, , , F , F frJ ht;& l - E;f -< ilE] - :.r- : :-t i + - : - rrr{ - - - - - t=t- t_.- l- t_- lr IL !.-= != L- 5ub'ritkd tt L: L: {, LJ Kerolo Stote Biodiversilv Boord \ L t_ Ll_ l_ FISH MOI{ITORII\G SURVEY OF Lt_ V BHARATI{APTJ7,HA L TIPPER CATCHMEI\T AREA, KERALA TRIBUTARIES I) CHITTURPUZ,HA 2} GAYATHRIPUZHA 3) KALPATI{YPU7,,HA DR. K K HEMALATHA Reader and Head. Department of ZoologY' N S S College, Ottapalam-3 Submitted to Kerala State BiodiversitY Board, ThiruYananthaPuram Date: 30.012010. L l) \ l--I I , Study Team I Team Leader. Dr. K K Hemalatha Reader and Head, Department of Zoology" f{ S S College. - 0ttapalam Pin:679 103 - Ph. No. A466-2244382. h,lob. 9495341588.
[email protected] 2 \.{embers. (i) Dr. R Rajkumar, Reader, PG and Research Dept. of Zoology, Govt. Victona Colleee. Palakkad. a (ii) Sri. Guruvay oo r?rppan, Wild Life Cooradinator, Sorith india Chapter. (iii) Sri. Sreejith, , PG Student, , Govt. Victona College, Palakkad. a .l \ames of fishermen: !t Sri M. Krishnan , Sri K. Krishnan a t ? 2 t l- LU L L Studv period and localities: L Pi-e-rlonsoon Survey conducted in lVlay 2010. r- Dites. 2-1.05.10, 25.05.10, 26.05 l0 and 27.05.2010. I' Locatrons: Chitturpuzha- Kumarnkattupathy - Upper site U - Pr"rzhappalarn -Middle site U u - Parli - Low'er site u Gayathripuzha - Seetharkundu - Upper site U - 0ottara - N,fiddie site U - iv{a'"annui" - Lower site L Kalpathypuzha -Uppersite L -Kadukkarnkunnupathv l- - Kalpathy - l\4iddle site t-l- - Parhppalam - Lor,ver site l-.