PO Box 82 Email: [email protected] Clermont Qld 4721 Website: Phone: 07 4983 3023 Facebook: Clermont Show

It is you, our dedicated and passionate volunteers, supporters & committee members who are the backbone behind the annual Clermont Show - The Isaac Region’s Show; and the reason our community – our region – is continued to be enjoyed by families and businesses nationwide. If you would like to be involved, be a part of something special, please contact us – all ages and experience welcome – all you need is enthusiasm!

PRESIDENT Scott Moller VICE-PRESIDENT Douglas Burnett Scott Hensley SECRETARY Kate Flohr TREASURER Anna Dennis


BEEF CATTLE Tim Cook 4983 2730 COMMERCIAL CATTLE Michael Borg 4983 5174 CATTLEMEN’S CHALLENGE BEEF CATTLE SECRETARY Fiona James 0429 033 828 BEEF DINNER Amanda Burnett 4983 5176 DAIRY GOATS Karen Coghill 0428 893 939 RING 1 & 2 Melissa Robertson 0429 055 814 SHOW JUMPING Julie Warren 0437 970 492 PAVILION Shelley Laverty 0439 383 949 POULTRY & CAGED BIRDS Hannah Coghill 0436 441 606 STUD CATTLE Rosie Robertson 0418 980 600 WOODCHOP Darren Marks 0429 835 076 CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOW Val Horne 0427 831 205 WORKING DOGS Paul Wroe 4985 9297 SPONSORSHIP Andrea Moller 4983 5402 TRADE & SERVICES Joanne Salmond 4983 5362 SHOW GIRL EVENTS Nikki Robertson 0400 090 560

SPONSORS OF THE CLERMONT SHOW – THE ISAAC REGION’S SHOW Our local show would not be possible without the loyal businesses, families and individuals who support the competitions and events. Thank You sincerely from the Clermont Show Committee for your involvement and commitment.

CLERMONT SHOW – THE ISAAC REGION’S SHOW STUD CATTLE - DIVISION D - Chief Steward: Rosemary Robertson Associate Steward: -

Nominations and Entry Fees to be addressed to: Further information available from: C/- Stud Cattle Section, Clermont Show Committee, Stud Cattle Section PO Box 82, Chief Steward: Rosie Robertson Clermont Q 4721  0418 980 600 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

CONTENT SECTIONS 1. Rules, Regulations, Terms & Conditions 1.1. Stud Cattle Events Page 4. 1.2. Stud Cattle & Trade Displays Page 5. 1.3. Young Judges Page 5. 1.4. Junior Paradors Page 5. 2. Event Class Schedule 2.1. Stud Cattle Events Page 7-8. 2.2. Junior Paradors Page 8. 2.3. Trade Displays Page 8. 2.4. Young Judges Page 8. 3. Nomination Forms 3.1. Stud Cattle Events Page 9. 3.2. Stud Trade Displays Page 13. 3.3. Clermont Show Membership Page 15. 3.4. Sponsors Page 17.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION  Nominations close on Wednesday, 22nd May 2019.  Entry Fees MUST accompany Nominations. o Entry Fee $18.00 per head / per Class (including GST). o Camping Fee $11.00 (including GST). o Late Entry fees will not be accepted and will be returned to Exhibitor. o No refunds will be available.  ONE FREE PASS PER 3 HEAD OF CATTLE will be issued with official receipt for entry fees.  NO FREE PASSES will be issued at the show grounds.  Weighing all bulls and led steers on the Monday, 27th May 2019 o Weighing to start at 10.00 a.m. and finish at 12.00 p.m. (noon). o All relevant NVD forms are to be available and NLIS obligations met o NLIS readings will commence at 4.00 p.m. Monday 27th May 2019.  Judging will commence o 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 28th May 2019; & o 8.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 29th May 2019.  Portable Panels for Trade are made available. Please discuss with Chief Steward upon nomination. We invite all our exhibitors to come along & meet other competitors, cattle owners, committee members, volunteers & esteemed officials at our annual ‘meet and greet’ BBQ - Monday night. Located at the Heritage Building Clermont Show Grounds from 6.00pm. Free Entry & No Charge.


STUD CATTLE - RULES, REGULATIONS, TERMS & CONDITIONS - Chief Steward: Rosemary Robertson  0418 980 600 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] PLEASE READ CAREFULLY OUR - RULES, REGULATIONS, TERMS & CONDITIONS STUD CATTLE EVENTS - TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. All exhibitors in stud classes must deliver to the Chief Steward a Herd Book Certificate of each exhibit prior to the first day of Show – before 9.00 a.m. on Monday 27th May 2019. 2. All stock to be in the grounds by 4.00 p.m. on Monday, 27th May 2019. 3. All Stud Cattle entered for competition may be removed from the grounds after GRAND PARADE on Wednesday, 29th May 2019. 4. Prize Conditions; a. All ribbons and trophies in this division will be presented, in the ring, following completion of each class judged. b. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ribbons for all class winners. c. Ribbons for Champion and Reserve Breed winners. d. Trophy and Ribbon for all Grand Champions. e. Sashes for all Champions and Reserve Champions will be donated by the Clermont Show Committee. 5. For the Championship Prizes all first prize winners of the sex and of the breed to compete. After selecting the Champion, the judge will be required to select any animal for Reserve, which will take the place of the Champion in the event of the latter being disqualified for any cause. The Reserve shall be selected from the remaining first prize animals together with the second prize winner of the class that furnished the Champion. 6. Any Exhibitor who fails to parade his cattle in the ‘Ring Parade’ on Wednesday, 29th May 2019, may forfeit all prize money, at the discretion of the Stewards. 7. The age of all stud cattle shall be the actual age as at 1st April 2019. The actual date of birth of each animal must be entered on entry form. 8. Positive evidence of infertility will be adequate reason for disqualification. 9. No drugs, hormone or tranquilliser shall be administered to any animal exhibit except under the direction of the Association’s Veterinary Surgeon who shall advise the Stewards if in its opinion such drug, hormone or tranquillisers is likely to have any effect upon the animal which would be material to its chances of being awarded a prize in such case the Stewards may debar the animal from competing. A Steward may at any time direct the Association’s Veterinary Surgeons to take a same blood, saliva or urine for testing. 10. All cattle must be haltered, tied, and led for judging and must have nose rings. 11. Nominations will NOT be accepted without entry fees. 12. An identification number must be displayed on beast or handler during judging and will be supplied by Steward on arrival at grounds. 13. Any exhibitor who does not comply with the above conditions, or any direction of the steward, may be disqualified. 14. At least one bale of bedding (per beast) will be made available. 15. ALL WASTE MANURE/HAY/MULCH TO BE PLACED IN SKIP BINS PROVIDED AND IS TO BE FREE OF PAPER/CANS/TWINE ETC. BEFORE DEPARTURE ON WEDNESDAY ALL BEDDING TO BE RAKED OUT FROM WALLS AT LEAST 1 METRE. 16. Any beast 6 mths and under 12 mths proven to be still on mother may be shown in classes 1 or 9 as well as with its mother.

CLERMONT SHOW – THE ISAAC REGION’S SHOW 17. Junior Paraders will be held on Tuesday 28th May 2019 after completion of the Led Cattle. 18. Young Judges Competition will be held on Wednesday 29th May 2019 IMMEDIATELY AFTER JUDGING OF SUPREME EXHIBIT OF SHOW starting at 8 a.m. sharp.

STUD CATTLE & TRADE DISPLAYS - EVENT SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. Enquires and bookings to be directed to Stud Cattle Stewards – area available will be limited. Please see page 13. 2. All portable panels and display apparatus & provisions to be provided and erected by exhibitor. 3. Portable Panels will be made available by Clermont Show – Cattle Stud Section Committee. Please discuss your requirements with the Chief Steward prior or upon nomination. 4. Trade Display fees are $15/frontage metre and minimum of $75/display (i.e. 4m display fee is $75 inc.GST) 5. Proof of adequate Public Liability must be provided to Clermont Show Committee. 6. Trade Display nominations close Wednesday 22nd May.

YOUNG JUDGES COMPETITION - RULES AND REGULATIONS  The Hormel Slide will used for scoring placements at all levels. As such, the nominated four head of cattle displayed within the classes will be numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4.

1. Competitions covered with these rules are: Beef Cattle Judging Competitions. 2. Competitors must be under 25 years of age on 1 May in the year of the State Final at the Royal Easter Show 2019. 3. Competitors under 18 years must have approval of parent or guardian to attend and it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to make arrangements on behalf of the competitor. 4. All competitors are to be a resident in Queensland for at least three months prior to the competition or be attending a college in Queensland. 5. No competitor can represent more than one Show Society in any one group final and no more than one sub-chamber in a State Final. 6. The eligible representative for Clermont at the Central Highlands Sub-Chamber Judging in Emerald will be the highest scoring “Local” (must be a resident of the Central Highlands Agricultural Shows Sub Chamber) regardless of final placing (from Class 2 and 4 – see guidelines for age eligibility). 7. The representative for Sub-Chamber Judging (and if successful the State Final) are only eligible to compete if they are over 15 years and under 25 years of age on the 1st May 2019. 8. The winners of a National Final and persons on breed society senior judging panels are not eligible. 9. A show winner is not eligible to win at any other show but may participate after informing the steward of previous win. 10. Groups to be entitled to be represented at State Level by one (1) competitor unless otherwise stated. 11. Winner should be requested to do a report on any study tour they take as a result of winning a competition to the sponsorship money.

JUNIOR PARADERS - RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Competitors must be over 15 and under 25 years of age on 1 May in the year of the State Final. 2. Competitors under 18 years must be accompanied by a chaperone. 3. Procedure:

CLERMONT SHOW – THE ISAAC REGION’S SHOW (i) One class of paraders is to be judged. (ii) Each parader must be identified by a number 1-6 and not A B C D E F. (iii) Paraders may lead a Steer, Heifer or Bull under 20 months (one animal per entrant). (iv) Paraders will be required to ballot for their animal on the day prior to judging. (v) Paraders must wear a white coat with no names or logo on them. (vi) Paraders must be willing to swap animals if required. 4. Parading of animals - Paraders will parade their animals in a clockwise manner as is normal in a Beef Cattle Ring at the discretion of the Judge. 5. Judging - This competition is designed to determine the parader who presents and parades an animal before a judge most effectively. 6. Competition Timing (i) From the point of view of the competitors, the animals and the spectators, it is important that the whole competition be completed in one hour. (ii) In order to maintain the impetus of the competition, immediately the Judge has completed his placing and made his final comments, the competition results should be announced, and the awards and presentations made.



Chief Steward: Rosie Robertson  0418 980 600 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] MONDAY (ARRIVAL, SET-UP & WEIGHING) 27/05/2019 Bulls & Led Steers Weighed 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Division ‘Meet & Greet’ BBQ 6:00 p.m. onwards

TUESDAY (EVENT CLASSES Day 1 of Judging) 28/05/2019 – Judging begins 9:00 a.m. SECTION 1 BOS INDICUS SECTION 2 BOS TAURUS 1. Bull 6 months and under 12 months. 2. Bull 12 months and under 15 months. 3. Bull 15 months and under 18 months. 4. Bull 18 months and under 21 months.


5. Bull 21 months and under 24 months. 6. Bull 24 months and under 30 months. 7. Bull 30 months and under 36 months. 8. Bull 36 months and over.


9. Female 6 months and under 12 months. 10. Female 12 months and under 15 months. 11. Female 15 months and under 18 months. 12. Female 18 months and under 21 months.


13. Female 21 months and under 24 months. 14. Female 24 months and under 30 months. 15. Female 30 months and under 36 months. 16. Female 36 months and over.


17. Breeders Group (both sexes to be represented). Animals must be owned by the Exhibitor. 18. Sires progeny group (both sexes to be represented). Animals must be owned by the Exhibitor.


SECTION 3 19. Pair of Bulls – Any Breed 20. Pair of Heifers – Any Breed

LED STEER COMPETITION The 2019 Clermont Show Led Steer Milk Tooth must be led in ring after the Stud Judging is completed. 21. Led Steer Under 350kg 22. Led Steer 350kg to 440kg 23. Led Steer over 440kg to 500kg 24. Led Steer over 500kg


JUNIOR PARADERS Class 1. Best Junior Parader Under 9 Years 2. Best Junior Parader 9 and Under 13 Years. 3. Best Junior Parader 13 years and under 17 years 4. Novice Junior Parader 17 years and under 25 years (No previous competition experience) 5. Best Junior Parader 17 years and under 25 years.

NOVELTY PARADER 6. Open to any age. Fancy Dress

WEDNESDAY (EVENT CLASSES Day 2 of Judging) 29/05/2019 – Judging begins 8:00 a.m.


YOUNG JUDGES COMPETITION Class 1. Best Junior Judge Under 9 Years 2. Best Junior Judge 9 years and Under 13 Years 3. Best Junior Judge 13 years and under 17 years. 4. Novice Junior Judge 17 years and under 25 years (No previous competition experience) 5. Best Junior Judge 17 years and under 25 years. Class 6. Team of 3 – Under 13 Years. 7. Team of 3 – 13 years and under 17 years. 8. Team of 3 – 17 years and under 25 years.

HERDSMAN COMPETITION Class 7. Junior Herdsman (15yrs and Under) 8. Senior Herdsman BEST CATTLE SHED DISPLAY (Sponsored by LANDMARK – Clermont)


CLERMONT SHOW COMMITTEE Entry Form for Stud Cattle BREED OF ANIMAL: ...... SECTION: …….. (Office use only) Receipt No...... Exhibitors are requested to forward their entries as early as possible before the required date. CLASS COLOUR SEX NAME OF ANIMAL DATE OF HERD BOOK SIRE DAM NAME AND (Write one entry only to each line) BIRTH NO. ADDRESS OF FEE BREEDER

SUB TOTAL CAMPING FEE TOTAL $ To the Manager, Subject to the By-Laws and Regulations comprised in the model uniform Prize Schedule compiled by the Queensland NAME ...... SIGNATURE ...... Chamber of Agricultural Societies except where such may be modified or added to by the Rules, By-Laws and Regulations of the Clermont Show Committee, all of which are deemed included herein as if inserted at full length. I, the undersigned, (Mr., Mrs., or Miss) make the above entries for the forthcoming Clermont Show the same being my bonafide property. ADDRESS ...... TELEPHONE ...... Forward to : Clermont Show, PO Box 82, Clermont Qld 4721 - Stewards Contact: Telephone 0418980600

Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies Inc. GENERAL RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF AGRICULTURAL SHOW COMPETITION RULES FOR SHOW SOCIETIES, JUDGES, STEWARDS, EXHIBITORS AND COMPETITORS AT AGRICULTURAL SHOWS 1. All Affiliated Queensland shows are conducted subject to the rules of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies Inc, the constitution and rules of this Society and any other regulation, which appears within the Schedule for individual sections of the Affiliated Show. 2. Should there be any conflict between the rules of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies Inc., the constitution and rules of this Society and the regulations appearing in any Schedule, the rules and regulations appearing in the schedule of this Society shall prevail. 1. Affiliated Show Societies shall establish additional rules and regulations pertaining to individual Show requirements. 2. These Rules should be included in affiliated Show Society Schedules where appropriate. 3. Show Societies choosing to operate their competitions under these rules must comply in total with all rules below and associated rules noted at paragraph six (6) below. 4. Associated with these Rules are specific rules for inclusion in Show Schedules. The associated rules are; a. General Horse Regulations, d. General Rules for Alpaca Competitions, and b. General Rules for Stud Beef & Dairy Cattle, e. QCAS Competition Rules. c. General Rules for Poultry and Caged Birds, NOTE: Copies of Rules are available. Conduct of Competitions 5. The President, Steward and/or the Committee person in charge of any section of an individual Show shall have the right to refuse any entry by an Exhibitor without expressing reason at any time up to the commencement of judging of the section to which it applies. 6. The Society reserves the right to refuse entry to any stallholder if the Society reasonably believes that it is necessary to do so in order to ensure that the standard, quality and safety of the Show is maintained. 7. The President, Chief Steward and/or the Committee person in charge of any Section shall have the right to alter or amend the programme or the time of any event up to the commencement of judging. 8. An Affiliated Society will not under any circumstances hold itself liable for any accident, loss, damage or non-delivery of livestock or other exhibits at the Society’s Show, and it shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Affiliated Society blameless and indemnify it against any legal proceedings arising through any accident, loss, non-delivery or damage whatsoever. 9. Exhibitors must obey all lawful orders of the President, Secretary, the Committee person in charge or the Steward of the Section in which the Exhibitor is entered. Failure to abide by any such order may incur a fine of an amount to be determined by the President of the Affiliated Society or on the order of the President, the Exhibitor may be removed from the grounds together with the exhibit. 10. Chief Stewards of an Affiliated Society shall have the power to remove exhibitors or other persons from the vicinity of the Judge while judging. Preferably shows should close off areas while judging is taking place, and only the Chief Steward, Judge and Stewards should be present. 11. The Judge’s decision in any section at an Affiliated Show will be final. 12. Any protest by an Exhibitor must be lodged in writing with the Committee person or Steward in charge of any Section within 30 minutes of the completion of the event together with a minimum fee of $100 or as determined by the Committee of the Affiliated Society. The fee will be forfeited if the protest is considered to be frivolous or vexatious. The protest shall be heard according to the rules of the natural justice by a Dispute Committee of three (3) appointed by the President of the Affiliated Show and the decision of the Disputes Committee shall be final. 13. All persons causing a nuisance by loud comments or the decision of the Judges of otherwise unseemly behaviour will, after being cautioned, be expelled from the Showgrounds, and in the case of exhibitors, be liable for disqualification. 14. Ribbons/Prizes will be awarded at the Judge’s discretion notwithstanding that there may be provision in the schedule for the awarding of ribbons/prizes. 15. Exhibitors shall ensure that they and all animals are entered and shown in the correct class – BUT Stewards have the right to ensure exhibits are entered correctly. 16. All Exhibitors must present their exhibit for judging at the appointed time and place. Judging shall not be delayed for an Exhibitor who is not ready and the Committee person in charge or Chief Steward of a section shall have the right to exclude and disqualify the exhibitor competing in that section, who does not present on time. 17. If, in the opinion of the Committee person in charge or Chief Steward of a Section, any animal or exhibit is entered in the wrong class, the Committee person in charge or Steward of the Section shall have the power to enter the animal or exhibit in its correct class prior to the commencement of judging of that class. 18. Where there is an age limit on an Exhibitor, or animal, any of the following shall be accepted as proof of age: (a) A Birth Certificate; (b) A Driver’s Licence; (c) A Current Passport; (d) Current Breed Registration Papers. 19. Exhibitors shall at all times, behave in a proper and courteous manner to Judges, Show Officials and other Exhibitors. Should an Exhibitor behave in an offensive or improper manner, the Committee person or Chief Steward in charge of the section shall have a right to exclude and disqualify that Exhibitor from competing in the section. 20. All Exhibitors and/or grooms entering the showground shall obey the lawful directions of the President, Committee, Stewards or employees of the Show Society, failure or refusal to do so, shall entitle the President of the Affiliated Society to disqualify the Exhibitor and/or his/her exhibit from competing at the Show and may order the removal of the Exhibitor and/or exhibit from the grounds. 21. A Judge shall not adjudicate at more than one show, where practical within 60 days within a Sub-Chamber unless judging different Sections. This rule applies to all Affiliated Agricultural Show Sections. 22. Judging cards and performance records shall be completed by the Committee person in charge, Chief Steward and/or the Judge of a Section (if required) during or immediately after the judging of the Section or at the Judge’s convenience. 23. Judges must be suitably attired when judging. 24. Competitors must be suitably attired when exhibiting. No personalised advertising to be displayed and Steward Badges must be removed when parading animals before Judges. In stud, beef and dairy cattle rings and in other animal rings Dust Coats must be worn, or Breed Society approved uniform only. 25. If a Judge is unable to fulfil a judging commitment, the Judge shall notify the Show Society as soon as possible so a replacement can be arranged. 26. A Judge shall not send a substitute Judge. All invitations to judge shall be sent by the Affiliated Society. 27. A Society shall report to the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies Inc. any Judge who fails to attend a Show to which he or she has accepted an invitation to judge or, who has failed to judge at the time advertised for the commencement of the class provided that the failure to attend or appear is without reasonable cause.

28. A Judge may not officiate, and compete or exhibit in the same Section at the same Show unless exceptional circumstances exist such as sickness or unavailability of the appointed Judge. 29. An Exhibitor shall not compete in a Section if the Exhibitor is a member of the Judge’s immediate family. 30. An Exhibitor shall not compete nor show any animal in a section if the animal has been owned or leased by the Judge or a member of the Judge’s immediate family or if the Judge is the Exhibitor’s employer or business partner. 31. An Exhibitor shall not compete if the Exhibitor or any animal being shown by the Exhibitor has been given tuition by the Judge or the Judge’s business partner within three (3) months prior to or during the holding of the Show. 32. An Exhibitor is ineligible to compete, if the Exhibitor has employed or has been employed by or has been a business partner of the Judge of the Section within three (3) months prior to or during the holding of the Show. 33. A Judge shall not visit the livestock housing complex of the Show Society, nor the owners, nor inspect or discuss any animal entered in the Show prior to or during the judging of the relevant section. 34. No Exhibitor shall deface or alter registration papers or performance cards for any exhibit. 35. A Judge or Steward must not knowingly permit an ineligible Exhibit or Exhibitor to compete. 36. No Exhibitor or members of the Exhibitor’s immediate family or employed by the Exhibitor shall approach a Judge with regard to a decision made by the Judge unless they first obtain permission from the Committee person in charge or Steward of the Section. 37. In Breed Classes, ALL animals must have Current Registration & Ownership Certificate with the Breed Society. 38. In Breed Classes, registration papers (where applicable) must be available at the Show as proof of registration. 39. An Exhibitor required by the Show Section Schedule or rules of the Affiliated Society to parade an exhibit in the Grand Parade and who fails to do so, shall not be entitled to and shall forfeit any prize money or trophy awarded to that Exhibitor and/or for that Exhibit. 40. The Exhibitor shall ensure that they and their exhibit comply at all times with all statutes, regulations and by-laws applying to the Affiliated Show’s showground at the time of the show including but not limited to all animal health requirements. 41. Any Exhibitor, Space Holder or Entertainer intending to bring electrical equipment onto the Affiliated Shows showgrounds will be required to ensure that such equipment is fitted with earth leak circuit breakers and that all electrical leads, tools and appliances must have been inspected by a licensed electrical contractor and currently tagged by a licensed electrical contractor. This is essential for the safety of all exhibitors and the general public, and is a requirement of the current Electrical Safety Regulations. The use of double adaptors is prohibited, and all power boards must be tested and tagged. 42. Where an animal is being led, ridden, worked and displayed, it is the responsibility of the owner/handler/rider at the time to ensure the animal does not become a public safety liability. 43. Dogs, other than those owned by members of the Canine Control Council, must be kept in a closed float, a vehicle or on a short leash and must be suitably muzzled as to prevent it from being able to injure or bite any person or other animal, whilst on the Affiliated Society’s Showground. 44. Any competitor, who receives any physical or electronic communication aid during the judging of an event on an Affiliated Society’s Showground, will have all nominations cancelled. The persons concerned may be asked to leave the Showground. 45. Energised electric fences are prohibited on the Showground at any time, unless in a specified area and suitably signed. 46. Rules for individual Sections at any Affiliated Society’s Show shall be as per the attached Schedule(s) and they shall be read in conjunction with the rules. 47. A Judge shall have no further information provided other than what is provided by the Affiliated Show Society. 48. No Judge, Judging Handler or Paraders classes is to ask the competitors to swap animals at local shows. This rule has been added in accordance with Workplace Health and Safety. 49. In all Affiliated Agricultural Shows sections, Judges should not judge the same section within a three (3) year period at the same show. 50. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, the Affiliated Society cannot accept any responsibility for any losses and or damage or injury to or by any livestock, exhibits, equipment, vehicles or any other property whilst it is on the Affiliated Show Society’s Showground. 51. It is considered good ethics that if a Junior Judge or Associate has been judging in his/her own right at any show they are not eligible to enter the Young Judges competition at that show. BUT they can still enter at another show where they are not acting in a judging role. Clermont Show Committee - Additional Rules; 52. Entries close in all sections as indicated. 53. All exhibits must be the actual property of the exhibitor in whose name they are entered. The actual breeder of livestock exhibits to be given where possible. 54. Only exhibited stock will be permitted to be sold at Show Sales. 55. Exhibits of Animals appearing in the ring for judging which are decorated with Medals, Ribbons or Prize Tickets awarded at previous Shows will be disqualified. 56. Horses or ponies requiring measurements shall procure a Certificate of Height from the Official Measurer who will be in attendance on the ground from 8.00am on opening day. 57. All exhibits, unless as otherwise stated in the schedule, to be on the grounds no later than 8.00am on the first day of the Show. No exhibit can be removed before 4.00pm on the second day without permission of the Committee person or Steward in charge of the section. 58. Method of counting points in Trophies: Champion Award will be counted three points as well as First Awards; Second Awards or Reserve Champion to count two points, and Third Award to count one point. In the event of a tie for any place the points awarded for the place in the next lower place shall be divided equally. 59. Entry fees are payable by all non-members. 60. Properties of all side Shows will be deemed to be illegally on the show grounds unless they can produce a permit from the Society in writing. 61. All payments of awards will be paid by cash except in School Work Section which will be sent to each School. Pavilion prize money may be collected from Stewards WEDNESDAY from 4.00pm. 62. All prizes not claimed within six (6) months of closing date of the Show will be considered to have lapsed and the amount will become a donation to the Society. 63. Visiting horses will be given preference in the allocation of available stalls. 64. The main ring is not to be used for exercise purposes. 65. Pavilion will close at 5.00pm on WEDNESDAY. 66. Vehicle Passes will be needed to access restricted areas. These will be available from the Stewards or the Secretary.

APPLICATION FOR STUD DISPLAY SPACE Please note the following important information:  A copy of your public liability insurance must accompany your application otherwise you will not be able to participate in the show. THIS MUST STATE that the “Clermont Show Committee” is an INTERESTED PARTY or alternatively may list “all affiliated QCAS Shows” or state “Various QCAS Agricultural Shows”.  All portable panels, display apparatus & provisions, feed and water receptacles are to be provided and erected by exhibitor.  Animals must be on site by 8am Tuesday 28th May.  Payment of Site does not guarantee acceptance of application until confirmed with the Stud Steward. The Committee will fully site payment if your application is denied.  By booking space you are agreeing to not pack up your trade site until 4pm on Wednesday 29th. If you do not comply your site will not be guaranteed the following year. Should you wish to apply for space please fill in the below page and return with cheque/money order made out to Clermont Show Committee to the following address; Clermont Show Committee PO Box 82, Clermont 4721 If you would like to pay by direct credit the bank details are; Account Name: Clermont Show Committee BSB: 014550 A/C No: 3996-18864 Please email your payment confirmation.

If you have any queries regarding Stud Cattle Trade Display please contact Rosemary Robertson on 0418 980 600.

COST OF SITES Stud Cattle Trade Display fees are $15/frontage metre and a minimum of $75/display (i.e. 4m display fee is $75 inc. GST)

PLEASE ALSO NOTE THE FOLLOWING:  Trade Display nominations close Wednesday 22nd May.  Your signature confirms that you will abide by the RULES and REGULATIONS of the CLERMONT SHOW COMMITTEE.  The Show Committee ask that you do not commence packing up your display site until after 4pm on Wednesday 29th May.  On arrival please contact the STEWARD, if not available please direct all enquiries to the Show Secretary.  All electrical leads must be tested and tagged prior to arrival. Inspection will occur upon setup.  The committee would encourage you to be equipped with own lights and extension power cords for the Tuesday Night Show – DIRECT ACCESS TO POWER CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED.  It is the Clermont Show Committee policy that NO COMPLIMENTARY GATE PASSES ARE ISSUED in any section.  The 2019 Clermont Show is to be held on the 27th, 28th & 29th of May. SHOW-DAY is Wednesday 29th May 2019 for Clermont, Dysart, Middlemount and Moranbah communities. An award for ‘Best Display’ has been kindly donated by Lance Faint of Karmoo Brahmans.

The Clermont Show Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support.

I/We wish to apply for a Stud Cattle Trade Display for the 2019 Clermont Show Company Name: ______Contact: ______Postal Address: ______EMAIL: ______Phone/Fax: ______Frontage Metres: ______@$15/metre = $______(Minimum fee of $75/site)

(Pay to; Clermont Show Committee) Payment Type: Direct Deposit Cheque Money Order Cash Other ______Stud Name:______Public Liability Insurance No: ______Applicants Signature: ______(Please note Clermont Show Committee as Interested Party)

If paying by direct deposit, please ensure you use your name/business name as a reference. A tax invoice/receipt will be forwarded upon receipt of your application if a stamped self addressed envelope is provided – otherwise it will be available at the Clermont Show.


1. Stewards must be in attendance at the Showgrounds at the hour appointed by the Committee to receive exhibits. 2. Stewards are responsible that all exhibits are properly classed and all exhibits in each class placed together for judging. 3. Stewards will obtain the Award Papers in duplicate from the Secretary and deliver same to the Judges and direct them to the exhibits they are appointed to judge. 4. Stewards will attend on the Judges to afford any information required. Stewards must not reveal the name of any exhibitor or repeat any remark the Judges may make to each other. 5. The Stewards will remove all persons from the judging area excluding those required for judging the exhibits, while judging takes place. 6. Stewards will obtain Award Books from the Judges when filled up and signed and deliver same to the Secretary. 7. Stewards will obtain prize cards with the names of the successful exhibitors belonging to the number of the Awards Papers written thereon from the Secretary and affix same to the exhibits. 8. Stewards in various sections of the programme, with the exception of Woodchopping, reserve the right to alter and/or amend all or portion of the said programme.


MEMBER’S SUBSCRIPTION The Annual subscription is $44.00 (inc. GST) and entitles a Member to one Gent’s and one Lady’s ticket and all children of the family under the age of 15 or Single Membership is $22.00 (inc. GST). The membership is payable in advance and is for free entry to each day of the Clermont Show, Campdraft and Rodeo.

If you wish to become a Member, please detach this form and forward together with your cheque to the below address, or for direct deposit please pay into; BSB: 014550 and A/C 3994 94267 (Use surname as reference and return slip to below address to notify of payment);

The Secretary Clermont Rodeo and Show Society P O Box 790 CLERMONT Q 4721 Date......

Please find enclosed cheque for $ ...... representing membership subscription for the year......

Name ...... Email: ......




1973 - C.D. Tindale Charley J.D. Goodwin Jim A.D. Muirhead Arthur 1974 - R.W. Tindale Roy 1981 - S.A. Burnett Stephen C.J. Dennis Colin R.F. Lawrence Roy L. Lawrence Les 1985 - D.J. Salmond Des 1987 - W.E. Faint Bill A.L. Pownall Allan W.R. Murphy Bill 1988 - F. Patch Cobber 1989 - J.D. Ilott John A.C. Dixon Arthur 1990 - P.A. Pownall Pam I.C. Pownall Ian R.C.B. Whelan Rob 1995 - D.H. Kleier Don A.R. Hicks Doey 1996 - L.V. Flohr Les 1998 - V.W.G. Appleton Bill C.F. Flohr Charlie 1999 - M.H. Henn Margaret G.A. Martyn Toby 2000 - A.M. Henn Tony G.C. Rickertt Gordon P. Gittens Perry 2001 - J.C. Pownall John 2002 - A.P. Struss Tony S.M. Struss Susan J.S. Burnett John J.M. Salmond Joanne 2003 - B.H. Sporne Brian 2008 - S.R. Rickertt Susan 2010 - J.M. Burnett Jan 2012 - R.A. O’Sullivan Robert R.M. O’Sullivan Rae 2015 - J. Bridgeman Jean 2016 - A.Baczynski Ann 2018 - D.Keene David L.Keene Lynette

The Clermont Show Committee would like to thank the following Sponsors of the Stud Cattle Section;



Gold Crokers Fuel & Oils

Silver Mr & Mrs J & E Baccon Bungoona Brahman Stud Blue Ribbon Stockfeed Clary Lawrence Crescent Rural Contracting Kenlogan Droughtmasters CH Auto Spares Selected Seeds Almafi Droughtmasters Wallton Downs Brahmans Strathfield Droughtmasters Fitzgerald Rural Maintenance Mr & Mrs D & J Bridgeman RR Brahmans Veejay Downs Charolais Elders Rural Services Aust Ltd. Regional Insurance Brokers


Allied Leasing Corporation P/L TJO Grassroots Consulting


RR Brahmans Walthum Investments Pty Ltd