Standing Pacific Island Committee To Education & Hold Workshop Consider New Training The Cook Islands held a Initiative seminar/workshop for the Framework For government's top officials on the of the "The resources ofHawaii practical application Development to can be to newly proposed approach The first of the tapped provide programs sustainable development. meeting that are revelant to the Standing Committee in 1994 region" The seminar at the Mitiaro in Honolulu at the East-West Community Center was The East-West Center, through PIDP's new education Center will discuss and opened by Prime Minister, Sir and initiative, has launched several new consider a on the training programs and featured presentation that link in Hawaii with needs in Geoffrey Henry, new framework on learning opportunities the Director the The initiative works with the and presentations by researched by region. public of the Pacific Islands development sectors, numbers of Pacific Develop- PIDP. This new framework private allowing larger ment Dr. Sitiveni islanders to in Hawaii that is relevant to Program, will the diverse gain experience and the Prime pull together in the Pacific. Halapua, elements of culture, development Minister's chief executive environment, population and Dr. Michel Oksenberg, president ofEast-West Center, officer, Temu Okotai. About economic growth. It provides created the stimulus for the new initiative whereby an sixty people attended the the mechanism for a building Continued on page 5 Continued on page 3 consensus between processes of government, market oriented policies and culture. Dr. Halapua discusses the challenge, implementation and background of this new framework in his review on page 3 of the Cook Island Workshop.

Washington D.C. Hosts ]CC Meetings Preparatory meetings for the United States-Pacific : Island Nations Joint Commercial Commission session were 0CC) inaugural Pictured left to right: (back row) Nokise Simeona-; Dr. Gerard Finin, Resea:- held at East-West Center in and Coordinator ofPIDP Education Initiative; Michael Short-Cook Islands; Margaret Qoloni- Honolulu on October 4, ; Jeffrey Tokataake-; Phyllis Maike-Vanuatu; Temahafu Sinafati- 1993. The 13 Pacific Island Tuvalu; Batiri Thaman-; Eseta Mailata-Western Samoa. (front row) William Ganileo- countries, represented in JCC, Vanuatu (partly obscured); Seve Paeniu-Tuvalu; John Fugui-Solomon Islands; Dr. Sitiveni Halapua, Director PIDP; Henrickson Malsokle-Vanuatu. Continued on page 2

Of University Joint tee t of the UnIted States id JCC Meetings Continued from 1 Hawaii- the PC page Of the 0 were led by three Prime HHo Campus :: Ministers: former Prime Minister Honorable "Just Right" For A On October 8, 1993, morose atives of the Uited States Bikenibeu and the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Paeniu, of Tuvalu; Hon. Pacific Island Elf, Kiribati, , , Nis. New Baron Vaea, of ; and Students 3unea, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Western Samoa met in Hon. Sir Geoffrey Henry of ivash:ngtop DC. for too " ieetirg of t the Cook Islands. United States/Pacific island nations Joint Commercial A of PIDP's Other countries sending key objective Commission The in a o' education and iJOC). diaogue:oc place spirit Ministers of Finance, training fricodsbin end cooperation. initiative is to educate Pacific Ambassadors or Delegates: island youth to become life- A This meeting recalled the firs: United S:atss/°acific Federated States of Microne- Island nations long learners with a positive summit at the East-West Gamer in Hawaii sia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall sense of self-worth. The on October 27, 1993, and the decision to form a Joint Islands, Nauru, , Papua Commercial Commission to the current group of eight Pacific promote development New Guinea, Solomon Islands, of mutually beneficial commercial and economic island undergraduate students Vanuatu and Western Samoa. eations between and among the Pacific Island nations at the University of Hawaii at DC was the and the united States. The meeting welcomed the Washington, Hilo (UHH) agree that the site of the session of s'ccessul conclusi by the two sides of a inaugural program gives participating n crandum c out the the JCC on October 8. Held at students more than a :rstanding setting just good Lnct.ons o(the Join: Co lmercial Commission, the U.S. Commerce Dept. classroom education- the was co- The saw the establishment of a building, meeting a broadened perspective about A lnagrrai meeting chaired Honorable forma and of views and by the U.S., Asia and the Pacific aiogue process exchange , who was at l,)- tio all JOG members aimed at is gained. among building the time Prime Minister of a co . sus on increased cooperation between the Tuvalu, on behalf of the They see the larger world Unite. States and the Pacific island nations. The JOC Pacific Island Nations and and come to better understand was recognized as an 'important commercial and by Hon. Peter Cashman, how they are a part of that economic component within the Pacific Community Acting Assistant world. Another important by- Initiative, and as a potentially important contributor to Deputy Secretary, product is that sense of self- the APSO program to promote regional cooperation. U.S. Department of Corn- reliance and that the merce, for the United States. maturity A The members agreed to the establishment of joint students from in a The Pacific Island gain living as needed, to further the of delegates working groups, objectives were welcomed the head of different country. For all eight the JOG. To the of the by complement efforts joint working the U.S. of students, this is their first time groups, one of the significant outcomes of the meeting Department in the United States. a project to develop Here are some comments implementinformation about commercial opportunities in the In remarks opening the islands. The Pacific Island moons in from the students in response participating this J CC Inaugural Session, will be able to wue: dissemination of to questions regarding their project achieve Winston Lord, who is in information about cusnass activities in their countries aims and goals and how they charge of East Asian and feel about their first semester through the U.S. Department of Commerce's electronic Pacific Affairs for the U.S. and automated date networks as well as its at UHH. publications State Department, said that he services for the U.S. Business community. was honored to "address such a " Maike, Vanuatu: Phyllis It the JOG of The is A was agreed that next meeting of would be distinguished group leaders University just big held either in one of the island nations or Hawaii from the South Pacific" I like lecturers during and enough. my the next one to remarked that, "The because are so nice and two years In the interim, close fact that they cooperation would be maintained between the U.S. of have make me feel confident many you traveled vast section of the commission and the Pacific Island nations distances to be here that I can them. today, approach section of the Pacific Island Development Program connotes the Also, the importance you teaching within the East-West Center on the work of the attach to this new used are in under- techniques good commission, He then talked about that make the students taking." they President Clinton's vision of a feel free to whatever For the United For the Pacific say New Pacific they have in mind. I am States of America Island Nations Community interested in Environ- J. Heuser Honorable Timothy shared shared mental Economics. It Bikenibeu Paeniu strength, Acting Under Secretary and a shared bothers me to see economic prosperity for International Trade Prime Minister commitment to democratic Continued on page 4 Continued on page 7 -2-

Cook Islands Hold Workshop... Continued from page 1

seminar, including department heads, ad hoc agencies and members ofthe private sector. This seminar was an outgrowth of the paper that Dr. Halapua presented at the Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders meeting in Tahiti last June. An important part ofhis paper on Sustainable Development was the recommendation for the formation of National Interdependent Development Councils (NIDC) in each country. In his paper, Dr. Halapua described NIDC: "to develop government policies toward a set of unifying strategies that integrate economic, environment, population and cultures in the process of development of Pacific island countries." Prime Minister, Sir Geoffrey Henry said the formation of NIDC is important because the Cook islands needs to prepare itself for the challenges of the 21st century and "we need to put remedial mea- sures in place immediately". He said the NIDC concept was based on control taking C Si; of It was ': development. enIoweve". - out at the seminar pointed sli. 'frenc. that the frame- p proposed e coun Coo/i Islc work NIDC L required by n er Pas count. Prime Minister was in with already place ccdeveloom iig to cons Sir Geoffrey Henry one exception-anOuter n inds in c ers. Usuc' Island Directorate. ' 0~ g11- count rld is s ye e rural sPacific , ruleit a quet ...i S ter io of' p 2 - A Regona Poky Trthg Wkhop b'd~T the mc 'e in seric s The sixth annual Pacific Islands Development Program is tsas we n are (PIDP) Policy Analysis Seminar was hosted by the 'an movements Government ofVanuatu and held at the Radisson Royal Palm o. islands : i which ten to Hotel in Port Vila, Vanuatu from November 15 to 26. As in slands ie the 'e'ructure on one or was funded the Australian pressu previous years the seminar by That res2tuneven disri:: International Assistance Bureau (AIDAB). Development of cc is and benefits 0, wfrastructure needed for Continued on page 8 oUae;opment. THE 2MPLEMEI\TPA ?1CH human te ms, dealing with the responsible for lnalerre-itation ofp fascinating.., it has it's own flavour. at the workshop-a matrix to de ; explain the d 7' aspects ofthe n the concept of' dependence in de The core of s... when you realize influence the dimension ofculture has onpo 'or, environment and economic kind of dynamic interaction is very Pnpotart and Continued on page 6 PIDP Policy Analysis Seminar Participants in Vanuatu -3-

New Research Project Fellow U H-Hilo Campus... Continued from page 2

At PIDP development in the Pacific island countries causing a lot of destruction to the environment. (Phyllis is from the Dr. Saia Kami from Vavau/ Solomon Islands, but, since she is married to a ni- Niua Toputapu, Tonga. Vanuatu-she was endorsed by the Vanuatu government) " Temahafu Sinafati, Tuvalu: The of Hawaii at Dr. Saia Kami has University joined Hilo is so I like it. It is to PIDP as a Research great. really good experience Project another is ultimate is Fellow. He is on an lifestyle. My major Biology. My goal working to become a doctor. empirical model of the new " framework that incorporates Margaret Qoloni, Choiseul, Solomon Islands: I hope to - population, environment, major in English and Education. I hope to teach at one of and culture for sustainable the secondary schools back home after graduation. I am economic development. In learning about the many different cultures/nationalities addition, he will work on residing in Hawaii and also am able to get a taste of the issues of trade/investment American lifestyle. in the Pacific islands. These two were identified and projects " Michael Short, Cook Islands: Hawaii lacks the strong approved as priorities by the Standing Committee. culture and traditions that the Cook Islands have retained. Dr. Kami received his PhD in Econometrics from the My major is aquaculture and I hope to start a fish farm in University of Sydney, Australia and his MA in Information the Cook Islands. Sciences from Canberra ofAdvanced Education. He College " Jeffrey Tokataake, Vanuatu: My goal in coming to school also holds a MSc in Statistics from Australia National here in Hawaii is to get a degree in Accounting and be the Australia. University, first degreed accountant in my country who is graduated Dr. Kami was a National Accounts Statistician and an from the United States. Some positive aspects of Hawaii officer with the Government of Tonga. While residing in are: better education standard, friendly people in Hawaii, Australia, he did consultancy works for ILO/UNDP; for the and learning to live independently. of for the Government ofNew South University Queensland; " Nokise Simeona, Nui Island, Tuvalu: My aim is to get a Wales' of for the World BankINCDS; Department Housing; Medical Doctor Degree and go back home to help my for WHOTWFP; and for the Government's Tonga Ministry country, Tuvalu. I am called "Nick" and come from Nui of and The Central His Agriculture, Planning Department. Island which is six hours at 10 knots by boat to Funafuti, are in the area of statistical and publications mainly the capitol island. Honolulu is too crowded and not as econometric analysis. friendly as at UHH. " Henrickson Malsokle, Malekula Island, Vanuatu: In Native Hawaiian Fellowship general, I could say the United States is really a modernized and industrialized country-compared to my country. My Program Inaugurated major is Economics with a future career in Business In a collaborative effort of East-West Center that involves Economics and working in the private sector. Since the first semester (fall) here in Hawaii, I have become more its Minority Initiative and PIDP, a new fellowship program for native Hawaiians has been established. It is a combined fluent in English and also have become a more self- effort by the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop responsible person. Estate (KS/BE) and the East-West Center to expand " William Ganileo, Pentecost Island, Vanuatu: At UHH opportunities available to Hawaiians in the Pacific Islands and free access to computers and labs is provided. My skills are in Asia. improving every day. My major is Geography. I want to go into Land-Use and Environmental This will be The fellowship covers nearly the entire cost of education Planning. beneficial when I return home because local including housing, transportation and a monthly stipend. governments are in need ofplanners. Third and fourth-year undergraduates and graduate The students saw the UHH as accessible and students are welcome to apply for the fellowships. faculty friendly people-someone you'd like to have a conversation must be U.S. citizens of Hawaiian Fellowship recipients with-not just someone up there lecturing. The staff at the either fall-time students at the of Hawaii- ancestry, University International Student Office, the faculty staff at UHH, and Manoa or for the fall 1994 term with a record of accepted the East-West Center staffwere all cited as being "very helpful academic excellence. and friendly." But, it was almost an unanimous opinion that Those selected must be strongly committed to Asia or the "it rains a lot in Hilo" and that "people are always in a rush." Pacific islands and be prepared to make a significant All agreed that living in a foreign country, eating different contribution to Hawaii's role in the region. foods, and meeting new people has deepened their insights about themselves and their own countries. Continued on page 6 -4-

Education & Training Initiative... Continued from page 1 The initiative in with the entire unprecedented greater number of Pacific Islanders are offered operates cooperation of Hawaii the UH Hilo educational opportunities. His continuous support for this University (UH) system, including the UH Maui Research station, the project has resulted in a banner year. Campus, Agricultural Center for Pacific Island Studies and the School of Travel The fellowship initiative goal is to educate Pacific Island as well as offering training at Hawaii to be citizens who will have the skills to Industry Management youth productive Public Radio. make positive contributions in the development and culture of the Pacific islands. In the Fellowship Award Agreement, students agree to return to their own countries to work after they receive their Through the East-West Center, PIDP provides study and include degrees. special training opportunities which undergraduate scholarships, graduate scholarships, short-term training scholarships and special intern scholarships. Continued on page 8

KARO DAVID GIMANA, news journalist from the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) in Port Moresby, , was selected from a number ofjournalists in the Pacific area by Hawaii Public Radio (HPR) for advanced training in news journalism under PIDP's expanded training project. At Hawaii Public Radio for three and a half months, Gimana "did the whole show"-compiling, editing, News aired producing, as well as presenting Pacific Island twice each day, six times a week. He also contributed to the local news on HPR. He divided his time between HPR and PIDP. As a research intern at PIDP, he focused on ways to enhance media coverage in the Pacific region. broadcaster in Australia and Gimana is A journalist by profession, he has been a television news Malaysia, Singapore. of the to his skills" and feels journalist at EMTV, Port Moresby and will return to NBC "appreciative opportunity develop that in Hawaii with such a mixed from after his HPR training stint. Gimana was one of sixteen "living society-people China, Asia, added to the worthwhile journalists at the Port Moresby station, where he wrote the Europe-just very news. He has traveled extensively on assignments as a program."

SOABA from he earned his masters in creative His ] RUSSELL degree writing. just theme, Milne Bay province in Papua completed book has, as its predominant the spiritual New Guinea remarks that development of the peoples of the Pacific and "the search for who what coming to East-West Center some kind ofaffirmation...some idea of they are and of and the University of Hawaii's they are all about... their common goals and sense Center for Pacific Island community." His new book of poetry is interspersed with some Studies under the auspices prose-in many instances, prose that offers explanation of PIDP's research internship ofthe poetry. is "one of those rare program Soaba is happy to see PIDP devoting some attention to the and wonderful opportunities.". cultural areas of development saying, "there has been much About the two and one half attention paid to the other facets of development, but, very He months at PIDP, he says, "be- little attention paid to the cultural and spiritual aspect." cause ofwork commitments at home, I would have never been started writing at age 14 explaining that the creativity was "just "I from an artistic father was an able to finish my at PIDP, I was able to complete there". come a woodcarver. That's the core of it...the my manuscript." Through support provided by the UH's artist, a painter, Center for Pacific Island Studies, Soaba also visited the UH family. I always have had this spiritual pull toward the environment ofthe Hilo Campus where he gave seminars. He also gave readings religious family." from his new book at several Honolulu literary gatherings. Soaba would like to see PIDP offer more encouragement to field "to find writers in other Pacific Soaba teaches creative writing and literature courses at the those in the cultural have them work with the University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby. He spent island countries and community." where eighteen months in Rhode Island at Brown University

First Official Visit From

New Caledonian delegation visits PIDP

Alain Christnacht, High Commissioner, Delegate of the French Government to New Caledonia headed the fifteen- member delegation from New Caledonia on its first official visit to Hawaii which included PIDP at East-West Center. -Thiswcrkshc i Among members of the New Caledonian delegation were ror researc, - 7_ representatives ofvarious political movements ofthe Territory theJeC,', as well as economic, social policy and scientific leaders. islands sianci lead'. Richard Kaloi, President of the Islands Province Loyalty - the Mr. First Vice President of the identify and Raymond Pabouty, do our - Province were ofthe with Nicoise Northern part group, along tions to in? -rn Ouillemon, Member of the Assembly of the Southern on the researc/ wene. Province. - 'as ncem a '7 l Some of the topics under discussion were Renewable , of diflrem 'ople tend in Energy and Regional Development projects. There was also a -velopmem is f s/ about the briefing on progress of the implementation of the Matigon Accord signed in 1988. aDers were ad we t2n Pac/fie Ish -s in olopinerit itic" island culture on 'ic nnent,o issue of Nav awan eowshp. c on, er ee uestton of Continued from page 4 s whic -n_-act and bleDev, The first nine recipients include doctoral candidates, Daris Ha'o, Momi Kamahele and Chris Wood; masters candidates, a betweeerent cc the issue the Kathleen Aki, Kim Crozier, Randie and of Fong, Jody Oyama; that the s and William Thomas and Anne Williams. govt under-graduates, 5-

KS/BE's mission addresses the educational needs of o "nrnendations, we en r a Hawaiians. To the of Ke Ali'i Pauahi perpetuate legacy veryanal arrange in Pauahi to educate Hawaiians to become im D (Bernice Bishop) Sustainable " e t. capable, informed and active contributors to society KS/BE's The I - wommendatic.. the " program must...provide as many meaningful educa- pm c 'OL tte concept furt"' and tional opportunities as resources will permit. then r 'Or - to the: Some ofthe Pacific island governn&e.i's are already looking into that EWC and KS/BE are to hands in this new pleased join possibility. The change must begin. educational venture. 6-

JCC Meetings... Continued from page 2 values." He also briefly Community Initiative, and as a potentially important a special branch which deals sketched the Administration's contributor to APEC. specifically with Pacific view of the fl5t1iU- Island economic and "evolving >- On the establishment of Joint Working Groups: tions and architecture of this commercial issues-then, Members agreed to the establishment of joint new He asked that would make sense. community." working groups to further the objectives of the Pacific Island Leaders jcc. On an economic level, I that the to a to develop They agreed implement project think JCC is the and delegates give their views informa-tion about commercial in the right opportunities the during the course of the islands the U.S of Commerce's approach for future through Depart-ment because it is conference because "the Pacific electronic and automated data network as well as it's moving away Nations have the from the foreign aid Island services for the U.S business community. publication economic potential to play an important approach-to >- On the next The next ofthe JCC role in this Community." meeting: meeting relationships based on trade, either in one of the island nations or will be held investments, and training. It The meeting covered a wide the next one to two In the Hawaii during years. is based on the production range of presentations by will be main-tamed between interim close cooperation and exchange of goods and various U.S. includ- agencies, the U.S. section ofthe commission and the Pacific services rather than on the U.S. Department of Nation's section of PIDP at East-West ing Island JCC consumption. Agriculture, the Office of the Center. we have set the U.S. Trade Representative, Already, A initiative led Senator Hatch of U.S. Travel and Tourism Congressional by pace for the JCC because it is Utah and Senators and Akaka of Hawaii to Administration and the u.s. Inouye about partnerships in trade, fund the various support programs to be undertaken investment, and Environment Agency. The training under the JCC for the Pacific Island Nations is under- This is particular focus ofthe meeting transfer of technology. way. It is understood that a budget grant of what JCC is all about and was on ways to strengthen d US$250,000 a year is being requested from the this is what the New expand trade, investment and Pacific U.S. commercial relations between Congress. Community is all about-- the United States and the 13 A JCC UPDATE: Regarding priorities for the JCC, economic development and Pacific Island Nations. PIDP Director, Dr. Sitiveni Halapua underscores security in its broad several definition--for the region as a It was also points: recognized by whole. U.S. officials that one of the When President Clinton talked about the New main interests of the island Pacific Community (NPC) he was talking about the Funding? That is now our First, the countries was in promoting concept in context of the Asian- U.S. relationship. My first priority. we must increased investments by U.S. question is, "How do the Pacific Islands fit into the New governments felt get the entrepreneurs to help develop Pacific Community?" Clinton also mentioned that framework right. Of course, was their private sector. Tourist APEC could become the vehicle or mechanism by which money important, but, the concentration on it development through capital the notion of the NPC could be directly translated. could slow down the investment and expertise was However, when you look at APEC as the vehicle, the process also discussed. Pacific Island countries are not there with the of laying the foundation in a exception of PNG. I cannot imagine that APEC would solid fashion. At the end of the meeting a include all the Pacific Island nations. Ofcourse, PNG is have ideas statement was signed by People different joint there as an the However, Hon. Paeniu who was then the important part of region. my about the JCC. We must see concern that are about aNPC that excludes Prime Minister of Tuvalu for they talking beyond the funding. The the Islands-The Islands-which the Pacific Island Nations and Pacific Pacific governments are interested in control the ocean of the Pacific area! a that is by Hon. Timothy Hauser, building foundation Under Secretary sustainable--the structure Acting ' " for Inter-national Trade in .JCC is the for the future must be correct. If we lay a right approach we will the U.S. Department of good foundation, find Commerce, for the U.S. the money. Consider if they the instrument the The JCC is seen as for linking gave a million dollars today. A EXTRACTS FROM THE the U.S. It's an economic Pacific Islands into economy. It could be spent tomorrow. JOINT STATEMENT: the JCC is, at the moment, instrument because The issue becomes, "money for On the Inaugural basically an economic forum-not a political forum. As what?" We must have the too there are Meeting: The JCC was for the APEC, it is just big... big powers correct concept (foundation) Islands nations recognized as an important there...these are big players. Pacific so we don'tjust get the money "lost in the Can commercial and economic interests could easily get jungle." you and spend it...and then look with Island c o m p o n e n t imagine APEC dealing specific Pacific for new money. within the Pacific problems? But, ifwe see the JCC as a collective unit-as -7-

its Education & Initiative.., begin sending Pacific Islands News Program to Training mainland affiliates, especially in those states with large Continued from page 5 populations. The following are examples of educational opportunities " Special Scholarships for Pacific islanders interested in for Pacific islanders that are important in relation to their gaining new practical skills have proven most valuable. In home-country needs: one instance a Tongan who completed his bachelors degree in science to American A highly specialized virus eradication training workshop at computer gained exposure compu- ter and research methods with the the University of Hawaii Agricultural Research Station on technologies by working UH of and Information Sciences. Maui was given for researchers from Western Samoa, Department Computer He is now on a full in a Tonga, and Fiji. This concurbit virus detection and scholarship England pursuing Doctorate in Mathematics at Oxford diagnosis training is critical for saving the Pacific islands' University. multi-million dollar squash export market to Japan. As a result ofthis workshop, it is now possible to transfer mild strain for immediate cross-protection technology .... Continued from page 3 application in the South Pacific. Policy Training Sixteen officials from Pacific Two participants of the workshop subsequently partici- government Island Countries pated in related laboratory training at Cornell University, participated in this year's seminar. Seminar participants were from the of the Cook Islands, with a third proceeding to the U.S. Department of governments Federated States of Agriculture research station on the Big Island. The fourth Micronesia, Fiji, New Caledonia, Northern Marianas, Palau, the of Tuvalu, Vanuatu participant has returned to UH Manoa to pursue a master's Kingdom Tonga, and Western Samoa. in the of degree College Tropical Agriculture's Department The theme ofthe 1993 seminar was "Policy Techniques for of Plant Pathology. Sustainable Development." Seminar participants were " Two officials from the Solomon Islands and Fiji introduced to, and were assisted in practicing a wide range of participated in the School of Travel Industry Manage- practical methods that can be applied to policy formulation in ment's EDIT training course on Tourism Development. support of sustainable development. These individuals had the to learn not opportunity only The course director for the seminar was Professor James about Hawaii's tourism but also devoted time to industry, McMaster, Dean of the Faculty of Management of the Asian and U.S. tourism markets. studying University of Canberra in Australia. Stephen Pollard, PIDP " In conjunction with the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Fellow, and Ropate Qalo, PIDP Visiting Fellow, also Program, a Humphrey Fellow, who works as a physician facilitated the Seminar. Other presentations were made by with Tonga's Department ofHealth, studied public health Mr. Savenaca Siwatibau, Head, UNESCAP Pacific Oper- programs that have been established for native Hawaiians. ations Center who led a session on macroenocomic policy, and Mr. Cole and Mr. T. K. of the Asian " Graduate fellowships have allowed PIDP to work with by John Jayaraman Bank's South Pacific Office based in Pacific island governments that need individuals with Development Regional Vanuatu who on the Bank's new to specialized master's level training for their senior civil reported approach member overviews in the Pacific. servants working in specific technical areas. For example, formulating country policy Tuvalu's Permanent Secretary of Finance (now on leave) There were a higher proportion of women in this year's began a program focusing on finance and economics. seminar (one third were women) which added to the vitality of the debate. This was the case when the " A special attachment training for a Fijian woman with particularly group looked at issues such as women in and some of Hawaii Public Radio has expanded into a project involving development PIDP, Hawaii Public Radio and the Pacbroad-Pacnews the cultural and social aspects of development. Training Organization that will not only bring additional The theme of the course, "Policy Techniques for Pacific islanders to Hawaii for advanced training in news Sustainable Development", provided a broad framework journalism, but will also expand coverage of events in within which to locate a range of important policy issues Hawaii and the United States to the Pacific via regular which relate to both the emerging trends and current issues in Pacnews feeds from Honolulu. It may also allow HPR to the region as well as the current research program of PIDP.

PIDP Dialogue PIDP DIALOGUE is the official communique for the Pacific Islands Development Program of the East-West Center. Our aim is to share with the Pacific islands public some ofthe news and ideas associated with PIDP activity. The mission of the Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP) of the East-West Center is to provide research and training services to the Pacific Island Leaders based on the issues and priorities determined by the Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders and its Standing Committee. For the first time, students from Vanuatu are participating in Dr. Sitiveni Halapua, Director the EWC-PIDP Student Program. -8-