Haworth, Cross Roads & Stanbury Parish Council
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Haworth, Cross Roads & Stanbury Parish Council Margaret Smith, Assistant Clerk to the Parish Council Telephone: 01535 644001 Email: [email protected] MINUTES ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Meeting held on Wednesday 27th April 2016, 7.00pm at West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth Present: Councillor Angel Kershaw [Chair], Councillors Tito Arana, Trudy Mahon and Alan Woodward and Ashna Yates. Margaret Smith – Assistant Clerk 1 Apologies: Councillor Alan Watts 2 Declaration of interests Councillor Yates declared an interest in item No. 8 on the agenda. 3 Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 17th February 2016 Proposed by Councillor Arana, Seconded by Councillor Mahon, and Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 17th February 2016 were a true record, and they were signed by Councillor Kershaw. 4. Matters Arising There were no matters arising. 5 Financial Update The financial report was circulated and approved. It was not known if the Garden Competition would go ahead as Haworth in Bloom would not happen this year. Councillor Kershaw will check with Gill Hill. 6. Participatory Budget Fund 2106/2017 Turnout at the launch events in Cross Roads & Haworth had been disappointing but a number of applications had already been received. A meeting to discuss the applications is to be held on Tuesday 10th May at 7pm. 7. To receive a complaint received regarding the current state of Ebor Nature Reserve and agree appropriate action. Cllr Woodward said that there was quite a lot of debris under the bridge, rather than in the nature reserve itself. It was agreed that in the first instance the Ward Councillors should be contacted to see if they can assist. Failing that an official complaint to the Environment Agency would be the next step. 8. Allotments Update – Councillor Woodward Things are progressing well on the allotments. Cllr Woodward has been offered 3 tons of manure and he will give the address to allotment holders who can collect if they would like some. haworthparishcouncil.gov.uk 28th April 2016 The tree overlooking the tennis club is knocking the wall down and although it has a TPO it does need to be removed. Cllr Woodward will obtain three quotations. There is money in the allotment fund to cover this work and also to get the skips again this year which tenants found very useful last year. Tesco Funding for Haw Earth (tenant) – Although Cllr Yates, who runs the Haw Earth project, had applied for funding from the Tesco grant scheme, this should have first been discussed and agreed with Cllr Woodward as the Councillor responsible for Allotments, which falls under the remit of the Environment Committee. Although the Committee is not against what Cllr Yates is trying to do on the allotment plot, Haw Earth is a tenant and will need to abide by the rules set out in the tenancy agreement, which are as required by BDMC. It was agreed that no further work should be carried out until Cllr Woodward has spoken to Lee Senior, KTC’s Allotments Officer, as to whether the application is permissible. A letter will then need to be sent to the neighbouring tenants to allow them to raise any concerns. 9 Gas Street Car Park Update – Councillor Mahon Cllr Mahon is to meet with Liz Parker on the 18th May and see if the youths and residents will engage with the Youth Worker to come to some agreement about the shelter. If the shelter has to be taken down there is uncertainty as to where else it can be sited. Mags will check with Land Registry to try and ascertain who owns the strip of land, an Ordnance survey reference will be needed. Yorkshire Water & the Gas Board have both said It’s not theirs. It would make very good allotments if we could acquire it. 10 Rights of Way – The path behind the Heathcliffe apartments cannot be resurfaced, although at the moment it has dried out and is fit for purpose. The footpath at Weaver’s Hill has been trimmed and looks well. Tito had found out that the footpath opposite Ponden Mill up to Oldfield is not an official right of way in the bottom of the valley but it makes an ideal walk to Lumbfoot. 11 Planting for 2016 – planters/sponsors Angel will be putting a PB application in for some planters and plants in the park. This is near the top Butt Lane entrance and the school would like to get the children involved with planting this up. Anyone who knows of a business that might agree to sponsor a planter please let the Environment Committee know. We should get a quote for plastic plaques. The planter on the junction at Cross Roads needs removing to make the junction safer. It was agreed we should get a quote from Steve Thorpe for the removal and tidy up of the area. The Bronte Museum had given the area by the side of the Old School Room to the allotments Cllr Woodward is looking to make this into a picnic area. 12 Correspondence received None 13 Date of the Next Meeting TBC provisionally Wednesday 1st June 2016 7pm at West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth The next meeting to discuss the PB applications is Tuesday 10th May 2016 at 7pm at West Lane. The next full Environment Committee meeting will be decided at that meeting. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm haworthparishcouncil.gov.uk 28th April 2016 .