Battle of the Plains JOM Places Second PAGE 11-13

Volume 11, Issue 2 • February 2015 The Official Newspaper of the Osage Nation

Nation to receive $7.4 million in Osage landowners with fractional interest by state, as provided by DOI: Cobell Land Buy-Back program • 441 Shannon Shaw Duty tify what’s [available land] ers to coordinate mail outs, • California 39 (with the most living in southern Osage News out there and to use what- social media, advertisements California) ever money we can within and community meetings, • Arizona 8 The Land Buy-Back Pro- the buy-back program guide- Cass said. gram for Tribal Nations has lines to make the purchases,” Once appraisals are com- • Nevada 1 come to the Osage and the fed- said Principal Chief Geoffrey SOHWHG WKH ´ÀUVW ZDYHµ RI OHW- eral government is proposing . “Then we’ll ap- ters will go to all individuals $7.4 million to buy back frac- proach our [Osage] congress receiving an offer with a 45- Top five counties in Oklahoma where tionated land interest from in- and say here’s the other two- day window to reply, said landowners reside with fractional dividual tribal members. thirds, and we would like to Morgan Rodman, Senior Ad- interest, as provided by DOI: According to Bruce Cass, buy these as well. It’s all de- visor – Tribal Relations for tribal development and land pendent on people wanting to the buy-back program. If all • Osage County acquisition director, who is accept the appraised price.” goes well, the DOI hopes to working with Osage attorney 7KH2IÀFHRI$SSUDLVDO6HU- get all individuals to accept • Tulsa County Terry Mason Moore on the vice for the buy-back program WKH RIIHU LQ WKH ÀUVW ZDYH VR • Pawnee County project, said there is roughly will be on site and performing all individuals can be paid for 64,000 acres with 680-690 in- appraisals to determine fair their interest. Individuals who • Cleveland County dividual landowners the Na- market value, as well as land choose to sell their interests • Oklahoma County tion will be contacting about appraisers from the Osage will receive payments direct- the program. BIA Agency, Cass said. The ly in their Individual Indian Those eligible for the buy- Nation is planning on send- Money accounts. Since there back program are individu- ing offers to tribal members by is a cap on the money given to pay out all purchases,” Rod- mediately restored to tribal als who own an interest in a mid to late summer. The pro- the Nation, it is important for man said. He also said the DOI trust ownership for uses ben- parcel of land with multiple gram could take 18 months to individuals to reply as soon as would consider extending the HÀWLQJWKHUHVHUYDWLRQFRPPX- owners. There must also be a two years to implement from possible to ensure payment for 45-day window. nity and tribal members. clear land title, and all estates the initial date of signing the their interest. The Osage Nation ranks in probate will not receive of- cooperative agreement for the Rodman said the Crow Na- 37th in most fractionated land Buy-Back Program fers. The BIA has already been buy-back program. tion and Sisseton Wahpeton interests, with more than 38 working to identify those indi- The cooperative agreement Oyate reached the cap on the The Cobell settlement pro- percent residing in Osage viduals eligible for offers, Cass with the U.S. Department of money given to them within vided $1.9 billion to purchase County with the majority said. A majority of the frac- Interior will detail how the WKHGD\ZLQGRZRIWKHÀUVW fractional interests in trust aged 50-60 years old. The Pine tionated land lies in the south- Nation will implement the wave because of the high re- or restricted land from will- Ridge reservation in South Da- ern part of Osage County. program and what resources sponse from tribal members. ing sellers at fair market val- NRWDUDQNHGÀUVWLQIUDFWLRQDW- “What we want to do is use will be used for outreach and “If everybody accepted the ue within a 10-year period, ed land interest. this opportunity of the Cobell education. The Nation will offers we would honor them according to a DOI release. See BUY-BACK buy-back program to iden- have temporary full time staff- within the 45-day window to Consolidated interests are im- —Continued on Page 4 Nation signs unprecedented deal with energy giant TransCanada Shannon Shaw Duty Osage News

Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear asked for en- ergy giant TransCanada to recognize the Osage Nation’s ancestral territories in an un- precedented deal, and the com- pany accepted. Courtesy Photo/Haskell Indian Nations Athletics “It says they will recognize Chris Turley, No. 22 for Haskell Indian Nations University, goes for a certain parts of the United rebound against Central Baptist College. States as our territory and will notify us if they ever decide to come through it. They are re- Basketball is mainstay in quired to notify us in fact, for purposes of doing NAGPRA soldier’s life before and a!er war work and Historical Preser- vation work,” Standing Bear Tara Madden father to twin girls – he now said. “Because apparently Osage News adds college student and col- they’ve gotten some criticism lege basketball player to his up North. So they’re trying to Chris Turley has lived titles. do what they probably should a full life in just 26 years. Turley has had a love for have done in their past.” Wounded in Afghanistan basketball since he was a First Nation’s in Canada young child, he said. His from shrapnel, to making a and northern U.S. tribes pro- full recovery after doctors See BASKETBALL tested TransCanada’s Key- stone Pipeline, which was said he wouldn’t, becoming a —Continued on Page 5 completed in 2013. To develop a map of the Nation’s ancestral lands they used the Nation’s Historic Grocer says Fairfax Venture 3UHVHUYDWLRQ 2IÀFH·V PRVW expansive territorial map to Foods store to open in March make the deal with TransCan- ada, Standing Bear said. The Benny Polacca Osage’s ancestral territory in- Osage News cludes all of eastern Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas and the FAIRFAX, Okla. – Progress continues on improving the va- Ohio River Valley. cant grocery store building in Fairfax, set to open in mid-March. “I wanted to see if they The new name: Fairfax Venture Foods. would sign it and they did. So ALLS Grocery Inc. signed a lease with the Osage Nation, who they are recognizing ancient See GROCER See ENERGY Courtesy Photo —Continued on Page 5 —Continued on Page 4 TransCanada headquarters in Calgary.

INSIDE THE OSAGE NEWS FOLLOW THE OSAGE NEWS ONLINE Chief Meets with President Obama ...... 2 Battle of the Plains | JOM ...... 11 • Breaking news at Justice Department Audit Not Good ...... 3 Community ...... 17 • Flower Shop Comes to Hominy ...... 7 Obituaries and Classifieds ...... 18 • Gardening: Returning to Our Native Roots ...... 9 Opinion ...... 19 ‡ÁLFNUFRPRVDJHQHZV 2 February 2015 Osage News •

Reimbursement Chief Geo!rey Standing Bear deadline for Health Bene!t meets with President Obama Card purchases Shannon Shaw Duty in 2014 quickly Osage News approaching The most impressive thing Osage News Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear witnessed dur- The deadline to apply ing his meeting with President for reimbursements for Barack Obama was not the medical expenses paid man himself, but the work and out of pocket in 2014 staff organization it took to be with the Osage Nation the president of the United +HDOWK %HQHÀW &DUG LV States. March 28. Standing Bear was invited Reimbursement to meet with Obama, along forms, enrollment with 10 other tribal leaders, at forms, re-enrollment the White House on Dec. 2, a forms, list of eligible day before the annual White health expenses, di- House Tribal Nations Confer- rections on how to ac- ence on Dec. 3. The tribal lead- cess online data and ers were given a 40-minute VHW XS SURÀOHV FDQ EH meeting with the president to found online at https:// discuss issues facing their re- www.osagenation-nsn. spective tribes and nations. gov/member-services/ “He’s a tall guy, really thin. health-benefits-infor- He’s got kind eyes and when he mation. came out and dealt with us and Official White House Photo by Pete Souza Osage Nation tribal members 18 years and sat there, he just seemed like Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear attends a meeting with President Barack Obama in the Roosevelt Room a regular person and seemed in the White House, Dec. 2, 2014. Standing Bear is sitting to the far right of the table. over as of Dec. 31, 2014, like he just did on TV,” Stand- with a valid member- ing Bear said. “People I have Standing Bear and other tribal “The wall behind me opens said the Crow Nation needs ship card (this is not a known who knew Bill Clinton, leaders arrived at 8:30 a.m. and I knew it was the presi- new markets for their coal and CDIB), are eligible for said that when they were in a for their 11 a.m. meeting and dent because everyone started that tribes in North Dakota WKH+HDOWK%HQHÀW room with him, there was an went through four levels of se- to stand up,” Standing Bear were receiving help from the Card. Tribal members aura of power. There is not curity before being led to the said. “I stood up and looked federal government in doing over the age of 65 years an aura of power with Barack West Wing. Their cell phones to my right, and he was right oil production. Standing Bear old as of Dec. 31, 2014 Obama, he is very personable. were shut off and taken away there. I shook his hand and said the president said that are eligible for $1,000. “He’s almost like someone and they were seated in the said, ‘Hello Mr. President, fossil fuels are not the future Unspent money from the previous calendar you would meet. He’s very Roosevelt room, directly across I’m Geoffrey Standing Bear and everyone needs to look to year, for tribal mem- smart, and he is very orga- IURPWKH2YDO2IÀFH and I’m chief of the Osage Na- alternative energy sources. bers re-enrolling for nized. He had four people be- “The whole place is not that tion.’ He said, ‘Hello, Geoff.’ Standing Bear was last to WKH KHDOWK EHQHÀW ZLOO hind him sitting back against big and the Roosevelt Room Then went around the room speak with Obama. He said roll over to the 2015 the wall taking notes of every- has a conference table in it and everyone made their the president looked at him calendar year as soon thing that happened.” and we sat in there and visited introductions. and said he needed to be quick Ten days before Standing as re-enrollment forms with the Secretary of the Inte- “When Obama sat down he because he had to meet with Bear was to leave for Wash- are turned in and pro- rior and the Secretary of Edu- had a diagram, notes, two sets the Secretary of Defense after ington, D.C., for the tribal cation and the White House cessed. of notes. The guy is thoroughly their meeting. nations conference, a White staff Native American team, Mutual Assurance briefed. He has top-notch staff. “I asked him, how are you House staffer called him and lead by Jodi Gillette,” Stand- Administrators (MAA) That was impressive.” going to make sure the initia- asked him to be in the meet- ing Bear said. “We were there tives you have put in place are is still administer- 6WDQGLQJ%HDUVDLGWKHÀUVW ing on Dec. 2. He said yes and for about 40-45 minutes talk- going to last in the next admin- LQJ WKH +HDOWK %HQHÀW tribal leader to ask a question arrived in Washington on Dec. ing about issues with them.” istration? They all stopped and Card, despite the com- was Cristina Danforth, Chair- 1. That evening the tribal lead- He said he took the oppor- looked at me and he said that pany being bought by woman of the Oneida Nation ers were briefed by telephone tunity to discuss the scathing is something they are working HealthSmart in Novem- of Wisconsin. She asked about conference and were told they 2IÀFHRIWKH,QVSHFWRU*HQHUDO on now. They are trying to in- ber of 2013. gaining broadband access for would each have a few minutes report on the BIA Osage Agen- stitutionalize some of their ini- The Osage Nation tribal members living outside to say something to the presi- cy with Secretary of the Inte- tiatives,” Standing Bear said. Constituent Services of Greenbay, Wis., which was a dent and the meeting would rior Sally Jewell. She said she “They’re going to institutional- is available to answer only last for 40 minutes. The reads all the reports but had major problem for her people. ize them through executive or- questions from tribal issues the president wanted not read the one on the Osage Next was Darrin Old Coy- ders and if the next president members on the Health to focus on were education and Agency, but Kevin Washburn, ote, Chairman of the Crow wants to reverse them they %HQHÀW,I\RXQHHGDV- health, especially for youth. Asst. Secretary of the Interior, Nation, in which Obama is an would have to issue an execu- sistance call (918) 287- 5662 option 5 or visit The morning of Dec. 2, said he had read it. adopted member. Old Coyote tive order to reverse them.” Standing Bear said, “I want Due to 2011 Federal to compliment you on appoint- IRS changes over-the- ing Justice Sonia Sotomayor. counter eligible pur- I had the privilege of meeting chases will only be paid her in Oklahoma City and she for by reimbursement. Oral arguments scheduled understands the relationship between the tribes and trea- ties. She gets it; she under- Contact Information stands our relationships with • Mutual Assurance Feb. 26 in former ON child the federal government are Administrators based on treaties. But she in- Attn: Flex formed us that the power to Department work with Indians come from Katrina Harkey or Congress, that’s the majority John Greening support worker case of what the Supreme Court be- PO Box 42096 lieves. Benny Polacca by asking for a scheduling or- jabs at Jones accusing him of Oklahoma City, “If you get the opportunity OK 73123 Osage News der so she could prepare to de- unethical conduct and stated to appoint someone in the Su- fend herself in the case. she does not believe she will get See HEALTHCARD The case of the former According to the initial com- fair treatment in court because See CHIEF —Continued on Page 5 Osage Nation employee ac- SODLQWÀOHGE\-RQHV6KHUZRRG —Continued on Page 13 of such conduct. Sherwood also cused of breaking the Nation’s is alleged to have violated the accused Jones of breaching open records and child support Nation’s open records and enforcement laws has a Feb. child support laws 50 times FRQÀGHQWLDOLW\E\GLVFXVVLQJD 26 date scheduled in ON Trial when she disclosed client in- personnel issue with an entire Court. formation to an HR grievance ON department. Oral arguments that day On Jan. 20, Jones respond- committee that was meeting to 619 Kihekah • Pawhuska, OK 74056 will focus on a motion to dis- consider her appeal regarding ed to Sherwood’s dismissal (918) 287-5668 PLVV WKH FDVH ÀOHG DJDLQVW disciplinary action against her motion asking the court to Elizabeth Kathleen Sherwood, while she worked as a child dismiss the motion because who is asking the court to support worker. Sherwood did not “include or Editor WKURZ RXW WKH FDVH DQG ÀOHG On July 18, Sherwood was preserve” any defenses in her Shannon Shaw Duty the Dec. 30 motion as a prac- terminated from her position initial response to the com- ticing attorney representing as a child support case process Reporter plaint against her. Jones did herself. server and TIP coordinator for Benny Polacca According to Sherwood’s mo- the Nation following her un- not comment directly on Sher- tion, she is asking the court to successful grievance hearing. wood’s accusations against Features / Multimedia Reporter dismiss the case for “lack of That same day, Sherwood was him and asked the court to al- Tara Madden personal jurisdiction” citing also served with a civil com- low the case to proceed on the her status as a non-Osage citi- SODLQWÀOHGLQ217ULDO&RXUW merits. Editorial Assistant zen, non-Osage Nation juris- by Jones charging her with On Jan. 23, ON Trial Court Chalene Toehay diction resident and expressed 50 counts of violating the Na- Chief Judge Marvin Step- no faith in the case if ON At- tion’s open records law and Osage News Editorial son issued an order for oral torney General Jeff Jones con- unauthorized disclosure of in- Board Members arguments on the motion to tinues to represent the Nation formation under the Nation’s Jerri Jean Branstetter dismiss, scheduled Feb. 26 LQ WKLV FDVH -RQHV ÀOHG WKH child support enforcement act. Lu King case against Sherwood last In her Dec. 30 motion to dis- at the tribal courthouse in Teresa Trumbly Lamsam year and Sherwood responded miss the case, Sherwood took Pawhuska. Osage News • February 2015 3 Justice Department audit says Nation owes more than half a million Shannon Shaw Duty ing Bear. The director for the to coordinate with strategic purchasing a heating and “I am very concerned with Osage News Counseling Center from 2006- planning and project manage- cooling system, a refrig- the PRT program, our housing 2011 was a woman named Vir- ment, they weren’t doing that erator, projectors, rent, program and some of the other The Justice Department’s ginia Easley who quit in July before. That’s the number ODWHIHHVDQGÀQDQFH programs here in the Nation. Inspector General released an 2011 after she stole furniture one.” charges, and travel costs That’s an honest answer and audit on the Nation’s use of from the center. Eight months Problematic areas pointed for a trip that was can- I’m working with people on an WKUHH JUDQWV IURP WKH 2IÀFH went by and Suzanne Hart- out in the 24-page audit: celed for which Osage individual basis with the Hu- on Violence Against Women in ness, who was hired in March never received a refund. • Weak internal controls. man Resources department January.  ÀOOHG WKH YDFDQF\ 6KH to get people better trained,” As a result embezzlement • Unauthorized payment “We found that Osage did left in September 2012. The Standing Bear said. “Imple- occurred in 2011 in the for a consultant. not comply with essential position was vacant for six amount of $56,155. The menting some nationwide pro- award conditions in the ar- months until John Christopher Nation paid the amount • Unallowable purchase of a grams to make sure people are eas of internal controls, grant Bell took the position from Oc- back to the DOJ in 2012. playhouse for kids, payment doing their jobs as they should. expenditures, including sala- tober to December in 2012. for clients rent, cable, pest I am reorganizing certain ULHVDQGIULQJHEHQHÀWVJUDQW “So all the people that were • $60,525 in unsupported control, utilities, and other departments to streamline reporting, property manage- in charge during this time VDODULHVDQGIULQJHEHQHÀWV unallowable expenditures. services and trying to get Con- period are no longer with us. ment, and special conditions,” gress [Osage] to approve some ,·PWU\LQJWRÀQGRXWWKURXJK • Activity reports were not • Could not verify 60 percent according to the audit, which of these changes and I’ve been the rest of the system what utilized for employees that of progress report ac- covered years 2007-2012. “Spe- working on that daily since checks and balances they had split their time working on complishments because FLÀFDOO\ ZH IRXQG WKDW ZHDN I’ve been here.” during those times,” Standing multiple grants and certi- they could not be found. internal controls resulted in Ways the Nation has im- Bear said. “It looks like we’ll ÀFDWLRQVZHUHQRWXVHGIRU unallowable costs charged to • Found that 53 percent of proved upon internal controls: be paying the price for actions employees that work solely the grants … Overall, we iden- the property items tested that occurred before 2012 and on one grant at a time. WLÀHG  LQ QHW TXHV- were not included in • &HUWLÀHG7LPH6KHHWV before. The current director tioned costs.” • $429,330 in unsupported Osage’s inventory system. developed time sheet cer- The ON Counseling Center, came in September and her programmatic costs WLÀFDWLRQVIRUDOOIHGHUDO Private Residential Treatment name is Brooke Ashlock. The for Grant No. 2009- • Unable to physically programs to track time (PRT) program, and the Na- interim director during much EG-S6-0029. verify 39 percent of spent on grant projects. tion’s Domestic Violence pro- of this time was Louis Gray.” property items. • Unallowable expenditures • Property Inventory: the gram all utilize grant money Gray is no longer employed related to supplies, travel, from the Grants to Indian Trib- with the Nation. “While many of these ex- Nation is currently imple- training, equipment, al Governments Program. The penditures may appear to be menting a new property contractual, rent grants are to decrease violent Oversight reasonable, they were not in- inventory system and previ- and other costs. ously repaid $56,155 after crime against Indian women, In terms of oversight of cluded in the approved grant strengthen tribes’ ability to grants awarded to the Nation, • 3URYLGHGGLUHFWÀQDQFLDO budget, Grant Adjustment No- a director took furniture exercise sovereign authority that responsibility lies largely assistance to victims of tice, or other OVW approval,” from the counseling center. responding to violent crimes with the director, Standing domestic violence without according to the audit. “As a against Indian women, and to Bear said. The Nation’s Stra- adhering to Special Con- result, we questioned $99,526 Analysis and summary of ensure perpetrators of violent tegic Planning and Project dition 21, which requires in unallowable direct cost actions necessary to close the crimes against Indian women Management department has client eligibility guidelines, expenditures charged to the audit: are held accountable. oversight but not of the day-to- a written explanation of the grants …” According to the audit, day operations. accounting practices it will The audit notes that after 1. Remedy the $60,525 in a total of $1,892,967 was “I can tell you that when I use to protect client  WKH 1DWLRQ VLJQLÀFDQWO\ unsupported salaries drawn down from the grants ÀUVW JRW KHUH WKHUH ZDV QRW FRQÀGHQWLDOLW\DQGD improved in its oversight over DQGIULQJHEHQHÀWV 2007-TW-AX-0008, 2009- very good coordination be- description of intended use grant expenditures and may 2. Remedy the $43,371 in EG-S6-0029 and 2011-TW- tween the compliance staff RIÀQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFH be attributed to new inter- remaining unallowable AX-0026, all awarded under of the strategic planning and nal controls put into place for other direct costs • 3URYLGHGGLUHFWÀQDQFLDO the American Recovery and project management,” Stand- Procurement, including the 3. Remedy the $373,175 in assistance expenditures Reinvestment Act of 2009. ing Bear said. “But we have review of transactions prior to unsupported program- such as furniture, rent, The Nation’s counseling changed those procedures. We payments, having second-level matic costs utilities and appliances center has had a high turnover are now, every program, now checks, and certifying that 4. Ensure Osage main- without following Special rate since 2011 and went years it’s a rule, every grant, every payments are in compliance Condition 21. without a director, said Prin- program who has a grant or is with grant and tribal require- See AUDIT cipal Chief Geoffrey Stand- working on a grant is required • Unallowable costs include ments. —Continued on Page 5 Jurisdiction challenged in Pawhuska village "ve-man board case Benny Polacca By Jan. 30, the other two U.S. Congress or Secretary of Class II gaming operations,” Osage News defendants with similar the Interior to approve a lease and as long as the proceeds are charges against them, for- for commercial purposes on used according to the tribal Two defendants in the tribal mer board members Joe Don the Village property.” council resolution. Mashunkashey and Kenneth However, the Osage Tribal Osage News 2012 File Photo court cases involving miss- Afterward, village bingo was ing Pawhuska Indian Village ´.&µ%LOOVKDG\HWWRÀOHSH- Council did request a waiver held in Wakon Iron Commu- Louis Gray, who is a mem- money are asking the Osage titions of their own. from the Department of Inte- nity Center, as well as a small ber of the Osage Gourd Nation Supreme Court to re- Redcorn and Brunt’s peti- rior in 1998 and that waiver casino. Yellow discoloration Clan, gourd dances at Dela- verse a Trial Court judge’s de- tions argue the CFRs give “the was approved by Kevin Gov- ware Powwow. is visible on the white ceiling cision to not dismiss the cases. Pawhuska Village a great deal er, then-assistant secretary panels in Wakon Iron from On Nov. 25 and Dec. 4, attor- of autonomy and ability to of Indian Affairs, according those years of smoking patrons Former ON neys for former Pawhuska vil- self-regulate. This CFR provi- to a July 15 memorandum he gambling in the building. In ODJH ÀYHPDQ ERDUG PHPEHUV sion and autonomy it provides sent to the Muskogee Area Of- WKHHDUO\VWKHWKHQÀYH Counseling Frank Redcorn and Theodore the Village were proported to ÀFH WKDW \HDU ZKLFK VHUYHV man board entered into a lease ´7HGµ %UXQWµ ÀOHG LGHQWLFDO be eliminated by the passage eastern Oklahoma tribes, contract with the Osage Tribal director petitions with the Osage high of the Osage Nation Constitu- including Osage. Council. court challenging the legality tion in 2006. However, any at- *RYHU QRWLÀHG WKH 0XVN- Today, the Pawhuska Osage charged with of the Nation’s laws and juris- tempt to modify this autonomy RJHH RIÀFH RI WKH ZDLYHU DS- Casino operates in the south- diction over the village. by the (ON) Congress without proval and wrote: “The general east corner of the village prop- The four defendants, who WKH PRGLÀFDWLRQ RI WKH &)5 provisions of Title 25 of the erty under the lease, as did sexual battery by the U.S. Congress or Secre- (CFRs) require that a waiver are facing several tribal charg- its predecessor Osage Million tary of the Interior would not of any regulation be supported Osage News es of misusing public money, Dollar Elm Casino. But the and could not be allowed. The E\DÀQGLQJWKDWWKHZDLYHULV ÀOHG QRWLFHV RI LQWHQW WR DS- 21 &RQJUHVVLRQDO 2IÀFH RI Louis Gray, a former peal their cases with the Su- Osage Nation does not have in the best interests of the Fiscal Performance and Re- case manager for the preme Court after presiding authority to take control of the Indians.” view raised questions about Nation’s Counseling Trial Court Judge Lee Stout Pawhuska Village.” The Five-Man Board and the former board’s lease mon- Center, was charged declined to dismiss the cases The petitions also noted the tribal council at the time re- ey spending and accounting with felonious sexual on Nov. 5. CFRs do not have any crimi- quested the waiver so bingo practices that were highlight- battery Dec. 30 for an After denying the four mo- nal penalties for violating the and Class II gaming operations ed in a September 2012 audit alleged incident occur- tions to dismiss the cases, agreement for village opera- could take place in the village. report that spurred investiga- ring in City with Stout said he believed the tions and argue “any appeal The Tribal Council passed a tions by both federal and tribal a 22-year-old woman in Supreme Court should ad- would be to the Osage (tribal) resolution in requesting the his care. dress the jurisdiction issue Council, which is no longer in waiver with the gaming pro- authorities. Gray no longer works and issued his ruling as an existence.” ceeds intended to “fund Vil- According to the 2012 OFPR for the Nation. interlocutory order, which is The petitions allege the lage government operations audit report, about $806,000 Gray, 61, who unsuc- provisional, so the defendants Pawhuska Osage Casino and programs; provide for the in village revenue generated cessfully ran for Osage FRXOGÀOHDSSHDOV (which sits in the village juris- general welfare of the Village by the Pawhuska Osage Casi- Congress in 2010, was ,Q WKHLU 6XSUHPH &RXUW ÀO- diction and pays lease rent to and its members; to help in- no lease was unaccounted for. booked into the Kay ings, Pawhuska attorneys the Five-Man Board) gaming dividuals in need and to fund The ON Attorney General’s County Jail on Jan. John Briggs (Redcorn) and operations are a violation of RWKHUSURJUDPVIRUWKHEHQHÀW 2IÀFH ÀOHG WKH WULEDO FKDUJHV 2 and released on a Bransford Shoemake (Brunt) the CFRs because of a provi- of Osage Tribal Members such against the four men following $15,000 bond. His ini- refer to the Code of Federal sion that states “No permanent as education, food, utilities, a tribal police investigation tial court date was Jan. Regulations and argued the business enterprises shall be funerals and other Social Ser- and after the U.S. Attorney’s 6. He is scheduled to CFRs “has not been amended carried on within the boundar- vices,” Gover cited in his letter. 2IÀFHVDLGLWZRXOGQRWÀOHIHG- appear in Kay County to allow the Osage Nation to ies of a village reserve …” The Gover said the waiver “shall eral charges in 2013. District Court on March take charge of the villages petitions say “the Osage Trib- remain in effect so long as the Check back to www.osage- 6 at 2 p.m. in Newkirk. from which these actions al Council would have had to Village Five Member Boards for any updates on originated.” UHFHLYH PRGLÀFDWLRQ IURP WKH wish to conduct Village Bingo, the cases. 4 February 2015 Osage News •

Osage Nation specifics, as provided by DOI: • Purchase Estimate $7,435,102 (0.48% of the $1.55 Billion) • Of the 146 locations, Osage ranks 37 • Landowners reside in 34 U.S. states • 23 Landowners are Whereabouts Unknown or Heirs • Number of Purchasable Fractional Interests: approx. 2,636 • Number of Unique Individual Landowners: approx. 629 • Number of Purchasable Tracts: 636 • Sum of Equivalent Acres: 66,049 • Average # of Purchasable Frac- tional Interests per Tract: 4.8 • Average of Interest % that is Pur- chasable Per Tract: 84.5 • Meaning: On average, 5 interests make up approx. 85% of what is purchasable in each Tract.

“Lawyers and land men BUY-BACK know that Indian lands are not Graphic by Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations –from Page 4 being used to the highest and There are approximately best use because of fractionat- 245,000 owners of nearly three ed interest. We can’t get deci- million fractional interests, sions on what’s the highest and spanning 150 Indian reser- best use of our lands and that’s vations, who are eligible to been the problem for 100 years participate in the buy-back and it’s getting worse,” Stand- program, according to the re- ing Bear said. “This doesn’t lease. apply to our three villages, be- Sales of undivided land in- cause those aren’t individually terests will also result in up to owned. It only applies to our $60 million in contributions to allotted lands, where they’re the Cobell Education Scholar- individually owned.” ship Fund. This is in addition When a parcel of land is to the amounts paid to indi- heavily fractionated among vidual sellers, so it does not heirs, it can become nearly im- reduce the amount landown- possible to do anything with ers receive for their interests. the land if all owners can’t be Already, the DOI has trans- found because all owners have ferred more than $4.5 million to agree on its use according to to the Denver-based American land law, Standing Bear said. Indian College Fund, which Cass said non-Indians have Graphic by Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations administers the fund with 20 found a way to obtain Osage percent directed to the Ameri- land by buying the interest of taken out of restriction and “So if you come in and give she simply said the BIA ap- can Indian Graduate Center an individual and then offer- purchase it. But, the non-Indi- them an appraisal at two- in Albuquerque, N.M. Initial ing the same amount to other praised it as such so that’s an can’t make decisions on the thirds of what others would be, scholarships are expected to interest holders of the same what it must be worth. To al- use of the land because they’re and then you bid at two-thirds be awarded in 2015. land. He said it’s hard to turn down cash when you’re strug- just one of many who own the the appraised price, you can ways trust the BIA was the gling. undivided interest. However, go ahead and force to buy out mindset in those days, he said. Osage lands “That’s how you buy land the non-Indian can petition interests at half price,” Stand- “What do you tell an Osage Fractionated land interest LQ WKH 2VDJH

ity in the U.S. and powers New ENERGY York City. –from Page 4 During a two-day Osage Na- AG !les ethics complaints aboriginal territory as our ter- tion Congressional Special Ses- ritory, as Osage Nation terri- sion Jan. 14-15, a revolving tory before any other tribe gets fund was created for the Trans- against seven members of OMC in there,” Standing Bear said. Canada donation to be used by Shannon Shaw Duty man Talee Redcorn because he slowing down of new oil pro- “My response to them was I the Education Task Force. The WXUQHGLQWKHDIÀGDYLW duction in the Osage, the pro- look forward to working on task force, made up of leaders in Osage News this agreement and appreciate the Nation’s various education “I believe that this was po- posed Negotiated Rulemaking you recognizing more territory departments, will use $50,000 Attorney General Jeff litically motivated because of and how the new rules will af- of the Osage than the federal each year for three years to -RQHV ÀOHG HWKLFV FRPSODLQWV the issues we’re having to deal fect shareholders, and the Do- government will recognize.” help buy new equipment, make against seven members of the with right now. We have so nelson lawsuit. Standing Bear said he upgrades and provide a better eight-member Osage Minerals much on our plate why would “Part of the formula for our doesn’t expect TransCanada to education for Osage students, Council in Osage Nation Trial this be brought up now, at this payment check is based on cur- build a pipeline through Osage said Melvina Prather, educa- Court on Jan. 20. point in time?” said Council- rent oil production in Osage lands but if they ever do, tion consultant working with The complaint asks for a woman Cynthia Boone, who County. Currently, we still TransCanada has to tell the the task force. VDLG WKLV LV WKH ÀUVW WLPH WKH 1DWLRQ ÀUVW +H VDLG WKH 1D- declaratory judgment to deter- have oil production in Osage Gonzales attended an Edu- UHTXLUHPHQWRIDQDIÀGDYLWIRU tion is one of few, if any, tribe cation Task Force meeting mine whether Osage Nation County,” Boone said. “It’s not a JLIWVUHFHLYHGGXULQJWKHÀVFDO in Oklahoma that has experi- Jan. 15 at the Pawhuska Busi- ethics laws apply to the OMC. question of whether we’ll get a year has been brought up in ence dealing with pipelines ness Strategy Center and said At issue is a required yearly check in March, it’s a question her eight years on the Miner- and they would handle it like there is more money available DIÀGDYLWIURPHOHFWHG21RIÀ- of how much our check will als Council. any other: surface damages, for educational programs and cials to be turned into the ON be in March. No new drilling BIA guidelines, etc. “I think it was to throw us the money could go into the Trial Court that lists any and commitments will have an ef- According to the agreement, revolving fund. He said many off guard, I think it was sent all gifts received during the fect on our March payment. I TransCanada is also providing tribes don’t tap into TransCan- to us to throw us off the major ÀVFDO\HDUWKHJLYHURIWKHJLIW expect our March payment to $150,000 toward education ini- ada’s available tribal funds or issues we’re confronted with at and the dollar amount of each tiatives over a three-year span. grant funds available and that this date and time,” she said. be a few thousand dollars less he would lobby on the Nation’s gift. “Nothing gives you that warm than it was in December.” TransCanada behalf. According to the complaint, fuzzy feeling between branch- An interview with OMC TransCanada is a $60 bil- Gonzales said TransCanada Jones sent members of the es of the new government than Chairman Everett Waller was has internships available for lion company based in Cal- OMC a letter “informing them to try to be embarrassed by the put off after he said a press gary, Alberta. tribal members in Canada and that the Ethics Law applies to Osage Nation Police an hour release from the Minerals According to Bobby Gonaza- across the U.S. and he would them and that each member before one of our meetings. Council would be a better way les, a member of the Caddo discuss posting job openings of the Osage Minerals Council to answer questions from the Nation and a representative with the Nation’s human re- But the attempt to embarrass from TransCanada’s Native sources department. VKDOO ÀOH WKH UHTXLUHG HWKLFV me did not happen.” Osage News. A week later, the $PHULFDQ SURJUDPV RIÀFH For more information on DIÀGDYLWµ Boone said the OMC is busy news release was not received TransCanada is also respon- TransCanada, visit their web- The only council member not with the Wind Farm litigation, by the time this issue of the sible for 25 percent of electric- site: WRUHFHLYHDÀOLQJZDV&RXQFLO- WU\LQJWRÀQGDVROXWLRQWRWKH newspaper went to press. Osage News • February 2015 5

was in Fairfax handing out job GROCER applications on Jan. 30, Lane –from Page 1 Moore said. Photos of the older store owns the Main Street build- shelving removed from the ing, in December and efforts to building were posted to Face- refurbish the building are ex- book on Jan. 16 with a thank pected to continue into March, you acknowledgment to Osage according to ALLS owner Lane Nation maintenance workers Moore. who helped with the cleanout. Moore said he’s ordered new 'XULQJ KLV ÀUVW YLVLW WR WKH store equipment from several building, Moore said he saw companies and will open the leftover food still sitting on the store once it’s furnished and old shelves, which needed to be stocked with food merchan- thrown out. Messes were also dise. New equipment on the left with carbonated soda bev- way includes cash registers, erages exploding and spilling scanners, scales, shelving and RQ WKH ÁRRU KH VDLG 'XULQJ QHZHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQWGDLU\FDV- the week of Feb. 2, Moore said es, he said. he plans to start painting the In the meantime, efforts are building’s interior. Osage News File Photo also underway to hire store Formerly known as Palace A vacant Palace of the Osage grocery store in May of 2013. employees and a Facebook of the Osage Grocery, the lone Palace grocery store was also store to Rick Parker of Barn- it went to Congress. During page has been created for Fair- Fairfax food store building sdall in 2010 amid its own the special session, ON Con- fax Venture Foods. Moore’s has sat vacant since the prior run by the Osage Limited Li- money losses with the store. gressman and Fairfax resi- son Logan Moore is the com- JURFHUFORVHGWKHVWRUHDPLGÀ- ability Company (LLC) after it The LLC purchased the build- dent James Norris applauded pany’s general manager and nancial problems in 2011. The launched in 2008, but sold the ing back in an Osage County the store investment and said foreclosure auction in March the lack of a grocery store 2012 and later transferred the was stressing for Fairfax and ownership back to the ON gov- Grayhorse area residents be- BASKETBALL ernment. cause they must drive at least –from Page 1 Since then, several commu- 30 minutes one-way to grocery nity efforts to bring a grocery shop in nearby towns. older brother Michael Big- store back to Fairfax went no- A second-generation gro- heart taught him how to play, where until Moore connected cer, Moore lives in Shattuck teaching him the basic funda- ZLWK 2VDJH 1DWLRQ RIÀFLDOV near the Oklahoma Panhandle mentals, which he practiced by last year and negotiations be- where he also runs that town’s himself on the Indian Camp gan for a lease agreement for store and his company also basketball court. He now plays the store building. The Fourth runs two small town stores in small forward for Haskell Indi- Colorado and one in Tonkawa an Nations University in Law- Osage Nation Congress also where Logan Moore lives. rence, Kans. appropriated $300,000 to in- Moore said his objective in “I love playing for Haskell, vest in the building, which running a grocery store is to it is a rich traditional environ- includes the purchase of new give customers the best expe- ment. There is a great history store equipment after passing rience possible. “I think the here with Native American an appropriation bill (ONCA key is service – If we can get athletes and it is a very posi- 15-05) during its November tive place to be,” he said. 2014 special session. ONCA it for the customer, we will get An Osage tribal member 15-05 authorized appropriat- it. We’re not big but we do the who graduated from Pawhus- ing the $300,000 from $3.3 best with what we’ve got and ka High School in 2007, Tur- million originally earmarked customer service is No. 1,” he ley had many opportunities for the proposed Fairfax senior said. to play basketball or football and child care center. Bids for Pending receipt of all or- in college upon graduation. that project are expected to go dered store equipment, Moore Instead, he chose to serve his out in March. said the earliest he believes country. However, attend- Fairfax residents applauded Fairfax Venture Foods will ing college was always in the idea of the Nation invest- open is mid-March. Check his future. ing in the store building dur- back to “I love my family, my tribe ing an October public meeting or the newspaper’s Facebook and country,” Turley said. discussing ONCA 15-05 before page for any updates. With his daughters future in mind Turley decided it was time to hit the books again and decided in the spring of 2014 to enroll HINU. He was AUDIT able to walk-on to the football –from Page 3 team and after red shirting tains detailed records in order to provide accurate report- the football season he was able ing for the program to walk-on to the basketball 5. Ensure that Osage includes all property purchased with team. CHALENE TOEHAY/Osage News grant funds be included in the inventory system “Basketball to me is a thera- The Haskell Indian Nations University men’s basketball team played 6. Ensure that Osage adheres to all grant requirements peutic sense of feeling, it is an against Oklahoma Wesleyan University in Bartlesville, Jan. 20. Chris Tur- escape from reality,” he said. ley poses with his daughters after the game. Standing Bear said ON Treasurer Callie Catcher is working “When you’re in the zone, with the DOJ on remedying the issues since many of the unsup- there is no other problems in ported documents and materials were misplaced and found since the world other than the ones ment medallions for his time “I have had the pleasure of KHWRRNRIÀFH you create for your opponent.” in the army. knowing Chris for nearly his To view the full audit, visit: Turley is majoring in Health The shrapnel destroyed his entire life; he is a young man of ports/2015/g6015005.pdf. Sports and Exercise Science knee’s tendon, he said, and he excellent character and repre- and he is also in the Recruit had to undergo surgery to re- sentative of our Wah-Zha-Zhi 2IÀFHUV 7UDLQLQJ FRXUVH DW move the shrapnel and repair people,” said Raymond Lasley. Kansas University. His hopes the damage to his knee. The “As a Haskell Alumni I went HEALTHCARD WREHFRPHDQ2IÀFHUDQGEDV- process was long and hard. to show my support for the –from Page 5 ketball coach by the time his Initially, doctors told him he Haskell team and Chris. Wah- • Website: daughters are old enough to might not run again, or play Zha-Zhi young people have play the sport. Turley hopes basketball. Turley was devas- been attending Haskell since the Indians make it to the Na- tated. • Phone: (405) 607-2648 or (405) 848-1975 its inception. Chris follows in tional Tournament. Thirteen months of rehabili- • Toll Free: 1-800-825-3540 ext. 2648 (or ask that tradition of Wah-Zha-Zhi tation later, he was able to run the operator for the Flex department) and Native American athletes Afghanistan again. and scholars who have at- • Fax: 405-858-1125 In the summer of 2007 Tur- The day his Army service tended the trade school, junior ley enlisted into the United was complete, Turley enlisted • Email: [email protected] or college or University that is States Army. He was stationed in the Oklahoma National MRKQJUHHQLQJ#PDDWSDFRPRUÁH[#PDDWSDFRP with the 101st Airborne Divi- Guard and is currently sta- Haskell Indian Nations Uni- sion in Fort Campbell in Ken- tioned in Ponca City with the versity today.” tucky and assigned as a Sr. Delta Company 1stBattalion Haskell Indians Head Scout Observer with a Scout 179th Infantry regiment. He Coach, Chad Killscrow, who Recon/Scout Sniper Platoon. has drill one weekend a month. KDV EHHQ KHDG FRDFK IRU ÀYH He also played basketball at years and also graduated from Fort Campbell, playing on the Haskell Indians Pawhuska High School, said company battalion and bri- The Indians are currently in Turley came as a walk-on to gade basketball teams. midseason conference play and the team and he took him on In 2010, Turley was de- on Jan. 20 the Indians played mainly for his size. Turley ployed to Afghanistan as part against Oklahoma Wesleyan stands 6’2 and is 210 pounds. of scout sniper/scout recon University in Bartlesville, 25 “With his good work ethic, platoon called Hades Ele- minutes east of Pawhuska. he proved himself and made ment. Their mission was to The stadium was full and it onto the roster,” Killscrow locate and kill or capture any 2VDJHVÀOOHGXS+DVNHOO·VYLVL- said. “Chris brings a lot more known insurgents or military tor’s side, yelling and cheering to the table other than just be- aged males within their battle for Turley when he entered the ing a good player, he brings a space. A mission that was to game. Written on each side of positive attitude and discipline only be a 48-hour mission in an his shoes were the names Em- area deemed extremely hostile, malyn and Adalyn, the names that rubs off on the rest of the his platoon came under heavy of his twin daughters. The girls team and that makes us a bet- JXQ ÀUH DQG VKUDSQHO LQMXUHG were there to watch him play. ter team.” Turley from an RPG explosion After the game the Osage The Haskell Indian bas- (rocket propelled grenade). spectators came down to shake ketball schedule is online and Turley received a Purple Heart his hand, congratulate him games are available for live and a Combat Infantry badge, and wish him well. The Indi- streaming and downloading at along with several achieve- ans won the game 99-82. 6 February 2015 Osage News • ON Congress passes bill to appropriate Pawhuska village lease revenue Benny Polacca Osage News

Discussions on creating a favorable budget process for the Pawhuska Indian Village are likely on the way after the village ÀYHPDQ ERDUG UDLVHG LVVXHV ZLWK WKH 2VDJH 1DWLRQ·V FXUUHQW budget and accounting methods that create hassles for the board. Those issues arose during the Jan. 14-15 Congressional spe- cial session when the Fourth ON Congress voted unanimously to pass a bill (ONCA 15-16 sponsored by Congresswoman Alice Buffalohead) “to appropriate lease revenues to the Pawhuska 9LOODJH&RPPLWWHHµVRWKHÀYHPDQERDUGPD\DFFHVVWKHPRQH\ it receives from the lease revenue it receives monthly from the Pawhuska Osage Casino which sits in its jurisdiction. Last year, the Pawhuska village Five-Man Board did not sub- PLWDÀVFDO\HDUEXGJHWIRUWKH)RXUWK2VDJH1DWLRQ&RQ- gress to consider during the 2014 Tzi-Zho Session, which is when WKH&RQJUHVVFRQVLGHUVDQGDSSURYHVEXGJHWVIRUWKHQH[WÀVFDO year. With no budget in place, the Pawhuska village money be- came “frozen” by the ON treasury and the board worked on a plan to resolve the issue with Congress. “We have reservations and we have issues with the budget process that goes on for federal programs and its relationship in how it works for the village,” said Pawhuska village board chair- woman Paula Stabler. “And so, we chose to wait for a special session and now we’re here to do this.” Stabler and the board met with the Congressional Committee on Governmental Operations for initial consideration of ONCA 15-16 on Jan. 14. BENNY POLACCA/ Osage News 7KH3DZKXVNDYLOODJHÀYHPDQERDUGIDOOVXQGHUWKH1DWLRQ·V Members of the Pawhuska Indian Village Five-Man Board meet with the Congressional Committee on Govern- boards and commissions like the Hominy and Grayhorse village mental Operations on Jan. 14. The five-man board and Congressional committee discuss a bill that appropri- boards, but the Pawhuska village receives its operating revenue ates all Pawhuska Osage Casino lease revenues to the board for village operations and activities. The Con- from the Osage Casino lease versus the other two villages which gress passed the bill (ONCA 15-16) with a unanimous vote the next day. Seated at far end of table (l to r) are receive their annual operating money from the ON treasury once Pawhuska five-man board Chairwoman Paula Stabler, vice chairwoman Paula Farid and fellow board member Congress approves their budgets. In the Pawhuska village case, Ryan Red Corn. questions arose over how the accounting and budgeting process would apply considering its casino revenue source. $IWHUGLVFXVVLRQVZLWK21JRYHUQPHQWRIÀFLDOV6WDEOHUVDLG she’s learned the village does not have to submit a broken-down EXGJHWWRWKH21DFFRXQWLQJRIÀFHDQGH[SHQVHVDUHDOORZDEOH for reimbursement if they fall within the guidelines of the village ON Congress passes 2015 constitution. In the end, the board and Executive Branch agreed the Pawhuska village may submit a simple budget with its pro- MHFWHGUHYHQXHOLVWHGVRWKHÀJXUHVFDQEHWUDFNHGDQGDFFRXQWHG gaming plan of operation for throughout the year. “Certainly what’s happened in the past we don’t want to hap- Benny Polacca pen again and so we don’t have any problem with oversight,” Osage News Stabler told the Congressional committee. Stabler said one issue she sees in the Nation’s budgeting pro- TULSA, Okla. – The atmo- cess that would not work for the village is the shifting or trans- sphere among the Osage Na- ferring of budget line items. Stabler said the board has short- and tion Gaming Enterprise Board long-term plans, but notes they cannot predict unexpected costs and Osage Casino manage- like a roof leak or faulty air conditioning unit in one of the village ment is upbeat following the buildings, which she’s experienced. January Congressional Spe- “The other issue we have is on reserved funds, funds we have cial Session, which included remaining at the end of the year,” Stabler said. At the end of approval of the Nation’s an- HDFKÀVFDO\HDUDQ\UHPDLQLQJXQVSHQWJRYHUQPHQWPRQH\LV nual gaming plan of operation. returned to the Treasury and is not carried over with the new On Jan. 15, the Fourth ÀVFDO\HDUEXGJHW6WDEOHUVDLGWKHYLOODJHQHHGVDPHFKDQLVP ON Congress unanimously passed a resolution (ONCR DOORZLQJWKHYLOODJHWRNHHSLWVIXQGVSDVWHDFKÀVFDO\HDUVRWKDW 15-05 sponsored by Congress- BENNY POLACCA/Osage News money can be saved or budgeted for long-range projects. man John Maker) to support The Congressional Commerce and Economic Development Committee During the meeting, Congresswoman Shannon Edwards WKH  ÀVFDO \HDU DQQXDO meets with the ON Gaming Enterprise on Jan. 16 regarding the annual raised the issue of the Pawhuska casino’s future. Although the plan of operation prepared by plan of operations for the Osage Casinos seven properties. The Congress issue is rarely discussed at gaming-related ON public meetings, the gaming board. Principal voted to pass a resolution supporting the plan. At the far end of the con- the Nation has purchased land at the Highway 99 and Main Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear ference table is (L to R) Wilson Pipestem, attorney for the ON Gaming Street/ U.S. 60 intersection south of the village for a future larg- also signed the resolution sup- Enterprise Board, Osage Casino CEO Byron Bighorse and Gaming board er Pawhuska Osage Casino. The purchased land is not village porting it. Chairman Mark Simms. property meaning the Pawhuska village will no longer receive 7KDWPHDQVJDPLQJRIÀFLDOV gaming lease revenue once the casino is relocated at a yet-to-be- may proceed with FY 2015 During her special session 'HVSLWH WKH FRQÀGHQWLDO determined date. plans, which include expan- address, Congressional Speak- nature of the plan to remain Stabler said she and the board are aware of the plans and sion plans for a larger Tulsa er Maria Whitehorn describes competitive with other gaming the board is exploring other sources of revenue in addition to Osage Casino property in the the gaming annual plan as: tribes, some details have been working on a village master plan. Ideas that are being explored conceptual design phase. The “Our link into our operation publicly discussed – in gen- include an R.V. park. annual gaming plan requires that we get to see what (Osage eral – including the plans for Fellow board member Ryan Red Corn said the long-range Congressional consideration 1DWLRQ JDPLQJ RIÀFLDOV  DUH DODUJHUÁDJVKLS2VDJH&DVLQR plans are intended to keep the village self-sustaining. Edwards and action, but this year’s plan going to do with the Osage in Tulsa. noted the village would need to address issues with the Code of was delayed amid recent ca- people’s money, grow our en- Osage Casino CEO Byron Federal Regulations regarding businesses prohibited in the vil- sino management changes and terprise, grow our business Bighorse told the Congressio- lage. Currently, the Nation has a waiver from the U.S. Depart- the appointment of new gam- and it’s the one time of year nal Commerce and Econom- ment of Interior to allow Class II gaming to take place at the ing board members as well. this body takes a look into that ic Development Committee Pawhuska casino. Gaming board Chairman to see how our funds, how our (which has initial jurisdiction Before the vote, Edwards said she would be voting “yes” for Mark Simms thanked the revenue … comes to us.” on gaming and business mat- &RQVLGHUHGFRQÀGHQWLDOGXH the bill but said she is concerned with the current village lease ERDUG DQG FDVLQR RIÀFLDOV IRU ters) the proposed Tulsa casino their efforts in preparing the to proprietary information, signed in 2004 during the Osage Tribal Council days and be- plans are scaled down from an annual plan for the Congress the gaming annual plan is “a lieves the arrangement is no longer valid. Edwards said she be- initial plan that proposed a during the board’s Jan. 21 PHDQV RI HQVXULQJ ÀVFDO DQG lieves a new budget process that works for the Pawhuska village $408 million property under meeting. operational accountability,” should be worked on. “It seems we’re always coming back after the management of former “We’ve had a lot of obstacles according to Osage gaming CEO Neil Cornelius. the fact because we’ve had some dispute with this village com- we’ve had to overcome and we law. The annual plan includes “What we’ve done is gone mittee and I think it’s time for us to grow up and work together did it very, very well,” Simms information on the Nation’s and make this happen,” she said. said. “As far as the board’s VHYHQFDVLQR ÀQDQFHV LQFOXG- back, pared it down,” Bighorse %XIIDORKHDGVDLGVKHEHOLHYHVWKH3DZKXVNDÀYHPDQERDUG perspective, we couldn’t have ing budgets, reports and ex- told the committee on Dec. 12. was proactive in pursuing a lease to raise its own money, but done it without you, you made pansion plans, therefore much “We feel that this proposed added she did not want to be in a position where “the Nation us look good… and now we’re of discussion regarding the concept is the best business dictates what goes on out there because I think there is a sepa- moving forward, we got a vote annual plan is usually held decision we can afford, we ration.” from the Congress with a 12-0, in executive session with the have several options – I don’t Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear signed ONCA 15-16 this was just astronomical in Congress and its respective See GAMING into law following session. my opinion.” committee. —Continued on Page 13 Osage News • February 2015 7 Osage Casino reports employee turnover rate drop a"er management change Benny Polacca Osage News

TULSA, Okla. – With new management now overseeing WKH 2VDJH &DVLQR RSHUDWLRQV FDVLQR RIÀFLDOV DUH UHSRUWLQJ a decrease in employee turnover rate – and former casino employees are interested in returning. At the Osage Nation Gaming Enterprise Board’s Jan. 21 meeting, Osage Casinos Human Resources Director Kyle Re- TARA MADDEN/Osage News YDUGUHSRUWHGRQWKHPRVWUHFHQWWUHQGVKLVRIÀFHLVWUDFNLQJ Sweet Stem Floral will be open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., only closing for lunch. The store is “I know we’ve gone through a lot of change within the located at 121 South Price in Hominy. company,” Revard said, referring to the recent management VKXIÁHVIURPWKHFKLHIH[HFXWLYHRIÀFHUSRVLWLRQGRZQWRWZR casino general manager posts. “Other corporations see an in- crease in turnover, but what we saw was a decrease in our Osage-owned #ower turnover,” he said of December’s rate. Revard said the casino’s average monthly turnover rate is 3.54 percent, but in December the casino’s turnover rate shop comes to Hominy dropped to 2.1 percent. He also reported: “Not only that, our Osage recruitment went up.” Tara Madden ZLGH DUUD\ RI ÁRZHUV ÁRZHU will always have a smile and On average, the Osage Casinos workforce is 10 percent Osage News assortments and arrange- an open mind to meet each Osage citizens, Revard said, adding “in the month of De- ments, various plants for plant customer’s needs,” she said. cember, that went up 1 percent to 11.” He said that increase Osage tribal member Doug lovers, balloons and gifts. The Cowan’s will be using equals seven Osages who now have new jobs with the casino. “Our family likes to give Cowan and his wife Misty have YHQGRUVIURP7XOVDWRÀOOWKHLU In the past few months since Osage Casino leadership brought Sweet Stems Floral to back to the community and store. changed, Revard said the Osage hiring trend for the casi- we have been inspired to learn Hominy. nos is up by 9 percent, adding “I can guarantee you next The couple, who opened different ideas daily,” Misty 7KH VWRUH ZLOO GHOLYHU ÁRZ- month you’ll see that go up again … Now that we’re under WKHLU ÁRZHU VKRS RQ )HE  &RZDQ VDLG ´7KH ÁRUDO VKRS ers within the city limits of planned their store opening so far has been a fun and excit- Hominy for free, and anything QHZOHDGHUVKLSWKHPRUDOHDWDOOSURSHUWLHVKDVVLJQLÀFDQWO\ just in time for the most ro- ing place to be, so we are turn- outside of city limits will be changed.” mantic holiday of the year. ing our hobby into a business charged a $5 fee, unless some “We’re receiving phone calls every single week … with ex- With Valentines Day upon us, and will be open to any and all other arrangement is made. employees calling us asking to be reinstated” or Osages in- the people of Hominy won’t ideas to better our shop daily.” The Cowan’s are also offer- terested in coming to work at the casinos, Revard said. have to go far for that perfect The Cowans said since the LQJ D ÀYH SHUFHQW GLVFRXQW WR ON Gaming Enterprise Board Chairman Mark Simms gift for their loved one. store is locally owned and oper- Osages who are ordering ar- said he was pleased with the numbers after hearing re- “I am excited they are put- ated, they will commit to offer ports of low morale among casino employees in past years. WLQJDÁRZHUVKRSLQ+RPLQ\ WKH ÀQHVW DQG IUHVKHVW ÁRUDO rangements for funerals. The “It shows a great job that management is doing in turning we really need one,” said Janet arrangements and plants so tribal members must show a Johnson, a Hominy resident. residents won’t have to travel tribal membership card to re- things around,” he said. “Everyone should come in and outside of town or order online. ceive the discount. The turnover report comes nearly three months after By- see it.” “We guarantee to offer “This will be a needed busi- ron Bighorse was named interim casino CEO before the gam- Sweet Stems Floral will be friendly and prompt services ness for our community. As a ing board hired him permanently in December. The gaming located at 121 South Price in and to help our customers de- lifelong resident of Hominy I board chose not to renew the employment contract for former Hominy. The shop will offer a cide what’s best for them. We see that the more businesses CEO Neil Cornelius last fall when it was due to expire. Cor- we have to offer the better,” nelius was hired in late 2008 by the gaming board at that Doug Cowan said. “We will WLPHDQGIRUPHUFDVLQR&KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2IÀFHU-RH2OXMLF serve all districts and strive who was hired interim CEO after Cornelius left, surrendered Hearing set in wind farm to meet each customers needs. his gaming license and resigned in October amid allegations We look forward to building of wrongdoing and an ON Gaming Commission investigation. our business and serving oth- Four other Osage Casino management-level employees case for Feb. 26 in Tulsa ers.” were terminated in October, including Robert Bookout who Osage News Sweet Stem Floral will be held the HR director post now occupied by Revard. An Okla- homa State University graduate, Revard previously worked The battle continues for the Osage Nation against the wind open Monday through Fri- companies building turbines along U.S. Highway 60. U.S. Dis- day from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., only as an Osage Casino HR manager, supervisor and training trict Judge James H. Payne set a hearing for Feb. 26 at the U.S. closing for lunch. The store is VSHFLDOLVWDFFRUGLQJWRKLV/LQNHG,QSURÀOH District Courthouse in downtown Tulsa. located at 121 South Price in 7KHQH[WPDMRUUHSRUWGXHIURPFDVLQRRIÀFLDOVLVWKHDQ- At issue is the latest legal response from the United States on Hominy. To place an order call nual audit report presentation typically delivered annually Jan. 22 against the companies Osage Wind, Enel Kansas, and (918) 885-4725 or visit their in March. See WIND FARM Facebook page at www.face- For updated job postings with Osage Casinos go online to —Continued on Page 9 ERRNFRPVZHHWVWHPVÁRUDO

Osage mother and daughter receive awards from OCIE Tara Madden will participate in the sports ward to many more wonderful Osage News and entertainment competi- memories.” tion for the state of Oklahoma, Benton attends language The Oklahoma Council for which will be held in February competitions with her daugh- Indian Education named Avri 2015. ter and helps in any way the Benton, an Osage student Avri Benton is the grand- Native student programs from Santa Fe High School daughter of Minnie Merrill needs her to. They are current- in Edmond, the 2014 Indian (Osage), and William Redbird. ly preparing for the Chickasaw Student of the Year. And in tribe’s Oklahoma Indian Stu- a twist, her mother, Rhonda dent Challenge Bowl, where 2014 Indian Parent Benton, was named Parent of they will compete in a trivia the Year. of the Year format and answer questions The Indian Education Board Rhonda Benton is very ac- about tribes and famous Na- nominated Avri, 17, and she tive in Native youth activities tive . and sits on the Edmond Indian received her award in a Dec. Benton grew up in Pawhus- Education parent committee. 9 ceremony in Tulsa. She was Courtesy Photo Courtesy Photo ka and has two other daugh- She attends all the student ser- also recognized on Jan. 12 by Avri Benton, named the 2014 Stu- Rhonda Benton, named the 2014 ters, Holli, 16, and Autym, 14. vices as a chaperone and helps Edmond Public Schools. dent of the Year by the Oklahoma Parent of the Year by the Oklaho- She has been married to their Council for Indian Education. ma Council for Indian Education. plan and put on activities such “To get this award means father Michael Benton for as dinners, hand games and a lot to me,” Avri said. “It has 25 years and they have lived holiday parties, she said. opened so many new doors. I St. Johns Catholic Church in Avri holds a 3.2 grade point “To have received this award in Edmond for 20 years. She Edmond. average and plans to attend want to thank my parents for has been such an honor and a works as the supervisor for She attends Osage language the University of Central all they do. Without them I blessing. I was very surprised Excell Home Health Care in would not be who I am today.” classes in Edmond and com- Oklahoma in the fall. She is when I learned I was gong to Oklahoma City. Avri serves as vice president petes in the Oklahoma Native going to study Sports market- be honored with this award,” “The award was given to for the Distributive Educa- American Youth Language ing and has participated in Benton said. “I really did not Rhonda for her effort, time and tion Clubs of America, which Fair each year. She has won interviews with an ESPN re- think I did anything more then contribution as a parent of the holds statewide competitions in the Red Earth art competi- porter and Thunder’s market- what most parents do, and Edmond Schools Indian Edu- every year. She has been the tions, placing in basket weav- ing team for a special project. that is just to be there for your cation Program,” said Sydna high school wrestling manag- ing as well as beading. She She is in charge of editing and children. I enjoy my girls and

Returning to Our Native Boy Scouts of America Roots #rough Gardening and Osage Nation partner Communities of Excellence baked for the December Extravaganza When one needs to prepare a meal event at the Cultural Center and over for youth opportunities or just replenish food items in the cup- 400 baggies of treats were handed out. Osage News board, a quick trip to the local grocery Pumpkins and squash, corn, and New opportunities for Osage youth with the Boy Scouts of America store or Wal-Mart takes care of every- beans when planted together are a Cherokee Area Council and Osage Nation programs are being developed thing. However, before the convenience natural combination. The stalks of the for girls and boys between the ages of 13 and 18. of such retail businesses our Osage corn allow the vining beans a place The partnership includes: ancestors would have worked as a co- of support. The leaf structure of the operative to provide a sustainable food squash provides shade. The food is • ON Police Department Explorer Post 360 system of hunting and agriculture for the tribe. Members would have pro- easy to store and keep for long periods • ON Emergency Management Explorer Post 580 of time. Then of course there is the nu- vided particular services to the devel- • ON TASC Ranger Post 090 opment of the gardens, maintenance of tritional value of each item. • ON Communities of Excellence Environmental Stewardship/Healthy the seeds, cultivation, and the harvest. Beans are a good source of protein, Futures Venturing Crew 569 The meals prepared from this ances- ÀEHU DQG FDUERK\GUDWHV ZKLFK DUH tral-lifestyle would have been nutri- • Wah-Zha-Zhi Youth Advisory Council Venturing Crew 567 needed for energy and brain function. tious. They would have been balanced (comprised of Osage youth only) 3XPSNLQVDUHORZLQFDORULHVULFKLQÀ- with meats and vegetables; void of sug- ar and bad fats. There would also have ber, vitamins and minerals. The seeds The Venturing Crews will learn skills such as team building, public been exercise from the physical labor also are a good source of protein. Corn speaking and interviewing. They will learn about career opportunities in WKHKHDOWKÀHOGVDQGH[SORUHHQYLURQPHQWDOVWHZDUGVKLSE\FUHDWLQJRXW- required in the working of the ground has a unique role, in that, eaten off the door learning spaces. Each crew will plan and operate their crews with the and harvest. cob it is considered a vegetable, but JXLGDQFHRITXDOLÀHGDGXOWDGYLVRUV So if this was such a healthy way when the kernels are dried they be- The Explorer Posts will learn how the ONPD operates and may par- to live, why do we read today about so come a grain. And the inclusion of corn ticipate in Ride-Alongs. The group will also have the opportunity to learn many Native tribes returning to tradi- DERXW ÀUHÀJKWLQJ VNLOOV DQG KDQGOH FRPPXQLW\ HPHUJHQFLHV IURP 21 LQRQH·VGLHWLVEHQHÀFLDO tional planting methods and the use of Emergency Management. heirloom seeds? Through the removal The Communities of Excellence pro- The Ranger Posts will explore the positive living side of life and create from- and encroachment upon- Na- gram is beginning the planning stages safe environments for everyone. tive lands by Europeans and later of this year’s gardening endeavors. All groups have the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities in- cluding backpacking, sailing, scuba diving, arts and hobbies, horseback American colonists and pioneers, this There is the acreage of 1st and Prudom. riding, teaching skills to others, rock climbing, living history, cave explor- tradition ended. And as the Native Another location is the small heirloom ing, service projects, cultural storytelling, team building, and much more. populations integrated with American garden at the WAHZHAZHI Cultural The Wah-Zha-Zhi Youth Advisory Council comprised of Osage youth society unhealthy foods became part of Center which will only be planted with ZLOOH[SORUHWKH21JRYHUQPHQWDQGKRZWKH2VDJH\RXWKÀWLQWRSODQQLQJ their diet. This in turn eventually led for the future. corn this time; a variety that is shorter to life-threatening illnesses, which in- Anyone interested in being an adult adviser, willing to take leadership cluded but were not limited to cancer, than the average plant and with small training to serve as Post Leaders, Venture Crew Leaders and Ranger Post heart disease and diabetes. ears. Bird Creek Farms will also be Leaders, are needed. The Osage Nation Communities of available for planting, [and more about For more information contact ON Communities of Excellence at (918) 287-5267. Excellence program (COE) provides that location will follow in another ar- education about healthy lifestyles and ticle]. Similar to the old ways where “the process of disease prevention the tribe worked together to maintain a dialogue with them,” according to the through good food choices, exercise, and being tobacco-free.” reliable food source, COE staff with the WIND FARMS U.S. “It is a well established rule, that –from Page 7 Last summer, COE and Ta-Wa Ta-Wa AmeriCorps team will also be without a clear manifestation of Con- AmeriCorps farmed three acres of joined by other Osage Nation depart- Enel Green Power North America, who gressional intent, the United States is pumpkins at 1st and Prudom Streets ments and personnel. It takes many in- have been going back and forth with le- not bound by state statutes of limita- in Pawhuska. It was a “learning expe- dividuals to do this hard work, but all JDOÀOLQJVVLQFH6HSWHPEHURIODVW\HDU tions or subject to the defense of laches rience,” COE Director Gail Boe stated. The U.S. is asking the court to grant in enforcing its rights.” teams are excited to get started. a partial summary judgment against Despite battling deer and raccoons, The U.S.’s argument sites a letter To learn more about Communities the companies for damages and harm the group had a successful harvest of of Excellence and AmeriCorps and/or to the Osage Minerals Estate. by BIA Superintendent Robin Phillips about 100 pumpkins. Some were giv- “Defendants took mineral reserved on Oct. 9 to Francesco Venturini, Enel en to the Soup Kitchen with the Im- to participate in this year’s gardening to the tribe (like limestone) and sorted Green Power North American, Inc., maculate Conception Catholic Church SURMHFWV FRQWDFW WKHLU RIÀFH DW   useable rocks which they then treated president, notifying him that his com- LQ 3DZKXVND 3XPSNLQ PXIÀQV ZHUH 287-5267. by crushing into optimal size for use as pany needed a sandy soil permit be- EDFNÀOO+DGWKH\QRWPLQHGDQGXVHG those materials, they would have had fore continuing construction and that WR SXUFKDVH VXLWDEOH EDFNÀOO PDWHUL- his company was to “refrain from any als,” according to the U.S. “Defendants further excavation.” The U.S. points Osage Nation recognized claim that they needed no lease to do out that instead of refraining, Enel this, that the Superintendent had no brought a team of lawyers to bury the authority whatsoever over this appro- Nation and Minerals Council in legal priation of the reserved mineral estate, as a Certi"ed Healthy and that Defendants owe the Osage work while they sped up construction. tribe nothing. This position is indefen- “Necessary for their wind farm is the sible.” placement of wind turbines. To place Oklahoma Business The wind companies contend that the turbines, Defendants have invad-

since no one from the Nation or the ed, unearthed, altered, and moved tens The Oklahoma State Department of Health has recognized the Osage Nation told them to of thousands of cubic yards of minerals DVD&HUWLÀHG+HDOWK\2NODKRPD%XVLQHVV VWRSRUQRWLÀHGWKHPLQDWLPHO\PDQ- Recognized for its “positive impact on the health of its employees,” according ner after construction began, using the that belong to the Osage mineral es- to a prepared release, the Osage Nation Communities of Excellence and Skiatook term “laches” for a long delay, they es- tate,” according to the U.S. +HDG6WDUWZLOODFFHSWWKHFHUWLÀFDWLRQRQEHKDOIRIWKH1DWLRQDWDOXQFKHRQDW caped the statute of limitations for the The U.S. also pointed out that when the Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center in Norman on Feb. 5. U.S. to sue them for damages to the the Oklahoma Department of Trans- minerals estate. Other factors for recognition are employee health screenings, workplace health portation was able to do roadwork on “Defendants contend their laches education, opportunities for physical exercise activities, management support for claim is viable because they voiced U.S. Highway 60, they obtained a lease healthy workplace environments, and sharing wellness activities within their re- disagreement as to the need to comply WRSHUIRUPH[FDYDWLRQDQGEDFNÀOOLQJ spective communities. DQGIHGHUDORIÀFLDOVGLGQRWFRQWLQXHWR as required by federal law.

February 18th is the deadline for all submissions for the March issue of the

Mark it on your calendars! 619 Kihekah • Pawhuska, OK 74056 10 February 2015 Osage News • Osage News • February 2015 11

TARA MADDEN / Osage News William Hamilton, Amory Proctor and Antwine Hamilton contest at the Battle of the Plains Straight Dance contest, ages 5-7. Osage JOM wins second place at Battle of the Plains Tara Madden Dawn Dancers of Lawrence, Kans., and Osage News the Royal Valley/Prairie Band of Pot- tawatomie dancers of Mayetta, Kans. The Osage Nation Johnson O’Malley After a great response of participants program placed second at this year’s in initial years, other schools decided to Battle of the Plains competition in join the competition and the Osage was Dewey. one of them. The Osage JOM program has partici- “I really liked Battle of the Plains be- pated in Battle of the Plains since 2009 FDXVH,JRWÀUVWSODFHDQG,UHDOO\OLNH DQG KDV ZRQ VHFRQG SODFH ÀYH WLPHV ZLQQLQJ ÀUVW SODFHµ VDLG VHYHQ\HDU DQGZRQÀUVWSODFHLQDQG old straight dancer William Hamilton. “The best reason for a youth pow- He competed in the ages 5-7 straight wow is to encourage young people to dance contest. dance and show them how fun it is, The “Battle” is meant to showcase in the hopes they will continue,” said the Native youth in their prospective Avis Ballard, Osage Nation JOM Co- age groups with four groups to sepa- ordinator. “The Osage JOM students rate the older dancers from the young- came to the event with their families er ones. The groups were boys and girls and spent the day in a positive atmo- ages 5-7, 8-10, 11-13 and 14-18. All kids sphere. Hopefully everyone will have danced their style of dance in contests good memories that will make him or to earn points for their dance group. her want to dance again.” :KHQ D GDQFHU SODFHV ÀUVW VHFRQG Battle of the Plains is a youth dance or third, their dance group received competition between JOM/Indian edu- points toward winning the competi- cation students from different areas. tion. The school with the largest accu- The competition was formed in 2001 to be a dance competition between Opera- See BATTLE tion Eagle dancers of Bartlesville, New —Continued on Page 12 12 February 2015 Osage News •

provides incentives to those best and that’s what is im- during a trot song and John gle, Osage Nation, Iowa JOM, BATTLE who participate. She usually portant,” said Dana Daylight. tried to show them. I was Royal Valley School (Mayetta, –from Page 11 has gift cards to the Chili’s “Looking forward to next year proud of him for being a good KS), Sand Springs, Oklahoma restaurant and Walmart and DQG EULQJLQJ WKDW ÀUVW SODFH role model that they can look City Metro, All Nations Indian mulated points is announced in past years provided Hood- trophy home.” for guidance,” Ballard said. Youth (Tulsa). the winner. Each child that ies to the participants to their This year John Star Big- The Osage JOM is in con- To learn more about Battle participated received $2 and parents. She feels the kids horse Jr. was the head boy stant battle against Royal Val- of the Plains visit their of- a participation ribbon. The deserve something for their ef- dancer at Battle of the Plains. ley at the Battle of the Plains ÀFLDO IDFH ERRN SDJH DW www. FKLOGUHQZKRSODFHGÀUVWVHF- fort and spending the day at John had knee surgery two and this year was no different. ond or third received a ribbon. the competition, which started weeks prior to the competition The Osage lost by 6 points. of-the-Plains-Youth-Competi- Each dance group either won at 1 p.m. and lasted till 7 p.m. and Ballard said he did an ex- Osage JOM consists of 43 stu- tion/107781289283958 or call a participation trophy or the “We had a great time, we cellent job as head boy and did dents from the Osage Nation Operation Eagle Indian Edu- trophy for one of the top three always look forward to this not let his injury or recovery and Ballard hopes that num- cation at (918) 337-0130 winning spots. dance. All the kids really try stop him from giving his best. ber will grow. Contact Osage Nation JOM their best. All the kids are “John Bighorse did a really This year there were eight Coordinator Avis Ballard at Preparation great competitors. I don’t think good job. During one of the dance groups participating (918) 287-5545 or by email at Ballard prepares for Battle they liked getting second place contests, some of the younger with a total of 130 dancers aballard@osagenation-nsn. of the Plains in advance and this year but they tried their boys didn’t know how to dance from Owasso, Operation Ea- gov.

All Photos TARA MADDEN Osage News All the JOM participants pose for a group photo at the Battle of the Plains Powwow held every year in Dewey, Okla., at the Washington County Fair- grounds.

Osage Congresswoman Alice Buf- falohead, her husband Jarod and son Joseph Goodfox dance during an intertribal at the Battle of the Plains Powwow held every year in Dewey, Okla., at the Washington County Fairgrounds.

Vann and Jimmy Wildcat contest in the Grass Dance division, ages 5-7 at the Battle of the Plains Powwow held every year in Dewey, Okla., at the Washington County Fairgrounds.

An Osage girl dances at the Battle of the Plains Powwow held every year in Dewey, Okla., at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Osage News • February 2015 13 Skiatook JOM Dance All Photos TARA MADDEN / Osage News

Jacklynn (pink broadcloth) and Madison Bighorse (red broadcloth) dance in an intertribal at the 2015 Skiatook JOM Powwow at the Skiatook High School, Jan. 10.

Tiny Tot winners line up for their prizes at the 2015 Skiatook JOM Powwow at the Skiatook High School, Jan. 10.

Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear speaks at the 2015 Skiatook JOM Powwow at the Skiatook High School, Jan. 10. Princesses sit together at the dance.

The newly crowned Skiatook JOM Princess Rachel Wynn. Erin Casoose contests CHIEF in the Jingle Dance –from Page 2 Contest at the 2015 preme Court, your advisers should be able to ask them how they understand treaties with Native Americans, Skiatook JOM Powwow appoint someone like Sonia Sotomayor.” at the Skiatook High Standing Bear said Obama nodded and then they left. Standing Bear said the biggest problems tribes face is School, Jan. 10. unfavorable court decisions. The courts do not favor Na- tive Americans. After the meeting Standing Bear said he had lunch with Washburn and they discussed the Donelson case, Also included with the gam- ing board approved the $46 the wind farm issue, and the environmental assessments ing annual plan is an increase and the NEPA applications for permitting to drill in the GAMING million distribution with the –from Page 13 of $6 million in gaming rev- Osage, and the slowing down of new oil production in the ÀUVW PRQWKO\ FKHFN DSSURYHG enue distribution to the ON Osage. at the Jan. 21 gaming board government for its operations. “He said talk to BIA Director Mike Black. I said, I don’t meeting. The Nation has received about know Mr. Black but I certainly will,” Standing Bear said. $40 million annually in re- The Nation receives its “When I got back to Oklahoma Mr. Black had already want to present this as ‘this is cent years, but the additional gaming revenue distribution scheduled a meeting with the Osage Minerals Council. the only thing we can do’ – this $6 million was proposed in a monthly following approval My administration is not informed from the Minerals (concept) has many options.” resolution (ONCR 14-16) spon- Council on what they do. In fact, my representative for Osage Casinos is continu- by the gaming board dur- sored by Congresswoman Alice information, Danielle Cass, was asked to leave an execu- ing the design work with Las ing its regular meetings. The Buffalohead last year. tive session. That’s just how they choose to do it.” Vegas-based Marnell Architec-  PLOOLRQ ÀJXUH ZLOO EH GL- Passed unanimously by Also present for the tribal leaders meeting were: ture on the Tulsa project de- vided up into monthly checks Congress during the Tzi-Zho • W. “Ron” Allen, Chairman, Jamestown signs. Marnell also worked on Session, ONCR 14-16 is a re- of $3,833,333.33. Also on Jan. S’Klallam Tribe the Skiatook and Ponca City quest to the gaming board to 21, the gaming board voted casino hotel properties. distribute a total of $46 mil- unanimously to distribute $1.5 • Phyliss Anderson, Chief, Mississippi Choctaw Chief Standing Bear chat- lion to the ON government for million to the Nation for ar- ted with Osages in the “Osage • Lorenzo Bates, Speaker of the Senate, Navajo Nation FY 2015. The resolution states rears distribution to cover the Community for Responsible that $5 million would be used months of October-December • Thomas Beauty, Chairman, Yavapai Apache Nation Citizenry” Facebook group on for master campus plan debt 2014. • Joseph M. Chavarria, Governor, Santa Clara Pueblo Jan. 24 and said the initial retirement and $1 million to- proposed Tulsa project was ward a real property purchase Congressman Maker, the • Cristina Danforth, Chairwoman, $455 million before it was fund. ONCR 15-05 sponsor, said he Oneida Nation of Wisconsin trimmed by $50 million – and “It’s my intent that this is pleased with the 12-0 vote • Jeff Grubbe, Chairman, Agua Caliente Band of now it’s trimmed to “a more money be used toward paying to approve the gaming plan. Cahuilla Indians reasonable $240 million and off and helping to pay off faster “I think everything’s been dis- we still are taking every mea- the master plan,” Buffalohead cussed and I thank everyone • Jerry Isaac, Alaska Federation of Natives Co-Chair, sure to make sure we build and said in September during the for being a big help,” he said, Tanacross Native Village RSHUDWHZLWKLQDSURÀWZLQGRZ Tzi-Zho Session. Since the res- adding he’s looking forward to • Darrin Old Coyote, Chairman, Crow Nation with a guarantee of funding olution was a request for the distribution to Osage Nation. additional money, the gaming the Nation starting one of the • Myra Pearson, Chairwoman, Spirit Lake Nation That means investing cash and board was not legally bound to biggest projects in the tribe’s borrowing.” comply, but the current gam- history with the Tulsa casino. 14 February 2015 Osage News •

All photos by TARA MADDEN

Construction progresses on the new campus buildings, Jan. 8. In the distance stands the Osage Na- tion Welcome Center (left) and the ON Police Department (right).

Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan Breastfeeding advocates with the Inter-Tribal Council’s Mater- nal, Infant and Early Childhood Services program set up a “Baby Breastaurant” in support of nursing moms at a powwow in Michi- gan this year. A Closer Look At Mental Health and Breastfeeding Walls are going up in the ON Wel- Mallory Black come Center, Jan. 8. Native Health News Alliance

'(752,7 ² $OWKRXJK VFLHQWLÀF VWXGLHV KDYH OLQNHG EUHDVWIHHGLQJ WR SK\VLFDO KHDOWK EHQHÀWV IRU \HDUV UH- searching its effect on mental health is relatively new. That’s because the relationship between breastfeeding and mental health is a complex one, says Dr. Ruta Non- The future home of the ON Police acs, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital Department and the ON Attorney Center for Women’s Mental Health. Psychological bond- General’s Office will be located off ing between mom and baby and the boost to a new mom’s of Grandview and 12th street in VHOIFRQÀGHQFH DUH MXVW VRPH RI EUHDVWIHHGLQJ·V PHQWDO Pawhuska. KHDOWKEHQHÀWV “There are also some aspects of breastfeeding that de- crease the level of anxiety and stress,” says Nonacs, who treats women with mood and anxiety disorders during pregnancy and post-partum. “That might have long-term EHQHÀWV VLQFH SRVWSDUWXP LVQ·W QHFHVVDULO\ D VWUHVVIXO event, which could [otherwise] trigger other depression- ary anxieties.” Some of the most conclusive research to date, however, found that women who were depressed during pregnancy were less likely to breastfeed or nursed for a short period of time. A side view from the east of the See BREASTFEEDING ON Welcome Center. The Welcome —Continued on Page 17 Center overlooks a pond by Senior Housing. Osage News • February 2015 15

Fourth ON Congress meets Osage Nation Congressional for two-day special session Sergeant-at-arms steps down Benny Polacca Benny Polacca for approval and as long as the bill passed 10-2 with “no” Osage News Osage News laws are on the books, we’re votes from Congresswoman going to try our best to follow Shannon Edwards and When the Fourth After several hours of com- them.” Speaker Maria Whitehorn. Osage Nation Congress mittee meetings to consider In her legislative address, convenes for its 2015 legislative matters, the Fourth Congressional Speaker Maria $FFRUGLQJ WR D ÀVFDO DQDO\- Hun-Kah Session in Osage Nation Congress ad- Whitehorn agreed with Stand- VLVÀOHGZLWK21&$WKH March, a new face will journed its special session ing Bear that the laws regard- requested funding includes be among the Congres- after two days, approving sev- ing special sessions should be $130,000 for professional fees VLRQDO RIÀFH VWDII DIWHU eral legislative bills and reso- looked at and the law consid- in the ON Strategic Planning Patrick Lewis stepped lutions Jan. 14-15. erations would be picked up and Grants Department and down from the sergeant- The 12-member Congress during the 24-day Hun-Kah VDODU\EHQHÀWVIRUDQ21FRP- at-arms post. voted unanimously to adjourn Session. “I think there should munications program director. Citing family obliga- the session just after 6 p.m. be dialogue between both Currently the ON Communi- tions, Lewis resigned on Jan. 15 and after passing a branches to see what works cations Department is staffed following the 2014 Tzi- Patrick Lewis total of 10 pieces of legislation, for us and how we’re going to by two mail employees, a pho- Zho Session in October which Principal Chief Geoffrey move forward with that,” she tojournalist and a website co- OHDYLQJDYDFDQF\WREHÀOOHGE\WKH&RQJUHVVLRQDO$IIDLUV Standing Bear signed into law. said. ordinator. The $350,000 is for Committee. The committee, chaired by Second Congres- Chief Standing Bear, who Those legislative items land-into-trust costs that will sional Speaker Alice Buffalohead, is considering applica- issued an executive proclama- passed by the Congress in- come from the ON Gaming En- tions for the part-time sergeant-at-arms position at its tion for the special session, clude: terprise versus the tribal gov- scheduled Feb. 3 meeting. used his executive address to • ONCA 15-11 (sponsored ernment treasury. Since 2010, Lewis served as sergeant-at-arms whose emphasize he only called the by Congressman William ONCA 15-14 (Congress- primary duty was to enforce order during the Congres- special session for the Con- “Kugee” Supernaw): An act woman Alice Buffalohead): sional sessions. He made sure all attendees were not dis- gress to consider items, which WRDPHQGWKH1DWLRQ·VÀUH- An Act to amend ONCA 14- rupting sessions with loud talking, noises, other potential could not wait for the 2015 works law. According to the 76 to provide a supplemental disruptions or interacting with Congress members after Hun-Kah Session starting bill, the law is now amend- appropriation to the Division the Congressional Speaker called sessions to order with March 30. He also noted the ed to remove the nearly of Health, Fitness and Well- the strike of the gavel. His role also included notifying &RQJUHVVDQGKLVRIÀFHVKRXOG Congress members to return to the chambers for sessions two-week period each QHVV IRU ÀVFDO \HDU  LQ work together to clarify Osage whenever recesses ended. VXPPHUZKHQÀUHZRUNV the amount of two hundred laws to iron out authority is- Lewis, who lives in Bristow, also looks after his parents are allowed to be possessed thousand dollars ($200,000). sues so the Executive Branch who reside in Tulsa. As time passed, Lewis’ parents’ need intended for sale leading up The $200,000 is outside grant may conduct certain business increased care, requiring his presence – and driving time to the July 4 holiday. The money awarded to the Nation’s matters without the need for a ²ZKLFKOHIWKLPZLWKDGLIÀFXOWGHFLVLRQWRPDNH law originally stated that Prevention Programs. The bill special session ÀUHZRUNVFRXOGEHVROGEH- “I had to retire, (my parents) are requiring more and “I think it would be best for passed unanimously. tween June 25 and July 10. more of my time,” Lewis said. “I had to make a decision I the Nation if our Congress The law still prohibits sale GLGQ·WZDQWWREXWIDPLO\FRPHVÀUVWµ and the Executive Branch RIÀUHZRUNVWRPLQRUVXQ- • ONCA 15-18 (Congressman Buffalohead said the Congressional Affairs Committee work together without techni- der age 12 unless an adult RJ Walker): An Act to es- ZLOOFRQVLGHUDSSOLFDWLRQVÀOHGE\WKH-DQFORVLQJGDWH cal people and our lawyers to accompanies the minor tablish a revolving fund for with ON Human Resources. “He’s going to be tough to try to determine how we can over age 21. ONCA 15-11 education services and to replace,” she said of Lewis. clarify the authorities in the passed unanimously 12-0. authorize and appropriate The sergeant-at-arms position is required to work dur- Executive and what should money to the fund. Accord- ing the two regular 24-day sessions held annually with come back to the Congress • ONCA 15-13 (Congress- ing to the bill, “the purpose the Hun-Kah Session in spring and Tzi-Zho Session in for approvals,” Standing Bear man Archie Mason): An of this act is to establish a fall. In addition, either the Congress or Principal Chief said in his address. “A lot of act to provide a supple- fund for education expen- may call the Congress into a special sessions at any other this has to do with budgeting mental appropriation of ditures in furtherance of time – with a 10-business day advance notice. Special ses- … you’re going to be looking $546,362 to the Division the (Nation’s) pursuit of sions may last up to 10 days and all sessions may be ex- at budget issues which the of Government Opera- a premier education sys- tended by three days, if needed. treasurer or the staff in the ex- WLRQVIRUÀVFDO\HDU tem for Osage children.” ecutive determined under the with $350,000 contingent See LEWIS existing budget laws, we have upon receipt from the (ON) See SESSION —Continued on Page 19 to come back to the Congress Gaming Enterprise. The —Continued on Page 19 16 February 2015 Osage News • OSAGE CULTURE SPORTS Hand Game UPDATE Charles Red Corn Osage youth Osage News to wrestle in When I was a child I wondered why some people Oklahoma Kids could play Hand Game bet- ter than others. It had al- Wrestling State ways seemed simple enough to my childhood mind that everyone playing the game Championship should be equally skilled at Osage News pointing the Guessing Stick at either the right hand or Wrestling isn’t just for the big boys it is also for the left hand, you should small competitors too. Eli- get it right at least half of jah Waller-Gilley, an eight the time. Charles Red Corn year old from Hominy, is For those who are not headed to Oklahoma Kids familiar with the game In- When all of the sticks are on Wrestling Association Nov- dians call Hand Game, let one side or the other, that ice State Championship me explain. Also, I should game is over. Jan. 30-31. note that not all tribes play $ÀUVW\HDUZUHVWOHUZKR I have mental images of Hand Game the way Osag- wrestles for the Cleveland those Older Women with es play it. Takedown Club for the To begin, let me say a their solemn expressions. In Oklahoma Kids Wrestling Hand Game happens when my memory those Ladies are Association, Waller-Gilley Indians have a need to cel- wrapped in beautiful fringed has placed in every tour- nament he has participat- ebrate something. That shawls and they are holding ed in and recently placed could be a birthday, or a a Guessing Stick. The ex- fourth at Tulsa National’s graduation, or the return- pressions on their faces will for his division. ing of a military person, tell you nothing of what they The Oklahoma Kids returning from or entering might be thinking. Certain- Wrestling State Champi- service to our country. In onship is hosted in Oklaho- ly, those expressions will tell other words, when Indians ma City at the Oklahoma have a need to honor some- you nothing of which hand State Fairgrounds, Jim one and want to do it by you should point the stick Norrick Arena, from 2-4 giving gifts, including the at, the right hand or the left. p.m. “Elijah is a straight A gift of money. It has been several years Courtesy Photo Friends and relatives are since I thought that all See SPORTS Elijah Waller-Gilley invited to attend. There are Hand Game players are cre- —Continued on Page 18 both Men and Women in- ated equal. I now know that, volved, and the Men play- more than likely, there is a ers can hold their own with the Women. It just seems to great deal of insight into hu- me there are normally more man nature that makes a Osage Nation Burial Assistance Osage Women players than Great Hand Game Guesser. there are Osage Men Hand I should also point out Application Process Game players. that, over the years, I have There are two sides com- talked to members of several peting for the win. These Tribes, and what I learned is are normally held in a large that every Tribe has a little room, and people are seat- different way of playing ed. Sitting at a table are the two score keepers. Half of Hand Game. The truth is the people are on one team there are some Indians who and the other half are on are very good at fooling other the other team. people. There are also those The event is set with a individuals who are very background beat of a drum, good at reading the expres- and that always adds a sions of others. My child- great deal to any event. hood mind also understood The basic thought behind • Submit an application within 30 days of that those same Indians the game is a simple guess time of death of which hand one person is who are better at guessing holding a small article. The are also the ones who are • Provide copy of Osage Membership Card article being held is nor- better when it comes hiding for deceased individual mally a small piece of bead- the button. Either the right work, about an inch long. hand or the left hand, it does • Provide a copy of a death certificate for the The guess of which hand not matter. holds the button is a simple deceased individual

pointing of the Stick at the ––––––––– • Provide a copy of an itemized Funeral left or right hand. About the author: The score is kept by lay- Home statement of the deceased individual Charles H. Red Corn, Osage, is ing ten beautiful sticks the author of “A Pipe for Feb- on a Score Keepers Table. ruary” and various other pub- The application is complete when all pertinent Five sticks in one bunch lished works. Red Corn received DQG ÀYH VWLFNV LQ DQRWKHU his B.A. in Psychology and his documentation is received by this office; once the bunch. When one team Masters of Education Admin- application is complete a letter of approved funds scores a point by avoiding istration from Penn State. He being guessed which hand is a veteran of the U.S. Army and check will be mailed to the funeral home. holds the button, one of and resides with his wife Jeri in Notice will also be sent to the applicant inform- the opposing team’s sticks Norman, Okla. He is the Osage is moved to the other side. News culture columnist. ing them of the amount being paid to the funeral home. • Allow 10-14 working days for completed Submitting Letters application to be processed and a check issued. For more information, questions, to the Editor or concerns please contact the Osage Nation Constituent Services Office If you would like to submit a letter to the editor, please mail it to the Osage News, Attn.: Osage Nation Constituent Services Office Shannon Shaw, 619 Kihekah, Pawhuska, OK Attention: W. Jacque Jones, Administrator 621 Grandview • Pawhuska, OK 74056 74056 or send email to [email protected]. Phone: (918) 287-5662 Letters must be respectful and informative to Fax: (918) 287-5221 • Fax: (918) 699-5221 Email: [email protected] the reader, and may be edited for grammar, clarity and space. COsage NewsOMMUNITY • February 2015 17

lege of Liberal Studies. Cun- Congratulations! ningham transferred to OU Congratulations! The families of Justin and from Northeastern Oklahoma The family of Kienan Cheves Nicholas Thompson would A&M College in the fall. like to congratulate them on Cunningham is a senior at would like to congratulate him a great basketball season. OU majoring in Criminal Jus- on winning the Junior High The brothers both play point tice. The Dean’s Honor Roll is Division of the Carmen Clas- guard and led the McCord reserved for students who earn sic. Kienan won the 200-pound Grade School to a success- a grade point average of 3.5 or ful season. They are the sons higher in 12 or more letter- title with a 2-0 decision. Kien- of Steve Thompson and Mary graded hours during any term. an is a freshman at Pawhuska She completed 15 hours with a Rose Allen and the grandchil- High School. He is the son of dren of John and Toni Allen 3.6 grade point average for the Heather and Aaron Cheves of of Pawhuska and Johnni Bur- Fall 2014 semester. Her family nett of Ponca City. Justin is a is very proud of her. Pawhuska. member of the Grayhorse War Dance Society and his Osage name is Nu-Shin-Gah. They are both descended from Amos BREASTFEEDING Osage and John Logan. –from Page 14 “If a woman is experienc- ing to a report by the Centers Congratulations! ing depression during a preg- for Disease Control and Pre- nancy, that’s a risk factor for Frankee Ann Cunningham vention. Native women are not going on to breastfeed,” earned a spot on the Univer- less likely to breastfeed overall Courtesy Photo says Elizabeth Kushman, who sity of Oklahoma’s Fall 2014 than their non-Native peers. Kienan Cheves Dean’s Honor Roll in the Col- manages Maternal, Infant Experts agree that breast- and Early Childhood Services for the Inter-Tribal Council feeding problems often stem of Michigan, a consortium of from a combination of shifting 11 tribes. “We’ve had women hormone levels, exhaustion Save the Date! who’ve experienced depres- and a lack of support, along –Local Events Calendar sion, anxiety or ambivalence with the stress of being a new around their pregnancy but mother.

FEBRUARY MARCH MAY they try breastfeeding, and “We have found that with February 11 March 7 May 25 that gives them such a satisfy- adequate support from nurses Teen Dating Violence and Strengthening Native Girls Memorial Day – ing sense of accomplishment at the hospital and from our Sexual Assault Awareness Traditional Osage Cooking Observed Holiday and bonding with their infant.” home visitors, we’ve seen our Osage Nation Counseling and Sewing Workshop 2IÀFHV&ORVHG When a woman breastfeeds, Center/Osage Nation Wah-Zha-Zhi breastfeeding rate increase her levels of prolactin, a hor- Prevention Program Cultural Center dramatically,” Kushman says. Wah-Zha-Zhi Pawhuska, Oklahoma JULY mone that stimulates breast Since 1998, the rate of breast- Cultural Center For more information milk production, go up. Oxy- July 3 Pawhuska, Oklahoma contact (918) 5519 tocin, a hormone connected to feeding for Native women in Independence Day – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. social behavior and linked to the MIECHV program has ris- For more information March 7 Observed Holiday reduced anxiety and stress, is en by 75 percent. contact (918) 287-5422 United Osages of Southern 2IÀFHV&ORVHG California Meeting also produced when a woman Kushman adds they do see February 15 Carlsbad California July 9 – 12 nurses or pumps. 2015 National Native high rates of perinatal depres- Osage Tribal Princess Senior Center “We know that breastfeed- Sorority Valentine’s Media Conference sion, the period immediately For more information ing is a good feeling,” says Day Handgame contact (760) 802-7591 Hyatt Regency before and after birth, but is Bethany Moody (Piqua Shaw- Wakon Iron Hall Crystal City careful to note, “There’s noth- Pawhuska, Oklahoma March 14 Washington, D.C. nee/Potawatomi), a maternal ing about being Native and 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. 2014 OKC Princess For more information child home visitor and nurse Honor Dance being pregnant that makes For more information visit for the Nottawaseppi Huron Heart of Oklahoma contact (918) 691-2245 Band of Potawatomi. “That’s you more likely to experience Expo Center depression around your preg- February 16 1700 W. Independence SEPTEMBER why when you see a mother President’s Day – Shawnee, Oklahoma who’s tense, the baby will start nancy, though we do see both Observed Holiday For more information September 7 crying. If you can just get her a higher rate of depression 2IÀFHV&ORVHG Labor Day – contact (405) 632-5227 to relax, talk her through it, and anxiety among all Native Observed Holiday February 17 March 21 HYHU\WKLQJVWDUWVWRÁRZµ women.” The Four Nutrition 2IÀFHV&ORVHG Strengthening Native Girls Moody visits 52 Potawatomi One of the biggest chal- Secrets That Could Help Traditional Osage Cooking September 26 families across seven coun- Save Your Life Lecture lenges for health care provid- and Sewing Workshop Northern California ties in Michigan. She encour- Osage Nation ers are women who experience Wah-Zha-Zhi Osage Meeting ages Native moms to think of Communities of Cultural Center Petaluma Community symptoms of depression while Excellence breastfeeding as a way to re- Pawhuska, Oklahoma Center Osage County Health WXUQ WR WKHLU ÀUVW WUDGLWLRQDO lactating yet avoid seeking For more information Petaluma, California Department treatment. Nonacs says that’s contact (918) 5519 For more information food and as a sacred gift that Community Room she can provide for her baby because many women are un- Pawhuska, Oklahoma March 30 – April 25 contact socal.osag- and for the next Seven Gen- comfortable with taking anti- 7 p.m. 2015 Hun-Kah Session [email protected] For more information Congressional Chambers erations. depressant medications while “Using those types of phras- contact (918) 440-7820 Pawhuska, Oklahoma OCTOBER breastfeeding. es with them, I think there’s February 19 On Dec. 3, 2014, the U.S. October 12 An Evening of Osage that sense of pride, it lifts Food and Drug Administra- APRIL Osage Day – Films and History them up,” Moody says. Observed Holiday tion introduced changes to Osage Tribal Museum April 3 For the Nottawaseppi Hu- Good Friday – 2IÀFHV&ORVHG prescription drug labeling to Pawhuska, Oklahoma ron Band of Potawatomi, the 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Observed Holiday provide more information for 2IÀFHV&ORVHG number seven is sacred, rep- For more information patients and health care pro- NOVEMBER resenting the four cardinal contact (918) 287-5441 April 7 – 9 viders about the risks of using November 11 directions, the earth, the sky, February 21 8th Annual Preparing Veterans Day – and middle ground in between. certain drugs during pregnan- Strengthening Native Girls for the 7th Generation Observed Holiday Tribal members are taught to cy and breastfeeding. Traditional Osage Cooking Conference 2IÀFHV&ORVHG and Sewing Workshop NCED Conference look and plan ahead for the Drug manufacturers will Center and Hotel Wah-Zha-Zhi November 26 – 27 health and balance of the next be required to use three sub- Norman, Oklahoma Cultural Center Thanksgiving – Seven Generations. sections - Pregnancy, Lacta- Registration is now open! Pawhuska, Oklahoma Observed Holiday Across cultures women get a For more information tion, and Females and Males For more information 2IÀFHV&ORVHG strong message that promotes contact (918) 5519 contact (405) 271-5170 or of Reproductive Potential - to EUHDVWIHHGLQJ EXW PDQ\ ÀQG [email protected] provide explanations about February 21 DECEMBER LW PRUH GLIÀFXOW WKDQ H[SHFW- April 11 December 24 - 25 – WKHEHQHÀWVULVNVDQGDGYHUVH 3rd Annual IICOT ed, Kushman says. Instead Strengthening Native Girls Observed Holiday reactions for the mother, the 6ZHHWKHDUW%HQHÀW women are left with feelings of Powwow Traditional Osage Cooking Christmas Holiday guilt and failure when nursing fetus and the breastfeeding Osage Event Center and Sewing Workshop 2IÀFHV&ORVHG child, which will take effect at Tulsa, Oklahoma Wah-Zha-Zhi doesn’t go as planned. For more information Cultural Center “For some, breastfeed- the end of June 2015. contact (918) 378-4494 Pawhuska, Oklahoma Have an event? Send event ing comes very easily, but for Still, for many pregnant and For more information information to the Osage News, February 25 many it’s a learned skill that new mothers, Nonacs says it’s contact (918) 5519 Attn.: Shannon Shaw, 619 Ki- Osage Nation Public takes trial and error,” Kush- hard to dispel the uncertainty. hekah, Pawhuska, OK 74056; Health Program CPR/ April 25 man says.” If you don’t have email [email protected], First Aid Class Northern California the support of a partner or or fax to (918) 287-5563. Make © Native Health News Al- Osage County Health Osage Meeting a parent or a grandma or an Department Conference Lucchesi Park sure to include event date, loca- liance This is the latest in a auntie, that can really make it Room Petaluma, California tion, email and Web address (if series of breastfeeding stories applicable) and a phone number hard for a woman.” 1115 East 15 For more information produced by the Native Health Pawhuska, Oklahoma contact where someone can be contact- Nationally more than three- For more information [email protected] ed for validation if necessary. quarters of new mothers in the News Alliance (NHNA), a part- contact Jami Jones Deadline for the March 2015 is- U.S. breastfeed their babies, nership of the Native Ameri- at (918) 287-5485 sue is February 18, 2015. but not for as long as the 12 can Journalists Association months recommended, accord- (NAJA). O18 FebruaryBITUARIE 2015 S Osage NewsFebruary • 2015 18 SPORTS –from Page 16

student and manages to juggle practice and schoolwork like a champ, we are super proud of him,” said Hope Waller, Eli- jah’s mother. He has wrestled in tournaments every other weekend since September 2014 and he has practices three nights a week. Waller-Gilley has had around 20 to 30 matches and has had numerous “pins.” He wrestles at 90 pounds in Division II. Gilley is the son of Hope Waller and Ronnie Gilley and the grandson of Osage Minerals Council member Everett Waller and Marian Waller. His paternal grandparents are Ronnie Sr. and Mary Gilley, all of Hominy.

Mary “Shelley” Sloan Betty Maud Trumbly Mary Sloan ell, Barry Woodell, and Greg- content for 24 years. While Mary “Shelley” Sloan, re- ory Woodell, her ex-husband living in Ponca City, Betty James R. Sloan, her children cently of Arcata, Calif., passed was a volunteer at St. Mary’s Native American away peacefully surrounded Tisha Sloan of Blue Lake, Hospital and crocheted doz- by family on Nov. 12, 2014. California, and J.B. Sloan of Shelley was born in Port- Boston, Massachusetts, her ens of newborn baby caps. She Business Conference land, Ore., on Aug. 3, 1942 to grandchildren, Julia, Eliza- was an avid reader, worked beth and Jackson in Califor- Julia Hazel (Thomas) Woodell crossword puzzles, and played and John Clark Bruce Wood- nia, and Isabelle and James in coming to Tulsa cards, especially canasta. She ell. The family moved often Massachusetts, and many be- and she spent time in Loui- loved nieces and nephews. did museum quality needle- Our Native American Business Network has cho- siana, Michigan, San Diego, Services will be held at point and crewel embroidery sen Tulsa, Okla., for their 11th Annual Native Trad- Sacred Heart Church in Eu- /DQFDVWHU8SODQGDQGÀQDOO\ and often traveled. She always ing at the River Conference. Arcata. She graduated from reka on Nov. 18, followed by The Muscogee (Creek) Nation will host the confer- Chaffey High School in 1960 a graveside ceremony in Blue said the two best decisions ence May 5-6 at the River Spirit Casino and River- and earned a B.A. in Commu- Lake. The wake/reception im- she ever made were going to Walk. nications from UC San Ber- mediately followed at the Mad work for Conoco and moving nardino in 1987. She was a River Grange in Blue Lake. “Trading at the River is a unique experience for to Spanish Cove where she copy editor for The Pennysaver ,Q OLHX RI ÁRZHUV WKH IDP- entrepreneurs, small business owners and economic lived 24 happy and contented and retired in 2008. ily requests that donations development practitioners to gather, exchange and Shelley was very social and be made to the Scleroderma years. The staff there became grow,” said Veronica Hix, ONABEN Executive Di- her lively spirit earned her Foundation. her extended family. Betty rector. “The change in venue next year will be a fast friends everywhere she In honor of one of her fa- and her family appreciated went. She was active with vorite activities, family and great opportunity to be able to share Trading at the St. Joseph’s Church and the friends gathered at The Log- Rita Bauman who served as 5LYHURXWVLGHRIWKH3DFLÀF1RUWKZHVWµ Jr. Women’s Club in Upland, ger in Blue Lake to cheer on her Eucharist Minister for 13 The two-day conference focuses on content to Calif., and volunteered with the Patriots, Nov. 16. years when she became unable facilitate growing strong economies on tribal res- Friends of the Upland Library, ervations and in communities through entrepre- after-school reading programs, to attend church. She was pre- and the Rancho Cucamonga Betty Maud Trumbly ceded in death by her parents, neurship, developing and growing small businesses Betty Maud Trumbly was Chamber of Commerce‘s Grape eight brothers and two sisters. and building partnerships. Harvest Festival, and great- born Dec. 20, 1924 to Oliver For the past 11 years the conference has been William and Mary Frances She is survived by her sister- ly enjoyed her time with the held in Oregon and Washington but the conference Cornett Trumbly in Diamond, in-law Ann Trumbly of Okla- Upland Professional Singles needed to expand and grow to other areas of Indi- group. She highly valued her Mo. The family moved to Osage homa City and her nieces and County, Okla. They later an Country, said ONABEN Board Chairman Jack Osage heritage and was a very nephews. A Mass of Christian active member of the Osage moved to Stillwater where she Lenox. Burial was held at St. John Tribe of Oklahoma. graduated from high school ONABEN will also partner with the Cherokee Since moving to Arcata to and attended Oklahoma A & Nepomuk Catholic Church in Nation TERO and Mvskoke Loan Fund to present M. She worked for the Okla- be near family, she has been Yukon, Okla., Jan. 29, 2015. Trading at the River. Anchoring the conference is active with the Dance USA homa Welfare Department in The burial was at St. Mary’s a marketplace where Native artists, crafters and group, the AAUW, and rarely Payne County for seven years missed a Dodgers or Patriots before moving to Ponca City Cemetery in Ponca City, Okla. other vendors can showcase and sell their products game at The Logger in Blue where she worked 33 years for Donations may be made to the and services. Lake. Conoco, retiring as an Admin- charity of your choice. Ser- For more information about ONABEN and Trad- Shelley is preceded by her istrative Assistant. She then vices were under the direction ing at the River, please visit and parents and her eldest brother moved to Spanish Cove Retire- Bruce Woodell, and is survived ment Center in Yukon, Okla., of Smith & Turner Mortuary, by her brothers William Wood- where she lived happily and Yukon. CLASSIFIEDS Osage Nation Jobs: Applica- sources Department located at ferred, At least four (4) years Investigate Agent – Pawhus- perience working a domestic tions may be downloaded at 621 Grandview in Pawhuska. LQ WKH RIÀFH HQYLURQPHQW ZLWK ka Gaming Commission. As- violence shelter or behavioral Interested applicants can also strong customer service expe- sociate’s Degree or equivalent health program. Regular Part call (918) 287-5445 or email HR rience preferred. Regular Full experience. Previous casino ex- Time.Salary: $11.50/hr. jobsearch.aspx or obtained at at [email protected]. Ap- Time. Salary: $15.40/hr. perience preferred. A minimum the Osage Nation Human Re- Investigator – Pawhuska plications must be received in Hydrologist – Pawhuska of 1-2 years of experience in law Child Support. Bachelor’s De- Human Resources no later than ENR. Masters of Science De- HQIRUFHPHQWRULQDUHODWHGÀHOG gree in Criminal Science, Public 4 p.m. on the date of closing. gree in Aquatic Biology, Ecology, in which civil and criminal inves- Administration, Political Science Late applications will not be Water Resources Management, tigations are conducted and pros- accepted. &KHPLVWU\ RU UHODWHG ÀHOG $W ecuted/tried in a quasi-judicial or Sociology related program, or Osage Casinos Careers. Vari- OHDVW ÀYH \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH LQ system. Regular Full Time. Sal- UHODWHGÀHOG$WOHDVWWKUHH\HDUV· ous Osage Casino Locations. UHODWHG ÀHOG 5HTXLUHV NQRZO- ary: $15.95/hr. experience in a social environ- For more information contact edge of methods and procedures Case Manager II – Pawhuska ment such as child support, child RI VFLHQWLÀF UHVHDUFK DQG GDWD Counseling Center. Bachelor’s welfare, foster care, and/or adult R.N., Diabetes Case Manager collection, interpretation and Degree in Substance Abuse, So- protection. Must be CLEET cer- – Pawhuska Diabetes. Must presentation. Regular Full Time. cial Work, Psychology or Behav- WLÀHG5HJXODU)XOO7LPH6DODU\ have completed an accredited Salary: $34.00/hr. LRU +HDOWK ÀHOG UHTXLUHG 0XVW $21.22/hr. KDYHD&DVH0DQDJHU,,FHUWLÀFD- Bachelors or Associate Degree of Youth Development Staff – Treasurer – Pawhuska Ac- Science in Nursing. Must have a Pawhuska Wah-Zha-Zhi Edu- tion. Must obtain a CDAC (Certi- counting. Bachelor’s Degree in minimum of 2 years of Diabetes cation Youth Academy. High ÀHG'UXJDQG$OFRKRO&RXQVHORU  Business Administration, Ac- education experience. One (1) School diploma or GED. Strong license within one year. Regular counting, Finance, or related year of Case Management expe- communication skills, both ver- Full Time. Salary: $17.92/hr. ÀHOG ZLWK &HUWLÀHG 3XEOLF $F- rience preferred. Regular Full bal and written. Must have group Regulatory Compliance countant’s license; Master’s De- Time. Salary: $30.05/hr. leadership skills, including and Agent 2 – Pawhuska Gam- understanding of group dynam- gree preferred. Must be at least Teacher Assistant – Skiatook ing Commission. Associate’s ics. Must be able to obtain CPR/ WZHQW\ÀYH  \HDUVRIDJHDQG Headstart. Child Development Degree in Criminal Justice/ )LUVW$LG&HUWLÀFDWLRQVZLWKLQ have never been convicted of a $VVRFLDWH FHUWLÀFDWLRQ SUHIHUUHG Law or equivalent experience. days of hire. Regular Part Time. or working toward completion National Indian Gaming Asso- felony. Regular Full Time. Sal- Salary: $11.50/hr. within eight months. Associ- FLDWLRQ 1,*$ FHUWLÀHG *DPLQJ ary: $55.29/hr. ate’s degree in Early Childhood Child Care Provider – Fair- Commissioner Level 3 preferred. Site Coordinator – Skiatook Compliance, inspection, or inves- RU UHODWHG ÀHOG SUHIHUUHG RU DF- fax WELC. High School diploma WELC. Current CDA license or GED. One (1) year previous tigation background preferred. tively working towards this de- and at least two (2) years’ work gree. High school diploma or experience as a day care or child Regular Full Time. Salary: experience in a day care setting. GED. Regular Full Time. Salary: care provider in a licensed day $16.50/hr. At east one year’s experience in $11.50/hr. care facility preferred but not re- Shelter Monitor (2) – Pawhus- a supervisory position of no less quired. Child Development Asso- Executive Administrative ka Counseling Center. As- FLDWH &HUWLÀFDWLRQ SUHIHUUHG EXW WKDQ ÀH VWDII 0XVW EH %URQ]H Assistant – Pawhuska Osage sociate’s degree in counseling, not required; must obtain CDA OHYHO TXDOLÀHG SHU WKH 'HSDUW- Minerals Council. At least (4) psychology, sociology or related &HUWLÀFDWLRQZLWKLQPRQWKVRI ment of Human Services regula- years education from college, ÀHOG SUHIHUUHG +LJK 6FKRRO hire. Regular Part Time. Salary: tions. Regular Full Time. Salary: business or vocational school or Diploma or GED equivalent $11.50/hr. equivalent work experience pre- required. At least one year’s ex- $13.52/hr. OOsage NewsPINION • February 2015 19 Letters to the Editor Without Reservations Wind farm destroys important tangible link to our heritage, an unpolluted prairie our culture landscape is being destroyed Several years ago the gi- by gigantic wind turbines. The ant Italian energy company, undisturbed prairie landscape ENEL signed leases with a is visual reminder of how our small number of greedy land- ancestors lived on this sacred owners in the western half of land. They lived, loved, and the Reservation to build a wind farm north of Fairfax. ENEL buried their dead on the prai- is building an 8,000 acre in- rie we inherited. Our ancestors GXVWULDO ZLQG UHÀQLQJ SODQW watched the path of Grandfa- euphemistically called a “wind ther sun as it rose and set on farm” 10 miles as the “eagle a pristine prairie horizon. This ÁLHVµIURPWKH7DOO*UDVV3UDL- path over the prairie was sym- rie Preserve. bolic of life’s path, and where After I alerted the Chief the sky (Tzi-Zho) meets the who in turn alerted the BIA earth (Hun-Kah) on unencum- that ENEL was digging and bered horizons that inspired using 1000’s of tons of miner- our ancestor’s understanding als owned by the Nation, the of our beginnings as a people. BIA ordered ENEL to cease. The majestic landscape our The Osage mineral estate in- ancestors lived on will no lon- cludes rocks like limestone, ger be available to us or our not just oil and gas. ENEL did grandchildren if wind turbines not seek BIA or the Osage Na- are allowed to destroy our link tion approval and claims it did to the past. not need their permission to While it is true that the U.S. use Osage rock for its’ 90 plus, (BIA) has a responsibility to Cartoon © Santo Domingo Pueblo Cartoon Artist, Ricardo Caté forty story tall wind turbines. protect the Nation’s assets, it When ENEL arrogantly ig- is also true that we Osages as totally full and they need air language program and nored the BIA order, the U.S. a sovereign Nation have equal WUDIÀFVSDFHLQ7XOVDµ6WDQG- $WWRUQH\ LQ 7XOVD ÀOHG WZR SESSION spending costs. Stand- responsibility to protect them. –from Page 15 ing Bear told the Congress. suits, one to stop construction Over 100 years ago, Osage In- ing Bear said he and and one to tear down turbines • ONCA 15-19 passed 9-3 dian Agent Laban Miles com- Assistant Principal Chief RWKHU1DWLRQRIÀFLDOVKDYH already built. ENEL ignoring with “no” votes from PHQWHG RQ WKH 2VDJH·V ÀHUFH Raymond Red Corn said en- plans to visit Ponca and these suits has continued to Congressman Shaw, Ed- opposition to the Allotment ergy company TransCanada build at a frantic pace. About wards and Whitehorn. Omaha language speak- Act, wrote, “The Osages be- is proposing to donate $50,000 this time and after much cajol- ers to view their programs lieve they are a nation with a per year for three years with • ONCA 15-20 (Congress- ing the Osage Congress voted the money intended for educa- man John Maker): An Act and discuss involve- to give the Chief permission capital N”. tion purposes. Debate on the to amend ONCA 14-71 to ment with the Nation. WRÀOHDVXLWDJDLQVW(1(/LQ We must have the courage bill touched on what types of provide a supplemental Osage Tribal Court. to be a Nation with a capital N action are needed to appropri- appropriation of $54,000 Not long after the U.S. At- DQG QRW OHDYH WKH ÀJKW WR WKH Also on Jan. 15, the Con- ate the money and whether the to the Division of Cultural WRUQH\·V ODVW ÀOLQJ WKH 2VDJH U.S. So, I say let our Osage money could be spent under Preservation, Arts, Heri- gress voted down ONCA 15-17 1DWLRQ$WWRUQH\*HQHUDOÀOHG Courts hear the case, and as- the Nation’s current account- tage and Language. Execu- a suit in Tribal Court asking sert our sovereign right to pro- (Congressman Otto Hamilton), ing laws. ONCA 15-18 passed WLYH%UDQFKRIÀFLDOVWROGWKH the Court to order ENEL to tect our property and heritage, which is a $58,000 appropria- 10-2 with “no” votes from Ed- Congress the funding will tear down the turbines. This and God willing order ENEL wards and Whitehorn. be used to support efforts tion bill to provide the money suit is on hold, as the Nation to tear down the turbines! of further developing the to the Nation’s capital asset waits on the federal judge to –Dr. Joe L. Conner • ONCA 15-19 (Walker): An Osage language classes also rule on federal suits. Former Osage Government Act to establish a revolving and improvement fund to pur- being held at the Wah- In the meantime the most Reform Commissioner fund for commercial prop- chase a home on 12th Street in Zha-Zhi Cultural Center. erty lease revenues and to Pawhuska. The bill failed with authorize and appropriate Standing Bear said the Ex- “no” votes from Congress mem- money to the fund. Accord- ecutive Branch is in talks with ing to the bill “the purpose bers Maker, Mason, James EWIS speakers of the Ponca and L of this act is to establish a Norris, Angela Pratt, Super- –from Page 15 Omaha tribes to bring speak- fund for lease revenue and ers of those languages to the naw, Walker, Buffalohead, Ed- Congressional Clerk Barbara Rice said Lewis was the expenditures in furtherance Nation (via online technology, wards, Jech and Whitehorn. of the (Nation’s) economic second sergeant-at-arms to serve the Congress since the if needed) to work with Osage development initiatives.” Congress members Ron Shaw new government started in 2006. Lewis started in 2010 language teachers to help ed- and Hamilton voted “yes.” after the late Dan Cass held the post. ucate more Osage language Standing Bear said the pro- Lewis previously worked in law enforcement in Creek speakers from the public. The Another 12-0 approved reso- posed revolving fund for com- County and owns his own custom embroidery business, Osage, Ponca and Omaha mercial property lease revenue lution is ONCR 15-06 (White- which he also plans to focus on. Since 1996, Lewis has tribes are part of the Dhegiha issue is important because his horn), which seeks to formally operated his embroidery business with work on Osage people, which comprise those RIÀFH LV FRQVLGHULQJ XVHV RI three tribes and the Kaw “authorize the Principal Chief dance clothing including shawls, skirts, men’s dance tribally-owned land includ- DQG 4XDSDZ 7KH ÀYH WULEHV of the Osage Nation to execute suits, moccasins, blankets, hats and other items. ing the former Tulsa Airpark share similarities in language Lewis is a member of the Pawhuska In-Lon-Schka where the Osage Casino cen- real property leases on re- and participate in an annual Committee and dances at the annual June ceremonial WUDOVHUYLFHVRIÀFHVDUHORFDWHG stricted Indian lands on behalf Dhegiha Gathering language dances. He is also a member of the Osage Gourd Clan and “We’re going to be visiting with conference held each summer of the (Nation) through Oct. 1, gourd dances with the group at various powwows and Federal Aviation Administra- since 2011. 2016.” Currently the Principal dances, which he will continue participating in. Lewis WLRQ RIÀFLDOV  DQG RWKHUV WR and the gourd clan will next dance at an - see if we can use that air strip Chief has implied authoriza- (QFDPSPHQWEHQHÀWGDQFHLQ)HEUXDU\DQGWKH2VDJH IRUVXFKWKLQJVDVGURQHWUDIÀF • ONCA 15-20 passed with tion to execute the leases, but Sovereignty Day dance scheduled March 14. – the proposals a 9-3 vote with “no” votes the Bureau of Indian affairs to use drones. We’re told the from Congressman John VRXJKW FODULÀFDWLRQ IURP WKH Jones airport in south Tulsa is Jech, Buffalohead and Edwards who expressed ON Congress, according to the concern about the current resolution. Nation to accept bids for construction on Fairfax Child Care and Senior Center in March Osage News The Nation will accept bids for construction on the Fairfax Child Care and Senior Center in March. Nearly two years have passed since the planning for the facili- WLHVEHJDQ$FFRUGLQJWRDSUHSDUHGUHOHDVH1DWLRQRIÀFLDOVKRSH to begin construction this spring. The Nation’s Tribal Develop- PHQWDQG/DQG$FTXLVLWLRQRIÀFHLVZRUNLQJRQWKHSURMHFW ONCA 15-05, sponsored by Congressman Archie Mason, ear- marked $3.3 million for the Fairfax Child Care and Senior Cen- ter facility. However, it was reduced by $300,000 after ALLS Grocery Inc. bought the old Palace of the Osage grocery store in Fairfax. The $300,000 will go toward making improvements to the store, which has been renamed to Venture Foods. The best source for Osage news now! Correction In the January 2015 edition of the Osage News, the photo on page 2 is incorrectly credited to Louise Red Corn of The Bigheart Times. The photo was taken by Tara Madden of the Osage News.