Chevrolet Transportation
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INDIANA WEEKLY MESSENGER, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920. PAGE SEVENS XV YYWYYW W W W VYYYYY WYYWYYW YYYYYV *X loud scream of recognition and of joy, ' and a moment later the beast had leaped to the ground, followed by a score of bulls like Mmself, and was waddling toward them, shouting iu the Primordial tongue of the anthropoid: "Tarzan has returned! Tarzan, lord of the jungle!" CHEVROLET TRANSPORTATION It was Akut, and instantly he com- menced leaping and bounding about JAKZAN the trio, uttering hideous shrieks and moutMngs that to any other human beings might have indicated the most ferocious rage, but these three knew HE transportation of your merchandise is too that the king of the apes was doing homage to a king greater than him- iliflll T important a question to decide lightly. More self. £>u EDGAR RICE Korak laid his hand affectionately 7 upon his father's shoulder. and more progressive men are finding their logical BURROUGHS "There is but one Tarzan," he said. Copyright by "There can never be another." and entirely satisfactory answer in the Chevrolet Frank A. Munsey C«. L "Korak!" cried Meriem from th*> CHAPTER XVIII. One-Ton Truck. CHAPTER XVII. foliage above him. A Family Reunion. Tarzan Returns. Instantly the bull swung about low- Two days later the three dropped And Korak? ered his burden to the ground and, from the trees on the edge of the plain, Trnntor carried him deep into the trumpeting savagely, prepared to de- across which they could see the smoke The reason is obvious. jungle, nor paused until no sound fend Ms comrade. The ape man, rec- rising from the bungalow and the from the distant village reached his ognizing the girl's voice, felt a sudden cookhouse chimneys. Tarzan of the keen ears. Then he laid his burden lump in his throat. Apes had regained Ms civilized cloth- The Chevrolet is made in a big way-big gently down. Korak struggled to free "Meriem!" he called back to her. ing from the tree where he had hidden himself from his bonds, but even his Happily the girl clambered to the it, and as Korak refused to enter the enough to haul all kinds of goods to capacity, do great strength was unable to cope with ground and ran forward to release presence of Ms mother in the savage the many strands of hard knotted cord Korak, but Tantor lowered his head half raiment that he had worn so long it efficiently, do it consistently day in and day out, that bound him. ominously and trumpeted a warning. and as Meriem would not leave him And while he straggled through the "Go back! Go back!" cried Korak. for fear, as she explained, that he and do it as economically as it can be done. night with his bonds Baynes and Meri- "He will kill you!" would change Ms mind and run off em were riding rapidly northward Meriem was almost at Korak's side into the jungle again, the father went along the river. The girl had assured when Tantor saw a long knife in her on ahead to the bungalow for horses One-Ton Truck and light delivery can be seen Baynes that Korak was safe in the hand, and then he broke forth, bellow- and clothes. jungle with Tantor. It had not oc- ing horribly, and charged down upon My Dear met him at the gate, her at the Chevrolet Service Station, Indiana, Pa. curred to her that the ape man might the frail girl. eyes filled with questioning and sor- not be able to burst his bonds. Baynes Korak screamed commands to Ms row, for she saw that Meriem was not bad been wounded by a shot from the huge protector in an effort to halt him with Mm. Ilfle of one of the Arabs, and the girl but all to no avail. Meriem raced to- "Where is she?" she asked, her voice wanted to get him back to Bwana's ward the bordering trees with all the trembling. "Muviri told me that she West Indiana Motor Company home, where he could be properly speed that lay in her swift little feet disobeyed your instructions and ran cared for. but Tantor, for all Ms huge bulk, drove off into the jungle after you had left "Then," she said, "I shall get Bwana down upon her with the rapidity of an them. Oh, John. I cannot bear to lose Howard S. Houk to come with me and search for Ko- express train. her, too!" And Lady Greystoke broke . He must come and live with us." What was that? Korak's eyes start down and wept as she pillowed her All night they rode, and the day was .ed from their sockets. A strange fig head upon the broad breast where so fctill young when they came suddenly ure had leapel from the tree the shade often before she had found comfort in upon a party hurrying southward. It of wMch Meriem already had reached the great tragedies of her life. was Bwant himself and his sleek, —leaped beyond the girl straight into Lord Greystoke raised her head and black warriors. the path of the charging elephant. looked down Into her eyes, Ms own At sight of Baynes the big English- It was a half naked white giant smiling and filled with the light of hap- man's brows contracted in a scowl, Across Ms shoulder a coil of rope wa piness. but he waited to hear Meriem's story looped. In the band of his gee-string "What is it, John?" she cried. "You before giving vent to the long pent was a hunting knife. have good news. Do not keep me "There is no place for princes in a anger in Ms breast. When she had A sharp command broke from th waiting for it" republic." he was wont to say. finished he seemed to have forgotten stranger's lips. The great beast haltec "I want to be quite sure that you Lord Greystoke received the hawk Baynes. His thoughts were occupied In Ms tracks, and Meriem swung her can stand hearing the best news that nosed, gray mustached soldier in his with another subject. self upward into the tree to safety. ever came to either of us," he said. library, and after a dozen words the "You say that you found Korak?" he Korak breathed a sigh of relief, no "Joy never kills!" she cried. "You two men had formed a mutual esteem asked. "You really saw Mm?" unmixed with wonder. He fastenet have found—-her?" She could not bring that was to endure through life. And "Yes," replied Meriem; "as plainly herself to hope for the impossible. tUe soldiers' words laid vividly before as I see you, and I want you to come "Yes, Jane," he said, and Ms voice was husky with emotion, "I have found his host scenes and erents nearly twc with me, Bwana, and help me find him decades old. He told his host how h« again. her and—Mm!" "Where is he? Where axe they?" had been a captain in the Foreign Le- "Did you see Mm?" He turned to- gion of France stationed at that tlnu ward the Hon. Morison. she demanded. ! "Yes, sir," replied Baynes; "very "Out there at the edge of the jungle. in Africa. He told how he had huntec UR Job Office is fully and plainly." He wouldn't come to you in Ms savage down marauding bands of Arabs and and thoroughly equipped "What sort of appearing man is he?" leopard skin and his nakedness. He blacks in the heart of the great desert O continued Bwana. "About how old sent me to fetch Mm civilized cloth- of Sahara. He told how he had ic for printlrg Letter Besds, Bill would you say?" ing." camp with him his little four-year-old Heads, Envelopes, Sale Bills, "I should say he was an Englishman She clapped her hands in ecstasy and daughter and how he came back tc Menues, Folders, Pesters, about my own age," replied Baynes, turned to run toward the bungalow. camp one day to find that she bad Bwana turned to Ms head man. "Wait!" she cried over her shoulder. mysteriously disappeared. 4 Cards, Faim Stationery, Etc. "Take Miss Meriem and Mr. Baynes "I have all Ms little suits. I have Neither the wealth of her father and In tact gnything in the job home," he said. "I am going into the saved them all. I will bring one to mother nor all the powerful resources printing line. jungle." you." of the great French republic were able Then he motioned to his head man Tarzan laughed and called to her to to wrest the secret of her whereabouts You will find cur work first- to take Ms horse and commence the •top. from the inscrutable desert that had class and cur prices reasonable. return journey to the farm. Meriem "The only clotMng on the place that swallowed her and her abductor. slowly mounted the tired horse that will fit Mm," he said, "is mine—if it A reward of such enormous propor- Try us. had brought her from the village of isn't too small for him. Yoir little boy tions was offered that many adven- the sheik. A litter was rigged for the •»*** has grown, Jane." turers were attracted to the hunt, MESSENGER PUB. CO. now feverish Baynes, and the little Then He Charged Down Upon the She laughed, too; she felt like laugh- among them Jenssen and Malbihn.