Ike; Receives Cheers by the Laurel Garden Club of East Jam Es Church
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19B9 Anrairc Dklly Nat P rt« Ron Th8 Wgathar liattrI;(Bti?r Svpttittg Far tfea Waak B aM Foreeaal of C. A Waattar BarP88 Stay 8Srd. 1888 Thomag FItaganUd of WaUtnfford, Hoatty . elofidy, raotUiaSd waSBI Prosperlive Bride waa amimg the gusats. A three R. C. Shows Film LT. WflOD 60. 12,925 foolgliL with morwiog fag. Law tiered wedding rake, made by Mrs. nenr 78;. Thwrwfay elondy OMfe Tendered Shower Michael Zwlck of Manchester, was At Waddell Schtfol I C E P U N T Maashes af tlw Aa .bowers. High n*mr 88. 81 B IS 9 E U . ST. Baraan af OrealKian decorated with the original bride M anchester— A C liy o f V iU iifie Charm A personal shower for Miss Mar and groom figures from the A new' fUjtt-i^breath resuscita couple’s bridal cake. Friends and Cube»-CrtuhedBlocka garet O'fteiily was given yesterday tion be showiri tDPiorrow |t relatives presented vjifts of flow-, at the liome of har mother, Mrs. ere, money and allVer. « p.m. In the cafeteria at W'ad- VOL. l x x v h l no. sm (TWENTY-WJiR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1>SS (Olaaalflai AgassBalag aa Fags $8) PRICE FIVE CENT8 '•'Hi CTiarles O ^ellly, 3$ I-ancastsr Rd. dell School. It was announced by ''..’'•'»r 17 The ahowbr was given by. 'Mrs. Joseph VLcCoot. chairman of the Rudofr Vltall Jr. and Mrs, Michael Manchester Red Cross first aid I'V A Dodofrlo. both of Meriden. I,aurel'CJuhiPlans committee.
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