New York London Edition Paris Daily German Lesson Daily French Lesson Sie mneasen Icier umsteigen THE sTARs Je ne paie que tarif reduit Zee unewasen here oometaygen y Juh nub pay huh tareef raydwee ic TRIPES All change here 1 only pay Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Force:t ir in the European Theater of Operations reduced rates VOL. 5 No. 26—Id. 40 i FRIDAY, Dec, I, 1944 NM/ 4M=II. 20 Counter-Attacks Hurled Against Third Army Nazi Oil Dealt Huge Air Blow Aid Men Hurt Helping Foe Most Eloquent Tribute Pation'sMen To Churchill Is Foe's Heavies Hit AT A US. INFANTRY COM- MAND POST IN GERMANY, Nov. Advance on 30 (AP)—Of all the compliments paid Four Plants, to Prime Minister Churchill on his 70th birthday today, perhaps the strangest was paid by a captured German soldier. Saarlautern He told an American lieutenant: "I Rail Yards have to admire Churchill in a way. He With German oil production. re- German tanks and infantry reacted promised the English is,00d, sweat and savagely yesterday to Lt. Gen. George tears—and he's giving them victory. ported already to have been pounded S. Patton's threat to the Saar, throw- Hitler promised us victory, and he's down to less than one-fourth what it ing in 20 counter-attacks against the giving us blood and tears:: was last spring, more than 1,250 U.S. Third Army, ten of them against the heavy bombers yesterday socked it 95th Infantry Division, which captured again with one of the heaviest single dominating positions only two miles from blows of the war at enemy fuel. it was Saarlautern. Fires Still Rage the fifth straight day in which strong air A Reuter dispatch from Third Army blows had been delivered against Ger- HQ said that shells from Siegfried Line many's oil production and rail communi- forts. beyond the Saar River were pock- In Tokyo After cations. ing the countryside through which More than 1,000 U.S. fighters Patron's forces were advancing. - screened the bombers as they battered Advance elements of the 95th, in a synthetic-oil plants at Bohlen,, Zeitz, mite gain Wednesday night, ran into ten B29 Night Blow Mersburg and Lutzendorf—all in the enemy attacks on the front between St. WASHINGTON. Nov. 30 (AP)--- Leipzig area Barbara and Oberlimberg, approach points While Japanese Radio admitted some It was the first time in several weeks to Saarlautern. fires were still raging in Tokyo's industrial that the heavies were able, because of On two sectors southwest of the town, districts today the War Department con- clear weather, to see their targets. Some the Germans mounted nine counter- firmed last night's blow by 21st Bomber of the attack, however—that on the thrusts. three of them only .21 miles from Command Superfortresscs against the Leuna synthetic-oil plant near Mersburg, Saarlautern and the other half-dozen Nipponese capital. and the attack on railroad marshalling about five miles farther southwest. The number of B-29s which took part yards at Saarbrucken—was through North of Saarlautern, a German blow, in the attacks, first night raid against cloud. gained some ground against the 10th Tokyo, was not revealed. but no planes All Previously Hit Armored Division east of Tettingen, II were lost to enemy action in the raid from The oil targets hit yesterday, all of miles northwest of the Saar River town Saipan. of Merzig. before the Yank tanks struck which are clustered together in the same Bombing was done from great height area, have all been hit before, some of back and restored the situation. Ameri- and thrgugh clouds by instrument. can infantrymen were only two miles them more than half a dozen times. Results Were not observed. The yards at Saarbrucken constitute An indication that the B-29 raids one of the main rail-control points along might already have precipitated industrial the German southern front. They have Ike Warns $lave Labor problems was seen in a Tokyo Radio been blasted by the RAF in attacks over announcement that a new Cabinet council the last several months. Lt. Cren. George In Reich to Hide or Flee had been formed to cope with war-pro- S. Patton Jr.'s U.S. Third Army forces SHAEF. Nov. 30 (UP)—A spokes- duction snags. -In due -course bottle- are within eight miles of Saarbrucken. man for Gen. Eisenhower. in a -broad- necks are expected to appear," the radio While the Eighth's bombers and cast over ABSIE today. warned foreign added cryptically. hters of the Eighth and Ninth Air workers in Germany's Ruhr and Rhine- F rces were makitng their attack an un- land to gei into hiding or flee. saying: announced number of RAF heavies were "The time has-come to give you precise hitting three benzol plants in the instructions on. what to do when the 13 Jap Ships Meiderich district of Duisburg, in the Allied troops expel the German Army Ruhr. They dropped "many" 4,000- from the area where you work." pound bombs on their targets, which Sunk Off Leyte included also Oberhauser and Bottrop. LEYTE ISLAND. Philippines, Nov. west of Merzig after taking high ground on the Saar's west bank. 30 (Reuter)—Three Japanese destroyers At Ninth Army HQ, a was disclosed and ten other vessels of a convoy bound that the 19th-- Corps—made up of the for Leyte were sunk in a sea-air battle Nazis in Italy "Hell on Wheels" Second Armored Divi- off Leyte's west coast Tuesday night, sion, the "Blue and Gray" 29th Infantry Gen. MacArthur's communique reported Division and the 30th Infantry Division RegainGround —had extended its wedge into Germany today. Four thousand Japanese troops ALLIED HQ. Italy, Nov. 30 (Reuter) to 12 miles, a gain of eight over the four were lost. —Heavy fighting has flared up on both This was the sixth convoy bound for originally held when the offensive started the Fifth and Eighth Army fronts as a on Nov. 16. It has captured 52 German Leyte destroyed by MacArthur's forces. The Japanese have now lost 21,000 troops, result of an improvement in the weather. communities and 72 square miles of soil. The Germans, using rocket-launchers, This corps, which has reached the west 26 transports and 17 escort vessels in attempts to reinforce the island. armor and artitTery, have thrown in a hank of the Roer against some of tile series of counter-attacks and won back toughest fighting along the Western The Japanese ships sunk in the latest Here's another gory episode in the story of the medical corps and its concern battle include three large cargo transports, some ground. Front, has knocked out three enemy divi- Northwest of Forretta Terme, on the sions in the last two weeks. Yesterday for all who need help, friend or foe. In the top photo three medics are aiding four large and three medium troop trans- German civilian who was Platy hurt when he stepped on a Nazi box mine. ports and three destroyers. Pistoia-Bologna road, the Germans re- Lt. Gen. William Simpson's troops, a captured Monte Belvedere, taken by opening a netv attack on the northern A few seconds after the aid men got him on a stretcher -another mine went off, resulting in what you see in the lower photo. One badly-hurt medic lies face American troops of the Fifth ,Army last sector, were fighting into Lindern, be- weekend. downward in the brush at right, another obviously blown clear out of the , tween Beeck and Linnich, against Full Air Freedom Southeast of Bologna the Germans re- machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire, range of the camera. Third man. an officer. unhurt, goes to aid of his men who looks badly mangled by the second blast. gained Monte Castellaro. Below the Ninth Army, doughboys of • and Demanded by U.S. On the Eighth Army fronP. five miles the First cut the Kleinhaus-Brandenberg CHICAGO, Nov. 30—The U.S. to- northeast of Faenza, British troops road and were within less than two miles repulsed another German counter-attack -of the Roer, on high ground overlooking U.S.- Bans British Exports night placed before the International Civil designed to head off a spearhead aiming the Roer plain. Aviation Conference a "freerom of the at Russi. a road and rail junction midway Though they lost a little ground in air" plan which would permit airlines to between Faenza and Ravenna. Merode, the Americans took Grosshau compete for the world's air commerce and forced the Nazis back across the Of Lend-Lease Materii-tls lade River after putting the squeeze on with practically no international limita- WASHINGTON, Nov. 30—The U.S. today killed plans reported to tion over capacity or frequency of opera- Lamersdorf. have been suggested by Britain to let that country get a headstart on On the southern end of the front, the tions. Russians Sever rebuilding its export. trade by exporting goods obtoined from the U.S. under Seventh Army was reported to have The proposal was offered virtually on gained four more miles south of Stras- Lend-Lease. It was officially announced today that unless such goods were a "take it or leave it" basis, which re- bourg, paid for. thus taking them out of the Lend-Lease categors,, they could not turned the US. to its original stand and Key Rail Line be re-exported, indicated rejection of some of the mini- Russian troops in Hungary have cut .
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