MMIILLEE HHIIGGHH FFLLIIGGHHTT 1188 OOOOOO rrrrrrddddddeeeeeerrrrrr ooooooffffff DDDDDDaaaaaaeeeeeeddddddaaaaaalllllliiiiiiaaaaaannnnnnssssss Newsletter 2014 Flight 18 Est 4 July, 1965 Newsletter Aug Aug 15 meeting will be at Wings Over the Rockies; spouses, guests welcome Program: Wings update by Greg Anderson 2014 Flight Sked plus acclaimed “Spitfire 944” documentary Flight 18 normally meets on the third Friday of each We always plan a quality program whenever our wives th month. Exceptions are announced in the newsletter and will be joining us. That again will be the case on the 15 through the caller phone tree. Your caller should contact you of this month when we meet at Wings Over the Rockies via phone/e-mail 10 days prior to each meeting. If not, please advise Flight Adjutant Ed Quick at
[email protected] . Air & Space Museum for a luncheon catered by the Tin Cup Restaurant. The museum is located at the former Date Location Activity/Speaker Lowry AFB Hangar #1, 7711 East Academy Blvd, Den- 17 Jan Aurora Hills* “Mig Flight in Moscow” ver, CO 80230. Wings’ CEO Greg Anderson will update us on the nu- 21 Feb Aurora Hills* Ed Quick on Morrie 21 Mar Aurora2010 Hills* Flight Falklands Sked Opn Blackbuck merous goings on at both the Lowry and Centennial Air- 18 Apr Aurora Hills* Bill Bower-Doolittle Raid port facilities, always an impressive, informative treat. The entertainment part of the program will feature the 16 May Aurora Hills* Normandy Bch–T. Martin 20 Jun Aurora Hills* Reed Sundine–A/Medal award-winning documentary “Spitfire 944” – a fascinating 18 Jul Aurora Hills* Zero-Hour Airplane account of and interview with the WWII pilot involved the incident shown in the promotional poster below.