Au Bain Marie : Cooking process such as boiling but not on the water otherwise in the . Au Gratin : Recipes that are browned in the oven, or under a grill. Often refers to dishes that use a sauce and are topped with breadcrumbs and/or cheese. Baking : Cooking technique by dry heat in the oven Baste : To spoon juices over food that is being roasted or baked to prevent it from drying out and to glaze the surface – commonly meat, or baked fruit. Bind : To add eggs, cream or liquid to a recipe to make the other ingredients hold together Blanching : Cooking technique fruit or vegetables into the boil water in a short time, afterwards it puts in the cold water to stop cooking process Boiling : Cooking process in the boil water or stock Braising : Combination-cooking method that uses both moist and dry heats. Typically, the food is first seared at a high temperature, then finished in a covered pot at a lower temperature while sitting in some (variable) amount of liquid Canning : Food preserved process into the can Caramelized Sugar : To heat sugar to its melting point, at which time it liquefies into a clear caramel syrup. The new flavor it attains works nicely in desserts. Currying : Preserved process to meat and fish. Carry-Over Cooking or Residual Heat : The meats, fish, vegetables, pasta, and even eggs will continue to cook after being removed from the heat source. Deep frying : also referred to as deep fat frying is a cooking method in which food is submerged in hot oil Deglazed : To add wine, stock or other liquid to the sediment and cooking juices left in a pan after roasting or sautéing –which is then heated to make a jus. Filleting : cut or slice of boneless meat or fish Glaze : To coat foods, particularly meat or cakes, with syrup, jam, egg, milk or meat juice to give it a glazed surface when cooked. Grilling : Form of cooking that involves dry heat applied to the surface of food, commonly from above or below Julienne : To cut vegetables into long thin matchsticks. Marinate : To leave meat, poultry, fish, or sometimes fruit to soak in a ‘marinade’. Most often a combination of liquid ingredients and other flavourings. Used to tenderise and add flavor. Parboil : To partly cook in boiling water. In the case of vegetables, they should still be very firm, but not crunchy. Peeling : technique to remove peel from the fruit or vegetables Poaching : Type of moist heat cooking technique that involves cooking by submerging it in liquid, such as water, milk, stock or wine Pressure cooking: Pressure cooking is the process of cooking food, using water or other cooking liquid, in a sealed vessel, known as a pressure cooker. Puree : To mash, or blend well-cooked vegetables or fruit to create a thick smooth paste. Reduce : To boil rapidly in order to evaporate liquid, concentrate the flavours, and thicken. Roasting : Cooking method that uses dry heat, whether an open flame, oven, or other heat source. Roux : A method of thickening a sauce by cooking flour and butter together, then gradually stirring in the liquid ingredients. Sauté : method of cooking food, that uses a small amount of oil or fat in a shallow pan over relatively high heat. Scald : To heat liquids, (usually milk) until they are just at the point of boiling. Score : To cut the surface of meat, pastry, or fruit with a sharp knife, without cutting right through it. Sear : To brown (usually meat) in a hot pan or on a grill. Shallow frying : Cooking process with few hot oil Sieve : Technique to separate wanted or unwanted food material. . Simmering : food preparation technique in which foods are cooked in hot liquids kept just below the boiling point of water (which is 100 °C or 212 °F at average sea level air pressure), but higher than poaching temperature. Skimming : Removal of the floating layer of fat or impurity from the top of a soup. This can be done using a spoon, or a skimmer Squeeze : Technique of gripping and pressing to produce the juice Steaming : Method of cooking using steam. Steaming is considered a healthy cooking technique and capable of cooking almost all kinds of food. Stew : Combination of solid food ingredients that have been cooked in liquid and served in the resultant gravy. Ingredients in a stew can include any combination of vegetables (such as carrots, potatoes, beans, peppers and tomatoes, etc.) Stir frying : Well Known As Chinese cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred in a wok Sweat : To cook vegetables, particularly onion, until the juices just run and the vegetable softens without coloring. Trimming : Technique to remove inedible or undesirable portions from food Whip : To beat with an egg-beater or electric beater until thick and frothy. : To beat with a wire whisk until thick or frothy.


Apple Corer : An equipment in the to remove the core and pips from apples and similar fruits Apron : A garment covering part of the front of the body and tied at the waist for protecting chef’s clothing Biscuit cutter : one of pastry or to shaping biscuit dough Blow torch : commonly used to create a hard layer of caramelized sugar. Bowl : To hold food, including food that is ready to be served Can opener : kitchen utensil to open the can : kind of knifes to cut the cheese Cold Storage : refrigerated place to keep fruits, meat, fish and vegetables Cutting board : A portable board on which food can be cut Dish washing machine : Machine used to washing cooking and restaurant equipments Dough Mixer : Commonly used in pastry or bakery to mixing cake or bread’s dough : A knife to cut fish or meat : A device having a surface covered with holes edged by slightly raised cutting edges, used for grating cheese and other foods. Ice cream scoop: a utensil composed of a palm-sized hollow hemisphere attached to a horizontal handle, for dishing out ice cream or other soft foods. Ice Cube Machine : An equipment to produce ice cube Ladle : type of serving spoon used for soup, stew, or other food Meat Grinder : an equipment to sublimate beef or vegetables become small size : an equipment used to mince meat, vegetables or bread into slight slice or according to the chef necessary Oven glove : Hand protector from hot saucepan or oven Oven : enclosed compartment for heating, baking or roasting food : brush to spread oil, juices, sauce or glaze on food. : special knifes to cut pizza Potato Masher : an utensil to smash potato Potato : kitchen equipment to peel potato in lot of quantities Salamander : A small broiler oven used to quickly brown, glaze, cook, broil, or toast various foods. The Salamander is often used to provide the nicely browned crust to a crème brûlée, an au gratin dish or toasted bread. Saucepan : deep cooking pan, typically round of metal and one ,one long handle and a lid Scale : used to measure the weight of dry, liquid, or chopped ingredients Skewer : long piece of wood or metal used for holding pieces of food, typically meat, together during cooking : kitchen utensil for lifting or turning food during cooking Spring form pan : A cake tin with a release spring on the side that allows it to expand and lift away from the cake, leaving the cake and base behind. Tongs : Usually used to move items on hot surfaces, such as barbecues, or to select small or grouped items, such as sugar cubes or salad portions. Waffle Maker : small electric counter appliance that is used for making waffles Whisk : utensil used to blend ingredients smooth, or to incorporate air into a mixture, Working Table : Meja tempat para koki beraktifitas membuat persiapan untuk proses pengolahan makanan


Assistant Executive Chef : The second-in-command and direct assistant of the Chef de Cuisine. This person may be responsible for scheduling the kitchen staff, or substituting when the head chef is off-duty. Butcher Section : Section in the kitchen who prepare standard cuts and maintain quality of meat, poultry, fish or shellfish. Chef de Cuisine (Executive chef) : Person is in charge of all activities related to the kitchen, which usually includes menu creation, management of kitchen staff, ordering and purchasing of inventory, and plating design Chef de Partie : Also known as a "station chef" or "line cook is in charge of a particular area of production. In large , each Chef de partie might have several cooks or assistants. In most kitchens, however, the Chef de partie is the only worker in that department. Boulanger : The bread cook Confiseur : The candy cook Fish cook or poissonier : The fish cook--all fish and shellfish items and their sauces Friturier : The deep fry cook Grillardin : The grill cook Pantry chef or Garde Manager : The person who prepares cold savory items Boucher Pastry chef or patissier : Is responsible for cold foods, including salads and dressings, pâtés, cold hors d'oeuvres, and buffet items. Potager : The soup and often stock cook Roast cook or rotisseur : Prepares roasted and braised meats and their gravies, and broils meats and other items to order. A large kitchen may have a separate broiler cook or grillardin (gree-ar-dan) to handle the broiled items. The broiler cook may also prepare deep-fried meats and fish. The Butcher Commis : The common cook under one of the Chef de Partie. This level of cook comprises the bulk of the kitchen staff Tournant (or chef de tournant): The Relief cook. This term describes the cook in the kitchen who provides help to all the different cooks rather than having a specific job. Vegetable cook or entremetier: Prepares vegetables, soups, starches, and eggs. Large kitchens may divide these duties among the vegetable cook, the fry cook, and the soup cook. Cold Kitchen / Garde Manger : Well-ventilated area where cold dishes (such as salads, appetizer, canapés, pâtés and terrines) are prepared and other foods are stored under refrigeration. Commis : A commis is a basic chef in larger kitchens who works under a chef de partie to learn the station's or range's responsibilities and operation Hot Kitchen : The hot kitchen is part of a kitchen where raw materials are prepared and cooked, whether baked, fried, roast, boiled or steamed. The hot kitchen is usually equipped with modern facilities such as gas and electric stoves exhaust fans, , chillers, hot and cold water supply, dishwashers, etc Pastry : Part of kitchen which prepare types of cake, bread, etc.


Almond : kacang almond Apple : Apel Asparagus : Asparagus Avocado : Alpukat Bacon Fat : Lemak babi, diambil dari bagian perut. Banana : Pisang Basil : kemangi Bay leaves : daun salam Blade : punuk sapi Bread crumb : Tepung roti Brisket : Sandang lamur (bagian dada bawah) Broccoli : Brokoli Cabbage : Kubis Caraway : jintan Carrot : Wortel Cashew : Kacang mende Cat fish : Ikan lele Cayenne : Cabe rawit Cheddar : Jenis keju yang umum di Indonesia digunakan untuk pembuatan kue Chervil : Chervil Chicken breast: bagian dada ayam Chicken Caracas: bagian punggung ayam Chicken liver : hati ayam Chicken wing : sayap ayam Chives : kucai Chuck : Bagian paha depan sapi Cilantro : Daun Ketumbar Cinnamon : kayu manis Clove : cengkeh Coconut milk : Santan Collards : Sawi Coriander : biji ketumbar Corn : Jagung Crab : Kepiting Cub roll : Lemusir (bagian sapi yang berasal dari has dalam, has luar dan tanjung) Dark Chocolate: Jenis coklat yang digunakan untuk membuat kue Demi Glace : Saus yang dibuat dari brown sauce yang dipanaskan hingga kandungan/kadar airnya berkurang/menyusut. Dill : Dil (memiliki kemiripan dengan parsley dengan daun runcing berwarna biru kehijauan dengan bunga yang berwarna kuning. Daun dan biji dari dill digunakan untuk menmbah rasa pada masakan dan tujuan pengobatan) Dragon fruit : Buah Naga Drumstick : paha ayam Durian : Durian Egg white : Putih telur Eggplant : Terong Emulsifier : Pengemulsi adonan Fennel : Adas Fish Sauce : Kecap ikan Galangal : Lengkuas Garlic : bawang putih Garnish : Hiasan makanan untuk memperindah tampilan makanan yang juga dapat dikonsumsi Ginger : Jahe Glutinous Flour : Tepung Ketan Grape : Anggur Guava : Jambu Honey : Madu Italian Dressing : Saus untuk salad yang terbuat dari campuran minyak, cuka, dan bumbu. Jack fruit : Nangka Orange : Jeruk Kale : Kangkung Lemon grass : Sereh Lemon : Jeruk Lemon Lettuce : Selada Lime leaves : Daun jeruk Lime : Jeruk Nipis Lobster : Lobster Mascarpone : Jenis keju yang digunakan untuk pembuatan dessert Milk : Susu Mint : Daun Mint Mozzarella : Jenis keju berasal dari italia yang banyak digunakan pada pizza atau salad Nutmeg : Pala Oregano : oregano (daun yang biasanya digunakan pada masakan Italia, Mexican seperti pizza, spaghetti) Oxtail :Bagian ekor (buntut) dari sapi yang biasa digunakan untuk sop (sop buntut) Oyster Sauce : Saus tiram Palm Sugar : Gula merah Paprika : paprika Parmesan : keju yang biasanya dijumpai dalam bentuk bubuk Parsley : peterseli (daun sup) Passion fruit : Markisa Peach : Persik Peanuts : Kacang Tanah Pepper : merica Pickle : Acar Pineapple : Nanas Potato : Kentang Pumpkin : Labu Radish : Lobak Red onion : bawang merah Rib Meat : iga sapi Rosemary : Rosemary (sejenis bumbu yang memiliki bentuk daun seperti jarum dan digunakan untuk menambah aroma pada masakan seperti ayam, seafood, mushroom dan sayuran) Rye Flour : Tepung gandum hitam Saffron : Saffron/kuma-kuma (Sejenis bumbu yang berasal dari tumbuhan crocus sativus banyak digunakan pada masakan Eropa dan India untuk menambah rasa dan aroma. Saffron merupakan salah satu bumbu termahal di dunia) Sage : Sage (sejenis bumbu untuk menambah aroma pada masakan dan digunakan untuk keperluan pengobatan, biasanya digunakan pada makanan seperti pork, turkey, mushroom) Salmon : Ikan salem Salt : garam Sauce : Cairan yang dikentalkan dengan bahan lain untuk menambah rasa dan aroma makanan ataupun sebagai hiasan Saucier : Jenis-jenis saus panas seperti white sauce, butter sauce, brown sauce Scallop : Kerang Screwpine leaf : Daun pandan Sesame : wijen Shenk : bagian depan atas kaki sapi Shrimp : Udang Silver side : bagian paha belakang sapi Sirloin : Bagian daging sapi yang paling empuk, yang diambil dari bagian has luar untuk hidangan steak. Snail/Escargot : Siput Soya Sauce : Kecap Asin Spice : Rempah-rempah yang beraroma dan dipakai untuk penyedap makanan. Spinach : Bayam Sprout : Kecambah Squid/Calamari : Cumi Stock : Hasil rebusan tulang, daging yang dimasak, dipanaskan dalam waktu tertentu dengan menggunakan sayuran sebagai penambah aroma, kaldu digunakan sebagai bahan soup, saus ataupun sebagai penyedap jika dicampurkan kedalam masakan. Kaldu berwarna putih / bening (white stock) dan kaldu warna coklat (brown stock). Strawberry : Stroberi Sugar Work : Dekorasi yang terbuat dari larutan gula. Sweet Dough : Adonan manis. Tapioca Starch : Tepung Tapioka Tenderloin : Bagian has dalam sapi Thyme : Thyme (sejenis bumbu yang bertujuan mengharumkan bahan makanan, seperti daging, unggas, kentang) Top sirloin : bagian paha belakang sapi Turmeric : kunyit Vinegar : Cuka Veloute: White sauce thickened by cream and butter. A French “mother sauce.” Watermelon : Semangka Wheat Flour : Tepung gandum Yeast : Ragi Yolk : Kuning Telur

MISCELLANEOUS After Taste : Taste which returns to the mouth after ingestion of certain foods and beverages. Al dente : Food that is cooked until it is ‘firm to the bite’. This is most commonly used to describe how pasta should be cooked. American Breakfast : It is an restaurant term that usually consists of eggs, juice, bacon or sausage, toast or hash browns. Angel Food Cake : Angel Food Cake is also known as foam-style cake. They are made with a large quantity of egg whites and no shortening or leavening. Angel Food or "angel cake" is thought to be a takeoff of the cornstarch cake and the sponge cake. Aperitif : A French term for an alcoholic beverage served before a meal as an appetizer to stimulate the appetite. It can be a punch made to complement the meal, but it is usually a white wine, sherry, champagne, or a sparkling wine. It can also be non-alcoholic. Appetizer : It is a small portion of bite-size food which is served before a main meal as the first course in order to stimulate the appetite. If served before a meal it should be small. They may be hot or cold, plated, or served as finger food. If served at a cocktail party, it is usually called hors d'ouvres Bacon : Bacon comes from the fatty parts of the pig, especially the sides. The most desirable bacon is cut from the breast of the hog. It is cured with either sugar or salt, which gives it a sweet or salty taste. Bagel : Bagel derives from the Yiddish word beygl, which comes from the German word beugel meaning a "bracelet." Bagels are bread rolls in the shape of a doughnut or an old- fashioned curtain ring. The brown crust is obtained on the rolls by first boiling them in water and then baking them in an oven. Baked Alaska : A dessert that consists of a sponge cake that is covered with ice cream, then with a layer of stiffly beaten egg whites, and lastly put in a hot oven to be browned. Also known as omelette á la norvégienne, Norwegian omelette, omelette surprise, and glace au four. Baquette : French bread which is long and hard outside and soft inside. Bechamel Sc. : In France, it is one of the four basic sauces called "meres" or "mother sauces" from which all other sauces derive. It is also know as "white sauce." It is a smooth, white sauce made from a roux made with flour, boiled milk, and butter. It is usually served with white meats, eggs, and vegetables. It forms the basis of many other sauces. Bouquet Garni : Herbs, usually parsley, thyme and bay leaf tied together (or contained in a small muslin bag) added to soups and stews and removed before serving. Brunch : A combination of the words for breakfast and lunch, and which is neither breakfast nor lunch, which combines some of the features of both and is served mid-morning. Canape : A French term that consists of bite-size bits of savory food spread on edible bases (toasted or untoasted bread) and garnished or decorated. They are served as snacks (appetizers) at cocktail and buffet parties. Cream Soup : the French word for "crescent-shaped." Originally the croissant was made from rich bread dough but is now usually made with dough similar to puff pastry. Layers of dough are separated by butter creating a flaky, moist, richly flavored pastry. They can also be served stuffed. Croisant : the French word for "crescent-shaped." Originally the croissant was made from rich bread dough but is now usually made with dough similar to puff pastry. Layers of dough are separated by butter creating a flaky, moist, richly flavored pastry. They can also be served stuffed.. Croutons : a small piece of fried or toasted bread, sometimes seasoned, used as a garnish for soups, salads, and other dishes. Filo Pastry : Paper thin sheets of pastry commonly used in Greek, Eastern European and Middle Eastern cuisines. Filo is brushed with oil or butter and layered. Found in the refrigerated section of the supermarket. Frappe : A frozen, fruit-flavored mixture that is similar to sherbet and served as a dessert or appetizer. Or a beverage, usually a liqueur, poured over shaved ice. Guacamole : A popular Mexican dish of mashed avocado mixed with lemon or lime juice and seasonings such as chilli. Sometimes finely chopped tomato, onion and coriander are added. Used as a dip or with other Mexican food like tacos. Ham : a processed pork food, which undergoes preservation through curing, smoking, or salting. Ham was traditionally made only from the hind leg of swine, and referred to that specific cut of pork. Lukewarm : A temperature that feels neither hot nor cold when tested on the inside wrist – around 35˚C Mirepoix : Consist of carrot, celery, leek and onion to make a stock Nachos : Mexican cookery a snack consisting of a piece of tortilla topped with cheese, hot peppers, etc, and grilled Omelets : a dish made from beaten eggs quickly cooked with butter or oil in a frying pan, sometimes folded around a filling such as cheese, vegetables, meat (often ham), or some combination of the above. To obtain a fluffy texture, whole eggs or sometimes only egg whites are beaten with a small amount of milk or cream, or even water, the idea being to have "bubbles" of water vapour trapped within the rapidly cooked egg Petit Four : Small or bite cake / biscuit which is served as appetizer or tea/coffee snack Roulade : Refers to something that has been filled or stuffed and rolled. In particular meats, pastries and sponge cakes. Salad : a dish consisting of small pieces of raw or cooked food mixed with a sauce and almost always served cold. Sunny side up : (of an egg) fried without breaking the yolk or being turned over, with the yolk remaining visible and somewhat liquid inside. Torten : a rich cake, especially one containing little or no flour, usually made with eggs and ground nuts or bread crumbs. Tortillas : In Spain a tortilla is a set omelette often containing potato and other vegetables. In Mexico tortilla refers to a flatbread made from corn or wheat flour. Vinaigrette : A salad dressing made from oil, vinegar and seasonings.