Mechanical Equipment Catalogue 2004 .O. Box 1300 el. (41 22) 906 16 60, Fax (41 22) 906 16 90 Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining 7bis, avenue de la Paix P CH - 1211 Geneva 1 Switzerland T www.gichd.ch i

Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2004 ii

The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) supports the efforts of the international community in reducing the impact of mines and unexploded ordnance (UXO). The Centre provides operational assistance, is active in research and supports the implementation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.

The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) was formed in October 1997 to serve as the UN focal point for mine action. At the global level, it is responsible for coordinating all aspects of mine action within the UN system. At the field level, it is responsible for providing mine action assistance in the context of humanitarian emergencies and peacekeeping operations.

The German Federal Foreign Office started to compile a list of existing mechanical demining equipment in cooperation with UNMAS in 1998, and distributed the first edition of the Humanitarian Mine Action Equipment Catalogue in September 1999. As a result of many requests from the mine action community for the Catalogue, the German Federal Foreign Office asked the GICHD to take over responsibility for updating and producing the catalogue.

For further information please contact:

Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining 7bis, avenue de la Paix P.O. Box 1300 CH-1211 Geneva 1 Switzerland Tel. (41 22) 906 16 60 Fax (41 22) 906 16 90 www.gichd.ch [email protected]

Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2004, GICHD, Geneva, January 2004.

ISBN 2-88487-026-1

© Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining

The description of the machines and the test results expressed in this catalogue are those of the manufacturers. They do not necessarily represent the views of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, UNMAS or the Government of Germany. The views expressed in this publication are otherwise those of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and do not necessarily represent those of UNMAS or the Government of Germany. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNMAS, the Government of Germany, or the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or of its authorities or armed groups, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. iii


Foreword 1 Introduction 3 Technical note 5 Section 1 - Flail systems Mini-flail • Armtrac 75 mini flail 8 • Bozena-4 10 • Columbia Research Corporation Mini-Flail 12 • Columbia Research Corporation Small-Flail 14 • Diana 40T 16 • Compact 140 Minecat 18 • MV-4 20 Medium flail • Aardvark Mk IV 34 • Armtrac 100 36 • Hydrema MCV 910 (Series 2) 38 • Minecat 230 40 • Minemill MC 2002 42 • Patria RA-140 DS 44 • RM-KA 02 46 • Samson 260/200 48 Heavy flail • Minelifta 64 • Scanjack 3500 66 • Viking Mine Clearing System (VMCS) 68 Section 2 - Tiller systems • FMR 2000 78 • Mine-Guzzler 80 • Minebreaker 2000/2 82 • Oracle 84 • Rhino 86 iv

Section 3 - Combined systems • MineWolf 100 • Redbus LMDS 102 Section 4 - Multi-tool systems • All-Purpose Remote Transport System (ARTS) 112 • Armtrac 325 114 • DEMCO System 116 • HEC MAXX Mine Clearance Multi Tool V.1 118 • Hitachi-Furukawa 120 • MgM Rotar Mk-II 122 • Pearson Minefield Tractor 124 • Rotary Cutter BM 307 130 • Tempest Mk IV 132 Section 5 - Vegetation cutter • BDM 48 Brusher Deminer 154 • Digger D-1 156 • Hydrema M1220 Light Armoured and R 1820 158 • Komatsu PC 60 Vegetation Cutter 160 Section 6 - Sifter • Armtrac Sifter 170 • HEC Rotar Mk-I 172 Section 7 - Mine-protected vehicles • Buffalo 178 • Casspir and RG-31M 180 • Dingo 2 184 • Pookie 2000 LMVD 186 • Wer’wolf MkII MPV 190 Appendixes A. List of manufacturers 205 B. Glossary of terms 209


This report was researched and written by Lieutenant-Colonel Johannes Dirscherl, Mechanical Studies Specialist, GICHD, with support from the GICHD Study Group. The report was laid out for publication by Françoise Jaffré. All photographs have been provided by the respective manufacturers. Foreword

ost humanitarian mine clearance undertaken today is still carried out by manual deminers and specially trained mine detection dog (MDD) teams. Machines make a contribution Mto the work of these two systems, creating safer conditions and greatly speeding-up the overall clearance process. In various forms, machines have been employed for mine clearance since the 1914-1918 War. Yet for many years, demining machines were the preserve of the military and until the advent of humanitarian demining in the late 1980s, the development of specialist vehicles for mine clearance had been relatively limited. As humanitarian demining gained momentum, it was assumed that machines would inject a much- needed increase in clearance rates accompanied by a higher level of safety. Thus far, this has occurred to a lesser extent than was expected. Today, mechanical mine clearance systems are being employed on an ever-increasing scale and the choice of machines on the international market continues to expand slowly. However, it is widely believed that machines have not been applied to clear mines to their fullest potential. The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) has carried out an in-depth study of the use of machines in demining. The Study of Mechanical Application to Demining is released in the spring of 2004 and it is believed that the conclusions and recommendations, if pursued by both donors and field users, could lead to a significant acceleration of the demining process. A variety of new machines have been incorporated into the 2004 issue of the Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue. However, some of the machines available on the market, in particular those of a heavier class, have been in service only sporadically or not at all during the last year. This may be an indication of a new and enhanced understanding of operational needs and cost effectiveness. Whenever available, test and evaluation reports are cited but the equipment listed in this catalogue has not been tested or evaluated by the GICHD. Accordingly, the GICHD does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of information provided by the respective manufacturers and such information does not necessarily represent the opinions of the GICHD. The GICHD would like to thank the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for its generous financial support to this project.

Ambassador Martin Dahinden Director Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining

1 Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2004

2 Introduction

he aim of the GICHD Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue is to inform the field- based mine clearance community about the choice of machines currently or potentially Tavailable on the international market. The catalogue’s succinct presentation of available equipment seeks to help the user to choose the appropriate machine for a given task in a particular environment. Included are an indication of the costs involved and the level of manufacturer logistical support that a programme could expect to receive for each particular machine. Contact details of machine producers are provided. Where possible, reference is made to the results of evaluations and tests conducted as part of the development of a particular system. Although these are not officially endorsed by the GICHD, they do give an indication of performance. It should be borne in mind, however, that an international standard for the testing and evaluation of mechanical demining equipment does not yet exist and differences exist in test procedures between countries and organisations. Where manufacturers have provided it, the purchase price of machines, costs of spare parts and logistics, transportation requirements, the amount of land cleared by a system, and, in some cases, the cost per square metre of land cleared, are included in the catalogue. In certain cases, the experiences of field users with a particular machine are cited. A comparative analysis of machines by category is provided at the end of each section. The information set out in the catalogue is accurate as at the end of December 2003. Some of the machines are at the prototype stage or still under development. Some of the systems in the catalogue were originally developed for military use, but they are included because they have been subsequently adapted for humanitarian demining. Equipment developers may also benefit from the Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue. A cross- pollination of ideas between manufacturers is likely to occur, which should better serve deminers in the future. In the relatively young field of mechanical demining equipment, innovations and changes in design concept are only to be expected. Although the catalogue may represent free advertising for the manufacturers featured, direct comparisons with their competitors should induce healthy competition within the market, ultimately leading to improvements. Appendix A contains a list of manufacturers. The catalogue does not list every machine applicable to mine clearance worldwide. A number of system producers who were approached failed to respond or to provide the minimum information required. As it is unlikely that technical specifications, core design features or the number of machines available on the market will change significantly in the near future, it has been decided to update the catalogue biannually following this edition.

3 Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2004

In addition to this catalogue, mechanical mine clearance devices are also listed in Jane’s Mines and Mine Clearance 2001-2002, the United States Department of Defense’s Humanitarian Demining Developmental Technologies 2000-2001, and various websites worldwide, for example the UNMAS Electronic Mine Information Network (E-MINE) database at www.mineaction.org. As a technical document, some of the terms used in the narrative may be misunderstood. To avoid this, a short list of abbreviations is provided in the following technical note and in Appendix B. The Centre hopes that this Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2004 serves those for whom it is primarily intended — the deminers in the field. It is available in hard copy, CD-ROM, or on the GICHD website at www.gichd.ch.

4 Technical notes

1. Equipment listed in the catalogue is referred to as mechanical demining equipment. The GICHD catalogue deals solely with demining by civilian organisations, although military forces also use some of the equipment featured. 2. Systems using chains on a rotating drum or shaft are referred to as flails. The varying weights of flail machines make it sensible to place them in three categories: mini-flails (up to six tonnes); medium flails (6-20 tonnes); and heavy flails (20 tonnes or more). 3. Systems employing a heavy revolving drum fixed with steel spikes or teeth are referred to as tillers. They are grouped in one category, as they are typically heavy machines. 4. To express the direction of rotation of a flail, the terms clockwise and anti-clockwise are used. As this definition depends on which side of the machine the observer is standing, the diagram below gives the point of reference:

Direction of travel Clockwise Direction of travel Anti-clockwise

5. A list of abbreviations is given in Appendix B. 6. The following abbreviations are used in the text and in data sheets: cm centimetres kg kilogrammes cyl cylinder kg/cm2 kilogrammes per square ft feet centimetre ha hectares km kilometres 2 hp horsepower km square kilometres

5 Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2004

km/h kilometres per hour mm millimetres l litres mpg miles per gallon l/h litres per hour N newton (energy of ground strike) m2 square metres rpm revolutions per minute m2/h square metres per hour m3 cubic metres

Please note that slope inclinations are given either as a percentage or as a gradient.

6 Flail systems Mini flail

Section 1 Flail systems

Mini flail Combined systems

7 Armtrac 75 mini flail

Mini flail Armtrac Ltd., United Kingdom

General description The latest Armtrac development is a lightweight system which can be used as a flail or a tiller. It has left the prototype stage and according to the manufacturer is ready to be fielded. The machine aims to overcome the acknowledged limitations of tillers (weight, size, cost and mobility) while enjoying the advantages of flail systems (vegetation cutting, ability to withstand anti-tank mine blasts). The Armtrac 75 is designed for the destruction of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. This lightweight, multi-purpose tracked vehicle has a capability of clearing up to 1,800m2/h in light soil.1 It is particularly suitable for work in boggy conditions and restricted and difficult sites as it can turn 360 degrees without moving off its position. The machine can be operator driven or remotely controlled. Vital parts of the machine such as the cabin and engine are well protected by 10mm armour. A fork-lift bucket and a sifting bucket can easily be fixed to the telescopic boom of the machine making it useful for a variety of demining applications. Working methodology 54 chains or chisels (optional) rotate at a speed of 350rpm achieving a clearance depth of 300mm,1 depending on soil conditions. Of a much lighter design than other tillers, this attachment is preferred when operating in pure anti-personnel minefields. The flail attachment is supposed to be used in mined areas which are likely to contain anti-tank mines. No further information is available. Machines in use to date Machine is not yet fielded. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The machine is equipped with a 159hp diesel engine. No special fuel or oil is required. ¾ According to the manufacturer the fuel consumption is 35l/h during operations (depending on soil conditions). Factory support ¾ The manufacturer/supplier provides spare parts during the first 12-month period.

8 Flail systems

¾ Most components of the machine are provided by worldwide operating companies, which ensure the availability of spare parts. Mini flail ¾ The manufacturer recommends a four-week training course consisting of mechanical and driver instruction. ¾ Manuals and documentation are part of the purchase package and available in Arabic, English, French, German and Spanish. ¾ The system is covered by a 12 month warranty and factory follow-up. Maintenance and support ¾ Service is recommended every 250 hours. ¾ A 3m shipping container can be supplied as a workshop. ¾ Armtrac recommends that the system be run by one person, serving as operator and mechanic. Test and evaluation The system has only recently left the prototype stage and therefore has not yet been tested independently. Combined systems

Reported limitations and strengths

Due to a lack of independent test reports no detailed information can be provided. Limitation Strengths ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from a long ƒƒƒ High manoeuvrability. distance (this applies to all remotely controlled ƒƒƒ Combines flail and tiller system. machines). ƒƒƒ The machine is lightweight. ƒƒƒ Versatility.

1. According to the manufacturer.

9 Bozena 4

Mini flail WAY Industry a.s., Slovak Republic

Bozena 4 system

General description The Bozena 4 is a remotely controlled mini flail designed to destroy anti-personnel and anti-tank mines containing up to 8.9kg of explosives and to cut low vegetation and remove tripwires. The vehicle is remotely controlled up to a range of 5,000m either by an operator in an air-conditioned cabin placed within line of sight or in the open using a control panel of 7kg weight. The truck- mounted, air-conditioned cabin is part of the purchase package. An armoured shield is attached behind the flail to protect the machine from blast and flying debris. An armoured hood protects the vehicle against explosive blast. The Bozena has been designed with versatility beyond demining. Nineteen other tool attachments can be fitted to the machine for a variety of engineering tasks and humanitarian support, such as a hydraulic hammer, drilling machine or concrete mixer. Detachment of the flail and attachment of another tool takes approximately 20 minutes. The dimensions of the machine make it suitable for difficult-to-access areas. The machine is protected by 4mm ARMOX steel. Vital parts such as engine or hydraulic system are covered by LEXAN armour. Clearance methodology 36 chains rotate clockwise at 350-400rpm. The average clearance depth is approximately 200mm.1 As the hardness of the soil increases, the clearance depth decreases. The speed of the machine depends on the clearance depth selected. The design of the flail helix configuration ensures overlap of the hammers. Operator safety is ensured due to remote control of the system. However, the problems associated with operating remotely controlled machines with precision from a distance of more than 200m must be taken into account. Machines in use to date ¾ Albania: 1 x Bozena 1 ¾ Bosnia and Herzegovina: 6 x Bozena (Bozena 1 and 2) purchased by NATO SFOR (1998, 2000) and used by local entity armies. ¾ Croatia: 13 x Bozena (Bozena 1, 2, 3 and 4), with Croatian Mine Action Centre (CROMAC) and various local and international private demining companies working on World Bank projects. ¾ Eritrea: 9 x Bozena 2 and 4 with Slovak Army units. ¾ Kosovo: 4 x Bozena 1 — 2 with Slovakian Army KFOR units, and 2 with UNMACC mine action projects. ¾ Lebanon: 4 x Bozena 3 operated in Operation Emirates Solidarity project. ¾ Iraq: 2 x Bozena (model 4) with Slovakian military engineering units. ¾ Northern Iraq: 9 x Bozena 2 with UN mine action projects as a part of the “Oil for Food” programme ¾ So far, more than 50 machines have been sold worldwide.

10 Flail systems

Engine, fuel and oil

¾ The vehicle is equipped with a Deutz diesel engine Mini flail (106hp) with direct fuel injection and air-cooling system. ¾ Fuel consumption under working conditions is 2 approx. 13.5l/h . Fuel tank capacity is 105l. ¾ 130l hydraulic oil capacity (standard type used in agricultural and construction machines). Factory support ¾ Basic spare parts set included as part of purchase package. Bozena in operation ¾ Extended spare parts kit for six months operation is offered by WAY Industry, based on manufacturer’s experience of commonly required items, including losses. ¾ Six-month warranty. Engine (Deutz) and hydraulic system (Rexroth) are produced by well- known manufacturers with a worldwide servicing network. Spare spares can be obtained by local sources. ¾ Two-phase training course as part of purchase package: phase 1 approximately five days in Slovakia regarding maintenance and troubleshooting; phase 2, also approximately five days, practical training on-site. Three instructors are provided, one of whom acts as interpreter. ¾ Trainees receive instruction manual and technical notes (spare parts catalogue, etc.) in the relevant language. Also part of purchase package. ¾ A basic spare parts kit and a basic set of tools are included. Additional options can be negotiated with the manufacturer. Maintenance and support ¾ WAY Industry recommends a two-man crew: one operator and one mechanic. ¾ Depending on the number of machines in use for a particular project, WAY Industries recommends/offers different levels of maintenance (to be negotiated). Tests and evaluations ¾ The Croatian Mine Action Centre (CROMAC) tested a Bozena 4 machine in September to November 2002. Tests included PROM-1, PMR 2A, PMA 1A, PMA 2, PMA 3. During this test, 33,745m2 of ground was flailed and the average productivity was stated as 826.41m2/h.3 ¾ Polish Armed Forces, 5 December 2002. Tests included the detonation of a TM-62P (7kg of

TNT). Combined systems ¾ Military Technical and Testing Institute (VTSU, Záhorie, Slovakia). Blast protection of the operator’s cabin was tested against the following mine types: PP Mi-SrII (fragmentation and bounding mine) and PT Mi- Ba III (AT mine, 9kg of TNT) ¾ Ethiopian Mine Action Office, 6 May 2003. ¾ Test reports can be provided by the manufacturer on request.

Reported limitations and strengths (Bozena 3) Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from ƒƒƒ Well-designed cooling system (no breakdown distances over 200m .3 (This applies to all due to overheating).3 remotely controlled machines.) ƒƒƒ Well-designed armoured plating ensures a ƒƒƒ Weight of the control panel (7kg). good protection of vital parts, even against anti- tank mine blasts. ƒƒƒ Winch for self recovery is fitted. ƒƒƒ Transportation of the machine is simple. Easy to handle with a light low-bed trailer. ƒƒƒ Good results achieved in forest areas due to small size.

1. Republic of Croatia, Croatian Mine Action Centre, Testing of Bozena-4 Demining Machine (test report), p. 4. 2. Testing of Bozena-4 Demining Machine(test report). op. cit., p. 2. 3. Testing of Bozena-4 Demining Machine(test report), op. cit.

11 Columbia Research Corporation “Mini-Flail” Mini flail Columbia Research Corporation, U.S.

Prototype of the "Mini-Flail" in operation

General description and history The Mini-Flail is a remotely controlled, diesel-powered vehicle with a hydraulic drive rotating chain flail to neutralise anti-personnel mines. The design is based on a commercial skid steer front- end loader and a radio-controlled unit. This mini flail integrates commercially available non- developmental items into a cost-effective vehicle. The vehicle is protected with armour in critical areas to provide survivability from multiple anti-personnel mine explosions. The system has four lift points for delivery by a helicopter capable of handling the 1,061kg (2,340lb) system weight. Two prototype vehicles were manufactured, field tested and delivered to the U.S. Army. The Army has used these mini flails in overseas clearing operations. Due to its size and low weight it will be suitable for mine clearance in built-up areas, forests, house yards or difficult-to-access areas. As there are no independent test results available, working performance of the machine including clearance depth under certain soil conditions and working speed cannot be evaluated. Working methodology The Mini-Flail’s principal of operation uses chains rotating on a drum in front of a remotely controlled vehicle. The chains beat the ground with sufficient force to detonate or break up anti- personnel mines.1 Machines in use Two prototype machines were manufactured by Columbia Research Corporation (CRC) for the U.S. Army and delivered in 1991. The machines have been used by the Army in mine clearing operations. Engine fuel and oil ¾ The vehicle uses standard diesel fuel (DF-2). ¾ The hydraulic pump that drives the flail motor is integral with the commercial vehicle and uses standard hydraulic fluid. Factory support ¾ The vehicle platform is a commercial skid steer front-end loader. ¾ The flail attachment uses standard commercial components that can be readily replaced in the field and is fully supported by CRC.

12 Flail systems

Maintenance and support

¾ The vehicle is designed to be field supportable. Mini flail ¾ Personnel familiar with small diesel engines should be able to provide the routine field maintenance required. ¾ A minimum of two people are required for operation of the system. One person operates the hand-held remote control unit and another functions as an observer. ¾ Operational procedures dictate the use of actual personnel required in field operations. ¾ Workshop facilities would be a standard garage set-up for vehicle maintenance. Test and evaluation ¾ The Mini-Flail was tested by the Army and according to the manufacturer it can be easily controlled after less than an hour of practice. It was tested against live mines and improvised explosives typical of a limited intensity conflict. ¾ Test reports displaying trial results are not available. ¾ The Mini-Flail was certified by the U.S. Army for air transportability by the UH-1H helicopter at speeds of up to 60 knots and the UH-60 helicopter up to 100 knots. Combined systems

Reported limitations and strengths

Due to the lack of independent test reports detailed evaluation of the system is not possible.

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ For anti-personnel mine clearance only. ƒƒƒ The Mini-Flail is designed to serve as a low- ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from a long cost, light weight, anti-personnel mine distance (this applies to all remotely controlled clearance machine. machines). ƒƒƒ High manoeuvrability and ease of transport. ƒƒƒ Range of remote control panel.

1. According to the manufacturer.

13 Columbia Research Corporation “Small-Flail” Mini flail Columbia Research Corporation, U.S.

General description and history The Small-Flail is planned to be a remotely controlled, diesel-powered vehicle with a hydraulic drive rotating a chain flail to neutralise anti-personnel mines. The design is based on a commercial compact track front-end loader equipped with radio controls and a flail attachment. The flail device is attached to the lift arms of the front-end loader and powered by a hydraulic motor operating off the vehicle’s hydraulic system. The Small-Flail integrates commercially available non- developmental items into a cost-effective vehicle and will operate similar to the proven smaller Mini-Flail designed by Columbia Research Corporation. The vehicle will be protected with armour in critical areas to provide survivability from multiple anti-personnel mine explosions. The design uses components that have been fully tested, such as the flail attachment that has been tested on the Mini-Flail designed and manufactured by CRC. It is planned that the new attachment will be larger and will have a more powerful drive mechanism. The Bobcat compact track front-end loader is a well-proven vehicle in the construction environment. Due to its low weight it will be likely to be suitable for mine clearance in built-up areas, forests, house yards or difficult-to-access areas. As the Small Flail is in the design phase no information about clearance depth, depth control or working performance is available. Working methodology The Small-Flail’s principal of operation uses chains rotating on a drum in front of a remotely controlled vehicle. The chains are planned to beat the ground with sufficient force to detonate anti- personnel mines. Machines in use The Small-Flail is in the design phase. Engine fuel and oil ¾ The vehicle uses standard diesel fuel (DF-2). ¾ The hydraulic pump that drives the flail motor is integral with the commercial vehicle and uses standard hydraulic fluid. Factory support ¾ The vehicle platform is a Bobcat compact track front-end loader. This unit is fully supported by the manufacturer. ¾ The flail attachment uses standard commercial components that can be readily replaced in the field and fully supported by CRC.

14 Flail systems

Maintenance and support

¾ The vehicle is designed to be field supportable. Personnel familiar with small diesel engines Mini flail should be able to provide the routine field maintenance required. ¾ A minimum of two people would be required for operation of the system. One person would operate the hand-held remote control unit and another would function as an observer. ¾ Operational procedures would dictate the use of actual personnel required in field operations. ¾ Workshop facilities would be a standard garage set-up for vehicle maintenance. Test and evaluation ¾ The Small-Flail is in the design phase and therefore actual test data does not exist. Combined systems

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ For anti-personnel mine clearance only. ƒƒƒ The Small-Flail is designed to serve the function ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from a long of a low cost, lightweight, anti-personnel mine distance (this applies to all remotely controlled clearing machine. machines). ƒƒƒ The flail attachment can be replaced with ƒƒƒ Range of remote control panel. standard construction attachments for other uses. ƒƒƒ High manoeuvrability and ease of transport.

15 Diana 40T

Mini flail Hontstav S.R.O., Slovak Republic

The flail unit of the Diana 40T

General description The newly developed Diana mini flail is based on experiences since 1993 in developing demining machines. The system is remotely controlled up to a range of 5,000m and designed to destroy anti- personnel and anti-tank mines containing up to 8.6 kg1 of TNT. Due to its low weight the machine can easily be airlifted or transported by low-loader or trailer. An armoured shield is attached behind the flail to protect vital parts of the machine from blast effects and flying debris. Its dimensions make the Diana suitable for operations in wooded and built-up areas. Rapidly mountable metal tracks enhance operability on moist ground and hard-to-access areas. Ten additional attachments, such as an excavator, hydraulic hammer or cultivator can be fitted to the machine for a variety of construction tasks. A winch for recovery is attached to the machine and part of the purchase package. Clearance methodology According to the manufacturer the flail unit rotates at up to 600rpm achieving a clearance depth of up to 200mm, depending on soil conditions. Vegetation up to a height of 3m can be effectively treated by the machine. The action of the flail creates a ground-strike energy of 4,000N which is considered to be sufficient for detonating or breaking up buried mines.The control system, based on a 16-bit chip can be programmed to perform all functions automatically.2 Machines in use to date The machine is new on the open market and has not yet been fielded. Factory support ¾ A ready-to-use spare part package is offered for the first six months’ operation after purchase. ¾ Instruction manuals are part of the purchase package and can be provided in English or Spanish, or other languages on request. ¾ Training for operators and mechanics is provided at additional cost. The duration of training depends on the operator’s skills and customer requirements. ¾ The warranty for the machine is 12 months. Servicing has to be carried out by authorised staff. Maintenance and support ¾ The core parts (engine and hydraulic system) of the Diana flail system are based on commercially available components provided by world-renowned manufacturers (Perkins and Rexroth- Bosch). ¾ Servicing details have to be negotiated between the customer and the manufacturer.

16 Flail systems

¾ The team running the system is recommended to consist of two operators and one mechanic.

Test and evaluations Mini flail ¾ The machine was tested by SWEDEC in September 2003. Test reports were not provided by the manufacturer. Combined systems

Reported limitations and strengths

Due to a lack of independent test reports, no detailed evaluation of the system’s abilities can be provided.

Limitation Strengths ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from a long ƒƒƒ Ease of transportation by a light low-bed trailer. distance (this applies to all remotely controlled ƒƒƒ Dimensions make it suitable for wooded areas. machines). ƒƒƒ Winch for self recovery is fitted.

1. According to the manufacturer 2. All the information contained in this paragraph has been provided by the manufacturer.

17 Compact 140 Minecat

Mini flail Norwegian Demining Consortium AS (NoDeCo), Norway

General description Based on the experiences gained from many years in humanitarian demining NoDeCo designed a new mini flail system which was close to being ready for the field (as of December 2003). The Compact 140 Minecat mini flail is remotely controlled and weighs only 2.5 tonnes, making it easy to transport. The clearance width of 1.4m and the small size enable the machine to work well in urban or difficult-to-access areas where larger systems cannot be operated. The Minecat has a rugged design and should be highly cost-effective as running costs for the system are likely to be low. The machine is equipped with three different contouring systems (free float, automatic and front ski) and the cruise control system installed is said to ensure the consistent speed even when dust reduces operator’s visibility. A GPS system is available as an option to ensure the necessary overlap of the machine passes. The Minecat is equipped with two diesel engines— one for the prime mover (18hp) and one for the flail unit (105hp). The machine is designed for clearance of anti-personnel mines only and according to the manufacturer it can easily be repaired, even after having activated an anti-vehicle mine. Clearance methodology The flail unit attached to the system is powered by a 105hp engine and rotates its 48 chains at speeds of up to 800rpm. According to the manufacturer clearance depth of 500mm can be achieved, depending on soil conditions. The system is operated from an armoured mobile tower up to a range of 1,000m in line of sight. Machines in use to date The machine was tested by SWEDEC in 2003 and has not yet been used in live minefields. Engine, fuel and oil The system is equipped with two separate engines. The flail unit is powered by a 105hp Perkins engine with a claimed fuel consumption of 4l/h. Fuel capacity is sufficient for two working shifts. Factory support No information provided by the manufacturer.

18 Flail systems

Maintenance and support

Design features and machine components used are likely to ensure the availability of spares Mini flail worldwide and ease of maintenance. No detailed information is provided by the manufacturer. Tests and evaluation The machine was tested by SWEDEC in 2003. Reports are available on request from SWEDEC or the manufacturer.

The Minecat remote control. Combined systems

The Minecat armoured mobile tower

Reported limitations and strengths

Due to lack of test reports no information on clerance performance can be provided. Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ For anti-personnel mine clearance only. ƒƒƒ High manoeuvrability and ease of transport. ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from a long ƒƒƒ Designed to serve as a low cost, lightweight, distance (this applies to all remotely controlled anti-personnel mine clearance machine. machines).

19 MV-4

Mini flail DOK-ING d.o.o., Croatia

MV–4 with the attached roller

General description The DOK-ING MV-4 is a mini flail designed for the destruction of anti-personnel mines. It consists of a rotating flail followed by a roller. Depending on the customer’s requirements, the roller can be replaced by two large supporting wheels. Skis are an extra option for operations on extremely muddy ground. The MV-4 is produced by DOK-ING in Croatia, a company which has earned its reputation from extensive field experience. The first model of its mini flail, the MV-1, was produced in 1996. DOK-ING mini flails were originally designed as mine clearance machines. The MV-4 is remotely controlled, tracked and has a working width of 1,725mm. The machine can be controlled by an operator using a portable control panel, or from a second tracked vehicle protected by armour. The machine is small and light and is suited to mine clearance in built-up areas, forests or in other areas unsuitable for larger flails such as house yards or wood paths. Low ground pressure makes the machine suitable for operations on wet ground. The light weight of the vehicle allows for transport by small trailer. The driving engine and other vital parts of the machine are protected by armour plating. The MV series have seen service in mine clearance programmes with DOK-ING, Mechem, Gerbera, CROMAC and AKD Mungos. According to the manufacturer, the MV series have cleared 12.5 million square metres during various projects between 1997 and 2003. Clearance methodology The flail unit of the MV-4 rotates at up to 900rpm, achieving a ground penetration depth of up to 20cm, depending on soil conditions. According to the manufacturer a specially designed system keeps the clearing depth constant. The system is effective against vegetation and trees up to 5cm in diameter. The action of the flail is intended to detonate or break up anti-personnel mines. A 10mm steel shield hoods the flail unit to protect the chassis. A roller is mounted behind the flail system in order to reduce the risk of missed ordnance. The flail unit can be rotated both forward and reverse. The machine has the ability to pass over ditches 0.5m wide and 0.3m deep. Machines in use to date 25 mini flails of the MV- family have been produced since 1996. As of October 2003, 19 machines were in service with various demining organisations and five systems were under construction, due for completion in early 2004.

20 Flail systems

Engine, fuel and oil

¾ MV-4 is equipped with a six-cylinder Perkins Mini flail turbocharged, direct injection, water-cooled diesel engine (165hp). No special fuel or oil is required. ¾ Fuel consumption: 8-15l/h (depending on soil conditions). Factory support ¾ All spare parts are stocked and available on client’s request. ¾ Instruction manuals available in Serbo/Croat and English. ¾ Manuals and documentation are part of the Roller behind the flail unit. purchase package. ¾ Training of operators and mechanics is provided by manufacturer at extra cost. ¾ Warranty and factory follow-up for 12 months in Croatia and the Balkans region. The same warranty applies outside Europe. Additional assistance must be negotiated with DOK-ING. ¾ General support service provided by the manufacturer. ¾ Additional equipment is available: skid for muddy terrain, electric winch, protected remote camera, and front loading bucket. Maintenance and support ¾ Recommended level of maintenance: • First maintenance check after 50 working hours; • Second maintenance check after 200 working hours; • Regular maintenance and repair after 200 working hours. ¾ The company recommends a two-man crew: one operator and one mechanic.

Tests and evaluations ¾ The MV-4 was tested by CROMAC in May 2002. CROMAC test reports are available. ¾ The Swedish military conducted comprehensive tests in Eksjö, Sweden in 2002. Combined systems

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from a long ƒƒƒ Easy to transport on a simple trailer.1 distance (this applies to all remotely controlled ƒƒƒ The small dimensions of the machine allow for machines). flexible deployment.1 ƒƒƒ Maintenance and repair not difficult in field conditions.1 ƒƒƒ Remote control simple to use. ƒƒƒ Powerful engine. ƒƒƒ Well designed engine cooling system. ƒƒƒ High quality armour for vital parts of the machine. ƒƒƒ High quality steel for chains and hammers.

1. Republic of Croatia, Croatian Mine Action Centre (CROMAC) - Testing of MV-4 mine clearing machine, Sisak, May 2002.

21 Technical data sheet Armtrac 75 mini flail Mini flail a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 3,380mm 2. Length total: 4,700mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,560mm 4. Width total: 2,560mm 5. Clearing width: 1,800mm 6. Height, overall: 1,970mm 7. Mass, total: Not given b. Driving specifications 8. Wheels/ tracks: Wheels and tyre chains 9. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given 10. Hill climbing ability: 45° c. Clearance performance 11. Number of chains/chiesels: 54 chains or 54 chisels • length of chains/chiesels: chains 1m, chisels 30cm 12. Gap between chains/chiesels: 10mm 13. Diameter of drum: 150mm 14. Rotation speed: 350rpm 15. Clearance depth, max: 350mm 16. Working speeda) (depending on type and density of vegetation) • light soil/small vegetation: 1,000m/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 700m/h • heavy soil/dense vegetation: 500m/h 17. Control of clearing depth: Engine rpm 18. Machines in use: 2 19. Other types: Armtrac 100, Armtrac 325, Armtrac sifter, Armtrac slash buster 20. Location of use: UK MOD 21. Total area cleared so far: 60,000m2 d. System specifications 22. Engine: Deutz 159hp 23. Fuel capacity: 400l 24. Fuel consumption: At full load 35l/h 25. Separate engine for working unit: No 26. Cooling system: Water 27. Oil capacity 7l 28. Hydraulic oil capacity (both engines): 300l e. Comfort and security 29. Air conditioning: Yes 30. Operator comfort: Coil sprung suspension seat with 4 point harnes 31. Armour: 10mm steel and 45mm glass to 7.6 at point blank range 32. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance: 7,000m f. Costs 33. Cost of system: £110,000 • training driver: 2 weeks at £2,800, mechanical training £2,800 • spare parts Spare part set chains/belts spares for 3 months period £2,500 34. Transport limitation: Road speed of 30kph or truck that will carry 6 tonnes 35. Availability for hire: Yes

22 Flail systems

Technical data sheet Bozena 4a) Mini flail a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 3,857mm 2. Length total: 6,052mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,960mm 4. Width total: 2,746mm 5. Clearing width: 2,000mm 6. Height, minimum: 2,145mm 7. Height, overall: 2,145mm 8. Mass, total: 5,800kg b. Driving specifications 9. Wheels/ tracks: Foam-filled tyres/metal tracks 10. Ground pressure, max. weight: Tracks: 0.66 kg/cm² Front wheels: 2.82kg/cm2 Rear wheels: 1.45kg/cm2 11. Hill climbing ability: Up to 35° c. Clearance performance 12. Number of chains: 36 • length of chains: 470mm 13. Gap between chains: 55mm (dynamically 20mm overlap) 14. Rotation speed: Up to 400rpm 15. Clearance depth, max: Up to 250mm 16. Working speeda) (depending on type and density of vegetation) • light soil/ small vegetation: Approx. 1,800m²/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: Approx. 520m²/h 17. Control of clearing depth: Automatic 18. Machines in use: More than 50 19. Other types: Bozena 1, Bozena 2, Bozna 3 20. Location of use: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Eritrea, Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon and Sri Lanka 21. Total area cleared so far: More than 15,000,000m2 d. System specifications 22. Engine: Deutz BF4L913, 106hp, turbocharged diesel with direct injection, air cooled 23. Fuel capacity: 100l 24. Fuel consumption: Approx. 13.5l/hb)

25. Separate engine for tilling unit: No Combined systems 26. Cooling system engine: Air cooled 27. Oil capacity 14.5l 28. Hydraulic oil capacity: 130l e. Comfort and security 29. Air conditioning: In the cabin 30. Operator comfort: Armoured, air-conditioned cabin 31. Armour: 4mm ARMOX steel. Vital parts are additionally protected by LEXAN 32. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance: 5,000m (with optical visibility only) f. Costs 33. Cost of system: Subject to negotiation • machine On customer request • training Included in the purchase package • spare parts Set chain/belts included 34. Transport limitation: The whole Bozena system can be packed in one 40ft and one 20ft container. The customer has to provide the truck for transportation 35. Availability for hire: Yes a) All information according to the manufacturer. b) Republic of Croatia, Croatian Mine Action Centre, Testing of Bozena-4 Demining Machine (test report), p. 2.

23 Technical data sheet Columbia Mini-Flail Mini flail a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 2,350mm 2. Length total: 3,073mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,067mm 4. Width total: 1,295mm 5. Clearing width: 1,067mm 6. Height, overall: 1,143mm 7. Mass, total: 1,063kg b. Driving specifications 8. Wheels/ tracks: 23 x 8.50 cleat tyres, foam-filled 9. Ground pressure, max. weight: 6 PSI 10. Hill climbing ability: 22° c. Clearance performance 11. Number of chains: 72 • length of chains: 14.2 in. (361mm) 12. Gap between chains: 152mm 13. Rotation speed: Not given 14. Clearance depth, max: Not given 15. Working speed • light soil/ medium vegetation: 3.2km/h • medium soil/medium vegetation 2.4km/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 2.4km/h 16. Control of clearing depth: Not given 17. Machines in use: 2 18. Other types: — 19. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kuwait 20. Total area cleared so far: Unknown d. System specifications 21. Engine: 17hp diesel 22. Fuel capacity: 22.7l 23. Fuel consumption: 3.9l/h (estimate) 24. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 25. Cooling system engine: Liquid 26. Oil capacity 2.4l 27. Hydraulic oil capacity: 34l e. Comfort and security 28. Air conditioning: No 29. Operator comfort: N/A 30. Armour: SPECTRA 31. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance: 91m f. Costs 32. Cost of system: U.S.$110,000 (estimated) • spare parts Set chains/belt U.S.$8,500 including remote control spares 33. Transport: Self-propelled and trailer deployed 34. Availability for hire: No

24 Flail systems

Technical data sheet Columbia Small-Flail Mini flail a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 2,717mm 2. Length total: 3,759mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,955mm 4. Width total: 1,955mm 5. Clearing width: 1,524mm 6. Height, overall: 2,082mm 7. Mass , total: 4,037kg b. Driving specifications 8. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks (449mm width) 9. Ground pressure, max weight: 4.2 PSI 10. Hill climbing ability: 22o c. Clearance performance 11. Number of chains: 108 • length of chains: 361mm 12. Gap between chains: 152mm 13. Rotation speed: Not given 14. Clearance depth, max. (planned): 203.2mm 15. Working speed (planned): • light soil/medium vegetation: 3.2km/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 2.4km/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 2.4km/h 16. Control of clearing depth: Not given 17. Machines in use: Developmental 18. Other types: — 19. Location of use: — 20. Totally area cleared so far: — d. System specifications 21. Engine: 73hp diesel 22. Fuel capacity: 17.3l 23. Fuel consumption: 17.3l/h (estimate) 24. Separate engine for working unit: No 25. Cooling system engine: Oil 26. Oil capacity (both engines): 16.3l 27. Hydraulic oil capacity (both engines): 49.2l e. Comfort and security

28. Air conditioning: No Combined systems 29. Operator confort: — 30. Armour: SPECTRA/steel 31. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance: 91m f. Costs 32. Cost of system: U.S.$200,000 (estimated) 33. Other costs: • training — • spare parts Set chains/belt U.S.$12,500, including remote control spares 34. Transport: Self-propelled and trailer or flat bed truck 35. Availability for hire: No

25 Technical data sheet Diana 40T Mini flail a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 3,370mm 2. Length total: 5,370mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,050mm 4. Width total: 2,500mm 5. Clearing width: 2,100mm 6. Height, overall: Not given 7. Mass , total: 5,150kg b. Driving specifications 8. Wheels/ tracks: 400mm 9. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.32kg/cm2 10. Hill climbing ability: 30o c. Clearance performance 11. Number of chains: 40 • length of chains: 570mm 12. Gap between chains: 60mm 13. Rotation speed: Up to 600rpm 14. Clearance depth, max.: 200mm 15. Working speed: • light soil/medium vegetation: 4km/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 2km/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 0.8km/h 16. Control of clearing depth: Mechanically 17. Machines in use: Machine is not yet fielded 18. Other types: — 19. Location of use: — 20. Totally area cleared so far: — d. System specifications 21. Engine: Perkins 1104C-E44T 22. Fuel capacity: 70l 23. Fuel consumption: 6l/h (estimated) 24. Separate engine for working unit: Not given 25. Cooling system engine: Water cooled 26. Oil capacity: 8l 27. Hydraulic oil capacity: 67l e. Comfort and security 28. Air conditioning: In the control vehicle 29. Operator confort: After set-up the system works in semi-automatic mode 30. Armour: Not given 31. Remote control: CSD T2 type • greatest distance: 5,000m (with optical visibility only) f. Costs 32. Cost of system: €150,000 33. Other costs: • training €2,500 • spare parts €5,560/year 34. Transport: On a special trailer, air transportable 35. Availability for hire: Yes

26 Flail systems

Technical data sheet Compact 140 Minecat Mini flail a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 2,400mm 2. Length total: 3,600mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,060mm 4. Width total: 1,770mm 5. Clearing width: 1,400mm 6. Height, overall: 1,480mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 1,700kg 8. Mass, detachable unit(s): 800kg 9. Mass, overall: 2,500kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Rubber tracks 11. Ground pressure: 0.38kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: 25o transport, 20o operational c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 48 • Length of chains: 520mm 14. Diametre of drum: 1,300mm incl. chains 15. Rotation speed: 350-800rpm 16. Clearance depth, max.: 500mm 17. Working speed: 0.2-2.5km/h • light soil/ meidumvegetation: 0.5-2.5km/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 0.2-1.5km/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 0.2-1.0km/h 18. Control of clearing depth: Manual/automatic 19. Machines in use: 1 prototype completed all tests 20. Other types: — 21. Location of use: Norway, Sweden 22. Totally area cleared so far: Approximately 50,000m² d. System specifications 23. Engine: 2 (104hp + 18hp) 24. Fuel capacity: 70l 25. Fuel consumption: 4l/h 26. Separate engine for tilling unit: Yes, Perkins (104hp) 27. Cooling system engine: Fluid-cooled via radiator and fan 28. Oil capacity (both engines): 5 + 11l 29. Hydraulic oil capacity (both engines): 24 + 40l Combined systems e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes, in mobile tower (armoured) 31. Operator confort: Very good - mobile tower (armoured) 32. Armour: Yes, variable in thickness 33. Remote control: Yes, two-way radio • greatest distance: 1,000m f. Costs 34. Cost of system: • machine — • training — • spare parts — 35. Transport: Helicopter (inside/under), any suitable trailer, truck, container 36. Availability for hire: To be discussed

27 Technical data sheet MV-4 Mini flail a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 2,950mm 2. Length total: 4,6110-5,360mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,540mm 4. Width total: 2,080mm 5. Clearing width: 1,725mm 6. Height, minimum: Not given 7. Height, overall: 1,400mm 8. Mass , total: 5,150kg (without fuel and lubricants) b. Driving specifications 9. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks (300mm width) 10. Ground pressure, max weight: Between 0.41-0.43kg/cm², depending on terrain configuration 11. Hill climbing ability: Clearance of transverse slopes of 35o up and down; clearance of longitudinal slopes of 20o; driving on longitudinal slopes of 35o c. Clearance performance 12. Number of chains: 32 • Length of chains: 320mm - chains with hammer; 115mm - single hammer 13. Gap between chains: 45/15mm (static/dynamic) 14. Rotation speed: Up to 900rpm 15. Clearance depth, max.: Up to 200mm 16. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: 1,500-2,000m²/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 1,000–1,200m²/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 500-800m²/h 17. Control of clearing depth: Automatic (electronic) 18. Machines in use: 16 19. Other types: 6 (MV-1; MV-2; MV-3) 20. Location of use: Albania (planned) Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, and Sweden 21. Totally area cleared so far: Approximately 12,000,000m² d. System specifications 22. Engine: Perkins 1066-60TW; 6 cylinder in line; turbocharged diesel; 4-stroke; direct injection; water cooled; 199.5kw or 123.5kw 23. Fuel capacity: 70l 24. Fuel consumption: 10-15l/h 25. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 26. Cooling system engine: Water 27. Oil capacity: 15l 28. Hydraulic oil capacity: 178l e. Comfort and security 29. Air conditioning: No 30. Operator confort: Remote control 31. Armour: 8-10mm steel armour plates 32. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance: 1,500m f. Costs 33. Cost of system: • machine €250,000 • training Training course takes one week both for operators and mechanics • spare parts Basic spare parts set •5,684. Other options available on customer's request. 34. Transport limitation: No . Air transportable on a C-130, IL-76 or similar cargo aircraft. MV-4 can be transported on a low-bed vehicle or an ordinary truck.

28 Flail systems Mini flail Combined systems

29 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Mini flail Armtrac 75 mini flail Bozena a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 3,380mm 3,857mm 2. Length total: 4,700mm 6,052mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,560m 1,960mm 4. Width total: 2,560mm 2,746mm 5. Clearing width: 1,800mm 2,000mm 6. Height, minimum: 2,145mm 7. Height, overall: 1,970mm 2,145mm 8. Mass, total: Not given 5,800kg b. Driving specifications 9. Wheels/ tracks: Wheels and tyre chains Foam filled tyres/ metal tracks 10. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given Tracks 0.66 kg/cm² Front wheels: 2.82kg/cm2 Rear wheels: 1.46kg/cm2 11. Hill climbing ability: 45° Up to 35° c. Clearance performance 12. Number of chains: 54 chains or 54 chisels 36 • length of chains: chains 1m; chiesels 30cm 470mm 13. Gap between chains: 10mm 55mm (dynamically 20mm overlap) 14. Rotation speed: 350rpm Up to 400rpm 15. Clearance depth, max: 350mm Up to 250mm 16. Working speed • light soil/small vegetation: 1,000m/h Approx. 1,800m²/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 700m/h — • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 500m/h Approx. 520m²/h 17. Control of clearing depth: Engine rpm Automatic 18. Machines in use: 2 More than 50 19. Other types: Armtrac 100, 325, sifter, slash buster Bozena 1, Bozena 2, Bozena 3 20. Location of use: UK MOD Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Eritrea, Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, and Sri Lanka 21. Total area cleared so far: 60,000m2 More than 15,000,000m2 d. System specifications 22. Engine: Deutz 159hp Deutz BF4L913, 106hp 23. Fuel capacity: 400l 100l 24. Fuel consumption: At full load 35l/h Max. 8.2l/h 25. Separate engine for tilling unit: No No 26. Cooling system engine: Water Air cooled 27. Oil capacity 7l 14.5l 28. Hydraulic oil capacity: 300l 130l e. Comfort and security 29. Air conditioning: Yes In the cabin 30. Operator comfort: Coil sprung suspension seat Armoured, air-conditioned cabin 31. Armour: 10mm steel and 45mm glass to 4mm ARMOX steel. Vial parts are 7.6 at point blank range protected by LEXAN 32. Remote control: Yes Yes • greatest distance: 7,000m 5,000m (with optical visibility only)

f. Costs 33. Cost of system: Subject to negotiation • machine £110,000 On customer request • training driver: 2 weeks at £2,800, Included in the purchase mechanical training £2,800 package • spare parts For 3 months period £2,500 Set chain/belts included

34. Transport limitation: Road speed of 30kph or truck Can be packed in one 40ft and that will carry 6 tonnes and one 20ft container. The customer has to provide the truck for transportation. 35. Availability for hire: Yes Yes 30 Flail systems Mini flail Columbia Mini-Flail Columbia Small-Flail Diana T40

2,350mm 2,717mm 3,370mm 3,073mm 3,759mm 5,370mm 1,067mm 1,955mm 2,050mm 1,295mm 1,52mm 2,500mm 1,067mm 2,000mm 2,100mm Not given — Not given 1,143mm 2,082mm — 1,063kg 4,037kg 5,150kg

23 x 8.50 cleat tyres, foam-filled Tracks, 499mm in width 400mm 6PSI 4.2 PSI 0.32kg/cm²

22° 22° 30°

72 108 40 361mm 361mm 570mm 152mm 152mm 60mm Not given Not given Up to 600rpm Not given 203.2mm 200mm

3.2km/h 3.2km/h 4km/h 2.4km/h 2.4km/h 2km/h 2.4km/h 2.4km/h 0.8km/h Not given Not given Mechanically 2 — Machine is not yet fielded ——— Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kuwait — —

Unknown — —

17hp diesel 73hp diesel Perkins 1104C-E44T 22.7l 17.3l 70l Combined systems 3.9l/h (estimated) 17.3l/h (estimate) 6l/h No No Not given Liquid Oil Water cooled 2.4l (both engines) 16.3l (both engines) 8l 34l (both engines) 49.2l (both engines) 67l

No No In the control vehicle — — After set up the system works in semi- automatic mode SPECTRA SPECTRA steel Not given

Yes Yes Yes, CSD T2 type 91m 91m 5,000m (with optical visibility only)

U.S.$200,000 (estimated) €150,000 U.S.$110,000 On customer request Training course takes one week Included in the purchase €2,500 both for operators and mechanics package Set chains/belt U.S.$8,500, incl. set chains/belts U.S.$12,500 incl. €5,560/year remote control remote control spares Self-propelled and trailer deployed Self-propelled and trailer or flat On a special trailer, air transportable bed truck

No Availability for hire: No Yes 31 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Mini flail Compact 140 Minecat MV-4 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 2,400mm 2,950mm 2. Length total: 3,600mm 4,610-5,300mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,060mm 1,540mm 4. Width total: 1,770mm 2,000mm 5. Clearing width: 1,400mm 1,725mm 6. Height, minimum: — Not given 7. Height, overall: 1,480mm 1,400 8. Mass, total: 2,500kg 5,150kg (without fuel and lub.) b. Driving specifications 9. Wheels/ tracks: Rubber tracks Tracks 300mm 10. Ground pressure, max. weight: 0.38kg/cm2 Between 0.41-0.43kg/cm² 11. Hill climbing ability: 25° transport, 20° operational Clearance of transverse slopes of 35°, driving on transverse slopes of 50-80 up and down, clearance of longitudinal slopes of 20°; driving on longitudinal slopes of 35° c. Clearance performance 12. Number of chains: 48 32 • length of chains: 520mm 300mm with hammer, 155mm with single hammer 13. Gap between chains: diam. of drum 1,300mm incl. chains 45/15mm 14. Rotation speed: 350-800rpm Up to 900rpm 15. Clearance depth, max: 500mm Up to 200mm 16. Working speed 0.2-2.5km/h • light soil/ small vegetation: 0.5-2.5m/h 1,500-2,000m2/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 0.2-1.5km/h 1,000-1,200m2/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 02-1.0km/h 500-800m2/h 17. Control of clearing depth: Manual/automatic Automatic (electronic) 18. Machines in use: 1 prototype 16 19. Other types: — 6 (MV-1, MV-2, MV-3) 20. Location of use: Norway, Sweden Albania (planned), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, DRC, Iraq 21.Total area cleared so far: approx. 50,000m2 approx. 12,000,000m2 d. System specifications 22. Engine: 2 (105hp + 18hp) Perkins 1006-60TW, 6 cylinder in line, turbocharged diesel, 4-stroke, direct injection, water cooled 23. Fuel capacity: 70l 70l 24. Fuel consumption: 4l/h 10-15l/h 25. Separate engine for tilling unit: Yes, Perkins (104hp) No 26. Cooling system engine: Fluid cooled via radiator and fan Water cooled 27. Oil capacity 5 + 11l 15l 28. Hydraulic oil capacity: 24 + 40l 178l e. Comfort and security 29. Air conditioning: Yes, in mobile tower No 30. Operator comfort: Not given Remote control 31. Armour: Yes, variable in thickness 8mm steel armour plates 32. Remote control: Yes, two-way radio Yes • greatest distance: 1,000m 1,500m f. Costs 33. Cost of system: • machine — €250,000 • training — Training course takes one week • spare parts — basic set •5,864. Other options on customer's request 34. Transport limitation: Helicopter, truck, trailer, container Transportable by air, transportable on low-bed vehicle or truck 35. Availability for hire: To be discussed Yes

32 Flail systems Medium flail

Medium flail

33 Aardvark Mk IV

Aardvark Clear Mine Ltd , United Kingdom Medium flail

Surface aftet treatment by the Aardvark Mk IV

General description The Aardvark system is probably one of the most commonly used mechanical mine clearance vehicles in the world. The Aardvark was first developed in 1985 and since then some 200 machines of all variants have been sold. The latest model is the Aardvark Mk IV, which has been in production since 2001. The Aardvark Mk IV is a chain flail system designed to destroy anti-personnel and anti-tank mines while cutting vegetation. The machine uses a half-track platform giving it greater traction and stability in difficult terrain. Wheels can replace the tracks if the machine is required to transport itself. If the vehicle must move to a new location over a longer distance, it is better to transport it by low-loader. Power to operate the flail is derived from the vehicle engine. The Mk IV is controlled by one or two operators seated in a fully armoured cab. The steering control (dual steering) can be switched between operators. The steering system is designed to limit operator visibility problems owing to dust. The belly armour is angled for maximum blast deflection. Protective glass around the cab is strengthened with an internal polycarbonate liner and an external steel mesh. Clearance methodology During clearance operations, the vehicle moves rear-end first into a suspect area. The flail component has an expected clearance width of 3m to a maximum ground penetration depth of 500mm. The ground penetration depth is adjusted by an automatic contouring and depth control system, which can be overridden by the operator. The system is designed to clear vegetation of up to 150mm trunk diameter. The flail drum rotates anti-clockwise up to a speed of 305rpm. The manufacturer states that the flail unit will detonate or break up mines. Machines in use to date ¾ At present 160 Mk III and 15 Mk IV machines are in use in 26 countries.1 ¾ Aardvark has sold many vehicles to the international military community. Recipients include France, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S. (Air Force, Army and Marines). Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The Aardvark has a single 165hp turbo-charged engine using standard diesel fuel. ¾ Oil used in the engine and hydraulic systems is of a standard type used by agricultural machines found throughout the world. ¾ Reference tables are supplied for all major oil suppliers recommended by the engine/ transmission manufacturers.

34 Flail systems

Factory support ¾ Aardvark provides after-sales support to its customers. Manuals covering operation, maintenance and spare parts are supplied in English as part of the sales package. Translation into the customer’s language is possible if required. ¾ A large parts inventory is maintained at the factory and spare parts can be shipped at short notice. ¾ The warranty covers one year from the date of delivery to final destination. ¾ Aardvark recommends a minimum one-month training for users provided at a location chosen by the customer. ¾ The company offers to provide any other support that the customer needs including personnel

for extended operations, maintenance packages, etc. Medium flail Maintenance and support ¾ Regular maintenance periods are required comprising daily, weekly and monthly checks as laid down in the operating procedures. ¾ The company recommends a two-man crew to operate the vehicle. ¾ Aardvark claims that no special workshop facilities are required. According to the manufacturer, the machine is designed to be field-repairable. ¾ The British Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) stated that a lot of effort has gone into making the Mk IV more maintenance-friendly. ¾ The flail is mechanically driven, potentially making maintenance easier than with hydraulic systems. ¾ Preventive maintenance checks and servicing takes a maximum of 45 minutes to complete with two mechanics. Tests and evaluations ¾ Due to its time in the business and wide distribution, Aardvark is probably one of the most tested mine clearance machines on the market.1 ¾ In 1999, the Dutch Army carried out a series of tests to determine the safety of the control cab for the operator on a Mk III. Using a fully-instrumented dummy in the cab, a series of eight anti- tank mines and other ordnance items were control-detonated under and around the vehicle. No “injuries” to the test dummy were reported. The MK IV cab structure is identical to that of the MK III. ¾ The Mk IV was tested at DERA Bagshot test track on 26-30 July 2000. The trials included a water obstacle test. DERA stated that the Mk IV cleared all surrogate model mines in its path and is a valuable asset when used in the right environment and under appropriate circumstances.2 ¾ United States Army, Communications - Electronic Command Research, Development and Engineering Center, Fort Belvoir, carried out an intensive capabilities demonstration in October 2001.

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ System creates huge dust clouds. Visibility can ƒƒƒ The Aardvark Mk IV is a mature product and become difficult for the operator.2 incorporates all the lessons learned from 16 years of operation. ƒƒƒ Simple mechanism. Spare parts readily available. ƒƒƒ Air transportable when the flail and the air filter are removed. ƒƒƒ High degree of operator safety. ƒƒƒ Good manoeuvrability.

1. According to the manufacturer. 2. United States Army, Communications- Electronic Command Research, Development and Engineering Centre, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Capabilities Demonstration Test Report, January 2002.

35 Armtrac 100

Armtrac Ltd., United Kingdom Medium flail

Armtrac 100

General description Armtrac Limited produces the Armtrac 100, a medium flail system based on a New Holland tractor fitted with 10mm armour around the driver’s cab, 45mm toughened glass (polycarbonate/glass laminate) and 6mm of armour protecting the chassis. The vehicle has a 165hp engine, front steering 4 x 4 with foam-fill tyres. It has a top road speed of 45km/h. A creep gearbox is incorporated into the system for the most difficult driving conditions, complete with a 16 x 16-electro shift for fast and easy gear changes. The Armtrac 100 can climb and flail slopes of up to 45°1 and clear flat areas at a rate of 1,600m2/h.1 During a tilt test, the machine lost balance on a 20° side-slope. The average clearance rate recorded was reduced to 600m2/h.2 The flail can remain attached at full road speed, or detached from the tractor in around five minutes. The flail rotors are designed to withstand anti-personnel and anti-tank mine blasts. The tractor is fitted with a winch to enable self-recovery without the need for support vehicles. The Armtrac 100 has a power-take-off (PTO) shaft and a three-point linkage at the front and rear. The Mine Sift and Separation System produced by the manufacturer can be fitted to the rear of the tractor. Any other equipment driven by a PTO shaft (e.g. portable welders, electrical generating plants, etc.) can also be fitted. The flail is mounted to the front PTO shaft of the tractor. It has an extended blast plate with spring-loaded plates at the top. These are designed to prevent debris being thrown over a wide area during flailing. They open to allow blast pressure to dissipate thereby minimising damage to the vehicle. The minimum turning circle of the machine is 13.87m (on tarmac, left-hand lock, rear wheel braked). Due to the flail system and the deflector plates in front, driver visibility during transit is restricted to approximately 72m ahead. Consideration should be given to the fact that approximately 65 per cent of the load distribution is on the front axle (with flail attached). Clearance methodology The overall width of the vehicle is 2.64m, with a working width of 2.08m. The rotor operates at up to 350rpm clockwise and clears ground to a depth of up to 200mm. During QinetiQ tests, the flail had a good clearance performance down to 100mm ground penetration depth over all terrain types tested. Performance degraded when mines were buried at depths of 150 and 200mm.3 In operational mode, the special gearbox on the vehicle propels the machine at 0.3km/h. Each chain on the flail has a hardened steel hammer attached to the end in order to cause detonation or break-up of mines. Clearance depth adjustment is controlled manually by the operator.

36 Flail systems

Machines in use to date ¾ Machines have been sold to G3 Systems, European Landmine Solutions and Exploration Logistics (Mineclear/Minetech). ¾ Two machines are currently working: in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Mozambique.

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The tractor has a diesel engine with an average consumption of 50l/h while operating the flail.

Factory support Medium flail ¾ The Armtrac 100 is based on a New Holland tractor. New Holland parts are available worldwide. ¾ At extra cost, a recommended basic spare parts kit is supplied by the manufacturer. ¾ The manufacturer supplies special parts unlikely to be found locally.

Maintenance and support ¾ Weekly basic greasing and oil level checks, etc. by driver/operator. ¾ Full service required every 300 hours by personnel trained by the manufacturer. Tests and evaluations ¾ QinetiQ (formerly DERA) tested the Armtrac 100 in February 2002. The test report of 88 pages is available at the GICHD (hard copy only). The most important results are included in this extract. ¾ During the test, the Armtrac 100 flail had to clear test lanes containing 174 test mines laid to a depth of 200mm. The flail achieved a high level of clearance efficiency. ¾ The abstract of the report reads: “The Armtrac 100 is a well-designed and capable machine. It demonstrated an ability to clear anti-personnel-sized mines from terrain ranging from sandy topsoil to gravel track and heavy clay, but with limitations on clearance depth.” It also concludes that the Armtrac 100 has good vegetation clearance ability and good mobility. “The machine survived a limited range of live explosive tests, although these did not fully assess the safety of the operator.”

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ For transportation over longer distances, a 40m ƒƒƒ A lightweight flail system that can withstand low-bed trailer is required. anti-tank mine blast under the flail unit. ƒƒƒ The approach angle is 22.5° with the mounted ƒƒƒ The Armtrac 100 showed good vegetation flail system. cutting ability. ƒƒƒ The engine power is not sufficient for an overall ƒƒƒ The machine has a high ground clearance (at clearance depth of 20cm in all types of soil. least 43cm under the front hitch). ƒƒƒ The tools at the end of the chains should be redesigned for more clearance efficiency. The flail causes ridges particularly in wet clay. ·ƒƒƒ Although the 4 x 4 transmission provides good traction, the weight of the flail unit and armour tends to cause the wheels to sink on soft terrain, particularly the front wheels.

1. According to the manufacturer. 2. QinetiQ International Test and Evaluation Programme, Armtrac 100 Trial Report, Farnborough, April 2002, pp. 22 and 24. 3. Ibid., p. 29.

37 Hydrema MCV 910 (Series 2) A/S Hydrema Danmark, Denmark Medium flail

The Hydrema MCV 910

General description The Hydrema MCV 910 (Series 2) is a flail system designed for clearing surface or buried anti- personnel or anti-tank mines containing up to 10kg of explosives. The system is an upgraded version of the 910 MCV, based on the pivot chassis of a commercial dumper. The running gear consists of four wheels on two axles. The machine has two 136kw diesel engines. After modifications, the flail can now be powered by both engines at the same time. In this case, 272kw can be harnessed for flailing operations. During transportation, the flail unit is stowed on the platform to the rear of the cab. The driving speed on paved roads is up to 35km/h. The system can be transported by low-loader vehicle, by rail or airlifted in a Hercules C 130. The vehicle requires one operator. For self-recovery, a winch is attached at the front of the vehicle. The latest version of the Hydrema 910 (series 2) features comprehensive modifications such as improved air filters and chains, a new depth regulation control system, automatic crawling function and improved engine cooling system. The cabin of the Series 2 has been modified with by 14mm ARMOX protection. It can withstand the blast of an anti-vehicle mine detonated under one of the front wheels. Clearance methodology Transformation of the flail unit from its road transport position to working configuration can be achieved in approximately five minutes using a special tilting/turning system, hydraulically operated from the cab. When clearing the vehicle moves in the opposite direction to its movement on the road. Pivot steering is designed to ensure that the front and rear wheels move in the same track. The 72 chains of the 3.5 metre-wide flail shaft rotate clockwise at a speed of up to 350rpm. The flail action should detonate or break up anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. Direction of rotation can be reversed. Effective ground penetration depth is up to 250mm and can be controlled automatically. The Series 2 machine is equipped with a yaw control designed to prevent ridges of earth forming in a cleared lane. The deflector plate is of armoured steel and protects against blast and fragments. The operator can manually control the vehicle using a joystick or select a computerised automatic pilot steering system. The improved depth regulation system and the automatic adjustable "crawling system" achieve faster and more effective clearance.1 According to the manufacturer, the power on the flail unit has been "increased significantly" (by some 30-40 per cent).

38 Flail systems

Machines in use to date ¾ 54 machines are in service with armed forces or mine clearance organisations. Three systems have been in service with the U.S. military clearing Bagram airfield in Afghanistan. ¾ A Danish platoon equipped with two MCV 910 machines is involved in clearance operations at Kabul airport. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ Average fuel consumption is 60l per hour.1 ¾ Oil used in the engine and the hydraulic systems is of general standard.

Factory support Medium flail ¾ Spare parts (NATO-stock numbered) sufficient for a two-year operation are part of normal purchase package. ¾ Training courses for operators and mechanics are part of the purchase package. ¾ Instruction manuals and documentation are available in English, Danish and Russian. Maintenance and support ¾ Recommended level of maintenance required is similar to standard commercial engineering construction machines. Tests and evaluations ¾ The German Army tested the Hydrema 910 MCV in October 2000.2 ¾ Tested in Croatia by CROMAC April-June 2001. ¾ Tested in Sweden by SWEDEC August 2001. ¾ Lessons learned from an accident in Eritrea in 2001.

Hydrema 910 MCV flail system in action

Reported limitations and strengths (refer to the Series 1 model)

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ As with most flail systems, the Hydrema tends to ƒƒƒ Easily deployed to the area of operations. create lots of dust during operations. Approximately five minutes to ready the system for clearance activities. ƒƒƒ By changing the direction of the rotating flail, the system can also clear roads and areas with a hard surface. ƒƒƒ The vehicle is equipped with two engines for driving and flailing. ƒƒƒ The pivot steering enables the vehicle to drive with front and rear wheels in the same track.

1. According to the manufacturer. 2. Wehrtechnische Dienstelle für Pionier- und Truppengerät, Kurzbericht, Meppen/Koblenz, 15 January 2001.

39 Minecat 230

Norwegian Demining Consortium AS (NoDeCo), Norway Medium flail

The Minecat 230 during tests in Kosovo

General description In 1998, a group of companies in Norway formed the Norwegian Demining Consortium (NoDeCo). In 1999, the first mechanical product of NoDeCo was the medium flail Minecat 230. The Minecat weighs 8 tonnes and has a working width of 230cm. The vehicle moves on tracks and can be controlled remotely or by an operator inside the cab. It can also be controlled using a cable for situations where remote control might create a radio frequency hazard (e.g. proximity to electrical detonators). The machine is based on a Bobcat 863 skid steer chassis. The system is for clearance of anti- personnel and anti-tank mines. The Minecat’s small size and relatively light weight enable it to work well in urban areas or over difficult terrain where larger flails cannot operate. The Minecat can also be mounted with other Bobcat front-end tools, enhancing user flexibility. For ease of shipment or long distance transportation, the system can be broken down into three major compartments: the driver’s cab (1,000kg), the chassis (4,700kg), and the flail unit (2,100kg). The NoDeCo Tower is an armoured observation cabin mounted on an elevation platform. If dense vegetation or other obstacles create difficulties for control of the system, an operator is afforded an improved observation point. The maximum operating distance in line of sight is 1,000m. The Minecat is equipped with two diesel engines — one for the prime mover (73hp) and one for the flail unit (150hp). Clearance methodology The flail unit attached to the front of the Minecat rotates its 48 chains at a speed of 384rpm, with a stated clearance depth of 20cm, depending on soil conditions.1 Each chain has a 60mm-diameter hammer attached to the end designed to detonate or break up mines. The chains are mounted to the flail drum in a staggered pattern, giving each hammer an overlap of 10mm each side as they hit the ground. Because of the advanced contouring system the flail can be run either automatically or manually. Machines in use to date ¾ One machine is in Croatia operated by NPA. ¾ Two machines are in Iran operated by NPA. ¾ One machine is in Jordan operated by the Jordanian Army. ¾ One machine is in Lebanon operated by MAG. ¾ Machines are being delivered to Afghanistan, Croatia, and Lebanon.

40 Flail systems

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The Minecat is equipped with a Deutz diesel engine for the prime mover and a Perkins 1006-60 turbo 6l diesel engine for the flail system. No special fuel or hydraulic oil is required. Factory support ¾ A comprehensive spare parts support package for one year. ¾ A worldwide servicing and spare parts network for all Medium flail components ensures the availability of spares. ¾ NoDeCo offers the choice of factory training in Norway Minecat 230 detonating a mine or on-site training tailored to the customer’s requirements. Training normally lasts six weeks. ¾ Training, documentation and manuals in English are part of the purchase package. ¾ Training, service and support is provided by NoDeCo Middle East. Maintenance and support ¾ Regular maintenance is required, comprised of daily, weekly, monthly and annual checks as per the operating instructions. ¾ The company recommends a three-operator crew: one operator, one observer (for additional safety), and one operator resting. ¾ The Minecat is supported by a mobile workshop container. ¾ It can be shipped in 2 x 20ft ISO containers. Tests and evaluations ¾ In June 1999, the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (NDRE) carried out a test to evaluate operator risk: 10kg of TNT were detonated under the flail unit. The test concluded that against detonations of up to 10kg of TNT, the operator will not suffer injury provided that the cabin has not previously been damaged; the doors remain completely shut and operators wear head and ear protection.1 ¾ NPA conducted testing and evaluation of the Minecat 230 over six months in Norway and two months in Kosovo in 1999. The system was found to move too quickly over suspect ground and recommendations were made to improve ground penetration by reducing speed. Identified weaknesses were rectified. The machine proved robust against anti-personnel and anti-tank mine blasts, and only incurred the expected loss of some chains and chain hammers.2 ¾ Both reports are available from the manufacturer or from the GICHD.

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Frequent breakdowns while operating with ƒƒƒ A light and compact demining tool shipped in MAG in Kosovo (approximately every four 2 x 20ft ISO containers. working hours).3 ƒƒƒ Small size adds to deployment flexibility. ƒƒƒ Low road speed (5km/h). ƒƒƒ Built to destroy anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. ƒƒƒ Depth control system. ƒƒƒ Remote control.

1. According to the manufacturer. 2. Hands, M., NPA MINECAT Test Report & Recommendations, 10 February 2000. 3. MAG statement.

41 Minemill MC 2003

Trademill Mejac & Co.d.n.o., Slovenia Medium flail

The Minemill MC 2003

General description The Minemill MC 2003 is a chain flail system produced in Slovenia. The machine is based on the chassis of a commercial track-driven prime mover and propelled by a 90hp diesel engine. Depending on soil conditions, the manually controlled ground penetration depth is effective to a maximum of 20cm.1 For this reason, the manufacturer states that the Minemill is best used for ground preparation and technical survey operations. The flail unit has 72 chains, powered by a 170hp diesel engine. The system is relatively lightweight, enabling it to work in difficult to access areas where larger systems cannot operate. One operator drives the system from a fully armoured cab protected by 5+5mm high resistant steel plates and 45mm bulletproof glass. A self recovery winch is attached to the prime mover and an additional emergency exit from the cabin enhances operator rescue possibilities. According to the manufacturer, the machine is able to maintain the working depth set in order to follow ground contours. On request the system can be equipped with a video monitored control system, enabling the operator to assess ground in front of and behind the machine. The machine can be controlled remotely or by an operator. Clearance methodology The total width of the vehicle with attached flail unit is 2.7m. The clearance width is 220mm. The 66 to 72 chains of the flail rotate clockwise at up to 500rpm. The machine works at between 0.5-2.5km/h. The hammers attached to each chain are intended to either detonate or break up anti- personnel mines. The ground penetration depth achieved is 200mm.1 Machines in use to date ¾ Four machines are in service with NGOs and commercial companies in the Balkans and South Lebanon. ¾ A further machine was in production in November 2003. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The Minemill MC 2003 is equipped with two diesel engines: one for powering the prime mover (90hp) and the other for the flail unit (170hp). ¾ The fuel tank has a 120l diesel capacity. ¾ Fuel consumption is 10-13l/h.1

42 Flail systems

¾ Hydraulic oil capacity is 435l. Factory support ¾ Manuals are available in English, Slovenian and Croatian/Serb. ¾ The manufacturer provides a six-month warranty. ¾ Specific spares covering both the prime mover and the flail unit are provided by the manufacturer. Maintenance and support ¾ The system has the benefit of simple and robust design. According to the operating instructions, a full service is required every 150 hours, carried out by staff trained by the manufacturer. Medium flail Tests and evaluations ¾ The machine was tested by the Bosnia-Herzogovina Mine Action Centre (BHMAC). No further information is available.

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Designed for anti-personnel mine clearance ƒƒƒ Simple and robust. only. ƒƒƒ Lightweight design.

1. According to the manufacturer.

43 Patria RA–140 DS

Patria Vehicles Oy, Finland Medium flail

The Patria RA–140 DS in operating mode

General description The Patria RA-140 DS is a wheeled, armoured medium flail system designed to clear (non- directional) anti-personnel mines and anti-tank mines containing up to 10kg of TNT. The driver’s cab is armoured and the windows are of protective glass. The cab can withstand explosive blast and affords ballistic protection against direct fire rounds of up to 7.62mm. A two-man crew has two complete sets of controls; one for driving forward on roads and the other for clearance operations in reverse. The cab is pressure-sealed, sound-insulated and shock-resistant. The vehicle running gear consists of six wheels on two axles. The chain flail unit is hydraulically powered. Ground penetration depth control is automatic or manual. For transportation, the flail unit with its armoured shield lifts up to be fixed in position above the rear axle. For transport over longer distances or storage, the flail unit and shield can be disconnected and attached to the truck bed. In this position, the vehicle width is 2,920mm. The RA-140 DS does not require loader transport. On paved roads, the vehicle can travel at an average of up to 70km/h. With the flail unit detached and put on the vehicle platform, the system can be transported by air. A winch is attached at the front for self-recovery. During clearance operations, the transfer box has a two-speed hydraulic motor for slow driving. Clearance methodology The total width of the vehicle with the tiller unit in working position is 4m, while the flail clearance width is 3.4m. The 84 chains of the flail rotate clockwise at up to 400rpm. A ground depth penetration of up to 370mm is achieved when set to automatic or manual, selected by the operator. The action of the flail is designed to detonate or break up anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. Machines in use to date ¾ There are approximately 50 machines worldwide, mostly used mostly by military forces. ¾ The Patria RA–140 DS has been deployed to Cambodia, Kosovo and Mozambique for humanitarian demining operations. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The Patria RA–140 DS is powered by a six-cylinder, 141kw Deutz diesel engine. It is turbo- charged, air-cooled and has direct injection. ¾ 150l fuel capacity.

44 Flail systems

¾ Flail systems: Engine oil capacity is 16l. The main gearbox takes 29l. Hydraulic fluid capacity is 60l. Factory support ¾ Spares specific to the RA–140 DS are provided directly from Patria Vehicles Oy. ¾ A package of training, spare parts and equipment support is negotiable between the purchaser and Patria Vehicles Oy.

Maintenance and support Medium flail ¾ Patria components and spare parts are available on the international commercial market. ¾ Some specialist parts for the flail unit must be ordered direct from Patria Vehicles Oy. Tests and evaluations ¾ The Finnish Army, during development of the RA-140 DS, carried out tests and evaluation. UN representatives were present during certain stages of evaluation.

The Patria RA–140 DS flail system

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ The RA-140 DS is a large-wheeled vehicle with ƒƒƒ The RA-140DS can move long distances the attendant difficulties of mobility in tight independent of a loader vehicle. spaces. ƒƒƒ The system showed a tendency to break down during operations in Kosovo in 2001.

45 RM–KA 02

Duro Dakovic Specialjalna Vozila d.d., Croatia Medium flail

The RM-KA 02 in operation General description The RM-KA 02 is a 12.5-tonne (approx.) remote-controlled medium flail produced by Duro Dakovic Specijalna Vozila d.d. Based on a Caterpillar chassis with Perkins engine, the prototype was built in 2001. According to the manufacturer the upgraded version of the prototype has cleared roughly 1,000,000m2. An operator using a joystick attached to a portable control panel remotely controls the system. The chassis is protected by 20mm steel plates. Vital parts of the machine are protected from explosive blast by 10mm ARMOX armoured steel plates. The armoured hood covering the flail unit uses a system of spring-mounted pipes designed to absorb explosive energy. When the flail detonates a mine, blast passes between the pipes. The machine was certified and tested by the Croatian Mine Action Centre (CROMAC) for both anti- tank and anti-personnel mine clearance in a variety of ground conditions. The engine and hydraulic system are provided worldwide by Perkins. Clearance methodology The rotor turns the 36 chains of the flail unit at 600rpm. A mushroom-shaped, strengthened steel hammer is attached at the end of each 30cm-long chain. As the machine works through a suspect area at between 0.3-1.2km/h (depending on soil conditions),1 the chains will detonate or break up anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. The system achieves an average ground penetration of up to 200mm.1 Machines in use to date ¾ One machine has been in service with the demining company RUMITAL. ¾ One machine is contracted by AKD MUNGOS, Croatia. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The RM–KA 02 is equipped with a Perkins diesel engine (225hp). The fuel tank has a 420l diesel capacity. ¾ Fuel consumption is 30 to 40l/h (depending on soil conditions). ¾ Hydraulic oil capacity is 260l. Oil capacity is 26l. Factory support ¾ All components of the machine are off-the-shelf, ensuring the availability of spare parts. ¾ Training for operators and mechanics is part of the purchase package.

46 Flail systems

¾ User manuals and spare parts catalogue are available in Croatian, English and German. ¾ The warranty granted by the manufacturer is limited to one year or 1,00 working hours. It does not include spare parts. Maintenance and support ¾ The manufacturer recommends a two-man team for operations. ¾ After-warranty service or repair support is negotiable with the manufacturer. ¾ Manufacturer offers 24-hour, online support. Tests and evaluations

¾ The machine was tested by CROMAC and accredited for clearance operations in 2003. Medium flail ¾ No independent test reports currently available.

Reported limitations and strengths Owing to the lack of reliable test reports, no information can be provided.

Limitations: Strengths: ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from a long ƒƒƒ Simple and rugged design. distance (this applies to all remotely controlled ƒƒƒ For anti-tank and anti-personnel mine machines). clearance. ƒƒƒ Small and easy to transport.

1. According to the manufacturer.

47 Samson 260/200

Vilpo d.o.o., Slovenia Medium flail

Samson 260 in operation

General description Samson was developed by a Slovenian manufacturer and is designed for clearance of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. The vehicle weighs between 9,400 and 9,800kg and has a working clearance width of 2.5m. The running gear consists of four wheels on two axles. The chassis consists of two frames coupled by a joint. This allows lateral flex and oscillation of the frames for improved manoeuvrability and adaptation to terrain. The front and back wheels run in the same track. The flail unit is mounted within an armoured casing, ensuring the protection of all vital elements of the system (engine, hydraulic and transmission systems). The clearance operation is controlled manually or by remote control. The rotor housing and driver’s cabin are made of armoured steel. The road speed of the vehicle is 25km/h on most surfaces. The working speed varies between 0 and 2km/h, depending on soil conditions and the clearance depth selected. One operator controls the vehicle. It is lightweight, reducing transport difficulties. The system is equipped with a computer steered hydrostatic drive for the vehicle and a flail unit, which adapts the working speed automatically to ground conditions. Currently, there are two models available: Samson 200 and Samson 260. According to the manufacturer, live operations have contributed to significant improvements of the system. Clearing methodology The flail unit attached to the front of Samson rotates 56 chains with hammers attached at a speed of up to 880rpm1 with a stated clearance depth of at least 250mm, depending on soil conditions.1 The hammers weigh 800g each and have a T-shape profile connected to 375mm-long chains. Depending on soil conditions, the machine operates at a maximum speed of 2km/h and the Samson 200 at a maximum of 1.5km/h.

Machines in use to date ¾ One machine currently used by a commercial company (TT- KA) in Croatia. It was reported 2 that some 2,000,000m had been cleared by late November 2003. No further information was provided by the manufacturer.

48 Flail systems

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The system is equipped with a water-cooled 186kw Deutz diesel engine (Samson 260) or a Perkins engine with 136kw (Samson 200). The average fuel consumption is around 16l/h (Perkins engine) ¾ Oil used in the engine and the hydraulic system is of general standard. Maintenance and support ¾ Regular maintenance comprising daily, weekly, monthly, and annual checks required as per the operating instructions. ¾ The Samson is supported by a mobile maintenance vehicle on the worksite. Medium flail ¾ Maintenance staff and operators are especially trained before deployment to field missions. Tests and evaluations ¾ The Samson was tested by CROMAC in July-September 2001. The trials included anti-personnel mines only. ¾ The test report is available at the GICHD in English and Serb/Croat. ¾ Experience gained during tests and fieldwork was put into the development of the upgraded versions of the system (Samson 200 and 260). ¾ According to the manufacturer, the system was tested against anti-vehicle mines and suffered only minor damages. No test reports from the trials are available.

The SAMSON 260 Flail System

Reported limitations and strengths2 (Samson 160) Limitation Strengths ƒƒƒ As with most flail systems, the Samson tends to ƒƒƒ Powerful engine. create lots of dust during operations. ƒƒƒ Good manoeuvrability. ƒƒƒ Effective cooling system. ƒƒƒ Roller installed behind the flail in order to reduce risk of missed mines. ƒƒƒ Small, therefore reducing transport problems.

1 According to the manufacturer. 2 CROMAC, Testing of Mine Clearance Machine "Samson", 2001.

49 Technical data sheet Aardvark Mk IV a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 5,486mm 2. Length total: 8,400mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,530mm 4. Width total: 3,556mm 5. Clearing width: 3,000mm 6. Height, overall: 3,190mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 11,506kg

Medium flail 8. Mass, demining unit: 4,360kg 9. Mass, total: 15,949kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Various sizes 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.33kg/cm2 squared under 1 track in soil 12. Hill-climbing ability: 33° c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 72 • length of chains: 1,000mm 14. Gap between chains: Not given 15. Rotation speed: 305rpm 16. Clearance depth: 100-500mma) 17. Working speed:a) Depends on soil conditions and depth of mines laid 18. Control of clearing depth: Manual or computer 19. Machines in use: 160 Mk III and 15 Mk IV 20. Location of use: Worldwide 21. Total area cleared so far: 1.7 million m2 22. Other types: Mk III d. System specifications 23. Engine: New Holland six-cylinder in-line diesel with turbocharger (165bhp) 24. Fuel capacity: 200L 25. Fuel consumption: 23-30l/h 26. Separate engine for flail unit: No 27. Transition: Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Water/air 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 90l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Vibration and noise reduction, dust filters, over- pressured cab, gyrocompass, dual position controls – right and left side of the cab, headphones with microphone for communication, suspension seats 32. Armour: 56mm protection glass, minimum 10mm steel plates 33. Remote control: Optional f. Costs 34. Cost of machine Negotiable upon application 35. Training Not given 36. Other costs Not given 37. Transport limitation: A flat bed or articulated truck is required for long distances. Air transportable by C-130, C-17, C-5 38. Availability for rent: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

50 Flail systems

Technical data sheet Armtrac 100 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 4,780mma) 2. Length total: 6,850mma) 3. Width without attachment: 1,960mma) 4. Width total: 2,640mma) 5. Clearing width: 2,080mma) 6. Height, overall: 2,900mma) 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 8,610kg

8. Mass, demining unit: 2,600kg Medium flail 9. Mass, total: 11,010kga) b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 4 wheels with foam-filled tyres 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 3,690kg under the front right wheel 12. Hill climbing ability: 30°b) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 54 • length of chains 1,000mm 14. Gap between chains: 10mm 15. Rotation speed: 350rpm 16. Clearance depth, max: Approx. 200mm travelling at 0.3km/hc) 17. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: Approx. 600m2/h,d,e) • medium soil/ medium vegetation: — • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: — 18. Control of clearing depth: Manual 19. Machines in use: 4 20. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Lebanon, and Mozambique 21. Total area cleared so far: Approx. 5,400,000m2 22. Other types: Armtrac 325 d. System specifications 23. Engine: New Holland diesel engine with 165hp 24. Fuel capacity: 332l 25. Fuel consumption: Max. 32l/h 26. Separate engine for flail unit: No 27. Transition: Stable axle pivot 28. Cooling system engine: Mechanical fan 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 70l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Air seat, 20 decibel cab noise 32. Armour: Cab 10mm armour 33. Remote control: No f. Costs 34. Machine: £165,000 35 Training: £3,000 (in UK) 36 Other costs: On request 37 Transport limitation: 22.5° angle for the rampf) 38 Availability for hire: Yes

a) QinetiQ International Test and Evaluation Programme, Armtrac 100 Trial Report, Farnborough, April 2002, p. 9. b) Ibid., p. 24. c) Ibid., pp. 29 and 74. d) Ibid., p. 22. e) All figures according to the manufacturer. f) QinetiQ Armtrac 100 Trial Report, op. cit., p. 73.

51 Technical data sheet Hydrema MCV 910 (Series 2) a. Dimensional data 1. Length, transportation position: 9,200mm 2. Length, total: 10,000mm 3. Width, transportation position: 2,800mm (option: 2,500mm) 4. Width, total: 2,420mm 5. Clearing width: 3,500mm 6. Height, overall: 3,600mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: Not given

Medium flail 8. Mass, demining unit: Not given 9. Mass, total: 18,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 4 standard tyres Goodyear RL-2+ 17.5R25 foam-filled 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: 34°a) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 72 • length of chains 900mm 14. Gap between chains: Not given 15. Rotation speed: 350rpm in soil 16. Clearance depth, max: Up to 300mm in light soilb) 17. Working speed: 400-800m/h (depending on soil and vegetation conditionb) 18. Control of clearing depth: Computer-controlled 19. Machines in use: 56 20. Location of use: Afghanistan, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, India, Kosovo, Mozambique, Norway and the United Arab Emirates 21. Total area cleared so far: Not given 22. Other types: Series 1 d. System specifications 23. Engine: Perkins 1006-6TW, 6 cylinder diesel with turbocharger 24. Fuel capacity: 300l 25. Fuel consumption: Max. 60l/h 26. Separate engine for flail unit: Yes, the same engine as for driving 27. Transition: Hydrostatic 28. Cooling system engine: Driving engine is now mounted with reversible propellers and increased cooling capacity. Additionally used as "power pack increasing the power on the flail unit". 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given e. Comfort and security 30. Air condition: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Not given 32. Armour: 14mm ARMOX 33. Remote control: No f. Costs 34. Costs machine: Depending on configuration 35. Training: Negotiable 36. Other costs: Depending on configuration 37. Transport limitation: Max. 40km/h on own wheels 38. Availability for hire: Negotiable

a) According to the manufacturer. b) CROMAC test report (the system achieved during the tests in Germany 30 cm).

52 Flail systems

Technical data sheet Minecat 230 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 4,850mm 2. Length total: 5,856mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,000 mm 4. Width total: 3,300mm 5. Clearing width: 2,300mm 6. Height, overall: 2,700mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 4,700 kg (without cab)

8. Mass, demining unit: 2,100 kg Medium flail 9. Mass, total: 7,800 kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Steel tracks (width: 385mm) 11. Ground pressure, max. weight: 0.4 kg/cm² 12. Hill climbing ability: 30° c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 48 • length of chains 860mm 14. Gap between chains: 48mm (dynamically 10mm overlap) 15. Rotation speed: 384rpm (free running) 16. Clearance depth, max.: Up to 500mm (standing still), depending on the ground 17. Working speed: Up to 1km/h in light soila) 18. Control of clearance depth: Automatic, free-floating flail or manual 19. Machines in use: 8 20. Location of use: Croatia, Iran, Jordan 21. Total area cleared so far: Unknown 22. Other types: 140 Minecat 2.5 tonne mini-flail (125hp) d. System specifications 23. Engine: Deutz 73hp 24. Fuel capacity: 95l (one fuel tank for both engines) 25. Fuel consumption: 9l/h 26. Separate engine for flail unit: Perkins 150hp 27. Transition: Hydraulic/Hydrostatic 28. Cooling system engines: Deutz: oil cooled / Perkins: fluid cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: Deutz 34l, Perkins 42l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes (optional) 31. Operator comfort: Not given 32. Armour: 6.5-13mm ARMOX 500 33. Remote control: Yes (GPS navigation optional) • greatest distance: 1,000m in line sight f. Costs 34. Cost of machine: Not given 35. Training: Not given 36. Other costs: Not given 37. Transport limitation: 2 x 20ft ISO containers 38. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

53 Technical data sheet Minemill MC 2003 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 6,700mm 2. Length total: Not given 3. Width without attachment: 2,500mm 4. Width total: 2,700mm 5. Clearing width: 2,200 mm 6. Height, overall: 2,400mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 5,500kg

Medium flail 8. Mass, demining unit: 1,700kg 9. Mass, total: 9,600kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks (2,300x400/450mm) 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.39 kg/cm² 12. Hill climbing ability: 30° c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains 72 • length of chains 630mm 14. Gap between chains 35mm 15. Rotation speed Up to 500rpm 16. Clearance depth, max: Up to 200mm 17. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: Approx. 2.5km/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: Approx. 1.0km/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: Approx. 0.5-0.8km/h 18. Control of clearing depth: Mechanic 19. Machines in use: 4 20. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Lebanon 21. Total area cleared so far: 700,000m2 22. Other types: Not given d. System specifications 23. Engine: Diesel 24. Fuel capacity: 120l 25. Fuel consumption: 4-5l/h 26. Separate engine for flail unit: Yes 27. Transition: Hydraulic 28. Cooling system engines: Water 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 435l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes (optional) 31. Operator comfort: Winch for self recovering, triple fire extinguisher system 32. Armour: 12mm armoured steel, 45mm bulletproof windows 33. Remote control: Yes (optional) • greatest distance: 1,000m in line sight f. Costs 34. Cost of machine: €200,000 35. Training: Not given 36. Other costs: • spares: €204,000 37. Transport limitation: Not given 38. Availability for hire: Yes

54 Flail systems

Technical data sheet Patria RA–140 DS a. Dimensional data 1. Length, transportation position: 7,850mm 2. Length, total 9,450mm 3. Width, transportation position: 2,920mm 4. Width, total: 4,000mm 5. Clearing width: 3,400mm 6. Height, overall: 2,860mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: Not provided 8. Mass, demining unit: Not provided Medium flail 9. Mass, total: 14,400 kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels: 6 tyres Nokia MPT 14.00R – 20 or Michelin XS 14.00R – 20 with Hutchinson VFI safety device 11. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not provided 12. Hill climbing ability: 25° c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 84 • length of chains: Not provided 14. Gap between chains: Not provided 15. Rotation speed: Up to 400rpm 16. Clearance depth, max.: Up to 370mm 17. Working speed: Up to 3km/h • light soil/ small vegetation: Not provided • medium soil/medium vegetation: Not provided • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: Not provided 18. Control of clearance depth: Automatic and manual depth control 19. Machines in use: Approx. 50 20. Location of use: Not given 21. Total area cleared so far: Not given r22. Other types: Not provided d. System specifications 23. Engine: Six-cylinder in-line 141kw Deutz BF 6L 913 C diesel with turbocharger, inter-cooled, direct injection 24. Fuel capacity: 200l 25. Fuel consumption: Not provided 26. Separate engine for flail unit: Hydraulically driven 27. Transition: 4x4 continuous all wheel drive 28. Cooling system engine: Air cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 60l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Available 31. Operator comfort: Adjustable seat for driver. Adjustable and swivel seat with suspension for the operator. Both seats with four- point safety belts. The cabin is pressure-sealed, sound- insulated and shock-resistant. 32. Armour: Protected glass and armoured steel for the cabin 33. Remote control: No f. Costs 34. Costs of machine: Not provided 35. Training: Not provided 36. Other costs: Not provided 37. Transport limitation: Given by the technical specifications as weight, etc. 38. Availability for hire: Not provided

55 Technical data sheet RM – KA 02 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 3,880mm 2. Length total: 52,150mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,000mm 4. Width total: 2,500mm 5. Clearance width: 2,000mm 6. Height, overall: 1,800mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 11,000kg

Medium flail 8. Mass, demining unit: 1,500kg 9. Mass, total: 12,500 kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks (Caterpillar) 400mm width 11. Ground pressure, max. weight: 0.58 kg/ cm² 12. Hill climbing ability: 35° c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 36 • length of chains: 310mm 14. Gap between chains: Overlap of hammers is 7mm 15. Rotation speed: Up to 600rpm 16. Clearance depth, max: Up to 200mma) 17. Working speed: 0.3-1.2km/h (1,800m2/h) depending on soil and vegetation conditions 18. Control of clearance depth: Manually 19. Machines in use: 1 20. Location of use: Croatia 21. Total area cleared so far: 1,000,000m2 22. Other types: RM-KA 01 d. System specifications 23. Engine: Perkins 168kw (225hp) 24. Fuel capacity: 400l 25. Fuel consumption: 30-40l/h depending on working conditions 26. Separate engine for flail unit: No 27. Transition: Hydrostatic drive 28. Cooling system engines: Water 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 260l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Not given 31. Operator comfort: Not given 32. Armour: 20mm armoured steel plates + 10mm ARMOX plates 33. Remote controlled: Yes • greatest distance: 800m in line sight f. Costs 34. Cost of machine: €300,000 35. Training: Included 36. Other costs: Negotiable 37. Transport limitation: Easily transportable on a 14-tonne trailer 38. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

56 Flail systems

Technical data sheet Samson 260/200 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 6,100mm 2. Length total: 7,900mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,300mm 4. Width total: 3,000mm 5. Clearance width: 2,500mm 6. Height, overall: 2,700mm 7. Mass, total: 9,800kg (Samson 200: 9,400kg) Medium flail b. Driving specifications 8. Wheels: 4 standard tyres NOKIA TRS-LS 16 PR-steel or optional foam-filled 9. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given 10. Hill climbing ability: 45°a) c. Clearance performance 11. Number of chains: 56 • length of chains: 375mm 12. Gap between chains: Not given 13. Rotation speed: Up to 900rpma) 14. Clearance depth, max: Approximately 250mm 15. Working speed: 0-2km/h 16. Control of clearance depth: Automatic 17. Machines in use: 1 18. Location of use: Croatia 19. Totally area cleared so far: Approx. 2,000,000m2 20. Other types: — d. System specifications 21. Engine: Deutz 186kw (Samson 260), Perkins 136kw (Samson 200) 22. Fuel capacity: 140l 23. Fuel consumption: 10l/h 24. Separate engine for flail unit: — 25. Transition: Hydrostatic drive 26. Cooling system engines: Water cooling 27. Hydraulic oil capacity: 100l e. Comfort and security 28. Air conditioning: Standard equipment 29. Operator comfort: Upholstered cabin, drive and flail control with joystick on armrest 30. Armour: ARMOX (6mm) 31. Remote controlled: Yes • greatest distance: 1,000m f. Costs 32. Costs of machine: Samson 260: €375,000 Samson 200: €312,000 33. Training: 10 days training is included 34. Other costs: The manufacturer offers a spare part kit sufficient for one year of field work for the following price: Samson 200: €45,000 Samson 260: €58,000 37. Transport limitation: Truck 36. Availability for hire: Yes

a. According to the manufacturer.

57 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Aardvark MK IV Armtrac 100 Hydrema MCV a. Dimensional data 910 Series 2 1. Length without attachment: 5,486mm 4,780mmb) 9,200mm 2. Length total: 8,400mm 6,850mmb) 10,000mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,530mm 1,960mmb) 2,800mm (option: 2,500mm) 4. Width total: 3,556mm 2,640mmb) 2,420mm 5. Clearing width: 3,000mm 2,080mmb) 3,500mm

Medium flail 6. Height, overall: 3,190mm 2,900mmb) 3,600mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 11,506kg 8,610kg Not given 8. Mass, demining unit: 4,360kg 2,600kg Not given 9. Mass, total: 15,949kg 11,010kgb) 18,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Various sizes 4 wheels with foam- 4 standard tyres filled tyres Goodyear RL-2 + 17.5R25 foam-filled

11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.33kg under 1 track 3,690kg under the front Not given in soil right wheel 12. Hill-climbing ability: 33° 30°c) 34°a) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 72 54 72 • length of chains: 1,000mm 1,000mm 900mm 14. Gap between chains: Not given 10mm Not given

15. Rotation speed: 305rpm 350rpm 350rpm in soil 16. Clearance depth: 100-500mma) Approx. 200mm Up to 300mm in travelling at 0.3km/hd) in light soilg)

17. Working speed: Depends on soil 400-800m/h conditions and depth depending on soil of mines laida) and vegetationg) • light soil/small vegetation: — — • medium soil/medium vegetation: — — — • heavy soil/dense vegetation: — — —

18. Control of clearing depth: Manual or computer Manual Computer controlled

19. Machines in use: 160 MkIII and 15 MkIV 4 56 20. Location of use: Worldwide Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan, Angola, Kosovo, Lebanon, BiH, Croatia, Denmark and Mozambique (Army), India, Kosovo, Mozambique, Norway, and the UAE 21. Total area cleared so far: 1.7 million m2 Approx. 5,400,000m2 Not given 22. Other types: Mk III Armtrac 325 Series 1

d. System specifications 23. Engine: New Holland six- New Holland Perkins 1006-6TW, cylinder in-line diesel diesel engine 6 cylinder diesel with turbocharger with 165hp with turbocharger (165bhp)

24. Fuel capacity: 200 332l 300l

25. Fuel consumption: 23-30l/h Max. 32l/h Max. 60l/h 26. Separate engine for flail unit: No No Yes, the same engine as for driving 27. Transition: Not given Stable axle pivot Hydrostatic

58 Flail systems

Minecat 230 Minemill MC 2003 Patria RA-140 DS RM-KA 02 Samson 260

4,850mm 6,700mm 7,850mm 3,880mm 6,100mm 5,856mm Not given 9,450mm 5,215mm 7,900mm 2,000 mm 2,500mm 2,920mm 2,000mm 2,300mm

3,300mm 2,700mm 4,000mm 2,500mm 3,000mm 2,300mm 2,200 mm 3,400mm 2,000mm 2,500mm

2,700mm 2,400mm 2,860mm 1,800mm 2,700mm Medium flail 4,700 kg (without cab) 5,500kg Not provided 11,000kg 6,600kg 2,100 kg 1,700kg Not provided 1,500kg 2,100kg 7,800 kg 9,600kg 14,400 kg 12,500 kg 9,800kg (200:9,400kg)

Steel tracks Tracks (2,300x400/450mm) 6 tyres Nokia MPT 14.00R Tracks (Caterpillar) 4 standard tyres (width: 385mm) . 20 or Michelin XS 14.00R 400mm width Nokia TRS-LS 16 PR- . 20 with Hutchinson VFI steel or optional safety device foam-filled 0.4 kg/cm² 0.39 kg/cm² Not provided 0.58kg/cm² Not given

30° 30° 25° 35° 45°a)

48 68-72 84 36 56 860mm 630mm Not provided 310mm 375mm 48mm (dynamically 35mm Not provided Overlap of hammers Not given 10mm overlap) 7mm 384rpm (free running) Up to 500rpm Up to 400rpm Up to 600rpm Up to 900rpma) Up to 500mm (standing Up to 200mm Up to 370mm Up to 200mma) Approximately still), depending on the 250mm ground

Up to 1km/h in light soila) Up to 3km/h 0.3-1.2km/ 0-2km/h Approx. 2.5km/h Not provided depending on soil and Approx. 1.0km/h Not provided vegetation conditions Approx. 0.5-0.8km/h Not provided

Automatic, free-floating Mechanic Automatic & manual Manually Automatic flail or manual depth control 8 4 Approx. 50 1 1 Croatia, Iran, Jordan BiH, South Lebanon Not given Croatia Croatia

Unknown 700,000m2 Not given 1,000,000m2 Approx. 2,000,000m2 140 Minecat 2.5 tonne Not given Not provided RM-KA 01 Samson 200, Mini-flail (125hp) Samson 260

Deutz 73hp Diesel Six-cyl. in-line 141kw Perkins 168kw (225hp) Deutz 186kw Deutz BF 6L 913 C (Samson 260), inter-cooled, direct Perkins 136kw injection (Samson 200)

95l (one fuel tank for 120l 200l 420l 140l both engines) 9l/h 4-5l/h Not provided 30/40l/h 10l/h Perkins 150hp Yes Hydraulically driven No —

Hydraulic/Hydrostatic Hydraulic 4x4 continuous all Hydrostatic drive Hydrostatic drive wheel drive


Aardvark MK IV Armtrac 100 Hydrema MCV S. 2

28. Cooling system engine: Water/air Mechanical fan Driving engine is now mounted with reversible propellers and increased cooling capacity 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 90l 70l Not given Medium flail e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes Yes Yes 31. Operator comfort: Vibration and noise Air seat, 20 decibel Not given reduction, dust filters, cab noise over-pressured cab, gyrocompass, dual position controls – right and left side of the cab, headphones with microphone for communication, suspension seats 32. Armour: 56mm protection glass,Cab 10mm armour Not given minimum 10mm steel plates 33. Remote control: Optional No No

f. Costs 34. Cost of machine Negotiable upon £165,000 Depending on application configuration

35 Training Not given £3,000 (in UK) Negotiable

36 Other costs Not given On request Depending on configuration

37 Transport limitation: A flat bed or articulated 22.5° angle for Max. 40km/h on truck is required for long the rampf) own wheels distances. Air transportable by C 130, C 17 38 Availability for hire: Yes Yes Negotiable

60 Flail systems

Minecat 230 Minemill MC 2003 Patria RA-140 DS RM-KA 02 Samson 260

Deutz: oil cooled / Water Air cooled Water Water cooling Perkins: fluid cooled

Deutz 34l, Perkins 42l 435l 60l 260l 100l Medium flail

Yes (optional) Yes (optional) Available Not given Standard Not given Winch for self recovering, Adjustable seat for driver Upholstered triple fire extinguisher driver. Adjustable and cabin, drive and system swivel seat with suspen- flail conrol with sion for the operator. Both joystick on armrest seats with four-point safety belts. The cabin is pressure-sealed, sound-insulated and shock-resistant.

6.5-13mm ARMOX 500 12mm armoured steel, Protected glass and 20mm armoured steel ARMOX (6mm) 45mm bulletproof armoured steel +10mm ARMOX plates windows for the cabin Yes (GPS navigation Yes (optional) No Yes Yes optional) 1,000m in line sight 1,000m in line sight 800m in line of sight 1,000m

Not given €200,000 Not provided €300,000 Samson 260: €375,000 Samson 200: €312,000 Not given Not given Not provided Included 10 days training is included Not given €204,000 Not provided Negotiable The manufacturer offers a spare part kit sufficient for one year of field work for the following price: Samson 200: €45,000, Samson 260: €58,000 2 x 20ft ISO containers Not given Given by the technical Easily transportable Truck specifications as on a 14-tonne trailer weight, etc.

Yes Yes Not provided Yes Yes

a) According to the manufacturer. b)QinetiQ International Test and Evaluation Programme, Armtrac 100 Trial Report, Farnborough, April 2002, p. 9. c) Ibid., p. 24. d) Ibid., pp. 29 and 74. e) Ibid., p. 22. f) QinetiQ Armtrac 100 Trial Report, op. cit., p. 73. g) CROMAC test report (the system achieved during the tests in Germany 30 cm).

61 Medium flail

62 Flail systems Heavy flail Heavy flail

63 Minelifta

Corus Northern Engineering Services, United Kingdom Heavy flail

Minelifta attached to a Komatsu bulldozer

General description The Minelifta flail unit is attached to a Komatsu D65EX bulldozer. The first trials were undertaken in February 2001. Recommendations were made to improve performance, which have now been incorporated into the design. A new hydraulic unit has been added and the flailing speed increased. Minelifta is an anti-personnel mine clearance system. It is not designed to clear anti-tank mines. Minelifta features a ventilated, hooded flail combined with a tined plough/scalping blade. The flail shaft is driven by a separate auxiliary hydraulic power pack mounted at the rear of the bulldozer prime mover. A scalping blade lifts up to 20cm of soil. This is fed into the hooded, armour-plated bucket containing a flail designed to detonate or break up anti-personnel mines. At the rear of the bucket, a plough forces flailed soil underneath the dozer to create an obvious mound for manual inspection. The armoured, bucket-shaped cowling prevents the flail throwing soil out of the cleared area. The operator’s cab and the hydraulic unit are fully armour-protected. On completion of deming-related tasks, the system can be employed as a standard bulldozer. Clearance methodology The manufacturer uses Minelifta to sweep a mined area up to three times to ensure the best possible clearance performance. Soil to a depth of 20cm is scooped into the cowling where it is pulverized by the flail. This should detonate or break up mines. A plough at the rear of the bucket creates furrows between the tracks into which soil and metal particles are deposited in a continuous mound at the rear of Minelifta for further examination. Overlapped areas and any doubtful spots are checked and if necessary manually inspected. The Minelifta cowling is designed to withstand the detonation of an anti- personnel mine without interruption to operation. Minelifta can be operated in a variety of terrain and soil conditions: light/sandy, dry/compacted, heavy sand, wet mud/clay. It can work through scrub, elephant grass and small trees up to 75mm in diameter.1 During the U.K.'s Government Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) evaluations Minelifta performed easily on slopes up to 30° but was not tested on steeper ground. Machines in use to date ¾ One system was in service with NPA in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2003.

64 Flail systems

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ Komatsu D65EX bulldozer with 406l diesel fuel capacity. ¾ The hydraulic auxiliary power unit is driven by an air-cooled 121kw diesel-powered Deutz engine. Tank capacity is 300l. ¾ Hydraulic reservoir capacity is 250l. ¾ The cooling system of the Komatsu contains 50l of coolant. ¾ The estimated average fuel consumption is 50l/h. Factory support ¾ Minelifta will be supplied with a comprehensive recommended spares package negotiable with the purchaser. ¾ Corus Northern Engineering Services will provide full field support. Maintenance and support Heavy flail ¾ Personnel experienced in basic mechanical skills will be able to deal with damage and wear and tear on the component parts.1 ¾ Full workshop manuals for the bulldozer and repair procedures for Minelifta will be provided. Tests and evaluations ¾ Since December 2000, Minelifta has undergone trials by the development team from Corus Northern Engineering Services (without explosive ordnance). ¾ In December 2000, a report from Cranfield University concluded that the system has "merit". ¾ Cranfield University reviewed Minelifta operator cab protection in February 2002 and recommended materials/thicknesses, etc., which have been incorporated into the design. ¾ In February 2001, extensive evaluations were carried out by DERA (now QinetiQ). Recommendations were made for the further development of the system. These evaluations included mobility tests with live ordnance to simulate anti-personnel mines of up to 200g of TNT. Minor damage was reported. For further information contact Corus Northern Engineering Services. ¾ In 2003, the machine was texted by QinetiQ in a field trial in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Approximately 130,000m2 have been cleared under the supervision of the NGO NPA. ¾ Rate of clearance during tests was approximately 2,300m2/h for one run in light terrain with light vegetation with 10cm flailing depth.

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Minelifta is for clearance of anti-personnel ƒƒƒ Mounted on a basic and widely-distributed mines and small UXO – not anti-tank mines. bulldozer. ƒƒƒ System requires transportation by low-loader ƒƒƒ Can be used as a bulldozer after completing over longer distances. mine clearance operations.

1. According to the manufacturer.

65 Scanjack 3500

Scandinavian Demining Group AB, Sweden

Scanjack operating in overgrown vegetation Heavy flail

General description The Scanjack 3500 is a heavy flail produced in Sweden by the Scandinavian Demining Group AB. It is based on a Finnish deforestation machine that has been on the market for years. The first modified demining version was built in 1999. The Scanjack 3500 employs a unique, front-mounted double flail system, the only one of its type in the world. The system underwent evaluation and testing in Croatia in November 1999. The manufacturer in Sweden conducted further technical development in 2000-2001, achieving an average clearance rate of 722m2/h. The Swedish Army carried out comparative tests with three different machines at the end of 2001 and selected the Scanjack as their standard mine clearance vehicle. The Scanjack 3500 is designed to clear anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. One operator drives the vehicle from an armoured cab protected by 12mm steel plate and 41mm of resistant glass. A second model features 69mm of resistant glass. The stated clearance width is 3,500mm. The running gear of the Scanjack 3500 is an unusual combination of wheels and tracks. Wheels provide for transport between locations. When the system is put to work in a suspect area, removable steel tracks are added to improve traction and manoeuvrability Clearance methodology The Scanjack 3500 drives forward into a suspect area with both front-mounted flails rotating at the same speed. During testing, best results were achieved with the flails rotating clockwise, although it is possible to set rotation anti-clockwise. The flails can rotate concurrently in opposite directions. The chains of the front flail are approximately 15cm shorter than those at the rear. The front flail cuts vegetation and clears the ground to a depth of 15cm. The second flail is designed to clear down to 30cm. The total clearance depth of the system claimed by the manufacturer is 30cm. With a rotation speed of 360rpm, the flail unit hits the ground approximately six times per second. Both flails have 76 chains with weighted hammer tips. The chains are hardened and can be replaced when damaged. During testing and development, chains required replacement approximately once a month. Chain types other than those produced by the manufacturer can be used. Machines in use to date ¾ 2 machines operational in Croatia since 2001. ¾ 5 machines delivered to the Swedish Army in 2003. ¾ 1 machine delivered to Piper d.o.o. in August 2003 for use in Croatia. ¾ 1 machine delivered to the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action in October 2003 for use in the Middle East.

66 Flail systems

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The Scanjack is equipped with a six-cylinder John Deer 6081HTJ02 diesel engine with 220hp for the base unit. The hydraulic oil capacity is 190l. ¾ The flail unit is equipped with a Scania DSI 14 turbo-charged V8 diesel engine with 550hp. The hydraulic oil capacity for this unit is 400l. ¾ Mineral hydraulic oil is included in the standard equipment Scanjack after 10kg mine detonation package. ¾ The machine uses the same tank for both machines. ¾ The fuel consumption is 60-80l/h during flail operation, depending on conditions. Factory support ¾ The standard equipment comprises tools, operator manual, spare parts catalogue, fire extinguisher, travel distance gauge and constant engine revolution regulator on TMC, stability brake, hydraulic steps and mineral hydraulic oil. ¾ Training of operators and mechanics is offered for a special price during manufacturing until the end of the second month after delivery. Heavy flail ¾ A one-year warranty for manufacturing faults of the base machine and the flail engine is included but there is no warranty on the flail unit itself, except a 100 per cent guarantee that the unit works at the time of delivery. ¾ Service contracts ranging from one annual check-up to a full service are available. Maintenance and support ¾ A one-year full service support including non-consumable spares, on-site technical support once a month and technician call-out can be ordered. ¾ The machine must be refuelled every two and a half hours and must be cleaned of dust and dirt within the same interval. ¾ The manufacturer recommends daily preventive maintenance and cleaning as well as a service contract for monthly check-ups by the supplier. ¾ The recommended personnel is three drivers and two maintenance staff, including one mechanic per machine. ¾ Non-specialist, mechanical workshop tools and crane support on-site are required. Tests and evaluations ¾ The first machine was tested and certified by CROMAC in Croatia, 1999. ¾ SWEDEC tested and slightly changed a second machine in September 2001. Among others, dynamic blast tests were carried out with one 5.5kg metallic anti-tank mine and one 10kg non- metallic anti-tank mine. Only minor damage was found. In the first detonation, four chains were lost. In the second detonation, one chain was lost and two hammers required replacing.The test reports are available at SWEDEC. ¾ During 2003 the Swedish Army ordered and verified one pre-series machine. All technical requirements were met. The detonation of 10kg of TNT under the front wheel did not cause any injuries to the driver (dummy). Four additional vehicles were ordered by the Swedish Army for delivery in November 2003.

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Small fuel tank lasts only around approximately ƒƒƒ The unique double flail system ensures a high four working hours.1 clearance rate (test reports are available from ƒƒƒ Vegetation cutting is limited to trees with trunks SWEDEC). of approximately 15cm in diameter.1 ƒƒƒ The experience of 40 years with the base ƒƒƒ Large machine that requires transporting over machine under hard conditions means that long distances on a trailer. The flail unit is many problems have been rectified. detachable and can be transported on a ƒƒƒ Operator safety. separate truck. ƒƒƒ Technical reliability.

1. According to the manufacturer.

67 Viking Mine Clearing System

(VMCS) Alvis Moelv AS, Norway Heavy flail

The VIKING system with flail and power pack

General description During the first quarter of 1999, Hägglunds Moelv AS (Norway) teamed up with Summa Technology Inc. (U.S.) and Quality Research Inc. (U.S.) to conduct a study of the feasibility of mounting Hägglunds’ flail technology onto a commercial prime mover. Previously, a Hägglunds flail was attached to a chassis to create the Norwegian Armoured Mine Clearing Vehicle (AMCV). The civilian version currently under development combines a Hägglunds flail with a 21-tonne, Austrian-built Liebherr 742 tractor. The flail is powered by an External Power Pack (EPP) mounted on the back of the vehicle. The EPP is a diesel engine that runs the flail unit hydraulically. The EPP operates independently to the tractor engine. The remote-control system consists of the Flail Assembly Control System (FACS), the Vehicle Control Unit (VCU) and the Operator’s Control Unit (OCU) featuring command link, video link and emergency radio link. Clearance operation The Viking flail unit has 96 chains of 116cm length, each tipped with a hardened steel hammer. The prime mover drives forward into a suspect area rotating the flail clockwise. The four-metre- wide flail rotates at up to 300rpm (depending on the ground), with an approximate clearance depth of 25cm.1 The flail can be elevated or depressed between 25° to 15° from ground level in order to make it easier to compensate for ground undulation. Viking is built to detonate or break up anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. Machines in use to date ¾ One prototype is undergoing tests in Huntsville, Alabama, U.S. The final tests will take place in Norway. ¾ The system was planned to be available in late 2002. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ Tractor external power pack uses diesel fuel. ¾ The combined fuel tank capacity is 900l. ¾ Tractor engine gives 172kw/234hp. Fuel consumption is 17-25l/h under normal conditions.1 ¾ The Cummins engine for the EPP gives 525hp with fuel consumption of 60-70l/h during flailing.

68 Flail systems

Factory support ¾ System certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 in 2000. ¾ No further information provided by the manufacturer. Maintenance and support ¾ No further information provided by the manufacturer. Tests and evaluations ¾ Tests started in September 2001. ¾ No further information available. Heavy flail

The flail unit chains and hammers

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ The flail unit must be disassembled before low- ƒƒƒ Compensates well for ground undulation. loader can transport the system. Total width of flail unit is 5m.

1. According to the manufacturer.

69 Technical data sheet Minelifta a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 5,550mm 2. Length total: 9,030 mm with all Minelifta parts 3. Width without attachment: 2,900 mm with blade removed and no Minelifta parts fitted 4. Width total: 3,340 mm with all Minelifta parts 3,970 mm with standard bulldozer blade (removeable) 5. Clearance width: 2,740mm 6. Height, overall: 3,580 mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 15,530kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 19,970kg 9. Mass, total: 35,500kg b. Driving specifications 10 Wheels/ tracks: Tracks (660mm width) 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.82kg/cm²

Heavy flail 12. Hill climbing ability: OK up to 30° – not tested above 30°. c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 72 14. Gap between chains: 155mm (static centered) 15. Rotation speed: Up to 200rpm 16. Clearance depth, max: Up to 200mm 17. Working speed: a) •light soil/ small vegetation: 2,740m2/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 1,800m2/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 800m2/h 18. Control of clearance depth: Manual from 0-20cm. Depth controlled by angle of bucket set by driver 19. Machines in use: Not yet; one machine available for field use from July 2002 20. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina 21. Total area cleared so far: Approx. 130,000m2 22. Other types: None d. System specifications 23. Engine: 24. Fuel capacity: 406l for Komatsu dozer/fuel capacity flail engine pack to be confirmed. 25. Fuel consumption: Depending on ground conditions. To be confirmed. 26. Separate engine for flail unit: Yes. Flail unit driven by 200kw diesel engine. Future units to have 150kw diesel engine. 27. Transition Not given 28. Cooling system engine: 50l Komatsu dozer/flail engine is air cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 50l for Komatsu dozer/flail engine capacity to be confirmed e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Not given 32. Armour: 6mm of CP 50 armour on driver’s cab 33. Remote controlled: No f. Costs 34. Cost of machine: To be negotiated 35. Training: Can be included 36. Other costs: Spares available as needed 37. Transport limitation: Needs low-loader for overland transport. Can be containerised for shipping. 38. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

70 Flail systems

Technical data sheet Scanjack 3500 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 10,300mm 2. Length total: 14,300mm 3. Width without attachment: 3,030mm 4. Width total: 4,470mm 5. Clearance width: 3,500mm 6. Height, overall: 3,700mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 28,086kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 8,394kg 9. Mass, total: 36,480kg, with tracks: 39,680kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 8 tyres 650/65-26.5 and 4 tracks 750mm wide 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Front: 0.96 kg/cm²; Rear: 0.6 kg/cm² 12. Hill climbing ability: 20% in operation and 30% while driving

c. Clearance performance Heavy flail 13. Number of chains: 76 on each rotor • length of chains: First rotor: 697 mm; Second rotor: 793 mm 14. Gap between chains dynamically: Overlapping 15. Rotation speed: Up to 360 rpm 16. Clearance depth, max: First rotor: up to 15cm; Second rotor: up to 30cm 17. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: Approx. 900 m²/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: Approx. 600m²/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: Approx. 300 m²/h 18. Control of clearance depth: Manual by hydraulic pressure 19. Machines in use: 9 20. Location of use: 3 in Croatia, 1 in Middle East, 5 with Swedish Army 21. Total area cleared so far: 6.5million m2 by August 2003 22. Other types: Not given d. System specifications 23. Engine: John Deere, 6 cylinder diesel engine with 220hp 24. Fuel capacity: 180l in one tank for both engines 25. Fuel consumption total: Max. 60-80l/h in operation 26. Separate engine for flail unit: Yes; Scania V8 diesel engine with 550hp 27. Transition: Hydrostatic – mechanical power 28. Cooling system engine: Water 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 390l for both machines e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Ergonomic chair and controls, radio 32. Armour: 12 – 13mm Armox 500S toughened plate for the cabin and 41mm protection glass windows. 10mm ARMOX 500S for hydraulic system and the rest of the machine 33. Remote control: No. Optional remote control 300m in line of sight f. Costs 34. Cost of machine: U.S.$1,000,000 35. Training Included; during manufacturing and two months after delivery 36. Other costs • spare parts set: U.S.$95,000 • full servicecontract: U.S.$6,000/month • cost of 1 trailer/truck + 1 truck with crane: U.S.$1,195,000 + service and transportation 37. Transport limitation: 3.03m wide and 4.2m high on low bed trailer 38. Availability for hire: Financial leasing pending credit approval and full demining service rental including crew and service

a) According to the manufacturer.

71 Technical data sheet Viking MSC a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 4,800mm 2. Length total: 10,500mm 3. Width without attachment: 3,400mm 4. Width total: 5,000mm 5. Clearance width: 4,000mm 6. Height, overall: 4,000mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 21,500 kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 5,700kg 9. Mass, total: 32,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given (depends on type of tracks) 12. Hill climbing ability: 27°

Heavy flail c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains 96 • length of chains 116mm 14. Gap between chains: 42mm 15. Rotation speed: Up to 300rpm 16. Clearance depth, max: Up to 250mm 17. Working speeda) • light soil/ small vegetation: 2,800-8,400m2/h (surface laid mines)a) • medium soil/medium vegetation: — • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 120-4,200m2/h (buried mines) 18. Control of clearance depth: Hydraulic 19. Machines in use: 1 prototype 20. Location of use: U.S. for tests 21. Total area cleared so far: 1,000,000m2 22. Other types: Flail system attached to Leopard 1 (Norwegian Armed Forces) d. System specifications 23. Engine: Not given 24. Fuel capacity: 450l 25. Fuel consumption: 17-33l/h depending on ground conditionsa) 26. Separate engine for tilling unit: Yes. Cummins diesel engine with 525hp 27. Transition: Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Not given 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 250l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Not given 32. Armour: Not given 33. Remote controlled: Yes • greatest distance 3,000m in line sight f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Not known yet 35. Training: Not known yet 36. Other costs: Not known yet 37. Transport limitation: Low loader and the flail unit needs to be disassembled before road transportation 38. Availability for hire: Not given

a) According to the manufacturer.

72 Flail systems Heavy flail


Minelifta Scanjack 3500 Viking MSC a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 5,550mm 10,300mm 4,800mm 2. Length total: 9,030 mm with all 14,300mm 10,500mm Minelifta parts 3. Width without attachment: 2,900 mm with blade 3,030mm 3,400mm removed and no Minelifta parts fitted 4. Width total: 3,340 mm with all 4,470mm 5,000mm Minelifta parts 3,970 mm with standard bulldozer blade (removeable) 5. Clearance width: 2,740mm 3,500mm 4,000mm 6. Height, overall: 3,580 mm 3,700mm 4,000mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 15,530kg 28,086kg 21,500 kg Heavy flail 8. Mass, demining unit: 19,970kg 8,394kg 5,700kg 9. Mass, total: 35,500kg 36,480kg, with tracks 32,000kg 39,680kg b. Driving specifications 10 Wheels/ tracks: Tracks (660mm width) 8 tyres 650/65-26.5 and Tracks 4 tracks 750mm wide 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.82kg/cm² Front: 0.96kg/cm²; Not given (depends Rear: 0.6kg/cm² on type of tracks) 12. Hill climbing ability: OK up to 30° – not 20% in operation and 27° tested above 30°. 30% while driving c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 72 76 on each rotor 96 • length of chains: First rotor: 697mm; 116mm Second rotor: 793mm 14. Gap between chains: 155mm (static centered) Overlapping 42mm 15. Rotation speed: Up to 200rpm Up to 360 rpm Up to 300rpm 16. Clearance depth, max: Up to 200mm 1st rotor: up to 15cm; Up to 250mm 2nd rotor: up to 30cm 17. Working speed: • light soil/small vegetation: 2,740m2/ha) Approx. 900m²/h 2,800-8,400m2/h (surface laid mines)a) • medium soil/medium vegetation: 1,800m2/ha) Approx. 600m²/h — • heavy soil/dense vegetation: 800m2/ha) Approx. 300 m²/h 120-4,200m2/h(buried mines) 18. Control of clearance depth: Manual from 0-20cm. Manual by hydraulic Hydraulic Depth controlled by pressure angle of bucket set by driver 19. Machines in use: Not yet; one machine 9 1 prototype available for field use from July 2002 20. Location of use: Not yet used; only Croatia, Middle East, U.S. for tests tested in the U.K. Sweden 21. Total area cleared so far: Approx. 130,000m2 6.5million m2 by 8/2003 1,000,000m2 22. Other types: None Not given Flail system attached to Leopard 1 (Norwegian Armed Forces) d. System specifications 23. Engine: — John Deere, 6 cyl. Not given diesel engine with 220hp 24. Fuel capacity: 406l for Komatsu dozer/ 180l in one tank for 450l fuel capacity flail engine both engines pack to be confirmed.

74 Flail systems

Minelifta Scanjack 3500 Viking MSC

25. Fuel consumption: Depending on ground Max. 60-80l/h in 17-33l/h depending on conditions. To be operation ground conditions confirmed. 26. Separate engine for flail unit: Yes. Flail unit driven by Yes; Scania V8 diesel Yes. Cummins diesel 200kw diesel engine. engine with 550hp engine with 525hp Future units to have 150kw diesel engine. 27. Transition Not given Hydrostatic – Not given mechanical power 28. Cooling system engine: 50l Komatsu dozer/flail Water Not given engine is air cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 50l for Komatsu dozer/ 390l for both machines 250l flail engine capacity to be confirmed e. Comfort and security Heavy flail 30. Air conditioning: Yes Yes Yes 31. Operator comfort: Not given Ergonomic chair and controls, radio 32. Armour: 6mm of CP 50 armour 12–13mm ARMOX 500S Not given on driver’s cab toughened plate for the cabin and 41mm protection glass windows. 10mm ARMOX for hydraulic system and the rest of the machine 33. Remote controlled: No No. Optional remote Yes control • greatest distance 300m in line of sight 3,000m in line sight f. Costs 34. Cost of machine: To be negotiated U.S.$1,000,000 Not known yet 35. Training: Can be included Included; during manufacturing and two months after delivery 36. Other costs: Not known yet • spare parts set: Spares available as U.S.$95,000 needed • full servicecontract: U.S.$6,000/month • cost of 1 trailer/truck + 1 truck U.S.$1,195,000 + service with crane: and transportation 37. Transport limitation: Needs low-loader for 3.03m wide and 4.2m Low-loader and the flail overland transport. high on low bed unit needs to be Can be containerised trailer disassembled for shipping. before road transportation 38. Availability for hire: Yes Financial leasing pending Not given credit approval and full demining service rental including crew and service

a. According to the manufacturer.

75 Heavy flail

76 Tiller systems

Section 2 Tiller systems Tiller

77 FMR 2000

HADI Maschinenbau GmbH, Austria

FMR 2000

Tiller General description The FMR 2000 is based on a self-propelled milling crusher built by HADI Maschinenbau GmbH (Austria) for the restoration of forestry, particularly in mountainous areas. The first vehicle was built in 2000. It is designed to clear anti-personnel mines, although tests with anti-tank mines up to 7.5kg did not cause serious damage. The system consists of an armoured, tracked vehicle equipped with a front-mounted tilling drum, operated by remote control. The transmitter is incorporated into a 2kg portable control desk and has a battery life of 8 hours for one charge of the accumulator. The protected 70cm frequency band transmits all control signals out to 1,000m, guaranteeing sufficient safety distance for the operator. If the radio link fails, the machine automatically stops and switches off. A second radio link transmits a video signal. Video cameras mounted front and rear broadcast on a TFT-LCD monitor, showing the action in front and behind the machine. The FMR 2000 can be operated from within a protected cabin, negating the need control from line of sight. The total weight of the machine is 38 tonnes, driven by a 526hp Mercedes-Benz engine. The overdrive achieves 6.5km/h on paved roads. For transportation over longer distances, a low-loader or flatbed truck is used. Clearance methodology The FMR 2000 is a tiller system with a multi-graduated crushing chamber. The tiller uses its carbide-tipped milling chisels to detonate or break up anti-personnel mines. The tiller rotates clockwise at 400-700rpm. If mines that are detonated by the tiller cause damage to chisels, they can be replaced. Particles of mines that have not been detonated are fed into the crushing chamber, where the pieces are further fragmented by a special steel plated cutting blade into pieces no larger than 30mm x 30mm. Rock and scrap metal that enter the system will be similarly shredded. The 255cm-wide tiller drum has an automatically controlled clearance depth to a maximum of 400mm. A grader at the back of the vehicle distributes loosened soil evenly. Machines in use to date ¾ One prototype was finished in early 2001. By mid-2001, the machine had begun clearance in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

78 Tiller systems

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ Hydraulic pumps for drive and tool hydraulic system are driven by a Mercedes-Benz water- cooled diesel engine requiring normal diesel fuel. Factory support ¾ Chisels and crushing tools can be changed quickly. Where possible, off-the-shelf spare parts are used. ¾ HADI provide a call-out service. ¾ Spare parts provided for two years as part of purchase package. ¾ Operators are trained in Amstetten, Austria, to operate and maintain the system. ¾ Manuals and SOPs are available in German and English. Maintenance and support ¾ Visual check of chisels, oil level, and tightness of hoses and gaskets to be carried out daily. ¾ HADI recommends a 100% check by a manufacturer’s mechanic annually. ¾ One controller and one mechanic are recommended to crew the machine. Tests and evaluations ¾ Currently the only test involving a live anti-tank mine was conducted by the manufacturer. According to the manufacturer, this did not harm the machine. ¾ In mid-2001, a suspect area in Bosnia and Herzegovina was cleared with assistance from the NGO HELP e.V. as part of evaluation and testing. Results have not yet been given. ¾ In July 2002, the machine was tested by the “Amt für Wehrtechnik” (Austrian Government Tiller organization) using dummy mines. Clearance performance of 99.5% was reported.1

Tiller unit in operation

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Mainly for clearance of anti-personnel mines. ƒƒƒ The machine can be used in rocky areas. ƒƒƒ Heavy weight may cause transport problems in ƒƒƒ High clearance performance up to 400mm countries with poor road infrastructure. ground penetration. ƒƒƒ The operating temperature of the prototype is ƒƒƒ Ability to cut vegetation up to 250mm in 35°C. After modifications of the cooling system diameter. it will be raised to 45°C.2 ƒƒƒ Good ground pressure distribution due to 700mm wide tracks. Operates well on wet ground.

1. Amt für Wehrtechnik, Mineneräumer FMR 2000 HADI, Vienna, August 2002. Report available at the GICHD ("missing mine was not found"). 2. According to the manufacturer.

79 Mine-Guzzler

Bofors Defence AB, Sweden

Mine-Guzzler with Caterpillar engine

General description Tiller In 1995, Bofors Defence began developing mechanical demining equipment and the first test vehicle was completed before the end of that year. A second test vehicle has been operationally tested in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The two test vehicles were built on the Leopard 1 main battle tank chassis. The optimised demining vehicle is now redesigned and based completely on commercial components for easy maintenance, easy repair and high accessibility of spare parts. Bofors Mine-Guzzler is based on a double track arrangement used commercially. A demining tiller is located on hydraulic supports at the front of the vehicle and powered by a 640kw engine with hydrostatic drive. The complete vehicle is fully protected against fragments from detonation of mines and UXO. Any plates that become damaged can be easily replaced in the field by oxyacetylene cutting and welding. Each vehicle can be equipped with a spare roller to enable the demining work to continue while a tiller is undergoing repair. A complete tiller change can be effected in less than 30 minutes using the hydraulic supports to lift the tiller for access or to load/ unload the roller onto a transport vehicle. The 45-tonne Bofors Mine-Guzzler may be operated either by remote control using onboard television cameras or from the protection of the driver’s cabin. This is further protected against fragments by a raised armoured superstructure. The driver’s cabin is designed to withstand detonations from 12kg of explosives (TNT). The Mine-Guzzler is made up of four parts — the protected cabin, the chassis, the engine compartment and the tiller unit. These can all be easily disassembled for transportation if required. This facilitates transport in countries with poor road infrastructure. Clearance methodology The vehicle drives forward into the suspect area by revolving the tiller unit. It rotates clockwise with a speed up to 190rpm. The demining tiller, which can be angled to follow ground undulations, is adjustable for depth and automatically maintains the depth set. The tiller comprises a series of circular plates fitted with tungsten carbide teeth around their outer perimeter, which either cause the mines (anti-personnel and anti-tank) to detonate or break them into small pieces. The Mine-Guzzler can clear anti-personnel and anti-tank mines to a depth of 50cm and over an effective width of 3m. Maximum demining speed is 4km/h depending on ground conditions.

80 Tiller systems

Machines in use to date ¾ One machine. ¾ Two prototypes were previously made on a Leopard 1 chassis.

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ A caterpillar 3412E 640kw engine powers the Mine-Guzzler with 800l diesel capacity. The tiller unit does not have a separate engine. The hydraulic oil capacity for the tracks is 200l, while the lift and tilt system requires 70l. ¾ During two tests in Germany in October 2000, the average fuel consumption was 70-90l/h. Factory support ¾ Spares specific to Mine-Guzzler are provided directly from Bofors Defence AB. ¾ A package of training, spare parts and equipment support is negotiable between the purchaser and Bofors Defence AB. ¾ The company will provide trained operators to purchasers that do not wish to train local staff. Maintenance and support ¾ The current model of Mine-Guzzler incorporates a chassis and track system widely available on the international market in order to facilitate local repair and parts replacement where possible.

¾ The tiller teeth are constructed from extremely Tiller tough tungsten carbide steel. Tests and evaluations ¾ In May-June 2000, the Mine-Guzzler was tested in Croatia together with CROMAC. A suspect area of 80,000m2 was cleared. The machine also passed the CROMAC test. ¾ In October 2000, a comparative test with five different machines was carried out by the BWB (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung) on behalf of the German Army. Mine-Guzzler achieved the best overall results. ¾ In February 2001, the machine was tested by the Mine-Guzzler detonating an anti-vehicle mine Egyptian Armed Forces in Egypt. The test was performed in live minefields in Hurghada and Safaga. ¾ In July 2001, the Swedish Army at their test facilities (SWEDEC) in Eksjö, Sweden, tested the Mine-Guzzler. The test results are not yet available.

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ The Mine-Guzzler is a large, tracked vehicle. ƒƒƒ The Mine-Guzzler is designed to destroy anti- Over long distances on deployment to personnel and anti-tank mines. minefields it will need to be transported by ƒƒƒ Mine-Guzzler can easily cope with thick low-loader. vegetation as well as individual trees up to 20cm ƒƒƒ Air filters should be improved.1 in diameter.1 ƒƒƒ The oil cooling system should be technically ƒƒƒ Good daily efficiency of the machine during modified to avoid overheating.1 clearance operations.1

1. CROMAC test report.

81 Minebreaker 2000/2

FFG Flensburger Fahrzeugbau GmbH, Federal Republic of Germany

Minebreaker 2000/2 in operation in Afghanistan

General description Tiller The Minebreaker 2000/2 is based on a Leopard 1 chassis. A hydraulically-powered rotating tiller drum is mounted at the front of the vehicle. The tiller is designed to detonate or break up mines. The manufacturer claims that the tiller unit will withstand detonations from common types of anti- personnel and anti-tank mines. With its main battle tank chassis, the Minebreaker 2000/2 has good all-terrain capability. Twenty millimetre steel armour and 70mm glass and blast-pressure- decreasing shock absorbers protect the crew compartment. The chassis and tilling drum are powered hydraulically by a multi-pump transfer gear. Hydrostatic drive gives the Minebreaker a cruising speed of 4 km/h and a working speed of up to 20m per minute. The Minebreaker 2000/2 is controlled by two joysticks: one to steer the vehicle and the other to adjust the clearance depth. This allows for uncomplicated operator training. The tilling drum is fitted with removable tungsten steel teeth that can be replaced when worn or broken. The tiller unit of Minebreaker 2000/2 is of a modular design and can be fitted to other prime movers such as T55, T64, M48, M60, and Leopard 2. Clearance methodology The front-mounted tilling drum with tungsten steel teeth rotates anti-clockwise in order to hit the mines from below, preventing the possibility of them being compacted into the ground. The teeth should detonate or break up mines. The system is designed to destroy anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. During testing and evaluation, Minebreaker achieved a clearance rate of 1.5-2ha/day over soil in temperate regions. As part of normal operation, vegetation and tripwires are removed. Machines in use to date Currently there are three machines in use: ¾ One system was purchased by South Korea in September 2000 to demine the inner-Korean border. ¾ One system owned by FFG working in Bosnia and Herzegovina on behalf of the German Foreign Office, in cooperation with local entity forces and the German NGO Demira. With interruptions, this system has been in use since 1999. ¾ One system purchased by German Armed Forces was deployed to Afghanistan in August 2002 to support ISAF operations. The machine is still in service and has cleared significant

82 Tiller systems

areas at Bagram airbase and Kabul airport. During operations in Afghanistan, more than 1,000 landmines, including a number of anti-vehicle mines, were cleared.1 Engine, fuel and oil ¾ Minebreaker 2000/2 runs on ordinary diesel fuel. Hydraulic fluid should be checked and if necessary changed every 2,000 running hours. ¾ Fuel consumption varies due to different applications from 60-100l per operating hour. Factory support ¾ The Leopard tank has seen long service in the German Army and numerous other countries. Extensive data relating to the performance characteristics of the Minebreaker chassis are in existence. ¾ The hydraulic system of the tiller unit uses standard components widely available on the international market. ¾ FFG offers logistical support, training and supply of spare parts as part of the purchase price. Long term projects can be provided with a mobile workshop. ¾ Operating instructions are currently available in English, Croat, German and Mandarin. ¾ Warranty terms are negotiable, however the standard warranty covers six months or 500 running hours, whichever comes first. Tiller

Tilling drum with tungsten teeth

Surface after treatment with tiller unit

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Large, heavy machine with difficult ƒƒƒ Powerful engine. transportability. ƒƒƒ Tiller system will clear vegetation and tripwires ƒƒƒ Difficult mobility in countries where road as it clears mines. infrastructure is poor. ƒƒƒ For use in anti-personnel and anti-tank minefields.

1. According to the manufacturer and German Armed Forces.

83 Oracle

Countermine Engineering AB, Sweden

The Oracle system with the trailer-mounted power pack

General description Tiller The Oracle demining system was first developed in Sweden in 1994. It is based on an armoured Caterpillar 973 TTL MCAP. The main mine clearance tool on the Oracle is a three-segmented, rotating tiller drum fitted with replaceable tungsten steel teeth, called Spitfire. If one of the three segments of the roller is seriously damaged, it can be replaced independently of the other two. There are two types of tiller axle assemblies available. The depth at which mines are expected to be found as well as local soil conditions will dictate the choice of axle. Depending on the axle selected the manufacturer claims that the system will clear to a depth of 300mm or 450mm. Spitfire features three different types of carbide bits. Depending on the configuration chosen, the number of bits mounted to the tiller drum will be 126, 168 or 252. The staggered positioning of the digging tools on the rotor is designed to prevent anti-personnel mines passing between them.1 The Spitfire tiller unit is powered by a commercial Caterpillar diesel engine and hydraulic pump system (HPU), towed behind the prime mover on a trailer armoured to the same specification. It features a standard Caterpillar track system. The combined weight of the Oracle system is 53 tonnes, making it difficult for use in swampy/wet terrain.1 Other attachments for the Caterpillar dozer, such as a demolition bucket and a mine clearance rake can be fitted. The Caterpillar mine rake is standard equipment to the U.S. Army. Designed to rip mines out from the soil, the rake has a clearance width of 366cm down to an average depth of 30cm. The rake uses 35°-angled tines, replaceable when damaged. The upturned soil and hopefully any mines within it, are pushed to the right side of the unit in a windrow. The Oracle system can be operated either by VHF remote control or driven directly by an operator. Manual control of the vehicle is reckoned to be physically taxing.1

Clearance methodology The tiller drum rotates clockwise at 120-240rpm (depending on soil conditions) and achieves an average penetration depth of 30-40cm. A depth sensor fixed to the rotor regulates the clearance depth. The working ground penetration is not always constant as the depth sensor compensates for undulations of terrain.1 The action of the rotating tungsten steel teeth is intended to detonate or break up mines. Oracle is designed to clear both anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. The clearance width of the system is 322cm, achieving an average clearance capacity of 800m2/h1 over temperate zone soil. During demining, the maximum speed of Oracle is 5km/h.2

84 Tiller systems

Machines in use to date ¾ One machine, operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The prime mover is powered by a 210kw Caterpillar 3306 diesel engine. The HPU has a 738kw Caterpillar 3412E diesel engine. The fuel capacity for this attached unit is 1,136l. ¾ The fuel consumption during mine clearance operations in Croatia was approximately 200l per hour. ¾ The manufacturer does not provide other details. Factory support ¾ The Spitfire system uses Caterpillar components. Caterpillar has a worldwide service and parts logistical organisation. Caterpillar claims to be able to deliver parts to any location within 48 hours. Maintenance and support ¾ No information provided by the manufacturer. Tests and evaluations ¾ In April-June 2000, Oracle was tested in Croatia by CROMAC. A minefield of 116,000m2 was cleared. ¾ Representatives of Countermine Engineering AB did not permit testing of Oracle against the effects of the PROM-1 mine. Tiller ¾ Detonation of a TMM-1 caused minor damage, repairable within 30 minutes. A combined detonation of a TMA-3 and a TMA-4 caused the loss of small components, also repairable. ¾ Oracle successfully destroyed mines.

Spitfire tiller unit with carbide metal cutting bits

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Oracle is large and cumbersome, not ideal for ƒƒƒ The tiller unit appears well designed and manoeuvring in tight spaces. withstands powerful blasts incurring minor ƒƒƒ With its towed power-pack, it is difficult to turn damage.1 and reverse.1 ƒƒƒ Oracle can easily cope with thick vegetation ƒƒƒ Over longer distances, Oracle will require as well as individual trees up to 20cm.1 transportation by low-loader. ƒƒƒ Powerful engine.1 ƒƒƒ During tests overheating of the engine was frequent. Air filters require improvement.1 ƒƒƒ The driver’s cab ventilation system allows the ingress of dust.1

1. CROMAC test report. 2. According to the manufacturer.

85 Rhino

Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH, Federal Republic of Germany

The Rhino in operation

General description Tiller The Rheinmetall Landsysteme Rhino is a 58-tonne, manned or remote-controlled system based on commercially available components. A Caterpillar engine powers the tracked, hydraulically driven machine. A power-split gearbox diverts the engine power into three hydraulic pump groups. The machine is protected by armour. Cameras are mounted at the front and rear, providing colour images to monitor screens with the remote operator. Rhino is designed to clear anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, including in areas with dense vegetation. A newly developed flail unit can be attached to the prime mover for use against anti-tank mines. The range of attachments for the prime mover includes a double tiller unit, a flail unit and a dozer blade. Clearance methodology The tiller unit consists of two, 3.45m-wide hydraulically-driven tiller drums attached to the chassis by a quick connect system. The larger, lower drum rotates anti-clockwise in order to prevent compaction of soil and mines. The tiller drum works at around 120rpm, while the smaller, upper tiller drum works at 600rpm in the opposite direction. The lower drum cuts the soil and carries the excavated soil to the upper tiller where any object among the spoil larger than 5cm x 5cm is crushed. Mines are either detonated on contact with the lower drum or are broken up between the tillers. Ground penetration depth is regulated automatically by feelers on either side of the unit, ensuring a near constant level during operation. This can be overridden for manual control. An average clearance depth of 50cm is achieved, according to the manufacturer. The anti-tank flail unit operates in a manner conventional to most flail systems. Mines will detonate or be broken up by the heavy chains. According to the manufacturer, the detonation of "normal" anti-tank mines will not damage the system. Machines in use to date ¾ S/N 02 in use since August 1998 in Croatia by AKD Mungos, a Croatian demining company. By the end of 2000, some 7,000,000 m² had been cleared. ¾ S/N 03 in test/operation from August 1999 – May 2000 in Cambodia with CMAC/CARE. ¾ S/N 04 purchased by CECOM (U.S.) in 1999. In test/operation in 2000 with Jordanian Army. In 2001, the S/N04 was tested and operated by the Israeli Defence Forces. ¾ S/N 05 was delivered in October 2000 to the South Korean Army. ¾ Deployment to Azerbaijan is planned for 2004.

86 Tiller systems

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ Single engine plus auxiliary engine (generator during maintenance). Normal diesel oil required. ¾ Biodegradable long-life hydraulic oil is recommended. Normal mineral hydraulic oil can be used. ¾ Average fuel consumption is 100l per hour, but this varies with working conditions. Factory support ¾ A small spare parts package or a more comprehensive option is offered by the manufacturer. Consumable spares for approx. 800 operational hours are offered. ¾ Additional maintenance set (e.g. generator, welding equipment) is available. Many Rhino components are commercially available from other producers. ¾ Operator courses provided by manufacturer in Germany plus on-site technical assistance ¾ Purchase price includes full tool set, English version operation and maintenance manuals, spare parts catalogue, hydraulic and electrical schematic. Translation into other languages can be arranged. ¾ Warranty limited to 800 hours or six months, whichever comes first. An extra warranty is negotiable. Maintenance and support ¾ Manufacturer recommends simple daily, weekly and 250 hour (engine oil change) maintenance checks. Many of the sub-systems do not require scheduled maintenance. ¾ Manufacturer advises that no distinction be made between operator and mechanic. Two teams of two men, each under a commander are recommended. A team should operate for two hours Tiller before being relieved, while maintenance is a combined effort. Tests and evaluations ¾ In 1997, in cooperation with a client, Rheinmetall Landsysteme conducted tests using live and inert anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. The copyright of the test report is owned by CECOM, U.S. ¾ Tested in Cambodia by CMAC in 1999/2000. The CMAC report is available from Rheinmetall Landsysteme and is already distributed to several agencies, including the GICHD and UNMAS. ¾ The Israeli Defence Force tested the system in three different environments. A test report is available. ¾ In October 2000, a comparative test with five different Tiller system of the Rhino machines was carried out by the BWB (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung) on behalf of the German Army. ¾ Operational advice based on experience is offered by Rhino user AKD Mungos, Croatia.

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Road speed limited to 3.8km/h. ƒƒƒ Due to size and clearing capacity, it is best ƒƒƒ Heavy weight. Requires careful planning to employed in suspect areas greater than 50,000- transport. 100,000m². ƒƒƒ Due to its weight it is difficult to operate in soft ƒƒƒ Self-recovery possible. terrain. ƒƒƒ Full operator protection due to remote control. ƒƒƒ Several auxiliary means e.g. air compressor, cable remote-control. ƒƒƒ High survivability proven e.g. the system was field repairable even after a double anti-tank mine was detonated under the tracks.

87 Technical data sheet FMR 2000 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: Not given 2. Length total: 7,800mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,665mm (transportation width) 4. Width total: 3,335mm 5. Clearance width: 2,580mm 6. Height, overall: 4,080mm (with antenna) 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 32,000kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 6,000kg 9. Mass, total: 38,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks with a width of 700mm 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.75 kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: 30° c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chisels: Approx. 140 14. Gap between drum and chisels: 15mm and 15/5mm 15. Diameter of drum: 750mm 16. Rotation speed: 400-700rpm 17. Clearance depth, max: Normal operation 0-400mm, max. 600mma) depending

Tiller on soil conditions. 18. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: 180m/h = approx. 450m2/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 120m/h = approx. 300m2/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 90 m/h = approx. 225m2/h 19. Control of clearance depth: Automatic 20. Machines in use: Yes 21. Other types: No 22. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina 23. Total area cleared so far: 100,000 m2 d. System specifications 24. Engine: Mercedes-Benz OM 502 LA 25. Fuel capacity: 900l 26. Fuel consumption: Not given 27. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 28. Transition: Not given 29. Cooling system engine: Water cooled 30. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given e. Comfort and security 31. Air conditioning: Not given 32. Operator comfort: TV monitor with cameras in front (movable) and rear. 33. Armour: Yes. No further information available. 34. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance 1,000m f. Costs 35. Cost of system: On customer demand. 5-day training course is included in the price. 36. Other costs: Details on request 37. Transport limitation: Max. speed on tracks 6.5km/h. Normally on trailer 38. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

88 Tiller systems

Technical data sheet Mine-Guzzler a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 7,560mm 2. Length total: 8,460mm 3. Width without attachment: 3,340mm 4. Width total: 4,120mm 5. Clearance width: 3,000mm 6. Height, overall: 3,550 mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 33,000kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 15,000kg 9. Mass, total: 48,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.98 kg/cm² 12. Hill climbing ability: More than 30° (depends on grip for the tracks) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chisels: 15 discs with 405 teeth 14. Gap between drums/chisels: 25mm (dynamically set) 15. Diameter of drum: 1,250mm 16. Rotation speed: Up to 190rpm 17. Clearance depth, max.: Up to 500mm in light soil a)

18. Working speed Tiller • light soil/ small vegetation: 1,200m²/h up to 4,000m2/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 1,000 m²/h 19. Control of clearance depth: Automatic 20. Machines in use: 1 21. Other types: 2 prototypes, earlier made on Leopard 1 chassis 22. Location of use: Croatia and Egypt 23. Total area cleared so far: Approx. 800,000m2 d. System specifications 24. Engine: Caterpillar 3412 E 25. Fuel capacity: 800l 26. Fuel consumption: 40-85l/h (depending on depth and soil)b) 27. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 28. Transition: Not given 29. Cooling system engine: 170l (50/50 water and glycol) 30. Hydraulic oil capacity: 200l for tracks and 70l for lift and tilt system e. Comfort and security 31. Air conditioning: Yes; AC and heater with air inlet filter. 32. Operator comfort: Suspension in chair, four-point safety belt, automatic speed control, low noise, TV monitor with cameras in front (movable) and rear, overpressure valve, emergency hatch. 33. Armour: 16mm armour and 46mm protection glass 34. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance 800m f. Costs 35. Cost of system: Approx. U.S.$1,500,000 36. Other costs: Not given 37. Transport limitation: Max. speed on tracks 7km/h. Normally on trailer in one or two parts. 38. Availability for hire: Yes

a) CROMAC test report. b) During the test series in Germany, 70 and 90l per hour (Wehrtechnische Dienstelle für Pionier- und Truppengerät, Kurzbericht, 15 January 2001).

89 Technical data sheet Minebreaker 2000/2 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: Not given 2. Length total: 10,940mm 3. Width without attachment: 3,250mm 4. Width total: 4,510mm 5. Clearance width: 3,690mm 6. Height, overall: 3,310mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 33,500kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 13,500kg 9. Mass, total: 47,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks Diehl D 640 A 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 960N/cm² 12. Hill climbing ability: 50%a) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chisels: 66 14. Gap between chisels: 60mm 15. Diameter of drum: Not given 16. Rotation speed: Up to 100rpm 17. Clearance depth, max: Up to 500mm a)

Tiller 18. Working speed • light soil/ small vegetation: Up to 4,000m²/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: Up to 2,400m²/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: Up to 1,000m²/h 19. Control of clearance depth: Mechanic 20. Machines in use: 3 21. Other types: Minebreaker 2000 22. Location of use: Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Korea. 23. Total area cleared so far: Approximately 1,500,000m2 d. System specifications 24. Engine: MTU MB 838 with 10 cylinders and 830hp 25. Fuel capacity: 940l 26. Fuel consumption: Max. 100l/h 27. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 28. Transition: Hydrostatic 29. Cooling system engine: Water 30. Hydraulic oil capacity: 650l e. Comfort and security 31. Air conditioning: Optional 32. Operator comfort: A high degree of comfort for the operator is achieved by using standard components (seat, instruments, etc.) from industry 33. Armour: Original Leopard 1 chassis; cabin with 20mm armoured steel and 70mm protection glass 34. Remote control: Optional • greatest distance: 1,000m f. Costs 35. Cost of system: For clearing operations €0.5 per m2. This includes one operator, fuel, spare parts etc. but no transportation • machine: On request • training: Usually included in the system price • spare parts: Depending 36. Other costs On customer request 37. Transport limitation: By road or deployed with commercially-available trailers caterpillar-track vehicles. 38. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

90 Tiller systems

Technical data sheet Oracle a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 4,947mm 2. Length total: 13,800mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,580mm 4. Width total: 4,500 mm 5. Clearance width: 3,220mm 6. Height, overall: 3,640mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle (including HPU): 46,400kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 6,790kg 9. Mass, total: 53,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.89 kg/cm² (basic vehicle) 12. Hill climbing ability: 50%a) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chisels: 126, 168, or 252 depending on tool configuration 14. Gap between drums/ chisels: 25-75mm depending on tool configuration Dynamically: Not given 15. Diameter of drum: 1,200mm 16. Rotation speed: 120-240rpm a)

17. Clearance depth, max: 200, 300 or 450mm Tiller 18. Working speed:a) Approx. 800 m²/h 19. Control of clearance depth: Automatic 20. Machines in use: 1 21. Other types: Not given 22. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia 23. Total area cleared so far: Not given d. System specifications 24. Engine: Caterpillar 3306, 210kw 25. Fuel capacity: 1,136l 26. Fuel consumption: 200l approx. per houra) 27. Separate engine for tilling unit: Yes (Caterpillar 3412E, 738 kw) 28. Transition: Not given 29. Cooling system engine: Not given 30. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given e. Comfort and security 31. Air conditioning: Optional 32. Operator comfort: Not given 33. Armour: Not given 34. Remote control: Optional • greatest distance Not given f. Costs 35. Cost of system: Not given 36. Other costs: Not given 37. Transport limitation: Max. speed on tracks 10 km/h 38. Availability for hire: Not given

a) According to the manufacturer.

91 Technical data sheet Rhino a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 7,800mm 2. Length total: 9,600mm 3. Width without attachment: 3,000mm Flail unit incl. level feeler: 4,400mm 4. Width total: 4,200mm 5. Clearance width: 3,500mm 6. Height, overall: 3,200mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 46,000kg 8. Mass, dozer blade: 2,000kg 9. Mass, demining unit (tiller): 14,000kg • flail unit 6,000-8,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 2 commercial tracks each 700mm wide 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 10 N/cm² 12. Hill climbing ability: 24° c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chisels/ flail elements • lower drum: 360 • upper drum: 174

Tiller • flail unit: 16-18 elements 14. Gap between drum and chisels: Not given 15. Diameter of drum: Not given 16. Rotation speed • lower drum: Up to 120rpm • upper drum: Up to 600rpm • flail unit: 300-400rpm 17. Clearance depth, max: Up to 500mma) • flail unit: Up to 250mm 18. Working speed • light soil/ small vegetation: 2,000m²/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 1,000m²/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 600m²/h 19. Control of clearance depth: Automatic by mechanical sensors/electronic controller with manual override possibility, or manually 20. Machines in use: 3 21. Other types: No 22. Location of use: Cambodia, Croatia, Israel, Jordan, Republic of Korea 23. Total area cleared so far: More than 7,000,000m2 d. System specifications 24. Engine: Caterpillar 3412 with 660kw 25. Fuel capacity: 1,700l 26. Fuel consumption: Approx. 100l/h 27. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 28. Transition: Hydrostatic 29. Cooling system engine: Water/air 30. Hydraulic oil capacity: Approx. 1,000l e. Comfort and security 31. Air conditioning: Yes 32. Operator comfort: Remote control desk could be used in a tent or installed in a 10 foot container/ truck with a/c and heating devices 33. Armour: Protection glasses, minimum 10mm steel plates 34. Remote control: Bi-directional link with watch dog, vehicles data indicated on remote control box, max distance: 1,000m 35. Cost of system: Not given 36. Other costs: Not given 37. Transport limitation: Trailer 38. Availaibility for hire: Not currently.

a) During the testing in Germany 30cm were required, Rhino achieved between 18 and 43cm.

92 Tiller systems Tiller


FMR 2000 Mine-Guzzler a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: Not given 7,560mm 2. Length total: 7,800mm 8,460mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,665mm (transportation width) 3,340mm • flail unit incl. level feeler: 4. Width total: 3,335mm 4,120mm 5. Clearance width: 2,580mm 3,000mm 6. Height, overall: 4,080mm (with antenna) 3,550 mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 32,000kg 33,000kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 6,000kg 15,000kg 9. Mass, total: 38,000kg 48,000kg • flail unit b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks with a width of 700mm Tracks

11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.75 kg/cm2 0.98 kg/cm² 12. Hill climbing ability: 30° More than 30° (depends on grip for the tracks) c. Clearance performance

Tiller 13. Number of chisels: Approx. 140 15 discs with 405 teeth

• lower drum: • upper drum: • flail unit: 14. Gap between drum/chisels: 15mm and 15/5mm dynamicalls set: 25mm

15. Diameter of drum: 750mm 1,250mm 16. Rotation speed: 400-700rpm Up to 190rpm 17. Clearance depth, max: Normal operation 0-400mm, max. Up to 500mm in light soil 600mma)depending on soil conditions.

18. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: 180m/h = approx. 450m2/h 1,200m²/h up to 4,000m2/hb) • medium soil/medium vegetation: 120m/h = approx. 300m2/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 90 m/h = approx. 225m2/h 1,000 m²/hb) 19. Control of clearance depth: Automatic Automatic

20. Machines in use: Yes 1

21. Other types: No 2 prototypes, earlier made on Leopard 1 chassis 22. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia and Egypt

23. Total area cleared so far: 100,000 m2 Approx. 800,000m2 d. System specifications 24. Engine: Mercedes-Benz OM 502 LA Caterpillar 3412 E

25. Fuel capacity: 900l 800l 26. Fuel consumption: Not given 40-85l/h (depending on depth and soil)c) 27. Separate engine for tilling unit: No No 28. Transition: Not given Not given 29. Cooling system engine: Water cooled 170l (50/50 water and glycol) 30. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given 200l for tracks and 70l for lift and tilt system

94 Tiller systems

Minebreaker 2000/2 Oracle Rhino

Not given 4,947mm 7,800mm 10,940mm 13,800mm 9,600mm 3,250mm 2,580mm 3,000mm 4,400mm 4,510mm 4,500 mm 4,200mm 3,690mm 3,220mm 3,500mm 3,310mm 3,640mm 3,200mm 33,500kg 46,400kg 46,000kg 13,500kg 6,790kg 2,000kg 47,000kg 53,000kg 14,000kg 6,000-8,000kg

Tracks Diehl D 640 A Tracks 2 commercial tracks each 700mm wide 960N/cm² 0.89 kg/cm² (basic vehicle) 10 N/cm² 50%a) 50%a) 24°

66 126, 168, or 252 depending on Tiller tool configuration 360 174 16-18 elements 60mm 25-75mm depending on tool Not given configuration • lower drum: up to 120rpm • upper drum: up to 600rpm • flail unit: 300-400rpm Not given 1,200mm Not given Up to 100rpm 120-240rpm Up to 500mm 200, 300 or 450mma) Up to 500mmd)

• flail unit: Up to 500mm Approx. 800 m²/h Up to 4,000m²/h 2,000 m²/h Up to 2,400m²/h 1,000 m²/h Up to 1,000m²/h 600 m²/h

Mechanic Automatic Automatic by mechanical sensors/electronic controller with manual override possibility, or manually 31 3

Minebreaker 2000 Not given No

Afghanistan, Bosnia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia Cambodia, Croatia, Israel, Herzegovina, Republic of Korea. Jordan, Republic of Korea Approximately 1,500,000m2 Not given More than 7,000,000m2

MTU MB 838 with 10 cylinders Caterpillar 3306, 210kw Caterpillar 3412 with 660kw and 830hp 940l 1,136l 1,700l Max. 100l/h 200l approx. per houra) Approx. 100l/h

No Yes (Caterpillar 3412E, 738 kw) No Hydrostatic Not given Hydrostatic Water Not given Water/air 650l Not given Approx. 1,000l


FMR 2000 Mine-Guzzler e. Comfort and security 31. Air conditioning: Not given Yes; AC and heater with air inlet filter. 32. Operator comfort: TV monitor with cameras in front Suspension in chair, four-point (movable) and rear. safety belt, automatic speed control, low noise, TV monitor with cameras in front (movable) and rear, overpressure valve, emergency hatch. 33. Armour: Yes. No further information 16mm armour and 46mm available. protection glass

34. Remote control: Yes Yes • greatest distance 1,000m 800m

f. Costs 35. Cost of system: On customer demand. 5-day Approx. U.S.$1,500,000 training course is included in

Tiller the price.

• machine: • training: • spare parts:

36. Other costs: Details on request Not given 37. Transport limitation: Max. speed on tracks 6.5km/h. Max. speed on tracks 7km/h. Normally on trailer Normally on trailer in one or two parts. 38. Availability for hire: Yes Yes

96 Tiller systems

Minebreaker 2000/2 Oracle Rhino

Optional Optional Yes

A high degree of comfort for the Not given Remote control desk could be operator is achieved by using used in a tent or installed in a 10 standard components (seat footcontainer/ truck with a/c instruments, etc.) from industry and heating devices

Original Leopard 1 chassis; cabinNot given Protection glasses, minimum with 20mm armoured steel 10mm steel plates and 70mm protection glass Optional Optional Bi-directional link with watch dog, 1,000m Not given vehicles data indicated on remote control box, max distance: 1,000 m

For clearing operations €0.5 Not given Not given per m2. This includes one

operator, fuel, spare parts, etc. Tiller but no transportation On request Usually included in the system price Depending On customer request Not given Not given By road or deployed with Maximum speed on tracks Trailer commercially-available trailers 10km/h caterpillar-track vehicles. Yes Not given Not currently

a) According to the manufacturer. b) CROMAC test report c) During the test series in Germany, 70 and 90l per hour (Wehrtechnische Dienstelle für Pionier- und Truppengerät, Kurzbericht, 15 January 2001). d) During the testing in Germany 30cm were required, Rhino achieved between 18 and 43cm.

97 Tiller

98 Combined systems

Section 3 Combined systems Combined systems

99 MineWolf

RUAG Land Systems, Germany

Latest version of the MineWolf

General description MineWolf is a joint German-Swiss mine clearance concept which aims to overcome the limitations of tillers (weight, size, cost and mobility) while enjoying the advantages of flail systems (ground penetration depth, vegetation cutting) by combining both systems in one machine. A standard commercial tractor on tracks is used as the prime mover. It has a 300kw Deutz diesel engine, with pendulum track. Power transmission is provided mechanically by a heavy-duty, power take-off shaft via a turbo clutch to provide protection for the driveline. The use of quick coupling facilitates rapid replacement of the demining tool attachments within 15minutes. The MineWolf can be operated by locally trained staff. The open-basket tiller design allows expansion of mine blast through the tiller to avoid or reduce damage. The MineWolf is a medium-size, multi-purpose, toolbox demining machine. With standard commercial attachments, it can also be used for construction, agriculture and forestry. The system

Combined systems is designed for container transport by road, rail, ship or air. A standard low-loader can be used for transporting between work sites. The system is available in two configurations: the standard version is not equipped with a cabin swivel-arm and has a reduced ground clearance of 400mm. Clearance methodology Clearance of mixed anti-personnel/anti-tank mine fields is divided into two phases: first the flail system detonates or breaks up anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, then, with a ground penetration depth of approx. 30cm, the tiller system breaks up partially exploded or remaining mines and explosive components not completely destroyed by the flail. The flail attachment is produced by Armtrac Ltd. and is almost the same as that attached to the Armtrac 100. The tiller attachment is not intended for use against anti-tank mines. Of a much lighter design than most tillers, this attachment is the preferred system when operating in pure anti-personnel minefields. The flail is used for initial clearance phase against anti-personnel/anti- tank minefields, or for purely anti-tank minefields. The clearance depth is automatically controlled. A GPS system assists the operator to keep in lane in case of limited vision caused by dust. Machines in use to date ¾ 1 machine in service with the German NGO Help e.V. in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2003. Accredited by the Bosnian Mine Action Centre.

100 Combined systems

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The machine is equipped with a 300kw Deutz BF6M 1015CP diesel engine (408hp). ¾ Fuel consumption is 35-45l per hour. ¾ Hydraulic system requires standard oil. Factory support ¾ Operator training is conducted by the manufacturer: four to five weeks in Germany and one to two weeks at the programme location. Training is part of the purchase package. Tiller with depth control ¾ Instruction manuals and documentation available in German and English or, if required, the customer’s language. ¾ A spare parts kit is included in the purchase package. Maintenance and support ¾ There are regular maintenance periods comprising daily, weekly and monthly checks as laid down in the operator’s manual. ¾ The MineWolf can be operated, serviced and maintained by local staff. ¾ The MineWolf is designed for container transport by air, road and sea. ¾ Air transport with Transall or Hercules is possible. ¾ A standard low-loader can be used for road transport. Tests and evaluations ¾ A prototype was tested by the Bundeswehr (German Army) at test fields in Koblenz and Meppen in June 2001. The aim of the test was to measure clearance performance against 95 inert anti-personnel and anti-tank test mines buried up to 30cm deep in various soil conditions. The MineWolf in operation German Army report concludes: "All mines and mine parts were destroyed by the MineWolf, rendering the field safe". ¾ Testing by RUAG Land Systems (see below) of the tiller system and protection of cabin and vehicle, with live mines containing up to 7.5kg of TNT. According to the manufacturer, the tests showed that the tiller system and the mechanical power drive are robust and that the driver is safe under all conditions. Combined systems ¾ Testing by International Test & Evaluations Programme (ITEP) of the flail system with live mines up to 7.5kg of TNT. ITEP reports that: "The most significant conclusion is that the flail unit is well designed for the venting of large explosive blasts".1

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ The flail unit left ridges of untouched soil.1 ƒƒƒ Thus far, the concept has proved effective ƒƒƒ Over long distances the system will require during inert mine tests to 30cm ground transportation on a low-bed trailer. penetration depth.2 ƒƒƒ Combines flail and tiller systems. ƒƒƒ The machine is comparatively lightweight. ƒƒƒ Suited to various, non-demining roles. ƒƒƒ High safety standard for the operator. ƒƒƒ Rugged design.

1. ITEP Trial Report, 18 April 2002. 2. Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung, Kurzbericht, July 2001, p. 18.

101 Redbus LMDS

Redbus LMDS Ltd., United Kingdom

The Redbus Disposal System consisting of the Bigfoot (left) and Mineworm (right)

General description The Redbus Land Mine Disposal System (LMDS) comprises two machines — Bigfoot and Mineworm — and a remote control centre. The Bigfoot is a remote-controlled vehicle with armoured feet attached to a series of hydraulically-operated pistons. The feet apply pressure to the ground in a sequence in order to detonate landmines. Mineworm follows behind Bigfoot and excavates the soil to a chosen depth, removing UXO for destruction in its fragmentation bin or for destruction by EOD personnel. Like Bigfoot, Mineworm is remotely controlled, with cameras to monitor progress and inspect excavated material. Comprehensive trials were conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2002-2003. An upgraded version of the system is expected to be available by mid-2004. Clearance methodology Combined systems The pressure applied by the feet of Bigfoot is controlled to ensure that soil is not compacted (to allow for future crop planting), and functioning mines are detonated rather than broken up. A soil breaker and root cropper is attached in front of Mineworm. This prepares the ground for the rotating excavator, which lifts the soil and passes it through the Mineworm. A magnetic ferrous metal sorter removes objects for inspection. All other material is passed through a fragmenter, where any remaining detonators or explosives should be crushed/fragmented. Machines in use to date ¾ One system is operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The system engines of the system require normal diesel fuel. ¾ Hydraulic fluids are of a type in common use and are therefore readily available. ¾ Average consumption is 20l per hour for Bigfoot and 40l per hour for Mineworm. Factory support ¾ An initial comprehensive spares pack is provided with the equipment. A spares, training and equipment support package is included.

102 Combined systems

Maintenance and support ¾ Redbus claims that it is practical for the LMDS to transport itself for up to 30km. ¾ The system has been designed using basic technology. This enhances reliability and ensures that it can be both operated and repaired by people with basic mechanical skills. ¾ Electronic systems include self-diagnoses contained in a replaceable box supplied by Redbus. ¾ The Redbus LMDS has been designed to ensure that it can be logistically supportable in field conditions.

The Redbus Bigfoot

Test and evaluations ¾ The Redbus LMDS has undergone a series of performance tests with the United Kingdom Defence Evaluation Research Agency (DERA). Recommendations were made to the manufacturer for further development. ¾ The system was tested in Bosnia and Herzegovina between August 2001 and November 2002. Combined systems

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Bigfoot cannot deal with non-functioning ƒƒƒ Survivability successfully tested on some types mines. of anti-tank mine. ƒƒƒ Self-transport up to 30km impractical due to slow ƒƒƒ Remote control system guarantees operator roadspeed. safety. ƒƒƒ Not suitable for soils with large rocks. ƒƒƒ System employs variety of clearance techniques. ƒƒƒ Ability to operate close to walls and obstacles.

103 Technical data sheet MineWolf a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 4,910mm 2. Length total: 7,260mm (with flail), 6,150mm (with tiller) 3. Width without attachment: 2,500mm 4. Width: 3,65 mm (with flail), 2,89 mm (with tiller) 5. Height: 4,700mm in operating configuration, 3,100mm in transport configuration 6. Mass basic vehicle: 20,500kg 7. Mass with attachments: 24,500kg (flail), 24,750 kg (tiller) b. Driving specifications 8. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks 9. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.54kg/cm2 10. Hill climbing ability: 40° c. Clearance performance 11. Number of chains/chisels: 73/80 12. Gap between chains/chisels: 73/40 13. Clearing width flail/tiller: 2,800/2,590mm 14. Clearing depth tiller: 300-400mm 15. Length of chains: 965mm 16. Rotation speed flail/tiller: Up to 400rpm/270-330rpm 17. Working speed: 1-2km/h 18. Clearing performance: Approximately 2,000m2 (depending on soil conditions) 19. Vegetation cutting ability: Up to 150mm diameter 20. Machines in use: 1 prototype d. System specifications 21. Engine: Deutz BF8M diesel engine with 400hp 22. Fuel capacity: 760l 23. Fuel consumption: Max. 42 l/ha) e. Comfort and security 24. Air conditioning: Yes 25. Operator comfort: GPS, depth control 26. Armour: Yes (no further details provided by the manufacturer) 27. Remote control: Not given f. Costs

Combined systems 28. Cost of system: Approx. €500 000, depending on the required equipment 29. Transport limitation: For long distances transportation on a low-bed trailer is required 30. Availability for hire: Not given

a) According to the manufacturer.

104 Combined systems

Technical data sheet Redbus Bigfoot a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: Not given 2. Length total: 6,700mm 3. Width total: 2,800mm 4. Clearing width: 2,000mm 5. Mass, minimum: Not given 6. Height, overall: 2,500mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: Not given 8. Mass, total: 10,000kg b. Driving specifications 9. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks 10. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.4 kg/cm² 11. Hill climbing ability: 45°a) c. Clearance performance 12. Number of feet: 10 (standard model) 13. Size of feet: 270mm long x 200mm wide 14. Max. pressure: 750kg per foot 15. Min. pressure: — 16. Working speed: 300-1,000m²/h (no further detailed data given)a) 17. Control of clearing depth: Automatic 18. Machines in use: 1 prototype 19. Other types: No 20. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina 21. Total area cleared so far: Not given d. System specifications 22. Engine: 250hp 23. Fuel capacity: 1,000l 24. Fuel consumption: 20l/h 25. Separate engine for the feet: No 26. Cooling system engine: Water 27. Oil capacity Not given 28. Hydraulic oil capacity: 800l e. Comfort and security 29. Operator comfort: Two-colour TV monitor with four colour cameras in front (movable) and rear

30. Armour: Foot ram assembly/front and sides Combined systems 31. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance 5,000m f. Costs 32. Cost of system: Not given 33. Other costs: Not given 34. Transport limitation: Max. speed on tracks 6.5km/h. Normally on trailer 35. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

105 Technical data sheet Redbus Mineworm a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: Not given 2. Length total: 10,000mm 1. Width total: 2,700mm 2. Clearing width: Not given 3. Height, minimum: Not given 4. Height, overall: 3,400mm 5. Mass, total: 15,000kg b. Driving specifications 6. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks 7. Hill climbing ability: 30°a) c. Clearance performance 8. Gap between drums/chiselsdynamically: 60mm 9. Diameter of drum 750mm 10. Rotation speed 80-700rpm 11. Clearance depth, max.: Up to 550mma) 12. Working speed 750m²/h a) (no further detailed data given) 13. Control of clearing depth: Automatic 14. Machines in use: 1 prototype 15. Other types: No 16. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina 17. Total area cleared so far: Not given d. System specifications 18. Engine: 300hp 19. Fuel capacity: 1,000l 20. Fuel consumption: 40l/hr 21. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 22. Transition: Not given 23. Cooling system engine: Water/glycol 24. Oil capacity: Not given 25. Hydraulic oil capacity: 900l e. Comfort and security 26. Operator comfort: TV monitor with cameras in front (movable) and rear 27. Armour: Cutter/diggers assembly protected 28. Remote control: Yes

Combined systems • greatest distance 5,000m f. Costs 29. Cost of system: Not given 30. Other costs: Not given 31. Transport limitation: Max. speed on tracks 6.5km/h. Normally on trailer. 32. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

106 Combined systems Combined systems


MineWolf Redbus Bigfoot Redbus Mineworm a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 4,910mm Not given Not given 2. Length total: 7,260mm (with flail), 6,700mm 10,000mm 6,150mm (with tiller) 3. Width without attachment: 2,500mm 4. Width, total: 3,65mm (with flail), 2,800mm 2,700mm 2,89mm (with tiller) 5. Clearing width: 2,000mm Not given 6. Height, minimum: 4,700mm in operating Not given Not given config., 3,100mm in transport config. 7. Height, overall: 2,500mm 3,400mm 8. Mass basic vehicle: 20,500kg Not given 9. Mass with attachments: 24,500kg (flail), Total: 10,000kg Total: 15,000kg 24,750 kg (tiller) b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks Tracks. Tracks 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.54kg/cm2 0.4 kg/cm² — 12. Hill climbing ability: 40° 45°a) 30°a) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains/chisels: 73/80 Number of feet: 10 (standard model) 14. Gap between chains/chisels: 73/40 Dynamically: 60mm

15. Diametre of drum: 750mm 16. Size of feet: 270mm long x 200mm wide 17. Max. pressure: 750kg per foot 18. Clearing width flail/tiller: 2,800/2,590mm 19. Clearing depth tiller: 300-400mm Up to 550mma) 20. Length of chains: 965mm 21. Rotation speed flail/tiller: Up to 400rpm/ 80-700mm 270-330rpm 22. Working speed: 1-2km/h 300-1,000m²/h 750m2/h (no further detailed data given)) detailed data given) 2

Combined systems 23. Clearing performance: Approx. 2,000m Control of clearing depth: Automatic Automatic 24. Vegetation cutting ability: Up to 150mm diameter 25. Machines in use: 1 prototype 1 prototype 26. Other types: No 27. Location of use: Bosnia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Herzegovina d. System specifications 28. Engine: Deutz BF8M diesel 250hp 300hp engine with 400hp 29. Fuel capacity: 760l 1,000l 1,000l 30. Fuel consumption: Max. 42 l/ha) 20l/h 40l/h 31. Separate engine for the feet: No for tilling unit: No 32. Transition: Not given 33. Cooling system engine: Water Water/glycol 34. Oil capacity: Not given Not given 35. Hydraulic oil capacity: 800l 900l

108 Combined systems

MineWolf Redbus Bigfoot Redbus Mineworm e. Comfort and security 36. Air conditioning: Yes 37. Operator comfort: GPS, depth control Two-colour TV monitor TV monitor with with four colour cameras in front cameras in front (movable) and rear (movable) and rear 38. Armour: Yes (no further details Foot ram assembly/ Cutter/diggers provided by the front and sides assembly protected manufacturer) 39. Remote control: Not given Yes Yes • greatest distance 5,000m 5,000m f. Costs 28. Cost of system: Approx. €500 000, Not given depending on the required equipment 40. Other costs Not given Not given 29. Transport limitation: For long distances Max. speed on Max. speed on transportation on a tracks 6.5km/h. tracks 6.5km/h low-bed trailer is Normally on trailer Normally on trailer required 30. Availability for hire: Not given Yes Yes Combined systems

a) According to the manufacturer.

109 Combined systems

110 Multi-tool systems

Section 4 Multi-tool systems Multi-tool

111 All-Purpose Remote Transport System (ARTS) WESCO Manufacturing, Inc., U.S.

General description ARTS is a remotely operated system, which has been used for hazardous material handling, mine clearance operations and disposal of unexploded ordnance. It provides a robotic platform from which hazardous operations can be conducted allowing the operator to be located at a safe stand- off distance. The system consists of a medium-size skid steer prime mover with rubber tracks, an operator control unit and a series of attachments such as a brush cutter, a bucket or a backhoe. Two cameras on top of the tractor display the area forward and rearward the vehicle and provide operational visibility when operating the vehicle remotely. The ARTS has a quick attach plate that adapts to most attachments for skid steer vehicles. The mature construction facilitates the change of tools. The loader arms can be fitted to either the front or the rear of the vehicle. The system is currently not armoured, which makes it vulnerable against the impact of all kinds of landmines. In a capability demonstration carried out by the U.S. Army in 2001 the system cut between 48m2/h (in light vegetation) to 16.8m2/h (in heavy vegetation with dense brush). The ARTS was certified for airdrop by the American Armed Forces and can easily be transported by aircraft or helicopter. Multi-tool Working methodology The cutting unit cuts vegetation up to a diameter of 230mm.1 No further information regarding the technical data of the tools is provided by the manufacturer. The brush cutter does not have floating capabilities which requires an experienced operator to follow the contour of terrain. A minimum of three days is required for operator/maintenance training. Machines in use to date As of December 2003, 53 ARTS units have been built, of which the U.S. Air Force has purchased all but one. The systems are in service worldwide with the military. No detailed information is provided by the manufacturer.

112 Multi-tool systems

Engine, fuel and oil The ARTS has a 4-cylinder diesel engine. Any diesel fuel of type JP 8 is adequate. Fuel consumption depends on the task carried out by the machine and one tank will last between four and seven hours. No further details and specifications are given by the manufacturer. Factory support Factory support can include spare parts, training, manuals and warranty against manufacturer defects. Maintenance and support Field crew members, who have received ARTS operator and maintenance training, can perform all routine maintenance procedures. The prime mover is made by All Season Vehicle, Inc. an American company that has joined with Caterpillar Corp., so it should be supportable worldwide. Daily checks and other preventive maintenance checks, services and repair actions are well documented by written and picture references. At a capability demonstration carried out by the U.S. Army the change of one track was approximately one hour. Test and evaluations The United States Army Communications - Electronic Command Research, Development and Engineering Center carried out a capabilities test in 2001. Test results are available under www.humanitarian-demining.org/demining/pubs/clearance/arts.asp. Neither a blast nor a survivability test was conducted on the ARTS. Multi-tool Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from greater ƒƒƒ Rugged design. distances. ƒƒƒ Easy to transport. ƒƒƒ No armour.

1. U.S. Army, Communications - Electronic Command Research, Development and Engineering Centre, Capabilities Demonstration of ARTS, 24-26 September 2001, p. 12.

113 Armtrac 325

Armtrac Ltd., United Kingdom

Armtrac 325 with available attachments

General description The Armtrac 325 mine clearance vehicle is a development of the Agriflail machines used in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Mozambique. Military and agricultural principals have been employed in the design, test, and development of the 325. The Armtrac 325 is fitted with a flail unit with optional extra attachments: digger arm, bucket, strimmer head and log grab. The Armtrac 325 prime mover provides the platform to which the optional attachments can be fitted with a quick-hitch system. The box section ladder chassis provides torsion stiffness over extreme terrain plus shock absorption in case of detonations from under any of the attached tools, or from under the machine itself. The fully-welded chassis and boom structure provides the freedom to use a modular power and transmission drive-line also helping to isolate the cabin from engine, transmission and detonation noise. The use of a modular design also assists maintenance and repair. All hoses and wiring looms are designed in a similar fashion, allowing each section to be "unplugged" and replaced. Transmission consists of 325hp Volvo engine driving through a speed-increasing gearbox to a hydraulic pump. The drive is taken to a two-speed transfer box, then on to the two axles fitted with foam-filled balloon tyres. This gives 16 forward and 16 reverse gears with variable speed in each gear. Clearance methodology

Multi-tool The flail of the Armtrac 325 rotates at 350rpm clockwise with a working width of 3m. The 74 chains of the flail unit have a dynamic spacing of 10mm, and the approximate clearance depth is expected to be up to 30cm, with depth variations controlled by the operator. When working, the vehicle moves at 1km/h, detonating or breaking up mines. Machines in use to date ¾ Machines have been sold to European Landmine Solutions and Exploration Logistics (Mineclear/Minetech). ¾ Two machines are currently working, one in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one in Lebanon (2003). Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The Armtrac 325 is equipped with a 325hp Volvo diesel engine. ¾ The average fuel consumption is 50l/h1 while the flail is in operation.

114 Multi-tool systems

Factory support ¾ At extra cost, a basic spare parts kit is supplied by the manufacturer as part of the purchase package. ¾ The manufacturer supplies special parts unlikely to be found locally. Maintenance and support ¾ Weekly basic greasing, oil level checks, etc. by driver/operator. ¾ Full service required every 300 hours by personnel trained by the manufacturer. Tests and evaluations ¾ No information available.

Armtrac 325 with strimmer Multi-tool Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ For transportation over longer distances, a ƒƒƒ Possibility to use various attachments i.e. flail, 40m low-bed trailer is required. digger arm, 3-in-1 bucket, strimmer head, and log grab.

1. According to the manufacturer.

115 DEMCO System

DEMCO (PTY) Ltd., South Africa

DEMCO detonating disk system

General description DEMCO System consists of a commercial Komatsu excavator with a cab fitted with 10mm ARMOX to protect the operator. The armoured glass is 50mm. On customer’s request the manufacturer offers add-on armour if requested. All cabs have double doors or an escape hatch in the roof in order to ensure operator ease of escape in case of emergency. Other wheeled and tracked excavators, loaders and bulldozers can be used as prime movers for DEMCO mine clearance attachments. Various demining tools can be attached to the extending boom to conduct ground penetration and clearance tasks. The available attachments are: ¾ single array of serrated disk rollers, ¾ double disc array for roads and runways (width 1-4m), ¾ sweeping discs (1-4m), optional with magnetic debris removal array, ¾ rotovators (width 1-4m), ¾ flail system (width 1-4m) optional with magnetic debris removal array, ¾ ripper /rake assembly (various sizes), ¾ filter buckets (various sizes). The machine is suitable on rugged terrain. Simplicity of design of the attachments allows for fast interchange to suit terrain conditions. Standard construction engineering attachments can also be fitted, giving added task flexibility. This allows for infrastructure improvement tasks on-site, unrelated to mine clearance operations. The attachments are well suited to clearance of difficult ground such as ditches and banks. Multi-tool All attachments are adaptable to small or large machines. Clearance methodology

Single array of disk rollers The single array consists of serrated discs fitted with two connecting arms each to a central shaft. This allows for individual movement up and down for each disk to conform to uneven ground and to retain contact of the disc edge with the ground between undulations. The central shaft is coupled to a frame attached to the end of the boom of the machine. The space between the discs is approximately 50mm. This distance is smaller than the average diameter of anti-personnel mines generally encountered. Wet clay and mud will clog up the serrated edges of the discs as well as the space between the rollers.1

116 Multi-tool systems

Double array of disk rollers The double array of disk rollers consists of two single arrays similar to the single array configuration. It contains 31 disks each attached to its own shaft by connecting arms. Disk size is similar to the disks used in the single array. The discs are offset between front and rear discs to cover the entire frontage area with both arrays. The two shafts are connected to a rectangular frame fitted to the end of the boom.

Flail system The flail system consists of chain lengths attached to a central driving shaft connected to a hydraulic motor. Two flat-plate hammers are attached to each chain to improve ground penetration. A protective screen consisting of a steel frame covered with chain links and wire mesh is fitted behind the flail to prevent debris from being thrown outside the area of operations. Machines in use to date ¾ DEMCO machines are used in Mozambique in different configurations. Information as to area cleared so far not provided by the manufacturer. Factory support ¾ Not given by the manufacturer. Manufacturers of suitable prime movers such as Caterpillar or Komatsu ensure the availability of spare parts and service facilities. Maintenance and support ¾ The system has been designed for ease of maintenance. No further information is given. Tests and evaluations ¾ The DEMCO multi-tool system has undergone testing by CSIR DEFENCETEK, South Africa in April 2002. ¾ The test was restricted to pressure-activated anti-personnel blast mines. Multi-tool

Detonating an anti-personnel mine

Reported limitations and strengths

Lack of independent test reports. Limited information available on the performance of the system. Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Wet soil clogs up the edges of the disk roller.1 ƒƒƒ Simple and rugged design. ƒƒƒ Versatile. ƒƒƒ Can be operated with a minimum of logistical support.

1. CSIR DEFENCETEK, Technical report on functionality tests conducted on DEMCO mine clearing equipment by J. T. van Dyk and J.J.P. Lötter, Pretoria, May 2002.

117 HEC MAXX Mine Clearance Multi Tool V. 1 HEC – Hendrik Ehlers Consult (MgM Mine Clearance NGO - R&D), Namibia

HEC MAXX Mine Clearance Multi Tool shown with Mulcher 1 vegetation cutter

General description The HEC MAXX Multi Tool is based on a Brokk 330D remote controlled, mini excavator. The system is initially designed for heavy demolition work and was modified in Namibia by HEC (Hendrik Ehlers Consult) for demining purposes. Small exterior dimensions and the compact design make work in very tight spaces possible. The machine is equipped with expansion shafts in the joints, protection for the tilt cylinder and a quick hitch for easy replacement of the tools. A series of specially designed demining tools can be mounted to the armoured carrier vehicle. Support led cylinders, hoses and couplings are protected to avoid damage during operation. General mobility compared with the standard Brokk 330D is improved for outdoor use as the factory machine is designed for construction sites. Operating parameters are not adversely affected by the attachment of demining specialist tools.1 Due the tracks being moved out board an additional 250mm on each side, improving stability to the side of the machine is realised when operating the arm over the sides with the outriggers stowed. MAXX is not designed to operate in locations where there is a possible presence of anti-tank mines. Blast tests however showed that AP mines have no crippling effects on the drive train or systems. The system is operated by an enhanced operator worn control panel which allows the use of the machine from greater distances. A radio link is an option instead of the standard cable A separate video transmitter on MAXX sends 4 camera views (of a selectable 8) back to an armoured Multi-tool control vehicle named “Turtle”. These are displayed on LCD screens in addition to a Turtle camera for an overall site view (with pan/tilt/zoom). Clearance methodology Initially, MAXX was developed to cut vegetation using a forestry mulcher attachment that was scaled to the size of the machine capacities (original name was Mini Mulcher System MMS). As development progressed, seven other attachments were devised and fitted to the machine with success. The attachment list includes: ¾ Mulcher 1: forestry mulcher for grass, bush, and small tree reduction down to 2cm above ground. ¾ Mulcher 2: disk cutter for reed, bamboo, and large trees to be cut down in one piece. ¾ UXO Fork: a heavy duty sifting bucket for scooping possibly sensitive items without carrying dirt. ¾ Ditch Bucket: a 1.5m wide excavation bucket for uncovering objects in river banks, etc. ¾ MHA (Material Handling Arm): for general lifting and loading and sensor carrying roles (tested).

118 Multi-tool systems

The wide range of attachments, all tailored for ground preparation purpose, can facilitate the removal of all kind of remnants of war and increase the productivity and cost effectiveness of the clearance process significantly. Machines in use to date ¾ 1 machine underwent testing and evaluation in Namibia and is now deployed in US DoD operations in Rwanda for Q4-2003 to Q2- 2004+. ¾ A second machine, MAXX+, is currently in service with HEC in Namibia. MAXX and (left to right) Mulcher 1, UXO Fork, Engine, fuel and oil Mulcher 2, Ditch Bucket, Drum Picker (on drum). ¾ MAXX is equipped with a Perkins 700 series, engine with 47kW. It is a 4-cylinder, 4-stroke, direct-injection engine. ¾ Fuel tank capacity is 40 l. ¾ Fuel consumption during heavy work assessed at approximately 15 l per 8 hr day.1 Factory support ¾ Brokk is represented on all continents and provides customer service for the 330D. ¾ This is complimented by PERKINS global engine support. Maintenance and support The machine is designed for use in rough work environment. Main components like filter, hydraulic pump, valves, electric connections, cooling system and fan are within easy reach. Test and evaluations MAXX has undergone testing and evaluation by the manufacturer in Namibia and is now deployed into operations in Rwanda. A second, enhanced, unit is currently under construction.

Turtle command and control MPV-AP with MAXX. Multi-tool

Reported limitations and strengths

As the system is not yet independently tested, no detailed information on performance is available. Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ For anti-personnel mine effected areas only. ƒƒƒ Based on a commercial vehicle with long ƒƒƒ Requires trailer transport off site. history. ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate with precision from a long ƒƒƒ Multi Tool system for task flexibility. distance (this applies to all remotely controlled ƒƒƒ MAXX can revert to tasks other than mine machines). clearance. ƒƒƒ Low fuel consumption . ƒƒƒ Entire system transports in supplied 6m container. ƒƒƒ Ease of transport. ƒƒƒ Container trailer supplied.

1. According to the manufacturer.

119 Hitachi-Furukawa

Furukawa Ltd., Japan

Hitachi-Furukawa multi-tool system

General description The Hitachi-Furukawa Mine Clearance Equipment & System offers various solutions to tackle the mine clearance problem in difficult-to-access areas such as slopes, ditches and trenches. Attachable tools concentrate on particular areas to support manual, dog or larger-scale mechanical demining operations. The tool holder is based on a commercial excavator which can revert to its original function of earthmover/excavator. According to the manufacturer, a quick-attach coupling allows change of "off-the-shelf tools". An electronic box connected to angular sensors is installed on the excavator. The system can operate on a pre-programmed sequence of actions related to GPS coordinates. This is designed to negate the requirement for an on-board operator and is intended as a safety feature. Clearance methodology Anti-personnel Demining System (AMDS) The AMDS is an area reduction tamping device for verification of the presence of anti-personnel mines in a suspect area. The system applies pressure to the ground in order to detonate or break up surface or sub-surface-laid, pressure-activated mines. Operations can be performed in difficult-to- access areas such as slopes, ditches or along walls. The six independent, articulated footpad kits

Multi-tool exert pressure to the ground through tamping. When mine detonation causes damage to a pad, the plastic pipe foot design can be replaced. Excavator/sifter The system is designed for sifting operations in tight locations where manoeuvring is difficult. The sifter is most effective in sandy soil. It combines "mill/ripper" earth removing teeth and a "sifter drum basket", which separates differing grades of soil removed up to a depth of 25cm. The working process is computer controlled and does not require an operator in the cabin. An observation camera allows scanning of excavated objects in the sifter. In case of damage all components are replaceable. Vegetation cutter/mini flail The vegetation cutter has modular hood protection and can be optionally equipped with two different cutting tools. No further information with regards to rotation speed or clearance width is given by the manufacturer.

120 Multi-tool systems

The vegetation cutter can easily be transformed into a mini flail system with limited application for clearance of anti-personnel mines down to a depth of approx. 70mm. Machines in use to date ¾ One system is planned for deployment to a mine-affected country in 2004. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The machine is equipped with a four-cylinder Cummins B3.9-C turbocharged diesel engine (74kw). ¾ The average fuel consumption is 18l per hour. Factory support ¾ Manuals covering operation and maintenance are provided in English and are included in the purchase package. ¾ Manufacturer ensures long-term availability of spares. ¾ Operator training courses are provided by the manufacturer. Maintenance and support ¾ Weekly basic greasing, oil level checks, etc. by driver/operator. Tests and evaluations ¾ Tests using live mines have been carried out by S.T.A.T. (Technical Section of French Army).

System destroying an anti-personnel mine Multi-tool

Vegetation cutter in operation

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ For anti-personnel mine clearance only. ƒƒƒ Based on a widely-available commercial ƒƒƒ Requires low-loader transport for longer vehicle. distances. ƒƒƒ The excavator can also be used for ƒƒƒ For "spot checks" only. construction work.

121 MgM Rotar Mk-II

HEC Hendrik Ehlers Consult, Namibia

Rotar Mk-II in operation in Mozambique

General description The MgM Rotar Mk-II is based on experience gained with the MgM Rotar Mk-I sifter system, but is independent of the Mk-I machine. Built in Namibia, it is based on a lighter carrier vehicle with added demining tools. The carrier is an armoured Caterpillar 428c backhoe tractor. At the front of the machine, an MgMdesigned bucket sifter has been attached, but the standard Caterpillar bucket can also be fitted. Mounted on the rear hoe arm is a vegetation cutter/mulcher that can be angled to compensate for different terrain and obstacles. General mobility compared with the standard CAT 428c is not adversely affected by the attachment of demining specialist tools.1 Due to the weight of belly armour, a slight lowering of vehicle centre of gravity is achieved, improving stability. The protected operator’s cab includes a four-point safety harness and a VHF radio. The cab is air- conditioned. The MgM Rotar Mk-II is an anti-personnel mine clearance system. It is not designed to operate in locations where there is a possible presence of anti-tank mines. Clearance methodology

Multi-tool The MgM Rotar Mk-II uses its front-mounted sifter drum to scoop up a bucket load of soil. The machine moves back along the safe route from which it approached the suspect area to a cleared/ safe inspection area. The sifter drum rotates causing the smaller particles less than 4cm x 4cm within the drum to fall through the round steel-bar mesh. Remaining material within the drum is driven to a second area, and the contents are released for visual inspection. Anti-personnel mines, parts of mines or any UXO contained within the drum are destroyed by EOD specialists. The Rotar operation is in six stages; load drum, close drum, rotate drum (sift), open drum, empty drum, visually inspect remaining contents. The drum bucket has been tested for resistance to anti-personnel mine detonation. Tests with anti-tank mine detonation have not taken place. The rear mounted bush cutter is attached to a hydraulic arm. Depending on conditions, bush cutting can precede the Rotar in order to improve its performance. The bush cutter can be employed to assist manual demining. The MgM mine clearance systems attached to the Caterpillar 428c tractor can be removed. The vehicle can then be put to work with its regular digger bucket in order to benefit mine-affected

122 Multi-tool systems

communities in tasks beyond clearing mines, a versatility lacking in many purpose-designed machines Machines in use to date ¾ One machine tested and evaluated in Namibia. Currently in service with MgM in Mozambique. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The Rotar Mk-II is equipped with a Caterpillar 3054 T turbo-charged engine with either 56 or 60kw — a four-cylinder, four-stroke, direct-injection engine. Fuel tank capacity is 128l. ¾ Fuel consumption during heavy work assessed at approximately 15l per hour. ¾ Engine oil quantity with filter is 7.3l. ¾ The pump flow of the hydraulics is 163l per minute. Hydraulic oil capacity is 79l. Factory support ¾ All Caterpillar dealers provide "Five Star Customer Service" for the Caterpillar 428C. ¾ A VHF radio, manuals and a spare parts package are included as part of purchase package. Maintenance and support ¾ All daily fluid servicing is on the left side of the machine. ¾ Single location for fluid level check. ¾ Visual indicators for checking the air cleaner and hydraulic oil level. ¾ All filters are mounted vertically for spill-free servicing. Tests and evaluations ¾ The Rotar Mk-II has been in service for more than two years (see www.mgm.org). U.S. Army CECOM Night Vision and Electric Sensors Directorate, Fort Belvoir carried out an evaluation of the machine in August 2002. A report is available under www.humanitarian-demining.org.

Rotar mulching operation Multi-tool

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ For anti-personnel mine clearance only. ƒƒƒ Based on a widely-available commercial ƒƒƒ Requires low-loader transport for longer vehicle. distances. ƒƒƒ MgM Rotar Mk-II can revert to tasks other than ƒƒƒ Seems to be undersized for larger tasks.1 mine clearance.

1. U.S. Army CECOM Night Vision and Electric Sensors Directorate, Fort Belvoir, Fact sheet – limitations, August 2002.

123 Pearson Minefield Tractor

Pearson Engineering Ltd., United Kingdom

Pearson Minefield Tractor General description The Minefield Tractor is currently under development in conjunction with the U.S. Humanitarian Demining Department as a successor to the Survivable Demining Tractor (SDT). The Minefield Tractor is based on a 150hp John Deere 6920 tractor with continuously variable transmission (CVT) providing a "stepless" speed range from 0.5-40km/h. The Minefield Tractor is fitted with armoured cab mounted on a turntable, which can be rotated under power to face forwards and backwards. The Minefield Tractor is to be fitted with long-life, zero-maintenance, soft-ride solid tyres capable of withstanding an anti-personnel mine blast without damage. The wheels will provide protection to the vehicle and driver in the event of an anti-vehicle mine blast under a wheel. Blast tests are being conducted with the equivalent of 10kg of TNT. The Minefield Tractor incorporates the lessons learned from over four years of operations of the SDT. It retains the benefits of an armoured vehicle capable of operating a toolbox of attachments, whilst providing improved operator access, comfort and protection, improved reliability and with CVT, higher output and less operator fatigue. The machine is fitted with a hydraulic lift and mechanical power take-off at both ends. A 2.2-tonne capacity front loader is also available.

Multi-tool Working methodology The Minefield Tractor will operate with all SDT tools currently available, the Pearson Mine Comb and any other agricultural implement. The Pearson Area Reduction Roller (ARR) The area reduction roller is a vehicle-mounted anti-personnel for rapid identification of the presence of anti-personnel mines in suspect areas and for area reduction. The roller works by detonating any near-surface or surface pressure-activated mines. It is designed to withstand anti- personnel mine blast only. The roller consists of a series of individually "floating" steel discs, each exerting a load of 50kg on the ground. This feature ensures that the roller is effective on uneven ground. The roller weight is approximately 1,000kg per metre width. It is not only manufactured for the Pearson Tractor but is also available in any width up to 3.5m to suit other prime movers. The roller is mounted on the front of a prime mover such as the Pearson SDT or an armoured front- loader.

124 Multi-tool systems

The HALO Trust has approximately ten rollers in service in Abkhazia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Georgia, Kosovo, Mozambique and Somaliland. The robust construction and versatility of the Pearson Engineering Segmented Roller has proven successful within humanitarian mine clearance.1 The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) owns two rollers, which are under evaluation with the The area reduction roller with its 50kg discs Thailand Mine Action Centre (TMAC). No special training is required for either operation or maintenance of the Area Reduction Roller. A laminated instruction card is supplied. All spares are available, though the requirement for spares is minimal. No routine maintenance is required. Standard warranty period is 12 months from date of delivery.

The Pearson Magnet fitted to the rear end of the tractor Multi-tool

The Pearson Magnet The Pearson Magnet is a vehicle-mounted magnet fitted with depth-adjusting wheels and a hydraulically actuated ejector plate. The magnet is used as an aid to manual deminers to remove surface and near-surface ferrous metal. The magnet is fitted to a prime mover with a hydraulic lift and external hydraulic service. In use, the magnet is pushed or pulled over the minefield with the depth wheels set to position the magnet 50-100mm clear of the ground. After each pass across the minefield the magnet is raised and carried by the prime mover to a designated dumping area. The ejector plate then dumps the collected metal. It is recommended that the minefield is rolled with the Pearson Area Reduction Roller before using the magnet, as the magnet is susceptible to damage from the blast of an anti-personnel mine. Alternating passes of the magnet and a cultivator will increase the amount of metal removed. The U.S. DoD has purchased two magnets. One has been under evaluation by TMAC since January

125 2001, following evaluation by Mines Advisory Group (MAG) in Cambodia during 2000. The second has been under evaluation by The HALO Trust in Cambodia since early 2001. Multi-tool

The Pearson Sifter The Pearson Sifter is designed for sifting soil in areas with an anti-personnel mine threat. It is mounted to a prime mover fitted with an agricultural three-point linkage, power take-off shaft and hydraulic outlets. The sifter has a working width of 1.6m and can operate to a depth of up to 250mm. Operating depth is controlled by manually-adjustable depth rollers.

The Pearson Sifter fitted to the rear of the SDT

Before using the sifter, the ground needs to be prepared by removing vegetation followed by cultivation and rolling to break up clods. The sifter cuts the soil at the selected depth with a set of horizontal shares. These lift the soil on to a slatted vibrating conveyor. The soil falls through the slats leaving mines/UXO, stones and large clods deposited in a windrow behind or to one side of the sifter for manual removal. Operation, maintenance and parts manuals are supplied. Training is also available. No special skill is required to operate or maintain and repair the sifter. All spares are available from Pearson Engineering. The standard warranty period is 12 months from date of delivery.

Multi-tool The sifter is only suitable for use in areas where there are few trees and shrub roots. The soil needs to be in a friable condition. To ensure uniform clearing depth, the ground surface should be even before cultivation. 100g anti-personnel mine blast tests on the conveyor caused bending of the conveyor bar. No further damage was recorded.2 The only routine maintenance required is greasing of surface bearing areas and checking the gearbox oil level. No special skills are required. The weight of the sifter is 1,600kg. The working width of the system is 1.5m, while the overall width measures 3.6m. The working speed is up to 4km/h.2 The Pearson Slasher The Slasher is a heavy vegetation cutter capable of cutting bushes and trees of up to 150mm in diameter. It is mounted to a prime mover with agricultural three-point linkage, power take-off shaft and external hydraulic outlets. The minimum power requirement is 100hp. The Slasher consists of a 1.6m diameter, three-blade rotor mounted on a hydraulically operated

126 Multi-tool systems

The Pearson Slasher at the rear of the tractor cutting vegetation swing arm. Use of the swing arm allows the Slasher to cut up to 3m width in a single pass. The height of cut is controlled by the prime mover’s three-point linkage lift, assisted by a skid plate under the rotor. No special training is required for either operation or maintenance of the Slasher. All spares are available from Pearson Engineering. Standard warranty period is 12 months from date of delivery. The Slasher does not have a guard at the back of the rotor. There is a risk of vegetation debris over a considerable radius. Tests by both MAG and TMAC have proven the effectiveness of the Slasher as a vegetation cutter.2 Tests by the U.S. DoD with 200g of TNT detonated under the rotor did not cause significant damage.2 The only routine maintenance required is greasing of bearing surfaces and checking of gearbox oil level. The weight of the Slasher is 980kg. The working speed is up to 8km/h in light vegetation.2 The Pearson Tree Extractor The Tree Extractor is designed for extracting trees complete with roots. The Tree Extractor fits on to standard loader lift arms. It consists of a pair of hydraulic jaws that are clamped firmly onto a tree trunk. The tree is lifted out of the ground by raising the loader arms. The Tree Extractor is fitted with a pair of lifting legs to provide extra force to pull the tree out of the ground. There are two tree extractor models: the light tree extractor for use on agricultural loaders has a maximum force of 14 tonnes. The heavy tree extractor is for use on loading shovels of the 12-18 tonne class such as the Volvo BM 4400. The lifting legs have a tear-out force of up to 25 tonnes. Operation and parts manuals are supplied. No special skill is required to operate or maintain and repair the tree extractors. All spares are available from Pearson Engineering. Standard warranty period is 12 months from date of delivery. Tests by both MAG and TMAC have proven the effectiveness of the tree extractors.2 The only routine maintenance required is the greasing of bearing surfaces. No special skills are

required. Multi-tool The length for both extractors is 1.1m. The width of the light extractor is 3m, while the heavy extractor is 2.7m wide. The light extractor weighs 520kg. The heavy extractor weighs 1,100kg.

The Pearson Tree Extractor removing a tree

127 Machines in use to date ¾ One machine is currently under construction. A prototype is due to complete U.K. testing in spring 2004.

The Pearson Tractor operating in dense vegetation

Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The tractor is driven by a 150hp John Deere diesel engine. ¾ Fuel consumption is around 30l/h depending on conditions. Factory support ¾ Full operation, maintenance, repair and spares manuals are available in English. ¾ Full spares backup is provided by Pearson Engineering. ¾ Operator training and follow up support can also be provided as part of purchasing package if required. ¾ Routine maintenance undertaken by the operator. Repairs can be carried out by an agricultural or construction mechanic. No further specialist training or knowledge is required. Throughout the evaluation, repairs were undertaken successfully by the operating crews in both Cambodia and Thailand. ¾ Majority of parts available through John Deere dealer network. Maintenance and support ¾ Daily maintenance consists of checking fluid levels and greasing bearing surfaces. Engine oil

Multi-tool and filter change interval is 200 hours. The operator can undertake these tasks. No special workshop facilities are required. ¾ The SDT requires one operator. An assistant is required to attach and remove tools. ¾ Easy access to routine maintenance items. Tests and evaluations ¾ Due in 2004.

128 Multi-tool systems

The SDT with an extracted tree Multi-tool

Reported limitations and strengths of the Minefield Tractor

As the machine is still in prototype stage there are no test reports available.

1. Phil Straw, Mechanical Mine Clearance Operations Officer, HALO Trust. 2. According to the manufacturer.

129 Rotary Cutter BM 307 (VGDM23 and VFRM35) Yamanashi Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd Japan

Flail hammer detonating an anti-personnel mine

Rotary cutter BM307

General description The Rotary Cutter BM307 with (BM307-VGDM23) is mounted on a hydraulic arm on an excavator vehicle designed by Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd. Hitachi produces some of the most commonly used machines in the world. The BM307 combines a vegetation cutter and tiller system which can be complemented by a magnet or a metal detector if needed. The use of the magnet is intended to speed up the subsequent manual demining process reducing the false alarm rate caused by scrap metal. The cutter unit consists of alloy cutter bits mounted to a rotating drum directly connected to a hydraulic motor. The cutter can destroy anti-personnel mines, fragment rocks and cut vegetation. It has a ground penetration depth of up to approx. 300mm.1 Another version of the machine (BM307-VFRM35) is equipped with a flail system or a rotary cutter. This system is still at prototype stage. According to the manufacturer, the flail achieves a working depth of approx. 500mm. A rake and a magnet attachable to the flail unit are available as part of the tool box concept, aimed at speeding up subsequent demining operations. The machine can be used for construction or agricultural purposes with the application of other attachments. One operator controls the machine from a cab protected by special bullet proof glass (REXGUARD) and high tension steel plates.

Multi-tool Important parts such as the hydraulic cylinder, fuel tank and hydraulic oil tank are protected from anti-personnel mine blast. Clearance methodology The drum rotates with a speed of up to 900rpm. The working width is 1,000mm. 40 cutter bits can cut vegetation and fragment stones of up to a maximum of 300mm diameter. The cutter head can destroy anti-personnel mines in the ground down to a depth of 300mm. The hydraulic arm can reach out to 10m in height. A rake can be attached to the boom in order to remove previously cut vegetation. After vegetation cutting and removal, the rotary cutter is used to treat the ground in order to destroy anti-personnel mines up to a depth of 300mm. The ground treatment process is finished by sweeping the metal detector over the area worked. The manufacturer has not provided any information about the metal detection system offered. The flail head rotates with 400/500rpm (depending on mode set) and breaks up the ground in order to activate anti-personnel mines up to a depth of 500mm.

130 Multi-tool systems

Machines in use to date ¾ Two x BM307 (version S16) in service in Cambodia since March 2000. ¾ One x BM307 (version V20) operated by UNOCHA in Afghanistan since June 2000. ¾ Two x BM307 (version V20) operating in Nicaragua since September 2001. ¾ One x BM307 (version SG16) in service in Thailand since April 2003. ¾ 20 x BM307 (version VG27) in service in Vietnam since June 2003. ¾ 8 x BM307 (version SG16) operating in Cambodia since July 2003. ¾ BM307-VFRM35 (flail version) is not fielded yet. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The system is equipped with a direct injection diesel engine with turbo charger. ¾ The prime mover runs on ordinary diesel fuel. ¾ Standard oil types are used for engine, gear box and hydraulic system. Factory support ¾ Spare parts including consumable parts such as bits, bearings, seals, etc. are included in the purchase package. ¾ Due to worldwide servicing network the availability of spares is good. ¾ Warranty period is one year or 1,000 hours, whichever comes first. ¾ Training courses for operators and maintenance staff is included in the purchase package. ¾ Manuals are supplied in language required by the purchaser. ¾ Machines are recommended to be serviced exclusively by Yamanashi Hitachi workshops certified with ISO 9001. Maintenance and support ¾ Regular maintenance comprising daily, weekly, monthly and annual checks required as per the operating instructions Test and evaluations ¾ CMAC carried out safety tests for two versions of the machine, BM307 S16 and BM307 V20, from June to September 1999. Both met CMAC requirements. ¾ The system demonstrated operation in a live minefield during the meeting of States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention in Nicaragua in 2001. ¾ The latest versions of the system went through blast resistance tests using 7 and 10kg of TNT in July 2003. No details are provided by the manufacturer. ¾ A 200-hour endurance test is scheduled to be carried out in Afghanistan in March 2004.

Reported limitations and strengths Multi-tool

Lack of independent test reports mean that the efficiency of the flail and detection system cannot be evaluated. Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ System is designed for anti-personnel mine ƒƒƒ Combines vegetation cutting with the ability to clearance only. "spot clear" anti-personnel mines. ƒƒƒ Robust design with worldwide servicing network. ƒƒƒ Versatility.

1. According to the manufacturer.

131 Tempest Mk V

Development Technology Workshops, Cambodia

Tempest with slasher Tempest with chain flail General description Development Technology Workshops began production of the Mk I Tempest in 1998-99. Currently, the Tempest Mk V is in production. Tempest is a unique concept, developed for manufacture in mine-affected countries where it is deployed. This is an advantage for maintenance and problem- solving and aids understanding by indigenous users. Machines are currently being produced in Cambodia and are working in Cambodia, Thailand, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Seventeen Tempest machines were in operation with a further five in production as of November 2003. The Tempest Mk V is a remotely controlled, lightweight multi-tool system with proven vegetation cutting and trip wire clearing abilities. The MK V has been upgraded to a multi tool system. A range of attachments such as magnets, buckets and grader blades were developed for demining roles. These can be fixed to the Mk V vehicle. New tracks and a ground-penetrating flail system are under development, due for testing in January 2004. The Mk V chassis is V-shaped with an 8mm steel plate in order to minimise damage from anti- personnel mine or UXO detonation. Each of its four hydrostatic wheels is driven by an independent motor, improving manoeuvrability. This design cancels out the need for major components such as gearbox, clutch, prop shaft, differentials and breaks. The wheels are made of 20mm x 6mm steel and are easy to remove, repair or replace. Although the vehicle should not operate in areas where anti-tank mines are suspected, evaluations and tests have indicate that the wheels are capable of withstanding an anti-tank mine blast. The design principles of the Tempest Mk V are low running costs, small size and light weight for ease of transport and agility over difficult terrain. Multi-tool The machine is fitted with a standard Bobcat attachment plate, suitable for Bobcat tools. Operating methodology Tempest Mk V is driven by remote-control into a suspect area. The front-mounted flail has 36 chains that cut vegetation down to 25mm high and can deal with shrubs and small trees up to 20mm in diameter. The flail removes tripwires encountered during normal operation. A hydraulic motor operating at speeds of up to 2,500rpm powers the flail chain-driven shaft. The 290mm long chains of the flail unit have an effective clearance width of 1,520mm. The expected cutting rate of the system is from 400-1,600m2/h1, depending on soil type and vegetation density. A magnet can be fixed to the machine which picks up ferrous fragments and debris, potentially speeding up the demining process by reducing the false alarm rate of metal detectors. Machines in use to date ¾ Currently, 17 machines are in use between Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Norwegian

132 Multi-tool systems

People’s Aid), Cambodia (MAG), Congo, Mozambique and Thailand (Thailand Mine Action Centre). ¾ Approximately five machines had been produced as of October 2001. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The vehicle is equipped with a Deutz four-cylinder diesel turbo-charged engine with 70kw. ¾ The fuel capacity is approximately 35l with a fuel consumption of 8-10l/h. ¾ A single hydraulic gear pump serves the individual wheel motors, flail lift arm ram and main hydraulic motor for the flail unit. In-line on return to tank filtration with magnetic mesh. ¾ Hydraulic tank capacity is 110l. ¾ The fuel tank is protected by 8mm steel plate. Factory support ¾ The Tempest is manufactured in Cambodia. Repairs and maintenance are said to be easy and inexpensive. According to the manufacturer, spares are supplied with the unit and available worldwide or easily fabricated. ¾ Factory engineers based in Cambodia are sent with machines ordered for training of operators, maintenance and repair. ¾ A five week training course on site is part of the purchase package. Manuals and documentation are in English, French or Portuguese. Other languages can be supplied but are part of the purchase package. ¾ One-year factory warranty from date of arrival on site. ¾ Other services such as field technical support, service and maintenance contracts, repair agreements and container workshops can be provided by the manufacturer. Maintenance and support ¾ Daily, weekly and monthly routine check lists to be followed. Daily check requires not more than 1-2 man hours. ¾ The manufacturer recommends a two or three-man crew, all trained as operator/mechanic, with one on standby for maintenance and support ¾ Compressor, welding machine and tools can be supplied as part of the purchase package. Tests and evaluations ¾ The prototype Tempest underwent extensive tests in Cambodia for anti-personnel and anti- tank mines. ¾ The U.S. Army has tested Tempest in the U.S. Test report is available at www.humanitarian- demining.org. ¾ Full test reports and photographs are available from the manufacturer. ¾ Manufacturer carried out destructive tests on the Mk V using anti-vehicle mines. No report or photographs are available.

Reported limitations and strengths Multi-tool

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ The machine is not intended to be used in areas ƒƒƒ Removes vegettion to greatly increase the where anti-tank mines are suspected.2 speed of subsequent clearance by manual or ƒƒƒ The steel wheels provide limited traction in dog teams. muddy conditions, but increase the system ƒƒƒ Removes the tripwire threat. survivabiity.2 ƒƒƒ Tempest was designed for ease of ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate from a long distances (this transportation. 4 x 4 with trailer or 5 tonne applies to all remotely controlled machines).. flatbed truck can transport it. ƒƒƒ MK I-III suffered from overheating problems. This ƒƒƒ The blast of live mines of 0.25kg under the has been addressed with Mk V.2 flail, skids, and wheels did not affect the operational capability of the system and repairs took ony minutes to perform.2 ƒƒƒ Versatility.

1. According to the manufacturer. 2. U.S. Department of Defence, Humanitarian Demining Developmental Technologies 2000-2001, p. 33.

133 Technical data sheet ARTS a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 3,480mm 2. Length total: Not given 3. Width without attachment: 1,570mm 4. Width total: Not given 5. Clearance width: Not given 6. Height, overall: 2,030mm with antenna down 3,140mm with antenna up 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 3,265 kg 8. Mass, total: Depending on working tool b. Driving specifications 9. Wheels/ tracks: Rubber tracks 10. Ground pressure, max. weight: 13kg/cm2 11. Hill climbing ability: Not given c. Clearance performance 12. Number of blades/AMDS feet: Not given 13. Gap between blades/feet: Not given 14. Rotation speed: Not given 15. Clearance depth, max: Not given 16. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: 11.2km/h • medium soil/ medium vegetation: 5km/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 2km/h 17. Control of clearance depth: Not given 18. Machines in use: Not given 19. Location of use: Not given 20. Total area cleared so far: Not given 21. Other types: Not given d. System specifications 22. Engine: 4 cylinder diesel. No further information given. 23. Fuel capacity: 49l 24. Fuel consumption: Varies with usage. Full tank will last 4-7hrs 25. Separate engine for working unit: No 26. Cooling system engine: Not applicable 27. Hydraulic oil capacity: 102l e. Comfort and security 28. Air conditioning: No 29. Operator comfort: Remote control 30. Armour: No 31. Remote control: Yes, greatest distance 1,900m

Multi-tool f. Costs 32. Cost of system: Not given 33. Other costs: Not given 34. Transport limitation: For long distances, transportation on low-bed trailer is required. Air transportable 37. Availability for hire: Yes. As available.

134 Multi-tool systems

Technical data sheet Armtrac 325 with flail unit a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 6,400mm 2. Length total: 8,200mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,730mm 4. Width total: 3,500mm 5. Clearance width: 3,000mm 6. Height, overall: 3,200mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 15,000kg 8. Mass, demining unit: 3,000kg 9. Mass, total: 18,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 4 foam-filled tyres 11. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: 45°a) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of chains: 74 • length of chains: 1,000mm 14. Gap between chains: 10mm 15. Rotation speed: 350rpm 16. Clearance depth, max: Up to 300mm 17. Working speed:a) • light soil/ small vegetation: Approx. 4,000m²/h • medium soil/ medium vegetation: Approx. 2,800m²/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: Approx. 2,800m²/h 18. Control of clearance depth: Manual 19. Machines in use: 2 20. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Mozambique 21. Total area cleared so far: Approx. 6,000,000m2 22. Other types: Armtrac 100 d. System specifications 23. Engine: Volvo diesel with 325hp 24. Fuel capacity: 455l 25. Fuel consumption: 50l/h 26. Separate engine for working unit: No 27. Transition: Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Air cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 910l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Air cushioned seat, fully adjustable 32. Armour: Cab 10mm steel plates 33. Remote control: No Multi-tool f. Costs 34. Cost of system: £230,000 35. Other costs: • training: £2,500; duration 10 days • spare part set chains/belts: £300 • repair costs for one year: £2,400 • transportation: Approx. £10,000 to buy a low-loader 36. Transport limitation: For long distances, transportation on low-bed trailer is required 37. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

135 Technical data sheet DEMCO System (attachments fitted to Hyundai 20 to wheeled excavator) a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: Not given 2. Length total (boom and attachment): 9,680mm 3. Width without attachment: Not given 4. Width total: 2,720mm 5. Height: 3,160mm 6. Mass, basic vehicle: 20,000 kg (with armour plating) 7. Mass, demining unit (flail): 1,500kg 8. Mass total: 21,500kg b. Driving specifications 9. Wheels/ tracks: Depending on prime mover used 10. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given 11. Hill climbing ability: Depending on prime mover used c. Clearance performance 12. Number of chains: 36 • length of chains: Not given 13. Gap between chains: 50mm 14. Rotation speed: 450rpm 15. Clearance depth, max: 255mma) 16. Working speed Not given 17. Control of clearance depth Automatically or manually 18. Machines in use 6 19. Location of use: Angola, Mozambique, Sudan and Somalia 20. Total area cleared so far: Not given 21. Other types: Not given d. System specifications 22. Engine: Hyundai 200-W-3 with flail: Cummins B5.9C, 167hp, turbocharged 23. Fuel capacity: 350l 24. Fuel consumption: Not given 25. Separate engine for working unit: No 26. Transition: Not given 27. Cooling system engine Water colled 28. Hydraulic oil capacity Not given e. Comfort and security 29. Air conditioning: Yes 30. Operator comfort: Suspension seat 31. Armour: Cab 10mm armour and 50mm armour glass, chassis 8mm armour 32. Remote control: Yes, optional

Multi-tool f. Costs 33. Cost of system: U.S.$400,000 (including six attachments and armour plating) 34. Other costs: Not given 35. Transport limitation: For longer distances, transportation on a low-bed trailer is required 36. Availability for hire: Yes

a) According to the manufacturer.

136 Multi-tool systems

Technical data sheet HEC MAXX a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: Maxx with Mulcher 1 (arm folded): 6,000mm 2. Length total: Transport: 6,000mm container 3. Width without attachment: 3,920mm 4. Width total: 1,960mm (outside track dimensions) 5. Working width: 950mm (Mulcher 1), 1,200mm(Mulcher 2) 6. Height overall: 1,988mm (excluding antennas) 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 5,380kg 8. Mass, attachments: Turtle: 1,120kg; Attachments: 1,268kg (90-500kg) 9. Mass total: Total system including container: 14,400kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks, steel, 250mm wide each side 11. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: 30° c. Clearance performance 13. Capacity of the mulcher: Mulcher 1: tree Ø250mm, Mulcher 2: tree Ø600mm 14. Gap between chains: Not given 15. Rotation speed: Mulcher 1: 2,300rpm, Mulcher 2: 1,900rpm 16. Working depth, max: Bucket and Fork: 2m deep, reach: 5m (centre to tip) 17. Working speed brush cutter: Initial tests indicated 4,000m2 per 6h/day. This was Class A, B and some C vegetation in semi-arid locations (hard wood). Tropical clearance rates expected to be higher based on Rotar Mk2 in semi-arid vs. tropical conditions. RT2 has cleared 90,000m2 in 18 months of operating time). 18. Control of clearance depth — 19. Machines in use 1 (plus one under construction) 20. Location of use: Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda 21. Total area cleared so far: Testing only, machine in transit to Rwanda (Sept. 2003) 22. Other types: Mulchers: Rotar Mk2, Rotar Mk4, Hydrema, Samil d. System specifications 23. Engine: Perkins diesel engine, 47kw, 4 cylinder, 4 stroke, direct injection engine 24. Fuel capacity: 40l 25. Fuel consumption: Maximum 15l per 8h/day 26. Separate engine for attachments: No, one pump on engine (MAXX+ has 2 pumps) 27. Transmission: Hydrostatic: 1 motor/planetary unit per track 28. Cooling system engine: Water 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 80l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: No

31. Operator comfort: Turtle: air suspension, circulating fan, open roof Multi-tool 32. Armour: MAXX: 4mm plate for the body sides, top and front. Rear body and upper floor are 20mm plates. Turtle: 4mm plate for the cabin and 38mm protection glass windows. The body is monocoque and fits on original prime mover (John-Deere Gator) 33. Remote control: Yes: Brokk factory COTS system + HEC vision system f. Costs 34. Cost of system: About U.S.$250,000 entire system with container and trailer 35. Other costs: 40l diesel fuel a week at local cost. Maintenance. 36. Transport limitation: For long distances, transportation on trailer is required 37. Availability for hire: Not yet. Apply to HEC if interested.

137 Technical data sheet Hitachi-Furukawa a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 8,850mm 2. Length total: 11,350mm Maximum reach radius: 8,750mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,480mm 4. Width total: 2,480mm 5. Clearance width 5,000mm 6. Height, overall: 4,700mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 15,250kg 8. Mass, demining unit: Depends on attached working tool 9. Mass, total: Depends on attached working tool b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 10.00x20 11. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: 30°a) c. Clearance performance 13. Number of blades/ AMDS feet: 11 blades/6 pads (AMDS) 14. Gap between blades/ feet: 40mm/5mm (AMDS) 15. Rotation speed: — 16. Clearance depth, max.: Up to 250mma) 17. Working speed: Not given d. System specifications 18. Control of clearance depth: — 19. Machines in use: System is on a prototype stage 20. Location of use: — 21. Total area cleared so far: — 22. Other types: — 23. Engine: Cummins turbocharged diesel (74kw) 24. Fuel capacity: 290l 25. Fuel consumption: 18l/h 26. Separate engine for working unit: No 27. Transition: Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Radiator air cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 210l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Remote and automatic control 32. Armour: Not given 33. Remote control: Yes f. Costs Multi-tool 34. Cost of system: Not given 35. Other costs: Not given 36. Transport limitation: For long distances transportation on a low-bed trailer is required 37. Availability for hire: Not given

a) According to the manufacturer.

138 Multi-tool systems

Technical data sheet MgM Rotar Mk-II a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 5,760 mm 2. Length total: Not given 3. Width without attachment: 2,396mm 4. Width total: 2,400mm (stabiliser legs at the rear) 5. Working width: 1,800mm (inside the drum); 1,600 mm (cutter) 6. Height, overall: 3,250mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 7,415kg 8. Mass, attachments: 2,985 kg 9. Mass, total: 10,400kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 4 wheels tubeless, nylon, loader design tyres 11. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: 30° c. Working performance 13. Capacity of the Rotar: 600l 14. Gap between chains: — 15. Rotation speed: Variable 16. Clearance depth, max: 200-300mm 17. Working speed brush cuttera): Mulcher: 4,000m2 per 6h working day Rotar: 480m2 to 200mm depth per 6h working day 18. Control of clearance depth: Manual 19. Machines in use: 1 20. Location of use Namibia 21. Total area cleared so far: Not given 22. Other types Rotar MK I (larger machine, UniDisc (large excavator) d. System specifications 23. Engine: Caterpillar 3054 T turbocharged diesel engine, either with 56 or 60kw and a four-cylinder, four-stroke, direct-injection engine. 24. Fuel capacity: 128l 25. Fuel consumption: Max. 15-25l/h depending on configuration and soil conditions 26. Separate engine for Rotar unit: No 27. Transition: Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Water 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 79l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Air-suspension seat, additional option: AM/FM stereo/ cassette package, tilt wheel, and circulating fan 32. Armour: 4mm plate for the cabin and 35mm protection glass Multi-tool windows. The engine hood, rear cab side and cab floor, and the Rotar blast deflector are toughened with 6- 10mm plates 33. Remote control: No f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Approx. U.S.$200,000 35. Other costs: Not given 36. Transport limitation: For long distances transportation by low-bed trailer is required 37. Availability for hire: Not yet. Inquire with HEC if interested.

a) According to the manufacturer.

139 Technical data sheet Pearson Minefield Tractor a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 4,100mm 2. Length total: Not given 3. Width without attachment: 2,500mm 4. Width total: Not given 5. Working width: Not given 6. Height, overall: 3,400mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 7,500kg 8. Mass, demining unit: Depends on the various attachments 9. Mass, total: Depends on the various attachments b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Zero maintenance soft ride solid tyres mounted on special wheels to protect the vehicle and the driver against anti-vehicle mine blast • front steel wheel: 600mm wide x 1,716mm diameter • rear steel wheel: 800mm wide x 2,274mm diameter 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given c. Working performance 13. Number of chains: — 14. Gap between chains: — 15. Rotation speed: — 16. Clearance depth: — 17. Working speed: Depends on the various attachments 18. Control of clearance depth: — 19. Machines in use: — 20. Location of use: — 21. Total area cleared so far: — 22. Other types: No d. System specifications 23. Engine: 150hp diesel engine 24. Fuel capacity: 170l 25. Fuel consumption: Max. 30l/h 26. Separate engine for working unit: No 27. Transition: Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Water 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 66l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Comfortable seat, adjustable steering column, all controls within easy reach 32. Armour: Cab: 8mm strengthened steel. Vehicle: 4mm high Multi-tool strengthened steel 33. Remote control: No f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Less than SDT 35. Other costs: Not given 36. Transport limitation: Capable of 40km/h on road. Transporter required for longer distances. Can be shipped in 40ft ISO container. 37. Availability for hire: No

140 Multi-tool systems

Technical data sheet Rotary Cutter BM 307-VFRM35 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: FHa):10,970mm 2. Length total: FH:15,780mm; RCb):10,970mm 3. Width without attachment: 3,190mm 4. Width total: FH:4,790mm; RC:3,190mm 5. Clearing/working width: FH:12,470/1,000mm; RC: 11,000/1,000mm 6. Height, overall: 3,230mm 7. Weight, basic vehicle: 23,400kg 8. Weight, removable elements: FH: 6,600kg; RC: 2,600kg 9. Mass, total: FH: 40,000kg; RC: 36,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks/Grouser-shoe (std: 600mm, option 700mm) 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.64kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: 35o c. Working performance 13. Number of chains: FH: 42 pieces/hammer 39pieces; RC: cutter bits 40 pieces 14. Gap between chain/tools: FH: 10mm; RC: overlapping 15. Length of chains/tools: FH: chain length1,080mm; RC: cutter bit length 196mm 16. Drum diameter: FH: 267mm; RC: 508mm 17. Rotation speed: Mode selection FH: 400/500rpm; RC: 650/900rpm 18. Clearance/working depth: FH: 500mm; RC: 300mm 19. Working speed: Not given 20. Excavation/working depth: FH: 50mm; RC: 300mm 21. Machines in use: FH: one set has been developed; RC: one set has been developed 22. Location of use: FH: Afghanistan; RC: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Thailand, Viet Nam 23. Total area cleared so far: Not given 24. Other types: FH: BM307-VF20, scheduled for development completion in 2003; RC: BM307-SG16, BM307-VG20, BM307-VG21, BM307-VG23, BM307-VG27 d. System specifications 25. Engine: Turbo diesel 6-cylinder, 7.79l, 184 kw/2,000rpm 26. Fuel capacity: 560l 27. Fuel consumption: Not given 28. Separate engine for working unit: No 29. Cooling system (both engines): Water 30. Oil capacity: 36l 31. Hydraulic oil capacity (both engines): 320l e. Comfort and security 32. Air conditioning: Full auto air conditioner standard 33. Operator comfort: Suspension seat, radio, hot and cool box Multi-tool

a) FH: flail hammer. b) RC: rotary cutter.

141 Technical data sheet Rotary Cutter BM 307-VGDM23 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 10,140mm 2. Length total: 10,140mm 3. Width without attachment: 3,190mm 4. Width total: 3,190mm 5. Clearing/working width: 10,270/1,000mm 6. Height, overall: 3,170mm 7. Weight, basic vehicle: 23,600kg 8. Weight, removable elements: 2,400kg 9. Mass, total: 26,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks/Grouser-shoe (std: 600mm, option 700mm) 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.48kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: 35o c. Working performance 13. Number of chains: Cutter bits 40 pieces 14. Gap between chain/tools: Overlapping 15. Length of chains/tools: Cutter bit length 196mm 16. Drum diameter: 508mm 17. Rotation speed: Mode selection 650/900rpm 18. Clearance/working depth: 300mm 19. Working speed: Not given 20. Excavation/working depth: 300mm 21. Machines in use: Developed: 1 22. Location of use: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Thailand, Viet Nam 23. Total area cleared so far: Not given 24. Other types: BM307-SG16, BM307-VG20, BM307-VG21, BM307-VG27, BM307-VG27, BM307-VG35 d. System specifications 25. Engine: Turbo diesel 6-cylinder, 6.49l, 125 kw/2,100rpm 26. Fuel capacity: 560l 27. Fuel consumption: Not given 28. Separate engine for working unit: No 29. Cooling system (both engines): Water 30. Oil capacity: 36l e. Comfort and security 31. Air conditioning: Full auto air conditioner standard 32. Operator comfort: Suspension seat, radio, hot and cool box 33. Armour: Cabin, hydraulic cylinder, fuel tank, hydraulic oil tank, under-cover 34. Remote control: Yes Multi-tool f. Costs 35. Cost of system: Not given 36. Other costs: Not given 37. Transport limitation: Maximum travel speed: 5.5km/h. Use of trailer for transportation 38. Availability for hire: Not given

142 Multi-tool systems

Technical data sheet Tempest Mk V a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 3,200mm 2. Maximum reach radius: 1,200mm 3. Width total: 1,520mm 5. Working width: 1,600mm 6. Height, overall: 3,400mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 2,700kg 8. Mass, working tool: 500kg 9. Mass, total: 3,200kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Wheels: 600mm diameter, 360mm-wide steel with 40mm cleats, tracks: 1.6m x 0.3m two-speed rubber units 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given c. Working performance 13. Number of cutting tools: 36 14. Gap between drums/chisels: Full coverage of treated ground 15. Rotation speed: 1,500rpm 16. Working depth, max.: Ground engaging tool in development 17. Working speed: . light soil/small vegetation: 1,200-1,600m2/h . medium soi/medium vegetation: 800/1.200m2/h . heavy soil/dense vegetation: 400-800m2/h 18. Control of working depth: Not given 19. Machines in use: 17 20. Location of use: Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Croatia, DR Congo, Mozambique, Thailand, U.S. 21. Total area cleared so far: Unknown 22. Other types: Not given d. System specifications 23. Engine: 70kw 24. Fuel capacity: 30l lasting for approx. 3 working hours 25. Fuel consumption: 8-10l/h 26. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 27. Transition: No 28. Cooling system engine: Air-cooled engine and hydraulics 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 130l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: — 31. Operator comfort: Remote control 32. Armour: 8mm steel plates 33. Remote control: Yes, greatest distance: 500m Multi-tool f. Costs 34. Cost of system: U.S.$89,000 (not including attachments) 35. Other costs: Training: Approx. U.S.$7,800 (does not include instructor's expenses Duration of training: 5 weeks Spare parts set (chains, belts): U.S.$150 Repair costs: Approx. U.S.$4,000 36. Transport limitation: 4 x 4 and trailer or medium truck with crane 37. Availability for hire: Negotiable


ARTS Armtrac 325 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 2,480mm 6,400mm 2. Length total: Not given 8,200mm

3. Width without attachment: 1,570mm 2,730mm 4. Width total: Not given 3,500mm 5. Clearance width: Not given 3,000mm

6. Height, overall: 2,030mm (antenna down) 3,200mm 23,130mm (antenna up) 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 3,265kg 15,000 kg 8. Mass, demining unit: — 3,000 kg

9. Mass, total: Depending on working tool 18,000 kg

b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Rubber tracks 4 foam-filled tyres

11. Ground pressure, max. weight: 13kg/cm2 Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: Not given 45°a) c. Working performance 13. Number of blades: not given chains: 74 • length of chains: 1,000mm 14. Gap between blades: not given chains:10mm 15. Rotation speed: Not given 350rpm

16. Clearance depth, max: Not given Up to 300mm

17. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: 11,2km/h Approx. 4,000m²/ha) • medium soil/ med. vegetation: 5km/h Approx. 2,800m²/ha) • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 2km/h Approx. 2,800m²/ha) 18. Control of clearance depth: Not given Manual 19. Machines in use: Not given 2 20. Location of use: Not given Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Mozambique 21. Total area cleared so far: Not given Approx. 6,000,000m2 22. Other types: Not given Armtrac 100 Multi-tool

d. System specifications 23. Engine: 4 cylinder diesel Volvo diesel with 325hp

24. Fuel capacity: 49l 455l 25. Fuel consumption: Varies with usage, full tank: 4-7h 50l/h 26. Separate engine for working unit: No No 27. Transition: — Not given 28. Cooling system engine: na Air cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 102l 910l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: No Yes 31. Operator comfort: Remote control Air cushioned seat, fully adjustable

144 Multi-tool systems

DEMCO HEC MAXX Hitachi-Furukawa

Not given With Mulcher 1 folded: 6,000mm 8,850mm with boom and attach.: 9,680mm 6,000mm 11,350mm Maximum reach radius: 8,750mm Not given 3,920mm 2,480mm 2,720mm 1,960mm outside track 2,480mm Maximum reach: 10,000mm Mulcher 1:950mm , 5,000mm Mulcher2: 1,200mm

3,160mm 1,988mm (excluding antennas) 4,700mm

20,000kg (with armour plating) 5,380kg 15,250 kg (flail) 1,500kg Turtle: 1,120kg, att.: 1,268kg Depends on attached working tool 21,500kg incl. container: 14,400kg Depends on attached working tool

Depending on prime mover tracks, steel, 250mm wide each 10.00x20 side

Not given Not given Not given Depending on prime mover 30o 30°a)

chains: 36 8 blades/ 6 pads (AMDS)

50mm 40mm/5mm (AMDS) 450rpm Mulcher 1: 2,300rpm, — Mulcher 2: 1,900rpm 255mma) Bucket and Fork: 2, deep Up to 300mm reach: 5m (centre to tip) Not given Initial tests indicate 4,000m2 per Not given 6h/day. Tropical clearance rates expected to be higher.

Automatically or manually — — 6 1 (plus one under construction) System is on a prototype stage Angola, Mozambique, Sudan Angola, Mozambique, and Somalia Naminia and Rwanda Not given Testing only Not given Mulchers: Rotar Mk2, Rotar Mk4 Hydrema, Samil Multi-tool

Hyundai 200-W 3 with flail: Perkins diesel engine, 47kw, Cummins turbocharged diesel Cummins B5.9C, 167 hp, turbo- 4 cylinder, 4 stroke, direct 74kw charged injection engine 350l 40l 290l Not given Max. 15l per 8h/day 18l/h No No, one pump on engine No Not given Hydrostatic Not given Water cooled Water Radiator air cooled Not given 80l 210l

Yes No Yes Suspension seat Turtle: air suspension, circulating Remote and automatic control fan, open roof


ARTS Armtrac 325 32. Armour: No Cab 10mm steel plates

33. Remote control: Yes, max. distance: 1,900m No

f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Not given £230,000

35. Other costs: Not given • training: £2,500; duration 10 days • spare part set chains/belts: £300 • repair costs for one year: £2,400 • transportation: £10,000 to buy a low-loader 36. Transport limitation: For long distances transportation For long distances, transportation on a low-bed trailer is required on low-bed trailer is required Air transportable 37. Availability for hire: Yes. As available Yes Multi-tool

146 Multi-tool systems

DEMCO HEC MAXX Hitachi-Furukawa Cab 10mm armour and 50mm MAXX: 4mm plate for body sides, Not given armour glass, chassis 8mm armour top and front. Rear body and upper floor are 20mm plates. Turtle: 4mm plate for the cabin and 38 mm protection glass windows. No Yes. Brokk factory COTS system+ Yes HEC vision system

US$400,000 (incl. 6 About U.S.$250,000 entire system Not given attachments and armour plating) with container and trailer Not given 40l diesel fuel a week, Not given maintenance

For longer distances, transportation For long distances, transportation For long distances transportation on a low-bed trailer is required on trailer is required on low-bed trailers is required

Yes Not yet. Application to HEC Not given Multi-tool

a) According to the manufacturer.


MgM Rotar Mk-II Pearson Minefield Tractor a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 5,760mm 4,100mm 2. Length total: Not given Not given

3. Width without attachment: 2,396mm 2,500mm 4. Width total: 2,400mm (stabiliser legs at rear) Not given 5. Clearance width: 1,800mm (inside the drum) Not given 1,600mm (cutter) 6. Height, overall: 3,250mm 3,400mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 3,265kg 7,500 kg 8. Mass, attachments: 2,985kg Depends on the attachments 9. Mass, total: 10,400kg Depends on the attachments b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 4 wheels tubeless, nylon, loader Zero maintenance soft ride solid design tyres tyres mounted on special wheels to protect the vehicle and the driver agains anti- vehicle mine blast 11. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: 30o — c. Working performance 13. Number of capacity of the Rotar: 600l — • length of chains: —

14. Gap between tools: — — 15. Rotation speed: Not given —

16. Clearance depth, max: 200-300mm — 17. Working speed: Mulcher: 4,000m2 per 6h working • light soil/ small vegetation: day, Rotar: 480m2 to 200mm — • medium soil/ med. vegetation: depth per 6h working day — • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: — 18. Control of clearance depth: Manual — 19. Machines in use: 1 — 20. Location of use: Namibia —

21. Total area cleared so far: Not given — 22. Other types: Rotar Mk1m UniDisc No

d. System specifications Multi-tool 23. Engine: Caterpillar 3054T turbocharged 150hp diesel engine diesel engine, either with 56 or 60kw and a 4-cylinder, 4-stroke direct injection engine 24. Fuel capacity: 128l 170l

25. Fuel consumption: Max. 15/25l/h depending on Maximim 30l/h configuration and soil 26. Separate engine for working unit: No No 27. Transition: — Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Water Water

29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 79l 66l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes Yes 31. Operator comfort: Air suspension seat, additional Comfortable seat, adjustable option:AM/FM stereo/cassette steering column, all control package, tilt wheel, and within easy reach circulating fan

148 Multi-tool systems

Rotary Cutter BM 307-VFRM35 Rotary Cutter BM 307-VGDM23 Tempest Mk V

FHa): 10,970mm 10,140mm 3,200mm FH: 15,780mm; RCb): 10,970 10,140mm 1,200mm

3,190mm 3,190mm FH: 4,790mm; RC: 3,190mm 3,190mm 1,520mm FH: 12,470/1,000mm; RC: 11,000/ 10,270/1,000mmm 1,600mm 1,000mm 3,230mm 3,170mm 3,400mm 23,400kg 23,600kg 2,700 kg FH: 6,600kg; RC: 2,600kg 2,400kg 500kg FH: 40,000kg; RC: 36,000kg 26,000kg 3,200kg

Tracks/Grouser shoe (st. 600mm, Tracks/Grouser shoe (st. 600mm, 600mm diameter, 360mm-wide optional 700mm) optional 700mm) steel with 40mm cleats, tracks: 1.6mx0.3m two-speed rubber units

0.64kg/cm2 0.48kg/cm2 Not given 35o 35o

FH: 42 pieces/hammer 39 pieces; Cutter bits: 40 pieces cutting tools: 36 RC: cutter bits 40 pieces cutter bit length: 196mm Drum diameter: 508mm FH: 10mm; RC: overlapping Overlapping Full coverage of treated ground Mode selection FH: 400/500rpm; Mode selection 650/900rpm 1,500rpm RC: 650/900rpm FH: 500mm; RC: 300mm 300mm Ground engaging tool in dvpt. Not given Not given 1,200-1,600m2/h 800/1,200m2/h 400-800m2/h — — Not given 1 set of each developed 1 (developed) 17 FH: Afghanistan; RC: Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Thailand, Nicaragua, Thailand, Viet Nam Cambodia, Croatia, DR Congo, Viet Nam Mozambique, Thailand, U.S. Not given Not given Unknown FH: BM307-VF20; RC: BM307-SG16, BM307-SG16, BM307-VG20, -VG Not given BM307-VG20, -VG21, -VG27 21, -VG27

Turbo diesel 6-cylinder, 7.79l, Turbo diesel 6-cylinder, 6.49l,, 70kw Multi-tool 184w/2,000rpm 125kw/2,100rpm

560l 560ll 30l lasting for approx. 3 working hours Not given Not given 8-10l/h

No No No No Water Water Air cooled engine and hydraulics 320l 36l 130l

Full auto air conditioner standard Full auto air conditioner standard — Suspension seat, radio, hot and Suspension seat, radio, hot and Remote control cool box cool box a) FH: flail hammer b) RC: rotary cutter


MgM Rotar Mk-II Pearson Minefield Tractor 32. Armour: 4mm plate for cabin and 35mm Cab: 8mm strengthened steel. protection grass windows. Engine Vehicle: 4mm high strengthened hood, rear cab side and cab steel floor, and Rotar blast deflector are toughed with 6-10mm plates

33. Remote control: No No f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Approx. U.S.$200,000 Less than SDT

35. Other costs: Not given Not given • training: • spare part set chains/belts: • repair costs for one year: 36. Transport limitation: For long distances transportation Capable of 40km/h on road. on a low-bed trailer is required Transporter required for longer distances. Can be shipped in 40ft ISO container 37. Availability for hire: Not yet. Inquire with HEC if No interested Multi-tool

150 Multi-tool systems

Rotary Cutter BM 307-VFRM3520 Rotary Cutter BM 307-VGDM23 Tempest Mk V — Cabin, hydraulic cylinder, fuel 8mm steel plates tank, hydraulic oil tank, under- cover

— Yes Yes. Greater distance: 500m

— Not given U.S.$89,000 (not including attachments — Not given Approx. U.S.$7,800 5 weeks chains, belts: U.S.$150 Approx. U.S.$4,000 — Maximum travel speed: 5.5km/h 4x4 and trailer or medium truck Use of trailer for transportation with crane

— Not given Negotiable Multi-tool

151 Multi-tool

152 Vegetation cutter

Section 5 Vegetation cutter Vegetation cutter

153 BDM 48 Brusher Deminer

Pro Mac Manufacturing Ltd., Canada

PRO MAC BDM 48 attached to a CASE 9040 B excavator

General description The BDM48 is mounted on a case 904B tracked excavator with a protection package for the operator and arm. A blast damping system protects the excavator arm from explosive blast. Quick release valves on the hydraulic system avoid hydraulic damage from heavy blast. The prime mover has a purpose-built cab designed to withstand blast from anti-tank mines and ordnance up to 105mm artillery rounds. The system provides the following general capabilities:1 ¾ safety and security for the operator by working from the cleared area; ¾ removes vegetation to prepare ground for other clearance assets; ¾ removes tripwire threat; ¾ removes or reduces anti-personnel mine threat by neutralising mines. Clearance and cutting methodology The Pro Mac BDM 48 Brushcutter Deminer is a Rotary Drum (Arbor) System that removes brush and bamboo. It can grind anti-personnel mines to a depth of 200mm. The maximum reach radius at ground level is 9m. The drum, with its 23 cutter bits, rotates with a speed of up to 2,300rpm and covers a working width of 1,220mm. Machines in use to date ¾ One machine operated by the Canadian International Demining Corps (CIDC) in Thailand. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The prime mover (excavator) CASE 9040B is powered by a diesel engine. ¾ It is recommended that performance formula diesel fuel additive should be put into the fuel tank every third fill. ¾ The hydraulic system of the excavator uses CASE IH Hy-Tran Ultra (MS 1209) hydraulic oil. ¾ Lubetec anti-friction treatment is used in both the hydraulic and engine oil systems. Vegetation cutter Factory support ¾ PROMAC offers a training package for machine operators and for service and repair personnel at the factory. This package is part of the unit purchase. ¾ Spare parts for the BDM 48 head are shipped with the unit. These spare parts consist of several sets of spare cutter bits, bearings, seals and a spare drive motor and shaft assembly.

154 Vegetation cutter

¾ Spare parts for the excavator are available through authorized distributors for the specific make of excavator. The Thailand system is mounted on a CASE 9040B, the same unit as a Link Belt 3400 or a Sumitomo 220. Many types of excavator can be used provided that they have the necessary flow and hydraulic pressure (190l per minute and 282 bar) required for the BDM 48. ¾ In hotter regions it is necessary to increase the cooling system capacity of the excavator for the engine and hydraulic system. These modifications would be standard for Southeast Asia and other high ambient temperature areas. ¾ Instruction manuals are included as part of the sale. They will be provided in the relevant language of the purchaser and are part of the purchase package. ¾ Additional operator training and attachment overhaul training packages are available. Maintenance and support Operators and servicing personnel must be able to perform basic service requirements such as: ¾ Oil and filter changes on excavator, ¾ Lube and service deminer head, ¾ Inspect and clean the unit after each working day. Cutter bits are subject to wear and tear and will often require replacement. Maintenance personnel for the system will be required to weld new cutter bits. Rates of wear and tear will depend on soil conditions. Tests and evaluations ¾ The BDM 48 system underwent evaluation by CCMAT (Canadian Centre for Mine Action Technologies), DRES (Defence Research Example of a bite from the PRO MAC BDM 48 Establishment Suffield) and TMAC (Thailand Mine Action Centre) in April-June 2001. During evaluation, Mechanical Reproduction Mines (MRM) and M14 anti- personnel mines were used. ¾ CIDC summarised its observations and analysis of the performance of BDM48 covering the period August 2001 to March 2002. ¾ Test report: www.itep.ws.

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ The BDM 48 head is not designed for clearance ƒƒƒ A useful tool that combines bush cutting with of anti-tank mines.1 the ability to spot clear anti-personnel mines. ƒƒƒ Complete with armoured excavator, the system ƒƒƒ Works through root structure and rough ground. weighs 34 tonnes. For transport over longer ƒƒƒ Works in and around obstacles. distances, a low-loader is required.2 ƒƒƒ Capability to detonate or neutralise all mines ƒƒƒ The clearance depth is limited to approx. 20cm. to a depth of 200mm.1 ƒƒƒ A highly experienced operator is needed.2

ƒƒƒ Productivity limited by requirement to operate Vegetation cutter from safe area.

1. PROMAC manufacturer letter dated 8 October 2001. 2. Test report Thailand Mine Action Centre, Standard Operating Procedures Mechanical Assistance to Demining — Promac Brush Deminer 48 (BDM 48), May 2001.

155 Digger D-1

Digger DTR, Switzerland

Digger in operation

General description The Digger D-1 is a lightweight, remotely controlled vegetation cutter developed by the Swiss NGO, Digger DTR (Demining Technologies Research), which has mine clearance experience in Croatia and Cambodia. The vehicle consists of an armoured, V-shaped hull which potentially minimises the damage caused by anti-personnel mines or UXO detonations. The cutting tool, which can be either a flail system or a mulcher, is attached to the front of the vehicle. The system is remotely controlled up to a range of 300m by an operator placed behind a shield in line of sight. According to the manufacturer, the flail system has the potential to neutralise flush-to–surface-laid anti-personnel mines. The cutting tool is proven to remove tripwires if encountered. Despite its rugged design the machine should not operate in areas where anti-tank mines are suspected. Clearance and cutting methodology The rotor on the cutting unit operates at approximately 500rpm, using 44 adjustable chisels to remove thick vegetation and trees. The minimum cutting depth is 2cm above ground. To increase cutting depth, a flail unit was developed after intial tests in Albania. The rotor operates at 500rpm, using 40 chains. Hardened steel hammers are attached to the end of the 50cm long chains. The cutting depth is manually adjustable from 5cm above to 5cm below surface. This multi-tool concept will be applied to the upgraded version of the machine. A shovel and various area-reduction tools are planned to be available for the Digger 2 which will give the machine the ability to achieve a variety of demining tasks. Machines in use to date ¾ D-1 will be deployed to Sri Lanka from 2004 to 2005 with the Swiss Foundation for Mine Clearance (FSD). ¾ The prototype of the machine was tested by Swiss Foundation for Mine Clearance (FSD) in Albania and Kosovo (July – September 2002). Vegetation cutter ¾ The D-2, (second generation) will be available for purchase in 2005. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The D-1 is equipped with a 2.7l, five-cylinder Kubota diesel engine (46kW/62hp). ¾ Fuel capacity is 50 l with an approx. fuel consumption of 10l/h. ¾ The engine oil capacity is 12l. Hydraulic fluid capacity is 120l. ¾ D-2 will be equipped with a 3.3l Kubota diesel engine (51kW/69 hp).

156 Vegetation cutter

Factory support ¾ Manufacturer provides training for operators. ¾ Available stock of spare parts reduces machine down-time. ¾ Manuals and documentation in English, French and German are included in the purchase package. ¾ One-year factory warranty. ¾ On-line technical service (Internet). ¾ Digger offers an all-inclusive hiring concept. Maintenance and support ¾ Daily servicing is required. Major servicing after 200 working hours. ¾ Recommended crew: one operator (remote control), one mechanic. ¾ Machine can be delivered in a 20ft container, equipped with a basic mobile workshop. Tests and evaluations ¾ The Swiss Army carried out blast tests on the chassis and the cutting tool. Six detonations with 730g of TNT each including fragmentation were carried out at different distances (0.04m to 1m) to the cutting tool. Five detonations of 200g of TNT were fired beneath the tracks. In all cases no serious damage was caused either by blast or fragments. The test report is available on the manufacturer’s website. ¾ The Swiss Foundation for Mine Clearance (FSD) tested the machine over a period of 2 months in Albania in live suspect areas. Some manufacturing defects were reported. The experience gained during these tests was used for upgrading the D-1. PMA-1 detonations under the vehicle’s tracks caused no damage to the system. The protective shield was tested against the effect of a PMR 2A fired from a distance of 6m. No serious damage was observed. ¾ Detailed information is available on the manufacturer’s website.

PMA 1 fired under Digger chain The cutting system undergoing trails

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths Vegetation cutter ƒƒƒ The system is designed to operate in anti- ƒƒƒ Manoeuvrable and easy to transport. personnel mine-affected areas only. ƒƒƒ Transportable in a 20ft container, equipped ƒƒƒ Difficult to operate from a long distance (more with a small workshop. than 200m ). (This applies to all remotely ƒƒƒ Above-average hill-climbing ability. controlled systems.) ƒƒƒ Lightweight and rugged design. ƒƒƒ Task versatility (with other attachments).

157 Hydrema M1220 Light Armoured and R1820 A/S Hydrema Danmark, Denmark

Hydrema M1220 Light Armoured with bush cutter

General description The Hydrema M1220 Light Armoured is based on the commercial Hydrema excavator series. The boom is available as a one- or two-piece implement. In the excavator role, the machine can be fitted with three different excavator buckets. The operator is protected from blast and fragments, and ballistic protection from rounds up to 7.62mm (NATO). The cab is mounted to the chassis on a rubber platform to reduce noise levels. The machine has permanent 4 x 4 wheel drive, with an optional gear allowing the machine to travel at up to 30km/h on paved roads. The manufacturer has not provided further information. The Hydrema R 1820 is a powerful, high-capacity excavator (18-20 tonnes). It has a two-piece boom configuration for extended reach, height and low front turning radius. A neck cylinder provides safe stowage when travelling. The unit can be fitted with various track types, depending on ground conditions. A large armoured cab gives the operator protection against fragments and bullets to level C4 according to DIN 52290 (Deutsche Industrie Norm), part 2 (cal. 7.62x 51mm). Computerised instrumentation provides information such as running time and maintenance scheduling to the operator. Working methodology The main use of the M1220 Light Armoured is to cut vegetation. The working width of the bush cutter is 1,000mm, with 18 cutter bits mounted to the 100mm-diameter rotating drum. The arm of the Hydrema can reach the 392kg bush cutter out to 8,500mm. With a digger bucket, the boom can extend its reach to 9400mm. The M1220 has a maximum lift of 7 tonnes. The R1820 is a multi-purpose construction machine which can also be used for vegetation cutting. Machines in use to date ¾ M 1220 Light Armoured: one system sold to MgM in Namibia for use in Angola. ¾ R 1820: four systems were purchased by the Swedish military and are currently employed in

Vegetation cutter the Balkans. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ M1220 Light Armoured: Perkins 1004–40 T turbo-diesel engine, four-cylinder 4.0l water-cooled with 75kw. ¾ R1820: Perkins 1004-4TW, turbocharged, intercooler, 91kw. ¾ 250l fuel tank capacity (for both machines).

158 Vegetation cutter

¾ 180l hydraulic tank capacity (for both machines). Factory support ¾ Training of operators is part of the purchase package. ¾ Comprehensive manuals and documentation are part of the purchase package. Maintenance and support ¾ The manufacturer has not provided further information. Tests and evaluations ¾ Both systems have been on the market for several years and therefore tested under operational conditions.

Hydrema R 1820

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ No information available. ƒƒƒ No information available. Vegetation cutter

159 Komatsu PC60 Vegetation

Cutter Komatsu, Japan

KOMATSU PC 60 vegetation cutter

General description The Komatsu PC 60 Vegetation Cutter combines vegetation cutting and terrain levelling. The system features heavy armour protection for the driver’s cab, fuel tank, hydraulic tank and engine. The system is not capable of withstanding an anti-tank mine blast. Tests carried out using live mines such as OZM3 and M18A1 confirmed the survivability of the system against anti-personnel mine blasts. With a total weight of approx. 10 tonnes, the machine is practical for deployment to countries where road infrastructure is poor. Low ground pressure allows for operation in wet and muddy ground conditions. Low average fuel consumption and robust design are aimed at reducing operational costs of the machine. Clearance methodology The cutter unit cuts vegetation up to 100mm in diameter to a working width of 1,000mm. The cutter unit rotating drum is attached to a hydraulically-operated arm with a reach of 6.70m. No further information is provided by the manufacturer. Machines in use to date ¾ Two machines have been operated by CMAC since 2000. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ The Komatsu 4D95 diesel engine powers both machines. ¾ The hydraulic brush cutter attachment is powered by the main engine. Factory support ¾ Komatsu provides training both for operators and mechanics. ¾ Manuals are available in English or any language required by the purchaser. ¾ Worldwide servicing and spare parts network reduces machine down-time. Vegetation cutter Maintenance and support ¾ The system features a water separator for poor quality fuel, a corrosion resistor for hard water treatment and a larger engine cooling system for tropical conditions.

160 Vegetation cutter

Tests and evaluations ¾ The prototype of the PC 60 was tested in Cambodia. Operational performance and survivability fulfil CMAC requirements. ¾ The survivability test was carried out by using anti-personnel pressure mines (OZM3 and M18A1).

Komatsu vegetation cutter operating in Cambodia

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ Machine is not capable of withstanding an anti- ƒƒƒ Lightweight. tank mine blast. ƒƒƒ Worldwide servicing network provides access ƒƒƒ The vegetation cutting performance is limited to spares. to 100mm stem in diameter. Vegetation cutter

161 Technical data sheet BDM 48 Brusher Deminer

a. Dimensional data 1. Total length: 9,880mm 2. Maximum reach radius: 9,000mm 3. Width total: 3,380mm 4. Working width: 1,220mm 5. Height, minimum: 3,070mm 6. Height, overall: As per boom position 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 32,000kg 8. Mass, working tool: 1,820kg 9. Mass, total: 34,000kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: 35° c. Clearance performance 13. Number of cutting tools: 23 cutter bits 14. Gap between drums/ chisels/chains: Overlapping bits 15. Rotation speed: 1,900-2,300rpm 16. Working depth, max.: Up to 200mm 17. Working speed: • in thick underbrush and bamboo: 4-8m²/mina) 18. Control of working depth: Manual 19. Machines in use: 1 20. Other types: Not given 21. Location of use: Thailand 22. Total area cleared so far: Not given d. System specifications 23. Engine: Cummins GT830 (CASE 9040B) 24. Fuel capacity: 310l 25. Fuel consumption: Not given 26. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 27. Transition: — 28. Cooling system engine: 35l 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 216l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Not given 31. Operator comfort: Not given 32. Armour: Not given 33. Remote control: No f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Not given 35. Other costs: Not given 36. Transport limitation: Max. speed on tracks 5km/h. Normally on trailer 37. Availability for hire: Not given Vegetation cutter

a) According to the manufacturer.

162 Vegetation cutter

Technical data sheet Digger D-1 a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 3,000mm 2. Total length: 3,500mm 3. Width without attachment: 1,40mm 4. Width total: 1,800mm 5. Clearing/working width: 1,600mm (flail) 6. Height, overall: 1,700mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 3,500kg 8. Mass, working tool: 400kg (flail) 9. Mass, total: 3,900kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Steel fabricated tracks 11. Ground pressure: Approx. 1kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: 30° c. Working performance 13. Number of chains/tools: Flail (40 chains) or mulcher (44 chisels) 14. Gap between chisels/chains: Overlap 15. Length of chains: 500mm 16. Diameter of drum: Mulcher: 350mm 17. Rotation speed: 500rpm (flail and mulcher) 18. Working depth, max: Flail: -50mm to +50mm; mulcher: +20mm 19. Working speeda) • light soil/ small vegetation: 2,000m2/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 1,500m2/h • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 600m2/h 20. Control of working depth: Flail: adjustable, mulcher: manual 21. Machines in use: 1 22. Other types: D-2 (second generation) 23. Location of use: Sri Lanka 24. Total area cleared so far: Not given d. System specifications 25. Engine: Kubota 5-cylinder diesel engine, 2.7l, 46kw (D-2: 51kw) 26. Fuel capacity: 50l 27. Fuel consumption: 10l 28. Separate engine for working unit: No 29. Cooling system engine: Water cooled 30. Hydraulic oil capacity (both engines): 120l e. Comfort and security 31. Air conditioning: — 32. Operator comfort: Remote control, with operator protection shield 33. Armour: 10mm hardened steel 34. Remote control: Yes • greatest distance: More than 300m f. Costs 35. Cost of system: CHF165,000 (Digger-D 2) 35. Other costs: • spare parts set: CHF20,000 (for flail and vehicle) • repair costs for one year: Included in spare part set 36. Transport limitation: 20ft container with workshop inside 37. Availability for hire: Yes, with 2 Digger staff (operator and mechanic), transportation and logistic included Vegetation cutter

a) According to the manufacturer.

163 Technical data sheet Hydrema M1220/R1820

a. Dimensional data 1. Length total: 6,610mm/8,340mm 2. Maximum reach radius: 1,000mm 3. Width total: 2,486 mm/2,880mm 4. Working width: Not given 5. Height, minimum: Not given 6. Height, overall: 3,920mm/2,959mm (in transportation mode) 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 18,000-20,000kg 8. Mass, attachments: 392kg (for bush cutter head) 9. Mass, total: Max. 13,500kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 4 wheels 8 x 9 – 20 EM (with twin tyres 4 x 600/40 – 22,5/ tracks) 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0,32-0,57kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: Not given c. Working performance 13. Number of cutting tools: Not given 14. Gap between drums, chisels, chains: Not given 15. Rotation speed: Not given 16. Working depth, max: 5,700 mm/6,600mm (max. digging depth) 17. Working speed brush cutter: Not given 18. Control of working depth: Not given 19. Machines in use: 1/4 20. Other types: Not given 21. Location of use: Angola, Balkans 22. Total area cleared so far: Not given d. System specifications 23. Engine: Perkins 1004 – 40 T turbo-diesel engine, four-cylinder, 4.0l, with 75kw/ turbocharged intercooler, 91kw 24. Fuel capacity: 250l 25. Fuel consumption: Not given 26. Separate engine for tilling unit: Not given 27. Transition: Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Water cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 180l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Optional 31. Operator comfort: Comfort drivers seat damped against shock wave from mine explosions, vibration damped cab, heating system, other equipment is available as an option 32. Armour: DIN 52290-2/DIN 52290-2 class C5 33. Remote control: Not given f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Not given 35. Other costs: Not given 36. Transport limitation: For long distances transportation on a low-bed trailer is required 37. Availability for hire: Not given Vegetation cutter

a) According to the manufacturer.

164 Vegetation cutter

Technical data sheet Komatsu PC 60 a. Dimensional data 1. Total lenght: 6,320mm 2. Maximum reach radius: 6,705mm 3. Width total: 2,605mm 4. Working width: 1,000 mm 5. Height, minimum: 2,890 mm 6. Height, overall: 6,715mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 10,400kg 8. Mass, working unit: 500kg 9. Mass, total: 10,900kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 0.4kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: 15° c. Working performance 13. Number of cutting tools: 40 14. Gap between tools: 6 lines on the circumference 15. Rotation speed: 2,500rpm 16. Working depth max.: Not given 17. Working speed: Not given 18. Control of working depth: Manual 19. Machines in use: 2 20. Other types: Bigger and more powerful model is available as well 21. Location of use: Cambodia 22. Total area cleared so far: Not given d. System specifications 23. Engine: Komatsu 4D95 24. Fuel capacity: 130l 25. Fuel consumption: 6l per hour 26. Separate engine for tilling unit: No 27. Transition: Not given 28. Cooling system engine: Water cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 57l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: Not given 32. Armour: See general description 33. Remote control: No f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Not given 35. Other costs: Not given 36. Transport limitation: For long distances transportation on a low-bed trailer is required 37. Availability for hire: Not given Vegetation cutter


BDM 48 Digger D-1 a. Dimensional data 1. Total length: 9,880mm 3,500mm 2. Maximum reach radius: 9,000mm — 3. Width total: 3,380mm 1,800mm 4. Working width: 1,220mm 1,600mm (flail) 5. Height, minimum: 3,070mm 1,500mm 6. Height, overall: As per boom position 1,700mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 32,000kg 3,500kg 8. Mass, working tool: 1,820kg 400kg (flail) 9. Mass, total: 34,000kg 3,900kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Tracks Steel fabricated tracks 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given Approx. 1kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: 35° 30° c. Working performance 13. Number of cutting tools: 23 cutter bits Flail(40 chains) or mulcher (44 chisels) Length of chains: 500mm Diameter of mulcher: 350mm 14. Gap between drums/ chisels/chains: Overlapping bits Overlap 15. Rotation speed: 1,900-2,300rpm 500rpm (flail and mulcher) 16. Working depth, max.: Up to 200mm Flail: -50mm to +50mm Mulcher: +20mm 17. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: 2,000m2/ha) • medium soil/medium vegetation: 1,500m2/ha) • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 600m2/ha) • in thick underbrush and bamboo: 4-8m²/mina) 18. Control of working depth: Manual Flail: adjustable, mulcher: manual

19. Machines in use: 1 1 20. Other types: Not given D-2 (second generation) 21. Location of use: Thailand Sri Lanka 22. Total area cleared so far: Not given Not given d. System specifications 23. Engine: Cummins GT830 (CASE 9040B) Kubota 5-cylinder diesel engine, 2,7l, 46kw (d-2: 51kw) 24. Fuel capacity: 310l 50l 25. Fuel consumption: Not given 10l 26. Separate engine for tilling unit: No No 27. Transition: — — 28. Cooling system engine: 35l Water cooled 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: 216l 120l e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Not given — 31. Operator comfort: Not given Remote control, with operator protection shield

32. Armour: Not given 10mm hardened steel

Vegetation cutter 33. Remote control: No Yes • greatest distance: More than 300m f. Costs 34. Cost of system: Not given CHF165,000 (Digger D-2) 35. Other costs: Not given • spare parts set: CHF20,000 (for flail and vehicle) • repair costs for one year: Included in spare parts set 36. Transport limitation: Max. speed on tracks 5km/h. 20ft container with workshop inside Normally on trailer 37. Availability for hire: Not given Yes, with Digger-2 staff, transportation and logistic incl. 166 Vegetation cutter

Hydrema 1220 and R1820 Komatsu PC 60

6,610mm/8,340mm 6,320m 1,000mm 6,705mm 2,486 mm/2,880mm 2,605mm Not given 1,000 mm Not given 2,890 mm 3,920mm/2,959mm (in transportation mode) 6,715mm 18,000-20,000kg 10,400kg 392kg (for bush cutter head) 500kg Max. 13,500kg 10,900kg

4 wheels 8 x 9 – 20 EM (with twin tyres 4 x 600/40 Tracks 0.32-0.57kg/cm2 0.4kg/cm2 Not given 15°

Not given 40

Not given 6 lines on the circumference Not given 2,500rpm 5,700 mm/6,600mm (max digging depth). Not given

Not given Not given

Not given Manual

1/4 2 Not given Bigger and more powerful model is available as well Angola, Balkans Cambodia Not given Not given

Perkins 1004 – 40 T turbo-diesel engine, 4-cylinder, Komatsu 4D95 , 4l, with 75kw/ turbocharged intercooler, 91kw 250l 130l Not given 6l per hour Not given No Not given Not given Water cooled Water cooled 180l 57l

Optional Yes Comfort drivers seat damped against shock Not given wave from mine explosions, vibration damped cab, heating system, other equipment is available as an option DIN 52290-2/DIN 52290-2 class C5 See general description

Not given No Vegetation cutter

Not given Not given Not given Not given

For long distances transportation on a low-bed For long distances transportation on a low-bed trailer is required trailer is required Not given Not given 167 Vegetation cutter

168 Sifter

Section 6 Sifter Sifter

169 Armtrac Sifter

Armtrac Ltd., United Kingdom

Armtrac Sift & Separation System towed behind an Armtrac 100

General description The Armtrac Sifter is designed for towing behind the Armtrac 100 or other prime movers. The Armtrac Sifter employs a hydraulically-driven separation system with a low-voltage, high- power magnet to remove metallic objects. The separator has a hydraulic drawbar, fully adjustable to fit on to the Armtrac 100 or other vehicles. Multi-shares or a single share can be selected to suit different soil conditions. Plough boards are attached to the outer sides to save 60cm in order to limit the sifter transport width. Working methodology The hydraulic system has various adjustments for the rotating components to achieve separation in all conditions. Independent pressure relief valves for the star unit and web section prevent stress on the drive-line if the machine is overloaded or becomes jammed. A combination of steel spiral roller and 5 x 25-40mm-pitch polyurethane star wheels ensure high output whilst maintaining separation. The operating angle of the long separation web can be altered to improve separation and compensate for uneven ground conditions without affecting operating depth or share angle. An upper scrub web improves separation and breaks up clods. Both the web speed and scrubber web pressure pads are hydraulically adjustable. Wheel track has automatic, self-centering, hydraulically-steered wheels and a steering lock, which enables easy in-file operation. The speed of the hydraulically-driven 550mm wide cross conveyor is variable to match field conditions. The side traverse ram enables the conveyor to deliver debris and mines into a row for inspection. The system folds hydraulically for transport. Machines in use to date ¾ One machine in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ No information provided. Sifter Factory support ¾ No information provided.

170 Sifter

Maintenance and support ¾ No information provided. Tests and evaluations ¾ Not yet tested.

Armtrac sifter in operation

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ No information provided. ƒƒƒ No information provided. Sifter

171 HEC Rotar Mk-I

HEC Hendric Ehlers Consult (MgM Mine Clearance NGO - R&D), Namibia

The Rotar sifting dry soil

MgM Rotar Mk-I sifting suspect soil

General description The MgM Rotar Mk-I is a commercial, off-the-shelf attachment for construction equipment used primarily to separate different sizes of rubble from construction sites. Worldwide, a total of more than eight-hundred Rotar systems are in operation. There are nine different models for wheel loaders and five models for excavators. The models are named according to their soil capacity, ranging from 350-6,000l. The model chosen by MgM is HPL 1500S with special fittings and customised armour. The Rotar is a cylindrical grid encased by an opening/closing bucket. Ten teeth at the front of the bucket allow for penetration into hard ground. It is possible to lock or open the upper part of the bucket hydraulically. The grid spacing has been modified to 4.5cm x 4.5cm (smaller than the R2M2, a small South African anti-personnel mine). For sandy conditions, a solid plate covers approximately one-third of the bucket to prevent the sifting process from beginning during movement from the suspect area to the inspection area. The modified/armoured MgM Rotar is attached to an armoured CAT 916, wheeled front-end loader. After more than three years of operations with MgM Angola, MgM claims that the Rotar System is able to process approximately 0.3 cubic metres of sandy soil in three to five minutes. Armour is attached between the machine and the Rotar. MgM initially employed the machine to dismantle power pylon berms in northern Namibia. The MgM Rotar does not operate independently. Other mechanical assets, such as an armoured tipper truck or a machine with similar capabilities, must support it. The operator’s cab and other vital areas of the vehicle are fully protected with 6mm-armour plate and bullet-/fragmentation-proof windows. The machine operates in anti-personnel mine fields only. Due to the armouring and sealing of the operator’s cab, an air-conditioner is fitted. The cab is equipped with HF, VHF and HF PGS radio equipment. The MgM Rotar can be separated at the same points as a standard bucket attachment so that other working modules can be fitted. The MgM Rotar system is able to move between locations but for journeys of over 50km a flatbed truck or low-loader should be used. Sifter HEC Rotar Mk1 was a joint project with the U.S. Department of Defence, NVESD, Humanitarian Demining Program, Fort Belvoir. Working methodology Once the Rotar bucket is filled with soil, the operator raises it and closes the top lid onto the full bucket. The lower section of the bucket is lined with 2mm metal plate while the upper section

172 Sifter

features a steel grid sieve. During this part of the process, locks on either side of the bucket prevent it from rotating. The vehicle moves to a clear site and releases the locks to rotate the Rotar while its jaw remains closed. As the bucket drops, the spoil within it passes through the grid, pieces smaller than 4.5cm x 4.5cm sifting through it, larger pieces remaining within the Rotar. The remaining debris is released into the back of a tipper truck (armoured). The spoil is examined as it falls by a deminer positioned in an observation tower on the roof of the tipper truck (in Namibia MgM use an armoured Samil 100 tipper). When the observer sees an item requiring further investigation, he orders the operator to stop tipping. The observer exits the tower through the cab and steps out onto the metal walkway attached to the side of the truck. The suspect item is examined from the walkway by the deminer, dressed in individual protective equipment (visor, body armour). If a mine or UXO is found in the bed of the tipper, EOD-trained personnel are notified. If it is determined that a suspect item is safe to handle, it is removed manually to a demolition pit/site. If the suspect item is deemed unstable, then it is carried in the Rotar to a demolition site where it is safely deposited for later destruction. In Namibia, a commander in an armoured Wolf vehicle, equipped with radio and surveillance camera usually supervises the Rotar. Machines in use to date ¾ One machine in Namibia. Engine, fuel and oil ¾ No information provided by MgM. Factory support ¾ The ROTAR System proved relatively simple to operate with an experienced crew with minimum maintenance to sustain operations.1 ¾ Any major repairs or spares requirements should be available through Caterpillar’s worldwide field support facilities.1 ¾ No further information provided Maintenance and support· ¾ No information provided by MgM. Tests and Evaluations The Rotar Mk-I was tested by MgM’s own development organisation in Namibia in August- September 1999. The following statements by observers were given: ¾ “At the end of the clearance by the Rotar, the actual area that had been processed equated to approximately 250 to 300m2 against the original mined area of 50m2.”2 ¾ “The machine cleared 99 out of 100 mines in four hours and 16 minutes. This time spent for the clearance of 50 square metres is far from satisfactory. The problem of berm creation is the greatest obstacle to effective use of the machine.”3 ¾ “RT03 determined minimal damage to the rotar drum after the blast of a J69 mine. We have inspected the inside of the drum and found the damage to be limited to dents in the drum caused by shrapnel.”4

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths ƒƒƒ System is relatively time-consuming. ƒƒƒ Most of the tools and the vehicle are produced ƒƒƒ The machine showed a tendency to push the commercially. soil to the sides, creating berms that can contain ƒƒƒ The Rotar performed well against detonation of Sifter mines. anti-personnel mines within the bucket.

1. According to the manufacturer. 2. G. T. R. Pritchard, EOD & Mines Consultant, Coral Stand Consultants. 3. Håvard Bach, Head of Operational Methods Section, GICHD. 4. Hans Hashagen, Price Waterhouse Coopers.

173 Technical data sheet Armtrac Sifter

a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 6,700mm 2. Length total: 1,2000mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,100mm 4. Width total: 2,100mm 5. Working width: 2,100mm 6. Height, overall: 2,500mm 7. Mass: 3,600kg b. Driving specifications 8. Hill climbing ability: 45° c. Working performance 9. Gab between webs: 10mm 10. Rotation speed (web): 350rpm 11. Working depth, max: 400mm 12. Working speeda) • light soil/small vegetation: 1,600m2/h • medium soil/medium vegetation: 1,200m2/h • heavy soil/dense vegetation: 1,000m2/h 13. Machines in use: 1 14. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina 15. Total area cleared so far: 150,000m2 d. System specifications 16. Power: Armtrac/ prime mover PTO 17. Fuel capacity: Not given 18. Fuel consumption: Not given 19. Separate engine for sifting unit: No 20. Transition: Not given 21. Cooling system engine: Not given 22. Oil capacity: Not given 23. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given e. Comfort and security 16. Armour: 6mm plates 17. Remote control: No f. Costs 18. Cost of system: £52,000 19. Other costs: £3,200 (training) 20. Transport limitation: Towed or low-loader 21. Availability for hire: Yes Sifter

a) According to the manufacturer.

174 Sifter

Technical data sheet MgM Rotar Mk-I

a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: Not given 2. Length total: 7,380mm 3. Width without attachment: Not given 4. Width total: 2,904mm 5. Working width: 2,224mm (drum width) 6. Height, overall: 3,400mm 7. Weight, basic vehicle: 7,900kg 8. Weight, attachments: 1,700kg (without screen/hinge plate) 9. Weight, total: 9,600kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 4 wheels 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: Not given c. Working performance 13. Capacity of the Rotar: 1,500l 14. Rotation speed: variable 15. Working depth, max.: Not given 16. Working speed: • light soil/ small vegetation: Approx. 20m2/ha) • medium soil/medium vegetation: Not given • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: Not given 17. Machines in use: 1 18. Other types: Rotar-II (smaller machine, listed as multi-tool) 19. Location of use: Namibia 20. Total area cleared so far: Not given d. System specifications 21. Engine: Not given 22. Fuel capacity: Not given 23. Fuel consumption: Not given 24. Separate engine for sifting unit: No 25. Transition: Not given 26. Cooling system engine: Not given 27. Oil capacity: Not given 28. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given e. Comfort and security 29. Air conditioning: Yes 30. Operator comfort: HF, VHF and HF PGS radio communication equipment 31. Armour: 6mm plates 32. Remote control: No f. Costs 33. Cost of system: €192,500 34. Other costs: Not given 35. Transport limitation: For long distances a low-bed trailer is required 36. Availability for hire: Not yet. Inquire with HEC if interested. Sifter

a) Håvard Bach, Head of Operational Methods Section, GICHD.


Armtrac Sifter MgM Rotar Mk-I a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 6,700mm Not given 2. Length total: 1,2000mm 7,380mm 3. Width without attachment: 2,100mm Not given 4. Width total: 2,100mm 2,904mm 5. Working width: 2,100mm 2,224mm (drum width) 6. Height, overall: 2,500mm 3,400mm 7. Weight, basic vehicle: 7,900kg 8. Weight, attachments: 1,700kg (without screen/hinge plate) 9. Weight, total: 3,600kg 9,600kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: 4 wheels 11. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given 12. Hill climbing ability: 45° c. Working performance 13. Gap between webs: 10mm 14. Capacity of the Rotar: 1500l 15. Rotation speed : (web) 350rpm variable 16. Working depth, max: 400mm Not given 17. Working speeda) • light soil/ small vegetation: 1,600m2/h Approx. 20m2/hb) • medium soil/medium vegetation: 1,200m2/h Not given • heavy soil/ dense vegetation: 1,000m2/h Not given 18. Machines in use: 1 1 19. Other types Rotar-II (smaller machine, listed as multi-tool) 20. Location of use: Bosnia and Herzegovina Namibia 21. Total area cleared so far: 150,000m2 d. System specifications 22. Power: Armtrac/ prime mover PTO Not given 23. Fuel capacity: Not given Not given 24. Fuel consumption: Not given Not given 25. Separate engine for sifting unit: No No 26. Transition: Not given Not given 27. Cooling system engine: Not given Not given 28. Oil capacity: Not given Not given 29. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given Not given e. Comfort and security 30. Air conditioning: Yes 31. Operator comfort: HF, VHF and HF PGS radio communication equipment 32. Armour: 6mm plates 6mm plates 33. Remote control: No No f. Costs 34. Cost of system: £52,000 €192,500 19. Other costs: £3,200 (training) Not given 20. Transport limitation: Towed or low-loader For long distances a low- bed trailer is required 21. Availability for hire: Yes Not yet. Inquire with HEC if Sifter interested.

a) According to the manufacturer. b) Håvard Bach, Head of Operational Methods Section, GICHD.

176 Mine-protected vehicles

Section 7 Mine-protected vehicles Mine-protected vehicles 177 Buffalo

Technical Solutions Group, Inc , U.S.

Buffalo in operation

General description The Buffalo is a mine and ballistic protected 6x6, diesel-powered vehicle, which can be fitted with steel wheels and a towed disc roller. The vehicle is also fitted with an articulated arm for attaching a variety of demining tools, such as a ripper, fork, and a disc roller. Other demining tools, such as a vegetation cutter can be added as well as various detector systems.The Buffalo offers protection against 45lbs explosive weight under the wheels and protection under the centre line of the chassis against up to 30lbs explosive weight. Ballistic protection against up to 7.62mm NATO rounds is assured. Buffalo is also available as a control vehicle for remotely controlled detection equipment and as a mine clearance system (U.S. Army). The Buffalo uses a commercially available drive-train and components to ensure worldwide logistics and maintenance simplicity. Parts are covered by the original manufacturer’s warranties. Working methodology Steel wheels are used in order to attempt to detonate live anti-personnel mines, including bounding mines. A towed disc-roller is used where stones or other solid objects in the ground might provide a shield to targeted ordnance. The disc rollers are designed to defeat obstacles. Machines in use The Humanitarian Demining Department at Ft. Belvoir is due to deploy to Southeast Asia on operations with Buffalo. The U.S. Army plans to deploy two Buffalos fitted with steel wheels and towed disc rollers to Afghanistan. The U.S. Army possesses 12 Buffaloes in the mine-protected clearance role. Engine, fuel, and oil Currently, Mack E-Tech Engines, but due to convert to Caterpillar C-12 Diesel engines. Standard hydraulic fluid and oils. Approximately 10-15mpg, depending on terrain. Factory support TSG trains operators and mechanics. Training is part of purchase package. Instructional manuals are available in English. Mine-protected vehicles 178 Mine-protected vehicles

Manuals are part of te purchase package. TSG warranty for armour is two years. Factory back-up on all other components. TSG has extensive experience in demining and provides advice on how the equipment can be best used in various terrains. Maintenance and support Diesel mechanic, no other additional skills are required. Recommended operators: two people in addition to mechanic. Required workshop facilities: standard mechanic’s tool-kit, computer loaded software to deal with faults, welding equipment. Test and evaluation Buffalo has been tested by the US Army as well as the Humanitarian Demining Department at Ft. Belvoir. The Buffalo’s predecessor, Minekiller, has been used operationally since 1997. Basic concepts in use since 1991.

Buffalo with steel wheels and roller systems

Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths Not suitable for marshy ground conditions. Versatility. Good mine blast protection. High mobility. The vehicle is transportable by sea and C-17 equivalent air transportation. The vehicle is roadworthy on paved surfaces with tyres fitted. Mine-protected vehicles 179 Casspir

RG-31 M Alvis OMC, South Africa

Casspir Mine-Protected Vehicle

General description Casspir is part of a series of mine-protected vehicles adapted for military, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. The monocoque hull is constructed from high grade alloy and armour- plated steel. The hull has been proven against anti-tank mine blasts and some types of high velocity projectile. For the demining role, Casspir can exchange rubber road wheels for special steel wheels. The steel wheels are specifically designed to withstand detonation of most types of anti-personnel mines, but are not adequate protection against anti-tank mines. Tests have shown the steel wheels to be unaffected by anti-personnel mine blasts.1 The steel wheels are attachable to Casspir and Tapir MPVs. Casspir can be employed in multiple roles, e.g. personnel carrier, ambulance, utility freight carrier, tanker and recovery vehicle. The vehicle crew is protected against up to three stacked anti-tank mines under any wheel and two under the hull.1 The operational effectiveness of the vehicle may however be compromised. Ballistic protection up to 7.62mm rounds, as well as shrapnel,1 is achieved. Casspir main components are commercially available. Specialist mechanics are not required. The vehicle requires little technical support and is usually field repairable after a mine detonation incident. Powered by a TATA driveline, the Casspir MK 2C (I) is the latest in the manufacturer’s range and provides excellent on/off road mobility as well as ease of maintenance, with a proven TATA drive line. RG-31M: Derived from the successful RG-31, the RG-31M features a military wiring harness, central tyre inflation and several other new features. It is a 4x4 mine-protected armoured vehicle with a crew of five and a weight of 8,400kg. The all-steel, welded armour, monocoque hull protects the crew against small arms fire and anti-tank mine detonations. According to the manufacturer the vehicle is blast resistant against the detonation of a double TM57anti-tank mine (the equivalent of 14kg of TNT) under any wheel, or a single TM57 under the hull. The RG-31M has been designed to fulfil a wide spectrum of applications including humanitarian demining. Specifications Casspir can be employed in multiple roles, e.g. personnel carrier, ambulance, utility freight carrier, tanker and recovery vehicle. Mine-protected vehicles 180 Mine-protected vehicles

Detection performance

Although the vehicle would be damaged, the crew is protected against up to three stacked AT mines (up to 21kg TNT).1 Effective ballistic protection up to 7.62mm, as well as shrapnel.2 Casspir can be equipped with VAMIDS. VAMIDS can detect zones of ground of 2-6m in diameter. Paint spray nozzles mark mines or UXO (or areas of interest) while moving up to 10km/h. The detection heads can be mounted at either side or at the rear of Casspir. Casspir is suited to area survey, route survey, area reduction and Quality Assurance (QA). The Casspir has been modified to accommodate the VAMIDS system. The vehicle dimensions and weight differ from the original specification. VAMIDS performs good scanning at the relatively high speed of 10km/h.1 The diagram below shows detection data collected at U.S. Army Fort AP Hill, Virginia, using a two metre flexible array at approx. 1m/sec.

Technical data for VAMIDS system: One-Meter Flexible Array Segment Effective detection width: 1,000mm (39.40") Dimensions: 1,168mm (45.60") wide, 613mm (24.10") deep Weight: 27kg (59lbs) Number of detection heads: 8 Bend angle per detection head: +/- 2° Bend angle per segment: +/- 14° Operational temperature range: -40°C to +85°C Storage temperature range: -55°C to +85°C The given weights and dimensions include the VAMIDS frame. For wider array of detector heads add 1,000mm (39.40") in width and 27kg (59lbs) for each additional metre of segmented detector head.

RG-31 M Mine-protected vehicles 181 Machines in use to date Mechem has 8 Casspir/Tapir vehicles fitted with steel wheels between Croatia and Mozambique. More than 10 million square metres of ground covered by steel-wheeled Casspir. Over 10 years, more than 10,000 anti-personnel mines have been detonated by steel wheels without crew injury.1 Mechem have employed one Casspir and one Tapir equipped with VAMIDS in Mozambique as well as trials in South Africa since 1997. NPA is using the Casspir with steel wheels in Angola. Engine, fuel and oil Casspir is equipped with a six-cylinder in-line 124kw turbocharged diesel engine with 124kw. The engine has a pressurised liquid cooling system. The auxiliary engine for the VAMIDS detection system requires diesel. The fuel capacity for the vehicle is 220l. Factory support For the VAMIDS system: Mechem can supply all spare parts. Many parts are available on international commercial market. Main spares for pneumatics by the international firm Festo. Technical and operator training manuals are included in purchase price. Manuals are available in English. One year warranty on complete VAMIDS system. The system with complete crew can be hired from Mechem. Steel wheels: Mechem can supply new or reconditioned steel wheels on order. Delivery period of 6-8 weeks from date of order. The manufacturer has not provided further information. Maintenance and support Casspir vehicle: Main components are robust and commercially available. Time and money saved. Specialist mechanics not required. The vehicle is usually field-repairable after a mine detonation incident. VAMIDS: The VAMIDS system requires an operator familiar with Windows 95/98 or 2000. Basic knowledge of computer and software diagnostics, installing drives and software, Windows Explorer and e-mail. Basic knowledge of electronics and pneumatics. Basic hydraulic knowledge required for the system. Steel wheels: Minor maintenance required. Simple to replace. Tests and evaluations VAMIDS: Mechem carried out significant evaluations of the system over a four-year period and assess it as a highly useful tool. Test reports of the system available from Mechem on request. Mine-protected vehicles 182 Mine-protected vehicles

Steel wheels: Steel wheels have been used extensively in Mozambique and Croatia. Technical tests have been conducted. Results available from Mechem on request.

The manufacturer has not provided further information.

Early version of Casspir mounting steel wheels

Reported limitations and strengths of the Casspir

Limitations Strengths Steel wheels: Steel wheels: Very heavy system requiring special equipment Robust. to fit to the vehicle. Requires special Good for most terrain. arrangements for transportation. Claimed to detonate more than 80 per cent of Maximum speed is 10km/h. anti-personnel mines in area covered. Special driver training required. Incorrect Requires little technical support. driving techniques could damage the drive train of the vehicle. VAMIDS: The system is useful for QA, area reduction, VAMIDS: surveying and detection of mines with higher Although the system can detect mines with metal content e.g. PMN, PMD and anti-group minimum metal content, it becomes impractical mines. when deployed to areas with high occurrence of metal debris.

1. According to the manufacturer. Mine-protected vehicles 183 DINGO 2

Krauss Maffei Wegmann, Germany

DINGO2 All Protected Carrier Vehicle

General description The DINGO is a light mine-proof vehicle based on the renowned Commercial Unimog chassis by DaimlerChrysler. The Dingo has excellent mobility in varied terrain. Support services are provided by DaimlerChrysler’s worldwide service network, with an inexpensive spare parts package. The specially designed hull is proven to withstand the blast effects of anti-tank mines. Specifications DINGO 2 can be employed in multiple roles, e.g. personnel carrier, reconnaissance vehicle for EOD or demining staff, or ambulance. The crew is protected against anti-tank mines up to 7kg of TNT and common types of anti- personnel mine. Effective ballistic protection up to 7.62x54 anti-personnel rounds (Dragunov). A wide range of optional features are available. Vehicles in use today Today, 170 Dingo 1’s are in service with the Bundeswehr (German Army). The vehicles are operational with German forces in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Macedonia. Engine, fuel and oil COTS Daimler-Chrysler Unimog chassis. Engine: 170 kw DC engine (EURO 3 Standard). Semi-automatic gearbox. Range 1,000km. 220l fuel capacity. Factory support The DINGO 2 is supported by the company’s worldwide support and maintenance network. Spare parts are available worldwide through the DaimlerChrysler sales network. Maintenance support Main components are of rugged design and commercially available through the worldwide servicing network. KMW is contracted for maintenance in several conflict and post-conflict areas around the world. Mine-protected vehicles 184 Mine-protected vehicles

Test and evaluation Before procurement, the German Army tested the DINGO 1 extensively. The vehicle has proven operational effectiveness from several missions worldwide. Independent test reports are not available.

Reported limitations and strengths

Lack of independent test reports. No information can be provided. Mine-protected vehicles 185 POOKIE 2000 LMVD

Force Ware Gmbh., Germany

POOKIE (original version)

General description The POOKIE 2000 Land Mine Detection Vehicle (LMDV) is the latest generation development of the mine detection unit that saw operations in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in the 1970s and 1980s. More than 75 working units have been in operation and have successfully located in excess of 550 mines of various types. This light-armoured, two-seater vehicle was initially designed to clear mined roads during the height of the Rhodesian counterinsurgency. It has now been improved to detect in open areas and serves well as a quality control system. Other variants of the system are a reconnaissance vehicle and an ambulance. The unit is currently manufactured in South Africa. Negotiations are underway to manufacture the vehicle in Europe. Working methodology The unit’s primary function is as a blast- and fragment-protected detection support platform. The unit is driven like any normal vehicle. According to the manufacturer, the vehicle can be equipped with a specially designed detection system that can locate mines while moving at between 5 and 40 km/h. Speed of detection depends on the mine type encountered and the terrain of operation. The unit is operated by a crew of two: a driver and an observer for the detection system. A combination of a lightweight body trailing arm, independent suspension and special tyres contribute to excellent weight proportion. Therefore, the vehicle is able to traverse suspect areas without detonating anti-tank or anti-personnel mines. Detecting pans are fitted to the centre of the body and are able to detect even low-metal-content mines within the path of the vehicle. As a reconnaissance vehicle, experienced observers can locate mines visually in support of the detection system. The vehicle can be fitted as an ambulance for fast casualty evacuation over difficult terrain. The vehicle can also be fitted with a pre-detonating device to initiate tilt-rod-activated mines, such as the Yugoslav TMRP6. Machines presently in use More than 75 units have been manufactured and deployed for operations. A number of re-engineered units are currently in operation in Africa and the Middle East. Mine-protected vehicles 186 Mine-protected vehicles

Detection The vehicle is presently equipped with basic pulse induction metallic detectors developed in South Africa. In the foreseeable future and with the advancements in technology, ground penetrating radar (GPR) will be included in support of a metal detector. The standard detectors fitted are two VALLON VMV4 flat pans fixed to each side of the body, equidistant from the axle sub-assemblies. They sit approximately 300mm above the ground and each pan can be either 2 or 3 metres in length. They are said to be durable and able to operate in different weather and climate conditions. The unit has been designed for the integration of other multi-sensor systems as they are developed. The search head contains eight detector coils, which carry the signal to a computer. The central electronic unit processes the measured signals from the detector coils and provides either an audio or a visual display on a PC and/or printouts. The vehicle and system can be fitted to a Global Positioning System (GPS) for positioning purposes. The client may select the detector to be mounted. Mechanical data The original horizontally aligned, petrol-powered 1600cc Volkswagen engine has been replaced with a 170 IDI diesel injection 1,686cc engine. The diesel engine improves general performance of the detection system, decreasing static interference on the detecting units. Body configuration: twin cabin mine-proofed, armoured monocoque body hull sitting 700mm above ground level on a retrofitted Isuzu chassis. With optional armoured glass windscreen and rear view windows. Transmission: 5-speed gearbox, automatic transmission is optional Suspension: trailing arm Rubrax independent suspension four-wheel drive. Fuel capacity: 40l diesel. Tank is situated above the chassis and to the rear of the cab and engine for safety reasons. Factory support Other than the monocoque hull all parts of the unit are commercially available. The manufacturer will supply running and maintenance spares for two years of operations as part of the purchase package. Due to the simple design of the POOKIE, spares are easily available from any company purchasing motor vehicles. Any damage to the monocoque hull caused by accident or a mine detonation can be repaired in any field workshop. Chassis are interchangeable in approximately one hour. Training is part of the purchase package. Operators should ideally have some mechanical experience. Operator training lasts one day and can be conducted from any base with access to rugged terrain areas. Operators should have a working knowledge of the detection system. Operations may require support from qualified staff with access to workshop facilities. Instruction manuals are in English but can be ordered in an alternate language upon request of the purchaser. Service and maintenance manuals and documentation are also included in the purchase package. Maintenance and support Vehicle maintenance is routine, however the detection system requires special maintenance facilities with trained staff. Test and evaluation The POOKIE has been tested in difficult operational conditions in Africa. The original vehicles have been extensively used in operations for more than five years, completing well over one million kilometres of road clearance. The monocoque hull was field blast-tested using different types of anti-tank mines and withstood multiple detonations. It is unlikely that there would be injuries to the driver and observer if they are properly secured with seat belts. Blast overpressure can be countered by the use of special helmets. Mine-protected vehicles 187 Mine blasts occurring during operations were few and were a result of remote command-initiated mines. There are no known casualties as a result of these blasts. No impartial or independent test results are available.


Reported limitations and strengths Limitations Strengths Not suitable for heavy terrain conditions. Rugged and simple design. High level of crew protection. Easily transported. Mine-protected vehicles 188 Mine-protected vehicles Mine-protected vehicles 189 Wer'wolf MkII MPV

Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik Pty Ltd (WMF), Namibia

The Wer’wolf MkII Modular Mine Protected Vehicle personnel carrier

General description The Wer’wolf MkII Modular Mine and Ballistic Protected Vehicle (MPV) is the product of collaboration between Military International Ltd. (MIL) of Canada and Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik (1998) Pty Ltd (WMF) of Namibia. The first WMF Mine Protected Vehicle (MPV) was produced in 1977. All WMF vehicles are based on commercially available MAN (Germany) automotive components. MAN is a manufacturer with worldwide logistic support. The Wer’wolf MKII is in full series production, currently in service with the Namibian Defence Force. Wer’wolf comprises a full running chassis fitted with mine-protected belly armour and a ballistic double-cab at the front. The rear of the vehicle is a flatbed configuration, twist-locked onto the forward cab, enabling different rear modules to be fitted within minutes depending on the task. Nine modules are available to facilitate different roles, including recovery, ambulance, command and mobile workshop. The vehicle is suitable for mounting mobile detection equipment. The automatic transmission version can be converted to remote control operation. Specifications Wer’wolf features a six-speed manual transmission providing six synchronised forward gears and 1 reverse gear. Automatic shift transmission is available and can be fitted to the vehicle without modification. The driver can select tractive effort through 4 pneumatically activated switches. In addition to permanent 4 X 4 drive, the operator can select front and rear differential locks independently. Transfer case lock-up for high/low range selection as well as a 50:50 tractive effort split in 4-wheel drive mode. Power steering is standard. Top speed is 125 km/h with a cruising speed of 90 km/h on paved roads. Operating range is 960 km on a full tank. Wer’wolf can be driven up gradients of 70% and for its size, has a tight turning circle of 16m.1 The vehicle is of monocoque design, offering all-round protection against the most common ball rounds from as close as 10m. The Wer’wolf hull provides ballistic protection against mortar and artillery fragments. Wer’wolf protects against triple anti-tank mine blasts (21 kg TNT) under any wheel and double anti-tank mine blasts (14 kg TNT) under the hull. The vehicle protects against IED detonations of 14 kg of TNT, with a stand-off distance of 3m from either side. Mine-protected vehicles 190 Mine-protected vehicles

Due to the axle design and spare axle capacity, the vehicle can be fitted with an add-on belly plate to provide protection against explosive formed projectile mines (e.g. TMRP-6). Machines in use to date 72 units have been built to date. 2 vehicles are in service with the German NGO Menschen gegen Minen (MgM). Engine, fuel and oil Wer’wolf MKII is powered by a MAN straight six, turbo-charged diesel engine fitted with an intercooler. The engine develops 224hp and 825Nm of torque, which translates into a power to weight ratio of 23hp/t. Factory support Wer’wolf is based on a standard, commercial MAN vehicle. 12-month vehicle warranty with unlimited mileage from MAN. Spare parts logistical support through MAN international dealership (not through WMF). Maintenance and support Access to the engine compartment is through a swing-open front grill for convenient engine checks. Engine and transmission pull out on a rail-mounted sledge for easy maintenance access. Engine replacement is fast and efficient. Air pressure point provided inside the engine compartment linked to the vehicle’s air pressure system for checking and adjusting tyre pressures and cleaning air filters.

Tests and evaluations The Wer’wolf MkII has undergone blast and ballistic tests by the manufacturer in Namibia. Test results are available from MIL Canada and the GICHD.

Wer’wolf after detonation of 14kg of TNT under the front axle Wer’wolf MkII personal carrier

Reported limitations and strengths

Limitations Strengths Heavy due to extensive protection. Based on widely-available MAN commercial automotive parts. Reliable defence against mine blasts.

1. According to the manufacturer. Mine-protected vehicles 191 Technical data sheet Buffalo

a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 8,200mm (323 inches) 2. Length, total: 10,896mm (429 inches) 3. Width without attachment: 2,470mm (97 inches) 4. Width, total: 2,470mm (97 inches) 5. Clearing/working width: 900mm 6. Height, overall: 2,850mm (117 inches) 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 17,272kg (38,000lbs) 8. Mass, detachable units: Steel wheels: 545kg (1,200lbs) each; towed disc roller: 1,636kg (3,600lbs) 9. Mass, overall: 48,800lbs b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/ tracks: Steel wheels with cleats to fulfill traction and vegetation cutting 11. Ground pressure, max weight: 3.07kg/cm2 12. Hill climbing ability: 20% c. Clearance performance 13. Working speed • light soil/medium vegetation: 3 to 5mph • medium soil/medium vegetation: 3 to 5mph • heavy soil/dense vegetation: 1 to 2mph 14. Control of clearance/working depth: Function of pressure on initiation system c. System specifications 15. Engine: Caterpillar C-12 16. Fuel capacity: 110 US gallons 17. Fuel consumption: 10-15mpg 18. Cooling system engine: Standard 19. Oil capacity: 10 US gallons 20. Hydraulic oil capacity: 16.54 US gallons 21.Machines in use: 2 in Afghanistan (as of Dec. 2003), U.S. Army; 1 in Far East, U.S. Humanitarian Demining Programme (exact location unknown as of Dec. 2003) 22. Other types: Minekiller and Casspir use the same system d. Comfort and security 23. Air conditioning: 2 heavy duty air conditioners 24. Operator comfort: Ergonomically designed capsule, seating, etc. 25. Armour: Mine protection: 45lbs TNT on any wheel. 30lbs TNT centerline. Ballistic protection: 7.62x51mm NATO round Glass: 7.62x51 AP multi-hit e. Costs 26. Cost of system: Base cost: U.S.$500,000; steel wheels: U.S.$16,675; disc rollers: U.S.$10,304 27. Other costs: • training: On site: U.S.$15,000 for 10 days • spare part set chains/belts Not required for chains, etc. Set of 2 spare steel wheels: U.S.$5,558; set of spare discs: U.S.$4,122; vehicle spares /air filters, etc.: U.S.$5,000 • repair costs for one year: US$15,000 to 20,000, which includes the above spare 28. Transportation: By sea, by air: C-17 or equivalent; by road: on normal road wheels 29. Availability for hire: Yes, long-term Mine-protected vehicles 192 Mine-protected vehicles

Technical data sheet Casspir as standard personal carrier a. Dimensional data 1. Length total: 6,900mm 2. Width total: 2,450mm 3. Height, overall: 2,850mm 4. Weight, basic vehicle: Not given 5. Payload: Not given 6. Gross vehicle mass: 10,800kg b. Driving specifications 7. Wheels/ tracks: 4 wheels 1,400x20 8. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given 9. Hill climbing ability: Up to 60%a) 10. Maximal speed: 98 km/h 11. Turning circle diameter: 18,360mm c. System specifications 12. Engine: Six-cylinder in-line 124kw turbocharged diesel engine 13. Fuel capacity: 220l 14. Fuel consumption: 25l/h 15. Tracking: 4x4 16. Cooling system engine: Pressurised liquid cooling 17. Oil capacity: Not given 18. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given 19. Vehicles in use: 1 (with VAMIDS), 8 Casspir/Tapir with steel wheels 20. Location of use: Croatia, Mozambique d. Comfort and security 21. Air conditioning: Only dual expeller fans 22. Operator comfort: Not given 23. Armour: Not given 24. Remote control: Not given e. Costs 25. Cost of system: Not given 26. Other costs: Not given 27. Availability for hire: Not given

a) According to the manufacturer. Mine-protected vehicles 193 Technical data sheet RG-31M

a. Dimensional data 1. Length total: 5,740mm 2. Width total: 2,200mm 3. Height, overall: 2,565mm 4. Weight, basic vehicle: 7,500kg 5. Payload: Not given 6. Ground clearance: 353mm b. Driving specifications 7. Wheels/ tracks: 335/80R20 with RFI 8. Ground pressure, max weight: Not given 9. Hill climbing ability: 60% 10. Maximal speed: 120km/h 11. Turning circle diameter: 18m c. System specifications 12. Engine: VM motorisation HR 694 Hi3, 6 in line, 4,164ccm, 128kw 13. Fuel capacity: 148l 14. Fuel consumption: Not given 15. Tracking: Not given 16. Cooling system engine: Not given 17. Oil capacity: Not given 18. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given 19. Vehicles in use: Not given 20. Location of use Not given d. Comfort and security 21. Air conditioning: Yes 22. Operator comfort: Left or right hand, fun-flat inserts 23. Armour: As described 24. Remote control: No e. Costs 25. Cost of system: Not given 26. Other costs: Not given 27. Availability for hire: Not given Mine-protected vehicles 194 Mine-protected vehicles

Technical data sheet Dingo 2 long wheelbase a. Dimensional data 1. Length total: 6,100mm 2. Width total: 2,300mm 3. Height, roof: 2,350mm 4. Mass, basic vehicle: 9,200kg 5. Crew: 8 passengers 6. Gross vehicle mass: 11,900kg b. Driving specifications 7. Wheels/tracks: Permanent four-wheel drive 8. Fording capacity: 1,200mm 9. Hill climbing ability: 33o/14o 10. Maximal speed: approx. 100km/h c. System specifications 11. Engine: DC 170kw, 4,800ccm 12. Fuel capacity: 220l 13. Range: 1,000km 14. Location of use: Afghanistan, Kosovo, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia d. Comfort and security 15. Air conditioning: Yes 16. Operator comfort: N/A 17. Armour: AT mines, 7.62x54 AP 18. Remote control: N/A e. Costs 19. Cost of system: Not given 20. Other costs: Not given 21. Transportation: Air transport C-160, C-130 22. Availability for hire: Not given Mine-protected vehicles 195 Technical data sheet Pookie 2000 LMDV

a. Dimensional data 1. Length without pre-detonating attachment: 4,400mm 2. Length total: 4,800mm 3. Width without detector pans: 2,300mm 4. Width total (max. with pans): 6,000mm 5. Clearing/working width Depending on pans fitted. • pans are either 2,000mm: 4,000mm • or 3,000mm: 6,000mm 6. Height, overall: 1,050mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 2,500kg 8. Mass detachable unit (2 detection pans): 110kg 9. Mass, overall: 2,650kg b. Driving specifications 10. Wheels/tracks: 4 specially engineered wide-rimmed non-treaded tyres inflated to 0.2bars 11. Ground pressure: 5lbs/sq. inch 12. Hill climbing ability: 45o slope 13. Clearance depth: Metallic detector 50-200mm, GPR: 150mm. Detection capability/depth depends on the terrain condition, soil type and mine type. c. System specifications 14. Engine: 170 IDI diesel injection, 1,686cc positioned to rear of driver 13. Fuel capacity: 40l class C diesel (can be increased to suit client's requirements) 14. Machines in use: 75 original units have been manufactured in Rhodesia- Zimbabwe 15. Other types: POOKIE 200 is a new millenium upgrade of ther original unit that successfully operated in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe 16. Location of use: Re-engineered Pookies (original) are in operation in Eritrea, Sudan and Oman. 17. Cooling system: Standard radiator water colled 18. Oil capacity: 5.5l d. Comfort and security 19. Air conditioning: Optional extra 20. Operator comfort: Special ergonomically designed seats to cushion against a blast. Seat belts standard fitting. 21. Armour: Vehicle monocoque hull is armour plated to withstand triple mine blast to belly 22. Remote control: No e. Costs 23. Cost of system: U.S.$160,000 FOB Durban, South Africa, without detector system. Client to negotiate detector system cost with Vallon GmbH 24. Other costs: Not given 25. Availability for hire: Not given Mine-protected vehicles 196 Mine-protected vehicles

Technical data sheet Wer'wolf MkII a. Dimensional data 1. Length total: 6,360mm 2. Width total: 2,500mm 3. Height, overall: 2,650mm 4. Weight, basic vehicle: 9,860kg 5. Payload: 1,500kg 6. Gross vehicle mass: 11,360kg 7. Ground clearance: 355mm laden, 380mm unladen b. Driving specifications 8. Wheels/ tracks: Four wheels and one spare, Michelin 365/80R20 9. Ground pressure, max. weight: Not given 10. Hill climbing ability: Up to 70% on paved roads) 11. Maximal speed: • 125 km/h on paved roads • 90 km/h on hard, even dirt road 12. Turning circle diameter: 16m c. System specifications 13. Engine: MAN D0826 LF – Euro 2 turbocharged, intercooled diesel engine with 224hp, 6.87l, six-cylinder in-line 14. Fuel capacity: 240l 15. Fuel consumption: 25l/h 16. Transition: Not given 17. Cooling system engine: Water & ethylene glycol mixture 1:1 18. Oil capacity Not given 19. Hydraulic oil capacity: Not given 29. Brakes • service brake: Dual circuit full pneumatic with integral emergency brake • park brake: Pneumatic spring actuated on rear wheels • exhaust brake: Optional 21. Gear box: Six-speed manual – optional automatic transmission, synchronized on all forward gears, six forward and one reverse • power take off Optional 22. Vehicles in use: 72 23. Location of use: Namibia d. Comfort and security 24. Air conditioning: Not given 25. Operator comfort: Not given 26. Armour: Not given 27. Remote control: Optional e. Costs 28. Cost of system: Not given 29. Other costs: Not given 39. Availability for hire: Not given Mine-protected vehicles 197 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS

Buffalo Casspir PC and RG-31M a. Dimensional data 1. Length without attachment: 8,200mm 2. Length, total: 10,896mm PC: 6,360mm; RG: 5,740mm 3. Width total: 2,470mm PC: 2,450mm: RG: 2,200mm 5. Clearing/working width: 900mm 6. Height, overall: 2,850mm PC: 2,850mm; 2,565mm 7. Mass, basic vehicle: 17,272kg PC: not given, RG: 7,500kg 8. Mass, detachable units: steel wheels: 545kg each, towed disc roller: 1,636kg 9. Payload: — Not given 10. Mass, overall: 48,800lbs PC: 10,800kg b. Clearance performance 11. Working speed RG. ground clearance: 353mm • light soil/med. vegetation: 3 to 5 mph • med. soil/med. vegetation: 3 to 5mph • heavy soil/dense vegetation: 1 to 2mph 12. Control of clearance depth: Function of pressure on initiation system Driving specifications 13. Wheels/ tracks: Steel wheels with cleats to fulfill PC: 4 wheels1,400x20; RG: 335/ traction and vegetation cutting 80R20 with RFI 14. Ground pressure, max weight: 3.07kg/cm2 Not given 15. Hill climbing ability: 20% Up to 60%a) 16. Maximal speed: — PC: 98km/h; RG: 120km/h

17. Turning circle diameter: — PC: 18,360m, RG: 18m c. System specifications 12. Engine: Caterpillar C-12 PC: 6-cyl. in line 124kw turbo- charged diesel engine; RG: VM motorisation HR 694 Hi3, 6 cyl. in line, 4,164ccm, 128kw 13. Fuel capacity: 110 US gallons PC: 240l; RG: 148l 14. Fuel consumption: 10-15mpg PC: 25l/h; RG: not given 15. Tracking/transition: — PC: 4x4; RG: not given 16. Cooling system engine: Standard PC: pressurised liquid cooling; RG: not given 17. Oil capacity: 10 US gallons Not given 18. Hydraulic oil capacity: 16.54 US gallons Not given 19. Brakes • service brake:

• park brake:

• exhaust brake: 20. Gear box:

• power take off 21. Vehicles in use: 2 in Afghanistan, 1 in Far East PC: 1 with VAMIDS, 8 Casspir/ Tapir with steel wheels 22. Location of use— PC: Croatia, Mozambique 23. Other types: Minekiller and Casspir use the same system d. Comfort and security 24. Air conditioning: 2 heavy duty air conditioners PC: only dual expeller fans; RG: yes 25. Operator comfort: Ergonomically designed capsule, Not given; RG: left or right hand, seating, etc. fun-flat inserts Mine-protected vehicles 198 Mine-protected vehicles

Dingo 2 Pookie 2000 LMDV Wer'Wolf MkII

4,400mm 6,100mm 4,800mm 6,360mm 2,300mm 6,000mm 2,500mm 4,000 or 6,000mm Roof: 2,350mm 1,050mm 2,650mm 9,200kg 2,500kg 9,860kg Crew: 8 passengers 2 detection pans: 110kg

1,500kg 11,900kg 2,650kg 11,360kg

Metallic detector: 50-200mm; Ground clearance: 355mm GPR: 150mm; Detection capa- laden, 380mm unladen bility/depth depends on soil condition, soil type and mine type

Permanent 4-wheel drive 4 specially engineered wide- Four wheels and one spare Fording capacity: 1,200mm rimmed non-treaded tyres Michelin 365/80R20 5lbs/sq. inch Not given 33o/14o 45o slope Up to 70o on paved roads Approx. 100km/h • 125 km/h on paved roads 125km/h on paved roads 90km on hard, even dirt road 16m

DC 170kw, 4,800ccm 170IDI diesel injection. 1,686cc MAN D0826 LF – Euro 2 turbo- positioned to rear of driver charged, intercooled diesel engine with 224hp, 6.87l, six-cylinder in-line 220l 40l class C diesel 240l Range: 1,000km 25l/h 25l/h Not given Standard radiator water colled Water & ethylene glycol mixture 1:1 5.5l Not given Not given Not given Not given

Dual circuit full pneumatic with integral emergency brake Pneumatic spring actuated on rear wheels Optional 6-speed manual- optional automatic transmission, synchronized on all forward gears, six forward and one reverse Optional 75 original units have been Approx. 400 manufactured in Zimbabwe Afghanistan, Kosovo, Macedonia Eritrea, Sudan and Oman Namibia

Yes Optional extra Not given

N/A Ergonomically designed seats to Not given cushion against a blast. Mine-protected vehicles 199 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS

Buffalo Casspir PC and RG-31M

25. Armour: Mine protection: 45lbs TNT on any Not given; RG: as described wheel; 30lbs TNT centerline; ballistic protection: 7.62x51mm NATO round, glass: 7.62x51 AP multi-hit e. Costs 27. Cost of system: Base cost: U.S.$500,000; steel Not given wheels: U.S.$16,675; disc rollers: U.S.$10,304

28. Other costs: Not given Not given • training: On site: U.S.$ 15,000 for 10 days • spare part set: Set of 2 spare steel wheels: U.S.$ 5,558; set of spare discs: U.S.$4,122, vehicle spares/air filters:, etc.: U.S.$5,000 • repair costs for one year: U.S.$15,000 to 20,000, which includes the above spare 20. Transportation: By sea, by air: C-17 or equivalent; by road: on normal road wheels 30. Availability for hire: Yes, long term Not given Mine-protected vehicles 200 Mine-protected vehicles

Dingo 2 Pookie 2000 LMDV Wer'Wolf MkII

AT mines, 7.62x54 AP Vehicle monocoque hull is Not given armour plated to withstand triple mine blast to belly

Not given U.S.$160,000 FOB Durban, without Not given detector system. Client to negotiate detector system with Vallon GmbH Not given Not given Not given

Air transport C-160, C-130 Not given

Not given Not given Not given Mine-protected vehicles 201 Mine-protected vehicles 202 Appendixes

203 204 Appendix A

List of manufacturers

Aardvark Clear Mine Ltd Soham, •Aardvark Mk IV, p. 34 Ely CB7 5BJ Shevock Estate United Kingdom Insch AB52 6XQ Tel: +44 1638 74 39 79 Aberdeenshire Fax: +44 1638 74 25 78 United Kingdom E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.armtrac.net Tel: +44 1464 820122 Contact: Stephen Brown Fax: +44 1464 820985 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www. landmineclearance.com A/S Hydrema Danmark Contact: David SADLER •Hydrema MCV 910, p. 38 Managing Director •Hydrema M1220 Light Armoured and R 1820, p. 158 Alvis Moelv AS G.P. Daugaard •Viking VMCS, p. 68 Gl. Kirkevej 16 PO Box 244 N 9530 Stovring 2391 Moelv Denmark Norway Tel: +45 98 37 13 33 Tel: +47 62 35 46 00 Fax: +45 98 37 19 96 Direct: +47 62 35 46 32 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +47 62 35 46 01 Website: www.hydrema.com E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.haggmo.no Bofors Defence AB Contact: Bjorn Skjervold, Sales Manager •Mine–Guzzler, p. 80 691 80 Karlskoga Alvis OMC Sweden •Casspir, p. 180 Tel: +46 586 855 46 •RG-31-M, p. 180 Fax: +46 586 855 77 12 Barnsley Road Website: www.boforsdefence.se Private Bag X049 Contact: Allan Carlsson Benoni 1500 Mobile: +46 73 668 24 00 South Africa E-mail: [email protected] Tel.; + 27 (0) 11 747 33 00 Fax: +27 (0) 11 845 13 98 Columbia Research Corporation E-mail: [email protected] •Mini-Flail, p. 12 •Small-Flail, p. 14 Armtrac Ltd 12310 Panama City Beach Parkway •Armtrac 75 mini flail, p. 8 Panama City Beach, FL 32407 •Armtrac 100, p. 36 U.S. •Armtrac 325, p. 114 Tel.: +1 850 234 88 17 •Armtrac Sifter, p. 170 Fax: +1 850 234 54 60 5 Tenbell Lane Website: www.columbiaresearch.com

205 Contact: Mr. Ross Lindman Tel: +41(0) 79 586 52 46 Vice-President Gulf Coast Div. Fax: +41 (0) 32 944 21 32 [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mr Ray Bentz Technical Director DOK-ING d.o.o. •MV-4, p. 20 Corus Northern Engineering Services Vjekoslav Majetic •Minelifta, p. 64 Zitnjak b.b. P.O. Box 1 10 000 Zagreb Brigg Road Croatia DN16 1BP Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire Tel: +385 1 24 81 300/302 United Kingdom Fax: +385 1 24 81 303 Website: www.corusgroup.com/Minelifta E-mails: [email protected] Contact: Graham Ashton [email protected] Business Development and Website: www.dok-ing.hr Project Services Manager Tel.: +44 (0) 1724 402 137 Duro Dakovic Speciajalna Vozila d.d. Fax: +44 (0) 1724 402 193 E-mail: [email protected] Croatia • RM-KA 02, p. 46 Countermine Engineering AB Dr. Mile Budaka 1 • Oracle, p. 84 HR-35000 Slavonski Brod Croatia Oxelgrensvägen 34 152 42 Södertälje Tel.: +385 35/218219 Sweden Fax: +385 35/218824 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +46 855 080 855 Website: www.ddsv.hr Fax: +46 855 080 860 Contact: Mr. Darko Grbac E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.countermine.com FFG Flensburger Fahrzeugbau GmbH DEMCO (Pty) Ltd. •Minebreaker 2000/2, p. 82 Werftstr. 24 • DEMCO System, p. 116 24939 Flensburg P.O. Box 188 Germany Lyndhust South Africa 2106 Tel: +49 461 4812 176 Fax: +49 461 4812 100 Tel.: +27 1 393 2092 E-mail: [email protected] +27 1 393 3705/6 Website: www.ffg-flensburg.de Fax: +27 1 976 4508 E-mail: [email protected] Website : www.demcomine.com Force Ware GmbH •Pookie 2000 LMDV, p. 186 Development Tchnology Workshops Im Grund 4 •Tempest Mk V, p. 132 72800 Eningen Germany P.O. Box 1244 Tel.: +49 7121 42 03 18 Phnom Penh Fax: +49 7121 42 03 19 Cambodia E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +855 12 61 58 83 Fax: +855 23 43 02 38 E-mail: [email protected] FURUKAWA Co. Ltd Websites: www.worldbrailler.com •Hitachi-Furukawa, p. 120 www.dtworks.org 6-1 Marunouchi, 2-chome, Digger DTR Chiyoda-ku, •Digger D-1, p. 156 Tokyo Japan Route de Pierre-Pertuis 28 2710 Tavannes Tel : +81 3212 1836 Switzerland Fax : +81 3212 6557 E-mail : [email protected] Website: www.digger.ch Website : www.furukawakk.co.jp Contact: Nathan Kunz Contact: A.Kawachi

206 HADI Maschinenbau GmbH Military International Ltd. •FMR 2000, p. 78 •Wer’wolf MkII MPV, p. 190 Ardaggerstrasse 96 Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik (1998) (Pty) Ltd 3300 Amstetten Austria Contact: Hannes Kögl Tel.: +264 61 23 50 71 Tel: +43 74 72 6 27 08 Fax: +264 61 23 57 42 Fax: +43 74 72 6 27 08-6 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.hadi.at Norwegian Demining Consortium AS - HEC Hendrik Ehlers Consult NoDeCo •HEC MAXX Mine Clearance Multi Tool, • Compact 140 Minecat, p. 18 p. 118 • Minecat 230, p. 40 • MgM Rotar Mk-II, p. 122 Fossveien 8 1742 Tistedal •HEC Rotar Mk-1, p. 172 Norway International Office 1 Diehl Street, Souther Industrial Website: www.nodeco.nu P.O. Box 24394 Contact: Dag Aspli Windhoek Tel: +47 69 19 20 55 Fax: +47 69 19 12 10 Namibia Mobile: +47 92 61 29 45

Cell: +264 81 127 7020 Fax: 264 61 243 477 Patria Vehicles Oy E-mail: [email protected] •Patria RA-140 DS, p. 44 Autotehtaantie 1 Hontstav S.R.O. P.O. Box 186 • Diana 40T, p. 16 13101 Hämeenlinna Kuzmanyho 22 Finland 963 01 Krupina E-mail: [email protected] Slovakia Website: www.patria.fi Contact: Pauli Rumbin Tel.: +421 451 91 83 Tel: +358 3 6451 Fax: +421 451 91 83 Fax: +358 3 619 6710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.hontstav.com

Komatsu Trading, Inc. Pearson Engineering •Komatsu PC 60 Vegetation Cutter, •Pearson Minefield Tractor, p. 124 p. 160 Wincomblee Road Walker Komatsu Bldg. Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 3QS 3-6 Akasaka 2-chome United Kingdom Minato-ku Tokyo 107-8414 Tel: +44 191 23 40 001 Japan Fax: +44 191 26 20 402 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +81 35 561 27 86 Website: www.pearson-eng.com Fax: +81 33 587 29 28 Website: www.komatsu.com/kti/ Pro Mac Manufacturing Ltd. Krauss-Maffei Wegmann •BDM 48 Brusher Deminer, p. 154 •DINGO 2, p. 184 2940 Jacob Road Krauss-Maffei Strasse 11 Duncan, B.C. D-80997 Munich Canada V9L 6W4 Tel.: +49 89 81405410 Toll free: +1 800 665 5405 Fax: +49 89 81404970 Tel: +1 250 746 5181 Website: www.kmweg.de Fax: +1 250 746 5168 Contact: Mr. Rainer LUTZ E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.promac.bc.ca

207 Redbus LMDS Limited Tel.: +386 41 681 803 +386 41 725 790 •Redbus LMDS, p. 102 Fax: +386 45 831 237 Unit 15, E-mail: [email protected] Henry Bell Ind. Est., Dysard Road Website: www.trademill-mejac.si Grantham NG31 7EJ United Kingdom Vilpo d.o.o. Tel: +44 1476 56 99 89 •Samson 260/200, p. 48 Fax: +44 1476 59 11 55 Komenskega 14 E-mail: [email protected] 1000 Ljubljana, Website: www.lmds.redbus.co.uk Slovenija Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH Contact: Roman Pogacar Tel. : +38 601 4317067 •Rhino, p.86 Fax: +38 601 7863036 Falckensteiner Straße 2 E-mail: [email protected] 24159 Kiel Internet: www.vilpo.si Germany E-mail: [email protected] WAY Industry, a.s. Website: www.rheinmetall-ls.de • Bozena 4, p. 10 Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Jöhnk BOZENA Department Tel: +49 4 31 39 99 27 76 Jasikova 2 Fax: +49 4 31 39 99 29 66/ 34 50 82103 Bratislava Mobil: +49 171 44 19 364 Slovak Republic Ruag Land Systems Tel.: +421 2 48 281 320/354/264 •Minewolf, p. 100 Fax.: +421 2 43 337 529 E-mail: [email protected] Germany Website: www.bozena.sk Tel: +41 332 284 550 www.way-industry.sk E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Mr. Valer Repko, Grad. Eng., Website: www.minewolf.com Director of BOZENADepartment Contact: Heinz Rath +421 903 544 018 Tel.: +49 261 66 79 628 Fax: +49 261 66 79 629 WESCO Manufacturing Inc. • ARTS, p. 112 Scandinavian Demining Group AB 299 Duffy Avenue •Scanjack 3500, p. 66 Hicksville, NY 11801 Norra Uppfartsvägen 9 U.S. 783 32 Säter Tel.: +1 516 933 1900 Sweden Fax: +1 516 933 4300 Website: www.scanjack.com E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Lenart Berglund Website: www.wescomanufacturing.com/ Tel: +46 225 53742 arts.htm Fax: +46 225 52660 E-mail: [email protected] Yamanashi Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd Technical Solutions Group, Inc •Rotary Cutter BM 307, p. 130 •Buffalo, p. 178 564-1 Kami imasuwa, 9801 Highway 78, #3 Shirane-cho, Ladson, South Carolina 29456 Nakakoma-gun, U.S. Yamanashi, Tel.: 1 843 740 7015 Japan Fax: 1 843 740 1973 Tel.: +81 55 280 3211 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +81 55 282 3269 Website: www.forceprotection.net E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.hitachi-kenki.co.jp Trademill Mejac & Co.d.n.o. •Minemill MC 2003, p. 42 Pot Otmarja Novaka 3 SI – 4270 Jesenice Slovenia

208 Appendix B List of abbreviations

AMVC Armoured Mine Clearing Vehicle APC Armoured Personnel Carrier BWB Federal Office for Defence – Technology and Procurement (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung) CARE Cooperative for American Relief to Everywhere (NGO) CAT Caterpillar CCMAT Canadian Centre for Mine Action Technologies CECOM US Army Communications Electronics Command CIDC Canadian International Demining Corps CMAC Cambodia Mine Action Centre CMTC Combat Maneuver Training Center CROMAC Croatian Mine Action Centre DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (U.K.) DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm DoD Department of Defense (U.S.) DRES Defense Research Establishment Suffield EEP External Power Pack EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal e.V. registered society (eingetragener Verein) FACS Flail Assembly Control System FFG Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft GICHD Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining GmbH Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung GSCS Ground, Sift & Clear Systems HALO Hazardous Area Life Support Organisation HPU Hydraulic Power Unit IED Improvised Explosive Device ISO International Organization for Standardization ITEP International Test and Evaluation Program KMMCS Krohn Mechanical Mine Clearance System LCD Liquid Crystal Display LMDS Land Mine Disposal System MAG Mines Advisory Group (NGO) MAN Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg Aktiengesellschaft MCV Mine Clearance Vehicle MgM Menschen gegen Minen e.V. (NGO) MIL Military International Limited of Canada Mk Mark MPV Mine Protected Vehicle

209 MRM Mechanical Reproduction Mines MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NDRE Norwegian Defence Research Establishment NGO Non-governmental organisation NoDeCo Norwegian Demining Consortium NPA Norwegian People’s Aid (NGO) OCU Operator’s Control Unit PTO Power Take-Off RF Radio Frequency RUAG Rüstungsunternehmen Aktiengesellschaft SDTT Survivable Demining Tractor and Tools SFD Swiss Foundation for Mine Clearance SOP Standard Operating Procedures STS Safety Technology Systems SWEDEC Swedish Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Demining Centre TFT Thin Film Transistor TMA Minimum Metal Anti-Tank Blast Mine TMAC Thailand Mine Action Centre TNT Trinitrotoluene UN United Nations UNOCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan UNMAS United Nations Mine Action Service UXO Unexploded Ordnance VAMIDS Vehicular Array Mine Detection System VCU Vehicle Control Unit VHF Very High Frequency WMF Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik WTD Defence Technology Agency (Wehrtechnische Dienststelle)

210 2004

Mechanical Demining Equipment Catalogue 2004 .O. Box 1300 el. (41 22) 906 16 60, Fax (41 22) 906 16 90 Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining 7bis, avenue de la Paix P CH - 1211 Geneva 1 Switzerland T www.gichd.ch