Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Program @Friends of SATREPS @SATREPS
[email protected] 2020.12 Contents Greetings 4 ~ Japan Science and Technology Agency and Sustainable Development Goals ~ 5 SATREPS Projects World Map 6 SATREPS Interview 8 About SATREPS Program 10 Topics 14 Project Fields Environment / Energy (Global-scale Environmental Issues) 14 Projects 23 Environment / Energy (Low Carbon Society / Energy) 10 Projects 31 Bioresources 15 Projects 37 Disaster Prevention and Mitigation 9 Projects 47 Infectious Diseases Control 9 Projects 53 Index 60 Column 64 Contact Information / Locations 66 Greetings ~ Japan Science and Technology Agency and Sustainable Development Goals ~ The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, was unanimously adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on September 2015. The SDGs encompass challenges that aff ect all of humanity and our planet. For Japan, the resolution Japan Science and Technology Japan Agency for Medical Research Japan International of these issues is closely linked to the realization of Society 5.0 and the Fourth Agency (JST) and Development (AMED) Cooperation Agency (JICA) Industrial Revolution described in the Fift h Science and Technology Basic Plan, President President President which is one of Japan’s growth strategies. They are also the basic principles HAMAGUCHI Michinari MISHIMA Yoshinao KITAOKA Shinichi of Japan’s contribution to developing nations and the international community at large. In June 2016 the United Nations held for the fi rst time a forum focused on how SATREPS is a joint research program between Japan and developing countries science, technology and innovation (STI) can help achieve the SDGs.