Chapter 16 Dark , Dark , and the Fate of the

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Normal matter: The kind of matter we are familiar with, which is made of and responds to the electromagnetic and . : An undetected form of mass that emits little or no but whose existence we infer from its gravitational influence : An unknown form of energy that seems to be the source of a repulsive force causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate

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Contents of Universe

• Normal matter: ~ 4.9% • Dark matter: ~ 26.8% • Dark energy: ~ 68.3%

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1 Rotation curve

A plot of orbital speed versus orbital radius

Solar system’s rotation curve declines because Sun has almost all the mass.

Rotation Curve of the

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The rotation curve of the stays flat with distance.

Mass must be more spread out than in the solar system.

Rotation Curve of a Spiral

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The mass in the Milky Way is spread out over a larger region than the .

Most of the Milky Way’s mass seems to be dark matter!

Encircled Mass as a Function of Distance for a

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2 The visible portion of a galaxy lies deep in the heart of a large halo of dark matter.

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We can measure orbital velocities in other spiral using the Doppler shift of the 21-cm line of atomic H.

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Spiral galaxies all tend to have orbital velocities that remain constant at large radii, indicating large amounts of dark matter. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

3 We can measure the velocities of galaxies in a cluster from their Doppler shifts.

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The mass we find from galaxy motions in a cluster is about 50 larger than the mass in stars!

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Clusters contain large amounts of X ray–emitting hot gas.

The of hot gas (particle motions) tells us cluster mass:

85% dark matter 13% hot gas 2% stars

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4 Gravitational lensing, the bending of light rays by gravity, can also tell us a cluster’s mass.

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All three methods of measuring cluster mass indicate similar amounts of dark matter.

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Does dark matter really exist?

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5 Our Options

1. Dark matter really exists, and we are observing the effects of its gravitational attraction.

2. Something is wrong with our understanding of gravity, causing us to mistakenly infer the existence of dark matter.

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Our Options

1. Dark matter really exists, and we are observing the effects of its gravitational attraction.

2. Something is wrong with our understanding of gravity, causing us to mistakenly infer the existence of dark matter.

Because gravity is so well tested, most prefer option #1.

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What might dark matter be made of?

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6 How dark is it?

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How dark is it?

… not as bright as a .

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Two Basic Options

• Ordinary Matter (MACHOs) — Massive Compact Halo Objects: dead or failed stars in halos of galaxies

• Exotic Particles (WIMPs) — Weakly Interacting Massive Particles: mysterious -like particles

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7 Compact starlike objects occasionally make other stars appear brighter through lensing…

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Compact starlike objects occasionally make other stars appear brighter through lensing…

… but there are not enough lensing events to explain all the dark matter.

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Why WIMPs?

• There’s not enough ordinary matter.

• WIMPs could be left over from the .

• Models involving WIMPs explain how galaxy formation works.

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8 Will the universe continue expanding forever?

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Fate of universe depends on the amount of dark matter.

Lots of Critical Not enough dark of dark matter matter matter

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Amount of matter is ~25% of the critical density, suggesting fate is eternal expansion.

Not enough dark matter

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9 But expansion appears to be speeding up!

Dark energy? Not enough dark matter

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old older oldest Estimated age depends on both dark matter and dark energy.

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The brightness of distant supernovae tells us how much the universe has expanded since they exploded.

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10 An accelerating universe is the best fit to data.

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Chapter 17 The Beginning of

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The universe must have been much hotter and denser early in time.

Estimating the

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11 The early universe must have been extremely hot and dense.

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Photons converted into particle– pairs and vice versa. E = mc 2

The early universe was full of particles and radiation because of its high temperature.

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Defining Eras of the Universe

• The earliest eras are defined by the kinds of in the universe.

• Later eras are defined by the kinds of particles present in the universe.

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12 Four known forces in universe:

Strong Force


Weak Force


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13 Do forces unify at high ? Four known forces in universe:

Strong Force


Weak Force


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Do forces unify at high temperatures? Four known forces in universe:

Strong Force


Weak Force


Yes! (Electroweak)

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Do forces unify at high temperatures? Four known forces in universe:

Strong Force


Weak Force


Yes! Maybe (Electroweak) (GUT)

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14 Do forces unify at high temperatures? Four known forces in universe:

Strong Force


Weak Force


Yes! Maybe Who knows? (Electroweak) (GUT) (String )

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Planck Era

Time: < 10 -43 s Temp: > 10 32 K

No theory of gravity

All forces may have been unified

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15 GUT Era

Time: 10 -43 –10 -38 s Temp: 10 32 –10 29 K

GUT era began when gravity became distinct from other forces.

GUT era ended when strong force became distinct from electroweak force.

This was accompanied by .

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Electroweak Era

Time: 10 -38 –10 -10 s Temp: 10 29 –10 15 K

Strong force and electroweak force now separate

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Particle Era

Time: 10 -10 –0.001 s Temp: 10 15 –10 12 K

Amounts of matter and are nearly equal.

(Roughly one extra for every 10 9 proton– pairs!)

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16 Era of

Time: 0.001 s–5 min Temp: 10 12 –10 9 K

Began when matter annihilates remaining antimatter at ~ 0.001 s.

Nuclei began to fuse.

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Era of Nuclei

Time: 5 min–380,000 yrs Temp: 10 9–3000 K

Helium nuclei formed at age ~3 minutes.

The universe became too cool to blast apart.

Radiation could not travel far

The universe was “opaque”

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Era of Atoms

Time: 380,000 – 1Gy Temp: 3000–20 K

Atoms formed at age ~380,000 years.

The universe became “transparent”.

Cosmic background radiation is released.

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17 Era of Galaxies

Time: ~1Gy–present Temp: 20–3 K

The first stars and galaxies formed by ~1 billion years after the Big Bang.

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Primary Evidence for the Big Bang

1. We have detected the leftover radiation from the Big Bang.

2. correctly predicts the abundance of helium and other light elements in the universe.

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The cosmic background — the radiation left over from the Big Bang— was detected by Penzias and Wilson in 1965.

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18 Background radiation from the Big Bang has been freely streaming across the universe since atoms formed at temperature ~3000 K: visible/IR.

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Background has perfect thermal radiation spectrum at temperature 2.73 K.

Expansion of the universe has redshifted thermal radiation from that time to ~1000 times longer wavelength: .

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Protons and combined to make long-lasting helium nuclei when the universe was ~5 minutes old.

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19 Big Bang theory prediction: 75% H, 25% He (by mass) Matches observations of nearly primordial gases

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