Hawaiʻi Invasive Council, 2018


Primary Author:

John-Carl (JC) Watson Planner; Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council

Contributions and Review by:

Big Island Invasive Species Committee, Josh Atwood (HISC), Randy Bartlett (HISC), Springer Kaye (BIISC), Danielle Frohlich (SWCA), Kaulunani Urban Council, Ken Puliafico (USFS), Tracy Johnson (USFS), James Leary (UH- CTAHR), Jodi Watson, and Julie Gardner

For more information visit:

Figure 1: Albizia Control Photo provided courtesy of JC Watson

Introduction ...... 2 Impacts ...... 4 Infrastructure damage ...... 4 Human Health Hazards ...... 6 Ecological Impacts ...... 6 Cultural ...... 8 Impacts: Objectives and Implementation Tasks ...... 8 Control Methods ...... 10 Physical Control ...... 10 Chemical Treatment ...... 11 Biological Control ...... 12 Future Technologies ...... 13 Control Methods: Objectives and Implementation Tasks ...... 13 Planning ...... 14 Site-Specific Management Plans ...... 14 Community Engagement ...... 14 Access ...... 15 Stakeholder Coordination ...... 16 Liability ...... 16 Planning: Objectives and Implementation Tasks ...... 17 Legislature, Policy, and Funding ...... 17 Legislature, Policy, and Funding: Objectives and Implementation Tasks ...... 17 All Objectives and Implementation Tasks ...... 19 Literature Cited ...... 22 Appendices ...... 23


Albizia infests large swaths of our islands. Its rapid growth crowds out native species, its nitrogen fixing abilities change natural ecosystems, and its brittle wood breaks easily, smashing property and destroying lives. Despite being one of the most detrimental in our state, there is no coordinated effort to address this invasive species on a statewide scale. In 2013, Senate Resolution SR41-SD1 resolved that the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council (HISC) create a comprehensive plan for the control of albizia throughout the State. The purpose of this strategic plan is not to provide site-specific management actions but to provide large-scale objectives and a framework to minimize the impacts of albizia on the environment, human health, and infrastructure by:

• Describing statewide impacts of albizia • Summarizing available control methods • Recommending directions for future research on detection and control methodologies • Supporting and encouraging the development of island or site-specific management plans • Identifying priorities for HISC funding to support research, detection, and control efforts • Identifying objectives and implementation tasks to reduce impacts of albizia statewide

Albizia in Hawaiʻi Native to Papua , , and the , albizia ( moluccana) is a fast growing tropical that was introduced to Hawaiʻi in 1917 by Joseph Rock as an ornamental and for purposes (Elbert, et al. 2003). Approximately 140,000 albizia were planted in forestry areas throughout the state during the non-native tree forestry planting efforts in the early 20th century. This effort was prior to our understanding of how non-native and invasive plants impact our environment, and at the time albizia was valued for its rapid growth. Albizia is nitrogen fixing which allows it to thrive in nutrient deficient soils and become established in relatively intact native ecosystems. It produces large quantities of seeds, which are encased in light papery pods and can easily be dispersed over large distances. Albizia is also one of the fastest growing on Earth, and is capable of growing up to 15 feet per year and easily attain a height of over 35 meters or 100 feet (Hughes, et al. 2011). The rapid growth rate of this species produces a massive number of trunks and limbs that are structurally weak and brittle in nature. Large trees are prone to “sudden limb shear, ” or “sudden branch drop.” This phenomenon is defined as the sudden failure and collapse of live branches with no sign of physical weakness, and without apparent cause (Draper, et al. 2009).


The term "hazard tree" as defined in this strategic plan applies to all albizia trees whose height is greater than eight feet, and are growing within a distance of less than 1.5 times its height from roads, structures, power lines, hiking trails, areas of congregation, or anything of value, and whose failure will impact the aforementioned.

The Hawaiʻi-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment (HPWRA) scores albizia at eight and is categorized as highly invasive. In 2011, the HISC passed resolution 11-2 resulting in the support of designating albizia as an invasive species. See Appendix no. 1 for complete details.

Fortunately, there are aspects of albizia biology that make large-scale control and management actions feasible. First, seedlings are shade sensitive and mass germination events require that the canopy be open enough to allow ample light to penetrate to the understory layer (Hughes, et al. 2011). Secondly, there are a variety of effective methods that can be employed to control both seedlings and mature trees.

On a statewide scale, there is limited information as to the location and distribution of albizia populations. In 2014, albizia populations on Hawaiʻi Island were mapped by Julie Gartner using guided classification of 8-band World View 2 imagery. Infested areas were confirmed using Pictometry (high-resolution imagery) and roadside surveys. In addition, a basic analysis of infested acres using aerial imagery was performed for Oʻahu for use within this strategic plan. Polygons were created and depict areas that have a dominant albizia canopy. It should be noted that the imagery used to create the coverage map was from 2012, and that additional analyses with Figure 2: Heavily infested areas on Oʻahu with dominant albizia canopy. more recent imagery may Image provided courtesy of JC Watson


assist in implementation of specific control projects. Due to this constraint, the map should be considered to depict the minimum acres of albizia coverage on the specific island. Due to the rapid growth rate of albizia, it is possible that populations of trees reaching heights up to 75 feet in 2017 were not yet detectable using imagery from 2012.

Acres infested on Oʻahu: ~20,000 acres Acres Infested in East Hawaiʻi Island (provided by Julie Gardner): ~43,000 acres Hawaiʻi Pacific Weed Risk Assessment score: 8, HIGH RISK INVASIVE


The impacts of albizia are widely known but were emphasized by Tropical Storm Iselle in 2014, when hundreds of Hawaiʻi Island residents were stranded for days with their roads blocked and without power for months due to downed albizia trees. Hawaiʻi Electric Light Company (HELCO) estimates that it spent $13.7M responding to damage from Iselle, and the Hawaiʻi Island branch of Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT) estimates that 90% of all received calls about fallen trees for the past several years have involved albizia trees (BIISC, 2015). However, Hawaiʻi Island is not the only island where albizia-related hazards threaten residents. Stands of large albizia can be found on all of the main Hawaiian Islands except for Niʻihau, Molokaʻi, and Kahoʻolawe.

Figure 3: Property damage caused by fallen albizia branches. There is a great need to fully quantify Photo provided courtesy of BIISC. the monetary cost of potential damages from albizia. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requires that analysis studies be conducted as a requisite to apply for federal monies or FEMA grants. An economic study needs to be conducted to assess and measure the financial impact of albizia in Hawaiʻi. The following sections outline the various sectors that are negatively impacted by albizia. In FY17, HISC funded a project through the University of Hawaiʻi to begin analysis of the economic impacts of albizia to Hawaiʻi, as well as map population distributions on Oʻahu and Kauaʻi using high-resolution imagery.

Infrastructure damage

Often the result of fallen trees or branches, one of the main impacts of albizia is damage to infrastructure. Below is a list of the common types of damage to infrastructure in Hawaiʻi caused by albizia.


Roads/access ways Albizia readily sprout and grow along roadsides. Due to the rapid growth habit of this species, trees can become hazardous to roads within a few years. Fallen trees and branches can easily block roads making them impassable for emergency response personnel, motorists, and residents. Once fallen trees and/or branches block a road, manual removal is the only method that can be used to clear debris and restore access. As albizia are prolific seed producers, mature trees growing adjacent to roadside right-of-ways (ROW) act as a seed source and allow for perpetual reinfestation. This results in the need for continual and constant maintenance. Large hazard trees may require careful removal by a certified arborist, drastically increasing the cost for removal. HDOT reportedly spent $1 million per mile to remove 1,000 albizia trees on the island of Kauaʻi, with the removal of one large tree costing as much as $10,000. At other locations statewide, along an estimated 50 miles of road, the albizia tree population is maturing and reaching high densities where it will pose a significant safety risk to highway users – potentially imposing $50 million in management costs (HDOT 2011).

Transmission/ telephone lines Albizia readily sprout and grow along line infrastructure right- of-ways. Due to the rapid growth habit of this species, trees often attain a height capable of interfering with power and telephone infrastructure within a period of a few years. Trees growing along right-of-ways pose a serious threat to the lines. Large branches are capable of damaging and downing both transmission and telephone lines. Since albizia are prolific Figure 4: Albizia trees encroaching on power lines. Photo provided courtesy of BIISC. seed producers, mature trees growing adjacent to transmission line right-of-ways act as a seed source and allow for perpetual reinfestation of the right-of-way. The result is the need for continual and constant maintenance.

Buildings and property Albizia often shed branches that can cause damage to any structures or personal property (i.e. vehicles) located beneath them. Due to the large size to which albizia can grow, damage caused by hazard trees can occur from adjacent properties, natural lands, or right of ways.

Stream clogging In high rain events, fallen trees and branches can block streams at constriction points, resulting in debris accumulation and flooding. In 2004, heavy rains and albizia debris


contributed to the flooding of Mānoa stream. This flood event impacted residents, utilities, and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. An estimated $85 million in damage was caused by this single event (Honolulu Advertiser, 2007).

Human Health Hazards

Falling branches and trees pose a serious threat to human health. Due to the extreme height achieved by some albizia, both large and small branches can cause severe injury or death when dropped. Fallen branches can block roads and limit access to emergency services. There have been multiple recorded albizia related fatalities and injuries in Hawaiʻi. Many of Hawaiʻi’s popular hiking trails lead through albizia infested areas. Hazard trees in proximity to areas of frequent use expose both residents and visitors to risk.

Ecological Impacts

Native Forests The process of albizia becoming established in a native forest sets off a series of events that in time will drastically reduce native and promote the success of non-native species. The negative effects of albizia are especially pronounced in forests that have already been invaded by non-native species such as strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum). Typically Figure 5: Albizia within native dominated forest on Hawaiʻi Island. Photo provided courtesy of ESRI seedlings become established in new areas following a disturbance event such as road construction, a landslide, or a hurricane. Once established, seedlings will rapidly increase in height and quickly overtop the surrounding trees. Having reached the canopy, the growth form will begin to change from a form with single apical dominance to a dense expanding canopy. This large spreading canopy effectively blocks the sunlight and suppresses growth of the trees beneath. Aside from suppressing the growth of other plants, albizia has been shown the change nutrient levels in soils (Hughes, et al. 2006). Albizia are highly effective at fixing nitrogen, a trait that facilitates its rapid growth. This change has a direct impact on native plants, since Hawaiʻi’s volcanic soils are naturally nutrient deficient and the plants that evolved here have adapted to thrive without requiring large amounts of nitrogen. The impacts of greatly increasing the nitrogen inputs from albizia in the form of litter have been shown to profoundly transform invaded forests (Hughes, et al. 2006). This nitrogen “boost” facilitates invasion


by weeds adapted to high nitrogen levels while simultaneously suppressing native plant species. The increase of non-native plant species and decrease of native plant species also reduces the availability of quality habitat for native animals. The cumulative impacts of albizia populations have long-term detrimental consequences for Hawaiian ecosystems.

Water/Hydrology Impacts There are no formal data regarding evapotranspiration rates or hydrological impacts, though the high growth rate of albizia may indicate substantial water use. In addition, the nitrogen fixing properties of albizia have been shown to provide nutrients to other invasive species such as strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) (Hughes, et al. 2006). The hydrological impacts of strawberry guava have been researched, and show that stands dominated with this species have a lower ground-water recharge rate and a higher evapotranspiration rate than native forests (Giambelluca, et al. 2008). Surface water impacts caused by albizia populations include clogging, bank destabilization, and stream diversion. Debris and fallen trees can cause blockages and increase the risk of flooding during high rain events. The shallow rooted nature of albizia growing along streams allows for the bank to become undercut, eventually resulting in the toppling of the tree and destabilization of the Figure 6: Albizia trees growing within urban stream corridor on Oʻahu. bank itself. Photo provided courtesy of JC Watson


The impacts of albizia on the agricultural industry in Hawaiʻi have been largely unstudied. However, if the growth rates, cost of removal, and invasive nature of this species are taken into consideration, it is possible to get a general understanding of the negative pressures that albizia places on agricultural activities.

Farming Albizia infestations effect both commercial and subsistence farming. Large trees adjacent to agricultural properties present a hazard for workers and infrastructure, have the potential to shade out crops, and supply a large amount of seeds that can germinate in cultivated areas. The practice of crop rotation and allowing lands to sit fallow is a standard practice followed by many agricultural businesses. Though the act of leaving a section of land to rest is highly beneficial and a key facet to sustainable agriculture, it also presents an


opportunity for albizia seedlings to become established. Depending on the length of time a plot of land is allowed to sit without cultivation, seedlings can outgrow the farmers’ ability to simply plow them over. This results in a removal cost for the farmer. In the event that large plots of land are left fallow for many years, albizia trees can achieve a size and density that is cost-prohibitive to bringing the parcel back into cultivation.

Forestry Timber plantings in Hawaiʻi rely on the health and growth of commercial hardwood species. Albizia has been planted as a nitrogen source in several Eucalyptus plantings in Hawaiʻi and is considered beneficial in some situations. However, if plantings are not managed in an effective manner, planted albizia will negatively impact the site by rapidly overtopping and outgrowing the commercial tree species. The presence of large mature albizia trees within a timber planting also increases the cost during harvest. In some cases, albizia tree populations within active timber production sites make the cost of harvest prohibitively high, resulting in abandonment of the project and a substantial loss of investment for the timber producer.


The impact of albizia on cultural sites and historic view planes is significant. Many view planes throughout the state have been changed to the point where historic vistas, geological landmarks, and cultural sights are no longer visible or recognizable. This type of impact is difficult to quantify, as the value of these resources are subjective and changes happen gradually over time. In addition to view plane obstruction, large trees contribute to the degradation of unmanaged cultural sites as trees and roots can cause irreparable damage by destroying walls and agricultural terraces.

Figure 2: View plane obstruction at Wailuku River State Park (Rainbow Falls) on Hawaiʻi Island. Note the lone albizia tree in the photo from the early 1980s on the left. Photo provided courtesy of BIISC

Impacts: Objectives and Implementation Tasks I1: Assess population size and footprint I1.1: Complete mapping of albizia populations using of albizia on a statewide scale Pictometry or other high accuracy techniques to create statewide maps


I2: Assess environmental impacts I2.2: Research hydrological impacts I.2.2: Create a distribution model to assess the potential habitat suitable for albizia infestation I2.4: Perform hazard analysis based on current footprint and distribution model I2.5: Perform tree risk assessments of albizia located along trails and areas of use I3: Protection of priority watershed and I3.1: Removal or treatment of all albizia trees in wildlife habitat priority watershed areas as identified by the Division of Forestry and Wildlife's priority watershed map I3.2: Removal or treatment of all albizia from native dominant forests, areas of high ecological value, and forests containing threatened or endangered species I4: Mitigate hazards to increase water I4.1: Establish stream pilot program to remove albizia quality and reduce flooding along stream corridors I4.2: Removal or treatment of all albizia growing within urban stream corridors I4.3: Perform tree risk assessments for albizia trees located within stream corridors I5: Assess the economic impact of I5.1: Perform an economic analysis of the impacts of albizia albizia and associated costs I6: Establish sustainable secondary and I6.1: Explore sustainable alternative uses for materials alternative uses for removed materials generated by albizia removal projects I7: Protect valuable public I7.1: Develop a comprehensive list of public infrastructure from albizia damage infrastructure pieces impacted by albizia I7.2: Standard roadside surveys and control of seedlings I7.3: Standard utility corridor surveys and control of seedlings I7.4: Removal of all hazard trees affecting public infrastructure statewide and create buffer zones of treated trees I7.5: Assess hazard trees, cost of treatment for albizia near public schools and universities I8: Protect private infrastructure from I8.1: Solicit requests from private landowners abutting albizia damage from trees located on state lands for potential removal of hazard trees, in state lands order to generate a cost and resource estimate for removal I8.2: Once funding has been secured, (see L4.8) remove hazard albizia located near private lands and create buffer zones of treated trees I9: Maintain cultural sites and historic I9.1: Assess impacts to historic properties, cultural view planes sites, and view planes I9.2: Removal or treatment of trees impacting historic properties, cultural sites, and historic view planes


I9.3: Develop standard practices for removal from historic sites with minimal impact.

Control Methods

Physical Control

Physical removal of hazard trees requires special equipment and knowledge and must be performed by experienced and certified arborists. The removal or disposal of felled materials is also an important aspect to consider when utilizing this method.

Complete Removal Complete removal requires the highest level of effort when using any of the physical removal methods for large trees. It entails the complete felling of the tree and the complete removal of all felled materials from the site. This method is typically used in urban environments, where there is insufficient space for materials to be left in place to decompose. This method also results in the highest amount of cost per tree, as it often encompasses the total cost of the felling, removal, and disposal. Though this method is expensive and labor intensive for large trees, it is cost-effective for newly sprouted seedlings. The seedlings are shallow rooted and can be easily hand-pulled until they have attained a height of five feet. Seedlings can easily be bagged and removed from a site.

Hard Trimming In many cases, under the guidance of a certified arborist, hazard trees can be given a “hard trim”, whereby limbs and branches that extend towards infrastructure are cut to: 1) eliminate the possibility that they would fall on such infrastructure, and 2) counterbalance the tree so that it is highly likely to fall away from said infrastructure. Following a “hard trim,” the tree may be killed with herbicide and allowed to fall apart safely. This “hard trim” approach can be done at a fraction of the cost that it would take to completely cut down a given tree. To further reduce cost, felled materials can be left onsite if the landowner is willing to allow the tree to decompose in situ.

Girdling This method is fundamentally the same as the ring-barking technique, and entails the complete removal of a band of the inner and outer cambium layers approximately six inches to one foot wide from around the entire circumference of the tree. Common used to strip the bark from the tree include hand tools such as a , , or handsaw. Typical results include defoliation within one year followed by tree death. For faster results, herbicides can be used in conjunction with this method, and are applied to the site of bark removal. This method is fairly labor intensive when compared to other chemical treatment options as discussed in the following section. As both girdling and ring- barking methods do not require the use of herbicide, repeat treatments may be necessary. In addition, this method should not be used on hazard trees, as treated trees are left to die in place and pose a risk to surrounding infrastructure.


Ring-Barking This control method entails the complete removal of the inner and outer cambium layers from around the entire circumference of the tree. Common tools used to strip the bark from the tree include hand tools such as a machete, or draw blade. First, incisions are made around the base of the target tree at soil level. The bark is then stripped from the soil up the trunk (approx. four to six feet). This technique is fairly low cost and can be used by virtually anyone. Results are highly effective with defoliation occurring between six months to one year, and death of the tree eventually following. (Hughes, et al. 2012). This method should not be used on hazard trees, as treated trees are left to die in place and pose a risk to surrounding Figure 8: Ring-barked tree in Sāmoa. infrastructure. Photo provided courtesy of JC Watson

Chemical Treatment

Using chemical control to treat albizia is highly effective and requires very small amounts of herbicide. There are numerous techniques that can be utilized when treating albizia with a chemical application. Choosing the correct method or combination of methods and pairing them with site-specific strategies is key to the success of any albizia control project.

Incision Point Application (IPA) IPA is an efficient technique for administering a lethal dose of herbicide directly into the vascular system of woody species. This method can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with hard trimming. It should not be used for hazard trees, as treated trees are left in place and shed branches as the tree dies. Canopy defoliation can be expected within two to six weeks and canopy collapse within two years (Hughes, et al. 2017). Trunks may remain standing for up to three years and fallen trees will continue to decompose for decades or longer. Figure 9: Control using the Incision Point Application Specifications for treatment include the control method. injection of a 0.5 ml dose of undiluted Photo provided courtesy of BIISC Milestone® herbicide into equidistant


hatchet incisions (Leary, et al. 2011). Complete instruction can be found in Appendix no. 2. Herbicide costs per tree associated with this method can be calculated by multiplying the cost per milliliter by the number of 0.5 ml doses per tree. For example: The current cost of Milestone® /dose is $0.05. A tree that is approximately 24 inches in diameter will require approximately 15 incisions. ($0.05*15=$0.75). The herbicide cost for this tree will be approximately $0.75. It should be noted that the majority of cost associated with treatment will be from labor; both in the form of cost to treat (time it takes to administer treatment per tree) and time to access (time it takes to access the trees). These costs will vary by project site, as each will have differing levels of accessibility and tree densities. See Appendix no. 2 for complete instructions for using this method. This method should not be used on hazard trees, as treated trees are left to die in place and pose a risk to surrounding infrastructure.

Cut-Stump The cut-stump method is widely used, and is effective on a variety of different species. This method entails felling the target tree and treating the remaining stump with a concentrated dose of herbicide. Typical herbicides used for cut-stump application include Garlon 4®, Garlon 4 Ultra®, or Garlon 3A® (active ingredient: Tryclopyr) at 20%-100% concentration.

Foliar Spray The Foliar spray method entails applying a liquid herbicide solution directly to the of a target plant species. This control method is not an effective means of controlling albizia once they have surpassed the seedling stage, but can be a highly effective and efficient means of controlling the dense mats of seedlings that result from a mass germination event. The use of foliar application methods on large trees is not considered to be logistically feasible due to the need for helicopters, custom spray equipment, large quantities of herbicides, and non-target impacts. Foliar application is typically applied with the use of hand, backpack, or vehicle-mounted sprayers.

Biological Control

Biological control involves using host-specific living organisms such as insects, fungi, plant pathogens, etc. to suppress a weed infestation. The use of biological control agents is often the only feasible method of permanently reducing infestations when faced with large, long- established invasive species populations. Biological control research is a lengthy process that typically includes exploratory research in the native range of the target species to search for potential agents, host-specificity testing to ensure potential agents do not have significant non-target impacts, and a review and permitting process through the United States Department of Agriculture Animal Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection Quarantine (USDA APHIS PPQ) and Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture (HDOA). Final approval for the field release of the control agent may also require public consultation and disclosure pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Hawaiʻi Environmental Policy Act (HEPA).

For albizia, biological control agents would ideally target reproductive capacity and/or


attack trees only in early stages of growth. Caution should be taken to avoid introducing a biological control agent that could weaken or kill adult hazard trees, as this could pose additional risks to people and infrastructure. However, defoliation of adult trees by biological control agents can greatly reduce the effect of wind on these trees thereby lowering the risk of sudden limb drop while slowing tree growth.

Through a HISC-funded proposal, the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Pacific-Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service began exploration for potential control agents of albizia in 2015. HISC funded additional research in 2016 and 2018 to conduct additional foreign exploration and begin host-specificity testing. To bring populations of albizia down to manageable levels in Hawaiʻi, future and continued biological control research is necessary until a suite of successful agents have been released.

Future Technologies

The potential for currently unknown technologies relating to the management of invasive species may prove to be significant. As new technologies are researched and become available, potential use as a means of controlling albizia should be considered. Some examples may include: • Gene-drive • Genetically modified control agents • Unmanned aerial systems

Control Methods: Objectives and Implementation Tasks M1: Establish new and effective M1.1: Continued biocontrol research biological controls for albizia M1.2: Release of albizia-specific biocontrol agents M2: Establish additional chemical and M2.1: Research additional foliar, systemic, and pre- physical removal techniques or options emergent control options M2.2: Research improved physical removal or treatment options M3: Establish improved technologies M3.1: Research of future technologies and methods for the control of albizia such as genetic techniques, deployment methods, etc.



Site-Specific Management Plans

While this strategic plan identifies statewide recommendations for advancing detection and control of albizia, each island (or site within an island) will present its own specific suite of challenges and should develop a specific management and control strategy. Through partnerships between Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT), Hawaiʻi Electric Light Company (HELCO), Hawaiʻi County, the US Forest Service, and the Big Island Invasive Species Committee (BIISC), Hawaiʻi Island has become the forerunner with regards to albizia management and control on a landscape scale. With a team dedicated to albizia removal and standardized community workshops, the actions of BIISC can be used as a model for how to begin on-the-ground albizia management actions.

Template for site-specific control plans To facilitate the creation of site-specific management actions, a plan template has been developed. See Appendix no. 3 for management plan template. Site-specific management plans provide detailed goal-oriented control strategies to address the unique needs and challenges associated with a given management site. In some instances, an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement may be required.

Community Engagement

Community engagement, empowerment, and participation are all critical components of a robust and diverse management strategy. Engagement of local community leaders, information sharing, and collaborative planning are highly effective means of disseminating information into a community. Adaptable island-based or community-specific plans should be developed to allow for maximum community involvement, management, and control. When beginning Figure 10: Albizia growing in vacant lots pose a threat to adjacent properties. community engagement projects, Photo provided courtesy of JC Watson pilot communities with a high likelihood of success should be targeted first. By successfully attaining management within a target community, a positive track record can be established, thus making it easier to move forward and engage other more challenging communities.


The BIISC Albizia Control Teams or “Albizia Assassin” program provides a good example of the steps that can be taken to create community control teams. Steps include: • Hosting an invasive species management organization representative at a community event such as a neighborhood board or association meeting to present about albizia and discuss the potential program. • Establishing a community liaison or albizia coordinator. This person assists in setting up training workshops and is the point of contact for the management organization and volunteers. • Holding a training workshop to engage community members and provide training on hazard tree identification, treatment methods, and protective equipment. These workshops are often paired with a community workday. • Tracking progress. Tracking and reporting both treated trees and untreated hazard trees not only provides a clear measure of program impact and engagement, but also helps management organizations provide support when needed.

Additional information on how to set up a community control team can be found on the BIISC website at: or in Appendix no. 4.


Willing Landowners Cooperative planning with landowners and obtaining permission for access will be necessary for all survey and control operations. Given the variety of different chemical and physical methods available for albizia management, it is important to accommodate a landowner's preferred management or control technique.

Resistant or Unresponsive Landowners In the event that a landowner is either resistant or unresponsive, project managers must evaluate whether long-term project success requires treatment of the landowner's property, and whether the benefits of project success outweigh the costs (financial and otherwise) of pursuing legal action to gain entry to the property. There are multiple provisions in state law to gain access to private property for control of albizia, but these should be used as a last resort, only when access is denied and treating the property in question is crucial to protecting public safety and resources at large.

Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 127A-18 gives the Governor the authority to authorize access to private property to cut, trim, or remove dangerous trees or branches that pose a hazard to other properties. The Governor may also put a lien on the tree owner’s property until the cost of removal is reimbursed to the state (127A-18). There are currently no designated funding mechanisms for the State to perform mitigation efforts relating to albizia.

Similar to HRS 127A-18, the Hawaiʻi County Code chapter 20, article 2 provides an avenue for the public to report complaints relating to unsafe flora and gives the county authority to


access private property to cut, trim, or remove dangerous trees or branches that pose a hazard to other properties. As defined in this ordinance, “Unsafe flora” means any or any part of a tree, bush, vine, or grass that poses an imminent danger for fire, health, safety, property damage, or criminal threat to persons or adjacent property and structures including buildings, roofs, rain gutters, antennae, driveways, landscaping, privacy structures (including gates, fencing, and stone walls), tents, garages, automobiles, power lines, phone lines, playground equipment, water catchment tanks, swimming pools, or any other structures and property (2016 CC, c 20, art 2, sec 20-1).

Recent passage of House Bill 606 (2017) further delegates authority held by the Department of Agriculture to the Counties and their agents, to enter private property to address an invasive species. Once signed into law, implementation will be in the hands of the counties. It will be useful to monitor the progress and different approaches taken in each county to benefit the public through this act.

To assist with making contact and beginning the notification process, sample letters to unresponsive landowners have been developed by BIISC. See Appendix no. 5 for sample letters.

Stakeholder Coordination

Forging positive relationships between state agencies, federal agencies, legislatures, community groups, researchers, industry professionals, and landowners will be crucial to the success of any large-scale management activities required to control albizia on a statewide scale. Potential stakeholders include: utility companies, state agencies, neighborhood boards, private landowners, community associations, watershed partnerships, etc.


Albizia trees present a unique situation in terms of liability for damage caused by falling trees or branches. Determining liability depends on many factors. Some factors may be based on if the tree is located on private or public lands, whether or not the tree has been identified and reported as a hazard, whether or not the tree has been treated, and whether or not warning signage has been posted. Depending on the circumstances, liability for costs of damage associated with falling trees or tree limbs may be assigned to the owner of the land where the tree resides, the individual who treated the tree, or to the organization/agency responsible for management actions. To reduce liability, it is highly recommended that signage be utilized whenever possible. Signs should comply with Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules 13-8 (Act 82) and with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and be inspected annually. Signs should also be constructed of materials that will not degrade in adverse environmental conditions and should be posted for three years, or until all treated trees have fallen down. To further reduce liability and minimize risk of damage caused by management actions, community engagement and notification should be considered.


Planning: Objectives and Implementation Tasks P1: Support creation of detailed action P1.1: Creation of detailed island specific or site specific plans management plans and/or hazard mitigation plans for Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Maui, Lanaʻi, and Hawaiʻi P1.2: Create albizia-specific biocontrol plan P2: Empower the community to take P2.1: Development of island based outreach plans action P2.2: Create albizia control teams on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, and Lanaʻi P2.3: Engage neighborhood boards, community associations, etc. in albizia impacted areas P3: Engage landowners and other P3.1: Reach out to all large landowners with albizia stakeholders populations P3.2: Explore treatment and removal options on private lands P3.3: Creation of an interagency Albizia Control Working Group

Legislature, Policy, and Funding

The successful control of a previously unmanaged invasive species will require a high degree of support from policy and lawmakers. Having a legislative body that is willing to make long-term commitments will be paramount to the successful management of albizia in Hawaiʻi. Direct engagement and outreach will also be a critical facet when attempting to gain support in the legislature. Legislative actions such as incentives or funding appropriations will have a direct effect during the early stages of statewide albizia management actions, and will serve as a foundation for future management actions. Long- term legislative actions such as improved regulations, a prohibition on planting, real-estate disclosure clauses, etc., will provide a lasting structure to further reduce impacts from albizia to the people of Hawaiʻi. In-kind funding or volunteer efforts will likely play a large role when engaging communities and creating Albizia Control Teams. In addition to supportive statutory policies from the Legislature, there is also a need for the creation of administrative rules and best management practices for agencies, partners, and the general public for managing albizia in an effective manner. The purpose of standardized best management practices is to provide guidance as to when management actions should be taken, the time frame for removal activities, and which method of treatment to use.

Legislature, Policy, and Funding: Objectives and Implementation Tasks L1: Create policies that support albizia L1.1: Prohibit future planting of albizia (Falcataria control and management moluccana and ) L1.2: Officially designate albizia as a HISC priority species/ invasive species L1.3: Officially designate Albizia as a noxious weed


L2: Establish best management L2.2: Establish standard best management practices practices for agencies L2.3: Establish standard best management practices for government contractors and industry professionals L2.4: Establish guidelines for best management practices for the public L2.5: Establish road right-of-way seedling control protocols L2.6: Establish minimum criteria for long-term maintenance of highway ROW and 150 foot buffers in environmental documents for highway development projects including new construction as well as road widening (e.g. Albizia free for ten years post construction) L3: Create incentives to assist L3.1: Tax credit or other incentives for removal of landowners with Albizia control and to hazard trees on private property mitigate hazard tree removal L3.2: Explore opportunities to establish a cost-sharing or subsidy programs L3.3: Real estate disclosures for properties with large albizia and/or hazard albizia on neighboring property L4: Increase funding for statewide L4.1: Funding for hazard tree removal pursuant to HRS albizia management efforts 127A-18 L4.2: Funding for Albizia specific biocontrol research L4.3: Funding for hazard trees in pilot programs on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, and Lanaʻi L4.4: Funding for Community based control pilot programs on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, and Lanaʻi L4.5: Funding for continued early detection efforts on Molokaʻi L4.6: Funding for continued albizia control work on Hawaiʻi Island L4.7: Identify sources of funding for invasive species work in the highways’ ROW L4.8 Use estimate identified in I8.1 to request funding from the legislature to remove hazard trees near private property but which are located on state lands


All Objectives and Implementation Tasks

The following strategies, goals, and recommendations aim to provide a road map to successful management of albizia on a landscape scale throughout the State of Hawaiʻi.

Impacts I1: Assess population size and footprint I1.1: Complete mapping of albizia populations using of albizia on a statewide scale Pictometry or other high accuracy techniques to create statewide maps I2: Assess environmental impacts I2.2: Research hydrological impacts I.2.2 Create a distribution model to assess the potential habitat suitable for albizia infestation I2.4: Perform hazard analysis based on current footprint and distribution model I2.5: Perform tree risk assessments of albizia located along trails and areas of use I3: Protection of priority watershed and I3.1: Removal or treatment of all albizia trees in wildlife habitat priority watershed areas as identified by the Division of Forestry and Wildlife's priority watershed map I3.2: Removal or treatment of all albizia from native dominant forests, areas of high ecological value, and forests containing threatened or endangered species I4: Mitigate hazards to increase water I4.1: Establish stream pilot program to remove albizia quality and reduce flooding along stream corridors I4.2: Removal or treatment of all albizia growing within urban stream corridors I4.3: Perform tree risk assessments for albizia trees located within stream corridors I5: Assess the economic impact of I5.1: Perform an economic analysis of the impacts of albizia albizia and associated costs I6: Establish sustainable secondary and I6.1: Explore sustainable alternative uses for materials alternative uses for removed materials generated by albizia removal projects I7: Protect valuable public I7.1: Develop a comprehensive list of public infrastructure from albizia damage infrastructure pieces impacted by albizia I7.2: Standard roadside surveys and control of seedlings I7.3: Standard utility corridor surveys and control of seedlings I7.4: Removal of all hazard trees affecting public infrastructure statewide and create buffer zones of treated trees I7.5: Assess hazard trees, cost of treatment for albizia near public schools and universities


I8: Protect private infrastructure from I8.1: Solicit requests from private landowners abutting albizia damage from trees located on state lands for potential removal of hazard trees, in state lands order to generate a cost and resource estimate for removal I8.2: Once funding has been secured, (see L4.8) remove hazard albizia located near private lands and create buffer zones of treated trees

I9: Maintain cultural sites and historic I9.1: Assess impacts to historic properties, cultural view planes sites, and view planes I9.2: Removal or treatment of trees impacting historic properties, cultural sites, and historic view planes I9.3: Develop standard practices for removal from historic sites with minimal impact.

Control Methods M1: Establish new and effective M1.1: Continued biocontrol research biological controls for albizia M1.2: Release of albizia-specific biocontrol agents M2: Establish additional chemical and M2.1: Research additional foliar, systemic, and pre- physical removal techniques or options emergent control options M2.2: Research improved physical removal or treatment options M3: Establish improved technologies M3.1: Research of future technologies and methods for the control of albizia such as genetic techniques, deployment methods, etc.

Planning P1: Support creation of detailed action P1.1: Creation of detailed island specific or site specific plans management plans and/or hazard mitigation plans for Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Maui, Lanaʻi, and Hawaiʻi P1.2: Create albizia-specific biocontrol plan P2: Empower the community to take P2.1: Development of island based outreach plans action P2.2: Create albizia control teams on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, and Lanaʻi P2.3: Engage neighborhood boards, community associations, etc. in albizia impacted areas P3: Engage landowners and other P3.1: Reach out to all large landowners with albizia stakeholders populations P3.2: Explore treatment and removal options on private lands P3.3: Creation of an interagency Albizia Control Working Group


Legislature, Policy, and Funding L1: Create policies that support albizia L1.1: Prohibit future planting of albizia (Falcataria control and management moluccana and Albizia chinensis) L1.2: Officially designate albizia as a HISC priority species/ invasive species L1.3: Officially designate Albizia as a noxious weed L2: Establish best management L2.2: Establish standard best management practices practices for agencies L2.3: Establish standard Best management practices for government contractors and industry professionals L2.4: Establish guidelines for best management practices for the public L2.5: Establish road right-of-way seedling control protocols L2.6: Establish minimum criteria for long term maintenance of highway ROW and 150 foot buffers in environmental documents for highway development projects including new construction as well as road widening (e.g. Albizia free for ten years post construction) L3: Create incentives to assist L3.1: Tax credit or other incentives for removal of landowners with Albizia control and to hazard trees on private property mitigate hazard tree removal L3.2: Explore opportunities to establish a cost-sharing or subsidy programs L3.3: Real estate disclosures for properties with large albizia and/or hazard albizia on neighboring property L4: Increase funding for statewide L4.1: Funding for hazard tree removal pursuant to HRS albizia management efforts 127A-18 L4.2: Funding for Albizia specific biocontrol research L4.3: Funding for hazard trees in pilot programs on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, and Lanaʻi L4.4: Funding for Community based control pilot programs on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, and Lanaʻi L4.5: Funding for continued early detection efforts on Molokaʻi L4.6: Funding for continued albizia control work on Hawaiʻi Island L4.7: Identify sources of funding for invasive species work in the highways’ ROW L4.8 Use estimate identified in I8.1 to request funding from the legislature to remove hazard trees near private property but which are located on state lands


Literature Cited

1. Elbert L. Little Jr.; Skoman, Roger G. (2003) Agriculture Handbook no.679. CTAHR, UH Manoa. 2. Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council Resolution No. 11-2. 3. Senate Resolution SR41-SD1. &billnumber=41&year=2013. 4. Big Island Invasive Species Committee, BISC. (2015) After Iselle, A plan for mitigation of Albizia Hazards Across East Hawaii. May 2015. 5. Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (2011) 2012-2022 Statewide Noxious Invasive Pest Program Strategic Plan. 6. Vorsino, Mary. Honolulu Advertiser. (1/4/2007) 7. Draper, Danny B.; Richards, Perer A. (2009) Dictionary for Managing Trees in Urban Environments. Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists, CSIRP Publishing, Collingwood AU. 8. Hughes, R.F.; Uowolo, Amanda L. (2006) Impacts of invasion on decomposition in Hawaiian lowland wet forests: the importance of stand-level controls. Ecosystems 9, 977–991. 9. Giambelluca, T. W.; Delay, J. K.; Asner, G. P.; Martin, R. E.; Nullet, M. A.; Huang, m.; Mudd, R. G.; Takahashi, M. (2008) Stand Structural Controls on Evapotranspiration in Native and Invaded Tropical Montane Cloud Forest in Hawai'i. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #B43A-0422 10. Hughes, R. F.; Johnson, M. T.; and Uowolo, A. (2011) The Invasive Alien Tree Falcataria moluccana: Its Impacts and Management. Prospects of Weed Biological Control on Pacific Islands. Session 5, 218-223. 11. Hughes, R. F.; Kaye, S.; Kirby, A.; Sowards, T.; and Morrison, C. (2017) Status report for project entitled: Monitoring patterns and processes of Falcataria moluccana (Albizia) decay and forest succession following herbicide treatment in Hawaii’s lowland wet forests. 12. Leary, James; Friday, JB; Kaye, Springer; Hughes, Flint. (2011) Proper Technique for Injecting Albizia (Falcataria moluccana) with the herbicide Milestone (active ingredient: Aminopyralid). University of Hawaiʻi College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. 13. Hughes, R. Flint; Uowolo, Amanda L.; Togia, Tavita P. (2012) Recovery of native forests after removal of an invasive tree, Falcataria moluccana, in American . Biol Invasions (in press) DOI 10.1007/s10530-011-0164-y 14. Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 127A-18. (2014) “Mitigation of hazardous situations”. 0115/HRS0127A/HRS_0127A-0018.htm. 15. Hawaiʻi County Code, Chapter 20, article 2, sections 20-20 through 20-24 (6/30/2016) “Clearing Occupied and Unoccupied Lots”.



1. Senate Resolution 41 S.D. 1 2. Control guide for administering incision point application using Milestone® herbicide 3. Template for site-specific or species-specific management plan 4. Big Island Invasive Species Committee – Albizia Control Team Overview 5. Big Island Invasive Species Committee sample Letter to Absentee landowner




1 WHEREAS , the Fa1 ca taria mol uccana , commonly known as the 2 Albizia tree, is native to the South Pacific and was introduced 3 to Hawaii in 1917; and 4 5 WHEREAS, Albizia is a fast growing tree with shallow roots, 6 brittle wood, and a weak structure; and 7 8 WHEREAS, Albizia's rapid growth rate and soil-altering 9 roots and foliage pose a threat to lowland native forests, 10 falling Albizia trees and branches pose a safety hazard to 11 homeowners and motorists, and Albizia trees have damaged 12 overhead and underground utilities; and 13 14 WHEREAS, Albizia has proliferated on the island of Hawaii 15 to the point where it has become a significant problem; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the Big Island Invasive Species Committee, a 18 voluntary partnership of private citizens, community 19 organizations, businesses, land owners, and government agencies, 20 has attempted to control and eradicate Albizia but has 21 experienced difficulty doing so because of the extent of 22 Albizia's proliferation on public and private lands and because 23 the Big Island Invasive Species Committee is significantly 24 underfunded at the policy level; and 25 26 WHEREAS, policy-level direction, coordination, and planning 27 are needed to properly control and eradicate Albizia on the 28 island of Hawaii; now, therefore, 29 30 BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-seventh 31 Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2013, 2013-2008 SR41 SD1 SMA.doc lillll llll lllll WII Illl~lIllllll llllllllilll~lI1.illlllllll lllllllllll Blllllll llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll111111


Page 2

1 that the Invasive Species Council is urged to develop and 2 implement a comprehensive interagency plan for the control and 3 eradication of Albizia throughout the State, starting with the 4 island of Hawaii, pursuant to chapter 194, Hawaii Revised 5 Statues; and 6 7 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Invasive Species Council is 8 urged to find partners to utilize the Albizia trees that are 9 removed; and 10 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Agriculture 12 is urged to investigate biocontrol agents for the control of 13 Albizia; and 14 15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this 16 Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of 17 Agriculture and the Invasive Species Council. 18

2013-2008 SR41 SD1 SMA.doc 1111 lllllllllllllllll I111111.11111 lllllllllll~lilllllllllll11Ill 11111111111111IIlllIIIIIIIIIIII.ullll~lllllll llllllllll


Pilot Bush Hatchet, SurvivalHatchet, Hatchet, Camping Hatchet Bottle, Dispenser Drop Key search terms for online Crop Production Serv BEI Hawaii Grower Products Local umn.iHypsom Hawaii. in Guides Species Woody Invasive Suppress and Control to Techniques Herbicide forPractitioner’sGuideNon Effective Herbicide o Technique Testing for Application Point Incision the with Efficacy Guide Practitioner’s Guides IN). No. Reg 62719 EPA Herbicide, Specialty Milestone® and ( Albizia of Control For Hawaii of State the in Only Use and Distribution 2 Sec. FIFRA Herbicide Labels: Hawaii te Woy pce i Natural in Species Woody Other Sources for - 519 (Dow AgroSciences LLC, Indianapolis,AgroSciencesLLC,519 (Dow

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MANAGEMENT/CONTROL PLAN TEMPLATE: The following outline can be used as a base template for the development of site specific or species-specific management plans. Images and maps should be used to add context and clarity to the plan.

A. Cover Page a. Plan title b. Name of organization c. Name of report writer/s d. Date B. Table of contents C. Stakeholder Identification a. List and identify stakeholders, land managers, or land owners who will need to be involved when conducting management actions. This is also the place to list additional authors, contributors, sponsors, etc. D. Introduction/Background a. Introduction i. Site description, location, reason for the plan b. Species profile i. Brief physical description ii. Natural range iii. Include HWPRA score if applicable c. Historic Information i. Date of first detection/introduction ii. Geographic area impacted by species 1. GIS map of sites iii. Past response measures if any 1. GIS maps of past control efforts iv. Effects/Impacts of species 1. Effects to: a. Native Plants and animals b. Hydrology/Run-off/nutrient cycling etc. c. Human health d. Economy E. Management/Control Methods Go over which methods of control are applicable and will be used at the site. Explain in detail the benefits and drawbacks of each applicable technique, as well as the methodology for application or control. Examples include:

a. Manual removal i. Explain how species can be manually controlled b. Chemical


i. Explain how species can be chemically controlled c. Other i. Other control methods (i.e. Biocontrol, sterile male, trap type, etc.) F. Site specific Management/Control plan (this section can be singular or may include many sites) a. Goals and objectives for the site b. Applicable control methods i. Explain how to control at site using manual, chemical, and other methods etc. c. Timeline for management/control per site i. Best time or season for management/control, when it will begin, and duration of control as covered in this plan d. Liability considerations i. Make sure that you diligently consider, list, and define the steps that you will be taking to minimize liability associated with your project. 1. Signage and notification 2. Should insurance be considered for your group or for community groups? e. Issues/problems i. Explain known or potential hindrances to the overall success of your project (Outreach needed, access, laws, etc.) 1. Address how to solve issues/ problems G. Cost a. Project budget H. Community Involvement a. Will plan rely on community involvement? i. Identify and discuss level of involvement if any I. Measures of success a. What will you be using to determine if your plan is successful? J. Conclusion K. Literature Sighted a. If you had any references in your plan, list them here L. Compliance a. Based on your management plan, are compliance documents required for the following? i. Hawaiʻi Environmental Protection Act ii. National Environmental Policy Act

To create a multi-species plan:

• Repeat #4-6 for each species • Include all species control efforts in budget • Include measures of success for each species


Albizia Control at the Community Level: ACT!

The Problem: Falcataria moluccana was introduced to Hawaii over 100 years ago and has been identified as one of the most problematic invasive species affecting Big Island communities today. Possibly the fastest growing tree in the world, albizia forms weak, brittle wood, matures quickly, and spreads easily through wind-borne seeds. It poses a serious threat to both our natural environment and our public safety.

Albizia is notorious for its tendency to lose large, heavy limbs in even mild winds. Even before Tropical Storm Iselle, during which dozens of people were trapped for hours and several homes crushed, the residents of Puna had long dealt with the hazard of falling albizia. Outbuildings, fences, and cars were among the common casualties of albizia limbs. Albizia is prone to “sudden limb drop,” where hidden weaknesses in the limbs can cause branches to fall even with no apparent disturbance.

The costs to taxpayers and utility customers from albizia impacts are high. Besides the costs of removing trees that are direct threats, HELCO, HDOT, and the County routinely must deal with the impacts of trees falling from private property onto roads and power lines. HELCO estimates that it spent $13M responding to damage from Iselle, and the Hawaii Island branch of the state DOT estimates that 90% of all received calls about fallen trees are for albizia. Costs to individual property owners from trees falling on to adjoining properties have not been compiled, but are likely in the millions of dollars.

Addressing the Problem: Community Empowerment While many legislative bills to fund a comprehensive albizia program have been proposed, so far, none have been enacted. Limited funding has been provided from various sources, catalyzed by the allocation of funds from County Council Puna representative Greggor Ilagan. Puna and Hilo residents are stepping up to improve the safety and well being of their communities through control of albizia.

BIISC works with community associations, boards, neighborhood watch groups, or community organizations that want to address albizia. We will work with the group and their designated liaison (an “albizia coordinator”) to train volunteers to assess tree safety, treat non-hazard trees, and track and monitor albizia. The group will also receive support materials to use in contacting property owners, private entities, or government agencies for help. BIISC outreach staff will work with community coordinators to address specific issues that arise as volunteers seek action on the hazard trees in their neighborhoods.

BIISC will continue to educate and work on our legislators on the problem, and to seek paths through which community members can find assistance for removing this menace from their neighborhoods.


ACT: Albizia Control Teams

STEP 1: Presentation and Program Overview The first step is to host a BIISC representative at your next community association, board, or neighborhood watch meeting to discuss the program and determine if this is the right direction for your community.

Once your community has decided to move forward and “ACT”, a liaison or “albizia coordinator” should be designated. This is a very important role, as this person will assist in making arrangements for training workshops as well as providing support for community volunteers. Your coordinator will be the point of contact for BIISC and community volunteers, and will also help with tracking of albizia trees.

We suggest that the board or community association use the template enclosed in this packet to determine what responsibilities will fall to the community coordinator(s).

STEP 2: Volunteer Training Workshop Once the coordinator is in place, he or she will work with BIISC to host a BIISC community volunteer training workshop. Outreach for the workshop is key: BIISC can provide some color flyers and will publicize the event on our website and social media, but we find that the best way to generate a good turnout is through neighbor-to-neighbor encouragement.

On the day of the workshop, volunteers will be presented with the scope of the program and encouraged to “sign up” for kuleana of a specific area, block, or section of street. The albizia coordinator can follow up after the workshop with individuals who express interest. A suggested template for a volunteer sign-up sheet is included in this packet.

STEP 3: Volunteer ACTion! If requested, BIISC will supply the coordinator with maps of the specific areas taken on by ACT volunteers. The coordinator will be provided with templates, helpful information on legislation regarding albizia, and other tools to support the ACT volunteers as needed. BIISC staff will also be available to assist coordinators if unusual or uncertain situations arise, and will provide ongoing support and training as needed.

STEP 4: Tracking Because BIISC is working hard for legislative action and grant funding, tracking is a really critical part of our efforts. We ask that ACT volunteers and coordinators work together to track both treated trees and hazard trees and report this work to BIISC. A tracking sheet template is included in this packet.




I am reaching out to you in regards to a property you own on [ADDRESS], TMK No. ______in [SUBDIVISION] on the Big Island of Hawaii.

I/We are concerned about a specific hazardous tree(s) growing on your property that is posing a threat to (provide specific description of the structure). Pictures of the tree and structure are enclosed.

You may or not be aware of the threat posed by this invasive tree, but Falcataria moluccana or albizia is one of the fastest growing trees in the world. The wood is very brittle and branches break off easily, causing severe property damage, loss of electric power, and even car accidents.

Our community is working together to address the threat of this tree and prevent an occurrence of the kind of devastation Hawaii Island faced in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Iselle. Because of the widespread recognition of liability issue of this particular tree, removal is necessary to prevent a significant decrease in property value.

Albizia has been recognized as a serious threat by both our state and County. If a property owner does not resolve the problem, the State of Hawaii, through HRS 127A-18 (commonly known as “Act 76”) is authorized to enter private property to remove or mitigate the hazard. The cost is then billed to the property owner.

A list of certified arborists can be found at When calling for quotes, keep in mind that there may be ways to reduce the cost of mitigation, such as having the tree trimmed back away from threatened structures. If the tree must be completely removed to mitigate the threat, it may be possible to leave the removed wood in place on your property to reduce costs. It is important to request that the arborist treat any remaining stumps to prevent regrowth.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please let us know how you intend to handle this hazard within 30 days of this notice.

I/We greatly appreciate your response,