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European Anglicans Www European Anglicans www. Diocese in Europe | December 2020 | Annual Review 2 LOV 2 0 Rededicating the English Church in Ostend European Anglicans (December 2020) Editor: Damian Thwaites, Director of Communications Pictures: Images are reproduced courtesy of chaplaincies across the Diocese, The Church of England and Design: Amber Jackson Contact us: @ DioceseinEurope 16 Communications in 2020 17 Setting God’s People Free 18 Michaelmas Ordination Services Damian Thwaites 19 Installation of the Reverend Canon Ian Tarrant 20 A Tribute to Archdeacon Contents Meurig Williams 04 A Message from our Bishops 21 Residency Support to UK Nationals in France 06 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Lugano 22 “Breathing Life”: Racial Justice 07 Confirmations in Lausanne 28 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence 08 Virtual Eucharist in Genoa 30 Safeguarding: IICSA & Interview 09 An Easter Sunday Like None Other 32 Bishop Robert: Our Mission in 10 Diocese Thanks Churchwardens at Europe pre-Feast of Pentecost Virtual Service 34 Presidential Address for June 11 Friends of the Diocese: Service and Diocesan Synod Gathering Event 37 Bishop’s Council and December 12 Diocese in Lockdown: Videos Diocesan Synod 39 Praying for the Wider Anglican 13 Covid-19 Resources Communion 14 Bishop Robert’s Reflections on la 40 Bishop Robert: Advent Appeal rentrée in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic 41 Advent in the Diocese 2020: A Year Like No Other A Message from our Bishops It has been a year like no other. In The Review offers a journey through During 2020, the Diocesan Board December 2019 we could never this year in Covid-19 lockdown, in our of Finance has also given have imagined that we would see a prayer life and worship, including the hardship grants to those December 2020 in these highlights of our ordination and Dean’s chaplaincies whose finances have circumstances of the global installation services. It then takes us been most gravely affected by the Pandemic. Covid-19 hit Europe on to our care and compassion for pandemic. We are deeply grateful from mid-March. During the year, each other, looking at racial justice, for the support of our Diocesan movement has been restricted, safeguarding and gender justice, staff in London and Brussels, partially relaxed, and restricted before bringing us to our mission in keeping our offices running well, once more as our continent has the Diocese, to serve the people of our chaplaincies supported by been faced with a second peak. Europe and support the needs of our clergy and Readers, people safe, Many have become sick; some worldwide Anglican family. We recall and our communications flowing. have died. Perhaps travel will our pan-Diocesan Advent service, and never be the same. We have been close with a selection of joyful At a time when we all feel reminded of the fragility of our lives Advent-tide offerings by our exasperation at restrictions on our and our institutions. chaplaincies. gathering and our travel, our chaplaincies have absorbed the We have been leading and helping Our Diocese has withstood shocks of the Covid-19 lockdown each other since Covid-19 changed Covid-19 challenges this year with with amazing creativity, innovation the ways in which we live, work, resolve and steadfastness. We should and agility, as we have seen in and worship; and we reflect on reflect with thanks on our position large-scale online church. Our our Diocesan life this year in this financially and operationally. We end pan-Diocesan online services have European Anglicans Annual Review the year with a future financing plan, also been a notable achievement 2020. We start with some early which will alleviate burdens in gathering us together in our year celebrations in Switzerland, significantly for all chaplaincies in Church family this year. before recalling pioneering online 2021. church in Genoa at the start of lockdown. 044 Our standing remains high, and our The work endorsed by our years as Bishop’s Chaplain and his needs are recognised, in the wider December Synod on the “Breathing committed service to two Church and beyond. We were given Life” report is an important Archdeaconries. Meurig leaves us a £210,000 emergency grant from milestone as chaplaincies engage with our prayers and good wishes the Church Commissioners, and in with these issues that lie at the for his new ministry in Ireland. early December, a £250,000 award heart of our humanity. In these to support our development as a times, our Diocese is committed to We know this will be a Christmas digital Diocese from AllChurches safeguarding our people, with like no other. We are particularly Trust. We also bid successfully for notable success on the roll-out of aware of those whose families are a £250,000 grant from the UK training across the Diocese this year. separated by limitations on Government support programme And on safeguarding the future of gatherings and travel and of those for UK Nationals to apply for our planet, we have a growing whose families have been affected residency permits in France Diocesan network of environmental this year by sickness or loss. Our post-Brexit; as we write, Brexit, representatives for each church worship is restricted in many a further huge challenge on the archdeaconry whose work is to places. Christmas for most of us shape of the future relationship spread the good news of our will be simpler this year. Yet we pray between the UK and EU remains eco-journey together on our aim to that it may still be infused with joy unsettled. Whether or not there is become an “Eco-Diocese”. as we celebrate the wonderful news an agreement before the year end, Furthermore, we have taken the of the birth of our Saviour Jesus there will be turbulence ahead, and first steps together on how we will Christ. we are seized of a raft of issues that discuss the Church of England – will impact the Diocese now that wide project on “Living in Love and We send our warmest good wishes the UK has left the EU. Faith” with the appointment of a to everyone in the Diocese and to all Diocesan LLF Advocate. Finally, we who support our mission and work. We have also witnessed decisive said “au revoir” to Meurig Williams global developments on racial justice last week following his ten following the death of George Floyd in the United States in May. The Rt Revd Dr Robert Innes The Rt Revd Dr David Hamid Diocesan Bishop Suffragan Bishop 5 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Lugano The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity this year in January opened in great style in Lugano, Switzerland. The occasion also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Comunità di Lavoro delle Chiese cristiane nel Canon Ticino (Ecumenical body of the Canton of Tessin). The assembled participants walked from the town centre to the Roman Catholic Cathedral of St Lawrence following the wooden cross used in the first walk 20 years earlier. The service was opened by Bishop Valerio Lazzeri, and priests and pastors from the member churches all participated. The youth choir of the Eritrean Orthodox Church provided a lively musical interlude. Our Archdeacon, Adèle Kelham, as a former president of the Swiss National Ecumenical Council, was invited to give the sermon. It was the first time that a woman had ever preached in the Cathedral. The joy of the worship continued with prosecco and pizza in the nearby trattoria. 6 Accompanying grandparents, godparents, cousins, aunts Confirmations at Christ and uncles and even a former au pair had come from as Church, Lausanne far as Australia. Bishop Robert began his sermon by holding up a Friends at Christ Church, Lausanne share a report with Newcastle United football shirt. What has football got to us on confirmations in January 2020 in the chaplaincy: do with confirmation? Both are lifelong commitments, Lausanne was in the international news twice over on both involve following and belonging to a team. The that cold and sunny Sunday, 19 January. The first language was simple, the message clear and obviously occasion, the one you could see on international prepared with the confirmees, a majority of them young television, was the 3rd Youth Olympic Games. At Christ boys, in mind. It appealed directly. Church, the second event was even more important. This was the confirmation of nine candidates — six Thank you to those who prepared the church the evening children aged 11 and 12, and three adults — one came before. Thank you to those who came early to set up. 250 kilometres from Freiburg-im-Breisgau, in Germany. Thank you to those who remained invisible and silent in the background. Thank you to the numerous children who By definition, confirmations are the prerogatives of a somehow understood the gravity of the occasion and bishop. Sure enough, Bishop Robert had come to remained calm and quiet throughout the service — and to Lausanne to preside and preach. At Christ Church we the Sunday club teachers who supervised them. do things well: we even had a duo of bishops, with the Old Catholics’ Bishop Harald celebrating at the altar. The Thank you to the families who brought food. Thank you complex choreography of the service was the work of to the baker of the incredible rose-bedecked confirmation Christ Church chaplain, The Revd Christine. cake. Thank you to those who barely witnessed the service because they were working in the kitchen. Thank To enter into the spirit of the day, here is an impression -- you to those who washed up and those who stayed to slightly abridged -- by Dillia, mother of twin confirmands: clean up the church.
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