Household countable and uncountable nouns

Pick one of the things you think your partner has in their bathroom or and try to make a true sentence about how much or how many they have.

Bathroom Shampoo Bathroom cleaner Pumice stone Body scrub Moisturiser Hand cream Hand soap Shower gel Conditioner Tap (= faucet) Bathtub Shower head Pipe Mat Shower curtain Tweezers Razor Shaving foam Aftershave Hair clippers Plaster (= Band Aid) Painkiller Toothpaste Floss Nail clippers Toilet roll (= toilet paper) Cotton bud Toothbrush Washbasin Bucket Toilet brush Bleach (= toilet cleaner) Make up Mirror Tile Bin Shaving light Light cord Light switch Plug Toilet spray Loo (= toilet) Bidet Hair dryer Toilet seat Mouthwash Lock Hand towel Bath towel Flannel (Hair) brush Comb Hair clip Hair band Gel Hairspray Electric razor Sponge Bath toy Towel rail (Bathroom) scales (Sink) plunger Nail file Heated toilet seat (Bathroom) cabinet Deodorant Talc (= Talcum powder) Shower cap Drain

What things are uncountable above? Can you think of any more? Kitchen Washing up liquid Saucepan Frying pan Cutlery Crockery Salt Chilli pepper (Black) pepper Green pepper Fridge Freezer Ice Mineral water Fruit juice Drinking yoghurt Yoghurt Milk Vinegar Oil Flour Tea Coffee Microwave () Alcohol Peg Fizzy drink (= pop/ soda) Washing powder Washing up liquid Softener Apron Oven glove Tea towel Disposable chopstick Kitchen roll Rice cooker Tea pot Kettle Side plate Teaspoon Table spoon Tray Seaweed Soya milk Soy sauce Ice cream Place mat Vegetable Chopping board Pair of scissors Can opener Frozen food Brown rice Pasta Tinned (= canned) food Fruit Vegetable Cup Glass Mug Jam Marmite Pickle Sugar cube Mayonnaise Butter Socket Fish slice Toaster Grill Oven Baking tray Salad bowl Brown sugar Bin Bin bag Soy sauce Chilli sauce Cling film Aluminium foil Bottle opener Can (= tin) opener Fish sauce Rolling pin Scales Rubber gloves Table cloth Margarine Are there any things in the kitchen which could be countable or uncountable depending on what form they are in?

Find things in common: “We both/ all have…” (with the quantity included)