A Helium-3/Helium-4 Dilution Cryocooler for Operation in Zero Gravity C ,-4 Z O
SBIR- 09.19-8629 release date 9/18 p,. O, fe_ a9 (D tD _J I f_ U N A HELIUM-3/HELIUM-4 DILUTION CRYOCOOLER FOR OPERATION IN ZERO GRAVITY C ,-4 Z O f_ Dr. John B. Hendricks, Principal Investigator Dr. Michael J. Nilles, Program Manager O Dr. Michael L. Dingus, Scientist _O U oD ,.m Alabama Cryogenic Engineering, Inc. 0_ C P.O. Box 2451 Huntsville, AL 35804 Z O.L Z_..., _ r,3 0 _0_ E October 17, 1988 ..JF- b._ UJ O_ April ]7, 1986 through October 17, 1988 _uJ C_ 13_ NOTICE t _" 0 *--" 0 Ri( )ata SBIR Phase II 1985) z _ _ _ This SBIR data is furnished th SBIR ri( nder the NASA Contract No. NAS8-37260. For a period of years after )tance of all items to be delivered under this contract e Governmq agrees to use this data for Government purposes only, and it disclosed outside the Government (including disclosure for procur( .oses) during such period without permission of the Contractor, exce_ , subject to the foregoing use and disclosure prohibitions, such data be disclosed for use by support Contractors. After the aforesaid ar period the Government has a royalty-free license to use, and to others use on its behalf, this data for Government purposes, but relie, all disclosure prohibitions and assumes no liability for una_ orized us_ his data by third parties. This Notice shall be affixed to reproductions ;his data, in whole or in part. SBIR DATA Available only on approval of MSFC. \ ABSTRACT This research effort covered the development of 3He/4He dilution cryocooler cycles for use in zero gravity.
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