GENERAL DEFINITIONS TESTING TOOLS Elements of Testing Bug Tracker Keeps track of software bugs, usually made up of an Quality Monitors the processes to ensure Bt Qa automatic flow of bugs, a set of customizable reports, Assurance a high-quality product and different system roles and permissions. Software is any activity aimed at evaluating an Test Stores testing information from the test planning St Testing attribute or capability of a program or system and Tm Management stage, through execution of cases, up to the reporting determining that it meets its required results Software testing is an essential service for any business System stage implementing a new system or updating an old one. Software SOFTWARE TESTING TYPES Am Application Helps a company manage its life development technologies are constantly changing, but the essential Lifecycle cycle in a dedicated, centralized place. Management Tests units of code using automation to ensure that elements for successful software testing remain the same. System Ut each unit works individually; its integration into the system as a whole is tested later. Automation Control the execution of tests and the comparison of At Tools actual outcomes with predicted outcomes. Sm Smoke A quick and simple test to ensure that the major Testing functions of a software work as intended, originally Pt Performance Measure an application’s response while simulating the considered successful when new hardware didn't catch Testing Tools traffic of tens or even hundreds of thousands of users fire performing a wide range of tasks on the application. Functional Assesses functional components of the system and TESTING STRATEGIES Fu Testing ensures that it performs the basic functions that it was Qa St Ut Sm Fu Ua Li designed to fulfill User Rb Risk Based Prioritizes test processes based on the risk their Quality Software Smoke Functional flaws pose to an application, and the effect those Integration Determines if multiple components work together assurance testing Unit Testing Testing Testing Testing Live Testing flaws could have on the company or end user In Testing properly within the system Exploratory Test design and test execution at the same time- a Ex Testing sophisticated, thoughtful approach to ad hoc Sy System Analyzes the behavior of the whole system and Testing whether or not it fits its defined requirements In Sy Pe Re Se Co Mo testing Automated Uses coded scripts to control the execution of tests User Verified that it can handle real-world scenarios and is Au Testing without manual intervention Ua Acceptance often a contractual requirement for acceptance of the Integration System Performance Regression Security Compatibility Mobile Testing Testing software; performed by actual end users of the Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Continuous Members of a team integrate their work frequently, Ci Integration usually each person integrates at least daily - leading Live Testing Tests functions and features that can only be to multiple integrations per day. Li accurately tested on the live system instead of a test environment Ac Lo Bb Wb St Ut Requirements Maps test cases to requirements to ensure testing Rm Traceability coverage of requirements Matrix Regression Ensures that changes to the code haven’t broken any Localization Black Box White Box Static Re Testing previously-functional parts of the system Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing TESTING DOCUMENTATION Pe Performance An umbrella term that includes all processes which Testing: assess the user’s experience with the system Tp Test Plan Describes the scope, approach, resources, schedule, Bt Tm Am At Pt test items, features to be tested and not tested, tasks, Security Determines the safety of private data without Test Application and contingencies for the entire testing process Se Testing compromising a system's functionality Management Lifecycle A set of inputs, preconditions, predicted results and Bug Tracker Automation Performance Tc Compatibility Ensures functionality of the system across a variety of System Management Tools Testing Tools execution conditions for a particular objective or test Co Testing browsers and operating systems System condition To Test A sequence of actions for the execution of a test Mo Mobile Ensures that the application functions across a variety Procedure Testing of mobile devices Rb Ex Au Ci Rm Specification Accessibility Verifies that your product is accessible to customers Requirements Specifies test procedures, typically for automated Ac Ts testing Testing who have disabilities Risk Based Exploratory Automated Continuous Traceability Testing Testing Testing Integration Matrix Defect Reports the flaws/bugs in components or the system Localization Ensures that software performs as required in different Dr Reports itself that cause it to fail to perform its function Lo Testing countries, and that translations are correct properly Bb Black Box Examines the functionality of an application without Tp Tc To Ts Dr Tu Test Summarizes testing activities and results Testing knowledge of internal structures Tu Summary Test Test Reports Wb White Box Tests internal processes of an application, as opposed Procedure Defect Summary Testing to its functionality Test Plan Test Case Specification Test Script Reports Reports

Static Testing Examination of the system's code and documentation, St without running it Ut Usability Technique which evaluates an application on how easy Testing it is for users to use it Version 1