INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL RESEARCHERS ASSOCIATION ™ The College Football Historian ™ Reliving college football’s unique and interesting history—today!! ISSN: 2326-3628 [May 2013… Vol. 6, No. 63] circa: Jan. 2008 Tex Noël, Editor (
[email protected]) Website: Disclaimer: Not associated with the NCAA, NAIA, NJCAA or their colleges and universities. All content is protected by copyright© by the author. FACEBOOK: The IFRA Face book page is now up and running—and waiting for you to come by for a visit. Members and visitors can find the page at In addition to historical college happenings; it will also serve as a site where subscribers can post current stories, interviews, and happenings or in need of something. Same guidelines apply: No gambling info, odds or police blotter news will be accepted or posted. Since the newsletter is released on the first Saturday of each month; a new deadline for have content included has been established—the last Wednesday of the preceding month. Any questions, please contact the editor, Tex Noel (
[email protected]). * * * This story original appeared in the newsletter of the College Football Historical Society; and it used by permission of the author and TCFH subscriber. Baldwin-Wallace and its Aerial Circus, 1934-36 By Timothy L. Hudak One of the most exciting teams in all of college football during the mid-1930s was the Yellow Jackets of little Baldwin-Wallace College, located in almost as little Berea, Ohio, a town just off the southwestern edge of Cleveland.