SATURDAY THE ROCK- - ISLAXD ARGUS FEBRUARY 16. 191S. 9 i he Son of By . current in the The In CHAPTER XV. rwfi,r.r.''!r w! bck ! tI,gT8t to the grmmfl within the you call him . and so I parade. ahmk. rifle J toosea two of them." he said, i trigger, 21 my Is sheik ft?! hand, rushed directly , the of , son Souaret Account. wre father mlshtier closure, j know who he Is." path lrt, tK.m ,.Hck int0 the sba(5ow9 "jii M.iiluhri's giant frame jerked to is yonrs. Will yon the :ad..otKHl brute, 1 j,1-- ! than com?" Then he commenced his stealthy) As they stood flier for, the moment lla raiswl h.s beWad those !lUt,. j kmm wtere thw ' 'in" the impact of another bullet. In She hated to weapon aud ' ' i Iferlem sat silence. i tire.! once. The bullet - n' is search of the village." First toward the of their conversation the sounds of Rr sad(., . I will bring them and the But he was not yet dead, .fgftin ha m.ssed n ' i 'i n ntrk, and Tatitot was swa ,,.!,!! ,. b mhm her it he wound the only one who bad offered tumult In the village subsided. ' ww trn Arab tents he made his war. sniffling i . . him, crushina him beneath his c:ca:.t:c ...... ,. ...- .- :n to lit camp, ft aimed and flrerl. th !iet splintering her protection friendship, she ' and but listening. He passed j -1 and behind then, j he raced over bin, AuVthen. man In n hi)., ca- - he gunwale by De-- .a Xly ttntied two Of ,he of th titioe close did not want Abdul Katnak's love. searching for soma sien of Mettera. hearing , s r a U Baynes' k . his burden carefully. . .,, Xba .hem tAth. in tare. Baynes Srwt strain i.9 ceived by her silence, the man seized Not even the wlid Arab curs "heard hi t. the.1da knes of J(,,:U d,.siBnated by Merietu. Here be vuuue uinie-- flirt h e r nnwiiwream, uer inn nraiaeu car ro mm. dui . i . n,.,..t t- - ., realisation of lha cause of their return. a shadow t'ie J1"1'- - won jiiH.rmn u re Tram rio sruirc. r rni- en Trco rrcp r "Walt here," said. "1 will go and waited impatiently for what seemed nnf im ti passi&g" through shadows. ,n 8 H 1 i I I oo ; nionwnt W!ls n r'TCr- Kn1 'he hour, was In reality but a te where he lav in a of his own j "I do not love your she cried. "Oh, j see. If he is dead we can do him no Bn but Nak;a bm f(,r j, iPOi,ar(j s5iin , naa ap " re I i at he blood. please do not make me hate you: Toa , , good. If he lives I will do my best to eiepi!tii disappenrcd wsta bit :.Biaut. Then he saw the girl hls doth ' Korak ,h mi tinak ; awe nd respect. In ( Ami - ' him " ' thus, dncsedly. the two wounded are the only one who has shown kind- free j preaching two ' into the shadows at the back of the - beneath the burden of men carry on weird no me, I want like "We go - j rontlnud to their toward and to teat, where his keen scent told him wiil together," replied Mr- J saddles, 1 r. t oncd duel until the wdcdiojr African river you. hut I cannot loe you'." Meriem was. K's sharp knife tuit a lem. "Cornel" And she led the way Quickly they placed these npon the mora It had carried the Hon. Mrim Bayae Abdul Kamak drew himself to his ii foot opening in the lent wall, and back toward the tent in which they j horses. They could see by the light of re out of around a ' point. full height. Inst had Korak. Korak, tail and mighty, sprang sten i the)oure fire that still burned that jl s 'A'-- i U I 4 "Tou will learn to love me." lie said, through upou the astonished visions of As they went they were often forced the Macks and Arabs were recovering arueared i Meriem had traversed half the "for I shall fake you, whether you will the inmates to throw themselves to the eround in frorn their panic. Men were running - U t e 7T tbp e go you R of vlllnCP. arrest when or no. You hare the sheik, and Meriem saw and recopnizwl him the ul(' uuow ol wnl or nut, lor people j about gathering in the loose stock, aud E"t. II: w idie-rohe- ha!f-caato- s i Fcore of lu iind will cot tell h!m, for if you do I will Instant that h entered the apartment, passlug hurriedly to and fro now. two or three were already leading I tl lt leaped out nn,u her from the tell him of the picture. I nine the Her heart leaped iu pride and Joy at The whole village was aroused and their captives hack to th end of the a i ri-i- " dark n: t s of h hula. sheik, and the o the coDle hgare e w here Meriem and Baynes were "s sight t lire She tried to tle. but heavy hands "You hate the sheik?" cause a griai It had hungered so long. with the trappings of their (10 1 P f fciz'M her, and when she timed at last voice from behind them. "Korak 1" she cried. plead with tiicin her eyes fell upon Both turned to see the sheik himself "Meriem He uttered the girl flung herself Into the tow it - fH.--t. ll h ,,f a tail, trim c'd man g:aricK standing a few paces from them. Ab- word as he hurled himself of f..:ej hr.n uf.dii tier from the fold of his dul still h!d the picture in his hand. waiI- - Meriem peered Hurry 1" she whispered. "We shall inmates of the tent. Three nceresaes' 1 r t Now j thro-og- iiurutxme. he thrust it within his buraoose. ated from their sleeping mats, j apartment was empty. She crawlsd hate to run for it. Hide the Mviise At alght. of hlra she staggered bac "Yes," he said, "I hate the sheik." streaming. Merlera tried to prevent j through the aperture, Baynes at her gap that the elephant made." And as In fliocked and terrified surprise. It And as he spoke he sprang toward the lnem from escaping, but before she heels, and then silently crossed the she saw Baynes swing his leg over idavor waa the sheik oioer man, lellea him with a blow and coui, succeed the terrified blacks had ! Pee to tne rugs that partitioned the the back of hi horse she shook the , -e h- the The slif-i- and his party had been dashed on across the viliaire to the darted through the hols In the tent tent Into two rooms. Parting the reins free over her mount's neck. With : .1 ir.ore 7riP i.irji,' mirhviird !!) river line where his horse was picketed, sad-- ; wadl made by Korak's knife and were hangings, Meriem looked Into the front a lunge the nervous beast leaped for- n titiiK when one of is.era, drord'iiiC mt died and ready, lor Abdul Kamak bad gone screaming through the village. room. It. too, was deserted. ward. The shortest path led straight e tl k line to fetch wntr. had Kr Sleriem been about to ride forth t hunt when! KorMk Mrned toward Merietu, and She crossed to the door of the tent through the center of the village, nil were . niakins: for the vitingi-- The rllow had he had seen the stranger girl alone by at the same moment a bloody and an1 looked out. Then she gave a Tittle this Meriem took. Baynes was close jt at ast rolled tin' shirk's attention to 'he the bushes. i disheveled spparidon leaped into the gasp of horror. Baynes at her shoulder behind her, their horses running at full .'! aiiriK at rattle itht a jvhlte women alone In Leaping into the saddle, Abdul Ka- - j apartment. looked past her to the sight that had .peed. o ' i center,; Africa find tht old Aral) bad rnak dashed for the village gates. The "Morison '." cried the girl. startled her, and he, too, exclaimed, ).) " 80 sudden and Impetuous sraj their hn1, t ow U hMCfti his tnen i:i tb' deer!ed village momentarily stunned by the For It was Baynes. who, despite his but his was an oath of anger. dash for liberty that It carried them . - ,;). to capf.ite lu-r- . blow tiiat had felled him. now- sag- - wounds, hud made his way to the A hundred feet away they saw Ko-ru- k Tantor Wrapped His Trunk About th ; half way across the village before the .at And wlien at last the woman had gered to his feet, shouting lustily to ghef'g villaje. bound to a stake, the brush plied Body of Korak. surprised inhabitants were aware of nam i walked Into the trap he had set for h;s to stop the escaping already n what was happening. Then an Arab followers Korak turned and looked Rt the new- about him alight The yne, but pandemonium re!grie. a W ick her and he had reoosrnljed her as the Arab. pushed Meriem to one side recognized them and, with a cry of comer. He had been about to 'take throughout the village. Men. women t with a same Utile girl he had brutalized ami A dozen blacks leaped forward to in- and on a run doomed alarm, raised his rifle and fired. Meriem in Ms arms forgetful of ail started for the and children ran belter skelter for before hW gratifica- tercept the horseman, only to be rid- man. What he of The shot was a signal for a volley, maltreated year? that might have transpired since last could do in the face safety.. Curs fled, yelping. The horses had huge. Now he lost no or by the muz- scores he and amid the rattle of musketry Uerl-et- n tion been den down brushed aside he had seen ber. Then the coming of hostile 'blacks and Arabs and camels and donkeys, terrorized by time in etaj)vehlng the old relations zle of Abdul Kamak's long musket, of Englishman recalled the did cot stop to consider. aud Baynes leaped their fijing the yonn? the trumpeting of the pachyderm, - jf father and daughter that had x- - which he lashed from side to side about scene he had witnessed In the little At the same Instant Tantor broke mounts through the breach in the pall- kicked and pulled at their tethers. 1 - In past. on the gate. catta r, trnna tin tV wall TVnm. isted between them the him as he spurred toward clearing, and a wave of misery swept through the palisade and charged the A dozen or more broke loose, end It A broupht thent surely be Inter- toward the north, two days' rsnndi at But here he must over the ace man. group. In the face of the maddened was the galloping of these past him trail fn;niliar of her Already sta- " in.! to the scenes cepted. the two blacks Already from without came the beast the crowd turned acd fled, carry- that brought a sudden Idea Into' i face upon the unwieldy ''hiidbond. and the fim tioned there were pushing sounds of ha nlitrm that the three ing Baynes backward with them. Baynes' head. He turned to search (Contlmie3 next Wednesday.) a sue set her eyes as she was portals to. Tp flew the barrel of negresses had started. Men were run- Tantor wrapped his trunk about the for Meriem, only to find ber at his j driven th fiiysi the gates Into the fugitive's weapon. With reins fly- ning toward the tent. There was no AUSTm crrg BEEH OUTPUT. the body of Korak and the stake to which e!1)pw- - tooth- - a gal Berne, Jan. 20. (By mall.)--Tb- e .irons stoefcade was that of the ing loos and his horse at mad time to be lost. it wag bound and tore it from tbe ! "The horses!" he cried. "If we can output of beer in has been re-g- et less, hideous Mabunti; her one time lop, son of the fired once, '" to- Austria the desert "Quick cried Korak, taming ground. Lifting bis burden high above a couple them!" ; of jduced to eight per cent of the peace ft was a1-- nil the years and one keeper of the gat dropped in v. real- :.:irse. thoncu ward Baynes, ho hrd scarce yet his head, the giant beast wheeled and I 'llled with the Idea, Merien led him t ime production, according to an ot- hni ttrerveneil wtre bvt a dream. his tracks. An instant later the. other ized whether he facing a friend 1, ttri whs raced for the breach he had just made to the far end of the village. . jncial order effective from Jan. Mud it not n for her clotldnj; and had been ridden down. or foe. "T.ik e her to the palisade, fol- - j 'h fact t! ; she hud grown in stature With a wild whoop of exultation, lowing the rear of the tents. Here is) lie might veil have beiieved it so. twirling his musket high "above his! my rope. With it you can scale the j head and taming In his saddle to laceh wall and make your escape." j a nor open upon nets' ?r..n vno nai back into the faces of his pursuers, you, j - "But Korak?" cried Meriem. he with him atuued them- j - ?? Tl i intr'lt Abdul Kanmk dashed out of the vii- "I will remain," replied the ape man. j elves by !nsr.e.-.i- ng the strangely clad lage of the sheik and was swallowed "I have business with the sheik." i - I'- girl whom some of them had j up by the jungle. Meriem would have demurred, but ,'iov.n ns a little child. j the Killer seized them both by the A nK.r.i; the Arabs, who had come iu shoulders and hustled thr-- through ) was a tali young fellow i :er t:r.c!f CHAPTER XVI. tne wall and out Into the shadows .vHUty !1 h look- - I itnlme, sinister A Strange Meeting. j beyond. 'o:;;I: ata red Rt her in open j Sometimes lolling upon Tautor's j ;,Now 'raa fnr it," he admonished i! the sheik came and t hii., sometimes roaming the jungle in ftn(J m,et who nnd Abdul Kamak troed t0 and hld those solitude, Korak made his way slowly j were rMjrlng ,nt0 the tent, from the toward the went and south. He mode fro,.t At If theit curiosity s.n!!r8ar1. a hut a few mils a day, for he had m m(ln foT!rht we:!, fought as As of oiil. she no place ; i ''hole lifetime before hha and he hnd nev(.r fofht; ,,for(S bu. (ne permitted th fretdom of th" i go. would w:ii ia Particular to Vosslhly he 0&clH re t00 rrat Ticr,.ry. ,Uoupb was high and for have movel more rapidly but for the h,s v.on th(l vhi(.u h(t raost ,.rave;i tti'.'i rl-- or y gnteq wf-r- w.:! thought which coutinutiUy haunted him for the Englishman to osccpe by day at night. Bm, as -- i t,,. That each mile he traveled carried hint wUh M,.r!em. Thsn he was ovnr- - for remppnicn-Attil.- s r the tai.ner aim iarni.-- tewt; .10:11 .ne wi,f.i1(i hv ned a few ruin-- the de- the cruel :id im--w longer his Meriem, a of yore. 'Umnii anU p.lnrd.;d, he was! - ut lHlr formed the follow- itr it is true, but sud as to h:m as, clirrie,i t0 sheik's tent. tit , as had been ever. j,0 oid mall f.yPd him in silence for1 ant Id tl d .lays cf he child-vs- . Thus he came upon rue trail of the. n jr,nf. i;P was trying to fix in j to an trnfref4tj.-r.f-u.d.-ur- baud as it traveled down river n!s 0Wn ntintl some form of torturf-- j she where from the point where the shell; iiad that would gratify his rage and hatred p. bousefeeepinfr with n t captured Meriem to it own stockaded toward this eteatitre who twice had village. Suddenly he e.nie to the camp heen the mean of his losing posses-'- , in of the reneado Swede Malbihn. whose sion ,,f jforiem. ! j ind did rtl;. s? she black atttudtints fied in terror at sight And as he ssf there looking upon (.iiiihti- ' of of Tantor and Korak. Korak the silence was broken by the hidden there nf Maibihn lay in a hammock trun-petin- of an elephant In the jungle he Mt.ibihn's tent. Now j a canopy before his tent. His wounds, bejnd the palisade. A half smile E-V- it tnint-nce- tc (Pronottnaed for and were painful, and he had lost much touched Korak's lips. He turned his j t; m :!v than she i" blood. Ho was very weak. He looked head n trifle, in the direction from j stirred. The eyes opened. For a e. It) 1m, ' "In the luminoTis crystal casket the sleeper to up iti surprise tts he heard the scream? which the sound bad come, and then moving anna, she lifted pietor" she while she looked at me, Then suddenly, for the first tirae her tt at the of his men aud saw them running to- there broke front his Dps a low, weird immovable fighting a wi!4 im- ecame that she nr- them and threw them around my neck. I remained awat". ward the gate. , call. belored woman." ; was pulse to kiss her on the lips, as one would an awakening and let ntoje tuat soi; out. srainiit!?: And flion from around the corner ol ' One of the blacks guarding hint hi'-- . one who hac; From H. Rider Ha a New Story Tw." I'ioe behind w his tent loomed a huge bulk, and Tan-- , struck him across the month with the t: selessly. Guiltily approaclnl her tor. the great tusker, towered above haft of his spear, but none there knew j tbru-- p!e ;re into her she t the back him. the significance of his cry. A hand fell upon her shoulder waist. Maihihu's bov. fueling neither affec-- ' Tn tlw 3"S'-- Tantor cocked his ears - sere it whs the n She tvtis that thin nor lovaitv for his master, broke as Use Fnilnf'' Korok' vok'e f, P" awaited it dumb terror the and she and ran at the Kliropse of the them. He approached the palisade, Mow she fenew would Immediate- firt that Malbihn was left alone and n. hls trunk above it. Miffed, j 'Haggard henst. and ti. !y follow. Then he pla-e- d his head a.alust the belpk-s- The 'elegant stopped a iiderstrangest, weirdest novel of his life a Has just written the ,"o blow came, and she lookf-- tip- couple of paces from the wounded logs and pushed, but the paU- - ; gave a masterpiece of the imagination, thrilling with enticing romance, ward over her abott! 'iei into tne eye?, man's hammock. Malbihn cowered, ade was strong and only Utile e young i is of Abdul Kamak. ih Ami. moaning. Ma i ton to eccsioe to tne p.CStril... adventure, love and mystery. It tent sheik rose I sa'.v," lie said, "the picture that He co'.ild only lie there with staring n the ilwik's the at yon have just hhlde. It is yon when eyes, shzlng in horror into the blood last and. pointing toward the bound von were a child, a ver." voting child. rimmed, angry little orbs fixed upon captive, tnrticd to one of i,is .)lny I see it again?" him, .and await his death. ped His Pitle and Clutch-tcstl- "Hum htm." he cotntnr.ntle.l, "at Meriem drew away frem him. Then, to his astonishment, a man at His Breast. once . The ike is set." "I will give it back," he said. "I slid to the gronnd from the elephant's I in world v tf-- ri er. Jic eouid st have heard of you. and know that back. Almost t Malbihn recog Breathing all the weird atmosphere that made his "She" unique the fur the sheik, your Merloia. .iezc i by the ittietpected y: Mitp'ise as his eyes ffll you have no love nlised fhe strange figure as that of the of books, it also has the Neither have I. 1 will not sight of Korak. v. iictn she hud long per-i.ltt- canoe atid rtiUed the father. creature who consorted with apes arid raa-tur- er given up as dee I, permifivd herself to greater mastery of his it.. hevrav vou. Let m see the picture." white warrior 0 the Jun- hi i fnliowers to baboons the l . t he led avi ay Bayue-,- Among the READ ABOUT t'.e was within easy She drew the photograph from its gle. Maibihn cowered still lower. READ ABOUT years. canoe he guided her safely to the shore, hiding place and handed it to him. was from Malblhn's dying lips tents Ter- distance of the It In The Altar of Faie The Shaft of picture over, and as en- sade, and there. Korak's It is the masterpiece of o you want?" veiled Mal-- : He turned the that Korak learned of the Swede's ror and the Rock upon the old newspaper structions, tite Bug Hshmun pitched a and How the -- ; , tt weapon threateningly. Ms eyes fed counter with Baynes and how Meriem this great of his noose over the top of one of the up-- Wonder VSoman dreamer That Floated on i cutting they went wide. He could you 1" Ehonted Bayues. was again In the camp of the sheik. i ns true, right logs that fo rnte'l the barrier, Gave strange tales. the Blasts from VlltT e,t;t tiring al- - read French' with dlfficttlty, It is no time In seeking her. Herself ids revolver and Korak lost th- - j ! With difficulty he reached top and to Love. the Pit. could road It. Ho hid been to tl V r ntiA A TTArRt? n n. i There :: .:'.!:, r.eottsiy with the Swede. but he wi" rrti rj ; This $50,000 book will spent ;x months there ""c" ." ; rr then lowered hi hand to assist Mer :. two reports rang out Malbltn Paris. He had penneu upon no outer mu The "Glittering The Golden Ai- a troop of his des- iem to Ids side. " appear exclusively in the hi r'.Re. clutched frantica!!y on exhibition with own, and so It was that the moment Lady in Her rplanes of the "Come," he whispered. "We must Super-Sunda- y r fell, first to ert felkfvvs. i Tantor had landed him safely upon Crystal Casket ' big Chicago Flying Men Who .ftt. stn:ered. - i : 1 - . . -- ... ourry. b. 1.. i..i,.i.,nJ,- , mot he vel- - v...... a!:-- lunged upon .LO.., 00- -' fftfx snnir sine 01 Toe iivi-- ;av , , u , Weird and will be Died then his! - as hml and the Examiner 250,000 cutting. His eyes were CO lor,?- J j S9 ,,Bk c'vte-- stiffened. IBs bend flew lowed o; xU the mm de. Years Ago. they tinrrowed to from came to Powers She illustrated by Howard For an Instant! er wide. Instead, sert(l(1 Wa bnU., comrade and took a sleep. Meriem Wielded. eae-do- Ed- The Water Life, When ho had: ; fighting her Chandler Christy and of U sf thus end then crumpled very two silts of cunning. reeg ,B a r(ipi(j rttCe toward theti3herseif. Back there, girl. mies Korak in the City of i'.ifi the bottom of the boat. he looked r.t the j smltn cnd Xbf spot where the Swede alone, was Korak her The Spinning mund Frederick. It is a .litis';" be asked, j Her place w;ts by bis side, fighting M 0 en at Fate That Was es urr.fd weakly In the d'ree-- : "You have rerd j had told him Meriem might be. tain book that hundreds of tifHi have not had the opportunity." J vvas wj,t,n he' came to w!tl n5 hhu. Core D t When i. oh sitore, tn see JIatblhn drawn "I j. dark the Earth's ail ' 1 thousands cf people will v- -. She glanced up Baynes. u;i n his eibows. levoling his riile she repiled, jmllwde. strengthened consldarably at That Keeps the Earth Was had sprung to Ab--1 'Go :" "Make your way ' l:,r The englishman slid to the A wiVdH'ui Idea t,,0H th t,,l t!fat he had rescued! she called. Poles in Place. look forward to. It bi:gin3 Young. hec? mind. It. was an Idaa j m bfick to Bwnna and bring help, My i cf liic canoe n a bullet wblk-v- e dul Kamnk's ?rom iH.r rsnfti! life witiiiu Its in If the girl is here. You ran do no good re-tr- !t!;n. Maihlhn, sore hit, took .w ini.t be furthered cniel confines, N longer did the giant j Pw IsuornncS'o: the contauts ' niajnitig. Get away while you can and e'Bj;-- : in RiUung. nor was his aim as were kept lu spread its Urauciiea tthovo the cutting, It would bring Wg back with yuu," s t'or;m-r!y- . of that uevvspaptir wooden rtimwiFt, hut ordinary uian the llwana be Uootnad should she leant ! Silently the Hon. Morisoti Baynes t difUcuity Baynes turned Mm- - ctTialnly made defsnses were scarce considered palisade r on his s'otnach aud, grasping I: contents. obstacles by Koruk, slid to the ground inside the whispered, "never un- to Merit-m'- :t:s r, in hitt light, hand, drw "Meriem," he I.nosaninc the rote at his waist, he side. This Sunday s my eyes" beheld yon. only you him," hia,. '.t up t:ntli he could look over til today have tossed the noose over one of the sharp- "It was for that I left my it they the ei.Ige of canoe. yet at once shey told hert that ened posts that composed the palisade. he said, nodding toward the tents the You do Mv d, evr be your servant. A moment later his eyes wer? above had just left. "I knew that he could saw htm Instantly aud fin raut yen 1 me, but I ask that trust lunger than I and give you H. lajmes Aid not flinch or duck. not know the level of the obstacles, taking iu all hold them o you, escape might With painstaking care hp aimed at the lue. 1 cau help .tou unie uio within their ranee beyond, There was a chance to that I not X, ,ibo yon. was examiner given ttrse- on the shore, away frtim sheik. So flo i.ri juu r.o one in. sight close by, and Korat be able to have It L AMHtll I KOEMEB, 120 West Setenteentli ft. I'hone E. L IS55. Com with we anJ Ehould have remained. I he r.ow was drif;ir.S wjth tftaw bom Wa. drew Wasctf tasiPa B?Pil though, who