Diary of A Wimpy Kid Readalikes Super funny, highly illustrated chapter book series

Angleberger, Tom. Didi Dodo, Future Spy. (Juvenile Fiction Angleberger) Koko Dodo the cookie chef has a big problem. Today is the day of the royal cookie contest, and someone has stolen his top-secret fudge sauce! A hilarious series for readers who will have a fun time guessing what happens next. Also check out the Inspector Flytrap series by the same author. Freading e-book Hoopla e-book

Barnett, Mac. Mac B., Kid Spy. (Juvenile Fiction Barnett) The Queen of England is calling, and she has a secret mission...JUST FOR MAC. From secret identities to karate hijinks, this fast-paced, witty and historically inspired chapter book will keep readers guessing until the very last page. WI Digtal Library e-book

Griffiths, Andy. Treehouse Books. (Juvenile Fiction Griffiths) Andy and Terry live in the most amazing treehouse! It’s filled with shark-infested swimming pools, secret underground labs, and marshmallow machines that shoot marshmallows into your mouth when you’re hungry. The treehouse is also where they make books. Andy writes and Terry draws…or they would if it weren’t for all the pirates, giant gorillas, out-of-control inventions, and evil vegetable attacks that keep distracting them! WI Digital Library e-book

Holm, Jennifer. Sunny Side Up. (Juvenile Nonfiction 741.59 H73s) When Sunny is packed off to Florida to live with her grandfather for the summer she meets Buzz, a boy who is completely obsessed with comic books. Soon they're facing off against golf-ball-eating alligators, runaway cats, and disappearing neighbors. WI Digital Library e-book

Ignatow, Amy. Popularity Papers. (Juvenile Fiction Ignatow) Two best friends embark on a project to study the behavior and taste of the popular girls at their elementary school so that by the time they get to middle school they too will be in the right crowd. Novel appears in the form of a scrapbook. Freading e-book Hoopla e-book

Krosoczka, Jarrett. Lunch Lady Comics. (Juvenile Nonfiction 741.59 K928L) The school lunch lady is a secret crime fighter who uncovers an evil plot to replace all the popular teachers with robots. WI Digital Library e-book

McDonald, Megan. Stink. (Juvenile Fiction McDonald) The shortest kid in the second grade, James Moody, also known as Stink, learns all about the shortest president of the United States, James Madison, when they celebrate Presidents’ Day at school. Hoopla e-book WI Digital Library e-book

Pastis, Stephan. Timmy Failure. (Juvenile Fiction Pastis) Meet Timmy Failure, the founder, president, and CEO of the best detective agency in town, probably the nation. And his lazy sidekick, Total, a 1,500-pound polar bear. WI Digital Library e-book and e-

Peirce, Lincoln. Big Nate. (Juvenile Fiction Peirce) Nate Wright is an eleven-year-old sixth grader and self-described genius who has the distinction of setting the record for school detentions. Hoopla e-book and e-audiobook WI Digital Library e-book and e-audiobook

Peirce, Lincoln. Max and the Midknights. (Juvenile Fiction Peirce) Max wants to be a knight! When Max's uncle Budrick is kidnapped by the cruel King Gastley, Max has to act...and fast! Joined by a band of brave adventurers--the Midknights--Max sets out on a thrilling quest: to save Uncle Budrick and restore the realm of Byjovia to its former high spirits! WI Digital Library e-book and e-audiobook

Pilkey, Dav. Dog Man. (Juvenile Nonfiction 741.59 P644d) George and Harold create a new comic book hero in Dog Man, a crimefighter with the head of a police dog and the body of a policeman, who faces off against his archnemesis Petey the cat. WI Digital Library e-book

Selfors, Suzanne. Wedgie and Gizmo. (Juvenile Fiction Selfors) When a bouncy, barky dog and an evil genius guinea pig move into the same house, the laughs are nonstop! Freading e-book Hoopla e-book and e-audiobook WI Digital Library e-book and e-audiobook

Vernon, Ursula. Dragonbreath. (Juvenile Fiction Vernon) Wendell the iguana teams up with Great-grandfather Dragonbreath, Danny the dragon, and Suki the salamander to enter Wendell's dreams to try and defeat the Dream Wasp. WI Digital Library e-book

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