-2019 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH FELLOW (non-resident) Centre for Corporate Reputation, Said Business School, Oxford University, Oxford, Great Britain

2014-2015 MEMBER Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Social Science, Princeton, New Jersey

2014-present SENIOR FELLOW (non-resident) Yale Project, Yale University

2011-2014 DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE STUDIES Department of Sociology, Northwestern University


1 Institute for Advanced Studies, Indiana University

2010-2011 FELLOW Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, California

2010-present FACULTY FELLOW (non-resident) Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University

Spring 2010 VISITING FELLOW Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University

Spring 2009 VISITING FELLOW Kings’ College, Cambridge, England

Spring 2008 FELLOW Rockefeller Study Center, Bellagio, Italy

2006 - 2007 JEAN GIMBEL LANE PROFESSOR OF HUMANITIES Alice Berline Kaplan Humanities Institute, Northwestern University

Spring 2007 VISITING PROFESSOR Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences Program, University of Cardiff

2005 - 2006 FELLOW Russell Sage Foundation, New York

2004 - 2005 DIRECTOR Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Theatre and Drama

Winter 2004 FELLOW Lady Davis Fellowship, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Fall 2004 HOOKER DISTINGUISHED VISITING PROFESSOR Department of Sociology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

2003 FELLOW Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Uppsala

1997 - 2004 PROFESSOR Department of Sociology, Northwestern University

2 1997 - present ASSOCIATE FACULTY American Studies Program, Northwestern University

1998 - present ASSOCIATE FACULTY Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Theatre and Drama

Summer 1999 VISITING SCHOLAR Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American Art

1990 - 1997 PROFESSOR Department of Sociology,

Faculty Member: Environmental Ethics Certificate Program

Fellow: International Laboratory for Socio- Political Ecology

Executive Director, Summer Research Workshop in Field Methods (National Science Foundation funded, 1992-1995)

1994 - 1995 FELLOW Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto

1990 - 1993 DEPARTMENT HEAD Department of Sociology, University of Georgia

Spring 1991 VISITING PROFESSOR Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa

3 1985 - 1990 PROFESSOR Department of Sociology, University of

Fall 1988 VISITING PROFESSOR Department of Sociology, University of Iceland

Spring 1986 VISITING PROFESSOR Department of Sociology, University of Bremen (Germany)

1980 - 1985 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Department of Sociology,

Winter 1985 VISITING ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Department of Sociology, University of

Fall 1980 VISITING RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Department of Sociology and Folklore Institute Indiana University

1976 - 1980 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota

1977 - 1979 RESEARCH CONSULTANT Natural Hazards Warning Research Project University of Minnesota

1974 - 1975 LECTURER Department of Sociology, Boston College


1972 - 1976 Ph.D. in Social Psychology

1968 - 1972 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA B.A. in Psychology , Dean's List with Distinction


George Herbert Mead Award for Lifetime Contributions, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 2003

Elected Fellow, Academy of Leisure Sciences, 2008

4 Department of Sociology Nominee, Clarence Ver Steeg Graduate Faculty Award for Student Mentoring, 2008

John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 2010-2011

Mentoring Award, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 2011

Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Award for Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, Northwestern University, 2013

Cooley-Mead Award for Lifetime Achievement in Social Psychology, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association, 2013

Elected Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2018


A. National

American Sociological Association, Member, Committee on Committees (1985-1987) Member, Committee on Distinguished Scholarly Contribution to Sociology Award (1987-1988, 1989- 1990) Chair, Committee on Distinguished Scholarly Contribution to Sociology Award (1988-1989) Member, Committee on Awards Policy (1991-1992) Chair, Committee on Awards Policy (1992-1994) Member, Committee on the Public Understanding of Sociology (1998-2001) Member, Chicago Area Spotlight Subcommittee (1998-1999) Member, Excellence in Reporting of Social Issues Award Selection Committee (2014-2017, Chair 2015-2016)

Social Psychology Section Chair, Committee on the Creation of the Social Psychology Award (1976-1977) Chair, Social Psychology Award Committee (1978) Member, Nominations Committee (1981) Secretary (1983-1986) Organizer, Social Psychology Roundtables at the ASA (1986-1987) Council Member (1990-1993) Chair, Social Psychology Section (1993-1994) Chair, Graduate Student Participation Committee (1991- 1992)

5 Member, Graduate Student Participation Committee (1992- 1993) Member, Publications Committee (1992-1994) Member, Cooley-Mead Award Committee (2002-2003) Member, Distinguished Contribution Award Committee (2011-2012) Member, Nominations Committee (2012-2013) Chair, Cooley-Mead Award Committee (2013-2014) Member, Cooley-Mead Award Committee (2014-2015)

Sociology of Section Chair (1989-1990) Member, Handbook Committee (1989-1990) Chair, Nominations Committee (1990-1991) Member, Nominations Committee (1991-1992)

Sociology of Children and Youth Section Member, Council (1994-1996) Member, Nominations Committee (1998-1999) Chair (2002-2003) Chair, Student Paper Committee (2003-2004)

Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section Member, Elections Committee (1979-1980) Member, Publications and Workshops Committee (1981-1984) Chair, Publications and Workshops Committee (1984) Member, Nominations Committee (1988-1989) Council Member (1991-1994)

Sociological Theory Section Member, Council (1997-2000) Chair (2001-2002) Member, Nominations Committee (2002-2003) Member, Publications Committee (2002-2003) Member, Theory Prize Committee (2004-2005)

History of Sociology Section Member, Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award Committee (2008-2009) Chair, Distinguished Lifetime Contributions Award (2009-2010) Chair (2010-2011) Chair, Nominations Committee (2011-2012) Chair, Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award Committee (2016-2017)

National Science Foundation

6 Panelist, Sociology Dissertation Grant Committee (2007- 2010)

Midwest Sociological Society Member, Program Committee (1989-1990) Member, Local Arrangements Committee (2000) President-Elect (2000-2001) President (2001-2002) Member, Distinguished Book Award Committee (2015-2016)

Southern Sociological Society Member, Committee on the Profession (1994-1995) Vice-President (1996-1997)

Society for the Advancement of Social Psychology Steering Committee (1975-1979)

Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Chair, Committee on Regional Coordination (1977) Chair, 1978 Program Committee (1977-1978) Regional Coordinator, Midwest Region (1977-1981) Member, 1979 Program Committee (1978-1979) Member, Publications Committee (1980-1983) Chair, 1983 Program Committee (1982-1983) Vice President (1982-1983) President (1990-1991) Chair, George Herbert Mead Award Committee (1999-2000, 2011-2012)

International Sociological Association Executive Board, Research Committee 37 (Sociology of Art) (1982-1986, 1990-1994) Co-organizer, Working Group on Social Movements and Collective Behavior (1988-1994) Executive Board, Research Committee 48 (Social Movements, Social Class, and Collective Behavior (1994-1998)

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Advisory Committee on SPSSI-Sponsored Social Psychology Text (1978-1981)

American Folklore Society Co-Chair, Ad Hoc Publications Committee (1977-1978) Organizing Committee, Foodways Folklore Section (1978-1979) Treasurer, Children's Folklore Section (1978-1979) President, Children's Folklore Section (1979-1980)

7 Co-Chair, 1980 Program Committee (1979-1980) Chair, Local Arrangements Committee (1981-1982) Member, 1989 Opie Prize Award Committee, Children's Folklore Section (1989) Co-Chair, 1992 and 1993 Aesop Prize Award Committee, Children's Folklore Section (1991-1993) Fellow of the American Folklore Society (1994- ) Member, 1996 Newell Prize Award Committee, Children's Folklore Section (1996)

Folklore Fellows International Full Member (Elected 1995)

Popular Culture Association Section Coordinator, Psychology and Popular Culture (1975-1976) Section Coordinator, Sociology and Popular Culture (1979-1980)

The Association for the Study of Play Member, Membership Committee (1980-1981) Member, Executive Board (1983-1985) President (1985-1986) Member, Nominations Committee (1987-1988)

Society for the Study of Social Problems Member, Media Committee (1987-1988) Member, Lee Founders Award Committee (1988-1989) Chair, Division on Social Problems Theory (1990-1992) Chair, Council of Special Problems Division Chairpersons (1991) Member, Board of Directors (1993-1996) Member, C. Wright Mills Award Committee (2000-2001, 2006-2007) President (2004-2005) Member, Bylaws Committee (2007-2009) Chair, Social Problems Theory Book Award Committee (2011-2012)

Association of Humanistic Sociology Midwestern Regional Representative, AHS Board (1978- 1980)

Minnesota Folklife Society Organizing Committee (1977) Publications Vice-President (1977-1979) Secretary (1979-1980)


Editor, Social Psychology Quarterly, 2007-2010 Editorial Board, Sage Encyclopedia of Research Methods, 2016- Associate Editor, Irish Journal of Sociology, 2014- Editorial Board, Heartland Foodways series, University of Illinois Press, 2014- Editorial Board, Memory Studies, 2010- International Editorial Board, Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 2008- Advisory Board, Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 2006- Editorial Board, Journal of Boyhood Studies, 2006-2010 Consulting Editor, Qualitative Sociology Review, 2005- International Editorial Board, Socio/logica, 2006- Editorial Board, Small Groups Research, 2005- Editorial Board, Contexts, 2004-2007, 2013-2016 Editorial Board, Cultural Sociology, 2006- Board of Consulting Editors, Humor, 2003-2014 Advisory Editor, Encyclopedia of Social Theory, 2002-2005 Consulting Editor, Acta Sociologica, 2002- Editorial Board, The Sociological Quarterly, 2000-2006 Editorial Board, Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 2000- Editorial Board, Qualitative Research, 2000- Editorial Board, , 2000-2003 Advisory Board, Journal of Consumer Culture, 2000- Editorial Board, American Sociological Review, 1997-2000 Editorial Board, The American Sociologist, 1997- Editorial Board, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1994-1998 Associate Editor, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 1994- Editorial Board, Contemporary Sociology, 1984-1987, 1993-1995, 2017-2019 Advisory Editor, Play Theory and Research, 1993-1994 Advisory Board, Symbolic Interaction, 1992- Associate Editor, Visual Sociology, 1991- Newsletter Editor, Social Movements/Collective Behavior Section, International Sociological Association, 1990-1994 Review Editor, Symbolic Interaction, 1989-1991 Editor, Symbolic Interaction, 1986-1988 Editorial Board, Play and Culture, 1988-1992 Editorial Board, Humor, 1988-2002 Ad Hoc Advisory Editor, Contemporary Psychology, 1988-1989 Contributor, Journal of American Folklore, Centennial Index, 1986-1988 Associate Editor, Symbolic Interaction, 1983-1986 Consulting Editor, American Journal of Sociology, 1983-1985, 1996-1998 Associate Editor, Sociological Observations, 1983-1985

9 Issue Editor, Symbolic Interaction, 1983, 2007 Editorial Board, Sport Sociology Journal, 1983-1986 Editor, ASA Social Psychology Section Newsletter, 1981-1984 Editorial Board, Qualitative Sociology, 1982-1986 Editorial Board, Social Psychology Quarterly, 1980-1983, 1990- 1992 Editorial Board, Humanity and Society, 1977-1980 Issue Editor, Journal of Popular Culture, Sociology and Popular Culture, 1977 Advisory Editor, Journal of Popular Culture, 1977-1983 Co-Editor, Humor Research Newsletter, 1976-1979 Section Editor, SASP Newsletter, Section on Social Psychological Theory, 1974-1979 Contributor, Abstracts of Folklore Studies, 1973-1975 Contributing Editor, Folklore Forum, 1973-1975

Consultant, Nexus Contemporary Art Center; South African Breweries; British Broadcasting Corporation; Yankelovich, Skelly, and Wright; Center for Applied Linguistics; United Press International; Urban Poverty Project, ; St. Paul Pioneer Press; Minnesota Public Radio: Gustavus Adolphus College

Expert Witness, Ninth Circuit Court (U.S. v Lees), Seattle, Washington, June 1991

Defense Consultant, (Brownlee v Sunnyvale School District), Yakima, Washington, December 1994; (Procter and Gamble v Amway), Chicago, Illinois, 1996 - 1998, 2000-2007


Ralph L. Rosnow and Gary Alan Fine. Rumor and Gossip: The Social Psychology of Hearsay. New York: Elsevier, 1976. (Translated into Japanese, Iwanami Publishing Company, 1982).

Gary Alan Fine. Shared Fantasy: Role-Playing Games as Social Worlds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983.

Selections (“Frames and Games”) reprinted in The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology, ed. By Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006.

Gary Alan Fine. Talking Sociology. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1985.

10 Gary Alan Fine. With the Boys: Little League Baseball and Preadolescent Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.

Recipient of the 1988 Opie Award for the Best Scholarly Book in the field of Children's Folklore and Culture (American Folklore Society, Children's Folklore Section)

Selections reprinted in Inside Social Life: Readings in Social Psychology and Microsociology, ed. Spencer Cahill. Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Selections reprinted in Sociology: Social Life and Social Issues, 2nd Edition, ed. Linda L. Lindsey and Stephen Black. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.

Gary Alan Fine (ed.). Meaningful Play, Playful Meaning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Press, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine and Kent Sandstrom. Knowing Children: Participant Observation Among Minors. Newbury Park, California: Sage, 1988.

Gary Alan Fine. Talking Sociology, Second Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1990.

Gary Alan Fine, Harvey A. Farberman, and John Johnson (eds.). Sociological Slices: Introductory Readings From the Interactionist Perspective. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1992.

Harvey A. Farberman, Gary Alan Fine, and John Johnson (eds.). Social Psychological Foundations: Readings From the Interactionist Perspective. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1992.

John M. Johnson, Harvey Farberman, and Gary Alan Fine (eds.). The Cutting Edge: Advanced Interactionist Theory. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1992.

Gary Alan Fine. Manufacturing Tales: Sex and Money in Contemporary Legends. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1992.

Nominated for the Chicago Folklore Prize and the John Hope Franklin Publication Prize (American Studies Association)

Gary Alan Fine, Talking Sociology, Third Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1993.


Karen Cook, Gary Alan Fine, and James S. House (eds.), Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.

Gary Alan Fine (ed.), A Second Chicago School?: The Development of a Postwar American Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, Kitchens: The Culture of Restaurant Work. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. (Translated into Japanese, Hosei University Press, 2000)

Gary Alan Fine, Talking Sociology, Fourth Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1996.

Gary Alan Fine, Morel Tales: The Culture of Mushrooming. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.

Recipient of the 1999 Charles Horton Cooley Award, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction

Gary Alan Fine and Gregory W. H. Smith (eds), . Four volumes. London: Sage, 2000.

Gary Alan Fine, Difficult Reputations: Collective Memories of the Evil, Inept and Controversial. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.

Gary Alan Fine, Gifted Tongues: High School Debate and Adolescent Culture. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001.

Gary Alan Fine and Patricia Turner, Whispers On the Color Line: Rumor and Race in America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Finalist, C. Wright Mills Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems, 2002

Gary Alan Fine and David Shulman, Talking Sociology, Fifth Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2003.

Kent Sandstrom, Daniel D. Martin, and Gary Alan Fine, Symbols, Selves and Social Life: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach to Sociology and Social Psychology. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 2003.

12 Gary Alan Fine, Everyday Genius: Self-Taught Art and the Politics of Authenticity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. (Translated into Chinese, Yilin Press, 2015).

Gary Alan Fine, Veronique-Campion-Vincent, and Chip Heath (eds.), Rumor Mills: The Social Impact of Rumor and Legend. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 2005.

Kent Sandstrom, Daniel D. Martin, and Gary Alan Fine, Symbols, Selves and Social Life: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach to Sociology and Social Psychology. Second Edition. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, Authors of the Storm: Meteorology and the Culture of Prediction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.

Recipient of the 2008 Charles Horton Cooley Award, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction

Kent Sandstrom, Daniel D. Martin, and Gary Alan Fine, Symbols, Selves and Social Life: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach to Sociology and Social Psychology. Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Gary Alan Fine and Bill Ellis, The Global Grapevine: Why Rumors of , Immigration, and Trade Matter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

First runner-up, Katharine Briggs Award for outstanding work of folklore, The Folklore Society (Great Britain), 2011

Finalist, Scholarly Achievement Award, North Central Sociological Association, 2012.

Gary Alan Fine, Sticky Reputations: The Politics of Collective Memory in Midcentury America. New York: Routledge, 2012.

Gary Alan Fine, Tiny Publics: A Theory of Group Action and Culture. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2012.

Kent Sandstrom, Kathryn J. Lively, Daniel D. Martin, and Gary Alan Fine, Symbols, Selves and Social Life: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach to Sociology and Social Psychology. Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

(Translated into Italian, Simboli, Sé e Realtà Sociale, Napoli-Salerno Orthotes Editrice of Nocera Inferiore, 2014)

13 Gary Alan Fine, Players and Pawns: How Chess Creates Community and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2015.

Gary Alan Fine, Talking Art: The Practice of Culture and the Culture of Practice. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. In press.


Angel Escamilla Garcia and Gary Alan Fine, “Fair Warnings: The Ethics of Ethnography with Children.” Pp. 367-81 in Ron Iphofen and Martin Tolich (eds.), SAGE Handbook of Ethics in Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2018.

Gary Alan Fine and Ugo Corte, “Group Pleasures: Collaborative Commitments, Shared Narrative, and the Sociology of Fun.” Sociological Theory, 35: 64-86. 2017.

Gary Alan Fine and Black Hawk Hancock, “The New Ethnographer at Work.” Qualitative Research 17: 260-68. 2017.

Clare Forstie and Gary Alan Fine, “Signaling Perversion: Senator David Walsh and the Politics of Euphemism and Dysphemism.” Sexualities, 20: 772-92. 2017.

Rebecca Plante and Gary Alan Fine, “Sexuality and Reputation: An Introduction.” Sexualities, 20: 767-71. 2017.

Hannah Wohl and Gary Alan Fine, “The Active Skim: Efficient Reading as a Moral Challenge in Post-Graduate Education.” Teaching Sociology, 45: 220-27. 2017.

Gary Alan Fine, “My Kids: Fair Warnings and Brazen Methods.” Sociological Studies of Children and Youth: Researching Kids and Teens: Methodological Issues, Strategies, and Innovations 22: 375-80. 2017.

Hannah Wohl and Gary Alan Fine, “Reading Rites: Teaching Textwork in Graduate Education.” The American Sociologist 48: 215-32. 2017.

Gianna Mosser, Hannah Wohl, and Gary Alan Fine, “Alone in Publand: Leaving Academics to Themselves.” The American Sociologist 47: 238-52. 2016.

Kevin Loughran, Marcus Hunter, and Gary Alan Fine, “Urban Spaces,

14 City , and Collective Memories.” Pp. 193-204 in Anna-Lisa Tota and Trever Hagan, Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies. New York: Routledge. 2016.

Daphne Demetry, Jessica Thurk, and Gary Alan Fine, “Strategic Poverty: How Social and Cultural Capital Shapes Low-Income Life.” Journal of Consumer Culture 15: 86-109. 2015.

Gary Alan Fine, “Participant Observation.” Pp. 530-34 in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 17. Second Edition. London: Elsevier. 2015.

Gary Alan Fine, “Micro-Cultures.” In Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by Robert Scott and Stephen Kosslyn. ( 002/9781118900772). New York: Wiley Blackwell, 2015.

Hannah Wohl and Gary Alan Fine, “The Art of Together: Social Coordination as Dyadic Achievement.” Pp. 248-67 in Edward Lawler, Shane Thye, and Jeongkoo Yoon, eds. Order on the Edge of Chaos: Social Psychology and the Problem of Social Order. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2015.

Gary Alan Fine and Tim Hallett, “Group Cultures and the Everyday Life of Organizations: Interaction Orders and Meso- Analysis.” Organization Studies 35(12): 1773-92. 2014.

Gary Alan Fine and Tim Hallett, “Stranger and Stranger: Creating Theory through Ethnographic Distance and Authority.” Journal of Organizational Ethnography 3: 188-203. 2014.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Hinge: Civil Society, Group Culture, and the Interaction Order.” Social Psychology Quarterly 77: 5-26. 2014.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Mind, The Body, and the Soul of Chess.” American Journal of Play 6: 321-44. 2014.

Gary Alan Fine and Harvey Young, “Still Thrills: The Drama of Chess.” The Drama Review 58: 87-98. 2014.

Gary Alan Fine and Christine Simonian Bean, “Dining with Joe McCarthy: Performing Partisanship at American Political Banquets.” Pp. 155-63 in Regina Bendix and Michaela Fenske, eds. Political Meals. Berlin: Lit Verlag. 2014.

15 Al Muniz, Toby Norris, and Gary Alan Fine, “Marketing Artistic Careers: Pablo Picasso as Brand Manager.” European Journal of Marketing 48: 68-88. 2014.

David Schieber, Al Hunter, and Gary Alan Fine, “Alcohol in Heavenston: Shifting Moral Orders and Economic Interests in a Suburban Community.” Social History of Alcohol and Drugs 27: 174-88. 2013.

Gary Alan Fine, “Sticky Cultures: Memory Publics and Communal Pasts in Competitive Chess.” Cultural Sociology 7: 395-414. 2013.

Gary Alan Fine, “Apology and Redress: Escaping the Dustbin of History in the Post-Segregationist South.” Social Forces 91: 1319-42. 2013.

Gary Alan Fine, “If You Can’t Stand the Heat: The Business of Observing Restaurant Kitchens.” Journal of Business Anthropology 2(2): 141-45. 2013.

Raynald Harvey Lemelin and Gary Alan Fine, “Leisure on the Recreational Fringe: Naturework and the Place of Amateur Mycology and Entomology.” PAN: Philosophy, Activism, Nature 10: 77-86. 2013.

Jeong-Chul Kim and Gary Alan Fine, “Collaborators and National Memory: The Creation of the Encyclopedia of Pro-Japanese Collaborators in Korea.” Memory Studies 6: 130-45. 2013.

Antony Puddephatt and Gary Alan Fine, “Chess as Art, Science, and Sport.” Pp. 390-404 in David Andrews and Ben Carrington, eds., A Companion to Sport. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 2013.

Gary Alan Fine, “Group Culture and the Interaction Order: Local Sociology on the Meso-Level.” Annual Review of Sociology 38: 159-79. 2012.

Gary Alan Fine, “”Time to Play: The Temporal Organization of Chess Competition.” Time & Society 21: 395-416. 2012.

Gary Alan Fine and Daphne Demetry, “Contemporary Gastronomic Identities.” Food and History 10: 195-209. 2012.

Gary Alan Fine and Bin Xu, “Honest Brokers: The Politics of Expertise in the ‘Who Lost China?’ Debate.” Social Problems 58: 593-614. 2011.

16 Erin McDonnell and Gary Alan Fine, “Pride and Shame in Ghana: Collective Memory and Nationalism among Elite African Students.” African Studies Review 54: 121-42. 2011.

Gary Alan Fine and Lisa-Jo van den Scott, “Wispy Communities: Transient Gatherings and Imagined Micro-Communities.” American Behavioral Scientist 55: 1319-35. 2011.

Gary Alan Fine and Nicholas DiFonzo, “Uncertain Knowledge: Rumor and Collective Sense-Making.” Contexts (Summer 2011): 16-21.

Gary Alan Fine. “Jonathan Swift: Political Satire and the Public Sphere.” Pp. 245-52 in Christofer Edling and Jens Rydgren, eds., Sociological Insights of Great Thinkers: Sociology through Literature, Philosophy, and Science. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2011.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Sociology of the Local: Action and Its Publics.” Sociological Theory 28: 355-76. 2010.

Max Clarke and Gary Alan Fine. “’A’ is for Apology: Slavery and the Discourse of Remonstrance in American Universities.” History & Memory 22: 81-112. 2010.

Bin Xu and Gary Alan Fine, “Memory Movements and the State- Society Relationship in the Chinese WWII Victims’ Reparations Movement Against Japan.” Pp. 166-89 in Barry Schwartz and Mikyoung Park (eds.), Northeast Asia’s Difficult Past: Essays in Collective Memory. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. 2010.

Reprinted in Japanese in Northeast Asia's History and Memory (Tohoku Ajia'no Rekishi'to Kioku). Tokyo: Keisoshobo. 2014.

Gary Alan Fine. “Group Cultures and .” In John Hall (ed.), Handbook of Cultural Sociology. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. 2010.

Gary Alan Fine and Shannon Fitzsimons, “The Secret Life of Readers.” Society 47(3): 353-55. 2010.

Gary Alan Fine, Calvin Morrill, and Sharmi Surianarain. “Ethnography in Organizational Settings.” Pp. 602-19 in David Buchanan and Alan Bryman (eds.), Handbook of Organizational Research Methods. London: Sage, 2009.

Gary Alan Fine and David Shulman, “Lies from the Field: Ethical Issues in Organizational Ethnography.” Pp. 177-95 in Sierk

17 Ybema, Dvora Yanow, Harry Wels, and Frans Kamsteeg (eds.), Organizational Ethnography: Studying the Complexities of Everyday Life. London: Sage. 2009.

Tim Hallett, David Shulman, and Gary Alan Fine. “Peopling Organizations: The Promise of Classical for Inhabited Institutionalism.” Pp. 486-509 in Paul S. Adler (ed.), Oxford Handbook for Sociology and Organizational Studies: Classical Foundations. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Gary Alan Fine, “Does Rumor Lie? Narrators, Trust, and the Framing of Unsecured Information.” Pp. 183-200 in Brooke Harrington (ed.), Deception: From Ancient Empires to Internet Dating. Stanford: Press. 2009.

Michaela DeSoucey, Daphne Demetry, and Gary Alan Fine, “The Foodie’s Dilemma: Snobbery No More.” Sociologica (number 1), online, 2009.

Michael Sauder and Gary Alan Fine, “Arbiters, Entrepreneurs and Business School Reputation.” Sociological Forum 23: 699-723. 2008.

Gary Alan Fine, Brooke Harrington, and Sandro Segre, “Politics in the Public Sphere: The Power of Tiny Publics in Classical Sociology.” Sociologica (Number 1), online. 2008.

Gary Alan Fine, Brooke Harrington, and Sandro Segre, “Tiny Publics and Group Practice.” Sociologica (Number 1), online. 2008.

Japonica Brown-Saracino, Jessica Thurk, and Gary Alan Fine, “Beyond Groups: Seven Pillars of Peopled Ethnography in Organizations and Communities.” Qualitative Research 8(3): 547-67. 2008.

Reprinted in Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont (eds.), SAGE Qualitative Research Methods. London: Sage, 2010.

Gary Alan Fine and Corey Fields, “Culture and Microsociology: Anthills and the Veldt.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. 619 (1): 130-48. 2008.

Michaela Desoucey, Jo-Ellen Pozner, Corey Fields, Kerry Dobransky, and Gary Alan Fine, “Memory and Sacrifice: An Embodied Theory of Martyrdom.” Cultural Sociology 2: 99-121. 2008.


Amin Ghaziani and Gary Alan Fine, “Infighting and Ideology: How Conflict Informs the Local Culture of the Chicago Dyke March.” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 20: 51-67. 2008.

Julia Rothenberg and Gary Alan Fine, “Artworlds and Their Ethnographers.” Ethnologie Francaise 38: 33-39. 2008.

Gary Alan Fine and Terrence McDonnell, “Erasing the Brown Scare: Referential Afterlife and the Power of Memory Templates.” Social Problems 54: 170-87. 2007.

Co-recipient, Society for the Study of Social Problems Social Problems Theory Division Outstanding Article Award, 2009

Aaron Beim and Gary Alan Fine, “Trust in Testimony: The Institutional Embeddedness of Holocaust Survivor Narratives.” European Journal of Sociology 48: 55-74. 2007.

Gary Alan Fine, “Rumor, Trust and Civil Society: Collective Memory and Cultures of Judgment.” Diogenes 54: 5-18. 2007.

Reprinted in Chinese in Cultural Study (source journal of the CSSCI), 2015.

Aaron Beim and Gary Alan Fine, “The Cultural Frameworks of Prejudice: Reputational Images and the Postwar Disjuncture of Jews and Communism.” The Sociological Quarterly 48: 373- 97. 2007.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Construction of Historical Equivalence: Weighing the Red and Brown Scares.” Symbolic Interaction 30: 27-39. 2007.

Gary Alan Fine and Aaron Beim, “Interactionist Approaches to Collective Memory.” Symbolic Interaction 30: 1-5. 2007.

Gary Alan Fine, “Notorious Support: The America First Committee and the Personalization of Policy.” Mobilization 11: 405-26. 2006.

Reprinted in Hank Johnston (ed.), Culture, Social Movements, and Protest. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2008.

19 Kerry Dobransky and Gary Alan Fine, “The Native in the Garden: Floral Politics and Cultural Entrepreneurs.” Sociological Forum 21: 559-85. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Attraverso un Vetro Scuro: Le Previsioni Meteorologiche e le Promesse de ‘Lavoro Sul Futuro.’” Studi Culturali 3(2): 215-47. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine and Rashida Z. Shaw, “An Isolationist Blacklist?: Lillian Gish and the America First Committee.” Theatre Survey 47: 283-88. 2006.

Albert Muniz, Thomas O’Guinn, and Gary Alan Fine, “Rumor in Brand Communities.” Pp. 227-47 in Donald Hantula (ed.), Advances in Theory and Methodology in Social and Organizational Psychology: A Tribune to Ralph Rosnow. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Chaining of Social Problems.” Social Problems 53: 3-17. 2006.

Brooke Harrington and Gary Alan Fine, “Where the Action Is: Small Groups and Recent Developments in Sociological Theory,” Small Group Research 37: 4- 19. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Humor Me.” Studies in American Humor 3.13 (New Series): 99-106. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Ground Truth: Verification Games in Operational Meteorology.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 37: 3-23: 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Shopfloor Cultures: The Idioculture of Production in Operational Meteorology.” The Sociological Quarterly 47: 1-20. 2006.

Gabrielle Ferrales and Gary Alan Fine, “Sociology as a Vocation: Reputations and Group Cultures in Graduate School.” The American Sociologist 36: 57-75. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Rumeur, Confiance, et Société Civile.” Diogenes 213: 3-22. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine and Michaela DeSoucey, “Joking Cultures: Humor Themes as Social Regulation in Group Life.” Humor 18: 1-22. 2005.

20 Steven G. Hoffman and Gary Alan Fine, “The Scholar’s Body: Mixing It Up with Loïc Wacquant.” Qualitative Sociology 28: 151-57. 2005.

Gary Alan Fine and Irfan Khawaja, “Celebrating Arabs and Grateful Terrorists: Rumor and the Politics of Plausibility.” Pp. 185-205 in Gary Alan Fine, Veronique-Campion-Vincent, and Chip Heath (eds.), Rumor Mills: The Social Impact of Rumor and Legend. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 2005.

Gary Alan Fine, “Rumor Matters: An Introductory Essay.” Pp. 1-7 in Gary Alan Fine, Veronique-Campion-Vincent, and Chip Heath (eds.), Rumor Mills: The Social Impact of Rumor and Legend. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 2005.

Chip Heath, Veronique Campion-Vincent, and Gary Alan Fine, “Rumor and Legend: Seven Questions.” Pp. 255-65 in Gary Alan Fine, Veronique-Campion-Vincent, and Chip Heath (eds.), Rumor Mills: The Social Impact of Rumor and Legend. New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 2005.

Gary Alan Fine and Kent Sandstrom, “Wild Thoughts: An Interactionist Analysis of Ideology, Emotion, and Nature.” Pp. 237-58 in Peter Kivisto (ed.), Illuminating Social Life, Third Edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge. 2005.

Gary Alan Fine and Brooke Harrington, “Tiny Publics: Small Groups and Civil Society.” Sociological Theory 22: 341-56. 2004.

Gary Alan Fine, Tim Hallett, and Michael Sauder, “The Myth and Meaning of Bowling Alone.” Society 47-49. July/August 2004.

Gary Alan Fine, “Adolescence as a Cultural Toolkit: High School Debate and the Repertoires of Childhood and Adulthood.” The Sociological Quarterly 45: 1-20. 2004.

Gary Alan Fine, “Crafting Authenticity: The Validation of Identity in Self-Taught Art.” Theory and Society. 32: 153- 180. 2003.

Gary Alan Fine, “On the Trail of Tribal Sociology” (Review Essay of five books). Sociological Forum 18: 653-65. 2003.

Gary Alan Fine and Philip Manning, “Preserving Philip Rieff: The Reputation of a Fellow Teacher.” Journal of Classical Sociology. 3:227-233. 2003.

21 Gary Alan Fine and Tim Hallett, “Dust: A Study in Sociological Miniaturism.” The Sociological Quarterly. 44: 1-15. 2003.

Reprinted in Michael Carroll and Jerry P. White (eds.), Images of Society: Readings that Inspire and Inform Sociology. Pp. 13-18. Toronto: Thompson Nelson Publishers, 2005.

Gary Alan Fine, “Tornadoes and Ground Truth.” Contexts. 2: 56-57. 2003.

Gary Alan Fine, “Toward a Peopled Ethnography: Developing Theory from Group Life.” Ethnography. 4:41-60. 2003.

Reprinted in Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont (eds.), SAGE Qualitative Research Methods. London: Sage, 2010.

Reprinted in Sam Hillyard (ed.), Approaches to Fieldwork. London: Sage, 2014.

Jessica Thurk and Gary Alan Fine, “The Problem of Tools: Technology and the Sharing of Knowledge.” Acta Sociologica. 46: 107-17. 2003.

Kent Sandstrom and Gary Alan Fine, “Triumphs, Emerging Voices, and the Future.” Pp. 1041-57 in Larry T. Reynolds and Nancy J. Herman-Kinney (eds.), The Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2003.

Gary Alan Fine and Emily Eisenberg, “Tricky Dick and Slick Willie: Despised Presidents and Generational Imprinting.” American Behavioral Scientist. 46: 553-65. 2002.

Gary Alan Fine and Ryan D. White, “Creating Collective Attention in the Public Domain: Human Interest Narratives and the Rescue of Floyd Collins.” Social Forces. 81: 57-85. 2002.

Minna Bromberg and Gary Alan Fine, “Romancing the Red: Pete Seeger and the Purification of Difficult Reputations.” Social Forces 80: 1135-1155. 2002.

Gary Alan Fine, “Coordination, Symbolic Action and the Quadrants of Social Order.” Pp. 15-31 in Elzbieta Halas (eds.), Symbols, Power and Politics. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2002.

Gary Alan Fine, “Thinking About Evil: Adolf Hitler and the Dilemma of the Social Construction of Reputation.” Pp. 227- 237 in Karen Cerulo (ed.), Culture in Mind: Toward a

22 Sociology of Culture and Cognition. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Storied Group: Social Movements as ‘Bundles of Narratives.’” Pp. 229-45 in Joseph E. Davis (ed.), Stories of Change: Narratives of Social Movements. Albany: SUNY Press, 2002.

Gary Alan Fine, “Participant Observation.” Pp. 11073-78 in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 16. London: Elsevier. 2002.

Michael Flaherty and Gary Alan Fine, “Present, Past and Future: Conjugating Mead’s Perspective of Time.” Time and Society. 10: 147-161. 2001.

John Stolte, Gary Alan Fine, and Karen Cook, “Sociological Miniaturism: Seeing the Big Through the Small in Social Psychology.” Annual Review of Sociology 27: 387-413. 2001.

Gary Alan Fine, “Enacting Norms: Mushrooming and the Culture of Expectations and Explanations.” Pp. 139-64 in Michael Hechter and Karl-Dieter Opp (eds.), Social Norms. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001.

Gary Alan Fine, Wendy Espeland, and Dean Rojek, “Young Citizens: The Position of Children in Communitarian Theory.” Sociological Studies of Children and Youth 8: 295-414, 2001.

Christopher Wellin and Gary Alan Fine, “Ethnography as Work: Career Socialization, Settings and Problems.” Pp. 323-38 in Paul Atkinson, Amanda Coffey, Sara Delamont, John Lofland, and Lyn Lofland (eds.), Handbook of Ethnography. London: Sage, 2001.

Kent Sandstrom, Daniel D. Martin, and Gary Alan Fine, “Symbolic Interaction in an American Century.” Pp. 217-231 in George Ritzer and Barry Smart (eds.), Handbook of Social Theory. London: Sage. 2001.

Brooke Harrington and Gary Alan Fine, “Opening the Black Box: Small Groups and Twenty-First Century Sociology.” Social Psychology Quarterly 63: 312-23. 2000.

Gary Alan Fine, “Games and Truths: Learning to Construct Social Problems in High School Debate.” The Sociological Quarterly 41: 103-23. 2000.

23 Gary Alan Fine, “Normative Troubles: Social Expectations as Cultural Productions.” Studies in Symbolic Interaction 24: 33-39. 2000.

Tim Hallett and Gary Alan Fine, “Learning From the Field Research of an Old Century.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 29: 593-617. 2000.

Gary Alan Fine, Philip Manning, and Gregory W. H. Smith, “Introduction.” Pp. ix-xliv in Gary Alan Fine and Gregory W.H. Smith (eds.), Erving Goffman (London: Sage, 2000).

Adam King and Gary Alan Fine, “Ford on the Line: Business Leader Reputation and the Multiple Audience Problem.” Journal of Management Inquiry. 9(1): 71-86. 2000.

Gary Alan Fine, “Learning About Work from Creative Nonfiction.” Journal of Management Inquiry. 9(1): 65-66. 2000.

Gary Alan Fine and Kimberly D. Elsbach, “Ethnography and Experiment in Social Psychological Theory Building: Tactics for Integrating Qualitative Field Data With Quantitative Lab Data.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 36: 51-76. 2000.

Gary Alan Fine and Philip Manning. “Erving Goffman.” Pp. 457-85 in George Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists. Oxford: Blackwell. 2000.

Gary Alan Fine, “John Brown’s Body: Elites, Cultural Resonance and the Legitimation of Political Violence.” Social Problems 46: 225-249. 1999.

Leigh Thompson and Gary Alan Fine, “Socially Shared Cognition, Affect and Behavior: A Review and Integration.” Personality and Social Psychology Review. 3: 278-302. 1999.

Gary Alan Fine, “Field Labor and Ethnographic Reality.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 28: 532-539. 1999.

Gary Alan Fine, “Tworzenie Ram Dla Norm: Kultura Oczekiwan i Wyjasnien.” Pp. 65-94 in Elzbiety Halas, Teoria Socjologiczna Floriana Znanieckiego a Wyzwania XXI Wieku (Lublin, Poland: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego). 1999. (In Polish: “Framing Norms: The Culture of Expectations and Explanations”)

24 Reprinted as “Framing Norms: The Culture of Expectations and Explanations’ in Elzbieta Halas (ed.), Florian Znaniecki’s Sociological Theory and the Challenges of the 21st Century. Pp. 49-67. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 2000.

Gary Alan Fine, "Claiming the Text: Parsing the Sardonic Visions of Erving Goffman and ." Pp. 177-197 in Greg Smith (ed.), Goffman and Social Organization: Studies in a Sociological Legacy. London: Routledge. 1999.

Gary Alan Fine, "Art Centers: Southern Folk Art and the Splintering of a Hegemonic Market." Pp. 148-162 in Barry Smart (ed.), Resisting McDonaldization. London: Sage. 1999.

Judith Preissle, Linda Grant, Josephine Beoku-Betts, William Finlay, and Gary Alan Fine, "Fieldwork in Familiar Places: The UGA Workshop in Fieldwork Methods,” Anthropology and Education Quarterly 30: 238-248. 1999.

Gary Alan Fine, Beth Montemurro, Bonnie Semora, Marybeth Stalp, Dane S. Claussen, and Zayda Sierra, “Social Order Through a Prism: Color as Collective Representation.” Sociological Inquiry 68 443-57. 1998.

Jeanne Barker-Nunn and Gary Alan Fine, “The Vortex of Creation: Literary Politics and the Demise of Herman Melville’s Reputation.” Poetics 26: 81-98. 1998.

Amy Campion and Gary Alan Fine, “Main Street on Main Street: Community Identity and the Reputation of Sinclair Lewis.” The Sociological Quarterly 39: 79-99. 1998.

Gary Alan Fine, "Scandal, Social Conditions and the Creation of Public Attention: 'Fatty' Arbuckle and the 'Problem' of Hollywood." Social Problems 44: 297-323. 1997.

Lori Holyfield and Gary Alan Fine, "Adventure as Character Work: The Collective Taming of Fear." Symbolic Interaction 20: 343-363. 1997.

Gary Alan Fine, "Symbolic Interaction: An Introduction." In Craig Calhoun and George Ritzer (eds.), Social Problems. New York: McGraw-Hill/Primis. 1997.

Gary Alan Fine, "Naturework and the Taming of the Wild: The Problem of 'Overpick' in the Culture of Mushroomers." Social Problems 44: 68-88. 1997.

25 Calvin Morrill and Gary Alan Fine, "Ethnographic Contributions to Organizational Sociology," Sociological Methods and Research 25: 424-51. 1997.

Nancy Wisely and Gary Alan Fine, "Making Faces: Portraiture as a Negotiated Worker-Client Relationship." Work and Occupations 24: 164-87. 1997.

Gary Alan Fine and James Deegan, "Three Principles of Serendip: The Role of Chance in Ethnographic Research." Qualitative Studies in Education. 9: 434-47. 1996.

Todd Bayma and Gary Alan Fine, "Fictional Features and Imaginary Relations: The Transformation of Lolita From Victim to Vixen." Studies in Symbolic Interaction 20: 165-178. 1996.

Gary Alan Fine, "Justifying Work: Occupational Rhetorics as Resources in Restaurant Kitchens." Administrative Science Quarterly 41: 90-115. 1996.

Gary Alan Fine and Lori Holyfield, "Secrecy, Trust, and Dangerous Leisure: Generating Group Cohesion in Voluntary Organizations." Social Psychology Quarterly 59: 22-38. 1996.

Reprinted in Philip Stone and Mark Cannon (eds.), Organizational Psychology, Volume II. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth, 1997.

Gary Alan Fine, "Reputational Entrepreneurs and the Memory of Incompetence: Melting Supporters, Partisan Warriors, and Images of President Harding." American Journal of Sociology 101: 1159-93. 1996.

Melissa Landers and Gary Alan Fine, "Learning Life's Lessons in Tee Ball: The Solidification of Gender and Status in Preschool Sport." Sociology of Sport Journal 13: 87-93. 1996.

Gary Alan Fine, "Wittgenstein's Kitchen: Sharing Meaning in Restaurant Work." Theory and Society. 24: 245-269. 1995.

Lori Ducharme and Gary Alan Fine, "The Construction of Nonpersonhood and Demonization: Commemorating the 'Traitorous' Reputation of Benedict Arnold." Social Forces. 73: 1309-31. 1995.

26 James House, Gary Alan Fine, and Karen Cook, "The Promise of Sociological Social Psychology." Social Psychology Quarterly 58: 336-338. 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, "Public Narration and Group Culture: Discerning Discourse in Social Movements." Pp. 127-143 in Hank Johnston and Bert Klandermans (eds.), Social Movements and Culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1995.

Shun Lu and Gary Alan Fine, "The Presentation of Ethnic Authenticity: Chinese Food as a Social Accomplishment." The Sociological Quarterly. 36: 601-619, 1995.

Spencer Cahill, Gary Alan Fine, and Linda Grant, "Dimensions of Qualitative Research." Pp. 605-29 in Karen Cook, Gary Alan Fine, and James S. House (eds.), Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, "Building Blocks and the Quadrant of Action." Pp. 1-7 in Karen Cook, Gary Alan Fine, and James S. House (eds.), Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, James S. House, and Karen S. Cook, "Introduction." Pp. ix-xii in Karen Cook, Gary Alan Fine, and James S. House (eds.), Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, James S. House, and Karen S. Cook, "Invitation to Methodology." Pp. 601-603 in Karen Cook, Gary Alan Fine, and James S. House (eds.), Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, "The Social Construction of Style: Reading Veblen, Judging Veblen." The Sociological Quarterly. 35: 457-72. 1994.

Reprinted in Jeffrey Alexander, Raymond Boudon, and Mohammed Cherkaoui (eds.), The Classical Tradition in Sociology. (London: Sage, 1998).

Reprinted in Rick Tilman (ed.), The Legacy of Thorstein Veblen. (Cheltenham, United Kingdom, 2003)

Lori Ducharme and Gary Alan Fine, "No Escaping Obligation: Erving Goffman on the Demands and Constraints of Play." Pp. 89-111 In Ronald Bogue and Mihai Spariousu (eds.), The Play of the Self. Albany: SUNY Press. 1994.


Gary Alan Fine and Jeffrey Victor, "Satanic Tourism: Adolescent Dabbling in 'Demonic Culture.'" Phi Delta Kappan. 76:70-72. 1994.

Gary Alan Fine, "The Sad Demise, Mysterious Disappearance, and Glorious Triumph of Symbolic Interactionism." Annual Review of Sociology. 19: 61-87. 1993.

Reprinted in Portuguese in Revista de Administracao de Empresas (Sao Paulo), 2005.

Reprinted in Portuguese in Teoria das Organizações, edited by Miguel P. Caldas and Carlos Osmar Bertero. Sao Paulo: Editora Atlas, S.A., 2007. Pp. 257-288.

Gary Alan Fine, "Ten Lies of Ethnography: Moral Dilemmas of Field Research." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 22: 267-294. 1993.

Reprinted in Polish as "Dziesięć kłamstw etnografii – dylematy etyczne w terenie." Pp. 87-112 in Etyczne Problemy Bada ń Antropologicznych, edited by Katarzyny Kaniowskiej and Noemi Modnickiej. Warsaw: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze. 2010.

Gary Alan Fine and Nancy Wisely, "Learning From Symbolic Interaction: Portraits as Communicative Meaning," Art and Academe 5: 31-47. 1993.

Gary Alan Fine and Laura Leighton, "Nocturnal Omissions: Steps Toward a Sociology of Dreams." Symbolic Interaction 16: 95- 104. 1993.

Gary Alan Fine and Kent Sandstrom, "Ideology in Action: A Pragmatic Approach to a Contested Concept." Sociological Theory. 11: 21-38. 1993.

Gary Alan Fine and Jay Mechling, "Child Saving and Children's Cultures." Pp. 120-146 in Shirley B. Heath and Milbrey W. McLaughlin (eds.), Identity and Inner-City Youth: Beyond Ethnicity and Gender. New York: Teachers College Press. 1993.

Gary Alan Fine, "The Culture of Production: Aesthetic Choices and Constraints in Culinary Work." American Journal of Sociology. 97:1268-1294. 1992.

28 Reprinted in The Anthropology of Organisations, Alberto Corsin Jiminez (ed.). Aldershot: Ashgate.

Reprinted in Creative Industries: Critical Readings, Brian Moeran and Ana Alacovska (eds.). Oxford: Berg.

Reprinted in Food and Folklore Reader, Lucy Long (ed.). New York: Bloomsbury.

Gary Alan Fine, "The Depths of Deep Play: The Rhetoric and Resources of Morally Controversial Leisure." Play and Culture. 5: 246-251. 1992.

Helen M. Reid and Gary Alan Fine, "Self-Disclosure in Men's Friendships: Variations Associated With Intimate Relations." Pp. 132-152 in Peter Nardi (ed.), Men's Friendships. Newbury Park, California: Sage. 1992.

Gary Alan Fine, "Agency, Structure, and Comparative Contexts: Toward a Synthetic Interactionism." Symbolic Interaction. 15: 87-107. 1992.

Gary Alan Fine, "Wild Life: Authenticity and the Human Experience of 'Natural' Places." Pp. 156-175 in Carolyn Ellis and Michael Flaherty (eds.), Investigating Subjectivity: Research on Lived Experience. Newbury Park, California: Sage. 1992.

Linda Grant and Gary Alan Fine, "Sociology Unleashed: Creative Directions in Classical Ethnography." Pp. 405-446 in Margaret D. LeCompte, Wendy L. Milroy, and Judith Preissle (eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education New York: Academic Press. 1992.

Diana K. Harris, Gary Alan Fine, and Thomas C. Hood, "The Aging of Desire: Playboy Centerfolds and the Graying of America." Journal of Aging Studies. 6: 301-306. 1992.

Gary Alan Fine and Lazaros Christophorides, "Dirty Birds, Filthy Immigrants, and the English Sparrow War: Metaphorical Linkage in Constructing Social Problems." Symbolic Interaction. 14: 375-393. 1991.

Gary Alan Fine and Jay Mechling, "Minor Difficulties: Changing Children in the Late Twentieth Century." Pp. 58-78 in Alan Wolfe (ed.), America at Century’s End. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1991.


Gary Alan Fine, "On the Microfoundations of Macrosociology: Constraint and the Exterior Reality of Structure." The Sociological Quarterly. 32: 161-177. 1991.

Daniel D. Martin and Gary Alan Fine, "Satanic Cults, Satanic Play: Is Dungeons & Dragons a Breeding Ground for the Devil." Pp. 107 - 123 in James Richardson, David Bromley, and Joel Best (eds.), The Satanism Scare. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. 1991.

Gary Alan Fine, "Justifying Fun: Or, Why We Do Not Teach "Exotic Dance" in High School." Play and Culture. 4: 87-99. 1991.

Reprinted in revised form in Philip Smith (ed.), The New American Cultural Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Ramona M. Asher and Gary Alan Fine, "Fragile ties: Shaping research relationships with women married to alcoholics." Pp. 196- 205 in William Shaffir and Robert Stebbins (eds.), Experiencing Field Work: Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences. Newbury Park: Sage. 1991.

Gary Alan Fine, Jeylan T. Mortimer, and Donald F. Roberts, "Leisure, work, and mass media." Pp. 225-252 in Shirley Feldman and Glen Elliott (eds.), At the Threshold: The Developing Adolescent. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1990.

Gary Alan Fine, "Credit and blame in ethnographic writing." The American Sociologist. 21: 76-79. 1990.

Susan M. Fournier and Gary Alan Fine, "Jumping Grannies: Exercise as a Buffer Against Becoming 'Old.'" Play & Culture 3: 337- 342. 1990.

Gary Alan Fine, "Organizational time: Temporal demands and the experience of work in restaurant kitchens." Social Forces. 69: 95 - 114. 1990.

Reprinted in Lorne Tepperman and James Curtis, Everyday Life: A Reader (Whitby, Ontario: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1995)

Gary Alan Fine, "Symbolic interaction in the post-Blumerian age." Pp. 117-157 in George Ritzer (ed.), Frontiers of Social Theory. New York: Columbia University Press. 1990.

30 Gary Alan Fine and Daniel D. Martin, "A partisan view: Sarcasm, satire, and irony as voices in Erving Goffman's Asylums." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 19: 89-115. 1990.

Reprinted in John Van Maanen (ed.), Representation in Ethnography (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1995), pp. 165-197.

Reprinted in Gary Alan Fine and Gregory W.H. Smith (eds.), Erving Goffman (London: Sage, 2000), volume II, pp. 135-155.

Reprinted in Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont (eds.), Ethnographic Discourse. London: Sage. 2008.

Gary Alan Fine, "Mobilizing fun: Provisioning resources in leisure worlds," Sport Sociology Journal. 6:319-334. 1989.

Reprinted in Peter Kivisto (ed.), Exploring the Social: Readings in Contemporary Sociology (Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2001), pp. 103-115.

Reprinted in French as "Pour une Sociologie des Loisirs : La Mise á Disposition des Ressources." In Tracés, Issue Number 28, 2015 (ENS Editions, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon).

Gary Alan Fine, "The process of tradition: cultural models of change and content." Pp. 263-277 in Craig Calhoun (ed.), Comparative Social Research. Volume 11: Culture. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 1989.

Gary Alan Fine, "Art forgery." In George Gerbner (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Communications. New York: Oxford University Press. 1989.

John Bloom and Gary Alan Fine, "Windows on fantasy: Studying public and private components of imagination." ARENA Review. 13: 20-27, 1989.

Gary Alan Fine, "Little League baseball as sport, play and work." Pp. 39-57 in Jeffrey Goldstein (ed.), Sports, Games and Play, 2nd Edition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989.

Gary Alan Fine, "A Theory for the Republic," Symbolic Interaction. 12: 93-96, 1989.

Gary Alan Fine, "The Ten Commandments of Writing," The American Sociologist 19: 152-157, 1988.

31 Reprinted in revised form in Write Margin: Newsletter of the Writing Resource Center. 5(3): 2, 1991.

Gary Alan Fine, "Good Children and Dirty Play," Play and Culture 1: 43-56, 1988.

Gary Alan Fine, "One of the Boys: Women in Male-Dominated Settings." In Michael S. Kimmel (ed.), Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity. Newbury Park, California: Sage, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine, "Working Cooks: The Dynamics of Professional Kitchens." In Helena Lopata (ed.), Current Research on Occupations and Professions, vol. 4. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine, "The strains of idioculture: External threat and internal crisis on a Little League baseball team." In Gary Alan Fine (ed.), Meaningful Play, Playful Meaning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Press, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine, "Adolescent gossip as social interaction." In Jenny Cook-Gumperz, William A. Corsaro and Jurgen Streeck (eds.), Children's Worlds and Children's Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1986.

Gary Alan Fine, "The Dirty Play of Little Boys," Society / Transaction 24, 1986, 63-67.

Reprinted in Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner (eds.), Men's Lives. New York: Macmillan, 1989, pp. 171-179.

Reprinted in Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner (eds.), Men's Lives, Second Edition. New York: Macmillan, 1992, pp. 135-143.

Gary Alan Fine and Sherryl Kleinman, "Interpreting the sociological classics: Can there be a 'true' meaning of Mead?" Symbolic Interaction 9:129-46, 1986.

Reprinted in Symbolic Interactionism, Volume I: Foundations and History, edited by Ken Plummer. Brookfield, Vermont: Edward Elgar, 1991, pp. 95-112.

Reprinted in The Cutting Edge: Advanced Interactionist Theory, edited John Johnson, Harvey Farberman, and Gary Alan Fine. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1992, pp. 1-18.

32 Gary Alan Fine, "Small groups and sports: A symbolic interactionist analysis." In C. Roger Rees and Andrew W. Miracle (eds.), Sport and Social Theory. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Press, 1986, pp. 159-169.

Gary Alan Fine, "The diffusion structure of common knowledge," Zeitschrift fur Soziologie 15:302-303, 1986.

Gary Alan Fine, "Friendships in the workplace," in Val Derlaga and Barbara Winstead (eds.), Friendship and Social Interaction. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986, pp. 185-206.

Gary Alan Fine, "Behavioral change in group space: A reintegration of Lewinian theory in small group research," in Edward Lawler (ed.), Advances in Group Process: Theory and Research, Vol. 3, 23-50. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1986.

Gary Alan Fine, "Rumors and gossiping." In Teun Van Dijk (ed.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis, Volume Three. London: Academic Press, 1985, pp. 223-237.

Gary Alan Fine, "Occupational aesthetics: How trade school students learn to cook," Urban Life 14:3-32, 1985.

Gary Alan Fine, "Team sports, seasonal histories, significant events: Little League baseball and the creation of collective meaning." Sociology of Sport Journal 2:299-313, 1985.

Gary Alan Fine and Janet S. Severance, "Great men and hard times: Sociology at the University of Minnesota." The Sociological Quarterly 26:117-134, 1985.

Gary Alan Fine and Deborah Shatin, "Crimes against art: Social meanings and symbolic attacks." Empirical Studies of the Arts 3:135-152, 1985.

Gary Alan Fine and Randy Stoecker, "Can the circle be unbroken?: Small groups and social movements." Advances in Group Processes 2:1-28, 1985.

Reprinted in Social Psychology of Groups: A Reader, edited by Edward J. Lawler and Barry Markovsky. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1993, pp. 225-52.

33 Gary Alan Fine, Jeffrey Stitt and Michael Finch, "Couple tie signs and interpersonal threat: A field experiment," Social Psychology Quarterly 47:282-286, 1984.

Reprinted in Gary Alan Fine and Gregory W.H. Smith (eds.), Erving Goffman (London: Sage, 2000), volume II, pp. 244-251.

Gary Alan Fine and Nora L. Ross, "Symbolic meaning and cultural organizations." In Samuel Bachrach and Edward Lawler (eds.), Perspectives in Organizational Sociology: Theory and Research, Vol. 4, pp. 237-256. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1984.

Gary Alan Fine, "Negotiated orders and organizational cultures." Annual Review of Sociology 10:239-62, 1984.

Gary Alan Fine, "Humorous interaction and the social construction of meaning: Making sense in a jocular vein." In Norman Denzin (ed.), Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 5, 5:83- 101, 1984.

Gary Alan Fine, "Sociological aspects of humor." In Jeffrey Goldstein and Paul McGhee (eds.), Humor Research Handbook. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1983, pp. 159-182.

Gary Alan Fine and Sherryl Kleinman. "Network and meaning: An interactionist approach to structure." Symbolic Interaction 6:97-110, 1983.

Gary Alan Fine, "Cheating history: Rhetorics and art forgery." Empirical Studies in the Arts 1:75-93, 1983.

Reprinted in Italian: "Ingannare la storia: le argomentazioni del falsario d'arte." Rivista d'Psicologia dell' Arte 6: 81-98, 1985.

Gary Alan Fine. "Fantasy role-playing gaming as a social world." In John Loy (ed.), Play as Paradox. Corning, NY: Leisure Press. 1982, pp. 215-224.

Gary Alan Fine. "Fantasy games and social worlds: Simulation as leisure." Simulation and Games 12:251-280. 1981.

Gary Alan Fine. "Rude words: Insults and narration in preadolescent obscene talk." Maledicta 5:51-68. 1981.

Reprinted in Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont, Narrative Research Methods (London: Sage, 2006)


Frederick L. Linsk and Gary Alan Fine. "The role of implicit social influence on humor response: A social evaluation perspective." Sociology and Social Research 66:69-79. 1981.

Gary Alan Fine. "Impression management and preadolescent behavior." In Steven Asher and John Gottman, The Development of Children's Friendships. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1981, pp. 29-50 (Volume Sponsored by the Society for Research in Child Development).

Reprinted in G. Stone and H. Farberman, Social Psychology Through Symbolic Interaction. New York: Wiley. 1980, pp. 257-273.

Reprinted in Gerald Handel, Childhood Socialization. New York: Aldine. 1988, pp. 209-233.

Reprinted in Gerald Handel, Childhood Socialization. Second Edition. New York: Aldine. 2004.

Gary Alan Fine. "Little League baseball and the development of the male sex role." In R.A. Lewis (Ed.), Men In Difficult Times. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1981, pp. 62-74.

Gary Alan Fine and Sherryl Kleinman. "Mass and specialized media: Reply to Corzine." American Journal of Sociology 87:173-177. 1981.

Gary Alan Fine. "The natural history of preadolescent male friendship groups." In H. Foot, A.J. Chapman and J. Smith, Friendship and Social Relations in Childhood. Chichester: Wiley. 1980, pp. 293-320.

Gary Alan Fine. "Cracking diamonds: The relationship between observer role and observed content in Little League baseball settings." In W. Shaffir, A. Turowetz, and R. Stebbins (Eds.), The Social Experience of Field Work. New York: St. Martins. 1980, pp. 117-132.

Charles B. Thomas, Judith A. Hall, Frederick Miller, Joseph Dewhirst, Gary Alan Fine, Marylee Taylor and Ralph L. Rosnow. "Evaluation apprehension and interpretation of test correlations." Social Behavior and Personality 7:193-197. 1979.

35 Gary Alan Fine and Sherryl Kleinman. "Rethinking subcultures: An interactionist approach." American Journal of Sociology 85:1-20. 1979.

Gary Alan Fine. "Small groups and cultural creation: The idioculture of Little League baseball teams." American Sociological Review 44:733-745. 1979.

Reprinted in Italian in Marco Santoro and Roberta Sassatelli, eds., Studiare la Cultura. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2009.

Gary Alan Fine and Barry Glassner. "Participant observation with children: Promise and problems." Urban Life 8:153-74. 1979.

Sherryl Kleinman and Gary Alan Fine. "Rhetorics and action in moral organizations: Social control of Little Leaguers and ministry students." Urban Life 8:275-294. 1979.

Gary Alan Fine. "The Pinkston settlement: An historical and social psychological investigation of the contact hypothesis in the rural Midwest." Phylon 40:229-242. 1979.

James M. Jones, Gary Alan Fine, and Robert Brust. "Interactive effects of picture and captions on funniness ratings of cartoons." Journal of Social Psychology 108:193-198. 1979.

Gary Alan Fine. "Preadolescent socialization through organized athletics: The construction of moral meanings in Little League baseball. In M. Krotee (Eds.), Dimensions of Sport Sociology. Corning, NY: Leisure Press. 1979.

Reprinted in Marie Hart and Susan Birrell, Sport in the Social Cultural Process. Third Edition. Dubuque: W.C. Brown, 1981, pp. 79-105.

Gary Alan Fine and Ralph L. Rosnow. "Gossip, gossipers, gossiping." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 4:161-168. 1978.

Frances V. Bigda-Peyton and Gary Alan Fine. "The Hephaestus Complex: Power themes in the life of James Thurber." Biography 1:37-60. 1978.

Gary Alan Fine. "Popular culture and social interaction: Production, consumption, and usage." Journal of Popular Culture 11:453-466. 1977.

36 Gary Alan Fine "Popular...culture: Sociological issues and explorations." Journal of Popular Culture 11:381-384. 1977.

Gary Alan Fine "Humour in situ: The role of humour in small group culture." In A.J. Chapman and H.C. Foot (Eds.), It's a Funny Thing, Humour. London: Pergamon, 1977, pp. 315-318.

Gary Alan Fine "Humour and communication." In A.J. Chapman and H.C. Foot (Eds.), It's a Funny Thing, Humour. London: Pergamon. 1977, pp. 329-333.

Gary Alan Fine "Social components of children's gossip." Journal of Communication 27:181-185. 1977.

Gary Alan Fine "Obscene joking across cultures." Journal of Communication 26:134-140. 1976.

Gary Alan Fine "Recall of information about the diffusion of a major news event: The aftermath of the Agnew resignation." Journalism Quarterly 52:751-755. 1975.

Robert J. Wolosin, James Esser, and Gary Alan Fine. "Effects of justification and vocalization on actors' and observers' attributions of freedom." Journal of Personality 43:612-633. 1975.

Gary Alan Fine. "The psychology of cigarette advertising." Journal of Popular Culture 8:513-522. 1974.

Reprinted in J. Nachbar and J.L. Wright, The Popular Culture Reader. Popular Press. Bowling Green, Ohio. 1977, pp. 63-72.


Gary Alan Fine, “The Folklore of Small Things: Traditions in Group Culture.” Western Folklore 77: 5-27. 2018.

Gary Alan Fine and Barry O’Neill. “Policy Legends and Folklists: Traditional Beliefs in the Public Sphere.” Journal of American Folklore 123: 150-178. 2010.

Gary Alan Fine and Christine Wood. “Accounting for Jokes: Jocular Performance in a Critical Age.” Western Folklore 69: 299- 321. 2010.

37 Gary Alan Fine, “The Sweep of Knowledge: The Politics of Grand and Local Theory in Folkloristics.” Journal of Folklore Research 45: 11-18. 2008.

Reprinted in Lee Haring (ed.) Grand Theory in Folkloristics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016.

Gary Alan Fine, “In the Company of Men: Female Accommodation and the Culture of Male Groups.” Pp. 61-76 in Simon Bronner (ed.), Manly Traditions: The Folk Roots of American Masculinities. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2005.

Gary Alan Fine and Patricia Turner, “Contemporary Legend and Claims of Corporate Malfeasance: Race, Fried Chicken and the Marketplace.” DePaul Law Review 50: 635-646. 2000.

Gary Alan Fine, "Accounting for Rumor: The Creation of Credibility in Folk Knowledge." Pp. 123-36 in Regina Bendix and Rosemary Zumwalt (ed.), Folklore Interpreted: Essays in Honor of Alan Dundes. New York: Garland, 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, "Methodological Problems of Collecting Folklore from Children." Pp. 121-139 in Brian Sutton-Smith, Jay Mechling, Thomas Johnson, and Felicia McMahon (eds.), Children's Folklore: A Sourcebook. New York: Garland. 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, "Rumors of Apartheid: The Ecotypification of Contemporary Legends in the New South Africa." Journal of Folklore Research. 29: 53-71. 1992.

Gary Alan Fine, "Redemption Rumors and the Power of Ostension." Journal of American Folklore. 104: 179-181. 1991.

Gary Alan Fine, "Among Those Dark Satanic Mills: Rumors of Kooks, Cults, and Corporations." Southern Folklore. 47: 133-146, 1990.

Gary Alan Fine, "Mercantile legends and the world economy: Dangerous products from abroad." Western Folklore. 48: 153- 162, 1989.

Gary Alan Fine and Julie Ford, "Magic Settings: The Reflection of Middle-Class Life in 'Beauty and the Beast'." Midwestern Folklore 15: 89-100. 1989.

Gary Alan Fine, "What Have Our Histories Taught Us." The Folklore Historian. 6: 20-23. 1989.

38 Gary Alan Fine, "The Third Force in American Folklore: Folk Narratives and Social Structures." Fabula 29: 342-353, 1988.

Reprinted (pp. 331-46) in Paul Smith and Gillian Bennett (eds.), New Perspectives on Contemporary Legend. Sheffield: Hisilisk Press, 1996.

Reprinted (pp. 311-24) in Gillian Bennett and Paul Smith (eds.), Contemporary Legend: A Reader. New York: Garland Press, 1996.

Gary Alan Fine, "Dying for a Laugh: Negotiating Risk and Creating Personas in the Humor of Mushroom Collectors." Western Folklore 47: 177-194, 1988.

Gary Alan Fine, "Letting off steam?: Redefining a restaurant's work environment." In Michael Owen Jones, Michael D. Moore, and Richard C. Snyder (eds.), Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension. Newbury Park, California: Sage, 1988, pp. 119-127.

Gary Alan Fine, "Joseph Jacobs: A sociological folklorist." Folklore 98: 183-193, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine, "Community and boundary: Personal experience stories of mushroom collectors." Journal of Folklore Research 24: 223-240, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine, "Welcome to the world of AIDS: Fantasies of female revenge." Western Folklore 46: 192-197, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine, "The city as a folklore generator: Legends in the metropolis." Urban Resources 4: 3-6, 61, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine. "Organized baseball and its folk equivalents: The transition from informal to formal control." In Bernard Mergen (ed.), The Cultural Dimensions of Play, Games, and Sport. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Press, 1986.

Gary Alan Fine, "Redemption rumors: Mercantile legends and corporate beneficence," Journal of American Folklore 99:208-22, 1986.

Reprinted in Spanish as "Rumores de Expiacion: Leyendas mercantiles y Beneficencia Empresaria" in Marta Blanche (ed.), Serie de Folklore 12: 3-33, 1991. (Translated by Diana Lenton and Jorge Sosa).

39 Reprinted in Spanish as "Rumores de Expiacion: Leyendas mercantiles y Beneficiencia Empresaria." Pp. 75-98 in Marta Blanche (ed.), Narrativa Folklorica. Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de America Latina. (Translated by Diana Lenton, Jorge Sosa, and Maria Ines Palleiro).

Gary Alan Fine, "The Goliath effect: Corporate dominance and mercantile legends." Journal of American Folklore 98:63-84, 1985.

Gary Alan Fine, "Social change and folklore: The interpenetration of social structure and culture." Arv 41: 7-15, 1985.

Gary Alan Fine, "Evaluating psychoanalytic folklore: Are Freudians ever right?" New York Folklore 10:5-20, 1984.

Gary Alan Fine, "Legendary creatures and small group culture: Medieval lore in a contemporary role-play game." Keystone Folklore 24:11-27, 1982.

Gary Alan Fine. "The Manson Family as a folk group: Small groups and folklore." Journal of the Folklore Institute 19:47-60. 1982.

Cindy Steiner and Gary Alan Fine, "Beaneology: The growth of a local folk tradition." Southwestern Folklore 5: 24-28, 1981.

Gary Alan Fine. "Childlore, friendship and performance." Southwestern Folklore 4:87-92. 1980.

Gary Alan Fine. "Preadolescent slang: Local, regional and national speech patterns among American children." Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore 6:5-16. 1980.

Gary Alan Fine. "Children and their culture: Exploring Newell's paradox." Western Folklore 39:170-183. 1980.

Gary Alan Fine. "Multi-conduit transmission and social structure: Expanding a folklore classic." In Nikolai Burlakoff and Carl Lindahl (eds.), Folklore on Two Continents: Essays in Honor of Linda Degh. Bloomington, IN: Trickster Press, 1980, pp. 300-309.

Reprinted in Spanish as "Transmission multiconducto y estructura social: Expansion deun clasico de folklore." In Marta Blanche (ed.), Serie de Folklore. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1989, pp. 3-20.


Gary Alan Fine. "The Kentucky Fried Rat: Legends and modern society." Journal of the Folklore Institute 17:222-243. 1980.

Reprinted in Spanish. In Cristina Sanchez-Carretero and Dorothy Noyes (eds.), American Folkloristics in Translation. Spain: Sendoa Editorial, 1999.

Gary Alan Fine and Bruce N. Johnson. "The promiscuous cheerleader: An adolescent male legend." Western Folklore 39:120-129. 1980.

Gary Alan Fine. "Folklore diffusion through interactive social networks." New York Folklore 5:99-125. 1979.

Gary Alan Fine. "Cokelore and Coke law: Urban belief tales and the problem of multiple origins." Journal of American Folklore. 92:478-482. 1979.

Gary Alan Fine and Beverly Crane. "The expectancy effect in anthropological research: An experimental study of riddle collection." American Ethnologist 4:517-524. 1977.


Gary Alan Fine, “One Degree Above Zero: Going Public with an MFA.” American Behavioral Scientist, in press.

Gary Alan Fine, “Devoted Strangers: Managing Detachment in Skeptical Ethnography.” Sociological Methods and Research, in press.

Gary Alan Fine and Hannah Wohl, “Reading and Reputation: Sense, Sensibility, and Status in Graduate Education.” Qualitative Research, in press.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Promiscuity of Facts: Barack Obama and Uncertain Knowledge.” Diogenes, in press.

Translated into French (and previously published) as “Barack Obama et la Connaissance Incertaine.” Diogène 249-250: 130- 142. 2015.

Gary Alan Fine, Stephanie Bliese, and Christopher Robertson, “Faith and Fellowship: Reputational Entrepreneurs, Group Cultures, and the Jesus Movement.” In Rafael Rodriguez

41 (ed.), Social and Collective Memory: Critical Readings. New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, in press.

Gary Alan Fine, Stephanie Bliese, and Christopher Robertson, “The Jesus Movement as Folk Group.” In Wolfgang Mieder and Simon Bronner (eds.), Contexts of Folklore: Festschrift for Dan Ben-Amos on his Eighty-Fifth Birthday (International Folkloristics Series). New York: Peter Lang, in press.

Marcus Hunter, Kevin Loughran, and Gary Alan Fine, “Memory Politics: Growth Coalitions, Urban Pasts, and the Creation of ‘Historic’ Philadelphia.” City & Community, in press.

Rachel Merrill Moss and Gary Alan Fine, “Pageants and Patriots: Jewish Spectacles and Performances of Belonging.” Journal of American Drama and Theater, in press.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Meso-World: Tiny Publics and Political Action.” Qualitative Sociology Review, in press.

Gary Alan Fine. “Group Cultures and Subcultures.” In John Hall (ed.), Handbook of Cultural Sociology, Second Edition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, in press.

Gary Alan Fine and Jun Fang. “Idioculture.” In Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Melissa Hardy, and Malcolm Williams (eds.), SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, in press.

Gary Alan Fine, “Charles Horton Cooley and the Choice of Predecessor Selection.” In Baptiste Brossard and Natalia Ruiz-Junco (eds.), Updating Charles H. Cooley. New York: Routledge, in press.


Gary Alan Fine, , and Hannah Wohl, “The Past, Present, and Future of Culture at Northwestern.” Newsletter of the American Sociological Association Section on Culture 29 (1-2), Summer 2017: 14-15.

Gary Alan Fine, “Wanted in the World of Politics: A Dirty Little Scandal to Get Voters to the Polls.” Chicago Tribune (October 18, 2016)

Gary Alan Fine, “Dining in Style.” Discover Society, (September 6, 2016)


Gary Alan Fine, “The Futures We Build: Local Sociology and the Struggles for Better Worlds.” International Sociological Association Futures Forum, alan-fine-local/ (February 25, 2016)

Gary Alan Fine, “Dzielenie Się Fantazją” (in Polish, “Sharing Fantasy,” translated by Mateusz Kominiarczuk). Spotkania Losowe 3(1): 104-5. 2015.

Gary Alan Fine and Christine Simonian Bean, “Red Meat: American Political Banquets and Partisan Culture.” Gastronomica 15(2): 1-2. 2015.

Gary Alan Fine, Marcus Hunter, and Kevin Loughran, “Getting Malled in Philadelphia: The Growth Coalition and the Historic City.” Discover Society, philadelphia-the-growth-coalition-and-the-historic-city/ (June 3, 2015)

Gary Alan Fine, “Charlie and the Ducks.” Huffington Post, ducks_b_6471528.html?1421255389 (January 14, 2015)

Gary Alan Fine, Adam Mendel, Heather Menefee, and Forrest Bruce, “Sand Creek Massacre a Moral Stain on NU’s Past.” Daily Northwestern (January 24, 2013): 4.

Gary Alan Fine, “George Orwell and the N.C.A.A.,” New York Times, vacated-victories.html?hp (July 24, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine and Shannon Fitzsimons, “Learning to Read, Again,” Chronicle of Higher Education (February 4, 2011): B4-B5.

Gary Alan Fine, “Geek Chic.” Oxford University Press Blog, (May 25, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “Dark Fears and Bright Children: Adults and Children Together.” Psychology Today, grapevine/201111/dark-fears-and-bright-children-adults-and- children-together (November 21, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Fact and Fancy: The Case of Herman Cain.”

43 Psychology Today, global-grapevine/201111/fact-and-fancy-the-case-herman-cain (November 6, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Amero Dreams: The North American Currency Union.” Psychology Today, global-grapevine/201108/amero-dreams-the-north-american- currency-union (August 4, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “The Great Nebraska Nuclear Meltdown?: Analogy and the Appeal of Rumor.” Psychology Today, grapevine/201106/the-great-nebraska-nuclear-meltdown-analogy- and-the-appeal-rumor (June 26, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Rumors on Fire: Illegal Immigrants and the Arizona Blaze.” Psychology Today, grapevine/201106/rumors-fire-illegal-immigrants-and-the- arizona-blaze (June 17, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Women Behaving Badly?: Are Male Politicians Unique?: Psychology Today, grapevine/201106/women-behaving-badly-are-male-politicians- unique (June 13, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Weiner Redux: The ‘I’m Special’ Rule.” Psychology Today, grapevine/201106/weiner-redux-the-i-m-special-rule (June 6, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Of Weiners and Wieners: The Personalization of Policy and Its Dangers.” Psychology Today, grapevine/201106/weiners-and-wieners-the-personalization- policy-and-its-dangers (June 1, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Mitch and Nation: When Family Comes First.” Psychology Today, global-grapevine/201105/mitch-and-nation-when-family-comes- first (May 28, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the Charmed Circle of Scandal.” Psychology Today, grapevine/201105/dominique-strauss-kahn-and-the-charmed- circle-scandal (May 18, 2011)


Reprinted on Deliberately Considered, (May 26, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “The Roving Eye of Newt.” Psychology Today, grapevine/201105/the-roving-eye-newt (May 10, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Barack the Birther.” Psychology Today, grapevine/201105/barack-the-birther-0 (May 3, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Shark Fin Soup and Sauteed Kitten: The Cultural Politics of Cuisine.” Grist: A Beacon in the Smog, sauteed-kitty-the-cultural-politics-of-cuisin (April 11, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Sandy Hook and Hitler.” Deliberately Considered, (December 24, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “All-Consuming Liberalism.” Deliberately Considered, (November 23, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “47: A Prime Political Number for Romney and America.” Deliberately Considered, (October 1, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “The Three Stigmata of Todd Akin.” Deliberately Considered, (September 12, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “Reflections on Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.” Deliberately Considered, (August 6, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “Partisan Change.” Deliberately Considered, (July 16, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “’Through No Fault of Their Own’: Immigration, Social Injustice, and the Bank Bailout.” Deliberately Considered, (June 25, 2012)

45 Gary Alan Fine, “Marriage Equality and the Dustbin of History.” Deliberately Considered, (May 23, 2012)

Reprinted on Oxford University Press blog, dustbin-of-history/ (June 10, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “Hoodie Nights: Trayvon Martin and the Racial Politics of Small Things.” Deliberately Considered, (April 2, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “Mandates and Their Foes.” Deliberately Considered, (March 8, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “Promiscuous Facts: Barack Obama and Uncertain Knowledge.” Deliberately Considered, (February 10, 2012)

Reprinted on Psychology Today, grapevine/201202/promiscuous-facts-Barack-Obama-and- uncertain-knowledge (February 10, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “The Florida Primary and the ADD Electorate.” Deliberately Considered, (February 1, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “My Magazine.” Deliberately Considered, (January 5, 2012)

Gary Alan Fine, “Brokered Democracy.” Deliberately Considered, (December 8, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Glenn Beck, Prophet?.” Deliberately Considered, (November 21, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street: Unhappy Warriors.” Deliberately Considered, (November 4, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Our Heroes: Responsibility and War.” Deliberately Considered, (October 12, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Two Deaths.” Deliberately Considered, (September 26, 2011)


Gary Alan Fine, “Forgetting 9/11.” Deliberately Considered, (September 7, 2011)

Reprinted on Psychology Today, grapevine/201109/forgetting-911 (September 8, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Means Testing: The GOP’s Surprising Class Warfare.” Deliberately Considered, (July 25, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Red Jobs, Blue Jobs.” Deliberately Considered, (July 15, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Medicare: Redux or Redo.” Deliberately Considered, (June 27, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “Atrocity and Epistemology: Cruel Claims in Troubled Times.” Deliberately Considered, (June 21, 2011).

Reprinted on Psychology Today, grapevine/201106/atrocity-and-epistemology-cruel-claims-in- troubled-times (June 23, 2011)

Gary Alan Fine, “The Weiner Follies: The Personification of Politics.” Deliberately Considered, (June 13, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “In Praise of Serious Pols.” Deliberately Considered, (May 24, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Newt Gingrich and the Politics of Rumor.” Deliberately Considered, (May 18, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “The Human Comedy.” Deliberately Considered, (May 7, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Easy Targets.” Deliberately Considered, (May 3, 2011).

47 Gary Alan Fine, “The Tea Party is No Thing.” Deliberately Considered, (April 13, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “War Games.” Deliberately Considered, (April 1, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Candid Camera Politics.” Deliberately Considered, (March 23, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Ducks, Docks, and Disasters: Joking About Japan.” Deliberately Considered (March 17, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “On Moral Sentiments in Shaky Times.” Deliberately Considered, (March 17, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Jesus, King, and Collective Guilt.” Deliberately Considered, (March 9, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Hate Speech or Biting Political Provocation?” Deliberately Considered, (March 1, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Who Lost Egypt?” Deliberately Considered, (February 16, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Beck and Call.” Deliberately Considered, (February 2, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “The Conundrum of their Character.” Deliberately Considered, (January 19, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Jared Lee Loughner.” Deliberately Considered, (January 12, 2011).

Gary Alan Fine, “Rumor in Collective Behavior and Social Movements.” Pp. 1129-1131 in David Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam, eds., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political and Social Movements. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

Gary Alan Fine and Kent Sandstrom, “Symbolic Interaction.” Oxford Bibliographies Online. 2011.

48 Daphne Demetry and Gary Alan Fine. "Dining Out." in Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture, edited by D. Southerton. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2011.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Conundrum of Character,” Chicago Tribune (October 15, 2010): 39.

Alice Eagly and Gary Alan Fine, “Bridging Social Psychologies.” Social Psychology Quarterly 73: 313-15. 2010.

Gary Alan Fine and Bill Ellis, “Five Bogus Immigrant Rumors.” (June 4, 2010).

Bill Ellis and Gary Alan Fine, “Islam Just the Latest Loathed Faith in U.S.” Philadelphia Inquirer (August 31, 2010).

Bill Ellis and Gary Alan Fine, “Immigration Debate Won’t Change: Political Arguments Mirror Those of Candidates in 1910.” Arizona Republic (July 27, 2010).

Roberta Sassatelli, “A Serial Ethnographer: An Interview with Gary Alan Fine.” Qualitative Sociology 33: 79-96. 2010.

Gary Alan Fine. “The Colorist: Marcia R. Cohen/Sight Specific.” Pp. 8-13 in Working Artist Project, 2008-2009. Atlanta: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia. 2009.

Gary Alan Fine. “Introduction to the Introduction.” Social Psychology Quarterly 72 (3): 206. 2009.

Gary Alan Fine. “The Boy in the (Public) Sphere.” Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies 3(2): 117-18. 2009.

Gary Alan Fine, “Robbers Cave Experiment.” In Rick Schaefer (ed.) Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2008.

Gary Alan Fine. “Reputation.” Contexts (Summer 2008): 78-79.

Michaela DeSoucey and Gary Alan Fine. 2008. “Virtuous Food: Conscientious Production as Moral Imperative.” Pp. 93-102 in Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2007. Prospect Books.

Gary Alan Fine. “The Last Editor’s Note.” Social Psychology Quarterly 70 (1): 1-3. 2007.

49 Eric W. Larson and Gary Alan Fine, “High School Debate.” Pp. 111- 12 in Kathryn Borman, Spencer Cahill, and Bridget Cotner (eds.), The Praeger Handbook of American High Schools. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. 2007.

Gary Alan Fine, “Reputation.” In George Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Cambridge: Blackwell. 2007.

Revised for Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition, in press.

Gary Alan Fine, “Robert Freed Bales.” In Bryan Turner (ed.) Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Group Dynamics.” In Bryan Turner (ed.) Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Small Groups.” In Bryan Turner (ed.) Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine and Kent Sandstrom, “Symbolic Interaction.” In Bryan Turner (ed.) Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006.

Kent Sandstrom and Gary Alan Fine, “Stigma.” In Bryan Turner (ed.) Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Skeptics and Believers.” Social Problems Forum. 37(2): 11-12. 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Kids Gone Wild? In Praise of Hazing.” Chicago Tribune (June 20, 2006): 15.

Gary Alan Fine, “Prema Napuenoj Etnografiji. Razvijanje Teorije iz Grupnog ivota.” Diskrepancija 11, 83-98, 2006.

Gary Alan Fine and Jacqueline Boles, “Chain Letter.” Pp. 166-70 in Simon Bronner (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Folklore. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2006.

Gary Alan Fine, “Little League Baseball and Youth Sports Organizations.” Pp. 706-709 in Simon Bronner (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Folklore. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2006.


Gary Alan Fine and Patricia Turner, “Cultural Myths Behind Katrina Whispers.” Christian Science Monitor (October 4): 9. 2005.

Gary Alan Fine, “Collective Memory.” Pp. 116-17 in George Ritzer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Newbury Park: Sage. 2005.

Gary Alan Fine, “Bush-contempt, Kerry-scorn: Is it ‘Hate- Thought’?” Christian Science Monitor 96 (October 18): 9. 2004.

Gary Alan Fine, “Ire to the Chief.” Washington Post (August 6): A19. 2004.

Gary Alan Fine, “The When of Ethnographic Theory.” Perspectives: The Newsletter of the Theory Section of the American Sociological Association. 27(1): 4, 5, 11. 2004.

Gary Alan Fine, “Mushroom Collectors.” In Solomon H. Katz (ed.), Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003.

Gary Alan Fine, “Crafting Authenticity: The Politics of Identity in Self-Taught Art.” Folk Art Messenger 15(3) (Winter 2002): 12-17.

Gary Alan Fine, “Presidential Commendation Awarded to Without Sanctuary.” SSSP Newsletter 32 (Fall 2001): 8-9.

Gary Alan Fine, “In Chaotic Times, Rumors Soothe, Frighten and Divide.” Newsday (October 10, 2001): A42.

Gary Alan Fine and Kevin T. Leicht, “The Sociological Quarterly: Directions for the Future.” The Midwest Sociologist (June) 73-74, 2000.

Lori Holyfield and Gary Alan Fine, "Francis Stuart Chapin." Pp. 690-692 in John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes (eds.) Encyclopedia of American Biography, Volume Four. New York: Oxford University Press. 1999.

Christena Nippert-Eng and Gary Alan Fine, “The Changing Worlds of Workplace Culture.” Newsletter of the Sociology of Culture Section of the American Sociological Association. 13 (3, Spring-Summer): 1, 6-9. 1999.

51 Gary Alan Fine. "Ritual Murder." Pp. 555-56 in Mary Ellen Brown and Bruce A. Rosenberg (eds.), Folklore and Literature: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio. 1998.

Gary Alan Fine, “The Collecting Urge.” Mushroom 59 (Spring 1998): 7, 9, 11-14.

Gary Alan Fine, “Alarms and Dangers.” Mushroom 58 (Winter 1997- 1998): 5-7, 9-10.

Gary Alan Fine, “...Until the Scandals Start to Surface.” Chicago Tribune (March 2, 1998): 11.

Gary Alan Fine, "On Jokes Having the Right to be Told." Humor 10 (4): 498-500. 1997.

Gary Alan Fine, "Rumor." Pp. 741-744 in Thomas A. Green (ed.), Folklore: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio. 1997.

Gary Alan Fine, "Gossip." Pp. 422-423 in Thomas A. Green (ed.), Folklore: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio. 1997.

Gary Alan Fine, "Hail to the Crook?: Clinton, Harding, and the Politics of Reputation." Reason (November 1996): 5-7.

Gary Alan Fine, "Sociological Approaches." Pp. 675-77 in Jan H. Brunvand (ed.), American Folklore: An Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Press. 1996.

Gary Alan Fine, "Just Ask." Pp. 16-18 in Mistakes That Social Scientists Make: Error and Redemption in the Research Process, edited by Richard Seltzer. New York: St. Martin's, 1995.

Gary Alan Fine, "Trials and Tribulations: Sense of Deja Vu" Atlanta Journal/ Constitution. February 1, 1995: A11.

Gary Alan Fine and Lazaros Christophorides. "Bedwetting." In Donald Ward (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Popular Beliefs and Superstition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

Gary Alan Fine, "Absent-Mindedness." In Donald Ward (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Popular Beliefs and Superstition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

Gary Alan Fine and Jacqueline Boles. "Chain Letters." In Donald Ward (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Popular Beliefs and

52 Superstition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

Gary Alan Fine, "Isn't Sociological Style Swell?" Writing Sociology 1: 4-5. 1993.

Gary Alan Fine. "Dreams of Field." In Newsletter of the Sociology of Culture Section of the American Sociological Association. 6(4): 6-7. Summer 1992.

Gary Alan Fine, "Americans Should Admit It: We Love a Good Scandal," Atlanta Journal/Constitution. February 16, 1992: F2.

Patrick Schmidt and Gary Alan Fine. "Coaching." The Forensic Educator 6(2): 7-9. 1991-1992.

Gary Alan Fine and Dean G. Rojek. "Atlanta's Curfew Was Overrated," Atlanta Journal/Constitution. October 20, 1991: G1-G2.

Gary Alan Fine. "World Series Ticket System Needs Justice," Atlanta Constitution. October 4, 1991: A11.

Gary Alan Fine. "The Republic of Rumor: Corporate Targets," Indicator South Africa. 8 (4), Spring 1991: 80-84.

Gary Alan Fine and Laura Fischer Leighton. "Imagery, Dreams, and Social Order," Journal of Mental Imagery. 15: 113-115. 1991.

Gary Alan Fine, "Learning With the Boys." In Beth B. Hess, Elizabeth W. Markson, and Peter J. Stein, Sociology, Fourth Edition. New York: Macmillan, 1991, p. 37.

Reprinted in Charles Bazerman (ed.), Involved: Writing for College, Writing for Your Self. Everett, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.

Patrick Schmidt and Gary Alan Fine, "Debaters: Who are They?," Rostrum 65 (3, November): 8, 1990.

Gary Alan Fine, "Is Collegiate Football an Oxymoron?" Columns (Newsletter of the University of Georgia). 18 (November 12, 1990): 6.

Gary Alan Fine, "Those Preadolescent Ninja Turtles," New York Times. June 2, 1990: 19.

53 Gary Alan Fine, "Harold Finestone (1920-1989)" (obituary notice), ASA Footnotes. 17, October 1989: 15.

Gary Alan Fine. "A Morel Community," The World and I. October 1989: 611-623.

Gary Alan Fine, "Why We Do Not Teach 'Exotic Dance' in High School: The Social Construction of Dance." In Dance Directions: 1990 and Beyond. Reston, Virginia: National Dance Association, 1989.

Gary Alan Fine, "A Fungus Among Us: Images of Mushrooms in American Culture." The Toadstool Review: Newsletter of the Minnesota Mycological Society. 14(1): January 1989: 3.

Gary Alan Fine, "Sport as Play." The World & I October 1988, 643- 655.

Gary Alan Fine, "Deadly humor." Mushroom 6(3): 5-7, 1988.

Gary Alan Fine and Janet Severance, "Gerucht." In Enzyklopadie des Marchens. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine, "Captain Billy's Whiz Bang." In David Sloane, ed., American Humor Magazines and Comic Periodicals. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987.

Gary Alan Fine, "Mushrooms, birds, or old bottles?": Mushroomers and their concerns." McIlvainea 7, 1986, 23-30.

Gary Alan Fine, "Symbolic interactionism's next fifty years," Perspectives (the newsletter of the Theory Section of the ASA), 1986.

Gary Alan Fine, "A response to Sutton-Smith's 'Idealization of play.'" In C. Roger Rees and Andrew W. Miracle (eds.), Sport and Social Theory. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Press, 1986, pp. 103-106.

Gary Alan Fine, "In defense of censorship...uh...selection," View from the Loft, November 1985, pp. 7-8.

Sue Smith-Cunnien and Gary Alan Fine, "Comments on Westrum." Zetetic Scholar 10:112-116, 1982.

Gary Alan Fine. "Recurring political satire." Maledicta 6:72-75, 1982.

54 Gary Alan Fine. "Cheap talk." Omni (Feb.):24, 122, 1982.

Gary Alan Fine. "Children's folk speech." Children's Literature Association Quarterly 6:28-30. Summer, 1981.

Gary Alan Fine and Sherryl Kleinman. "Comparative context theory: A social psychological way of knowing." Society for the Advancement of Social Psychology Newsletter 7:10-11. 1981.

Gary Alan Fine. "How children's folklore spreads." Center for Southern Folklore Magazine 3:8. 1980.

Gary Alan Fine. "The war of the worlds broadcast: Credibility in the news frame." Michigan Sociological Review 5:1-11 (Special Issue on Sociology and Popular Culture). 1979.

Gary Alan Fine and C. Steven West. "Do Little Leagues work?: Player satisfaction with organized preadolescent baseball programs." Minnesota Journal for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 7:4-6. 1979.

T. Michael Carter, John P. Clark, Robert K. Leik and Gary Alan Fine. "Social factors affecting the dissemination of and response to warnings." Proceedings of the 11th Technical Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. 302-309. 1978.

Gary Alan Fine. "Humor under stress: No laughing matter." Humor Research Newsletter 2:3-4. 1977.

Gary Alan Fine. "Social psychology, naive psychology and folklore: All together now?" Educational Resources Information Center. Document Ed 12036. 1977.

Gary Alan Fine and Susan Fine. "The use of advertising in popular culture scholarship." Popular Culture Methods 6:46-50. 1977.

Gary Alan Fine. "Psychics, clairvoyance, and the real world." Zeitetic 1:25-33. 1976.

Gary Alan Fine. "The dangers of a popular psychology." Human Behavior. 12-13, June 1976.

Gary Alan Fine. "Components of perceived sense of humor ratings of self and other." Psychological Reports 36:793-794. 1975.


Gary Alan Fine. "Popular culture as humor: The psychology of cultural evaluation." Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Popular Culture Association Convention. 1975.

Ralph L. Rosnow and Gary Alan Fine. "Inside rumors." Human Behavior. August 1974. 64-68.

Gary Alan Fine. "In search of the quadrennial perennials." Folklore Forum 7:203-204. 1974.

Gary Alan Fine. "Popular culture and behavioral science." Popular Culture Methods 1:11-13. 1973.

Alvia Y. Branch, Gary A. Fine, and James M Jones. "Laughter, smiling, and rating scales." Proceedings of the American Psychological Association. 189-190. 1973.


Review Essay: Masters of Craft: Old Jobs in the New Urban Economy by Richard Ocejo. Sociological Forum in press. Appetite for Innovation: Creativity & Change at elBulli by M. Pilar Opazo. Work and Occupations in press.

The Goffman Lectures: Philosophical and Sociological Essays about the Writings of Erving Goffman by Thomas Hood and Dwight Van de Vate. Contemporary Sociology in press.

The Ethnic Restaurateur by Krishnendu Ray. Gastronomica 17(4): 141-42. 2017.

“Whose Mead?” Review essay: The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead, edited by Hans Joas and Daniel Huebner. Symbolic Interaction 40: 439-41. 2017.

The Edible South: The Power of Food and the Making of an American Region by Marcie Cohen Ferris. Folklore 128: 325-26. 2017.

“Our Mead.” Review of Becoming Mead: The Social Process of Academic Knowledge by Daniel Huebner. Contemporary Sociology 45: 266-68. 2016.

Everyday Troubles: The Micro-Politics of Interpersonal Conflict by Robert Emerson. American Journal of Sociology 121: 1641- 43. 2016.

Practically Joking by Moira Marsh. Journal of Folklore Research,

56 2015.

The Cultivation of Taste: Chefs and the Organization of Fine Dining by Christel Lane. American Journal of Sociology 120: 1590-92. 2015.

“The Threads of Practice.” Review of 33 Artists in 3 Acts by Sarah Thornton. Society 52(2): 182-84. 2015.

“Distinction and Dining.” Review of Fashioning Appetite: Restaurants and the Making of Modern Identity by Joanne Finkelstein; How to Dine in Style: The Art of Entertaining, 1920 by J. Rey; Repast: Dining Out at the Dawn of the New American Century, 1900-1910 by Michael Lesy and Lisa Stoffer. Gastronomica 15(1): 90-91. 2015.

Playing Dead: Mock Trauma and Folk Drama in Staged High School Drunk Driving Tragedies by Montana Miller. Folklore 125: 262-63. 2014.

“Kitchen Confidences.” Review of Back of the House: The Secret Life of a Restaurant by Scott Haas; Behind the Kitchen Door by Saru Jayaraman; Smart Casual: The Transformation of Gourmet Restaurant Style in America by Alison Pearlman. Gastronomica 14: 92-94. 2014.

Class Unknown: Undercover Investigations of American Work and Poverty from the Progressive Era to the Present by Mark Pittenger. American Journal of Sociology 119: 845-47. 2013.

Together: The Rituals, Pleasures, and Politics of Cooperation by Richard Sennett. Archives of European Sociology 53: 372-75. 2012.

“Who Made Them Boss?” Review of Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy by Christopher Hayes. Reason (August 8, 2012).

Explaining Traditions: Folk Behavior in Modern Culture by Simon J. Bronner. Folklore 123: 234-35. 2012.

“The Culture of Couples.” Review Essay of Gripes: The Little Quarrels of Couples by Jean-Claude Kaufmann; The Single Woman and the Fairytale Prince by Jean-Claude Kaufmann; Dirty Linen: Couples and Their Laundry by Jean-Claude Kaufmann. Contemporary Sociology 39: 664-667. 2010.

57 Collections of Nothing by William Davies King. Journal of Modern Craft 3: 265-67. 2010.

Witching Culture: Folklore and Neo-Paganism in America by Sabina Magliocco. Journal of American Folklore 122: 103-104. 2009.

Once Upon a Virus: AIDS Legends and Vernacular Risk Perception by Diane E. Goldstein. Journal of American Folklore 122: 102- 103. 2009.

Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America by Rick Perlstein. Contexts 7(4): 73-75. 2008.

“Everybody’s Business.” Review of Guarding Life’s Dark Secrets: Legal and Social Controls over Reputation, Propriety, and Privacy by Lawrence Friedman; The Future of Reputation by Daniel Solove. Wilson Quarterly 2008 (Winter): 92-94.

Professor Baseball: Searching for Redemption and the Perfect Lineup on the Softball Diamonds of Central Park by Edwin Amenta. Contemporary Sociology 37: 139-40. 2008.

Betrayals: The Unpredictability of Human Relations by Gabriella Turnaturi. American Journal of Sociology 114: 540-41. 2008.

“Sociology at the Stove.” Review of Ratatouille (film review). Contexts 7 (Winter): 59-61. 2008. (with Priscilla Ferguson).

The Purchase of Intimacy by Viviana Zelizer. Social Forces 86: 1353-55. 2008.

“Mind, Games.” Review of Games and Sport in Everyday Life: Dialogues and Narratives of the Self by Robert Perinbanayagam; Play Reconsidered: Sociological Perspectives on Human Expression by Thomas Henricks. Contemporary Sociology 37: 317-319. 2008.

Funny Peculiar: Gershon Legman and the Psychopathology of Humor by Mikita Brottman; The Mirth of Nations by Christie Davies. Journal of American Folklore 121: 497-499. 2008.

Hotel: An American History by A. K. Sandoval-Strausz. New York Sun (January 23, 2008), 15.

”Grub and the City.” Review of the New York Fancy Food Show (food review). Contexts 6 (Spring): 76-77. 2007.

Cracking Up: American Humor in a Time of Conflict by Paul Lewis.

58 The Common Review (Summer 2007): 53-55.

Market Day in Provence by Michele de la Pradelle. American Journal of Sociology 112: 1283-85. 2007.

Why?: What Happens When People Give Reasons by Charles Tilly; The Elephant in the Room: Silence and Denial in Everyday Life by Eviatar Zerubavel. European Journal of Sociology 47: 468-71. 2006.

Good Night, and Good Luck (film review). Contexts 5(3): 65-66. Summer 2006.

Doubt (theater review). Contexts 5(2): 70-71. Spring 2006.

The Aristocrats (film review). Contexts 5(1): 63-65. Winter 2006.

Protecting Home: Class, Race, and Masculinity in Boys’ Baseball by Sherri Grasmuck. American Journal of Sociology 111: 1596- 98. 2006.

Interaction Ritual Chains by Randall Collins. Social Forces 83: 1287-88. 2005.

What It Takes to Pull Me Through: Why Teenagers Get in Trouble--And How Four of Them Got Out by David L. Marcus; I'm OK, You're My Parents: How to Overcome Guilt, Let Go of Anger, and Create a Relationship That Works by Dale Atkins; Ready or Not, Here Life Comes by Mel Levine. Chicago Tribune (April 3, 2005): 4.

Arun’s (restaurant review with Jenny Korn). Contexts 4(1): 63-65. 2005.

The Know-It-All: One Man’s Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World by A.J. Jacobs. Christian Science Monitor 96 (November 16): 12, 2004.

Body and Soul: Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer by Loic Wacquant. American Journal of Sociology 110: 505-507. 2004

Unpopular Culture: The Ritual of Complaint in a British Bank by John Weeks. Cat Culture: The Social World of a Cat Shelter by Janet M. Alger and Steven F. Alger. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 33: 638-44. 2004

Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation: The Robbers Cave Experiment by Muzafer Sherif, O.J. Harvey, B. Jack White, William R.

59 Hood, and Carolyn W. Sherif. Sociological Forum (Forgotten Classics) 19: 663-666. 2004.

Engaging Humor by Elliott Oring. Journal of American Folklore 117: 224-25. 2004.

Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America by Robert Alan Goldberg. Journal of American History 137: 313- 14. 2003.

Bloody Mary in the Mirror: Essays in Psychoanalytic Folkloristics by Alan Dundes. The Shabbat Elevator and Other Sabbath Subterfuges: An Unorthodox Essay on Circumventing Custom and Jewish Character by Alan Dundes. Western Folklore 61: 101- 104. 2002.

Changing Works: Visions of a Lost Agriculture by Douglas Harper. Society/Transaction 40(1): 114, 116. 2002.

Act Your Age!: A Cultural Construction of Adolescence by Nancy Lesko. Teachers College Record 104 (5), 916-19. 2002.

Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by . Reason (November 2001): 58-59, 61-62.

Review Essay: “You are Where You Eat.” Eating Out: Social Differentiation, Consumption and Pleasure by Alan Warde and Lydia Martens; Haute Cuisine: How the French Invented the Culinary Profession by Amy B. Trubek; and The Invention of the Restaurant by Rebecca L. Spang. Contemporary Sociology 30: 231-33. 2001.

Fashion and Its Social Agendas by Diana Crane. American Journal of Sociology 106: 1828-1830. 2001.

The Truth Never Stands in the Way of a Good Story by Jan Harold Brunvand. Southern Folklore 57. 2001.

The Tradition of the Chicago School of Sociology edited by Luigi Tomasi. Contemporary Sociology 29: 674-75. 2000.

Riding the Black Ship: Japan and Tokyo Disneyland by Aviad E. Raz. American Journal of Sociology. 105: 884-886. 2000.

Talk is Cheap: Sarcasm, Alienation and the Evolution of Language by John Haiman. Journal of Communication. 49: 213-215. 1999.

60 The Public Realm by Lyn Lofland. Social Forces. 78: 408-410. 1999.

Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds by George Hudler. American Scientist. 86: 578. 1999.

Tricks of the Trade by Howard S. Becker. Qualitative Sociology 22: 93-98. 1999. (co-authored with Christopher Wellin).

Humor and Laughter by Peter Berger. Contemporary Sociology 27: 383-385. 1998.

Making the Majors by Eric Leifer. Social Forces 76: 715-16. 1997.

Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom: Excursions into Eating, Culture, and the Past by Sidney W. Mintz. American Journal of Sociology 102: 1487-89. 1997.

Sociology as an Art Form by Robert Nisbet. Contemporary Sociology 25: 448-449. 1996.

Handbook of Qualitative Methods edited by Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln. Contemporary Sociology 24: 416-418. 1995.

Continual Permutations of Action by Anselm Strauss. Social Forces 74: 741-42. 1995.

Out of the Garden: Toys and Children's Culture in the Age of TV Marketing by Stephen Kline. American Journal of Sociology 100: 1360-1362. 1995.

Terrible Honesty: Mongrel in the 1920s by Ann Douglas. Reason (July) 58-59. 1995.

Gender Play by Barrie Thorne; The People in the Playground by Iona Opie. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 23: 526-529. 1995.

Bloodtaking and Peacemaking: Feud, Law, and Society in Saga Iceland by William Ian Miller. American Ethnologist. 21: 1103-1104. 1994

Remembering My Birth by Alice Lovelace. Unity Magazine. (Spring): 35. 1994.

Whistling Dixie by John Shelton Reed. Sewanee Review. 101: lvii- lx. 1993.

61 Playing With Power by Marsha Kinder and Nintendo Kids by Eugene Provenzo. Contemporary Sociology. 21: 852-854. 1992.

Sugarball: The American Game, The Dominican Dream by Alan Klein. Contemporary Sociology. 21: 109-110. 1992.

Creating Sociological Awareness: Collective Images and Symbolic Representations by Anselm Strauss. Contemporary Sociology. 21: 259-261. 1992.

Alias Bill Arp: Charles Henry Smith and the South's "Goodly Heritage" by David B. Parker. Florida Historical Quarterly. (January): 389-391. 1991.

How to Talk Jewish by Jackie Mason. Jewish Times. (April 12): 32. 1991.

Rumors: Uses, Interpretations & Images by Jean-Noel Kapferer. Public Opinion Quarterly. 55: 463-465. 1991.

Writing Strategies by Laurel Richardson. Contemporary Sociology. 20: 488-489. 1991.

Coming of Age in Buffalo: Youth and Authority in the Post-War Era by William Graebner. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 514: 192-193. 1991.

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi. Star/Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul) (July 15): 10F. 1990.

City Games: The Evolution of American Urban Society and the Rise of Sports by Steven A. Riess. Baseball History. 3: 145-147. 1990.

In the Field: Readings on the Field Research Experience edited by Carolyn D. Smith and William Kornblum. Social Forces. 69: 336-338. 1990.

The Meeting: Gatherings in Organizations and Communities by Helen Schwartzman. American Journal of Sociology 96: 241-242. 1990.

Children in the Field: Anthropological Experiences edited by Joan Cassell. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 19: 240-242. 1990.

62 The Social Fabric edited by James Short, Jr. Social Forces. 68: 320-321. 1990.

Laughing Matters: A Serious Look at Humor edited by John Durant and Jonathan Miller. Contemporary Psychology. 35: 186. 1990.

The Anatomy of Humor: Biopsychosocial and Therapeutic Perspectives by Robin Haig. Contemporary Psychology. 34: 406. 1989.

A Theory of Social Interaction by Jonathan H. Turner. American Journal of Sociology. 95: 809-811. 1989.

Children and Play in the Holocaust: Games Among the Shadows by George Eisen. Journal of Sport History. 16: 90-92. 1989.

American Classrooms: The Photographs of Catherine Wagner by Anne Wilkes Tucker. Visual Sociology Review. 4: 18-19. 1989.

Grass Roots Commitment: Basketball and Society in Trinidad and Tobago by Jay R. Mandle and Joan D. Mandle. Contemporary Sociology. 18: 602. 1989.

Arguing and Thinking by Michael Billig. Contemporary Sociology. 18: 297-298. 1989.

Freak Show: Presenting Human Oddities for Amusement and Profit by Robert Bogdan. Contemporary Sociology. 17: 676-677. 1988.

The Quest for Excitement by Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning. American Journal of Sociology. 93: 1520-1522. 1988.

The Inside Scoop by Jack Levin and Arnold Arluke. Journal of Communication. 1988.

The Character Factory by Michael Rosenthal and The Games Ethic and Imperialism by J.A. Mangan. Contemporary Sociology. 17: 80-82. 1988.

All Manners of Food by Stephen Mennell. American Journal of Sociology 92:503-505. 1986.

Advertising, the Uneasy Persuasion by Michael Schudson. The Making of Modern Advertising by Daniel Pope. Contemporary Sociology 14:688-690. 1985.

Imaginary Social Worlds by John Caughey. Contemporary Sociology 14:257. 1985.


The Democratic Muse by Edward Banfield. Transaction/Society 23:89-91. 1985.

The Forger's Art, edited by Denis Dutton. Studies of Visual Communication 10(4):77-80. 1984.

Documents of Life by Ken Plummer. Mid-America Folklore. 12: 51- 52. 1984.

The Karmic Theater by Robert Peribanayagam. American Journal of Sociology 90:217-218. 1984.

The Terror that Comes in the Night by David Hufford. Journal of American Folklore 97:229--230. 1984.

Small Groups and Social Interaction edited by Herbert H. Blumberg, A. Paul Hare, Valerie Kent, and Martin F. Davies. Contemporary Sociology 13:638-639. 1984.

Building Character in the American Boy by David MacLeod. American Journal of Sociology 90:681-683. 1984.

The Assault on Truth by Jeffrey Masson. Contemporary Sociology 13:686-688. 1984.

Children's Chants and Games (film). Journal of American Folklore 96:121-122. 1983.

Israeli Humor: The Content and Structure of the Chizbat of the Pahmah by Elliott Oring. Journal of American Folklore 96:229-230. 1983.

Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology by Ulf Hannerz. The Territorial Experience by E. Gordon Erickson. Contemporary Sociology 12:282-284. 1983.

Pipers at the Gates of Dawn by Jonathan Cott. Minneapolis Tribune (August 7, 1983):14G, 15G.

The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings by Jan Brunvand. Western Folklore 41:156-157. 1982.

Symbolic Interactionism: A Social Structural Version by Sheldon Stryker. Contemporary Sociology 11:26-27. 1982.

64 Childhood and Folklore: A Psychoanalytic Study of Apache Personality by L. Bryce Boyer. Western Folklore 41:69-71. 1982.

Nicknames: Their Origins and Social Consequences by Jane Morgan, Christopher O'Neill, and Rom Harre. Journal of American Folklore 95:92-93. 1982.

Social Interactional Theory of Emotions by Theodore Kemper. Social Forces 59:1332-1333. 1981.

Amateurs by Robert Stebbins. Urban Life 10:109-111. 1981.

Humor: Its Origin and Development by Paul McGhee. American Humor: Interdisciplinary Newsletter 7:35. 1980.

Oscar: An Inquiry into the Nature of Sanity by Peter J. Wilson. Humanity and Society 1980.

Yearning for Yesterday by Fred Davis. Contemporary Sociology 9:410. 1980.

Alone Together: Social Order on an Urban Beach by Robert Edgerton. Journal of Popular Culture 14:160. 1980.

One Potato, Two Potato: The Secret Education of American Children by Mary and Herbert Knapp. Journal of American Folklore 92:87-89. 1979.

The Human Bond by Elbert Stewart. Contemporary Psychology 24:503-504. 1979.

Understanding Laughter by Charles Gruner, Contemporary Psychology 24:798. 1979.

The Nude Beach by Jack Douglas and Paul Rasmussen with Carol Flanagan, Qualitative Sociology 1:155-58. 1978.

Witcracks: Jokes and Jests from American Folklore by Alvin Schwartz, Folklore Forum 7:219. 1974.


August 2017. Invited Speaker. “Skeptical Ethnography and Critical Realism.” Beyond Positivism Conference. Montreal, Canada.

August 2017. Chair. Thematic Session. “The Cognitive Sociology of Inclusion and Exclusion.” American Sociological Association. Montreal, Canada.

February 2017. Keynote Address. “My Life in Ethnography.” Nanyang Technological University International Workshop on Ethnographic Methods. Singapore.

October 2016. “Group Cultures as Arenas of Action.” Economic Sociology Conference. Chicago, IL

August 2016. Discussant. Session on Social Psychology and Culture. American Sociological Association. Seattle, WA

July 2016. “Group Pleasures: Collaborative Commitments, Narrative Gratification and the Sociology of Fun.” International Sociological Association. Vienna, Austria

July 2016. Keynote Address. “Group Pleasures: Collaborative Commitments, Narrative Gratification and the Sociology of Fun.” Conference of the European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. Topola, Bulgaria.

April 2016. Discussant, “Geographies and Scales of Innovation.” Lambert Family Conference on Inventing the New: Innovation in Creative Enterprises. Northwestern University. Evanston, Illinois

March 2016. “Medium Rare: How MFA Artists Are Shaped by Talk and Theory.” 3 Million Stories: Arts Graduates in a Changing Economy. Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizona.

January 2016. “Gallery or Theory: The Strains of Embracing Markets in Graduate Art Education.” The Art Market in a Global Perspective. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

January 2016. Chair and Discussant, “Emerging Art Markets.” The Art Market in a Global Perspective. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

November 2015. Discussant, “Difficult Reputations in Media and Memory.” Society for Biblical Literature. Atlanta, GA

October 2015. Plenary Address. “Epistemic Generosity and Social Comedy: The Demands of a Skeptical Ethnography.” Atlantic Centre

66 for Qualitative Research and Analysis Fall Conference (“Qualitative Research Methods That Work”). Fredericton, New Brunswick

August 2015. Chair, Session on Cultural Studies. American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL

August 2015. “Signaling Perversion: The Politics of Euphemism and Dysphemism.” Thematic Session, American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL

August 2015. Discussant, Author Meets the Critics Session, Becoming Mead by Daniel Huebner. American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL

August 2015. Discussant, Junior Theorists Symposium. Theory Section. American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL

February 2015. “Epistemic Generosity and Social Comedy: The Demands of a Skeptical Ethnography.” Eastern Sociological Society, New York, NY

February 2015. Chair, “Continuity and Discontinuity.” Eastern Sociological Society, New York, NY

November 2014. Keynote Address. “Faith and Fellowship: Reputational Entrepreneurs, Group Cultures, and the Jesus Movement.” Society for Biblical Literature, San Diego, CA

May 2014. Chair, “Criticizing Capitalism in Our Times.” International Critical Theory Conference, Evanston, IL

April 2014. “Speaking for the Object: Justifying the Creative through the Power of Talk.” Conference on the Infrastructures of Creativity, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL

March 2014. Gert Mueller Memorial Lecture. “The Hinge: Civil Society, Group Culture, and the Interaction Order.” American University, Washington, DC

August 2013. Keynote Speaker, “The Hinge: Civil Society, Group Culture, and the Interaction Order.” International Conference on Symbolic Interaction. Uppsala, Sweden

August 2013. Cooley-Mead Award Address. “The Hinge: Civil Society, Group Culture, and the Interaction Order.” American Sociological Association, New York, NY

67 August 2013. Organizer and Chair, Panel on Article and Book Reviewing in Sociology, American Sociological Association, New York, NY

August 2013. Panelist, “Writing Journal Articles and Books.” ASA Directors of Graduate Studies Conference. New York, NY

May 2013. Keynote Speaker, “Group Cultures as Arenas of Action: Inhabited Institutions as Social Worlds.” Organization Studies Summer Workshop, Mykonos, Greece

May 2013. Panelist, "Methodologies in the Sociology of Culture." Spring Institute, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

August 2012. Panelist. Session on “Art and Activism.” Society for the Study of Social Problems. Denver, CO

July 2012. “Groups and Publics: Building on Action.” Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research. Chicago, IL

May 2012. “Apology and Redress: Escaping the Dustbin of History in the Post-Segregationist South.” Florian Znaniecki Memorial Lecture. University of Illinois. Urbana, IL

March 2012. “Stranger and Stranger: Incorporation, Socialization, Connection and Ethnographic Authority.” Causal Thinking and Ethnographic Research Conference. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

October 2011. Keynote Speaker. “The Promiscuity of Facts: Barack Obama and Uncertain Knowledge.” Conference on Uncertain Knowledge: Practices, Media and Agents of (Non-)Affirmation in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century American History. German History Institute. Washington, DC

August 2011. Discussant, “Chicago Sociology: Service and Professionalism.” Society for the Study of Social Problems. Las Vegas, NV

December 2010. Discussant, “Restaurants.” Conference on Food: Convergence and Divergence in Europe since 1800. Brussels, Belgium

October 2010. “The Folklore of Small Things: Tiny Publics and Realms of Local Knowledge.” Francis Lee Utley Memorial Lecture, American Folklore Society. Nashville, TN

68 October 2010. Discussant, The King’s Mistress. Sarum Seminar. Stanford University. Stanford, CA

August 2010. Discussant, Author Meets Critics Session (Michael Messner, It’s All for the Kids). American Sociological Association. Atlanta, GA

January 2010. “Honest Brokers: American Politics and the Creation of Communist China.” Distinguished Scholars Lecture. Hong Kong University. Hong Kong

November 2009. George Herbert Mead Invited Address. “The Sociology of the Local: Action and Its Publics.” National Communication Association. Chicago, IL

October 2009. Invited address. “Talking Beef.” Greater Midwest Foodways Alliance. Chicago, IL

August 2009. Thematic Session. “Wispy Communities: Temporary Gatherings and the Shaping of Identity.” American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA

August 2009. Discussant. Panel on “Social Psychology: Processes Underlying Cultural Dynamics.” American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA

June 2009. “Accounting for Jokes: Jocular Performance in a Critical Age.” International Society for Folk Narrative Research. Athens, Greece

May 2009. “The Sociology of the Local: Action and its Publics.” Erving Goffman Memorial Lecture. University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Scotland

March 2009. Discussant. Panel on “New Directions in Cultural Sociology.” Eastern Sociological Society. Baltimore, MD

January 2009. “Kitchens: The Culture of Restaurant Work.” Culinary Historians of Chicago, Chicago, IL

September 2008. “Honest Brokers: Owen Lattimore and the Politics of Expertise.” Allen and Polly Grimshaw Lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

September 2008. “The Sociology of the Local: Action and Its Publics.” Session on “Groups, Individuals and Inequality.” International Sociological Association, Barcelona, Spain

69 August 2008. Chair, Workshop on Journal Reviewing, American Sociological Association, Boston, MA

August 2008. “Performance, Folklore, and the Theory of Action,” ASA Culture Section Conference, Boston, MA

May 2008. “Forecasting for Land, Forecasting for People?: How Meteorologists Make Sense of their Audiences.” Conference on Weather, Local Knowledge and Everyday Life. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

May 2008. Chair, Session on “Forecasts and Publics.” Conference on Weather, Local Knowledge and Everyday Life. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

May 2008. Keynote Address and Nels Anderson Invited Lecturer. “Lies from the Field: Ethical Issues in Organizational Ethnography.” Qualitative Analysis Conference. Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

May 2008. Panelist. “Studying the Entertainment Process: Artists, Producers, and Consumers.” Couch-Stone Symbolic Interactionist Symposium. Urbana-Champaign, IL

November 2007. Panelist. Symposium on Conducting High-Quality Field Research in (and with) Organizations. Center for Organizational Research, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA

November 2007. Invited Speaker. “Meteorologists and the Culture of Prediction.” Chicago Humanities Festival. Chicago, IL

September 2007. “Virtuous Food: Conscientious Production as Moral Imperative.” Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery. Oxford, England (with Michaela Desoucey)

August 2007. “Anthills and the Veldt: Seeing Culture Under the Micro-Scope.” ASA Culture section conference. New York, New York

August 2007. Panelist, Journal editing. American Sociological Association, New York, New York.

August 2007. Chair, Session on Food and Social Movements. Conference of the ASA Section on Social Movements and Collective Behavior, Hempstead, NY

August 2007. Discussant, Session on “Food and Organization.” Academy of Management meetings. Philadelphia, PA.


March 2007. “Memory Entrepreneurs and Uses of the Past: The Chinese War Reparations Movement Against Japan” (with Bin Xu). Conference on Politics of Regret: Collective Memory in Northeast Asia. Hiroshima Peace Institute. Arlington, VA

March 2007. “Does Rumor Lie?: Narrators, Trust and the Framing of Unsecured Information.” Conference on Deception: Methods, Motives, Contexts, and Consequences. Santa Fe Institute. Santa Fe, NM

March 2007. “Joking Cultures: How Groups Develop a Humor Identity.” Invited Address. Aspects of Humor: The Art and Science of Laughter. American Mensa Symposium. Oak Brook, IL

August 2006. “Towards a Sociology of Localism.” Invited Address, American Sociological Association. Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

April 2006. “Frames and Games.” International Workshop on Strange Convergences: Performance and Performativity in Fantasy Game Cultures, the Gothic Milieu, and Pagan Spirituality. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

April 2006. "The Cultural Frameworks of Prejudice: Reputational Images and the Postwar Disjuncture of Jews and Communism" Theodore G. Standing Lecture. State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY

March 2006. Keynote Address. “Ethnography as an Occupation.” Qualitative Research Conference. State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY

November 2005. Invited Address. “In the Company of Men: Female Accommodation and the Culture of Male Groups.” Joseph S. Schick Lecutre. Indiana Folklore Society, Terre Haute, IN

October 2005. Plenary on “Why Is There No Grand Theory in Folkloristics.” “Ain’t Theory Grand?: The Politics of Theory in Folkloristics.” American Folklore Society. Atlanta, GA

August 2005. “The Chaining of Social Problems: Solutions and Unintended Consequences in the Age of Betrayal.” Society for the Study of Social Problems Presidential Address. Philadelphia, PA

August 2005. Chair, Invited Panel on “International Approaches to Social Problems Theory and the Challenges of Unanticipated Consequences.” Society for the Study of Social Problems. Philadelphia, PA


August 2005. Panelist, Author Meets the Critics Session, Francesca Polletta, Freedom is an Endless Meeting. American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA

May 2005. “Does Rumor Lie: The Framing of Unsecured Information.” International Society for Contemporary Legend Research. Athens, GA

May 2005. Chair, “Between Life and Death.” International Society for Contemporary Legend Research. Athens, GA

April 2005. “Does Rumor Lie: The Framing of Unsecured Information.” Conference on “Deception: Methods, Motives, Contexts and Consequences.” Santa Fe Institute. Sante Fe, NM

February 2005. Discussant, “Goffman’s Model of Context: Deciphering Frame Analysis.” Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. Couch/Stone Symposium. Boulder, CO

August 2004. Chair, “Basic Sociobehavioral Processes and Culture.” American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA

August 2004. Discussant, “The Role of a Scholarly/Activist Organization in the 21st Century.” Society for the Study of Social Problems. San Francisco, CA

May 2004, “The Role of Status Judges in Reputation Markets.” Conference on the Marketplace of Ideas. Durham, NC

May 2004, Chair, Symposium, “Fantastic Treasures: Preserving Art Environments.” Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and . Chicago, IL

October 2003, Keynote Address. “Tricky Dick and Slick Willie: Despised Presidents and Generational Imprinting.” Illinois Sociological Association. Chicago, IL

October 2003, “Through a Glass, Darkly: Meteorological Prediction and the Promise of the Future.” Society for Social Studies of Science. Atlanta, GA

August 2003, “Erving Goffman and Civil Society.” American Sociological Association. Atlanta, GA

August 2003, Chair, Children and Their Groups: Miniature Adults, Miniature Society. American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA

72 July 2003. “The When of Theory.” Workshop on the Scientific Foundations of Qualitative Research. National Science Foundation. Arlington, VA

July 2003. Plenary Address. “Purple Clitocybes and Odie the Imperiled Fish: Joking Culture as Social Regulation in Group Interaction.” International Society for Humor Studies. Chicago, IL

May 2003. Keynote Address. “Celebrating Arabs and Kindly Terrorists: Rumor and Politics of Plausibility.” Nordic Congress of Ethnology and Folklore. Elsinor, Denmark

April 2003. Organizer, Conference on “The Social Impact of Rumor and Legend.” Rockefeller Foundation. Bellagio, Italy

November 2002. “Naming the World: Taxonomic Discoveries Among Professional Mycologists.” Society for Social Studies of Science. Milwaukee, WI

October 2002. Keynote Address. “Everyday Genius: Reputation and the Culture of Self-Taught Art.” Folk Art Society of America. Savannah, GA

September 2002. Keynote Address. “Towards a Peopled Ethnography: Analyzing Small Group Culture.” Ethnography for a New Century: Practice, Predicament, Promise. Berkeley, CA

September 2002. “Towards a Peopled Ethnography: The Observer and the Group.” Conference on Ethnographic Organizational Studies. Swiss Sociological Association and European Sociological Association Research Network on “Qualitative Methods” and “Sociology of the Arts.” St. Gallen, Switzerland

August 2002. Panelist, Panel on “IRBs and Research With Children - Protecting Children and Promoting Research.” American Psychological Association. Chicago, IL

August 2002. Chair, Invited Panel, “Theorizing Morality: Assessing the Contributions of Philip Rieff.” American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL

April 2002. Panelist, Panel on “The Direction of Sociology.” Midwest Sociological Society. Milwaukee, WI

April 2002. “Dust,” Presidential Address, Midwest Sociological Society. Milwaukee, WI

73 February 2002. Discussant, Panel on “Microstudies in Culture.” Chicago Ethnography Conference. Chicago, IL

February 2002. “Authors of the Storm: Some Things that a Sociologist Has Learned about Meteorologists.” American Meteorological Society, Chicago Chapter.

August 2001. Invited Special Session. “Tiny Publics: Small Groups and Civil Society” (with Brooke Harrington). American Sociological Association. Anaheim, CA

August 2001. “Present, Past and Future: Conjugating Mead’s Perspective of Time” (with Michael Flaherty). American Sociological Association. Anaheim, CA

August 2001. Discussant, Session on Collective Memory. American Sociological Association. Anaheim, CA

August 2001. Chair, Session on “Organization, Interaction, and Culture.” Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA

April 2001. Chair, Invited Special Session. “Is American Culture in Decay?” Midwest Sociological Society. St. Louis, MO

February 2001. Discussant, Panel on “Identity Construction, Social Interaction, and Culture.” Chicago Ethnography Conference. Chicago, IL

August 2000. Panelist, Invited Panel on The State of Sociological Social Psychology at the Millennium. American Sociological Association, Washington, DC

August 2000. Chair, Panel on the Culture of Everyday Life. American Sociological Association. Washington, DC

August 2000. Chair and Discussant. Breakout Session on “Culture and Art.” Millennial Issues in the Sociology of Culture. George Mason University. Fairfax, VA

May 2000. “Economics and Identity in the ‘Self-Taught’ Art Market.” Conference on Negotiating Boundaries, John Michael Kohler Arts Center. Sheboygan, WI

April 2000. Discussant, Panel on “Changes in the ‘Chicago School’ of Sociology.” Midwest Sociological Society. Chicago, IL

74 April 2000. “Contemporary Legend and Claims of Corporate Malfeasance: Race and the Marketplace.” Clifford Symposium on Tort Law and Social Policy. Chicago, IL

March 2000. Discussant, Panel on “University Life.” Chicago Ethnography Conference. Chicago, IL

November 1999. “Thinking About Villains: Adolf Hitler and the Problem of ‘Sticky Reputations’.” Conference on Culture and Cognition. New Brunswick, NJ

November 1999. “Framing Norms: The Culture of Expectation and Explanations.” National Communication Association. Chicago, IL

October 1999. Chair, Panel on “Folk Art.” American Folklore Society. Memphis, TN

October 1999. “Economics and Identity in the Self-Taught Art Market.” American Folklore Society. Memphis, TN

October 1999. Panelist, “Pro-Seminar for Researchers.” Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference. Nashville, TN

October 1999. “Biography Work and the Creation of Art Markets: The Case of Southern Contemporary Folk Art.” Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference. Nashville, TN

August 1999. “Ethnography as an Occupation.” American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL (with Christopher Wellin)

August 1999. Discussant, Panel, “New Developments in Organizational Culture.” American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL

May 1999. Keynote Address. “Ethnography as an Occupation.” Qualitative Analysis Conference. Fredericton, New Brunswick.

May 1999. Chair, Forum on “Qualitative Research Ethics.” Qualitative Analysis Conference. Fredericton, New Brunswick.

May 1999. Chair, Panel, “Experiencing Relationships.” Qualitative Analysis Conference. Fredericton, New Brunswick.

March 1999. “Mushrooming and the Culture of Expectations and Explanations.” Conference on Norms Russell Sage Foundation. New York, NY.

75 March 1999. “Art Centers: Southern Folk Art and the Splintering of a Hegemonic Market.” Eastern Sociological Society. Boston, MA.

February 1999. Chair, Panel, “Being Self-Conscious: Positionality and the Role of the Researcher.” Chicago Ethnography Conference. Chicago, IL.

January 1999. “Ford on the Line: Business Leader Reputation and the Multiple Audience Problem.” International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity, and Competitiveness. San Juan, Puerto Rico

August 1998. “Alternative Perspectives on Microsocial Order” (with Karen Cook). American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA

August 1998. Chair, Panel, “Social Psychology: Micro Social Orders: Interactionist Approaches.” American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA

March 1999. “Framing Norms: The Culture of Expectations and Explanations.” Russell Sage Foundation. New York, NY.

February 1998. “Images of Hitler’s Reputation.” Couch/Stone Symposium of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. Houston, Texas.

October 1997. Chair, Panel on “Folk Art.” American Folklore Society, Austin, Texas

October 1997. “Art Centers: The McDonaldization of Folk Art.” American Folklore Society, Austin, Texas

August 1997. Chair, “Interpretive Approaches to Children and Adolescents.” American Sociological Society, Toronto, Canada.

August 1997. “Social Order through a Prism: Color as Collective Representation.” Alpha Kappa Delta Invited Lecture, American Sociological Society, Toronto, Canada

May 1997. "Rumor in Black and White." International Society for Contemporary Legend Research, Boulder, CO

May 1997. Invited Speaker, "Social Order through a Prism: Color as Collective Representation" and "John Brown's Body: Cultural and Political Elites and the Legitimation of Terrorism." Spring Institute, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL


August 1996. "Scandal, Structural Strain and the Organization of Public Attention: Fatty Arbuckle and the 'Problem' of Hollywood." American Sociological Association. New York, NY

August 1996. Panelist, Thematic Session: The Changing Nature of Childhood and Adolescence in American Society. American Sociological Association. New York, NY

July 1996. "John Brown's Body: Cultural and Political Elites and the Legitimation of Terrorism." Symposium on John Brown. Mont Alto, PA.

July 1996. "Naturework and the Construction of the Wild." Couch/Stone Symposium of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism. Nottingham, England.

October 1995. "Identity Art." American Folklore Society. Lafayette, LA.

October 1995. Chair, "Folk Art." American Folklore Society. Lafayette, LA.

October 1995. Discussant, "Methodological and Ethical Issues in Collecting Folklore From Children." American Folklore Society. Lafayette, LA.

August 1995. "The Summer Workshop in Field Work Methods at the University of Georgia." American Sociological Association (with Josephine Beoku-Betts, William Finlay, Linda Grant, and Judith Preissle)

August 1995. "My Life as Sociologist." American Sociological Association, Honors Program (invited address). Washington, DC

August 1995. "Secrecy, Trust, and Dangerous Leisure: Generating Group Cohesion in Voluntary Organizations." American Sociological Association. Washington, DC (with Lori Holyfield)

May 1995. "Wittgenstein's Kitchen." Interdisciplinary Conference on Food and Society. Boston, MA

August 1994. Chair, "Recovering Social Psychological Classics." American Sociological Association. Los Angeles, CA

August 1994. Panelist, "Critics Meet the Editors, Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology." American Sociological Association. Los Angeles, CA


July 1994. "Rings of Order and the Quadrants of Social Psychology." International Sociological Association. Bielefeld, Germany

July 1994. Chair, "Food and Cuisine." International Sociological Association. Bielefeld, Germany

July 1994. Chair, "Theoretical and Empirical Contributions to Collective Behavior." International Sociological Association. Bielefeld, Germany

July 1994. Chair, "Interactionist Approaches to Social Psychology." International Sociological Association. Bielefeld, Germany

June 1994. Panelist, Symposium on "Political Correctness and Sociological Practice." Sociological Practice Association. Atlanta, GA

May 1994. "Three Principles of Serendip: The Role of Chance in Ethnographic Research." Qualitative Research Conference. Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

May 1994. Chair, "Intersubjectivity and the Social Sciences: Dilthey, Weber, Simmel, Cooley, Mead, Blumer, Goffman." Qualitative Research Conference. Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

May 1994. Discussant, Section on The Authority of the Text. SSSI/Stone Symposium. Champaign, IL

May 1994. "Games or Truth: Accomplishing Persuasion in High School Debate." SSSI/Stone Symposium. Champaign, IL

April 1994. "Games or Truth: Accomplishing Persuasion in High School Debate." The Association for the Study of Play. Atlanta, GA

February 1994. "The Social Construction of Style: Reading Veblen, Judging Veblen." International Thorstein Veblen Conference. New York, NY

October 1993. "Accounting for Rumor: The Creation of Credibility in Folk Knowledge." American Folklore Society. Eugene, OR

October 1993. Participant, Forum, "Variations in Legend Theory: Ostension, Belief and Violence." American Folklore Society. Eugene, OR

78 August 1993. "Qualitative Methods in Social Psychology." American Sociological Association. Miami Beach, FL

August 1993. "Nonpersonhood, Demonization, and Negative Commemoration: Constructing the 'Traitorous' Reputation of Benedict Arnold." American Sociological Association. Miami Beach, FL (with Lori Ducharme)

April 1993. Chair, Social Psychology and Justice Considerations. Southern Sociological Society. Chattanooga, TN

March 1993. "Public Narration and Group Culture: Discerning Discourse about Social Movements." SSSI/Stone Symposium. Knoxville, TN

March 1993. Chair, Visual Art and the Environment. SSSI/Stone Symposium. Knoxville, TN

March 1993. "Manufacturing Tales: The Creation of Credibility in Rumor." Journees Europeennes D'Etudes Sur La Rumeur. Paris, France.

October 1992. Panelist, Invited Panel on The Future of Sociology Departments. Georgia Sociological Association. Jekyll Island, GA

October 1992. Chair, Linking Teaching and Research in the Sociology of Culture. Georgia Sociological Association. Jekyll Island, GA

October 1992. "The Loki Effect: The Ecotypification of Contemporary Legends in the New South Africa. II. The Black Reality." American Folklore Society. Jacksonville, FL

October 1992. Chair, Session on Legends and the Mass Media. American Folklore Society. Jacksonville, FL

October 1992. Participant, Forum: "The Vanishing Hitchhiker": Archetypical Contemporary Legend or Traditional Legend in Disguise. American Folklore Society. Jacksonville, FL

August 1992. "Ten Lies of Ethnography." American Sociological Association. Pittsburgh, PA

August 1992. Chair, Awards Ceremony. American Sociological Association. Pittsburgh, PA

August 1992. Discussant, Section on Men and Families. American Sociological Association. Pittsburgh, PA


August 1992. Chair, Section on Advances in Social Problems Theory. Society for the Study of Social Problems. Pittsburgh, PA

July 1992. "The Loki Effect: The Ecotypification of Contemporary Legends in the New South Africa. I. The Afrikaaner Reality." International Congress for Folk Narrative Research. Innsbruck, Austria

June 1992. "Ideological Play: Group Dynamics, Emergent Traditions, and Movement Cultures." Plenary Session, Workshop on Culture and Social Movements. ASA Section of Collective Behavior and Social Movements. San Diego, CA

February 1992. Chair, Session on "Implications of Play and Leisure." SSSI/Stone Symposium. Las Vegas, NV

February 1992. "Playing With and Within the Frame" (with Lori Ducharme). SSSI/Stone Symposium. Las Vegas, NV

February 1992. "Trusting Fellows: The Organization of Community and Knowledge in Amateur Mycology." SSSI/Stone Symposium. Las Vegas, NV

January 1992. "Ten Lies of Ethnography." Keynote Address. Conference on Qualitative Research in Education. Athens, GA

October 1991. "Wittgenstein in the Kitchen." Conference on Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts. Jacksonville, FL August 1991. "Dirty Birds, Filthy Immigrants, and The Great English Sparrow War." American Sociological Association. Cincinnati, OH

August 1991. Presider and Introducer, The Distinguished Lecture in Symbolic Interaction, given by Professor Rom Harre. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Cincinnati, OH

August 1991. Chair, Invited Panel on "Classics of Social Problems Theory." Society for the Study of Social Problems, Cincinnati, OH

May 1991. "The Republic of Rumors." Invited Address. Conference on "Battleground for Market Prediction." Southern African Marketing Research Association and Market Research Standards Authority. Drakensberg, South Africa.

May 1991. "The Republic of Rumors." Keynote Address. Conference on Rumors: A Communicative Hazard. Pretoria, South Africa.

80 May 1991. "The Dynamics and Structure of Credibility," International Society for Contemporary Legend Research, South Padre Island, TX

April 1991. Discussant, Session on "Self and Society," Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA

March 1991. "Themes in the Writing of the Second Chicago School" (with Lori Ducharme). Conference on the Second School of Chicago Sociology. Atlanta, GA

February 1991. Chair, Panel on Symbolic Interaction and Social Movement. SSSI/Stone Symposium. San Francisco, CA

February 1991. "Saving Children at Century's End" (with Jay Mechling) Conference on Youth-Serving Organizations, Gender and Ethnicity. Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Palo Alto, CA

October 1990. Discussant, Panel on Sociology for the 1990s: International Trends. Georgia Sociological Association. Chatsworth, GA

October 1990. Panelist, Forum on The Contemporary Legend: An Assessment of Present Scholarly Activities. American Folklore Society. Oakland, CA

August 1990. "Organizational Time." American Sociological Association. Washington, DC

August 1990. Chair, Session on "Creating Culture." American Sociological Association. Washington, DC

August 1990. "Toward a Seamless Sociology: Beyond the Macro- Micro Link." German-American Theory Conference. College Park, Maryland

July 1990. "Ideology in Action: A Pragmatic Approach to a Contested Concept." International Sociological Association. Madrid, Spain

July 1990. "Rumors in the Marketplace." International Sociological Association. Madrid, Spain

April 1990. "A Partisan View: Sarcasm, Satire, and Irony in Erving Goffman's Asylums." Midwest Sociological Society. Chicago, IL

81 April 1990. "The Experience of Being in Nature." The Association for the Study of Play. Las Vegas, NV

April 1990. Panelist, Panel on the Development of Play Research in the Past Fifteen Years. The Association for the Study of Play. Las Vegas, NV

March 1990. Panelist, Conference on Perspectives on American Society, Graduate Center, City University of New York. New York, NY

March 1990. "Minor Difficulties: Changing Children for the Twentieth-First Century." Minerva Lecture, Union College, Schenectady, NY

January 1990. "The Experience of Being in Nature." Stone Symposium on Symbolic Interaction. St. Petersburg, FL

October 1989. Chair, Forum on Folk Narratives and Social Problems. American Folklore Society. Philadelphia, PA

October 1989. "A General Theory of Contemporary Legends." American Folklore Society. Philadelphia, PA

October 1989. Chair, Panel on Aspects of Popular Culture. Sociologists of Minnesota. Wilder Forest, MN

August 1989. "Aesthetic Constraints: The Culture of Production in Restaurant Kitchens." American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA August 1989. Chair, Session on the Sociology of Dreams. American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA

June 1989. "Character and Information Control in the Icelandic Saga" (With Thorofur Thorlindsson). International Congress for Folk Narrative Research. Budapest, Hungary.

April 1989. "Wittgenstein in the Kitchen: The Creation of Meanings of Talk." Midwest Sociological Society. St. Louis, MO

April 1989. Panelist, Special Section, How to Get Published: A Panel of Editors. Midwest Sociological Society. St. Louis, MO

April 1989. "Mercantile Legends and the World Economy: Dangerous Products From Abroad." Conference on Perspectives on the Contemporary Legend. College Station, TX

82 April 1989. Chair, Panel on Contemporary Legend and Mass Institutions. Conference on Perspectives on the Contemporary Legend. College Station, TX

February 1989. Chair, Panel on The Impact of Jewish Humor on Jewish Society. Hillel Society Symposium on Jewish Humor. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN

November 1988. "Why We Don't Teach Exotic Dance in High Schools: The Social Construction of Dance." Plenary Address, National Dance Association, Bloomington, MN

November 1988. "Subcultural Penumbras: Servicing Social Worlds." Keynote Address, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Cincinnati, OH

October 1988. "Magic Settings: The Reflection of Middle-Class Life in Beauty and the Beast. American Folklore Society. Cambridge, MA

August 1988. "Macrointeractionism: Beyond the Micro-Macro Linkage." Conference of Theory and Research on Group Processes, Atlanta, GA

August 1988. "The Macrofoundations of Microsociology." American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA

April 1988. Chair, Panel on Atypical Play. The Association for the Study of Play, Berkeley, CA

April 1988. "Subcultural Penumbras: Servicing Social Worlds." The Association for the Study of Play, Berkeley, CA

March 1988. Chair, Panel on Personal Narratives, Folklore and Postmodern Life, Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, MN

March 1988. "Macrointeractionism: Beyond the Micro-Macro Link." Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, MN

March 1988. "Symbolic Interaction and Kindred Theoretical Orientations." Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, MN

March 1988. Chair, Panel on Blumer's Sociological Imagination, Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, MN

March 1988. "Symbolic Interaction." Conference on Contemporary Sociological Theory, College Park, MD


October 1987. "A Fungus Among Us: Mushrooms in American Culture." American Folklore Society, Albuquerque, NM

August 1987. "The Ten Commandments of Writing." Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Chicago, IL

August 1987. "Among These Dark Satanic Mills: Rumors of Corporations, Kooks, and Cults." World Communication Association, Norwich, England

July 1987. "Among These Dark Satanic Mills: Rumors of Corporations, Kooks, and Cults." Seminar on Contemporary Legends. Sheffield, England

May 1987. "Trivial Pursuits: Mushroom Hunting and the Culture of Nature." Qualitative Research Conference, Hamilton, Ontario

May 1987. "The Macrofoundations of Microsociology." Stone Symposium on Symbolic Interaction, Urbana, IL

April 1987. "The Proof of the Pudding: The Production of Aesthetics in Professional Cooking," Association for the Study of Food, Grand Rapids, MI.

March 1987. "Dying for a Laugh: Poisoning Stories of Mushroomers and the Shaping of Identity," The Association for the Study of Play, Montreal, Quebec.

March 1987. Chair, Session on Play and Humor, The Association for the Study of Play, Montreal, Quebec.

October 1986. "Community and Boundary: The Personal Experience Stories of Mushroom Collectors," American Folklore Society, Baltimore, MD.

April 1986. "Good Children and Dirty Play," Presidential Address, The Association for the Study of Play, Tempe, Arizona.

October 1985. "The Third Force in Folkloristics." Cincinnati, OH. American Folklore Society.

August 1985. Chair, Session on the Sociology of Popular Culture. Washington, DC. American Sociological Association.

August 1985. Discussant, Session on the Sociology of the Arts. Washington, DC. American Sociological Association.

84 March 1985. Panelist, Symposium on Ethnography in Play Research. Washington, DC. The Anthropological Association for the Study of Play.

March 1985. "Playing With Your Food: Expressive Culture in Restaurant Kitchens." Washington, DC. The Anthropological Association for the Study of Play.

November 1984. "The Folklore of Children and Other Urban Groups." St. Paul, MN, Minnesota Folklife Society.

October 1984 "Redemption Rumors: Mercantile Legends of Corporate Beneficence," San Diego, CA. American Folklore Society.

October 1984. Chair, Forum on Psychoanalytic Folklore, San Diego, CA. American Folklore Society.

October 1984 Panelist, Forum on Children's Folklore, San Diego, CA. American Folklore Society.

August 1984. "Negotiated Order and Organizational Culture," San Antonio, TX. American Sociological Association.

August 1984. Discussant, Session on Child Development and Symbolic Interaction, San Antonio, TX. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.

June 1984. "Bringing Humor Back Alive: Methodological Issues in Qualitative Research on Humor," Tel Aviv, Israel. International Conference on Humor and Laughter.

June 1984. "Social Change and Folklore," Bergen, Norway. International Congress on Folk Narrative Research.

June 1984. "The Two Faces of Corporate Culture," Lund, Sweden. International Conference on Organizational Symbolism.

April 1984. Chair, Session on The Illusion of the Private Life, St. Paul, MN. Conference on Orwell's 1984.

March 1984. "Negotiated Order and Organizational Culture," DeKalb, IL. Stone Symposium on Symbolic Interaction.

October 1983. "Is Alan Dundes Ever Right?: Evaluating Psychoanalytic Folklore," Nashville, TN. American Folklore Society.

85 October 1983. Chair, Session on Folklore Theory, Nashville, TN. American Folklore Society.

September 1983. "Learning to Cook: Trade Schools as Socializers of Aesthetics," Detroit, MI. American Sociological Association.

September 1983. Chair, Session on Popular Culture, Detroit, MI. American Sociological Association.

September 1983. Chair, Invited Symposium on Symbolic Interactionism and Race Relations, Detroit, MI. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.

May 1983. "The Sociology of Role-Playing," Minneapolis, MN. Conference on Simulation and Gaming in Ancient Studies.

April 1983. Chair, Invited Session on Rebuilding Sociology on a Smaller Scale, Kansas City, MO. Midwest Sociological Society.

March 1983. "Letting Off Steam? Redefining the Work Environment," Los Angeles, CA. Conference on Folklore and Organizational Symbolism.

February 1983 "Seasons, Records, and Miraculous Events: The Historical Focus in Team Sports." Baton Rouge, LA. The Anthropological Association for the Study of Play.

February 1983. "Child and Adult Fantasies," Baton Rouge, LA. The Anthropological Association for the Study of Play.

October 1982. "Actor and Audience," St. Paul, MN. Art and Social Theory Conference.

October 1982. "Joseph Jacobs: Sociological Folklorist," Minneapolis, MN. American Folklore Society.

September 1982. Participant, Didactic Seminar on Fieldwork Methods. San Francisco, CA, American Sociological Association.

September 1982. "Humorous Interaction and the Construction of Meaning," San Francisco, CA. American Sociological Association.

September 1982. "Cheating History: Rhetorics of Art Forgery." San Francisco, CA. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.


August 1982. "Adolescent Gossip as Social Interaction," Mexico City. International Sociological Association.

March 1982. "Artistic Organizations and Symbolic Meaning," Dayton, OH. Stone Symposium on Symbolic Interaction.

March 1982. "Socialization Into Cooking: Conflicting Occupational Rhetorics," New York, NY. American Educational Research Association.

November 1981. "Small Group Research in Sports: Symbolic Interaction," Fort Worth, TX. North American Society for Sport Sociology.

November 1981. Discussant, Gregory Stone Memorial Lecture, presented by Brian Sutton-Smith, Fort Worth, TX. North American Society for Sport Sociology.

October 1981. "The Goliath Effect: Corporate Size and Urban Legends," San Antonio, TX. American Folklore Society.

August 1981. Discussant, Session on Sociology of Art. Toronto, Ontario. American Sociological Association.

April 1981. "Folklore and Sociology" (Invited address in thematic session on Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Sociology). Minneapolis, MN. Midwest Sociological Society. April 1981. Chair, Session on Conducting Research with Children. Minneapolis, MN, Midwest Sociological Society.

October 1980. "The Kentucky Fried Rat: Urban Legends and Modern Society." Pittsburgh, PA. American Folklore Society.

October 1980. Chair, Session on Exploring Folklore Classics. Pittsburgh, PA, American Folklore Society.

August 1980. "Oscillating Frames: Fantasy Games and 'Real' Reality," New York, NY, American Sociological Association (Invited session).

August 1980. (With Sherryl Kleinman) "Network as Symbolic Interaction," New York, NY, American Sociological Association.

April 1980. "Children and Popular Culture: An Ethnographic Analysis," Detroit, MI, Popular Culture Association.

87 April 1980. "Fantasy Role-Play Gaming as a Social World," Ann Arbor,MI, The Anthropological Association for the Study of Play.

December 1979. Panelist, Dual-Career Families. St. Paul, MN, Minnesota Council on Family Relations.

October 1979. Chair and Presenter, Workshop on Collecting Folklore from Children, Los Angeles, CA, American Folklore Society.

October 1979. "Folklore Traditions of Small Groups: The Case of the Family of Infinite Soul," Los Angeles, CA, American Folklore Society.

August 1979. Chair, Session on Popular Culture/Mass Society, Boston,MA, American Sociological Association.

August 1979. "Humor and the Social Construction of Meaning: Making Sense in a Jocular Vein," Los Angeles, CA, Second International Conference on Humor and Laughter.

August 1979. "Dynamics of Diffusion of Sexual and Ethnic Humor," Los Angeles, CA, Second International Conference on Humor and Laughter.

August 1979. "The Science of Folklore and the Problem of Diffusion," Edinburgh, Scotland, International Congress on Folk Narrative Research.

April 1979. (With Deborah Shatin) "Crimes Against Art: Symbolic Attacks on Civilization and the State," Wayne, NJ, Conference on the Sociology of Art.

November 1978. "Impression Management and Preadolescent Behavior," Champaign, IL, Society for Research on Child Development.

October 1978. Chair, Panel on Children's Folklore, Salt Lake City, UT, American Folklore Society.

October 1978. "The Dissemination of Preadolescent Lore: An Empirical Investigation of the Multi-Conduit Hypothesis of Folklore Transmission," Salt Lake City, UT, American Folklore Society.

88 September 1978. "Legendary Creatures and Small Group Culture: Medieval Lore in a Contemporary Role-Play Game," Omaha, NB. Creatures of Legendary Symposium.

September 1978. Chair, Invited Panel on the Frontiers of Research in Symbolic Interaction, San Francisco, CA, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.

April 1978. "Moral Order of Little League Baseball," Invited paper, CIC Conference on the Sociology of Sport, Minneapolis, MN.

April 1978. "The Pinkston Settlement: An Historical and Social Psychological Investigation of the Contact Hypothesis," Omaha, NB, Midwest Sociological Society.

April 1978. Organizer, Session on "Symbolic Interaction," Omaha, NB, Midwest Sociological Society.

March 1978. "Subcultures, interlocking group cultures, and mechanisms of Identification" (with Sherryl Kleinman), Columbia, SC, Fifth Annual Conference on Symbolic Interaction.

November 1977. "Folklore Diffusion Through Interactive Social Networks," Detroit, MI, American Folklore Society.

November 1977. Chair, Panel on "Composition and Performance," Detroit, MI, American Folklore Society.

October 1977. Chair, Semi-Annual Meeting, Rochester, MN, Minnesota Folklore Society.

September 1977. "The Sociology of Humor," Roundtable, Chicago, IL, American Sociological Association.

September 1977. "Little League Baseball and Preadolescent Youth Culture," Chicago, IL, Society for the Study of Social Problems.

May 1977. "Folklore and Modernization: The Case of the Urban Belief Legend," St. Paul, MN, Minnesota Folklife Society.

April 1977. "The Promise and Problems of Participation Observation with Children," Minneapolis, MN, Midwest Sociological Society.

89 September 1976. "The Effect of a Salient Newcomer on a Small Group: A Force Field Analysis," Washington, DC, American Psychological Association.

July 1976. "Humor in Situ: The Humour Culture of Small Groups," Cardiff, Wales, International Conference on Laughter and Humour.

April 1976. Discussant for panel on "A Psychological Approach to American Culture," Chicago, IL, Popular Culture Association.

August 1975. "Social Psychology, Naive Psychology, Folklore: All Together Now?" Chicago, IL, American Psychological Association.

April 1975. "The Actor-Observer Effect: The Effect of Modeling and Self-presentation," New York, NY, Eastern Psychological Association.

March 1975. "Popular Culture as Humor: The Psychology of Cultural Evaluation," St. Louis, MO, Popular Culture Association.

May 1974. "The Psychology of Honeymoon Advertising: The First Resort," Milwaukee, WI, Popular Culture Association.

May 1974. Chair, Panel on "Psychology and Popular Culture," Milwaukee, WI, Popular Culture Association.

November 1973. "The General Inquirer System as an Aid to the Cross-Cultural Interpretation of Folktales," Nashville, TN, American Folklore Society.

April 1973. "An Experimental Approach to Everyday Behavior: Door Opening Rules," Indianapolis, IN, Popular Culture Association.


Guest Homilist, "Humor, Religion and Joy," Minneapolis, MN, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church (November 1976)

Guest Speaker, Citizens League Panel on Youth Athletics, Minneapolis, MN (July 1979)

Guest Speaker, Campfire Council of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (February 1984)

Guest Speaker, Minnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented, Plymouth, MN (April 1988)

Member, State of Minnesota Task Force on Occupancy Standards for Family and Group Day Care Homes (November-December 1988)

Keynote Speaker, Minnesota Mycological Society Banquet (January 1989)

Guest Speaker, First Unitarian Society, Minneapolis, MN (February 1990)

Coach, Woodward Academy, North Campus, Chess Club (January 1991 - May 1992)

Featured Reader, Atlanta Writing Resources Center, Atlanta, GA (April 1991)

Board Member, Atlanta Writing Resources Center, Atlanta, GA (July 1991 - December 1991)

Member, Education and Society Committee, Woodward Academy (1991 - 1992)

Board Vice President, Atlanta Writing Resources Center, Atlanta, GA (December 1991 - 1993)

Member, Education Committee, Nexus Center for Contemporary Art (Atlanta) (February 1992 - June 1993)

Member, Board of the Twentieth Century Art Society, High Museum of Art (Atlanta) (April 1992 - )

Moderator, Panel on "Critics in the Spotlight," Alliance Theater (Atlanta) (April 1992)

91 Member, Mayor's Fellowships in the Arts Grants Advisory Panel (Atlanta) (May - June 1993)

Member, Board of Directors, Nexus Center for Contemporary Art (Atlanta) (June 1993 - June 1994, June 1995 - June 1997)

Chair, Education Committee, Nexus Center for Contemporary Art (Atlanta) (June 1993 - June 1994)

President, Atlanta Writing Resource Center, Atlanta, GA (August 1993 - August 1994)

Chair, Program Committee, Twentieth Century Art Society, High Museum of Art (Atlanta) (December 1993 - August 1994)

Panelist, "Bridging the Gap: Public Arts Funding and the Right to Censorship." Arts Exchange (Atlanta) (January 1994)

Special Guest, "Investing in People: U.S.-South Africa Conference on Democracy and Economic Development," Atlanta (June 1994)

Panelist, "The Zen of Collecting: A Tour of the Thrift Store Paintings." Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, GA (December 1995)

Chair and Panelist, "Obsession: The Collector's Urge." Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, GA (November 1996)

Member, Education Committee, Intuit: Center for Self-Taught and Intuitive Art (1998 - 1999, 2005-2009)

Chair, Education Committee, Intuit: Center for Self-Taught and Intuitive Art (2002-2005)

Chair, Communications Committee, Intuit: Center for Self-Taught and Intuitive Art (2007-2009)

Member, Collections Committee, Intuit: Center for Self-Taught and Intuitive Art (2009-2017)

Member, Gallery Committee, Intuit: Center for Self-Taught and Intuitive Art (1999-2007)

Member, Nominations Committee, Intuit: Center for Self-Taught and Intuitive Art (1999-2000, 2001-2002)

Member, Long-Range Planning Committee, Intuit: Center for Self- Taught and Intuitive Art (2000-2002)


Member, Board of Directors, Intuit: Center for Self-Taught and Intuitive Art (1999-2009)

Featured Speaker, Illinois Mycological Association (August 2004)


Member, Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research (1988-1990) Member, Board of Student Publications (1987-1990) Chair, University Senate Honors Committee (1986-1988) Member, Nominating Committee for the CLA Consultative Committee (1986-1988) Member, American Studies Nominating Committee (1988) Member, American Studies Admissions Committee (1985-1986) Member, CLA Honors Committee (1985-1986) Associate Member, Physical Education Faculty (1985-1990) Member, Program Planning Committee on Conference on Orwell's 1984 (1983-1984) Chair, American Studies, Turpie/Bowran Fund Committee (1983-1984) Member, Policy-Advisory Board for Composition and Communication (1983-1984) Member, Rene Cisneros Evaluation Committee (1982-1983) Member, American Studies Executive Committee (1981-1983) Member, CLA Assembly (1979-1980) Member, Measurement Services Advisory Committee (1978-1980) Member, Grievance Committee, American Studies (1978-1980) Member, College of Liberal Arts Honors Committee (1978-1980) Member, Faculty Search Committee, American Studies (1977-1978) Sociology Representative to the School of Education (1977-1979) Member, American Studies Assembly, University of Minnesota (1976-1990)


Member, Institutional Review Board (Human Subjects Committee) (1991-1994) Member, State-of-the-Art Conference and the Study in a Second Discipline Committee (1991-1992) Chair, State-of-the-Art Conference and the Study in a Second Discipline Committee (1992-1993) Member, Special Speakers Committee, Qualitative Research Conference, School of Education (1991-1992) Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Art (1993-1994) Member, Internal Review Committee, Department of Special Education (1995-1996) Member, Faculty Senate (1995-1997) Member, Faculty Senate Steering Committee (1995-1996) Member, University Council (1995-1997)

UNIVERSITY SERVICE -- NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Member, Committee on Academic Initiatives for Minority Students (1997-1998)

94 Member, Provost’s Ad Hoc Committee on Northwestern Education (1997-1998) Member, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Tenure Committee (1997-1999) Chair, Weinberg College of Arts and Science Tenure Committee (1999-2000) Member, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Ad Hoc Promotion Committee (1998) Member, Medical School Ad Hoc Tenure Committee (1998-1999) Member, Northwestern University, Institutional Review Board (1999- 2000) Chair, Northwestern University, Institutional Review Board (Evanston Campus) (2000-2002) Member, University Faculty Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Dismissal Appeals Panel (2000-2003) Member, Faculty Search Committee, Psychology Department (2000- 2001) Member, Faculty Search Committee, Art History Department (2000- 2001) Chair, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Ad Hoc Tenure Committees (2001-2002, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2006-2007, 2007- 2008, 2009-2010, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2015-2016, 2016-2017) Panelist, Northwestern University Student Conference on Diversity (2001) Member, Committee on Honorary Degrees (2003-2006) Executive Committee, Interdisciplinary Committee on Theatre and Drama (2003-2004, 2006-2010) Member, University Hearing and Appeals System (2003-2004) Member, Office for Protection of Research Subjects/Institutional Review Board Advisory Committee (2004-2008) Member, Middle East Studies Search Committee (2009) Member, Environmental Social Science Search Committee (2015-2016)


Member, Ad Hoc Committee on the Applied Sociology Program (1988-1989) Member, Personnel Committee (1986-1987) Director of Undergraduate Studies (1983-1984) Member, Executive Committee (1982-1984) Chair, Admissions Committee (1989-1990) Member, Admissions Committee (1980-1981; 1982-1983; 1987-1988) Chair, Promotion, Tenure, and Salary Committee (1985-1986) Member, Promotion, Tenure and Salary Committee (1979-1980) Chair, Undergraduate Affairs Committee (1983-1984) Member, Undergraduate Affairs Committee (1978-1980; 1981-1982) Director of Sociology Department Honors Program (1978-1980, 1989-1990)

95 Member, Graduate Affairs Committee (1977-1978, 1988-1990) Member, Grievance Committee (1976-1977) Chair, Awards Committee (1988-1989) Member, Awards Committee (1977) Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Developing Sociological Research Protocols for the Human Subjects Committee (1977) Member, Advisory Committee, Training Grant on Systematic Observation Research in Criminal Justice Settings (1976-1978) Chair, Social Theory Reading List Committee (1977)


Department Head (1990-1993) Member, Promotion, Tenure, and Compensation Committee (1993-1994, 1995-1996)


Director of Graduate Studies (2011-2014) Co-Chair, Faculty Search Committee (2008-2009) Chair, Graduate Student Recruitment Committee (1997-1999, 2001- 2002, 2004-2005) Member, Computer Committee (1997-1999) Graduate Student Placement Officer (1999-2000) Member, Graduate Student Recruitment Committee (2000-2001, 2016- 2017) Member, Graduate Affairs Committee (2001-2002, 2003-2004, 2015- 2016) Member, Faculty Recruitment Committee (2006-2007) Chair, Colloquium Committee (2007-2008, 2009-2010) Chair, Graduate Affairs Committee (2010-2014)