EDUCATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2018 - present Master of Architecture | 2nd year M.Arch Candidate | 4.8/5

Washington University in St. Louis | 2014 - 2018 Bachelor of Science in Architecture | Magna Cum Laude | 3.89/4

Kyoto Doshisha University | Summer 2015 & Summer 2016 Language & Culture Summer Program | Kyoto,

Jie “Ryan” Wu EXPERIENCE [email protected] Offi ce Offcourse | Intern | Boston | Summer 2020 - Designed the plans of a 22-unit housing complex to be built with CLT. 857-869-7535 - Project team core member of a 25000 sqft timber-concrete composite - natural preservation center in Shanxi, . - Created digital models and visualizations of mechanical systems and - furnishings for both projects above.

HQ Architects | Intern | , | Summer 2019 - Design team co-lead for the winning proposal for a 1.3mil sqft mixed- - use residential complex in central Tel Aviv. - Drafted the parametric facade options in the competition fi nalist - proposal for the 2020 Dubai Expo Israeli pavilion. - Designed the massing and circulation options for a mixed-use highrise - project in Bat Yam, Israel.

Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP Architects | Intern | | Summer 2017 - Assisted three design teams on private residential projects. - Fabricated physical prototypes for furniture and facades.

HONORS MIT Department of Architecture Fellowship | 2019- present Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Elizabeth S. Schmerling Endowed Scholarship | 2017 - 2018 University in St. Louis

Excellence in Craft Award | 2018 Washington University in St. Louis

EXHIBITIONS 150 Years of Teaching Architecture at MIT Exhibition | Spring 2019 MIT Museum

Play Time - Highline Real Estate as A Game of Monopoly | Spring 2020 MIT Keller Gallery

SOFTWARE Rhino, Adobe Suite, Maxwell Render, V-Ray, Grasshopper, Unreal Engine, Lumion, 3DS Max

LANGUAGE Profi ciency in English, Chinese and Japanese YMCA MIT Studio Spring 2019 Instructor: Rosalyne Shieh Site: Coney Island, NYC

model: basswood, foamcore, aluminum mesh, plexi 4 | SECTIONS SECTIONS | 5

Section Perspective

In his Delirious in , Koolhaas states that amuse- ment parks of Coney Island represent architecture as “the arrangement of the technological apparatus that compen- sates for the loss of real physicality.” Can the architecture of Coney Island be imagined as a real communal entity operat- ing with the fictional language of an ?

This proposal for the YMCA draws inspiration from the nearby , an amusement park essential to the urban fabric of the neighborhoods of Coney Island. Examining the relationship between structural instrumentality and spatial experience in amusement park attractions such as ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds, this project reconciles the fan- tastical tectonics of the amusement park with the pragmatic specifications required of typical Y facilities. Mutations of Luna Park Attractions 6 | AXON AND SECTION

Site Axon

Residential Tower

Athletic Platform

Restaurant Swimming Pool

Sunken Playground model: basswood, foamcore, aluminum mesh, plexi 8 | PLANS

Residential - 10th Floor Plan

Athletic - Athletic Platform Plan

Athletic - 3rd Floor Plan

model: basswood, foamcore, aluminum mesh, plexi model: basswood, foamcore, aluminum mesh, plexi NEW JAMAICA TRANSIT HUB MIT Studio Spring 2020 Instructor: Alexander D’Hooghe Site: Jamaica, NYC Team Member: Zhifei Xu 14 | ROOF PLAN ROOF PLAN | 15 SECTION AND DIAGRAMS | 17

bridging over the elevated railway intersecting train platforms with pedestrian bridges alternating horizontal links to create openings

The bridge is akin to the typology of the concourse: a place to save time as well as to kill it. - Reinier de Graaf

The Long Island Rail Road tracks rest upon a 120-ft wide elevated foundation, which has severed the urban fabric and impeded urban development in Jamaica, NY, for decades. The existing Jamaica Station simply added a canopy over the tracks, offering little to a Jamaica split by the trail tracks. Rather than envisioning the new Jamaica Hub as an extension of the urban fabric, we propose a completely new condition defined by its plurality. A network of bridges functions as train station, bus terminal, park, leisure, and event space at the same time. Bridging over the rail tracks, the new hub is neither a city nor a station, but a bustling oasis that complements the local context. widening pedestrian bridges to host programs mixed-used programs linked by bridges programs on the bridge platforms 18 | SECTION SUNLIGHT DIAGRAMS | 19

JFK AirTrain Long Island Rail Road

NYC Metro E,Z,J Lines

Roof Louver System Shadow Analysis 8am to 5pm 20 | EAST-WEST SECTION EAST-WEST SECTION | 21 22 | SITE AXON STRUCTURE | 23

Aluminum Louvers

Steel Frame

Concrete Platform

Concrete Vault

Structural System Diagram GABION ARCH WINERY MIT Studio Fall 2019 Instructor: Rami el-Samahy Site: Baja ,

model: foam, museum board 26 | STRUCTURE AND PLANS

A. grape intake B. barrel aging C. guest room D. bottling E. public event F. oenologist lab G. kitchen H. loading

sun shading fabric

cable roof system

gabion retaining wall

gabion corbelled arch

water and sediment retention

A winery located in the Valle de Guadalupe region of Mexico, about 100 miles away from San Diego. This project explores the material possibility of gabion wall construction system. Utilizing the geometries of Mayan cor- beled arch, layers of gabion blocks can be stacked into an arch form. This allows the wall system to simultaneously become the roof system, provid- ing enclosure underneath. The large mass of stones in the gabion system also serves as heat mass to regulate temperature for wine storage spaces. 28 | RENDERINGS WORM’S EYE DRAWING | 29

worm’s eye plan 30 | SECTIONS SECTIONS | 31

detail section of wine cellar and upper platform

section through all four gabion arches FLANDERS HOUSE MIT Studio Fall 2020 Instructor: Antón García-Abril Site: Natick, MA 34 | INTRODUCTION SITE PLANS | 35

lake cochituate “we don’t want to live together; “we want to live in the vicinity of each other”

A mysterious couple, Mr. and Mrs. Flanders, approached me and wanted me to design their home somewhere around Boston. I was delighted at the opportunity, but the couple’s demands were peculiar, to say the least. Both fiercely indepen- dent artists with fiery souls, the Flanders argue with each other all the time over their artistic differences. While they want to live under the same roof, they do not want to share living spaces with each other. Because they fear it would erode their individual identities. Hence, the couple gave me the prompt: we don’t want to live together; we want to live in the vicinity of each other. fisk pond

The conventional home layout of master bedroom and living spaces is based on the traditional model of marriage, which assumes a complete cohabitation between two partners in a relationship. But what if both members in a relation- natick, MA ship want some distance between each other, just like the Flanders?

site plan 130 ft

Instead of combining basic living spaces such as bedrooms and living rooms together, my project keeps the individual spaces for both partners, and lays them out on a straight line. A 130 ft line with no walls in-between thus forms a linear gradient of privacy along the line. Most-shared programs like kitchen is placed in the middle, while bedrooms are located on each pole of the line. It is a narrow tube of domestic space, where the two partners sleep 130 ft apart from each other. Because of the lack of walls, however, the couple can still catch a glimpse of one another from time to time, maintaining a basic level of visual and aural connection. Despite being in the same building, Mr. and Mrs. Flanders will feel as if they are only living in the same neighborhood, rather than the same house.

site plan 36 | SECTIONS SECTIONS | 37

bathroom kid’s room kitchen / dining bedroom / study


electrical wiring 20mm concrete 80mm concrete radiant floor heating 60mm insulation

Kitchen / Dining Section 40 | INTERIOR VIEW SECTION DETAILS | 41

precast gutter 100mm vent duct vent for bathtub ottima window fixtures 8mm glass panels

Bedroom / Study Section BEDROOM | 43 PROFESSIONAL WORK: ZHESHUI NATURAL PRESERVATION CENTER Office Offcourse Summer 2020 Supervisor: Li Huang Site: Shanxi, China RENDERINGS | 47

View from Inner Courtyard

First Floor Plan

mockup mockup main project composite suite observation tower timber-concrete composite FABRICATION PROJECTS | 49

Terrarium Section Diagram

FABRICATION: AIR PLANT TERRARIUM Undergraduate Spring 2016 Instructor: Nathaniel Elberfeld

model: acrylic, styrene 50 | MODEL PHOTOS MODEL PHOTOS | 51

model: acrylic, styrene

Instead of soil, air plants absorb nutrients directly from moisture in the air. A small electric fan placed at the bottom of the device generates wind flow and is then directed at the three levels of water containers.

A total of 960 small plastic panels create subtle geometries that not only prevent an excessive amount of wind from contacting the plant directly, but also max- imize contact with water surface. Through this mechanism, the wind causes water to evaporate, and therefore increases the moisture inside the structure. Jie “Ryan” Wu [email protected] 857-869-7535