
Polymer Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 65–73 (2005)

Mutual- and Self-Diffusion Coefficients of a Semiflexible Polymer in

yy y Takayuki KANEMATSU,1; Takahiro SATO,1; Yasuhito IMAI,2 Koichi UTE,2 and Tatsuki KITAYAMA2

1Department of Macromolecular Science, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka 560-0043, Japan 2Department of , Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University, 1-3 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka 560-8531, Japan

(Received September 1, 2004; Accepted October 27, 2004; Published February 15, 2005)

ABSTRACT: Mutual- and self-diffusion coefficients of a semiflexible polymer, cellulose tris(phenyl carbamate) (CTC), in tetrahydrofuran were measured by dynamic light scattering and pulsed field gradient NMR, respectively, as functions of the polymer and molecular . The mutual-diffusion coefficient after elimination of the effects of thermodynamic and solvent back flow agrees with the self-diffusion coefficient for a low molecu- lar weight CTC fraction with the number of Kuhn’s statistical segments N ¼ 1:8 up to high , but they disagree for a higher molecular weight CTC fraction with N ¼ 4:7 at the highest concentration investigated. The mutual diffusion coefficients for CTC fractions with N ranging from 1.8 to 10.6 after elimination of the above two effects were also compared with the fuzzy cylinder theory for the self-diffusion coefficient. Disagreements start at lower concentra- tion for larger N, which form in a contrast with good agreements for a more stiff polymer, poly(n-hexyl isocyanate), previously studied. [DOI 10.1295/polymj.37.65] KEY WORDS Mutual-Diffusion Coefficient / Self-Diffusion Coefficient / Dynamic Light Scatter- ing / Pulsed Field Gradient NMR / Semiflexible Polymer / Cellulose Derivative /

There are two kinds of translational diffusion coef- force and the solvent back flow discriminate Dm from ficients for binary solution systems: the mutual-diffu- Ds, and the two effects may be eliminated by use of 3 sion coefficient Dm and the self-diffusion coefficient the following equation: D .1–3 The conventional concentration gradient meth- s D~  D =½ðM=RTÞð@Å=@cÞð1 À vvc ފ ð1Þ od provides the former diffusion coefficient. Dynamic m light scattering is a more convenient method to deter- where M, c, and v are the molecular weight, the mass mine Dm, where the concentration gradient is generat- concentration, and the partial specific volume of the ed by thermal fluctuation. On the other hand, a certain solute, respectively, RT is the constant multiplied solute molecule is labeled, and the by the absolute , and Å is the osmotic of the labeled molecule (the tracer) is monitored by . The effects of the thermodynamic force some method to measure the latter diffusion coeffi- and the solvent back flow are taken into account by cient Ds. Forced Rayleigh scattering, fluorescence re- the factors ðM=RTÞð@Å=@cÞ and 1 À vvc , respectively. covery after photobleaching, pulsed field gradient This new diffusion coefficient D~ exhibits a negative NMR, and so on belong to techniques to measure concentration dependence, and is comparable with 3,4 Ds. These two diffusion coefficients are identical the self-diffusion coefficient Ds. at infinite dilution, but they often exhibit opposite Kitchen et al.5 and more recently Le Bon et al.6 concentration dependencies. showed that D~ agreed well with Ds for aqueous solu- The mutual and self diffusions occur under different tions of globular up to considerably high con- experimental conditions. While the solution is thermo- centrations. Ohshima et al.7 demonstrated that exper- dynamically homogeneous during the measurement of imental results of D~ for semidilute of a stiff Ds, the concentration gradient is necessary to measure polymer poly(n-hexyl isocyanate) (PHIC) were favor- Dm. The concentration gradient provides a thermody- ably compared with a theory for Ds. However, Calla- namic force to make a macroscopic flow of the solute ghan and Pinder8 and also Brown et al.9,10 reported at a finite concentration, and the solute flow is accom- that D~ and Ds were not identical for flexible polymer panied by the solvent back flow to maintain the con- solutions. Moreover, de Gennes1 pointed out that the stant density of the solution. The thermodynamic mutual diffusion in entangled polymer solutions might

yTo whom correspondence should be addressed (Tel&Fax: +81-6-6850-5461, E-mail: [email protected]). yyPresent Address: Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc., Kansai R & D Center, 1-3 Takasago, Takaishi 592-0001, Japan

65 T. KANEMATSU et al.

Table I. Molecular characteristics of cellulose tris(phenyl carbamate) fractions used12 cÃc D k Fraction M =104 M =M DSa Nb 0 D w w n (g cmÀ3) (10À7 cm2 sÀ1) (cm3 gÀ1) F20 3.94 1.06 1.80 0.028 13d F19 4.06 1.08 2.8 1.86 0.027 8.55 13 F17 6.42 2.94 0.016 6.72 23 F16 10.3 1.08 4.72 0.0091 4.50 35 F14 15.0 1.05 3.0 6.87 0.0065 3.85 39 F12 23.2 1.07 3.1 10.6 0.0041 2.89 51 aDegree of substitution estimated by elemental analysis. bNumber of Kuhn’s statistical segments calculat- À1 ed from Mw with the molar mass per unit contour length ML ¼ 1040 nm and the persistence length c à 2 3=2 q ¼ 10:5 nm. Overlap concentration calculated by c ¼ 3Mw=4NAhS i , where NA is the Avogadro con- stant, and hS2i is the mean-square radius of gyration determined previously by light scattering (fractions F16, F14, and F12) or calculated by the Benoit–Doty equation31 with the above q and N (for fractions F20, F19, and F17). dAssumed value.

take place without disentanglement, which is necessa- (THF), calculated from Mw by using the molar mass À1 ry in the case of the self diffusion. Nonequilibrium per unit contour length ML ¼ 1040 nm and the per- statistical mechanics verifies the non-identity of the sistence length q ¼ 10:5 nm determined previously,12 two diffusion coefficients,11 but cannot answer how as well as the overlap concentration cÃ. much the difference is. The present study was undertaken to elucidate the Pulsed Field Gradient NMR (PFG-NMR) relation between the mutual- and self-diffusion coeffi- NMR measurements were performed for fractions  cients in entangled polymer solutions. The previous F16 and F20 dissolved in THF-d8 at 25 C on a Varian studies imply that the polymer chain stiffness is a Unity-INOVA 750 spectrometer operating at a proton key parameter in that relation. Thus, we chose as a test NMR frequency of 750 MHz using an 1H{15N–31P} 5- sample a cellulose derivative, cellulose tris(phenyl mm indirect probe (fraction F20) and an 1H{13C/15N} carbamate) (CTC), with a chain stiffness intermediate 5-mm triple resonance probe (fraction F16) with between typical stiff and flexible polymers. This poly- pulsed field gradient coils. Test solutions in precision mer was molecularly well characterized in the previ- co-axial tube inserts of 2 mm o.d. (cf. Figure 1a) were ous study.12 By dynamic light scattering, static light set in the spectrometer, and the DBPPSTE (Dosy scattering, and pulsed field gradient NMR (PFG- NMR), we have determined Dm, @Å=@c, and Ds, re- spectively, as functions of the concentration and mo- lecular weight of CTC, and compared experimental 13,14 D~ and Ds, as well as the fuzzy cylinder theory for Ds which was favorably compared with D~ for PHIC solutions.7


CTC Fractions Among CTC fractions used in previous studies,12,15 six fractions were chosen for diffusion measurements. The preparation and fractionation methods of the frac- tions were described in a previous paper,12 and molec- ular characteristics previously obtained by light scat- tering and SEC are listed in Table I. The full sub- stitution of CTC fractions was checked previously by elemental analysis.12 Ratios of the weight- to number- average molecular weight Mw= Mn estimated by SEC are less than 1.1, guaranteeing narrow molecular weight distributions of the fractions used. Table I also contains the number of Kuhn’s statisti- Figure 1. (a) Precision co-axial tube set and (b) the DBPPSTE cal segments N of each fraction in tetrahydrofuran pulse sequence used for PFG-NMR.

66 Polym. J., Vol. 37, No. 2, 2005 Mutual- and Self-Diffusion Coefficients in Solution

Table II. Experimental conditions in PFG-NMR and results of the self-diffusion coefficient obtained D =10À7 cm2 sÀ1 D =10À7 cm2 sÀ1 Fraction c=10À2 gcmÀ3 Number of g/g cmÀ1 Á/s s,w s,z transientsa DECRA CONTINc MEMc CONTIN MEM F20 7.40 16 14–60 0.80 1.99 2:0 Æ 0:52:1 Æ 0:5 1.85 1.72 4.70 16 14–60 0.50 3.42 3:4 Æ 0:23:5 Æ 0:6 3.40 2.44 2.52 64 20–60 0.20 5.20 5:3 Æ 1:25:2 Æ 1:5 4.92 3.82 0.940 128 20–60 0.20 7.16 7:5 Æ 2:18:0 Æ 2:1 6.67 6.82 0.381 128 20–60 0.20 8.30 9:0 Æ 3:18:4 Æ 1:8 7.45 7.84 0.134 128 20–60 0.20 8.81 10:1 Æ 4:68:7 Æ 1:3 7.42 8.39 F16 4.93 256 20–60 2.30 0.75 0:79 Æ 0:20:75 Æ 0:8 0.750 0.749 2.83 128 20–60 1.00 1.51 1:5 Æ 0:41:5 Æ 0:5 1.45 1.42 1.03 512 20–60 0.60 2.74 2:8 Æ 0:42:8 Æ 0:3 2.72 2.79 0.313 128 20–60 0.55 4.03 4:4 Æ 1:1 NCb 3.97 NCb 0.140 512 20–60 0.50 3.93 5:3 Æ 3:13:5 Æ 0:5 3.31 3.44 aRecycle delay, 14 s. bNot converged. cValues are means Æ estimated standard deviations.

Bipolar Pulsed Pair STimulated Echo) sequence16 On the other hand, the z-average self-diffusion coeffi- illustrated in Figure 1b was applied, where the width cient D is estimated by s,z  of the pulsed gradient  and the gradient recover time X X 1À1= À1=  were chosen to be 2 ms and 0.3 ms, respectively. The Ds,z ¼ Ds;i GðDs;iÞ Ds;i GðDs;iÞð4Þ diffusion time, Á, ranged from 200 ms to 2.3 s, and 20 i i echoes were acquired at different values of the gradi- where is the power-law exponent in the molecular ent amplitude, g, from 14 to 60 or 20 to 60 G/cm; the weight dependence of Ds. PFG-NMR parameters chosen for each solution are summarized in Table II. Light Scattering The variation of integrated peak intensity IðgÞ with Mutual diffusion coefficients were determined as g depends on the self-diffusion coefficient of compo- functions of the polymer concentration c by dynamic nents responsible for the absorption peak. If the dif- light scattering for THF solutions of five CTC frac- fusing component is polydisperse, IðgÞ can be written tions (F19, F17, F16, F14, and F12) at 25 C with in the form an ALV/DLS/SLS-5000 light scattering system. Os- X motic compressibilities for THF solutions of the five 2 1 1 IðgÞ¼ GðDs;iÞ exp Àð gÞ Á À  À  Ds;i CTC fractions were also measured as functions of c  i 3 2 at 25 C with a Fica 50 light scattering photometer ð2Þ or the above ALV system. Vertically polarized light with the wavelength of 532 nm (ALV) or of 546 nm where Ds;i is the self-diffusion coefficient of the com- (Fica) was used as the incident light, and the scattered ponent i, GðDs;iÞ is the fraction of the chemical light was measured with no analyzer. Test solutions group belonging to the component i which causes were prepared in the same procedure as that applied the absorption peak, and the summation is taken over in the previous .12 all components responsible for the absorption peak. Dynamic light scattering provides us the intensity The inverse Laplace transform (ILT) of IðgÞ provides autocorrelation function gð2ÞðtÞ, and the first cumulant the distribution GðDs;iÞ. The Direct Exponential Curve À defined by 17,18 19 Resolution Algorithm (DECRA), CONTIN, and 1 Maximum Method (MEM)20 were used for À  lim dln½gð2ÞðtÞÀ1Š=dt ð5Þ 2 t!0 the inverse Laplace transform to obtain GðDs;iÞ. In this study, the absorption peak arising from the The z-average mutual diffusion coefficient Dm,z was phenyl ring in CTC was used for the PFG-NMR anal- determined from À by ysis. Since every glucose residue of CTC has three 2 phenyl groups, GðDs;iÞ in eq 2 is equal to the weight Dm,z ¼ lim À=k ð6Þ ! fraction of the CTC component with the self-diffusion k 0 coefficient Ds;i, and the weight-average self-diffusion where k is the magnitude of the scattering vector. On coefficient Ds,w is simply calculated by the other hand, the procedure to obtain the reciprocal X of osmotic compressibility @Å=@c from static light D ¼ D GðD Þð3Þ s,w s;i s;i scattering was explained in the previous paper.12 i

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Figure 2. Variation of the absorption peaks arising from phenyl groups of CTC with the square g2 of the magnetic field gradient in a À2 3  2 THF-d8 solution of fraction F20 with c ¼ 4:70 Â 10 g/cm at 25 C. The vertical axis is normalized by the highest peak height at g ¼ 0.


Figure 2 shows the result of PFG-NMR obtained for a THF-d8 solution of fraction F20 with the poly- mer mass concentration c ¼ 0:0470 g/cm3. The ab- sorption peaks arising from the phenyl group in CTC around 7 ppm diminish with increasing the square g2 of the magnetic field gradient. The decay of the integrated peak intensity IðgÞ for the phenyl group were analyzed by DECRA, CONTIN, and MEM to obtain the distribution GðDsÞ of the self-dif- fusion coefficient Ds. The result of the CONTIN anal- ysis for IðgÞ in Figure 2 is shown in the insert of the same figure. The distribution GðD Þ is narrow, corre- s Figure 3. Concentration dependence of D for THF-d solu- sponding to the narrow molecular weight distribution s 8 tions of two CTC fractions at 25 C. Solid curves are eye guide. of the CTC fraction (cf. Table I). Table II summarizes weight-average self-diffusion coefficients Ds,w estimated from GðDsÞ using eq 3 for for a THF solution of fraction F16 with c ¼ 0:0666 g/ 3 fractions F20 and F16. Standard deviations in Ds,w cm measured at different scattering angles . The da- were estimated from errors in the fittings by CONTIN ta points follow straight lines within the k2t range dis- and MEM. The different ILT analyses provide almost played, and À=k2 estimated from the slopes of the identical Ds,w except at the lowest c for both fractions, lines indicated are independent of  or k for this frac- indicating good performance of the ILT algorisms. tion. Among five CTC fractions investigated by dy- The disagreements of Ds,w estimated from the differ- namic light scattering, only the highest molecular ent ILT, as well as considerably large standard devia- weight fraction F12 exhibits a weak negative k2 de- tions, at the lowest c come from the low signal to noise pendence of À=k2 at high c, as shown in Figure 5. ratio of IðgÞ. Table II also lists results of the z-aver- Similar negative k2 dependencies of À=k2 at high c age self-diffusion coefficient Ds,z calculated by eq 4, was observed previously for poly( -benzyl L-gluta- where the exponent at each c was estimated from mate)21 and poly(n-hexyl isocyanate) solutions,7 and 22 the data of Ds,w and Mw for the two fractions F20 qualitatively explained by Doi et al. The mutual dif- 12 and F16; for the lowest c, was chosen to be 0.62. fusion coefficient Dm,z was estimated by the extrapo- 2 The difference between Ds,w and Ds,z is small except lation of À=k to zero k. This extrapolation assures at the lowest c. Figure 3 shows the concentration de- us that Dm,z is the diffusion coefficient for the concen- pendence of Ds,w and Ds,z obtained by CONTIN. For tration fluctuation with the wavelength much larger both fractions, the diffusion coefficients look to start than the individual polymer chain size and that the in- decreasing sharply beyond cà (cf. Table I). ternal (or intramolecular) motion of polymer chain ð2Þ 2 Figure 4 shows the plot of ln½g ðtÞÀ1Š against k t segments has nothing to do with Dm,z. The results of

68 Polym. J., Vol. 37, No. 2, 2005 Mutual- and Self-Diffusion Coefficients in Solution

Figure 6. Concentration dependence of Dm for THF solutions of five CTC fractions at 25 C. Solid curves are eye guide. Figure 4. Plots of ln½gð2ÞðtÞÀ1Š vs. k2t for a THF solution of fraction F16 with c ¼ 6:66  10À2 g/cm3 at 25 C. Data points except at  ¼ 45 are shifted downwards by different amounts for the viewing clarity.

Figure 7. Concentration dependence of ðRTÞÀ1@Å=@c for THF solutions of five CTC fractions at 25 C. Data for fractions F19, F17, and F14 are taken from ref 12, and solid curves are Figure 5. Dependence of À=k2 on k2 for THF solutions of drawn by the scaled particle theory for the wormlike chain consid- fraction F12; c=10À2 gcmÀ3 ¼ 3:87, 2.63, 2.08, 1.60, 0.968, ering the soft interaction (cf. ref 12). 0.850, 0.768, 0.668, 0.606, 0.394, 0.291, 0.188, 0.127, 0.112, 0.0942, 0.0668, 0.0464, 0.0239 from the top to bottom. lated from the results shown in Figures 6 and 7. We have used 0.716 cm3/g as the partial specific volume 12 Dm,z obtained for THF solutions of the five CTC frac- v. Owing to stronger c dependence of @Å=@c than tions are plotted against c in Figure 6. For all the frac- that of Dm,z, D~ monotonically decreases with c for tions, Dm,z monotonically increases with c. For the all five fractions. three high molecular weight fractions, Dm,z becomes Self-diffusion coefficients Ds,z obtained by PFG- almost independent of the molecular weight, at high c. NMR for fractions F20 and F16, presented in Figure Figure 7 shows the concentration dependence of 3, are plotted also in Figure 8 by filled circles and fill- ðRTÞÀ1@Å=@c for the same five CTC fractions ob- ed diamonds, respectively. On one hand, D~ for frac- tained by static light scattering. This quantity also mo- tion F19 agrees with Ds,z for fraction F20 (with almost notonically increases with c. Figure 8 presents the the same molecular weight) over the entire c range in- À1 quantity D~  Dm,z½ðM=RTÞð@Å=@cÞð1 À vvc ފ calcu- vestigated, which demonstrates that the mobility of in-

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ably compared with the prediction of the fuzzy cylin- der theory. Here we compare the diffusion coefficient data obtained in this study with the same theory. The effective length Le and diameter de of the fuzzy cylin- 2 1=2 2 der are defined by Le ¼hR i and de ¼ðhH iþ d2Þ1=2, where d is the polymer real diameter, and hR2i and hH2i are the mean-square end-to-end dis- tance and mean square distance between the chain midpoint and the end-to-end axis, respectively, both of which can be calculated with the persistence length q and the Kuhn segment number N of the polymer chain. As shown previously,12 the intramolecular ex- cluded-volume effect is negligible within the molecu- lar weight range of our CTC fractions used in this study, so that we do not consider this effect. The self-diffusion coefficient Ds may be written as7,14 Figure 8. Comparison between Ds obtained by PFG-NMR 1 and D~ obtained by dynamic and static light scattering (cf. eq 1) Ds ¼ ðDk þ 2D?Þð7Þ  3 for five CTC fractions in THF (or THF-d8)at25 C. Solid curves indicate theoretical values of Ds calculated by the fuzzy cylinder where Dk and D? are the longitudinal and transverse 0 0 theory (eqs 7–10) with k?=kk ¼ 1:7. diffusion coefficients along and perpendicular to the polymer end-to-end axis, respectively. Using the fuz- dividual chains of this CTC fraction in solution is in- zy cylinder model, we can formulate Dk and D? for distinguishable in mutual and self diffusion processes. stiff or semiflexible polymers in solution ranging from This is consistent with conclusions of Kitchen et al.5 dilute through concentrated (isotropic) regimes.14 The 6 and Le Bon et al. for globular proteins and also of jamming effect on Dk can be treated on the basis of Ohshima et al.7 for a stiff polymer poly(n-hexyl iso- the hole theory, which gives the following equa- cyanate), in solution over wide concentration ranges. tion13,14 On the other hand, a definite disagreement between ^ à 0 Dk ¼ Dk0 expðÀVexc Þ; ð8Þ D~ and Ds,z is seen for the higher molecular weight ^ à fraction F16 at the highest c investigated, although where Dk0 is Dk without the jamming effect, Vex is the the two diffusion coefficients agree well in an inter- excluded volume between the critical hole and a hin- 0 mediate c range. Therefore, eq 1 cannot convert Dm dering chain, and c is the polymer number concentra- to Ds for CTC solutions with relatively large N tion. The critical hole is assumed to be similar in & à & à ( 5) at high concentrations (c=c 3), indicating shape to the fuzzy cylinder, and Vex is calculated by that the mutual and self diffusions occur in different use of the similarity ratio à of the critical hole to modes of polymer dynamics in such solutions. the fuzzy cylinder. Invalidity of eq 1 was reported for a flexible poly- The entanglement effect on D? is treated by a mer polystyrene in semidilute solutions by Callaghan mean-field Green function method,25,26 The final ex- 8 14,24 and Pinder. The concentration dependence of their Ds pression for D? read was stronger than that of D~ obtained by Roots et al.23 "  d for the same polymer, in accordance with our results ^ À1=2 3 0 e 9,10 D? ¼ D?0 1 þ ? Le c 1 þ C for fraction F16. On the other hand, Brown et al. Le reported the disagreement between D~ and Ds for aque- # 1=2 À2 ous solutions of flexible polymers, poly(ethylene ox- C de 2D^?0 à  1 þ ð9Þ ide) and dextran, below c . Our results show agree- 3 Le Dk à ments between D~ and Ds at least below c , forming a contrast with Brown et al.’s. where D^?0 is the transverse diffusion coefficient at switching off the entanglement effects and ? is a DISCUSSION constant (¼ 56027). The coefficient C is a function of N with two adjustable parameters Nà and Á. 7,13,14,24 Fuzzy Cylinder Theory The diffusion coefficients D^k0 and D^?0 depend on c In a previous paper,15 the zero-shear of through the intermolecular hydrodynamic interaction THF solutions of CTC were demonstrated to be favor- (HI). If c is not so high, they are written as24

70 Polym. J., Vol. 37, No. 2, 2005 Mutual- and Self-Diffusion Coefficients in Solution

^ 0 c, we have Dk0 ¼ Dk0ð1 À kk½Šc þÁÁÁÞ; ^ 0 D ¼ D ½1 Àðk0 þ k0 Þ½Šc þÁÁÁŠ ð11Þ D?0 ¼ D?0ð1 À k?½Šc þÁÁÁÞ ð10Þ s 0 s,HI s,EI 0 0 with two hydrodynamic coefficients kk and k?, where with the diffusion coefficient D0 at infinite dilution, 0 0 ½Š is the intrinsic viscosity, and Dk0 and D?0 are the and the coefficients ks,HI and ks,EI defined by longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients at in- 0 0 k þð2D?0=Dk0Þk finite dilution. k0  k ? ð12Þ s,HI þ D =D Inserting eqs 8 and 9 with eq 10 into eq 7 and ex- 1 2 ?0 k0 panding this equation in terms of the power series of and  à À1=2 3 1 3=2 ðNA=½ŠMÞ Vex þ 2 ? Le ð1 þ Cde=LeÞ 1 þ Cde=Le ð2D?0=Dk0Þ 0 3 ks,EI  ð13Þ 1 þ 2D?0=Dk0 where NA is the and M is the poly- mer molecular weight. Equation 11 for Ds corresponds to the Huggins equation which writes the reduced viscosity as sp=c ¼ 0 0 24 0 0 ½Šf1 þðkHI þ kEIÞ½Šc þÁÁÁg. Here, kHI and kEI are the intermolecular HI term and the entanglement term of the Huggins coefficient, respectively. The coeffi- 0 0 cients ks,HI and ks,EI in eq 11 are the corresponding co- efficients of the intermolecular HI and entanglement for Ds, respectively. On the other hand, the mutual dif- fusion coefficient Dm of dilute solutions is written as Dm ¼ D0ð1 þ kDc þÁÁÁÞ. Since we may identify D~ with Ds at least in the dilute regime as shown in Figure 8, we have the following relation of the coeffi- 0 0 cient kD to k and k from eqs 1 and 11: s,HI s,EI Figure 9. Hydrodynamic coefficients for the first-order con- 0 0 kD ¼ 2A2M Àðks,HI þ ks,EIÞ½ŠÀv ð14Þ centration dependence of the self-diffusion coefficient and of the 0 0 solution viscosity. Solid curves indicate ks,EI and kEI calculated where A2 is the second virial coefficient. by eq 13 in the present paper and eq 10 in ref 23, respectively, fill- 0 ed circles show ks,HI estimated from experimental kD, A2, v, and Comparison with Experiment 0 0 theoretical ks,EI with eq 13, unfilled circles indicate kHI estimated 0 0 Most of parameters appearing in the above equa- from experimental k and theoretical kEI with eq 10 in ref 24. tions have already determined previously;12,15 q ¼ 10:5 nm, d ¼ 2:2 nm, à ¼ 0:04, and Nà ¼ Á ¼ 4. 0 0 Only unknown parameters are kk and k?. These pa- noted that the importance of both effects at large N is 0 rameters are related to the HI parameter ks,HI by opposite for diffusion and viscosity. 0 0 0 eq 12, and ks,HI can be calculated from experimental Equation 12 however cannot determine kk and k? 0 quantity kD by eqs 13 and 14. Table I lists results of from ks,HI uniquely. Then we have searched values 0 0 kD estimated from the initial slope of the plot of of kk and k? leading to best fits of eqs 7–10 to exper- 0 Dm,z vs. c (cf. Figure 6), and Figure 9 compares ks,HI imental results of Ds,z for fractions F20 and F16 under calculated from these kD and the corresponding coef- the condition of eq 12. Solid curves in Figure 8 indi- 0 0 0 ficient ks,EI arising from the entanglement effect calcu- cate theoretical values of Ds with the ratio k?=kk fixed lated by eq 13 with the known molecular parameters. to be 1.7. For both fractions F20 and F16, the theoret- 0 0 The former ks,HI exceeds the latter ks,EI at large N, but ical curves satisfactorily agree with experimental data both are comparable at smaller N. Figure 9 also con- of Ds,z within the concentration ranges investigated. 0 0 tains the Huggins coefficients kHI and kEI for the solu- This demonstrates that the fuzzy cylinder theory can tion viscosity of the same fractions by the method ex- explain both self-diffusivity and solution viscosity plained previously.15 Both effects of the intermolecu- for CTC consistently.28 lar HI and entanglement on the first-order concentra- On the other hand, the theoretical curves agree with tion dependence of the self-diffusion coefficient are experimental data of D~ only in restricted c ranges, ex- stronger than those of the solution viscosity. It is also cept for the lowest molecular weight fraction F19. The

Polym. J., Vol. 37, No. 2, 2005 71 T. KANEMATSU et al. deviations start at lower c for fractions with larger N. assistance in performing the PFG-NMR experiments For the highest molecular weight fraction F12 with on a 750 MHz NMR spectrometer. N ¼ 10:6, the deviation is observed at c & cÃ. The disagreements between the theory and experiment REFERENCES for D~ is a contrast to good agreements in the zero- shear viscosity 0 over wider c and N ranges between 1. P.-G. de Gennes, ‘‘Scaling Concepts in Polymer ,’’ the fuzzy cylinder theory and experiment demonstrat- Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1979. ed in the previous paper.15 For fraction F12, the agree- 2. M. Doi and S. F. Edwards, ‘‘The Theory of Polymer Dynam- à ics,’’ Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K., 1986. ment in 0 persists far beyond c . The disagreement in 7,24,29 3. H. Fujita, ‘‘Polymer Solutions,’’ Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990. 0 was reported at N & 20, which was ascribed to the reptation motion of the polymer chain in the 4. 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72 Polym. J., Vol. 37, No. 2, 2005 Mutual- and Self-Diffusion Coefficients in Solution

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