THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBEK 13, 1867. Between Solicitor and Client, and That the Amount of Such J in Chancery

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THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBEK 13, 1867. Between Solicitor and Client, and That the Amount of Such J in Chancery 6842 THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBEK 13, 1867. between Solicitor and client, and that the amount of such J In Chancery. taxed costs and expense might be paid oat of the monies so In the Matter of an Act of the 19th and 20th Victoria, to be paid into the Bank as aforesaid; and that the residue cap. 120, intituled "An Act to facilitate Leases and of the same monies might be invested in the Three per Sales of Settled Estates," and of the Act of the 27th Cent. Consolidated Bank Annuities, and the income thereof and 28th Victoria, cap. 45, intituled " An Act to further paid to the petitioner Sarah Ann James during her life; or amend the Settled Estates Act of 1856;" and in the that his Lordship would make such further or other Order Matter of certain lands and hereditaments, and certain in the premises as the circumstances of the case might undivided moieties of certain estates and hereditaments, require. And notice is hereby given, that such Petition respectively, situate in the respective parishes of West •will in due course be heard before his Honour the. Vice- Bromwich, Wednesbury, and Darlaston, in the county of chancellor Sir William Page Wood; and that the office of Stafford, and which lands and hereditaments contain Messrs. Rogerson and Ford, of No. 40, Chancery-lane, in . respectively, in the said parish of West liromwieb, the county of Middlesex, is the place where the petitioners 30A. I R. 14£p., or thereabouts, in the said parish of Wednes- may be served with any Order of the Court or of the Judge bury, IA. SB, 4P., or thereabouts, and in the said parish of in chambers, or notice relating to the subject-matter of the. Darlaston, CU. 2ft. 16Jp., or thereabouts, being part of said Petition.—Dated this 2nd day of November, 1867. the lands and hereditaments comprised in and devised by ROGERSON and FORD, No. 40, Chancery-lane, the will of James Smith, late of West:Bromwich aforesaid, Middlesex; Agents for deceased, dated the 21st day of August, 1828. JOHN ASH WELL, of the town of Nottingham, OTICE is hereby given, that a Petition in the above- Solicitor for the said Petitioners^ N mentioned matters was, on the 18th day of November, 1867, presented to the Right Honourable the Master of the Rolls by George Smith Dorsett. of The Friary, Handsworth, In Chancery. in the county of Stafford, Gentleman, and Richard Smith In the Matter of the Act to facilitate Leases and Sales of Dorsett, of Sutton Coldfield, in the county of Warwick, Settled Estates (10th and 20th Victoria, chapter 120); Gentleman, and Mary Smith Dorsett, of No. 117, Hagley- and in the Matter of the one undivided tenth or other road, Edgbaston, in the county of Warwick, Spinster, Ann share, by the Will of the late John Butterfield, of Smith Foster, of Bentley, in the county of Stafford, Widow, Keighley, in the county of York, Worsted Manufacturer John Aldridge Dorsett, of Handsworth aforesaid, Gentle- and Merchant, deceased, devised, in trust, for his sister man, John Dorsett, Richard Dorsett, and Abel Edward Sarah Ann Butterfield and her issue, with remainder Dorsett, all of Sutton Coldfield aforesaid, Gentlemen, over, of and in divers Mills, Messuages, Lands, Tene- Harriet Ann Dorsett, of Sutton Coldfield aforesaid, Spinster, ments and Hereditaments in the parishes of Bradford, Clara Louisa Dorsett, Eleanor Caroline Dorsett, Reginald Keighley, and Bingley, in the county of York, consisting Rooker Dorsett, and Stephen Henry Dorsett, all of Sutton of or comprising a Worsted Mill, Messuage, fifteen Cot- Coldfield aforesaid; infants, by the said John Dorsett, then? tages, and a Cellar Dwelling, and seven Closes of Land guardian, Sarah Dorsett, Spinster, Ann Dorsett, Spinster, at Lumbfoot, near Stanbury, in the parish of Bradford, in James Smith Dorsett, Gentleman, and Eliza Smith Dorsett, the county of York, in the occupation of William Butter- Spinster, all of Tamworth, in the county of Stafford, and field and others; the Prospect Mills, and five Cottages at Samuel Smith Dorsett, of Tamworth aforesaid, an infant, Hey Gardens, hi the parish of Keighley, in the county of by William Smith Dorsett, of Tamworth aforesaid, Auc- York, with several Pieces of Land adjoining thereto or tioneer, his guardian, and Mary Dorsett Foster, Sarah held therewith, in the said parish of Keigbley, four Dorsett Foster, John Dorsett Foster, and Ann Doraett Closes of Land at Lumbfoot aforesaid, called North Heys Foster, all of Bentley aforesaid, infants, by the said Abel . and Holmes-over-the-Waters, in the parish of Bradford Edward Dorsett, their guardian, praying that an agreement aforesaid, a capital Messuage, with the Gardens, Pleasure dated the 30th day of December, 1863, for a lease of portion Grounds, and Closes of Land belonging thereto, at ClifFe, of the above-mentioned lands and hereditaments, andan agree- in the parish of Keighley aforesaid, occupied by the. said ment, dated the 29th day of March, 1864, for the sale of other William Butterfield; " a Messuage, with Cottages and portions of the above-mentioned lands and hereditaments, Combers' Shop adjoining thereto, at Lower Spring-gardens, and an agreement dated the 19th day of July, 1867, for the in the parish of Keighley aforesaid, and a Close of Land sale of other portions of the above-mentioned lands and •djoiuing thereto, called ClifFe Close; two seats in the hereditaments and moieties of lands and hereditaments, may pews numbered 8 and 10 in the south gallery of the be approved and sanctioned and carried into effect under Parish Church of Keighley, in the parish of Keighley the provisions of the first,above-mentioned Act; that the aforesaid; two Closes of Land at Hamworth Wood costs, charges, and expenses of all parties of and incident to Bottom, in the parish of Bingley, hi the county of York, the Petition may be taxed as between Solicitor and client called the Little Near Field and the Far Field; three and that out of a sum of £550 8s. 6d. received by the Closes of Land, called the Cliffe Field, the Calf Field, petitioner George Smith Dorsett and Richard- Smith and part of the Turnip Close, situate at Cliffe aforesaid, Dorsett, under a lease and agreement for a lease dated in the parish of Keighley aforesaid; a Warehouse in respectively the 24th and 26th days of March, 1864, in the Piccadilly, in the borough of Bradford, in the parish of Petition mentioned and out of other the moneys to be Bradford, in the county of York, occupied by the said received under the said agreements for sale in case the same William Butterfield; three Pieces of Land, part of the shall be sanctioned an.d approved the costs, charges, and Turnip Close and the Great Cliffe Close, in the parish of expences of, and incident to the Petition and the hearing Keighley aforesaid; several Plots of Land near Wood- thereof, and the Order to be made thereon, and the house, hi the parish of Bingley aforesaid, called the Low carrying of the said Order into execution nwjr be paid and Holme and the Low Beckside Holme, and High Holme, that the residue of the said moneys may be paid to and held part of the brow and part of the bed of the Beck or River by the petitioners George Smith Dorsett and Richard Smith Worth; a Plot of Land near Woodhouse aforesaid, staked Dorsett, upon trust, to invest the same in the .manner out from a Close called Hamworth Wood, in the parish provided by the 25th section of the first above-mentioned of Bingley aforesaid; three Closes of Land, called the Act until a proper investment can be made by them under Two Brows and Holling Royd, near the Cliffe Hall the provisions of the 23rd section of the said Act, or other- Estate, in the parish of Keighley aforesaid; an annual wise, may be ordered to be paid into the Bank of cent of sixpence, formerly payable to the Duke of Devon- England to the account of the Accountant-General of shire by the said John Butterfield and William Butter- the Court of Chancery, exparte the petitioners in the above- field, out of Lands in the parish of Keighley aforesaid. mentioned matter, and may be applied and invested under ~j\l OTICE is hereby given, that a Petition in the above the direction of the Court; that the hereditaments and .*_% matters was, on the 2nd day of December, 1867, pre- premises mentioned and specified in the schedule to the sented to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor Petition may be ordered to be sold by public auction or of Great Britain, the Vice-Chancellor Wood, by Richard private contract, under the direction of the Court, and that Shackleton Butterfield, of Woodland, in the parish of Brad- the clear proceeds of such sales may be paid to the petitioners,- ford, in the county of York, Esq., William Butterfield, of George Smith Dorsett and Richard Smith Dorsett, as Cliffe Hall, in the parish of Keighley, in the said county, trustees of the said testators, will, upon trust, to invest the Esq., and Sarah Ann Butterfield, of Cliffe Hall aforesaid, same in manner provided by the 25th and 26th sections of Spinster, praying that an Order may be made that one the first above-mentioned Act, or otherwise, may be ordered equal undivided tenth part of the said mills, messuages, to be paid into the Bank of England to the account of the lands, tenements, and hereditaments, which by the will of Accountant-General of the Court, exparte the petitioners in tiie said John Butterfield was-devised, upon trust, for the the above-mentioned matter, and may be applied and invested petitioner Sarah Ann Butterfield and her issue, with under the direction of the Court; that general powers to remainder over, in default of issue, may be sold to the peti- grant building leases, mining, and other leases may be vested tioner William Butterfield, at the price of £2900, or at in the petitioners, George Smith Dorsett and Richard Smith such other price as may be fair and reasonable.—Dated this Dorsett in such form as the Court shall approve, and that 10th day of December, 1867.
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