HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES the Point Temporarily
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1937 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1165 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nom giving the grounds of the opposition of that organization to Ination is confirmed. the pending wage and hour bill, and also to include therein The legislative clerk read the nomination of F'REn M. an amendment proposed by bim. VINSON, of Kentucky, to be associate justice, United States The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. gentleman from Texas? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nom There was no objection. ination is confirmed. Mr. SHAFER of Michigan asked and was given permission The legislative clerk read the nomination of John P. to extend his own remarks in the RECORD. McMahon, of the District of Columbia, to be judge of the PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE police court for the District of Columbia. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the unanimous consent that the gentlewoman from Massachu nomination is confirmed. setts [Mrs. RoGERS], who has been assigned time to address That completes the Executive Calendar. the House today, may be permitted to speak tomorrow fol RECESS lowing the special orders already entered. The Senate resumed legislative session. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Mr. BARKLEY. I move the Senate take a recess until gentieman from Massachusetts? tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon. There was no objection. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 33 min THE FARM BILL utes p.m.) the Senate took a recess until tomorrow, Friday, Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve December 10, 1937, at 12 o'clock meridian. itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the further consideration of the bill (H. R. CONFIRMATIONS 8505) to provide for the conservation of national soil re Executive nominations confirmed ,by the Senate December 9 sources and to provide an adequate and balanced :flow of (legislative day of November 16), 1937 agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign com UNITED STATES COURT OF CuSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS merce. The motion was agreed to. Joseph R. Jackson to be associate judge, United States Accordingly the House resolved itself into the Committee Court of Customs and Patent Appeals. of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the fur UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF ther consideration of the bill H. R. 8505, with Mr. WARREN in COLUMBIA the chair. Henry White Edgerton to be an associate justice, United The Clerk read the title gf the bill. States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Mr. ANDRESEN of Minnesota. Mr. Chairman, we have FRED M. VINSON to be an associate justice, United States some important amendments coming up and there are very Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. few Members present. I therefore make the point of order POLICE COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA there is not a quorum present. Mr. JONES. Mr. Chairman, I think the Members will John P. McMahon to be judge of the police court for the gather in a little while, and I wonder if we might have, per District of Columbia. haps, a little discussion or dispose of some other amend ments that are not controversial. Mr. ANDRESEN of Minnesota. Mr. Chairman, I withhold HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the point temporarily. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1937 Mr. RICH. Mr. Chairman, does not the gentleman think we ought to have more than a dozen Members here when The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. we are discussing this farm bill? The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., Mr. JONES. Of course, the gentleman can be the judge offered the following prayer: of that, but if the gentleman wants to insist on the point of Drawn by the countless memories of Thy mercy, our order-- Father, we seek these moments of prayer. Thou who art the Mr. RICH. Mr. Chairman, it seems to me we ought to have font whence :flow the cleansing streams of the higher life, be more Members here, but I shall not insist on the point of pleased to forgive us our sins. Do Thou preserve our going order. out and our coming in from this time forth and forevermore. The CHAffiMAN. When the Committee rose on yesterday Clothe us With that strength that comes from knowledge, three amendments had been offered, and, by unanimous con conviction, and courage that we may stand for the right. sent, their consideration went over until today. One amend Heavenly Father, when we live by rectitude, by justice, and ment was offered by the gentleman from Wisconsin [Mr. by honesty, we are secure in the presence of temptation, REILLy 1, another by the gentleman from Kansas [Mr. CARL pride, and false presumption. By example and precept may SON 1, and the third by the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. we be better men, better neighbors, and better citizens. ANDRESEN]. We pray that the spirit of our Lord and Savior may lift us Mr. JONES. Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent, above all littleness, all narrowness, and all untruth. In His notwithstanding the pending amendments, that the Com holy name. Amen. mittee may consider an amendment which will be offered by The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. GILCHRISTl. approved. The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection to the request of the EXTENSION OF REMARKS gentleman from Texas? There was no objection. Mr. ANDERSON of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I renew my Mr. GIT.CHRIST. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment, request to extend my remarks in the RECORD by including which I send to the desk. therein a statement of Mr. Albert L. Dean. I have an esti The Clerk read as follows: mate from the printer and the cost of printing will be $630. Amendment offered by Mr. Gn.cHRIST: On page 39, line 7, strike The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the out the first two sentences in paragraph (b), down to and in gentleman from Missouri? cluding the word "amount" in line 16, and insert: There was no objection. "A farmer shall be presumed to have complied with his farm Mr. DIES. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to in marketing quota with respect to any crop as long as there 1s stored under seal on his farm or in a storage crib rented by him sert in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD a statement by H. C. or under his control an amount of field corn equal to the storage Fleming, president of the Oil Workers' International Union, amount applicable to his crop, as ascertained under section 324. 1166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 9 If there is not stored under seal on the farm or 1n such cribs an raising revenu-e is primarily within the jurisdiction of an amount of field com equal to such storage amount, the farmer shall be presumed to have marketed field com in excess of his other committee. !arm-marketing quota to the extent that the amount of field Mr. RICH. Did not the President send word down to corn so stored is less than such storage amount." the gentleman as chairman of this committee that he shoUld Mr. GIT..CHRIST. Mr. Chairman, this amendment is uni make arrangements to take care of raising the additional form in its operation. The present bill reads that the corn funds? ·shall be stored on the owner's farm. It so happens that Mr. JONES. No. If the gentleman will read that letter oftentimes an owner may have other use for the crib on his again, he will see that it refers to any expenditure in excess farm, and he may have a crib or a storage bin on some other of existing planned expenditures. The present Soil Con piece of property that he owns which would be equally servation Act authorizes the appropriation of the $500,000,- serviceable in storing the corn. 000, and no additional funds are made necessary by this Mr. JONES. It seems to me, Mr. Chairman, that is an bill. Some may be needed. I wish we had some method of improvement. Is that the only change made by the amend raising the money. ment? Mr. RICH. If the gentleman can read into the Presi Mr. on..cHRIST. That is absolutely the only change. In dent's message that he did not want to raise the additional stead of saying "on his farm" the amendment adds "or in funds, well and good. I could not read that. If the gentle storage rented by him or under his control." man will look at the Treasury statement, he will find that Mr. ANDRESEN of Minnesota. Mr. Chairman, will the somebody in this House is responsible for getting the money gentleman yield? to take care of this bill, and on whom is it intended to place Mr. Gn..cHRIST. Yes. that burden or who is going to assume. that responsibility? Mr. ANDRESEN of Minnesota. Does the gentleman strike Mr. JONES. The gentleman himself has been lecturing out all of subsection (b)? the House continuously about matters of this kind. Perhaps Mr. GIT..CHRIST. No; I propose to strike out the first he can suggest a method? two sentences of subsection (b). That is all. It relates to Mr. RICH. Oh, the House will pay no attention to me. I nothing in the world except to allow the farmer to store corn have asked continually where they are going to get the not alone on his farm, but also to store it in a crib controlled money and they have paid no attention to the question at all.