Homo sapiens (UBD), mRNA. Ubiquitin-like modifier which can be covalently at- tached to target protein and subsequently leads to their degradation by the 26S proteasome, in a NUB1L- dependent manner. Probably functions as a survival factor. Conjugation ability activated by UBA6. Promotes the expression of the proteasome subunit beta type-9 (PSMB9/LMP2). Regulates TNF-alpha- induced and LPS-mediated activation of the central mediator of innate immunity NF-kappa-B by pro- moting TNF-alpha-mediated proteasomal degradation of ubiquitinated-I-kappa-B-alpha. Required for TNF-alpha-induced p65 nuclear translocation in renal tubular epithelial cells (RTECs). May be involved in dendritic cell (DC) maturation, the process by which immature dendritic cells differentiate into fully competent antigen-presenting cells that initiate T-cell responses. Mediates mitotic non-disjunction and instability, in long-term in vitro culture and cancers, by abbreviating mitotic phase and im- pairing the localization of MAD2L1 during the prometaphase stage of the cell cycle. May be involved in the formation of aggresomes when proteasome is saturated or impaired. Mediates apoptosis in a caspase-dependent manner, especially in renal epithelium and tubular cells during renal diseases such as polycystic kidney disease and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- associated nephropathy (HIVAN). Low expression but shows some variations in human.


9,302 bp

29,521,000 bp 29,522,000 bp 29,523,000 bp 29,524,000 bp 29,525,000 bp 29,526,000 bp 29,527,000 bp 29,528,000 bp 29,529,000 bp 29,530,000 bp

[0 - 22] HUH7-Mock-3h.tophat.sorted.bam C overage


[0 - 11] HUH7-Mock-7h.tophat.sorted.bam C overage


[0 - 10] HUH7-Mock-23h.tophat.sorted.bam Coverage


[0 - 23] HUH7-EBOV-3h.tophat.sorted.bam C overage


[0 - 15] HUH7-EBOV-7h.tophat.sorted.bam C overage


[0 - 58] HUH7-EBOV-23h.tophat.sorted.bam Coverage


[0 - 26] HUH7-MARV-3h.tophat.sorted.bam C overage


[0 - 16] HUH7-MARV-7h.tophat.sorted.bam C overage


[0 - 14] HUH7-MARV-23h.tophat.sorted.bam Coverage


hg19.apg.00134.g¡ UBD

rae.blast.hg19.apg.00134.¢ ltere

d.g ¡ ¡ hsa.blast.hg19...4.¢ ltered.g

Figure 1: IGV Genome Browser screenshot of UBD.

[0 - 22] HUH7-Mock-3h.tophat.sorted.bam 5

[0 - 11] HUH7-Mock-7h.tophat.sorted.bam 3

[0 - 10] HUH7-Mock-23h.tophat.sorted.bam 1

[0 - 23] HUH7-EBOV-3h.tophat.sorted.bam 5

[0 - 15]

[0 - 58] 11 HUH7-EBOV-23h.tophat.sorted.bam 1

[0 - 26] 10 HUH7-MARV-3h.tophat.sorted.bam 1

[0 - 16] HUH7-MARV-7h.tophat.sorted.bam 4

[0 - 14] HUH7-MARV-23h.tophat.sorted.bam 2 29521353 29524143 29526933 29529724

Figure 2: Sashimi plot of gene UBD.

1 Scale 2 kb hg19 chr6: 29,523,500 29,524,000 29,524,500 29,525,000 29,525,500 29,526,000 29,526,500 29,527,000 29,527,500 29,528,000 29,528,500 hg19_ebola_segemehl-HUH-Mock-3h__all hg19_ebola_tophat-HUH-Mock-3h__all hg19_ebola_segemehl-HUH-Mock-7h__all hg19_ebola_tophat-HUH-Mock-7h__all hg19_ebola_segemehl-HUH-Mock-23h__all hg19_ebola_tophat-HUH-Mock-23h__all hg19_ebola_segemehl-HUH-EBOV-3h__all hg19_ebola_tophat-HUH-EBOV-3h__all hg19_ebola_segemehl-HUH-EBOV-7h__all hg19_ebola_tophat-HUH-EBOV-7h__all hg19_ebola_segemehl-HUH-EBOV-23h__all hg19_ebola_tophat-HUH-EBOV-23h__all hg19_marburg_segemehl-HUH-MARV-3h__all hg19_marburg_tophat-HUH-MARV-3h__all hg19_marburg_segemehl-HUH-MARV-7h__all hg19_marburg_tophat-HUH-MARV-7h__all hg19_marburg_segemehl-HUH-MARV-23h__all hg19_marburg_tophat-HUH-MARV-23h__all UCSC (RefSeq, GenBank, CCDS, Rfam, tRNAs & Comparative Genomics) UBD GABBR1 RefSeq Genes RefSeq Genes Publications: Sequences in Scientific Articles Sequences SNPs Human mRNAs from GenBank Human mRNAs Human ESTs That Have Been Spliced Spliced ESTs 100 _ H3K27Ac Mark (Often Found Near Active Regulatory Elements) on 7 cell lines from ENCODE Layered H3K27Ac 0 _ DNaseI Hypersensitivity Clusters in 125 cell types from ENCODE (V3) DNase Clusters Transcription Factor ChIP-seq (161 factors) from ENCODE with Factorbook Motifs Txn Factor ChIP 4.88 _ 100 vertebrates Basewise Conservation by PhyloP

100 Vert. Cons 0 - -4.5 _ Multiz Alignments of 100 Vertebrates Rhesus Mouse Dog Elephant Chicken X_tropicalis Zebrafish Lamprey Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 141) Found in >= 1% of Samples Common SNPs(141) Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker RepeatMasker BLAT contigs rae BLAT supercontigs rae

Figure 3: UCSC Genome Browser screenshot of gene UBD.