Volume 16, Number 7, July 2010

Major Overhaul of atlasshrugged.com Complete

ne year ago this month Impact announced businessmen, celebrities and other noteworthy O the launch of the Initia- individuals on the value of the novel. tive, a multi-million dollar campaign aimed In the section on , visitors will at expanding readership and understanding find a overview of Rand’s life, an essay on of Ayn Rand’s magnum opus. That campaign the writing of Atlas Shrugged, descriptions has previously borne fruit in the form of an of Rand’s fiction and nonfiction works and Internet ad campaign, bookstore promotions, multimedia recordings featuring Rand herself. workshops and seminars on Atlas Shrugged, But visitors will be drawn first to the inter- an expansion of the Free Books to Teachers active timeline at the top of the page. The Program, and more. And now it has produced timeline is packed with images and provides a major redesign of the atlasshrugged.com a decade-by-decade snapshot of Ayn Rand’s Web site. life, which readers can cycle through at their The new Web site expands on the content own pace. of the old Web site and has been redesigned The section called The con- with a striking red, gray and black color tains an introduction to , links to scheme and silhouetted images evocative of other resources, and materials from ARI and characters and scenes from the novel. Quotes ARC discussing morality and business. A from Atlas Shrugged abound, some accessed video interview with Ayn Rand discussing her by clicking on words such as “justice,” “rea- ideas is located at the top of the page within a son,” “integrity” and so on that represent key mosaic of key concepts in Objectivism. concepts in Ayn Rand’s thought. The discussion section takes advantage ARI executive director of technological developments that facilitate commented on the redesign. “We think the interactivity with users and with other Web new atlasshrugged.com is going to be a great sites. Visitors can leave comments about the resource for fans of the novel and will bring novel which are then placed in the banner new readers to discover the book. The old at the top of the page beneath specific topic site had a lot of great content but it lacked headings, such as “happiness” and “freedom.” interactivity and, given recent advances in If the reader chooses, these comments can Web technology, the layout was becoming The new home page of atlasshrugged.com also be placed on the reader’s personal Face- dated. Thanks to donors who contributed to the book or Twitter pages. Similarly, updates from the Atlas Shrugged Initiative, we were able to create a Atlas Shrugged and the effect it has had on their Atlas Shrugged Facebook page also appear in the modern site that will appeal to Atlas Shrugged fans lives. Among the resources found in the section Discussion section of atlasshrugged.com. This type of all ages.” on the novel are an introduction to the story, links of activity fosters a community of Atlas Shrugged The new Web site contains four main sec- to articles on the relevance of Atlas Shrugged to fans and serves to publicize the site and the book tions: on the book itself, on Ayn Rand, on Objec- today’s world, an announcement about ARI’s Atlas to others. tivism, and a section where visitors can discuss Shrugged essay contest, and testimonials from continued on page 2

Essay Contest Entries Surpass a Quarter Million

n a recent interview marking the 25th anniversary achievement. I would also like to thank the essay Fountainhead contest; and 11th graders through I of the , former executive contest graders and final judges. Of course, none of college students and adults for the “Former Par- director Dr. Michael S. Berliner recalled to Impact this would be possible without the donors who have ticipants” contest. The Atlas Shrugged contest that ARI’s first essay contest—on The Fountain- generously funded these programs over the years. targets 12th graders and college students and has an head—generated 2,500 entries. ARI’s contest Thanks to the efforts of these individuals, ARI has upcoming entry deadline of September 17, 2010. programs have come a long way since then. created a first-class program for introducing young So far this year, entrants have written essays Illustrating that growth, this year the Institute people to Ayn Rand’s ideas. The importance of such discussing such topics as why the Council of Voca- has received over 22,000 entries for its contests on programs to creating future cultural change cannot tions assigns Equality the job of Street Sweeper in Anthem and as well as for a new be overstated.” Anthem, why Howard Roark describes his refusal competition open to former contest participants. All the essay competitions reach out to stu- of a major architectural contract as “the most self- With the 2010 Atlas Shrugged deadline still to dents: 8th, 9th, and 10th graders are eligible for ish thing you’ve ever seen a man do,” and how come, ARI’s essay contests have already generated the Anthem contest; 11th and 12th graders for The participation in the contests brought about a better over 250,000 entries since the launch of the pro- understanding of Ayn Rand’s works and impacted gram in 1985. the entrant’s educational and personal ambitions. “ARI’s essay contests have hit a remarkable Marilee Dahl, manager of the Education milestone,” said ARI executive director Yaron department at ARI, noted “The quality of the essays Brook. “More than a quarter million essays have submitted has been high this year. This year we also been written for these contests. We believe our con- launched a new contest for those who have taken tests receive more essay submissions than any other part in our essay contests in previous years. That similar contests in the world. Thanks to these con- contest asked participants to write an essay about tests, thousands of young people have been reading, the effect that reading Ayn Rand has had on their thinking deeply about and writing about Ayn Rand’s lives. The grading process is now underway, and it fiction every year for the last 25 years. has been very interesting and moving to read these “Accolades are due to ARI’s Education Depart- heartfelt accounts.” ment for its hard work contributing to this landmark Cumulative totals of entries to the ARI essay contests continued on page 4 New York Friends of ARI: A Novel Fundraising Endeavor New York

Friends of ArI ®

“the principle of political freedom, i.e., an individu- RIBarry donor BarryColvin, Colvin Presidenthas come up with a The Founding Fathers’ al’s freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or Tel: 914-661-3600A new way • toe-mail: contribute [email protected] to the fight for a more interference by the government,” followed by “the rational culture. Impact is happy to announce that Achievement economic implementation of political freedom: the Mr. Colvin has established New York Friends of system of .” (“A Preview,” The Ayn Rand ARI, an organizationAyn rand independent Institute (A ofr I)the Institute Each month Impact suggests readings and other Letter). focused on raisingwww.aynrand.org funds for ARI and raising resources for fans of Ayn Rand’s fiction who wish That system, devised from the Founding Fathers awareness of Ayn Rand and the Institute in the to learn more about her philosophy, Objectivism. on the premise of individual rights, meant that for New York area. the first time in history, “The individual was not left “I couldn’t be happier about the formation of s America celebrates its birthday this July, at the mercy of his neighbors or his leaders: the Con- New York Friends of ARI,” said ARI executive director Yaron Brook. “Thanks to Barry, we now AAyn Rand’s writings on the Founding Fathers stitutional system of checks and balancesNY_Friends_of was scien -ARI_COLVIN_Barry-Business_Card.indd 1 6/23/2010 1:18:23 PM and the system of government they established tifically devised to protect him from both.” (“Theory have an independent organization dedicated to pro- serve as an important reminder of what exactly and Practice,” Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal) moting our interests in one of the country’s biggest we are celebrating. “[A]lthough certain contradictions in the Constitu- markets. “The Founding Fathers,” wrote Rand “were a tion did leave a loophole for the growth of statism,” “New York Friends of ARI is like having a phenomenon unprecedented in history: they were writes Rand, the Founding Fathers’ discovery of local fundraising arm in Manhattan: the group will thinkers who were also men of action. They had “the concept of a constitution as a means of limiting support ARI, promote Objectivism throughout the rejected the soul-body dichotomy, with its two and restricting the power of the government” was New York region and provide forums for debating corollaries: the impotence of man’s mind and the an “incomparable achievement.” (“The Nature of and discussing Ayn Rand’s ideas. Hopefully this damnation of this earth; they had rejected the doc- Government,” Virtue of Selfishness) can serve as a model for donors and activists in trine of suffering as man’s metaphysical fate, they For further reading on this topic, see, in addi- other parts of the country.” proclaimed man’s right to the pursuit of happiness tion to the works already cited, “The Meaning of Mr. Colvin hopes to form an advisory board and were determined to establish on earth the con- Money” and “This is John Galt Speaking” in For to help coordinate the organization’s mission and ditions required for man’s proper existence, by the the New Intellectual, “Man’s Rights” in The Virtue activities. ‘unaided’ power of their intellect.” (“For the New of Selfishness, “What Is Capitalism?” in Capital- Look for more information about New York Intellectual,” ) ism: The Unknown Ideal and “It Is Earlier Than Friends of ARI in future issues of Impact. The task the Founding Fathers set out to You Think” in The Ayn Rand Letter. All of these accomplish was extraordinary. “In mankind’s his- items can be purchased from the Ayn Rand Book- tory, the understanding of the government’s proper store. To order visit www.aynrandbookstore.com or function is a very recent achievement: it is only call 1-800-729-6149. two hundred years old and it dates from the Found- ing Fathers of the American Revolution. Not only Chicago Ayn Rand Center did they identify the nature and the needs of a free Free Additional Resources from the Speaker Series Starts society, but they devised the means to translate it Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights into practice. A free society—like any other human (www.aynrandcenter.org) Read new series of Objectivist speaking events product—cannot be achieved by random means, by • “Why We Have Free Speech in America” A sponsored and funded by donors launched mere wishing or by the leaders’ ‘good intentions.’ (Parts 1 and 2) by on June 9 with a talk by ARI executive director A complex legal system, based on objectively valid • “Founding Fathers” entry in the Ayn Rand Lexicon Yaron Brook. By all measures, the first of six principles, is required to make a society free and • “Atlas Shrugged: America’s Second Declaration of Ayn Rand Center (ARC) Speaker Series events to keep it free—a system that does not depend Independence,” pamphlet by to take place in Chicago was a resounding success. on the motives, the moral character or the inten- • “Were the Founding Fathers Media Socialists,” op-ed It drew more than three hundred attendees, some tions of any given official, a system that leaves no by Don Watkins from as far away as Indiana and Ohio. opportunity, no legal loophole for the development In the talk “Capitalism: Who Needs It— of tyranny.” (“The Nature of Government,” The Watch Ayn Rand and the American System,” Dr. Brook Virtue of Selfishness) • “Atlas Shrugged: America’s Second Declaration of explained why, despite overwhelming evidence At root, Rand explains, the Founding Fathers’ Independence,” lecture by Onkar Ghate that government regulation caused the financial built a political system on the premise of “man’s • “Revolutionary Principles” PJTV interview with crisis, the has taken the blame for the Onkar Ghate (ARC-TV) right to his own life, to his own , to the pursuit economic downturn. Ayn Rand’s provocative phi- of his own happiness—which means: man’s right to • “The Meaning of Independence Day,” video by losophy is the only explanation that makes sense of Michael S. Berliner exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to today’s events, he argued, and capitalism can only • “George Washington: Integrity and the Founding of others nor sacrificing others to himself.” (“For the be saved if Americans recognize the morality of America,” lecture by New Intellectual,” For the New Intellectual) “Every- self-interest and the profit motive. thing that America achieved,” wrote Rand else- • “In the Dawn’s Early Light: Patrick Henry—Beacon for America,” lecture by John Ridpath “I was impressed with the crowd,” said where, “everything she became, everything ‘noble Dr. Brook. “They were enthusiastic, asked good and just,’ and heroic, and great, and unprecedented Listen questions in the Q and A. I was able to meet a in human history—was the logical consequence of • “The American Revolution and the Tea Party number of them face to face at the opening fidelity to that one principle [of individual rights].” Movement,” radio interview with Don Watkins (ARC-TV) reception, which drew about one hundred people. (“A Preview,” The Ayn Rand Letter) • “Atlas Shrugged and Its Relevance Today,” radio interview A big thank-you to all of the sponsors and donors The two most important consequences of the with Tom Bowden (ARC-TV) of the Chicago lectures, especially Tim Blum, Founding Fathers’ adherence to that principle were David Strosberg, Jonathan Hoenig, Donald and Linda Dool, Russ Rosenzweig, William Griesinger, and one individual who knows who he is but wishes to remain anonymous. “These individuals made the Chicago series Major Overhaul of atlasshrugged.com possible, and they should be commended also for their excellent work promoting this particular talk. Complete, continued from page 1 That more than three hundred attended this event is In conjunction with the launching of the even more impressive when one considers the talk redesigned Web site, ARI has planned a Web-based was held the same evening the Chicago Black- promotional campaign to advertise Atlas Shrugged hawks won the National Hockey League’s Stanley and drive traffic to atlasshrugged.com. Among other Cup for the first time in nearly fifty years.” endeavors, the campaign will use Twitter, Facebook There are five more ARC Speakers Series and other social networking pages to spread aware- events to come in Chicago. Next on the docket: ness of the book and Web site, and place adver- retired BB&T chairman and CEO John Allison, who tisements for the atlasshrugged.com site on ARI’s will give a September talk titled “Using Ayn Rand’s multiple Web sites. Values to Create Competitive Advantage in Busi- We encourage you to visit atlasshrugged.com ness.” The talk will be held at the Hyatt Regency. and pass on the word to others. Stay tuned to Impact for future updates. 2 BB&T Professors Meet at ARI at Clemson Student OAC Alumni in Intellectual ARI-Sponsored Conference Conference Pursuits

n early June nearly seventy professors teaching he mission of ARI’s Objectivist Academic I in the BB&T Foundation programs for the TCenter is to find and train New Intellectuals study of the moral foundations of capitalism —those individuals who will be active and effec- gathered at Clemson University in South Carolina tive advocates of Ayn Rand’s ideas in whatever to discuss Ayn Rand, her ideas and her place in fields they enter. To that aim, students in the economic thought. The three-day conference was OAC’s program receive a four-year systematic co-sponsored by ARI and the Clemson Institute for education in Ayn Rand’s ideas and in how to the Study of Capitalism, and included a keynote communicate ideas. address by retired BB&T chairman and CEO This spring we surveyed OAC program John Allison on applying Rand’s ideas in business. graduates (2007–2009) to see how they were This was the fifth annual conference for putting their OAC education to use. We asked BB&T professors—and the largest. Attendance in Panel discussion with professors (l to r) C. Bradley Thompson (standing), questions about their academic and career the conference has more than quintupled since the Eric Daniels, Onkar Ghate, Richard Ebeling and endeavors, such as whether they are currently first conference in 2006, a reflection of growing pursuing an advanced degree or have begun interest in the conference among BB&T professors RI senior fellow Onkar Ghate taught a three- their career, what field they are studying or and of the expansion of BB&T programs, which A day course titled “Individual Rights, Law, and working in, and whether they engage in intel- are now in place at sixty-five colleges and univer- Capitalism” at the fourth annual Clemson Institute lectual activities such as writing or speaking. sities in the . for the Study of Capitalism student conference, The responses were quite encouraging. ARI vice president of Academic programs which took place June 3–6 at Clemson University More than seventy percent of respondents Debi Ghate commented on the purpose and in South Carolina. The theme of the conference (twenty of the twenty-eight polled) are engaged significance of the BB&T conference. “ARI’s was the moral foundations of capitalism, and Atlas in intellectual activity such as writing, public purpose in organizing this annual conference is to Shrugged was required reading. speaking or community activism. Thirteen are offer support to professors teaching Ayn Rand’s Close to thirty students attended the confer- pursuing advanced degrees; nine are pursu- works and philosophy—to help them better under- ence, which features three days of lectures on the ing advanced degrees in philosophy. Twelve stand the ideas involved,” she said. “This enables ethics, and history of capitalism, as alumni are planning careers in academia, and them to teach the material more effectively to their well as small-group discussions of Atlas Shrugged. seven have careers in an intellectual field out- thousands of students, and to better respond to the As in the past, this year’s students came from a side of academia such as teaching or working difficult questions asked by those students. variety of backgrounds and points of view. All at a think tank. The latter includes ARI analyst “The conference also serves to introduce these were enthusiastic and motivated to learn about the Don Watkins, who credits the OAC for helping professors to ARI as an educational organization morality of capitalism. him develop his understanding of Objectivism. interested in facilitating their research and schol- “Outside of the BB&T-supported programs, “Enrolling in the OAC was like taking arship, especially where it includes Objectivism the moral foundations of capitalism are not widely intellectual steroids,” said Mr. Watkins. “How- and its applications. Finally, the conference is studied on college campuses,” said Dr. Ghate. “The ever much you can learn about philosophy on instrumental in encouraging collaborative activities Clemson conference provides students the oppor- your own, there is no substitute for receiving between the various programs and with ARI.” tunity to learn about the philosophical underpin- personal instruction from outstanding teach- The general sessions this year were Mr. Alli- nings of different social systems, in particular about ers. If it were not for the OAC, I would not be son’s keynote lecture, “Why Rand’s Philosophy Rand’s grounding of capitalism in a morality of where I am today.” Is a Major Competitive Advantage in Business”; self-interest. This was the fourth time ARI has par- As intended, the OAC is training a new a roundtable discussion on the interdisciplinary ticipated in the Clemson Institute’s student confer- generation of intellectuals who will help spread study of capitalism with (University of ence. It’s always rewarding to see students flocking Ayn Rand’s ideas more widely in the culture, Texas), Russell Sobel (West Virginia University), to the Clemson campus in the middle of summer to and particularly in academia. Ten more students C. Bradley Thompson (Clemson University), Page participate in this intensive educational experience.” have graduated from the program this year. West (Wake Forest University) and ARI executive The students found the conference equally As has become tradition, a private ceremony director Yaron Brook (moderator); a panel on the rewarding. “The Clemson student conference was to honor the occasion was held at this month’s financial crisis with Mr. Allison and Dr. Brook; a refreshing experience that allowed me to exam- Objectivist Summer Conference in Las Vegas. and a Q&A on the popularity of Atlas Shrugged ine my views on capitalism, individual rights and (More on this in the August Impact.) with Peter Boettke (George Mason University), rational self-interest through the prism of Ayn Rand’s If you know of any promising students who Dr. Thompson, ARI senior fellow Onkar Ghate philosophy,” said Sasha Davydenko, a senior at might be interested in the OAC, please refer them and moderator Michelle Vachris (Christopher George Mason University and summer intern at to our Web site and let them know that our final Newport University). ARI. “After spending three days talking about application deadline for the 2010–2011 academic In addition to general sessions open to all ideas with students and professors, I left the year is coming up on July 30. attendees, the conference features smaller “break- conference with a sense of intellectual elation.” For those who are not pursuing or planning out” sessions for first-time and returning attendees Logan Dwyer, a St. John’s University junior to pursue work as Objectivist intellectuals, which allow for group discussion. The first-time- and also an ARI summer intern, echoed those or who don’t want to commit to a four-year attendee sessions focus on the ideas of Ayn Rand sentiments. “The Clemson Conference was program, there is an auditing option within the and Atlas Shrugged, and how to make use of the highly useful to me for two reasons,” said Dwyer. OAC. More information is available on our novel in the classroom. Many first-time attendees “First, it is exciting to be immersed in a group Web site. have just begun or are about to begin using Atlas of people who value ideas and are willing to talk Shrugged in the classroom, and these sessions and debate as a matter of choice, not because it serve as a common base for future conferences, is assigned or expected of them. Second, it was a when this year’s first-time attendees become great opportunity to work through my questions returning attendees. about Atlas Shrugged with people who under- The returning-attendee sessions delve deeper stood both where I was coming from, and what into Rand’s unique perspective, often by compar- was causing my confusion.” ing her views to those of well-known economists Attendees received information on ARI’s or applying her ideas to present economic ques- Objectivist Academic Center and other educational tions. For instance, returning session topics this programs, and copies of Ayn Rand’s Philosophy: year included the contrast between Rand’s and Who Needs It, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal and John Stuart Mill’s views on liberty, and the rela- The Virtue of Selfishness. Winners of a quiz on Atlas tionship of Rand’s moral defense of capitalism to Shrugged received copies of Letters of Ayn Rand, the field of public choice. edited by Michael S. Berliner. “The growth of this conference from a dozen The Clemson Institute for the Study of attendees in its first year to almost six dozen, Capitalism is an academic institution dedicated five years later, concretizes the progress that we to spreading awareness of the moral foundations have made in our academic outreach efforts,” of capitalism and the proper principles of a free said Ms. Ghate. “Professors who have attended society. Student participation in the Clemson con- for several years report that the discussions at ference is by application only, and those accepted this conference have helped move their thinking receive a full scholarship covering room and board in a new direction. An enormous ‘thank you’ to and a limited travel stipend. ARI’s summer intern- John Allison for his tremendous efforts in making ship program—this year expanded to ten interns— these sixty-five BB&T programs possible—and includes automatic admission to the Clemson for making possible this discussion between ARI conference. An in-depth article on ARI’s internship and academics new to us.” will appear in the August Impact.

3 Atlas Shrugged Revolution Dinner to Return to New York City Essay Contest Entries Surpass a Quarter Million, continued from page 1 ollowing the success of public through talks, interviews, Flast year’s event, ARI will panel discussions and written This year’s contests offer awards totaling host a second Atlas Shrugged commentary on political and $84,750. To encourage further inquiry into Revolution dinner and auction The Ayn Rand’s ideas, ARI offers students who enter Atlas Shrugged cultural events. in New York this September. Revolution “So the money goes toward the essay contests a free copy of other works by Funds from the banquet will September 14, 2010 our fight to change the culture, Ayn Rand and more information on its programs. benefit the ongoing expansion Impact will announce the winners of the essay New York City and the event itself is a treat. of the Ayn Rand Center for Attendees at last year’s dinner, contests later this year and the winning essays for Individual Rights and the Atlas most of whom were new donors, each contest will be posted on ARI’s Web site. Atlas Shrugged Initiative (see related raved about the event. Mr. Alli- Shrugged essay contest results will be announced article, “Major Overhaul of son’s talk was a hit, especially early next year. atlasshrugged.com Complete,” on page 1). among the many businessmen and finance industry The fundraising banquet will feature a talk by professionals in attendance. The silent auction was retired BB&T chairman and CEO John Allison on the heated and brought out a friendly competitive spirit Tea Party Materials relevance of Atlas Shrugged to current events, and ARI among the guests. We’re hoping this year’s event will executive director Yaron Brook will discuss what ARI is be an even greater success.” The Ayn Rand Institute has pamphlets and other doing to help create a more rational culture by spread- The $1,500-a-plate dinner will take place at the W materials available for distribution at Tea Par- ing awareness and knowledge of Ayn Rand and her Hotel in midtown Manhattan. Full tables may be spon- ties. For more information, please contact ARI ideas. Additionally, a new fundraising group, New York sored for $50,000 or $25,000. A number of donors vice president of Public Outreach Lin Zinser at Friends of ARI, will be introduced at the dinner. New took advantage of this option last year, including one [email protected]. Requests for materi- York Friends of ARI is a newly established independent donor who purchased an entire table for students from als for student and community clubs should con- organization that promotes the interests of ARI in the the New York area. tinue to be sent to ARI campus club coordinator New York area through such activities as seeking dona- Longtime donor Tedd Potts will again sponsor Matthew Morgen: [email protected] tions from local individuals and hosting events with the silent auction, which will place Ayn Rand books, Objectivist speakers. (See related article on page 2.) manuscripts and memorabilia from his personal “The Atlas Shrugged Revolution dinners are Impact is published monthly by the Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI) and is collection up for bidding. As before, Mr. Potts will complimentary to current donors who contribute $35 or more per year. an important means of generating funds at a criti- generously split the proceeds from the auction with the For information on how you can support ARI and to learn about our ® cal time,” said Dr. Brook. “Cultural interest in Atlas Institute. Those who are unable to attend the dinner projects, please visit our Web site: www.aynrand.org. Atlantis Legacy , Shrugged and Ayn Rand remains high, and the money the Institute’s planned giving program, and related indicia are registered may still participate in the auction through a proctor trademarks. The Ayn Rand Archives is a special collection of the Ayn Rand from these dinners will help us to capitalize on and provided by ARI. Institute. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Bookstore sustain that interest. Funds for the Atlas Shrugged are owned and operated by the Ayn Rand Institute. The Ayn Rand Visit arievents.com for more information on the Institute does not necessarily endorse the content of the lectures and Initiative will be spent publicizing the novel and edu- Atlas Shrugged Revolution dinner. courses offered. All photos of Ayn Rand are used by permission of the cating the public on its message. Funds for ARC will Estate of Ayn Rand.Purchases from the Ayn Rand Bookstore and OCON allow our fellows and analysts to further engage the do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Editors: Don Watkins, Jeff Scialabba Editorial Advisers: Yaron Brook, Mark Chapman, Debi Ghate, Coming Soon: 100 Voices: Anu Seppala, Lin Zinser Designer: Simon Federman Printing: David Antonacci Copy Editor: Donna Montrezza An Oral History of Ayn Rand Headquarters: 2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250 Publications Based on the Irvine, CA 92606-4926 Phone: 949-222-6550 Fax: 949-222-6558 Ayn Rand Papers: A Note © The Ayn Rand Institute 2010. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without permission. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions from the Archivist to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law.

By , manager of the Ayn Rand Archives

n 1984 , as I executor of the Estate of Ayn Rand, authorized The Early Ayn Rand, the first of numerous anthologies based on primary materials selected from the Ayn Rand Papers. The Ayn Rand Archives, a Special Collection of the Ayn Rand Institute, is charged with maintaining and making available the Ayn Rand Papers (and fascinating new book on Ayn Rand is slated to related primary materials) for the editors of such A hit bookstores this November. In 100 Voices: publications as well as to the researcher community An Oral History of Ayn Rand, oral historian and at large. former Ayn Rand Archives researcher Scott The Estate’s goal in authorizing these McConnell draws on more than a hundred unpub- anthologies of Ayn Rand’s unpublished writings lished interviews with Rand’s family, friends, associ- was to bring such works to the attention of a wide ates and fans—including Hollywood celebrities like reading public. (The unpublished selections were Raquel Welch, fiction writers like Mickey Spillane, edited for clarity.) With the appearance of such university professors and others—to create a unique books as Journals of Ayn Rand and Letters of portrait of Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand, one important derivative benefit has The book is an offshoot of the work of been to bring the underlying works—as well as Mr. McConnell on the Ayn Rand Archives’ Ayn Rand further unpublished material—to the attention of Oral History Program, the purpose of which is to scholars. Since 1999 the Ayn Rand Archives has gather and preserve knowledge about Ayn Rand’s assisted a variety of researchers in accessing the life. Mr. McConnell conducted more than 160 Ayn Rand Papers. And these research efforts have interviews for the oral history program from 1996 resulted in an increasing number of Ayn Rand- to 2003. Interviewee locations ranged from related publications. St. Petersburg, Russia, to Los Angeles. We would like to call your attention to a The interviews in 100 Voices focus on Rand’s bibliographic essay, “The Ayn Rand Archives: personal life and business, and only occasionally Promoting the Study of Ayn Rand’s Place in venture into discussions of Rand’s literature or American Intellectual Life,” which will soon be philosophy. As Mr. McConnell explains in the available on the Archives’ Web site. (The essay is preface, not all of the interviewees are fans or an expanded version of a piece that appeared in admirers of Rand, but rather encompass an array the June 2009 issue of Impact.) Accompanying the of views and observations on many different essay is an FAQ, which includes a discussion of aspects of her life. The interviews are arranged in editorial practices and research opportunities at the chronological order by decade and cover a range Ayn Rand Archives. of years, contexts and relationships. The Estate’s anthologies continue to bring the 100 Voices will be published by New American Ayn Rand Papers (and other primary materials) to Library and is available for preorder from the the attention of scholarly researchers. ARI wishes Ayn Rand Bookstore (visit www.aynrandbookstore to thank Leonard Peikoff for his generosity and .com or call 1-800-729-6149). Stay tuned to Impact support of the Ayn Rand Archives. for future announcements regarding its publication. 4