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Statements + Photos: 41st session of the ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers and 103rd session of the ACP Council of Ministers

Statements + Photos: 41st session of the ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers and 103rd session of the ACP Council of Ministers

April 28, 2016 - Opening ceremony of the 41st session of the ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers and the High Level Event on ACP-EU relations

Statement by the President of the Republic of , H.E. [1]

Statement by the Co-President of the ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers Dr. Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and International Cooperation of the Netherlands [2]

Statement by the Co-President of the ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers H.E. Léon Raphaël Mokoko, Minister for Planning and Integration of the Republic of Congo

Statement by the ACP Secretary General Dr. Patrick I. Gomes [3]

Statement by the European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica [4]

Photo gallery [5]

April 26, 2016 - Opening ceremony of the 103rd session of the ACP Council of Ministers

Statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Senegal, H.E. [6]

Statement by the ACP Secretary General Dr. Patrick I. Gomes [7]

Statement by the President-in-Office of the ACP Council of Ministers, Minister of Planning and Integration of the Republic of Congo H.E. Léon Raphaël Mokoko [8]

Photo gallery [9]

Attachment Size

Statement - Prime Minister of Senegal - 26 April 2016.pdf [6] 94.03 KB

Statement by Secretary General ACP - 28 April 2016.pdf [3] 149.52 KB

Statement - HE Macky Sall - 28 April 2016.pdf [1] 136.56 KB

Statement by Lilianne Ploumen - Co-President of ACP-EU Council.pdf [2] 20.38 KB

Allocution d'ouverture - Président du Conseil des ministres ACP.pdf [10] 43.33 KB

Statement by ACP Secretary General - 26 April 2016.pdf [7] 114.12 KB

Statement - Neven Mimica 28 April 2016.pdf [4] 70.14 KB

Tags: Press releases [11]

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Links: [1] - HE Macky Sall - 28 April 2016.pdf [2] by Lilianne Ploumen - Co-President of ACP-EU Council.pdf [3] by Secretary General ACP - 28 April 2016.pdf [4] - Neven Mimica 28 April 2016.pdf [5] [6] - Prime Minister of Senegal - 26 April 2016.pdf [7] by ACP Secretary General - 26 April 2016.pdf [8] d'ouverture - Président du Conseil des ministres ACP.pdf [9] [10] d'ouverture - Président du Conseil des ministres ACP.pdf [11]