Markham 2019 CV
1 CURRICULUM VITAE The Very Rev Ian S. Markham, Ph.D. Dean and President Virginia Theological Seminary 3737 Seminary Road Alexandria, VA 22304 CONTACT INFORMATION: EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (703) 461 1701 DATE OF BIRTH: 9/19/62 MARITAL STATUS: Lesley 1987 STATUS: American Citizen ORDINATION: June 9 2007 (as Deacon in the Episcopal Church), December 11, 2007 (as Priest in the Episcopal Church) ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in Christian Ethics - University of Exeter (1995) M.Litt. in Philosophy and Ethics - University of Cambridge (1986-1989) B.D. in Theology - University of London (1982-1985) APPOINTMENTS: August 2007 to Present: Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary August 2001 to 2007: Dean of Hartford Seminary and Professor of Theology and Ethics December 1998-July 2001: Foundation Dean and Liverpool Professor of Theology and Public Life at Liverpool Hope University (then called Liverpool Hope University College) September 1996-December 1998: Liverpool Professor of Theology and Public Life at Liverpool Hope University September 1989-August 1996: Lecturer in Theology at University of Exeter OTHER POSITIONS The Living church Foundation, Member, Elected October, 2017. Member, St. Stephens’ & St. Agnes’ Board of Trustees: Executive Committee, Financial Aid and Enrollment Management (Chair), Buildings and Grounds, 2014 to present. Chair: Washington Theological Consortium; Executive Committee, 2012 to present. Virginia Theological Seminary: Board of Trustees: Academic Affairs Committee, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Community Life Committee, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Institutional Advancement Committee, Investment Committee, Trustees Committee, Honorary Degrees Sub-Committee, 2007 to present. Associate Priest, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Alexandria, 2007 to Present. Visiting Professor of Globalization, Ethics, and Islam at Leeds Metropolitan University, September 2005 – 2008.
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