Cross-curricular possibilities Summary Themes

Pre-teen endures the horrors of - Friendship middle school social land mines as he - Bullies Curriculum for food and health continually fails at attempts to increase his - Family relationships social status and recognition. Although Greg - Being yourself Purpose believes his best friend Rowley is too - Tweenies - Our eating habits reflect individual choices, immature for middle school, Greg tries to use cultural expressions and religious Rowley’s newly acquired popularity to his convictions, and are thus an important part advantage, setting off a series of events that of our identity. challenge Greg’s perception of popularity After Year 10 along with their long-time friendship. - prepare food for different social contexts and discuss how food helps to create


Curriculum for Knowledge of Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christianity, religion, philosophies of USA, 2010 life and ethics

Based on the novel Competence aims after year level 10 English subject curriculum by (2007) reflect on ethical questions related to interpersonal relationships, family and Purpose friends, forms of cohabitation, ❼ - Literary texts in English can instill a lifelong heterosexuality and homosexuality, youth joy of reading and a deeper understanding of culture and body culture others and of oneself.

Competence aims after year 10 Social studies subject curriculum - Discuss and elaborate on the way people live Overordnet del – verdier og prinsipper for grunnopplæringen and how they socialize in Great Britain, USA Competence aims after Year Level 10 and other English-speaking countries and - Skolen skal ta hensyn til mangfoldet av elever og - create stories about people from different Norway legge til rette for at alle får oppleve tilhørighet i skole societies in the past and present and show - create, communicate and converse about og samfunn. […] Elevene skal selv bidra til å ivareta how their living conditions and values own texts inspired by English literature, films menneskeverdet og reflektere over hvordan de kan influenced their thoughts and actions and cultural forms of expression - show how incidents can be presented in - communicate and converse about forhindre at det krenkes. (1.1) contemporary and academic topics - De erfaringene elevene får i møte med ulike different manners and discuss how special - demonstrate the ability to distinguish kulturuttrykk og tradisjoner, bidrar til å forme deres interests and ideologies can cloud one’s positively and negatively loaded expressions identitet. Et godt samfunn er tuftet på et view about what was experienced of fact referring to individuals and groups inkluderende og mangfoldig fellesskap. (1.2) and truth