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~:-:~~~ RT Personal Computer Technology • ~:-:~~~ RT Personal Computer Technology - Form No. SA23-1057 Foreword Copyright IBM RT Personal Computer Technology is a A variety of structures and levels of detail ©Copyright International Business Machines collection of papers by the developers of the may exist in the papers because they were Corporation, 1986. Inquiries related to RT PC. These papers describe the innovative written as technical articles by different permission to republish an article in full or in aspects of the RT PC-what we set out to specialists. In order to preserve their part should be directed to the IBM build, how we built it, and how it works today. authenticity and vitality, the papers have not Corporation, IBM Austin, 854/003, 11400 The papers were written by technical been revised for consistency of style or Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758. professionals for readers who are conversant method of presentation. These papers will not with the vocabulary and concepts of be updated to incorporate future Copies of this book, SA23-1 057, can be computers and programming. developments. obtained from the local IBM branch office. IBM employees can order copies from This book is a one-time statement by the This book is the work of many hands, but Mechanicsburg. developers for historical and background special acknowledgment is due to Bert Buller purposes. Although there are several of the Hardware Architecture Group for Cover: An IBM RT Personal Computer Model overview articles that describe how the coordinating the engineering articles, and to 10 with a larger and somewhat faster various components work together, the Herb Michaelson, Publications Consultant, for ancestor in the background-an IBM System! emphasis is on the novel parts of the RT PC shaping both the book and the individuai 370 Model 158 MP. system. IBM RT Personal Computer articles. Technology is intended to supply the reader with an understanding of the things that make Frank Waters, Editor the RT PC unique, not to provide detailed descriptions of all of the elements of the RT PC system. The papers in this book are not intended to replace IBM publications in describing the capabilities of the system components and how to use them. Keep in mind that the papers are for general technical communication purposes; they do not represent an IBM warranty or commitment to specific capabilities in the referenced products. Preface Introducing a new architecture to the • a resource manager to provide virtual The development of the RT PC system has computer marketplace is never done casually. machine, storage, and 1/0 functions and to been a mUlti-location effort. We have The cost and effort of transition from one ensure data integrity and processing incorporated architectural advances from architecture to another must be justified by continuity, Yorktown Heights, technology innovations substantial advantages. It is always tempting from Burlington, graphics peripherals and to apply advances in technology to improving • a multitasking, multiuser operating system applications from Kingston, and engineering the performance of existing architectures. that can be tailored to make the RT PC and programming developments from Austin. Ultimately, however, refinement is subject to suitable for a variety of user requirements, The RT PC has been the work of hundreds of the law of diminishing returns. Continuing individuals, both within and outside of IBM. advancement requires fundamental changes. • a coprocessor feature that allows users to The articles in this book describe some of run programs written for the IBM PC their contributions. I want to convey to The hardware and software architectures that without interfering with the normal everyone involved my gratitude for their were originally created for personal operation of the RT PC, efforts and my respect for their computers had to accommodate the speed accomplishments. and size constraints of the processors and • and a wide variety of displays, printers, storage devices that were available at the communications adapters, and processing W. Frank King time. Techniques that were known to be features, Group Director of Advanced Engineering effective on mainframes and minicomputers Systems Development were simply too costly to implement on • in a box that fits on or under a desk. Engineering Systems Products personal computers. Our intent in designing independent Business Unit the RT PC has been to use recent With the RT PC, the architectural technological and architectural advances to sophistication of the personal computer has avoid the structural limitations of earlier caught up with that of the mainframe. designs. Perhaps more important, we have laid a foundation for more efficient exploitation of The IBM RT PC is a new synthesis of future advances in both hardware and computer concepts. It combines: software technology. The open-ended ness of the resource manager and operating system • A very fast Reduced Instruction Set 32-bit at all levels means that we can easily take processor for efficient execution of advantage of new applications, devices, and programs compiled from a higher-level communications techniques. language, Ii ---- RT Personal Computer Technology ~ : :i~~ IBM Product Design and Development ® Engineering Systems Products Contents IBM RT PC Architecture and Design Decisions G. Glenn Henry 2 Hardware Description P.O. Hester, J.T. Hollaway, and F.T. May 6 Processor Card D.E. Waldecker, K.G. Wilcox, J.R. Barr, 12 W.T. Glover, C.G. Wright, H. Hoffman System Memory Cards Ronald E. Rowland 18 Floating Point Accelerator Scott M. Smith 21 System Board and I/O Channel for the IBM RT PC Sheldon L. Phelps and John D. Upton 26 System IBM RT PC Displays and Adapters Joe C. St. Clair 31 Use of Artificial Intelligence to Diagnose Nancy A. Burns and C. Edward Williams 35 Hardware Manufacturing Innovations to Increase Quality Charles W. Bartlett, A.V. Burghart, 40 and Reduce Cost George M. Yanker ROMP/MMU Technology Introduction D.E. Waldecker and P.Y. Woon 44 The IBM RT PC ROMP and Memory Management P.O. Hester, Richard O. Simpson, 48 Unit Architecture Albert Chang ROMP/MMU Implementation D.E. Waldecker, C.G. Wright, 57 M.S. Schmookler, T.G. Whiteside, R.D. Groves, C.P. Freeman, A. Torres iii ROMP/MMU Circuit Technology and Chip Design Raymond A. DuPont, Ed Seewann, 66 Peter McCormick, Charles K. Erdelyi, Mukesh P. Patel, P.T. Patel Software Development Tools for ROMP Alan MacKay and Ahmed Chi bib 72 Compiling for the RT PC ROMP M.E. Hopkins 76 Advanced Interactive Executive (AIXTM) Larry Loucks 83 Operating System Structure Restructuring the AIX User Interface P.J. Kilpatrick and Carolyn Greene 88 Configuration Methods for a Personal Computer Shirley Lerom, Lee Terrell, and Hira Advani 91 System IBM RT PC AIX Kernel - Modifications and Larry Loucks 96 Extensions Extendable High-Level AIX User Interface Tom Murphy and Dick Verburg 110 Extended File Management for AIX John M. Bissell 114 The Virtual Resource Manager Thomas G. Lang, Mark S. Greenberg, and 119 Charles H. Sauer Design of the IBM RT PC Virtual Memory Manager J.C. O'Quin, J.T. O'Quin, Mark D. Rogers, 126 T.A. Smith The IBM RT PC Subroutine Linkage Convention J.C.O'Quin 131 Implementation of a Virtual Terminal Subsystem D.C. Baker, G.A. Flurry, K.D. Nguyen 134 Use of a Coprocessor for Emulating the PC AT John W. Irwin 137 Coprocessor Software Support Rajan Krishnamurty and Terry Mothersole 142 PC DOS Emulation in the AIX Environment Leonard F. Brissette, Roy A. Clauson, 147 Jack E. Olson Authors 149 iv Reader's Guide The IBM RT Personal Computer Technology Overview Articles Operating System Modifications and book is divided into four parts. The first Henry 2 Extensions describes the main hardware elements of the Hester et al. 6 Loucks 83 RT PC system. The second section discusses Waldecker and Woon 44 Loucks 96 the RT PC's 32-bit microprocessor. The third Loucks 83 Bissell 114 section covers the RT PC software and the O'Quin 131 fourth the PC AT coprocessor and AIX's PC Major Hardware Components DOS emulation functions. Waldecker et al. 12 Virtual Resource Manager Rowland 18 Lang et al. 119 A reader's guide, for a topical approach to Smith 21 O'Quin et al. 126 this book, is as follows: Phelps and Upton 26 Baker et al. 134 St. Clair 31 Brissette et al. 147 RT PC Microprocessor PC AT Coprocessor Waldecker and Woon 44 Irwin 137 Hester et al. 48 Krishnamurty and Mothersole 142 Waldecker et al. 57 DuPont et al. 66 User Interface Kilpatrick and Greene 88 Lerom et al. 91 Murphy and Verburg 110 Brissette et al. 131 1 IBM RT PC Architecture and Design Decisions G. Glenn Henry Introduction In addition to these technical objectives, there Ported Applications / New Applications The architect of a new system must start by were a number of important practical Application lEt d d 0 making a series of high-level decisions about requirements relative to producing a D I t x en e perar Ing : PC C . .. e~~ ?pmen I System Functions I ompatlblhty the hardware and software structure. These successful product: __ .£~h~S___ .1. _______ ..1 ________ early choices shape all of the ultimate details of the product. An understanding of the • Easy portability of existing IBM and non­ Base Operating System "reasons why" is important to the person IBM applications who is trying the understand the resulting VRM system. In this paper, I will give a very • Easy migration of users and their general overview of the structure of the RT applications and data from existing systems Processor and Memory PC AT Coprocessor PC and explain the rationale for each of the Management Unit major decisions that dictated that structure. • The ability to take advantage of I/O attachments and devices used on other I/O Channel and Devices Product Objectives systems The original objective of the project that resulted in the RT PC was to build a high­ • Straightforward ways for other IBM and Figure 1 Logical Structure of the RT PC function workstation with capabilities far non-IBM development areas to add and beyond those of personal computers.
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