84 BritishJournalofOphthalmology, 1991,75,84-87

Ocular defects in infants of extremely low birth Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.75.2.84 on 1 February 1991. Downloaded from weight and low gestational age

Priscilla Burgess, Ann Johnson

Abstract eyes of 72% of this cohort of ELBW babies were The eyes of 49 babies who weighed less than also examined. The main purpose of this report 1000 g at birth or who were born at or before 28 is to give a detailed description of the ocular weeks gestation were examined at the age of 4 findings. years. Twenty-one children were normal. The remaining 29 children (59%) had ocular abnormalities which ranged from mild ambly- Patients and methods opia to blindness from retinopathy of pre- Sixty-eight of 127 (54%) babies born alive to maturity. The need to examine children at risk mothers in the Oxford Region and who weighed is stressed. less than 1000 g or who were born at ofbefore 28 weeks' gestation survived to their fourth birth- day. The eyes of 49 of the 68 survivors were The recent increase in survival of babies of examined during a two-year period from June extremely low birth weight (ELBW), that is, 1987 to June 1989. The mean age ofthe children weighing less than 1000 g, and infants of low (25 girls, 24 boys) at the time ofvisual assessment gestational age (28 weeks or less) has led to was 4 years 4 months (range 3 years 8 months to increasing concern about their long term out- 4 years 11 months). come. Overall less than half of these babies The ocular assessment consisted of the survive,' though survival rates as high as 63%2 following: The parents were questioned about are achieved in some areas. A recent meta- either in the child or in the family, analysis of a large number offollow-up studies of with particular reference to and ELBW infants has shown that just over a third of . A detailed neonatal history was available all survivors (36%) were impaired.3 Most of this from the hospital notes. The ocular motility was impairment is of neurological origin - that is, assessed, and examination included pursuit and cerebral palsy, sensory deficit, and learning saccadic eye movements, and a cover test for near difficulties. The most serious ocular defect in and distance. was measured where

these babies is retinopathy of prematurity possible with a linear Snellen chart or linear http://bjo.bmj.com/ (ROP), and several studies have confirmed that Sheridan Gardner or Kay pictures. In non-verbal the risk of ROP is inversely related to birth children the ability to fix and follow small targets weight." In particular, cicatrical, binding ROP was assessed. We also undertook confrontation is more common in infants weighing under 1 kg visual field tests using finger counting in the at birth.5 7-9 quadrants; TNO tests (named after authors - The literature contains little information on Toegepast, Natuurwetenschappelijk, Onder-

the outcome of babies of low birth weight and zoek to measure stereopsis; Slit-lamp examina- on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. low gestational age from the ophthalmological as tion; and refraction and indirect distinct from a developmental standpoint. Saigal following the instillation ofcyclopentolate 1%. et al'0 described the findings at the age of 2 years Not all children were examined by an ophthal- ofa group ofELBWinfants from a geographically mologist as neonates. Whether or not such an defined region in Canada. She noted an overall examination was performed depended on the incidence of ROP of 38%. There were eight intensive care unit in which the child was children with one or both eyes blind from ROP treated. from a population of 110 survivors (7%). Two children had reduced vision due to optic atrophy (2%), 17 were myopic (16%), 13 had strabismus Results (12%), and one had (1%). Keith and The ocular findings in 21 to 49 (43%) children Kitchen" in a similar study noted ocular lesions were normal. The remaining 28 children (59%) in 33% of survivors: 10% had cicatricial ROP, were found to have a variety of ocular abnor- 3% had optic atrophy, 17% had considerable malities (Table 1). Prince Charles Eye Unit, , and 19% had squint. King Edward VII Hungerford et al"' in a study of babies born Hospital, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3DP before 33 weeks ofgestation found ocular patho- RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY P Burgess logy in 15%. The commonest problem was Two of 49 (4%) children had severe cicatricial refractive error; 8% had ROP, and 5% had National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Level delayed visual maturation. Both these studies Table I Ocular defects 3, John Radcliffe were hospital based and described survivors Number Hospital, Oxford from one centre. of Percentage of A children children Johnson In 1984 a study was undertaken of all infants Correspondence to: Retinopathy ofprematurity 2 4 P Burgess. born to mothers resident in the Oxford Region Strabismus 12 25 and who weighed less than 1000 g at birth or who Myopia 5 10 Accepted for publication head abnormalities 5 10 2 August 1990 were born at or before 28 weeks' gestation. The Oculardefects in infants ofextremely low birth weightandlowgestational age 85

ROP. The first was born at 26 weeks' gestation OPTIC NERVE HEAD ABNORMALITES and weighed 720 g. She suffered from respiratory Five of49 (10%) children had either unilateral or Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.75.2.84 on 1 February 1991. Downloaded from distress syndrome, was ventilated until the fifth bilateral abnormalities of the optic nerve head day of life, and had supplemental oxygen in a (Table 3). There were two children with optic headbox until the sixteenth day. She also had a atrophy. The first had unilateral involvement patent ductus arteriosus which was treated with and a visual acuity of 6/18 in the affected eye. indomethacin. At 6 months of chronological age The second with bilateral involvement was also she was noted to have roving eye movements cortically blind and could not fix or follow a and was found to have bilateral closed funnel target with either eye. Of the remaining three retinal detachments. At age 4 years she was blind children one had bilateral in both eyes and entirely retarded, with a severe and very poor acuity in both eyes, another had a communication disorder. large irregularly shaped left probably The second child with severe cicatricial ROP due to buried and a visual acuity of6/12 in was born at 24 weeks' gestation and weighed the affected eye. The third had bilateral tilted 632 g. She was ventilated for six weeks and discs with mild oblique but normal sustained an intraventricular haemorrhage. visual acuity in both eyes. When assessed the right eye was normal, but the left was divergent and had an eccentric macula with a dragged disc and temporal vasculature. CORTICAL BLINDNESS Interestingly this eye was highly hypermetropic One child was 'cortically blind'. Born at 26 and astigmatic. This child had made good weeks she had had a particularly difficult neo- developmental progress, and neither child with natal period. Following an intraventricular ROP had associated cerebral palsy. haemorrhage she developed hydrocephalus, Another child when seen during the neonatal which was treated by a ventriculo-peritoneal period had acute ROP (grade 2 maximally) but shunt. Subsequently she developed at least two was normal when seen at age 4. A further child episodes ofmeningitis and blockage ofthe shunt. had mild mid peripheral retinal pigmentary When examined she had severe spastic quad- speckling as her only abnormality at age 4. riplegia, entire developmental delay, mild myopia and bilateral optic atrophy. It was extremely difficult to quantify the degree of STRABISMUS attributable to optic nerve Twelve of 49 (24%) children had strabismus disease and that related to the postchiasmal (Table 2). Ofthe eight convergent cases, six were pathways. non-accommodative, one partially accom- Five children had mild to moderate impair- modative, and one infantile. There were four ment of visual acuity in one or both eyes divergent squints, three constant and one unassociated with any abnormality of the media intermittent. fundus or error of refraction and may have had Three children were myopic (range -2 to -8 minor cortical visual impairment. http://bjo.bmj.com/ dioptres). All three had a non-accommodative pattern . Nine ofthe 12 squinting children had reduced MYOPIA acuity in one or both eyes. In six this was due to Five of 49 (10%) children were myopic (range sensory deprivation, in three it was associated -I-50 to -8 00 D) (Figure 1). In only one was with myopia, one had hypoplastic discs, one had the vision correctable to 6/6 in each eye., Three optic atrophy and one had ROP. Six of the had reduced vision due to and on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. children had neurological or behavioural squint and one had both optic atrophy and problems. Four had cerebral palsy, one was cortical blindness. Two children hid family developmentally delayed, and the sixth was history of myopia in close relatives. A family hyperactive. history in two other children was unavailable A further child not included above had a past because they had been adopted. Three ofthe five history ofstrabismus but was not squinting when myopic children were found to have straightening seen at 4 years. She also had no evidence of of the temporal vascular arcades but no other stereopsis. stigmata of ROP. They had not been ventilated for longer than 24 hours and all weighed over Table 2 Associationsfound with strabismus 900 g. Convergent Convergent non partially Convergent accommodative accommodative infantile Divergent Discussion This study has been largely concerned with the Number 6 1 1 4 Myopia 3 detection ofanatomical and functional defects of 5 1 3 the visual system in a group of ELBW babies Neurological defect 5 1 delivered to residents ofa geographically defined area. The high incidence of ocular morbidity of Table 3 Optic nerve head abnormalities 59% could have been due to bias in the sample, Number of Neurological because children with known or obvious defects children Bilateral Unilateral deficit were more likely to be available for ophthalmic Optic atrophy 2 1 1 2 examination. The group ofchildren not seen did Optic nerve hypoplasia 1 1 1 not differ from those who were seen in mean Optic disc drusen 1 1 Tilted discs 1 birth weight or mean gestational age (Table 4). 1 Neither did the proportion of children with an 86 Burgess,johnson

Table 4 Birth weight, gestational age, and impairnent code ofall survivors to 4years Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.75.2.84 on 1 February 1991. Downloaded from Children Children seen not seen Number 49 19 Male 25 (51%) 7(37%) Birthweight (g), mean (SD) 1009 (201) 1068 (251) Gestational age (weeks), mean (SD) 27-9 (1-9) 27-6(1-2) Number ofchildren with impairment coded 3 or 4* 27 (55%) 8t (67%) *Impairment code 3=impairment in one or more areas resulting in mild to moderate disability. Impairment code 4 includes cerebral palsy, severe sensory loss, total developmental delay. t Impairment codes not available for seven infants (unavailable for assessment because overseas, etc.)

babies without ROP, and 5% in a comparable group of full term babies. Anisometropia inducing strabismus and amblyopia only partly -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 °' +1 +2 +3 +5 +6 explains these findings. The incidence of Spherical equivalent dioptric power of eyes examined strabismus in this study (24%) is higher than in Figure I Refractive data. similar studies, where incidences of 12% and 19% have been noted. One explanation for this is the older population seen in the Oxford study, impairment differ in the two groups. All 19 with an increased risk of accommodative infants not seen were screened by health visitors; esotropia and consecutive divergence. seven of19 were referred to specialist eye services. In this study one-third of the squints were None of these referred children were found to divergent, a much higher proportion than that have an ophthalmic abnormality. If we assume seen elsewhere in similar but not strictly com- that, although other systems were impaired, all parable groups and again may be due to the age of 19 children were ophthalmologically normal, the the population examined. In Black's study'5 of incidence of ocular defect in this population is visual disorders associated with cerebral palsy he 43% (29/68). also noted a convergence:divergence ratio of 213:1. The strong association between myopia and RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY convergent squint has also been noted by Keith The two children with cicatricial ROP had and Kitchen" and Kushner'3; the mechanism is several of the recognised risk factors for this a of presumably type sensory deprivation http://bjo.bmj.com/ condition, namely extreme prematurity, esotropia. The incidence of squint is higher in extremely low birth weight, severe respiratory children with neurological deficit, especially distress syndrome, and intraventricular haemor- cerebral palsy.'5 The mechanism for this is not rhage. Several studies from the United States fully explained, but children with the spastic have shown that the incidence of blindness from type of cerebral palsy are the most likely to have ROP in infants with birth weights of less than ocular defects. In them the pathology is extensive 1-5 kg ranges from 1V8% to 4%,589 but the dis- and diffuse, with periventricular and subcortical on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tribution is markedly skewed towards those haemorrhage and cortical atrophy. weighing less than 1 kg. Cicatricial disease occurs in 22-42% of these smallest survivors,28 9 whereas 5-11% of them are blind. Ng et al'3 in a OPTIC NERVE ABNORMALITIES geographically defined study in Britain con- The association between cerebral palsy and firmed the greater severity of ROP with shorter ocular morbidity is well recognised. 16 17 The 4% gestation and lower birth weight. The early and incidence ofoptic atrophy in this study compares frequent exanations of babies in their study with reported incidences of 2%10 and 3%." identified a very high incidence of acute ROP. Possible mechanisms for optic atrophy are that it The incidence of cicatricial disease was low, and is secondary to hydrocephalus and also is they suggest that this may be partly due to racial associated with cerebral palsy.'5 In the same factors. The incidence ofcicatricial disease in our study hypoplastic discs were seen in 3/120 (2 5%) study may be underestimated owing to the children with severe spastic cerebral palsy; our difficulties of examining the peripheral fundus of child with hypoplastic discs also had severe children of this age. Indeed three of the myopic spastic cerebral palsy. There were two cases of children had straightening of the temporal relatively innocuous disc abnormalities (one vascular arcades and probably had ROP. If tilted disc and buried drusen) which have not these children are included, the incidence of previously been recorded as a feature oflow birth cicatricial ROP was 5/49 or 10%. weight.

STRABISMUS CORTICAL BLINDNESS The incidence of strabismus is higher in preterm Diffuse cortical deficit may be associated with than full term babies. Kushner,'4 for example, visual impairment without any abnormality of found an incidence of 34% in a group of babies the eyes or anterior visual pathways. 8 The acuity with regressed ROP, 16% in a group of preterm in these children is usually limited to counting Oculardefects in infants ofextremely low birth weight andlowgestational age 87

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