Senate Sunset Committee Meeting Thursday June 22nd, 2017 12:30 p.m. Senate Chamber Meeting Room Legislative Hall Meeting Attendance Committee Members Present Email Chair Senator John Walsh
[email protected] Stephanie L. Hansen
[email protected] Bryant L. Richardson
[email protected] David P. Sokola
[email protected] Absent Email Brian Pettyjohn
[email protected] Staff Present Email Caitlyn Gordon
[email protected] Public Attendees Albert Shields Larry Lewis Cerron Cade Bob Byrd Joe Fitzgerald Rich Heffron Agenda The meeting was called to order at 12:34p.m. Consideration of Meeting Minutes Senator Jack Walsh, Chair, brought the Senate Sunset Committee meeting to order with the first item on the agenda, consideration of the meeting minutes from June 20th, 2017. The Senator asked the committee if they had any corrections to the meeting minutes. As there were none, he asked for motions to approve the meeting minutes from June 20th, 2017. Senator Stephanie Hansen motioned to approve the meeting minutes. Senator David Sokola seconded that motion. The meeting minutes from June 20th, 2017 were approved unanimously. Consideration of HB 226 w/ HA 1, HA 2, HA 3 HB 226 w/ HA 1, HA 2, HA 3 (Short) AN ACT TO AMEND THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO STATE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFERRING THE FUNCTIONS OF THE DELAWARE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE TO A DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Synopsis: Recognizing a fundamental economic change toward businesses that require innovation, The Honorable John C. Carney, Governor of the State of Delaware, issued Executive Order One on January 18, 2017 creating a Working Group of business and government leaders to study methods to improve coordination between the public and private sectors, attract growing businesses and foster economic development throughout the State.