Tempora Mutantur Et Nos Mutamur In Illis VOLUME 95 NUMBER 5 MIAMI, FLORIDA, SEPTEMBER 20-26, 2017 50 CENTS The U.S. Virgin Islands, torn to shreds by deadly Irma, now stares down Maria Editor’s note: As of press time, Tues- could share the full scope of the mad- day, Sept. 19, a category 5 storm that ness I was about to encounter. had devastated Dominica, was headed In a few hours on Sept. 7, I found my- toward the Virgin Islands. Life-threat- self dodging fl ying debris alongside my ening Hurricane Maria was expected brother as we carried my wheelchair- to pass over or near the Virgin Islands bound, 80-year-old father to safety. It Miami Times columnist and Puerto Rico Wednesday. was an experience I'll describe as noth- ing short of hell, compelling me not to Peter Bailey stand outside By Peter Bailey go there if such a place really exists.
[email protected] With our hospital decimated, patients of his parent's have been airlifted to other nearby The night before Hurricane Irma ar- islands and Puerto Rico, which was on home in St.Thomas rived here on St. Thomas, I exchanged Hurricane Watch Tuesday, Sept. 19. texts with a friend in Anguilla, asking Several prisoners escaped from the U.S. Virgin Islands. her if I should be worried. I was expect- prison in Tortola in the British Virgin ing just a bit of wind and rain, nothing Islands causing some to worry that the life-altering. criminals will invade our shores. One My phone's signal faded before she Please turn to PARADISE 6A Was there a plan Miami-Dade Police directs traffi c post Irma when 50 percent of to feed the children the county's traffi c signals were inoperable.