algemeiner JOURNAL

$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 | 12 TISHREI 5779 VOL. XLVI NO. 2374 Leading US Jewish ‘We Will Fight and Win’ Battle Groups Mourn Ari Against Antisemitism Fuld, Victim of Gush in France, Chief Etzion Terror Attack Rabbi Pledges


Th e chief rabbi of France has pledged to “fi ght and win” the battle against rising antisemitism in the country, in a wide-ranging interview with France’s leading Jewish newspaper. “Wherever it is, we will fi ght it and we will win,” Rabbi Haïm Korsia told the news outlet Actualité Juive in its latest edition, as he discussed the signifi cance of French President

Ari Fuld, an American-Israel who was killed in a terror attack in Gush Etzion on September 16, 2018. Photo: .

Chief Rabbi of France Haim Korsia (R) with French PM Edouard Philippe at a pre-Rosh Hashanah service center in the Gush Etzion bloc being remembered as a dedicated at the Buff ault Synagogue in Paris. BY BENJAMIN Photo: Reuters / Christophe Archambault. KERSTEIN near Jerusalem by Khalil Yousef and passionate pro-Israel activist Emmanuel Macron’s attendance at funeral of Mireille Knoll Ali Jabarin, a 17-year-old Pales- who engaged in extensive activi- — the 85-year-old Holocaust survivor who was robbed and Jewish groups from across the tinian from the town of Yatta near ties to present Israel’s cause to the then murdered during an antisemitic attack on March 23. political spectrum are expressing Hebron. Fuld pursued, shot, and wider public. He left behind a wife Noting that Macron had arrived at Knoll’s funeral mourning for Ari Fuld, 45, who subdued his attacker before being and four children. immediately after presiding at a tribute ceremony for Lt.-Col. was killed in a terrorist attack on overcome by his wounds. He died Statements marking Fuld’s Arnaud Beltrame — the French police offi cer murdered Sunday morning. shortly after at Hadassah hospital death were issued by several during a hostage exchange with Islamist terrorists in the A dual Israeli and American in Jerusalem. Jewish groups, with the American southern city of Trèbes just one day after Knoll’s killing — citizen and resident of the West Fuld has been hailed as a Jewish Committee tweeting, Korsia commented favorably on the president’s observation Bank settlement of Efrat, Fuld was hero for his feat, as well as for “Our hearts go out to the family of Continued on Page A3 stabbed in the back at a shopping preventing further casualties by American-born Israeli Ari Fuld, neutralizing the terrorist. He is Continued on Page A3

For All ShabbatCalendar Parshat HA'AZINU Times for , Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 6:37pm | Shabbat Ends: 7:34pm פרשת האזינו Our Sins P.O.B. 208 East 51st St, Suite 185 New York, NY 10022 page A8 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2018 e Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 Opinion. New York Times Concedes ‘Unfair’ Attack on Nikki Haley

nor should a picture of her have been used. to be true???” Th e article and headline have now been edited Th e publisher of Encounter Books, Roger IRA STOLL to refl ect those concerns, and the picture has Kimball, commented, “Why people distrust BOSTON been removed.” the NY Times, Part 8,967,465. Breathlessly Yashar Ali, a journalist with New York announces curtains in Nikki Haley’s offi cial magazine and the Huffi ngton Post, called residence cost $52,701 at a time of ‘deep the original Times headline “misleading” and budget cuts.’ Forgets to mention curtains had Th e New York Times has launched “irresponsible.” been ordered in 2016 by Obama admin.” Th e another attack on the staunchly pro-Israel Kaitlan Collins, who covers the White Times article does mention that, it just does American ambassador at the United Nations, House for CNN, tweeted that a key paragraph it lower down in the story, not in the social Nikki Haley — and it’s being widely denounced in the Times article seemed to be the one media promotion of it or in the headline. by other journalists and fi gures from across acknowledging, “A spokesman for Ms. Haley Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of the political spectrum. said plans to buy the curtains were made in Florida, tweeted, “Want an example of subtle Th e Times was last seen describing 2016, during the Obama administration. Ms. ways media pushes their bias? See this Ambassador Haley as “strident,” a term that Haley had no say in the purchase, he said.” completely false & misleading headline about the Times has called sexist when it is applied Another CNN journalist, , Nikki Haley. Th ey are not ‘her curtains’ & buried US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. Photo: to Hillary Clinton. devoted a thread of six tweets to debunking deep in story is the fact that this purchase was Reuters/Mike Segar. Th is time around, theTimes is attacking what he called the “false meme bopping made under Obama administration.” Haley for spending $52,701 on customized, around about Nikki Haley’s $52,701 curtains.” Th e Times reporter whose byline true that in the event of the deaths of the presi- mechanized curtains for her offi cial residence Th e opinion editor of theForward , Batya appeared on the Haley curtains story, dent and vice president, the secretary of state in New York. Ungar-Sargon, observed, “Six graphs in before Gardiner Harris, has had a series of recent is, by statute, above the defense secretary in Friday afternoon, the Times appended they tell you Obama’s Administration ordered train wrecks. line for succession to the presidency, that does an editor’s note to the article, conceding that the damn curtains. A better headline would be, A profi le Harris wrote in May of the not mean that the secretary of state “outranks” the original presentation had been “unfair.” ‘Haley Fails To Cancel Obama Era Curtain Order.’” chief executive of the Foundation for Defense the defense secretary. Both men report to Said the editor’s note: “An earlier version of A columnist of the New York Post, Benny of Democracies, Mark Dubowitz, was the the president, and they both have cabinet this article and headline created an unfair Avni, described the Times article as “a weird subject of an “epic” four-part Times correction. rank. Th e defense secretary oversees a larger impression about who was responsible for hit piece, slamming Nikki Haley for a spending An article Harris wrote in August about budget and more personnel. Th e secretary of the purchase in question. While Nikki R. decision made in 2016.” a reduction in American aid to the Palestinian state, unlike the defense secretary, is not part Haley is the current ambassador to the United A columnist at Politico, Ben White, Authority also was subject to a Times correction of the “National Command Authority,” which Nations, the decision on leasing the ambas- wrote, “I don’t know how you headline it and after it inaccurately described the Israel Project, is the military term for the chain of command sador’s residence and purchasing the curtains frame it as a Nikki Haley gotcha piece when a non-partisan organization, as “right-leaning.” that authorizes military force. was made during the Obama administration, the curtains were purchased under Obama.” In an as-yet-uncorrected Times article Th e big question left unanswered is how according to current and former offi cials.” Jr. tweeted, “it was published earlier this month, Harris inaccu- many more of these blunders Harris will make Th eTimes editor’s note went on: “Th e Obama’s State Dept. Will you print a correc- rately claimed that the secretary of state before it is curtains for his own Times career. article should not have focused on Ms. Haley, tion or just leave it as is because you want it “outranks” the secretary of defense. While it is The Palestinian Victimhood Narrative No Longer Sells

built for a single refugee. promoting the antisemitic boycott of Israel the Where did the money go? gave money to help the Palestinians rather than Algemeiner Journal MITCHELL BARD To Hamas, for building rockets and spending their money on convincing artists not NEW YORK tunnels, and taking care of themselves at the to perform in Israel, pushing propaganda on (USPS 927800) is published weekly expense of the people. Perhaps one day the college campuses, or interfering with employ- (except for the week of Passover refugees will grow tired of uselessly railing ment opportunities for Palestinians who want and Succos) against Israel, and protest their jailors from to work for Israelis? I’m sure Roger Waters, Subscription rate $40 per year After decades of accepting the idea that Fatah and Hamas. Viggo Mortensen, Penelope Cruz, and the other Palestinians deserve American fi nancial Algemeiner Journal Th e Palestinians’ enablers immediately thousand or so celebrity BDS advocates could assistance without off ering anything in return, predicted the loss of US funding would create a come up with enough money to take care of the 508 Montgomery Street President Trump has fi nally said, “Enough.” humanitarian catastrophe in the territories. But people they claim to care for so much. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225-3023 Fed up with their lies and obduracy, he where are the other 190 countries in the world Come to think of it, why haven’t the Periodicals Postage decided the Palestinians are not entitled to that could fi ll the gap? Most of these countries Palestinians, who love to copy the pro-Israel Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. US taxpayer dollars to pay terrorists, support declare their fealty to the Palestinian cause community’s ideas, sold Palestine Bonds. and at additional mailing o ces phony refugees, and line the pockets of and vote for every UN resolution that feeds Israel raises more than $1 billion from donors corrupt leaders who enrich themselves, their Palestinian fantasies. Of course, casting a vote in the US alone. Surely all the supporters POSTMASTER: families, and their cronies. is easy, because it costs them nothing. If they of JVP and SJP, CAIR, and the other groups Send address changes to Cutting aid to UNRWA was long overdue really cared, do you really believe a coalition of professing concern for the Palestinians would because UNRWA is a poster child for the Algemeiner Journal states, or the EU alone, could not replace the rush to their brokers to buy Palestine Bonds. fraudulence of Palestinian claims. UNRWA few hundred million dollars the United States But the PA has no money to repay the P.O. Box 250746 has invented fi ve million refugees and created was providing? Th e Arab oil producers could bondholders. Maybe if tens of millions of Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 a welfare system to guarantee their perpetual fund the Palestinian Authority’s annual budget dollars were not going to pay terrorists in misery. Th e refugee problem could have been out of a week’s oil revenues. Israeli jails and the families of martyrs they Let your voice be heard! solved decades ago, as UNRWA originally What if all the groups and individuals could have a bond campaign. But, if they did envisioned, if the leaders in Lebanon, Egypt, raise money from bonds, would the corrupt [email protected] Jordan, and Syria gave the Palestinians citizen- Palestinian leaders just embezzle it and ship, took them out of camps, and allowed continue to pay the terrorists? them to assimilate into their societies, where People complaining about Trump have To advertise in they already shared a common language, forgotten that the Palestinians conceded the new Algemeiner religion, and culture. nothing to Obama. To the contrary, the Palestin- e-mail: [email protected] And how can anyone justify the fact ians grew more obstinate in reaction to Obama’s that Palestinian leaders keep their people sympathy for their cause. Mahmoud Abbas, or call confi ned to camps. After Israel evacuated who had been negotiating with Ehud Olmert Gaza, the Palestinians said that they would Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Ab- before Obama took offi ce, refused to negotiate 718-771-0400 build housing for refugees on the rubble of the bas speaks during a meeting of the Palestinian with Benjamin Netanyahu for his entire term. Central Council in Ramallah, January 14, 2018. settlements, and received billions of dollars Photo: Reuters / Mohamad Torokman. for the project. I don’t think a single house was Continued on Page A12 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 A3 World News. New Committee to Ceremony Honoring Consider Early Release French Terror Victims to for Killers Convicted by Be Held on Yom Kippur Military Courts

BY JNS.ORG murdered the late Ziva Goldovsky, an 18-year- old pro-Palestinian Israeli who was beaten Israel’s Defense Ministry is expected to and strangled to death, then burned, in 1988. announce the establishment of a committee The man who murdered her, age 25 at to examine the requests of prisoners serving the time, was requesting release from prison life sentences handed down by Israeli military after serving 30 years of his life sentence. He courts in Judea and Samaria, according to told the court that his terms of imprisonment reports on Sunday. were unjust, given that Arabs who kill Jews Terrorists convicted in Israeli civil courts and are tried by civilian courts can appeal to and given life sentences are eligible to have a parole board, whereas Arabs who kill Jews their sentences shortened. Now, that policy and are tried by military courts have no board may be applied to cases tried in military courts. in which to appeal. In the past, Palestinians sentenced to life “As long as I am the defense minister, no A wreath left outside the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Paris on Jan. 16, 2015, to pay homage in military courts have been released early terrorist will have his sentence shortened by to the Jewish victims of an Islamist terror attack. Photo: US Department of State. even one hour,” Avigdor Lieberman wrote on as part of prisoner-exchange deals or special Twitter, suggesting that he would thwart the agreements made by the ruling administra- BY BENJAMIN KERSTEIN This is our way to connect with the events that new committee. tion. In multiple cases, those prisoners who take place on a national level.” The new policy was revealed during were released later committed additional acts Despite the disturbingly high number of The chief rabbi indicated that the national a hearing in Israel’s High Court of Justice of terror, including murder. terror attacks on French Jews in recent years, ceremony will be held in the future on March 11, regarding a parole request of a terrorist who there will be little or no Jewish presence at this the European Day of Remembrance of Victims year’s ceremonies marking a national day of of Terrorism, which coincides with the 2004 mourning for French terror victims, because it Madrid train bombings by Islamic extremists. falls on September 19 — Yom Kippur. The president of the French chapter of B’nai Palestinian Ministry Chief Rabbi of France Haim Korsia told B’rith, Philippe Meyer, tweeted, “It is unaccept- Makor Rishon he has participated in previous able to us that they will not allow Jewish families, such ceremonies, at one of which he heard who are victims of French terror, to participate Rolls Back Statement “the emotional and sad testimony of my good in the national ceremony for victims of terror friend Shmuel Sandler,” a father and grand- because it takes place on Yom Kippur.” That Gaza Boy Was father of victims of the 2012 massacre at a An anonymous source in the French-Jewish Jewish school in Toulouse. community was quoted lamenting the commu- This year will be different, but “I asked the nity’s inability to assert itself over such issues, Killed by Israeli Gunfire rabbis to add a special prayer for the victims saying, “The Jewish community proves once of the terror attacks that struck our country. again that it is not capable of standing up for itself.”

Continued from Page A1 be deeply missed. May his family be comforted BY REUTERS local medics said on Friday. Mourn & his memory be blessed.” who was stabbed to death today by a Pales- & ALGEMEINER STAFF An Israeli military spokeswoman, asked His predecessor Dan Shapiro echoed on Monday about the circumstances of tinian terrorist. May his memory be a blessing.” these sentiments and demanded condem- A medical source in the Palestinian the boy’s death and media reports that he Pro-Israel activist group StandWithUs nation of the attack from all quarters, saying, Health Ministry backed away on Monday had been killed by a stone thrown during echoed the sentiment, saying, “May his “Deepest condolences to the family and from an assertion that an 11-year-old boy the protest, referred Reuters to comments memory be a blessing.” loved ones of Ari Fuld, murdered in Gush killed at a protest on Friday on the Israel-Gaza tweeted by the military’s Arabic-language The World Jewish Congress said, “Ari Fuld Etzion today. The attack was an outrageous Strip border had been shot by IDF soldiers. spokesman. was a defender of Israel whose life was cut act of terrorism, which should be loudly “The boy died of a head injury,” said the The spokesman tweeted that there short in violence as he heroically confronted condemned by all. May Ari’s memory be a source, who asked not be identified, declining were “increasing indicators from Gaza that his attacker, saving the lives of other innocent blessing and a source of comfort to his family to give specifics and stopping short of attrib- question the credibility” of the Palestinian bystanders,” and demanded an end to Pales- and community.” uting the death to Israeli gunfire. Health Ministry’s original statement about the tinian incitement to terrorism. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- On Friday, Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesman boy’s death. Left-wing lobbying group J Street strongly yahu issued a brief statement, saying, “In the for the Health Ministry in Hamas-ruled Gaza, “According to the indicators and testimo- condemned the killing, saying, “We’re horri- name of all the citizens of Israel, I extend claimed the youth, Shadi Abdel-Al, had been nies, the boy was killed as a result of an injury fied by this attack and deeply saddened by condolences to the family of Ari Fuld. With shot dead by Israeli troops. from stones thrown during the violent riots,” the murder of Ari Fuld, an American-Israeli his last strength Ari heroically fought the Two other Palestinians were killed the spokesman wrote. activist and father of four. There can never terrorist and prevented a heavier tragedy. He during the weekly protest by Israeli live fire, be any excuse for this kind of violence. Our was an extraordinary father to four children, thoughts and condolences are with his family who fought for the truth for the good of Israeli and community.” Continued from Page A1 bruised and bloodied body from a third-floor hasbara. May his memory be a blessing.” US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman France window in the early hours of April 4. The leader of Israel’s Jewish Home party, also weighed in, tweeting, “America grieves as that both Beltrame and Knoll had been killed “Nothing prevents us from saying that Naftali Bennett, hailed Fuld as a hero in a Hebrew one of its citizens was brutally murdered by a “by the same barbarous obscurantism.” the murderer of [Sarah] Halimi is crazy, tweet, writing, “Ari Fuld is a hero of Israel. In dying Palestinian terrorist. Ari Fuld was a passionate Condemning Islamist groups for aiming disturbed and antisemitic,” Korsia stated. “An he saved lives. … The people of Israel salutes the defender of Israel & an American patriot. He “to terrorize the whole society,” Rabbi Korsia expert assessment that reveals he is more Fuld family and embraces them.” represented the best of both countries & will said that the targeting of Knoll was effectively crazy than we previously thought does not the “targeting all the elderly people of the change the fact that this was barbarism and country, all the Jews of the country, all those savagery motivated by antisemitism.” Korsia countered that the decision to one of the most highly-regarded government who live their lives simply, quietly.” Korsia also discussed the controversy honor Veil in this way was also “an immense ministers in post-war France who pressed for Asked about the latest twists in the inves- within the French Jewish community over the honor for Judaism.” He argued that Jewish law liberalized policies on birth control, as well tigation of the April 2017 murder of Sarah July 1 burial of Simone Veil — the Holocaust had not been violated, as Veil had initially been as improved conditions for prisoners and Halimi by an Islamist antisemite, Korsia survivor and women’s rights advocate — at the buried in a non-Jewish cemetery following for children in care. Deported to Auschwitz emphasized that he expected Halimi’s killer, Panthéon in Paris, where several of France’s her death in 2017. “This controversy around during the Second World War, Veil was one of Kobili Traore, to undergo a trial irrespective of most distinguished citizens are buried. The the burial of Simone Veil in the Panthéon is the few members of her family to survive the his mental state. Traore’s lawyers continue to chief rabbi was criticized by some Orthodox unhealthy because it tends to question the Nazi genocide of the Jews. Her inmate number insist that their client is mentally unfit to face a members of the community for attending the nature of [our] link to France,” he added. at the death camp — 78651 — is carved into charge of criminal responsibility for the attack, ceremony, which they viewed as contrary to Thousands of people attended the July her sarcophagus, as a testament to what Presi- which culminated in him hurling Halimi’s Jewish religious law. ceremony at the Panthéon in tribute to Veil, dent Macron called her “untouchable dignity.” A4 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 World News. Incendiary Balloons Flown to Israel From West Bank

BY 10,000 acres of land in southern Israel. Palestinians in the West Bank appeared A yellow balloon with Arabic writing on it to have replicated this tactic in a number of landed in the Israeli community of Beit Horon incidents, sending fl ammable devices into north of Jerusalem on Sunday, and is believed nearby Israeli communities. to be an incendiary “terror balloon” like the ones that have been launched from Gaza to start arson fi res along the border inside Israel. Border Police arrived to remove the item Palestinian workers praying during a lunch break at Aluminum Construction, a factory located in for further investigation. the industrial park of the Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, near Jerusalem. Starting on March 30 as part of the Pales- Photo: Reuters / Ronen Zvulun. tinian “March of Return,” led by Hamas and continuing nearly every Friday since then, Proposed Ban on Israeli Gazans have launched kites carrying incen- diary devices into Israeli territory. Th ey soon advanced to less expansive and more prolifi c Settlement Products Could fl ammable balloons. Violate Trade Rules, EU Warns Th e damage to Israeli nature, agricultural A balloon found in Beit Horon on lands and wildlife has been estimated in the Sept. 16, 2018. Photo: Israel Police. Irish Government millions of dollars, and has aff ected nearly to allow the trade ban would also not pass emphasized that the legislation could well muster, the EU offi cial said, explaining that the leave Ireland “open to infringement proceed- commission had “considered that and their ings, either by the commission or a third party.” BY ALGEMEINER STAFF directorate last week on the proposed legisla- legal department was clear that that exemp- Passed by a vote of 25-20 in the Irish tion, which passed its fi rst vote in the country’s tion was quite limited as determined by CJEU Parliament on July 11, the bill banning trade Proposed legislation in Ireland to ban parliament in July, Th e Irish Times reported [Court of Justice of the European Union] law.” with Israeli settlements drew support from imports of goods from Israeli communities on Saturday. Th e EU offi cial advised that Summarizing the EU’s warning in an all Ireland’s major political parties, except the in the West Bank could run afoul of European enacting the bill “would be in contravention of email to colleagues at Ireland’s Department of governing Fine Gael party. Israel denounced Union trading regulations, the European the EU’s competence on trade matters” under Business, an Irish offi cial said that the commis- the bill as “immoral,” pointing out that it Commission has said. a treaty that covers common commercial sion’s “views seemed to me to mirror almost would “harm the livelihoods of many Palestin- An Irish government offi cial privately policy for member states, the paper reported. exactly those of [Ireland’s] Attorney General ians who work in the Israeli industrial zones sought the advice of the commission’s trade A request for a “public policy exemption” in his opinion earlier in the year.” Th e email aff ected by the boycott.”

Published in Jewish Press ‘84

These are some of the FREE programs Beth Shifra ran for the Poor and Russian Families. March 20th, 2017 Separate Orthodox Boy Scout & Girl Scout Club • Matchmaking For almost 50 years,July the 17, 2018 Beth Shifra organization, located in Brooklyn,Trips and Rallies NY, • hasFree Legalprovided Advice year round daily free meals to those who are most needy in the New York For almost 50 years, the Beth Shifra organization, located in Brooklyn, NY, has Jewish Films Jewish History Classes Jewish community. provided I am year personally round daily free meals familiar to those who are with most need they in the outstanding New work that they do under the leadership of Rabbi Chaim Prussman, and urge you to help Beth Shifra in York Jewish community. I am personally familiar with the outstanding work that Job Placement • Karate • CSW on Premesis any manner possible,they includingdo under the leadership publicizing of Rabbi Chaim Prussman, their and workurge you to inhelp yourBusiness shul orSchool organization. • Brisim Performed Speak- Beth Shifra in any manner possible, including publicizing their work in your shul ers Bureau • Free Hebrew School During the Pesach holiday,or organization. the organization sponsors Kosher for Passover sedorim, food packages, lectures and programs to hundreds of people who would otherwise be unable to celebrate theDuring holiday.the Pesach holiday, the organization sponsors Kosher for Passover Free Summer Camps • Nursery schools sedorim, food packages, lectures and programs to hundreds of people who would Jewish Services • Boxing otherwise be unable to celebrate the holiday. In the merit of helpingIn 2019, the they willhungry be sponsoring and free kosher poor, for Passover may Seder yous and daily only meals receiveHigh Schoolthe choicest Programs In blessings Public Schools from Heaven. from Friday, April 19 through Saturday, April 27th at the White Shul located at Chess Tournament • Free Bar Mitzvahs 2102 Avenue T (East 21st Street) in Brooklyn. Pesach food packages will be Several English Classes (Green Cards) distiruted on Thursday, April 18 ath the synagogue between the hours of 12:00- Dov Hikind | Member of Assembly Work Release Programs • Release Hours 2:00 PM. In the merit of helping the hungry and poor, may you only receive the choicest blessings from Heaven. Dov Hikind Member of Assembly

February 16, 2018 Reprinted from the Jewish Press • Friday, March 20, 1987 Bogus Purim Service Broken Up In years past, Beth Shifra maintained a Free Soup Kitchen all year round, open seven days a week, serving free meals three times a day, without charge. During A group of missionaries in Brighton Beach who staff of the Beth Shifra Institutions break up the rally. the week of Pesach, Beth Shifra sponsored free Kosher for Pesach Sedorim and rented Public School 225 on the premise they were Since many of the protesters missed the Megil- three meals a day, around the city, for thousands of people. We are personally holding a social,” attempted to hold a bogus “Purim la reading, the staff of Beth Shifra held to Megilla Megilla” reading. The missionaries widely advertised readings, so those who were instrumental in break- familiar with their important work. their program in Russian as well as English throughout ing up the rally could observe the Mitzva properly. Beth Shifra is doing an outstanding job helping the unfortunate. You, too, can the Manhattan Beach and Brighton Beach area in an The Beth Shifra rally, held at the Jewish Center of be a part of this great Mitzvah of charity and Maos Chittim. May all those that effort to entice young people to their service. Ocean Parkway, was termed a huge success by the chil- participate in this holy effort be blessed from Heaven. However, when the real purpose of the “service” was dren and parents who attended. There was a live band discovered, groups from Boro Park, Flatbush, Crown and a puppet show to entertain the children. With every blessing, Heights and Monsey descended on the area to help the Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik | Executive Vice President Rabbinacal Alliance of America

Reprinted from the Jewish Press • Friday, March 20, 1987 Bogus Purim Service Broken Up

A group of missionaries in Brighton Beach Heights and Monsey descended on the area to help the who rented Public School 225 on the premise they staff of the Beth Shifra Institutions break up the rally. were holding a social,” attempted to hold a bogus Since many of the protesters missed the Megilla “Purim Megilla” reading. The missionaries widely reading, the staff of Beth Shifra held to Megilla read- advertised their program in Russian as well as En- ings, so those who were instrumental in breaking up glish throughout the Manhattan Beach and Brigh- the rally could observe the Mitzva properly. ton Beach area in an effort to entice young peo- The Beth Shifra rally, held at the Jewish Center ple to their service. However, of Ocean Parkway, was termed a huge success by the when the real purpose of the “service” was discov- children and parents who attended. There was a live ered, groups from Boro Park, Flatbush, Crown band and a puppet show to entertain the children. | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 A5 U.S. News.

ridicule and eye rolls, both Pompeo Seeks Rapprochement inside and outside the State Department. With Alienated US Diplomats Pompeo, who gradu- ated first in his class at the US Military Academy at West Point, said on BY REUTERS & ALGEMEINER STAFF his first day at the State Department that he would work on “getting back our US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has nearly doubled promotions of top American diplo- swagger” and putting the mats as he seeks to restore diplomatic ties with a workforce alienated by his predecessor, Rex US diplomatic corps in Tillerson. “every corner,” drawing Since taking over in April, Pompeo has lavished attention on diplomats demoralized by loud applause from the former oil executive’s distant management style, reluctance to consult in-house experts and hundreds of staffers. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo . inability to get personnel choices through President Donald Trump’s White House. US diplomats are taught, Photo: Reuters / Aaron Bernstein. The charm offensive by the former Republican lawmaker and CIA director includes however, to be understated resuming the hiring of diplomats’ family members when posted abroad, cheerleading emails to rather than overbearing, awesome. Thumbs up. Fist bump,'” one agency staff about his travels and a push to replenish the top ranks of US diplomacy, officials said. given US economic and military might. official said of Pompeo’s swagger campaign. “No.” The most tangible sign of Pompeo’s effort may be the “I have not heard anyone say: ‘This is State Department promotion lists, disclosed internally since Aug. 31 and reviewed by Reuters, which show Pompeo has sharply increased the number of diplomats promoted to three of the top four ranks. According to a provisional agency document circulated internally on Friday, Pompeo recommended doubling the number of “career ministers” — the second-highest rank in the US foreign service — to eight from four. Pompeo also proposed nearly doubling those promoted to the third rank, “minister-counselor,” to 68 from 35 the year before. For the critical level of ‘officer counsellor’ — the entry point for the “senior” foreign service and the hurdle at which many careers in the up-or-out system founder — he increased the number by more than 50 percent to 97 from 63. The State Department had no immediate comment on the data. An official who declined to be identified said the final number of promotions for fiscal 2018, which ends on Sept. 30, could exceed those published over the past few weeks, in part because the lists do not include some people recom- mended for promotion who have yet to complete mandatory career management programs. Tillerson, who cut promotions in six out of the seven top ranks, said at the time he did so because of earlier hiring surges and because the agency’s “position base” would “contract over the next couple of years.” That decision, and Tillerson’s embrace of roughly 30 percent budget cuts that Trump proposed but Congress largely rejected, angered many department employees, for whom protecting one’s budget is an axiom of bureaucratic warfare in Washington. Tillerson, whom Trump fired via tweet on March 13, argued in a Nov. 28, 2017, speech that he had inherited an agency budget that was at a record high and was unsustain- able. A Tillerson spokeswoman did not immediately reply to a request for comment. ‘More rapprochement than detente’ Pompeo brought some assets to his new role, notably a good rapport with Trump, an insider’s grasp of Congress and deeper understanding of the federal bureaucracy from his CIA service. “We will continue to see robust promotion opportuni- ties in the future absent any significant shifts in our budget,” Pompeo wrote in an internal memo on Aug. 31. “It’s more rapprochement than detente,” one senior State Department official said on condition of anonymity, alluding to US-Soviet efforts to ease Cold War tensions. “He’s doing more than just trying to end the hostility. He is reaching out.” Beyond antagonizing employees by working to redesign and shrink the agency, Tillerson upset many by forcing out or under-using the department’s “career ambassadors” — the top foreign service rank typically given to only a handful of diplomats, officials said. Four career ambassadors stepped down in 2017. Pompeo, in contrast, has gone out of his way to praise the four new career ambassadors whose elevation was just announced. “This is the highest and most prestigious rank at the Foreign Service. They should all be very proud. I know I’m proud of them,” Pompeo told reporters. “They’re great leaders.” While many State Department officials have said they appreciate the ways in which Pompeo has sought to build back morale, one of his signature efforts — rebranding the agency as the “Department of Swagger” — has drawn some A6 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 Opinion.

picture, to let go a little, and to reach out to one another. Kol Nidre: A Call for Jewish Unity Let us discuss what we believe may be best for Israel and the Jewish people. Let us argue, but as we discuss these opinions, we must remember that all Jews are responsible as Yom Kippur. And during Yom Kippur, no We in Herut North America, as part of the Herut for each other. single service symbolizes that unity more World Movement, conduct a “Jewish Unity MOSHE PHILLIPS & On October 6, 1943, three days than the famous Kol Nidre. Challenge” that comes to mind again as we JOSHUA GOLDSTEIN before Yom Kippur, 400 rabbis marched in A short declaration is made with a call celebrate the High Holidays. This “Challenge” PHILADELPHIA Washington, DC to call for Allied action to that we all stand together near the start of is a personal call to all Jews, including you, to save European Jews. In the 1960s, 1970s, and the service: “By the authority of the Court on start reaching out across the aisle — to create 1980s, an annual “Simchat Torah Rally for High and by authority of the court down here, one united Jewish people. Just because Jews Soviet Jewry” was organized throughout the by the permission of One Who Is Everywhere come from many different backgrounds and It can be claimed that no single day in the US. For example, in 1968 and 1971, rallies and by the permission of this congregation, hold different beliefs doesn’t mean that we Jewish liturgical calendar is as clearly meant were held at the Washington Monument. In we hold it lawful to pray with sinners.” cannot show love and respect for one another. to showcase the unity of the Jewish people 1973 a memorable rally was held in Philadel- So all Jews, regardless of Our diverse types, colors, and traditions phia. Natan Sharansky’s Philadelphia speech their religiosity and regard- should be seen as a strength for all of us, rather at a rally in 1986, just half a year or so after less of their mistakes, are to than foster exclusivity, elitism, selectiveness, his release from the USSR, was a remarkable stand together in prayer as and even superiority. highlight of these rallies. one united congregation. Ahavat Yisrael — the unconditional Late last year we marked the 30th If that is not clearly a goal love of our fellow Jews — should not be seen anniversary Freedom Sunday for Soviet Jews. of the day, then why are so as some unattainable dream. Rather, in our That December 6, 1987 rally saw more than many of the pronouns used time, we can make it a reality. We should not a quarter million American Jews unite on in the liturgy in the plural? We have to rely on the threat of antisemitism and the National Mall in Washington to stand up are each praying for ourselves impending dangers affecting Israel as the only for Soviet Jews at what was the single largest and for each other — for all things that unite us. gathering of Jews in US history. Jews, everywhere in the world. The lack of love and unity was considered Let us show that we can all love each Also at Kol Nidre, we by the ancient Jewish sages in the era of the other in Jewish unity during this High Holiday plead: “May all the people of Mishnah to be the root cause of the destruc- season and always. The Talmud Bavli intro- Israel be forgiven, including tion of the Second Holy Temple. If we can duces the Aramaic phrase kol Yisrael arevim all the strangers who live in reintroduce ourselves and start the process of zeh bazeh, meaning that all of the people of their midst.” accepting one another, in the spirit of Ahavat Israel are responsible for each other. Let each Photo: Wilipedia Yisrael, we can again grow as individuals — and as a collective nation. of us meditate on that idea, grow from it, and The Jewish Unity Challenge is designed take action. to spark a conversation between the diverse Joshua Goldstein is the chairman of Defending Donald Trump types of Jews, so that we can achieve greater Herut North America and a board member things for the State of Israel and the Jewish of the American Zionist Movement on behalf people. It is time to put aside our differences, of Herut. Joshua was a delegate at the 36th and focus on the wonderful time-honored and 37th World Zionist Congress. Moshe Phillips is national director of Herut North indictment against Cohen accusing Trump things that unite us as Jews. America’s US section. Herut is an inter- of being his co-conspirator, Trump cannot be What we are talking about is simple, yet national movement for Zionist pride and an unindicted co-conspirator. Moreover, the we call it a challenge because it is not so easy. education. More about Herut can be found BOSTON information against Cohen did not include When it comes down to it, many of us have the allegation by that he was a knee-jerk reaction to leaving our comfort here: directed to pay hush money by the candidate. zone. But it is time to look at the bigger That self-serving accusation was made by Cohen in his statement to the judge. During Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation So it cannot be the basis for a conclusion hearings, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator. questioned the legitimacy of the judge’s Unlike President Nixon, who had been appointment to the High Court. Blumenthal named an unindicted co-conspirator in an said in his opening remarks: “The president of indictment handed down by a grand jury, the United States who has nominated you is President Trump has not been accused by an unindicted co-conspirator.” Senator Cory a grand jury indictment of anything thus far. Booker has also characterized Trump as “an Cohen’s guilty plea and allocution cannot turn unindicted co-conspirator.” the president into an unindicted co-conspir- Following Cohen’s guilty plea, pundits ator. Only a grand jury can. across the political spectrum have claimed Moreover, even if Trump were to be an that since Cohen stated in his allocution that unindicted co-conspirator, civil libertiarians he paid hush money “at the direction of a should be wary of any such designation. candidate for federal office,” President Trump When President Nixon was named is now an unindicted co-conspirator. “unindicted co-conspirator” in 1974, I yelled On , Jonathan Turley, a law foul, even though I voted against Nixon and professor at George Washington University, was critical of most of his policies. I thought stated that “If the [prosecutors] believe that it was unfair to designate the president as President Donald Trump. Photo: Reuters / Leah Millis. what’s in this indictment was true, and that an unindicted co-conspirator, since a person in that status has no right to defend himself, he was directed to make this payment … is not the basis for a trial. not identify unindicted co-conspirators in because he is never brought to trial. I urged then the president just became an unindicted The Briggs court wrote: “A presentment is conspiracy indictments. The practice of naming the ACLU, on whose board I then served, to co-conspirator.” a foul blow. It wins the importance of a judicial individuals as unindicted co-conspirators in challenge this misuse of the grand jury and to Before this claim is repeated so often document; yet it lacks its principal attributes an indictment charging a criminal conspiracy protect our political enemy’s civil liberties. that people assume it is true, let me state the right to answer and to appeal. It accuses, has been severely criticized in United States v. Courts have also noted that unindicted categorically that Donald Trump is not an but furnishes no forum for denial. No one Briggs, 514 F.2d 794 (5th Cir. 1975).” co-conspirators have no legal forum in which unindicted co-conspirator and that it is wrong knows upon what evidence the findings are In the rush to weaponize the law against to defend themselves. In United States v. Briggs, to characterize him as such. An unindicted based. An indictment may be challenged even a president they despise, too many Democrats 514 F.2d 794 (5th Cir. 1975), the Fifth Circuit co-conspirator is someone against whom a defeated. The presentment is immune. It is like and liberals are becoming incautious about Court of Appeals found that a federal grand jury grand jury has found probable cause, on the the “hit and run” motorist. Before application improperly throwing around the loaded had violated the due process rights of several basis of evidence, that he or she is guilty of can be made to suppress it, it is the subject of accusation of unindicted co-conspirator activists when it named them as unindicted being a co-conspirator in a crime. But as far as public gossip. The damage is done. The injury it against President Trump. Unless and until co-conspirators in a plot to disrupt the 1972 we know there has been no grand jury indict- may unjustly inflict may never be healed.” Trump is named or identified in a grand jury Republican National Convention. The court ment in this case, because Cohen waived the Because of the potential due process indictment as an unindicted co-conspirator, wrote that the due process rights of the alleged grand jury and pleaded guilty to an “informa- violations, federal prosecutors are properly he should not be so characterized. Those who co-conspirators were violated and suggested tion” prepared by a prosecutor, not a grand cautioned against identifying people as misuse the term should stop. And when they that if the government had probable cause, jury. An information is used in federal trials unindicted co-conspirators. persist, they should be corrected. Trump is it should have indicted the co-conspirators generally when a defendant voluntary pleads As the US Attorney’s Office Manual states: simply not an indicted co-conspirator, and instead of naming them in a “presentment.” A guilty and waives the right of an indictment “In the absence of some significant justifica- calling him one does not make it so. “presentment” simply names the accused, but by a grand jury. So unless there is a secret tion, federal prosecutors generally should | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 A7 A8 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 Impressions.

For All Our Sins

BY JEREMY ROSEN be, we can be sure that humanity is certainly in need of For the sin we have committed by impure lips rectification. As the Talmud often reminds us, the good For the sin we have committed by giving in to The Torah introduces us to the idea that we are caught up in the morass of evil that bad, selfish, or our evil inclination confess our sins to God (Leviticus 5:5 and 16:21) — uncaring people do to degrade human life. For the sin we have committed knowingly and not to humans, priests or otherwise. According to The longest poem of forgiveness we now have is not knowingly our tradition, as a matter of dignity, we should not the Al Cheyt prayer that dominates the Yom Kippur For all of these, forgiving God, forgive us, demean ourselves in the eyes of other human beings liturgy. It is a late medieval creation. While it is clearly pardon us, atone for us. by revealing our errors to other humans. But the Torah related to the Ashamnu prayer, it has been expanded These are repeated with minor variations gives us no text or procedure for atonement. and includes a chorus that implies it was sung as well throughout the stanzas. The first example we have of confession comes in as read. It too is based on the Hebrew alphabet, which The long services on the Holy Days did not exist the Book of Daniel 9:4-5: “So I prayed to Hashem my means that repetitions and unusual word usages play before medieval times. They developed in part because God, and I confessed, and I said … we have sinned, we an important part to ensure that each phrase or line of the constant suffering of exile, and the need to beg for have strayed, we have done evil, we have rebelled, and starts or includes the appropriate letter of the alphabet. relief and hope — but also because fear of being attacked we have turned away from your commandments.” Sometimes one can find English translations that try forced communities to stay together for protection, But this was a one-off. A personal response to a to be true to the original spirit by crisis. During the Temple period, the goats of atone- getting verses and keywords to ment were sacrificed on the Day of Atonement, fit into the English alphabet. This and the High Priest delivered prayers of atonement means that sometimes the original for himself, the priests, and the children of Israel. (and certainly the translations) Sometime later, the tradition developed to ask for are forced and not always very forgiveness in a daily Tahanun prayer, which also inspiring. added Nefilat Apayim — literally, falling on one’s face. Here is one of three stanzas It was part of the morning and afternoon services. But that repeat categories of sins. one does not recite it on Shabbat, festivals, or happy The first two sins begin with the occasions, like a marriage or a bris. first letter, Aleph, and each of the It would seem logical that this idea should be next two verses repeat letters in expanded on the one day in the year that the Torah sequence. As in Ashamnu, you can insists we seek forgiveness for all our sins, namely Yom see how often the same action is Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The first evidence we expressed in different words, in have of this expanded prayer comes in a poem of the order to fit the alphabet sequence great Amram Gaon, who lived in Babylonia/Persia in the of each letter: eighth century. It is a prayer known as Ashamnu (“we For the sin we have duress and [א] are guilty”), now found in all prayer books. And in pious committed under circles there is a custom, mainly Ashkenazi, to thump (or willingly just tap) one’s ribcage at the mention of each sin. For the sin we have committed Weinles: On the eve of Yom Kippur. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. hard-hearted [א] His text goes thus: through being .without both when they prayed and on the way home [ב] We have been guilty. We have betrayed. We have For the sin we have committed stolen. We have spoken falsely. We have distorted. realizing it Added to this, the medieval cultures of Islam and Christianity considered composing poetry, whether [ב] We have been evil. We have been arrogant. We For the sin we have committed through have been violent. We have been deceitful. We have words that passed our lips for God or human beings, to be the highest form of art public and and worship. So more and more poems were added to [ג] plotted. We have given bad advice. We have lied. We For the sin we have committed in have scorned. We have rebelled. We have provoked. private services and celebratory meals. Kabbalists, in partic- ular, took it to a higher level. And then printing presses [ג] We have turned people away. We have betrayed. We For the sin we have committed through have sinned. We have agitated. We have been stiff- immorality made texts readily available. necked. We have been wicked. We have destroyed. [and so on with letters of the Hebrew alphabet Nowadays many of us prefer a simpler, more We have lusted. We have deceived. We have strayed. for the rest of the list] minimalist approach. Now it is important to realize that this is a poem, a For the sin we have committed through speech How are we expected to respond to all this? Not, serious and sad one indeed. Medieval Hebrew poetry For the sin we have committed through intent I believe, by feeling guilty. Guilt is a negative emotion, and liturgical songs often used an acrostic, the first and deception and totally unproductive and debilitating, unless it letter of the author’s name at the beginning of each For the sin we have committed through private motivates us to change. We also shouldn’t think that verse. Much earlier examples of using letters rather thoughts we are above sin or perfect. than rhymes are to be found in the Book of Psalms, For the sin we have committed by being unkind Instead, the sounds and repetitions are there to where several of them start each verse with a letter of to neighbors create an atmosphere to help us focus on the range the alphabet — notably, the Ashrei psalm, now part For the sin we have committed through insin- of human frailties that we are all subject to, rather of our daily services. And there are other examples cere confession than ticking off lists to see which do and which do throughout the prayer book. So it is with Ashamnu, For the sin we have committed by being not apply to us. We are not meant to be taking an each sin starts with a sequential letter of the Hebrew attracted to vice exam. There is no norm. We are all different. We all alphabet. It sounds artificial to us, but this was the For the sin we have committed knowingly and do some good and some bad. But we can all find ways convention throughout the Jewish world at that time. deceitfully in which we have failed this past year, and determine This said, it is clear that we are dealing not with a For the sin we have committed intentionally to try and improve in the next. scientific or consistent list of crimes that we person- and unintentionally May we all do better this coming year. ally might have carried out, but rather a poetic portrait For the sin we have committed by disrespecting Rabbi Jeremy Rosen received his rabbinic of human misdemeanors in general, which is why the parents and teachers ordination from Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He has language is not that “I have sinned,” but that “we have” For the sin we have committed through physical worked in the rabbinate, Jewish education, and — “we” being a people or humanity in general. aggression academia for more than forty years in Europe and However, if one really thinks about and is honest For the sin we have committed by desecrating the US. He currently lives in the US, where he writes, with oneself, there are a lot of things on that list that we God’s name teaches, lectures, and serves as rabbi of a small have indeed done wrong. And however perfect we may For the sin we have committed through thought- community in New York. less expressions | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 A9 Legal Notice.


any business permitted under law. NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Bronx,Ny 10469 purpose : all lawful duly dated 7/25/2018 and entered on AJ; 8/24/31; 9/7/14/21/28 COUNTY OF KINGS Federal National activity 7/31/2018, I, the undersigned Referee, Mortgage Association, Plaintiff AJ; 9/7/14/21/28; 10/5/12/ will sell at public auction at the Kings Notice of formation of limited liability AGAINST Amer Anwar a/k/a Amer County Supreme Court, 360 Adams company(LLC) Name: Quality Jamil Anwar; et al., Defendant(s) STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME Street, Brooklyn, NY on October 11, Standard Cleaning L.L.C. Articles Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure COURT: COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. 2018 at 02:30 PM premises known as of organization filed with the Secre- and Sale duly dated July 25, 2018 I, the BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 405 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, NY tary of State of New York(SSNY ) on undersigned Referee will sell at public AS TRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP 11213. All that certain plot piece or 05/01/2018 Office location: Bronx auction at the Kings County Supreme MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST INC., parcel of land, with the buildings and County. SSNY has been designated Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH improvements erected, situate, lying as the agent of the LLC upon whom Brooklyn, NY 11201 on October 11, CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-WMC1, and being in the County of Kings, City Notice of formation of limited liability process against it may be served 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPH SINGER, and State of New York, BLOCK: 1864, company (LLC) Name: HUAN XI SSNY shall mail process to: legalinc 2004 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY YOCHEVED R. SINGER A/K/A YOSSY LOT: 55. Approximate amount of FA DA LLC. Articles of organization corporate services Inc. 1967 Wehale 11210. All that certain plot piece or SINGER A/K/A YOCHEVED SINGER judgment is $996,187.89 plus interests filed with secretary of state of New Drive suite 1 086 Buffalo, NY 14221. . parcel of land, with the buildings and A/K/A YOCHEVED KNOBLOCH, and costs. Premises will be sold subject York (SSNY) on 07/24/2017. Office Purpose: all Lawful activity improvements erected, situate, lying et. al,, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE to provisions of filed Judgment Index location: Kings County . SSNY has AJ; 8/24/31; 9/7/14/21/28 and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, IN FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE # 015439/2009. For sale information, been designated as agent of the LLC County of Kings, City and State of NOTICE THAT In pursuance of a please visit at www. upon whom process against it may Notice of Formation of NYM LABS, NY, Block 5231 Lot 60. Approximate Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale or call (800) 280-2832. be served. SSNY shall mail process LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of amount of judgment $381,930.42 entered in the office of the County Philip Kamaras, Referee FRENKEL to:Huan XI FA DA LLC 5305 7th State of NY (SSNY) on 08/15/18. Office plus interest and costs. Premises Clerk of Kings County on December LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN & Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11220. Purpose: all location: Kings County. SSNY desig- will be sold subject to provisions of 11, 2017, I, Aaron D. Maslow, Esq., the GORDON LLP 53 Gibson Street Bay lawful activity nated as agent of LLC upon whom filed Judgment Index# 502221/2014. Referee named in said Judgment, will Shore, NY 11706 AJ; 8/17/24/31; 9/7/14/21 process against it may be served. Beverly Benjamin-George, Esq., sell in one parcel at public auction on AJ; 9/7/14/21/28; SSNY shall mail process to Jordan A. Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC October 11, 2018 at the Kings County Notice of formation of limited liability Fisch, Esq. - c/o Cole Schotz P.C., 1325 Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF company(LLC) Name: ILIANAL- Ave. of the Americas, 19th Fl., NY, NY Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New Adams Street, Brooklyn, County of KINGS WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL BEAUTY LLC.Articles of organization 10019. Purpose: Any lawful activity. York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: Kings, State of New York, at 2:30 P.M., CREDIT SERVICES NEW YORK, INC., filed with the secretary of state of New AJ; 8/24/31; 9/7/14/21/28 August 21, 2018 56925 the premises described as follows: Plaintiff against MARCO FUENTES York(SSNY) on05/29/2018. Office AJ; 9/7/14/21/28 1861 61st St Brooklyn, NY 11204 SBL A/K/A MARCOS FUENTES; location: Bronx County. SSNY has NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT No.: 5519 - 53 ALL THAT TRACT WILFREDO A. FUENTES; JANE been designated as the agent of the COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. Bank SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF PARCEL OF LAND situate in the FUENTES (REFUSED FIRST NAME), LLC upon whom process against it National Association, as Trustee for OF NEW YORK - COUNTY OF KINGS Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a may be served. SSNY shall mail copy Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage SANTANDER BANK, N.A. F/K/A State of New York The premises are Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale of process to: ILIANALBEAUTY LLC Securities Corp., CSMC Mortgage- SOVEREIGN BANK, N.A. F/K/A sold subject to the provisions of the entered on February 28, 2018. I, 1479 Macombs Rd. , Apt.5B Bronx,NY Backed Pass-Through Certificates, SOVEREIGN BANK, V. VERONA filed judgment, Index No. 501886/2015 the undersigned Referee will sell 10452 Purpose: all lawful activity Series 2006-6, Plaintiff AGAINST DALLAS, ET. AL. NOTICE OF SALE in the amount of $532,366.32 plus at public auction in Room 224 of AJ; 8/17/24/31; 9/7/14/21 Andrea Romeo; et al., Defendant(s) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant interest and costs. Megan S. Kale, Esq. the Kings County Courthouse, 360 Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP Plaintiff's Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the Notice of formation of limited liability and Sale duly dated August 8, 2016 I, dated April 30, 2018, and entered in Attorney 700 Crossroads Building, 2 11th day of October, 2018 at 2:30 company(LLC) Name: LIGHTING UP the undersigned Referee will sell at the Office of the Clerk of the County of State St. Rochester, New York 14614 p.m. premises described as follows: YOUR HEART, LLC. Articles of organi- public auction at the Kings County Kings, wherein SANTANDER BANK, Tel.: 855-227-5072 All that certain plot, piece or parcel zation filed with the secretary of state Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, N.A. F/K/A SOVEREIGN BANK, N.A. AJ; 9/7/14/21/28; of land, situated, lying and being in of New York(SSNY) on 01/31/2018. Room 224, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on F/K/A SOVEREIGN BANK is the Plain- the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Office location: Bronx County. SSNY October 11, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises tiff and VERONA DALLAS, ET AL. are SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF Kings, City and State of New York. Said has been designated as the agent of known as 2952 Gerritsen Avenue, the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned KINGS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plain- premises known as 205 29th Street, the LLC upon whom process against it Brooklyn, NY 11229. All that certain Referee will sell at public auction at tiff -against- RIFKA GRUNBAUM, et al Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232. (Block: 665, may be served. SSNY shall mail copy plot piece or parcel of land, with the the KINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment Lot: 52). Approximate amount of of the process to: United States corpo- buildings and improvements erected, 360 ADAMS STREET, ROOM 224, of Foreclosure and Sale entered lien $ 893,360.06 plus interest and ration agents,inc. 7014 13th Ave. Suite situate, lying and being in the Borough BROOKLYN, NY 11201, on October 11, herein and dated May 14, 2018, I, the costs. Premises will be sold subject 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: all of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as undersigned Referee will sell at public to provisions of filed judgment and lawful activity and State of NY, Block 8900 Lot 866. 1305 EAST 83RD ST, BROOKLYN, NY auction at the Kings County Court- terms of sale. Index No. 505007-15. AJ; 8/24/31; 9/7/14/21/28 Approximate amount of judgment 11236: Block 8074, Lot 28: ALL THAT house 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Bruno Codispoti, Esq., Referee. Stern $243,106.99 plus interest and costs. CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL Brooklyn, NY on October 11, 2018 at & Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for Plain- Notice of formation of limited liability Premises will be sold subject to OF LAND, WITH THE BUILDINGS 2:30 p.m. premises situate, lying and tiff Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 485 company(LLC) Name: The Wolf In provisions of filed Judgment Index# AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON being in the Borough of Brooklyn, B Route 1 South – Suite 330 Iselin, NJ Me LLC . Articles of organization filed 510782/2015. Gregory Laspina, Esq., ERECTED, SITUATE, LYING AND County of Kings, City and State of 08830 (732) 582-6344 *For sale infor- with the secretary of state of New Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC BEING IN THE BOROUGH OF New York, bounded and described mation, please visit York(SSNY) on 08/15/2018 . Office Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile BROOKLYN, COUNTY OF KINGS, as follows: BEGINNING at a point or call (800) 280-2832* location: Kings county. SSNY has Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New CITY AND STATE OF NEW YORK on the southerly side of Beach 46th AJ; 9/7/14/21/28; been designated as the agent of the York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: Premises will be sold subject to Street, distant 320 feet westerly from LLC upon whom process against it August 24, 2018 57022 provisions of filed Judgment Index the corner formed by the intersection SUPREME COURT – COUNTY may be served. SSNY shall Mail copy AJ; 9/7/14/21/28 # 504788/2015. Joel Abramson, Esq. of the southerly side of Beach 46th OF KINGS WELLS FARGO BANK, of the process to: The Wolf In Me LLC - Referee. RAS Boriskin, LLC 900 Street with the westerly side of Surf NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS 100 Dupont St. APT LL6 Brooklyn, NY NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Avenue; being a plot 112.43 feet by TRUSTEE FOR SECURITIZED 11222. Purpose: all lawful activity COUNTY OF KINGS PHH Mortgage Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys 127.16 feet by 121.88 feet by 138 feet. ASSET BACKED RECEIVABLES AJ; 8/24/31; 9/7/14/21/28 Corporation, Plaintiff AGAINST for Plaintiff. For sale information, Block: 7038 Lot: 61. Said premises LLC 2005-FR5 MORTGAGE PASS- Tyrelle Johnson a/k/a Tyrelle K. please visit or call known as 4601 BEACH 46TH STREET, THROUGH CERTIF-ICATES, SERIES Notice is given that Articles of Organi- Johnson; Andrew Adams; et al., (800) 280-2832. BROOKLYN, NY Approximate amount 2005-FR5, Plaintiff against GALO zation for Haviland Drive, LLC were Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment AJ; 9/7/14/21/28 of lien $1,404,855.36 plus interest & MONTESDEOCO A/K/A GALO filed with the Secretary of State on June of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated costs. Premises will be sold subject MONTESDEOCA, et al Defendant(s). 27th, 2018. The office of the LLC shall April 24, 2017 I, the undersigned Notice of formation of limited to provisions of filed Judgment and Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure be located in Kings County, New York. Referee will sell at public auction at liability company(LLC) Name: HASH Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside and Sale entered on March 28, 2016. The Secretary of State has been desig- the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 RESPONSE LLC. Articles of organi- for any reason, the Purchaser at the I, the undersigned Referee will sell nated as agent of the limited liability Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY zation filed with secretary of state sale shall be entitled only to a return at public auction in Room 224 of the company upon whom process against 11201 on October 11, 2018 at 2:30PM, of New York(SSNY) on 07/05/2018. of the deposit paid. The Purchaser Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams it may be served and the post office premises known as 10 Pleasant Place, Office location: Kings county. SSNY shall have no further recourse against Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 11th day address within this state to which the Brooklyn, NY 11233. All that certain has been designated as the agent of the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the of October, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises Secretary of State shall mail a copy plot piece or parcel of land, with the the LLC upon whom process against Mortgagee’s attorney. Index Number described as follows: All that certain of any process against it served upon buildings and improvements erected, it may be served. SSNY shall mail 21292/2013. PHILIP L. KAMARAS, plot, piece or parcel of land, with the him or her is: 7014 13th Avenue, Suite situate, lying and being in the Borough process to: Hash Response LLC 140 ESQ., Referee David A. Gallo & Associ- buildings and improvements thereon 210, Brooklyn, NY 11228. The purpose of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City Herkimer Street #3D Brooklyn, NY ates LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 99 erected, situate, lying and being in of this limited liability company is and State of NY, Block 1568 Lot 31. 11216. Purpose: all lawful activity Powerhouse Road, First Floor, Roslyn the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Asset Management. Approximate amount of judgment AJ; 9/7/14/21/28; 10/5/12/ Heights, NY 11577 File# 5025.2122 Kings, City and State of New York. AJ; 8/24/31; 9/7/14/21/28 $418,417.08 plus interest and costs. AJ; 9/7/14/21/28; Said premises known as 1101 Greene Premises will be sold subject to Notice of formation of limited liability Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11221. (Block: Notice of Formation of LLC. Ateret provisions of filed Judgment Index# company(LLC) Name: GP 88 REALTY NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court 3284, Lot: 39). Approximate amount of Midwood LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of 505826/2015. Jageshwar Sharma, Esq., LLC. Articles of organization filed County Of Kings Deutsche Bank of lien $ 639,228.21 plus interest and Org. with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC with the Secretary of State of New National Trust Company, as Trustee costs. Premises will be sold subject to on 6/21/2018. Office location: Kings Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile York(SSNY) on 08/24/2018. Office for Morgan Stanley Mortgage provisions of filed judgment and terms County. SSNY designated as agent of Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New location: Bronx county. SSNY has Loan Trust 2005-11AR, Mortgage of sale. Index No. 7907-13. Betty Lugo, the LLC upon whom process may be York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: July been designated as agent of the LLC Pass-Through Certificates, Series Esq., Referee. McCalla Raymer Leibert served and SSNY shall mail process to 31, 2018 56282 upon whom process against it may 2005-11AR, Plaintiff AGAINST Oral Pierce, LLC Attorney(s) for Plaintiff the LLC at c/o Moses Scharf, 1410 East AJ; 9/7/14/21/28 be served. SSNY shall Mail process C. Patrick, et al, Defendant Pursuant Continued on Page A10 10th St., Brooklyn, NY 11230. Purpose: to: The LLC 2435 Westervelt Avenue to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale A10 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 Tradition. Legal Notice.

gentle pressure of His hand resting LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE upon my frail shoulders. Without her Emotional Intelligence teachings, which quite often were transmitted to me in silence, I would NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT FREDERICK L. GRANT, et al., have grown up a soulless being, dry COUNTY OF KINGS US Bank Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment and insensitive. National Association, as Trustee of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated the only skill that matters. for Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, August 02, 2016 I, the undersigned To put it in other words: Torat What Salovey and Mayer Inc. 2006-HE2, Asset-Backed Pass- Referee will sell at public auction at the imekha is about emotional intelli- did was to show that our ability to Through Certificates Series 2006-HE2, Room 224 of Kings County Supreme JONATHAN SACKS gence. I have long felt that alongside understand and respond to not only Plaintiff AGAINST Ruby Murray; et al., Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, LONDON Rabbi Soloveitchik’s great essay, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment New York 11201, on October 18, 2018 our own emotions but also those Halakhic Man, there was another of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated July at 2:30PM, premises known as 660 of others is an essential element one he might have written called 30, 2018 I, the undersigned Referee WARWICK STREET, BROOKLYN, NY of success in many fields, indeed Aggadic Woman. Halakhah is an will sell at public auction at the Kings 11207. All that certain plot piece or In March 2015 I had a of human interaction in general. intellectual-moral enterprise. But County Supreme Court, 360 Adams parcel of land, with the buildings and public conversation at Yale with There are fundamental elements of Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY improvements erected, situate, lying aggadah, the non-halakhic dimen- the University’s President Peter our humanity that have to do with 11201 on October 18, 2018 at 2:30PM, and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, sion of rabbinic Judaism, is directed Salovey. The occasion was quite the way we feel, not just the way premises known as 268 East 39th County of Kings, City and State of New to the broader aspects of what it is Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203. All that York, BLOCK 4078, LOT 45. Approxi- an emotional one. It celebrated the we think. Even more importantly, to be a Jew. It is written in narrative certain plot piece or parcel of land, mate amount of judgment $653,662.17 sixtieth anniversary of the Marshall we need to understand how other rather than law. It invites us to enter with the buildings and improvements plus interest and costs. Premises will Scholarships, created by the British people feel – the gift of empathy the minds and hearts of our spiri- erected, situate, lying and being in the be sold subject to provisions of filed parliament as a way of expressing – if we are to form a meaningful tual forebears, their experiences Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Judgment for Index# 6144/2013. thanks to the United States for the bond with them. That is what the City and State of NY, Block 4892 Lot WILLIAM D. BOWMAN, ESQ., Referee and dilemmas, their achievements Marshall Plan, that helped Western Torah is referring to when it says, 16. Approximate amount of judgment Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney for and their pain. It is the emotional Europe rebuild its economies after “Do not oppress a stranger because $795,294.89 plus interest and costs. Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 dimension of the life of faith. the Second World War. The schol- you know what it feels like to be a Premises will be sold subject to Williamsville, NY 14221 56684 Speaking personally, I am provisions of filed Judgment Index# AJ; 9/14/21/28; 10/5 arships fund outstanding young stranger” (Ex. 23:9). disinclined to think of this in terms 4945/2013. Philip L. Kamaras, Esq., Americans to study at any univer- Emotions matter. They guide of a male-female dichotomy. We Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF sity in the United Kingdom. So the our choices. They move us to action. are all called on to develop both Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile KINGS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plain- gathering that evening was about Intellect alone cannot do this. It Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New tiff -against- HARVEY B. PACHT A/K/A sensibilities. But they are radically the links between Britain and the has been a failing of intellectuals York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: HARVEY PACHT, et al Defendant(s). different. Halakhah is part ofTorat United States, and the role of univer- August 27, 2018 57059 Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure Cohanim, Judaism’s priestly voice. sities in cultivating that generosity AJ; 9/14/21/28; 10/5 and Sale entered herein and dated In the Torah, its key verbs are March 14, 2018, I, the undersigned of spirit, epitomised by the Marshall le-havdil, to distinguish/analyse/ NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court Referee will sell at public auction at Plan, that understands the need to categorise, and le-horot, to instruct/ County Of Kings Wells Fargo Bank, the Kings County Courthouse 360 build peace, not just wage war. guide/issue a ruling. But in Judaism N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST Tino Estrada, Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, But it had another emotional there is also a prophetic voice. The et al, Defendant Pursuant to a NY on October 18, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. resonance. Yale is one the world’s Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale premises situate, lying and being in key words for the prophet are tzedek great universities. Yet there was a time, duly dated 5/16/2017 and entered on the Borough of Brooklyn, County of u-mishpat, righteousness and between the 1920s and 1960s, when 5/30/2017, I, the undersigned Referee, Kings, City and State of New York, justice, and hessed ve-rahamim, will sell at public auction at the Kings known and designated as Unit No. 136 it had a reputation for being guarded kindness and compassion. These County Supreme Court, 360 Adams in the condominium known as "The about, even quietly hostile to, the are about I-Thou relationships, Street, Brooklyn, NY on October 18, Brook Club Condominium", together presence of Jews among its students throughout history to believe that between humans, and between us 2018 at 02:30 PM premises known with a .5989% undivided interest in and staff. Happily that has not been all we need to do is to think straight and God. as 584 Linwood Street, Brooklyn, NY the common elements. Block: 8060 the case since 1960 when its Presi- and we will act well. It isn’t so. 11208. All that certain plot piece or Lot: 1180 Said premises known as The priest thinks in terms of dent, A. Whitney Griswold, issued a Without a capacity for sympathy parcel of land, with the buildings and 8110 AVENUE L 3, UNIT NO. 136, universal rules that are eternally directive that religion should play no and empathy, we become more like improvements erected, situate, lying BROOKLYN, NY Approximate amount valid. The prophet is attuned to the role in the admissions process. Today a computer than a human being, and being in the County of Kings, City of lien $333,455.75 plus interest & Continued on Page A12 and State of New York, BLOCK: 4050, costs. Premises will be sold subject it is warmly welcoming to people of all and that is fraught with danger. LOT: 124. Approximate amount of to provisions of filed Judgment and faiths and ethnicities. Noting that fact, It was precisely this point – the judgment is $704,389.87 plus inter- Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside the President pointed out that not need for emotional intelligence LEGAL NOTICE ests and costs. Premises will be sold for any reason, the Purchaser at the only was Yale that afternoon hosting – about which Rabbi Soloveit- subject to provisions of filed Judgment sale shall be entitled only to a return a rabbi, but he too – Salovey – was chik spoke in one of his most Index # 24323/2010. Jaime Lathrop, of the deposit paid. The Purchaser Jewish and the descendant of a great moving addresses, ‘A Tribute to Continued from Page A9 Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS shall have no further recourse against WEISMAN & GORDON LLP 53 the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the rabbinic dynasty. Salovey is an Angli- the Rebbetzin of Talne.’ People, he 420 Lexington Avenue – Suite 840 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 Mortgagee’s attorney. Index Number said, are mistaken when they think New York, N.Y. 10170 (347) 286-7409 cisation of the name Soloveitchik. AJ; 9/14/21/28; 10/5 2351/2014. ANTHONY J. LAMBERTI, AJ; 9/7/14/21/28; Thinking back to that occasion, there is only one Mesorah, one ESQ., Referee David A. Gallo & Associ-

I wondered whether there was a Jewish tradition handed on through NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT ates LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 99 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT more than merely family connec- the generations. In fact, he said, - COUNTY OF KINGS Wells Fargo Powerhouse Road, First Floor, Roslyn COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. Bank there are two: one handed down Bank, NA, Plaintiff -against- Shmuel Heights, NY 11577 File# 5025.1838 tion between the university National Association, as Trustee for Lowenbein, M&T Bank, FSB, Citibank AJ; 9/14/21/28; 10/5 president and his great distant by fathers, the other by mothers. Lehman Mortgage Trust Mortgage (South Dakota), N.A., Defendant(s) relative, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, He quoted the famous verse from Pass Through Certificates Series Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure Notice of formation of limited liability the man known to generations of Proverbs 1:8, “Listen, my son, to the 2007-10, Plaintiff AGAINST Shamika and sale entered on August 21, 2018 company (LLC ) .Name: Eastside Dowell; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant his students at Yeshiva University instruction of your father (mussar I, the undersigned Referee will sell at dwellings, LLC. Articles of organiza- to a Judgment of Foreclosure and as simply, “The Rav.” Was there an avikha), and do not forsake the public auction to the highest bidder tion filed with secretary of state of Sale duly dated June 18, 2018 I, the intellectual and spiritual link also, teaching of your mother (torat at ROOM 224 F/K/A ROOM 274 OF New York (SSNY) on 08/29/2018 . undersigned Referee will sell at public however oblique? imekha).” These are two distinct but KINGS COUNTY SUPREME COURT, Office location: Kings county. SSNY auction at the Kings County Supreme 360 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, has been designated as agent of the There is, and it is significant. interwoven strands of the religious Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, NEW YORK 11201 on October 18, LLC Upon whom Process against It Peter Salovey’s great contribution personality. Brooklyn, NY 11201 on October 18, 2018 at 2:30 PM premises known as may be served. SSNY shall mail copy to the thought of our time is the From a father, he said, we learn 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known 1768 46th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204- of process to: Yaqi Yang 851 47th St., as 648 Marcy Avenue, Brooklyn, NY concept he formulated together how to read a text, comprehend, 1211. ALL that certain plot, piece, or Brooklyn, NY 11220. Purpose: all 11206. All that certain plot piece or with John Mayer in a landmark 1989 analyse, conceptualise, classify, parcel of land, situate, lying and being lawful activity parcel of land, with the buildings and article, namely emotional intel- infer and apply. We also learn how in the Borough of Brooklyn, County AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/19/26 improvements erected, situate, lying ligence – popularised in 1995 by to act: what to do and what not to of KINGS, City and State of New and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, York. Block: 5438 Lot: 35 Approxi- Notice of formation of limited liability Daniel Goleman’s best-selling book do. The father-tradition is “an intel- County of Kings, City and State of mate amount of lien $978,869.51 company (LLC) Name: Ekos ventures of the same title. lectual-moral one.” Turning to “the NY, Block 1774 Lot 47. Approximate plus interest and costs. Premises will LLC. Articles of organization filed For many decades, IQ, or intel- teaching of your mother,” Soloveit- amount of judgment $1,087,478.61 be sold subject to provisions of filed with the secretary of state of New chik became personal, speaking plus interest and costs. Premises ligence quotient, focused attention judgment Index # 502828/2014 Aaron York(SSNY) on 08/03/2018. Office will be sold subject to provisions of on a set of cognitive and reasoning of what he learned from his own Tyk, Esq., REFEREE STEIN, WIENER location: Bronx County. SSNY has filed Judgment Index# 512093/2015. tests as the primary measure of mother. From her, he said: AND ROTH, L.L.P., ATTORNEYS been designated as agent of the LLC Leonard C. Spector, Esq., Referee intelligence, itself considered as I learned that Judaism FOR THE PLAINTIFF ONE OLD upon whom process against it maybe Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC expresses itself not only in formal COUNTRY ROAD, SUITE 113 CARLE Served. SSNY shall mail copy of the best indicator of ability as, for Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile PLACE, NY 11514 DATED: August 27, process to: Ekos ventures LLC 810 E. example, a military officer. It took compliance with the law but also in a Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New 2018 FILE #: FCI 69698 216th St., Bronx, NY 10467 .Purpose: another brilliant Jewish psycholo- living experience. She taught me that York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: AJ; 9/14/21/28; 10/5 All Lawful activity gist of our time, Howard Gardner there is a flavour, a scent and warmth August 6, 2018 56532 AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/19/26 AJ; 9/14/21/28; 10/5 (of Harvard), to break this paradigm to mitzvot. I learned from her the NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT and argue for the idea of multiple most important thing in life – to feel COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS FARGO intelligences. Solving puzzles is not the presence of the Almighty and the BANK, NA, Plaintiff AGAINST Continued on Page A12 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 A11 Social.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat. Actress Sharon Stone speaks at The Algemeiner’s annual gala in New York City on Thursday.

Philanthropists Richard and Monique Chera. Keren Brosh. Algemeiner Reveals 5th Annual ‘J100’ List at Star-Studded Gala Featuring Sharon Stone and Nir Barkat

BY ALGEMEINER STAFF served as Honorary Chairman, and News 12 anchor Emily In his speech on Thursday, Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief Lorsch hosted the red carpet. Dovid Efune said, “We are gathered here tonight because The Algemeiner unveiled its 5th annual “J100” list of Other high-profile attendees at the event included we know that throughout our troubled history, there were the top 100 people “positively influencing Jewish life” on TV star Siggy Flicker, Amb. Dani Dayan, artist Ron Agam, times when there was little that our hounded ancestors Thursday night, at a star-studded gala in New York City. philanthropists Ira and Ingeborg Rennert and Howard would not have given just for the opportunity to be heard. Honorees in attendance included famed actress Sharon Lorber, among many other notable community and And today we have the tools to reach millions with just Stone and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat. industry leaders. the touch of a screen. And we are determined to seize the The event, held at Capitale, 130 Bowery, was attended The crowd was moved by emotional remarks made opportunity with both our hands, so that never again will a by over 500 people, who gathered in support of The by Keren Brosh, the granddaughter of Holocaust survivor persecuted people stand voiceless and alone in the face of Algemeiner. Mireille Knoll who was brutally murdered in her Paris tyranny and terror.” Both Stone and Barkat received The Algemeiner’s apartment six months ago. Algemeiner publisher Simon Jacobson said, “The prestigious “Warrior for Truth” award, and the 2018 Past honorees and participants in the annual event Algemeiner — a universal and all encompassing voice — Algemeiner Honorees were philanthropists Richard and have included media mogul , the late is standing at the forefront of a 4,000 year battle for social Monique Chera. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, President Donald justice, freedom and truth.” The evening’s Master of Ceremonies was Fox News Trump, Czech President Miloš Zeman, artist Yaacov Agam, Founded in 1972 as a Yiddish broadsheet by the late host Arthel Neville, and Event Chairs were Neil and Sharon the late entertainer Joan Rivers, former British Justice Secre- veteran journalist Gershon Jacobson, The Algemeiner today Book and Robert and Amy Book. Bernard-Henri Lévy tary Michael Gove and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, prints a weekly newspaper in English and runs this website. among others. Tradition. Legal Notice.

Continued from Page A2 to accept at least a limited “right are led by the old guard that has LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Victimhood of return,” knowing that this was never been psychologically capable Obama followed the tired, suicide for Israel as a Jewish state. of abandoning the idea of liberating cliched playbook that produced 70 Trump, however, refuses to accept all of “Palestine,” which means they N.Y. on the 25th day of October, 2018 FILE #: WELLS 64299 years of failure in US diplomacy. the UNRWA definition of refugees are no more willing to give up Haifa at 2:30 p.m. premises described as AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/ Trump’s team is blowing up the and the administration is calcu- than they are Jerusalem. From the follows: All that that certain plot, piece entire Arabist approach. Unlike their lating a realistic figure for the actual Islamic standpoint, it is inconceiv- or parcel of land, with the buildings MADISON HNJ LLC. Qual. with NYS and improvements thereon erected, on 5/9/2018. Juris.: NJ, filed 5/21/2010. predecessors, they understand the number of refugees — probably able that what the Palestinians more like 150-200,000 — that would consider Muslim land should be situate, lying and being in the Borough Office: Kings County. The Secretary Palestinians’ negotiating strategy has of Brooklyn, County of Kings and State of the State of NY (“SSNY”) is desig- been to secure Israeli compromises be near the 100,000 number that ruled by Jews or that dhimmis can of New York. Said premises known as nated as agent and shall mail a copy without making any of their own. Israel has long offered to accept on rule over Muslims. Psychologically, 2179 Clarendon Road, Brooklyn, N.Y. of process to: Howard Friedman, 942 They would then use the last Israeli a humanitarian basis. the Palestinians feel aggrieved, 11226. (Block: 5165, Lot: 51). Approxi- Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11221. position as the starting point for Israel will be expected to make consider the establishment of mate amount of lien $ 606,491.17 Address in juris. is: 1000 S. 2nd St., new talks, aimed at drawing further concessions, including perhaps Israel the “original sin,” and need plus interest and costs. Premises will Harrison, NJ 07029. The office where be sold subject to provisions of filed the Cert. of Formation is: Sec. of State, concessions from their interlocutors. evacuating some settlements, but to feel their grievances (such as these will likely be consistent with acknowledging the “right of return”) judgment and terms of sale. Index No. 33 West State St., Trenton, NJ 08608. According to The New Yorker’s 27190-09. Kent D. Arthur, Esq., Referee. Purpose: any lawful act. past Israeli offers. are addressed. Politically, surveys Adam Entous, Jared Kushner, Jason McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, P.C. AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/19/26 Greenblatt, and David Friedman With the exception of the indicate the Palestinian public has Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot compare the Palestinians’ decision fanatics in Tehran who care about the little interest in peace without Israeli Street - Suite 210 New Rochelle, New NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT to reject Israel’s previous offers to Palestinians only to the extent that capitulation — and even if they felt York 10801 (914) 636-8900 - COUNTY OF KINGS WILMINGTON missing out on a chance to buy they can be used to advance Iranian differently, they have no say under AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/ SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A CHRISTINA TRUST, NOT INDIVID- Google stock 20 years ago. Now it’s interests and threaten Israel, most their dictatorial leaders. Arab and Muslim leaders have grown The Palestinians deserve better, SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF UALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE FRO too late to get the old price, and they KINGS HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL CARLSBAD FUNDING MORTGAGE tired of the Palestinian issue. Arab but, as The Wall Street Journal edito- must pay a lot more in return. ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR TRUST, Plaintiff(s), Against Index No.: Equally important, Trump has leaders were said to fear the “Arab rialized, “If the Palestinians want DEUTSCHE ALT-A SECURITIES, INC., 501008/2014 MEIR WEISS; WILLIAM smashed the sacred cows of the street” rising up against them if they to be treated with the respect of a MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES SPIEGEL; ET AL., Defendant(s). peace process — Jerusalem and dared abandon the Palestinian cause. peace partner, they have to first show 2003-4XS, Plaintiff against COLLIS B. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure refugees. The Arabists believed that It was always a myth. When the street a desire for peace.” And it really has ALEXIS A/K/A COLLIS ALEXIS, et al and Sale, duly entered in the Kings Israel needed to re-divide Jerusalem did not react after the US recognized to start with the Palestinian people, Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment County Clerk's Office on 1/31/2018, of Foreclosure and Sale entered on I, the undersigned Referee, will sell and predicted an apocalypse when Jerusalem and moved its embassy, who are suffering and discontented the lack of concern for the Palestin- with the denial of their civil and July 26, 2018. I, the undersigned at public auction in Room 224 of the Trump decided to take Jerusalem Referee will sell at public auction in Kings County Supreme Court, 360 off the table by recognizing it as ians became clearer than ever. human rights by their leaders, but Room 224 of the Kings County Court- Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, Israel’s capital. Once again, they were Trump’s peace plan is unlikely have vented that frustration on Israel. house, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, on 10/25/2018 at 2:30 pm, premises wrong. Trump’s move was critical to succeed, but this has nothing to They will have to redirect their kites N.Y. on the 25th day of October, 2018 known as 1524 49th Street, Brooklyn, to disabusing the Palestinians of do with the elements of the plan and and rocks and bombs at the Muqata at 2:30 p.m. premises described as NY 11219, and described as follows: their fantasies of solely claiming everything to do with Palestinian in Ramallah, and the headquarters follows: All that certain plot, piece or ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of parcel of land, situate, lying and being land, with the buildings and improve- Jerusalem as their capital city. irredentism. From an ideological, of Hamas. They will have to demand Islamic, psychological, and political control of their future and abandon in the Borough of Brooklyn, County ments thereon erected, situate, lying The Arabists bought into of Kings, City and State of New York. and being a part of the 1524 49th Street the Palestinian narrative about standpoint, the Palestinians have no the ideology, religious fanaticism, Said premises known as 588 Wyona Condominium, designated as Unit No. five million refugees expelled in desire for peace with Israel. and politics of the past, and open Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11207. (Block: 3 in the County of Kings, Borough of the Nakba, and expected Israel Ideologically, the Palestinians themselves to new opportunities. 3825, Lot: 45). Approximate amount Brooklyn, City and State of New York, of lien $ 788,979.81 plus interest and known and designated on the tax costs. Premises will be sold subject to maps of the Kings County Treasurer Continued from Page A10 intelligence, knowing that unless provisions of filed judgment and terms as Block 5453 Lot 1004, together with Intelligence he did so, his teachings might enter LEGAL NOTICE of sale. Index No. 500683-15. Leonard an undivided 33.024 percent interest in C. Spector, Esq., Referee. McCabe, the Common Elements. The approxi- particularities of a given situation the minds of the Israelites but not Weisberg & Conway, P.C. Attorney(s) mate amount of the current Judgment and the relationships between their hearts, their passions, their Continued from Page A10 for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot Street – lien is $645,305.90 plus interest and those involved. The prophet has emotive DNA. It is feelings that NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Suite 210 New Rochelle, New York costs. The premises will be sold subject emotional intelligence. He or she move us to act, give us the energy to COUNTY OF KINGS Wells Fargo 10801 (914) 636-8900 to provisions of the aforesaid Judgment (there were, of course, women aspire, and fuel our ability to hand Bank, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST Roberto AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/ of Foreclosure and Sale; Index # prophets: Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, on our commitments to those who Jemmott; Winnifred H. Francis; et al., 501008/2014. If the sale is set aside Hannah, Abigail, Huldah and come after us. Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME for any reason, the Purchaser at the COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS Wells sale shall be entitled only to a return Esther) reads the mood of the Without the prophetic passion of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated March 15, 2018 I, the undersigned Fargo Bank, N.A., Plaintiff -against- of the deposit paid. The Purchaser of an Amos, a Hosea, an Isaiah, a moment and how it relates to Referee will sell at public auction at Salim Uddin Bhuiyan a/k/a Salim shall have no further recourse against longstanding relationships. The Jeremiah, without the music of the the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Bhuiyan, Mohammed Yusuf Bhuiyan, the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or prophet hears the silent cry of the Psalms and the songs of the Levites Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, Internal Revenue Service-United the Mortgagee’s attorney. Philip J. oppressed, and the incipient anger in the Temple, Judaism would NY 11201 on October 25, 2018 at States of America, New York State Smallman, Esq., Referee. Leopold & of Heaven. Without the law of the have been a plant without water 2:30PM, premises known as 574 Ralph Department of Taxation and Finance, Associates, PLLC, 80 Business Park priest, Judaism would have no or sunlight; it would have withered Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11233. All that Capital One Bank, Capital One Bank Drive, Suite 110, Armonk, NY 10504 structure or continuity. But without and died. Intellect alone does not certain plot piece or parcel of land, (USA) N.A., as successor in interest Dated: 8/29/2018 JJL with the buildings and improvements to Capital One Bank, State of New AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/ the emotional intelligence of the inspire in us the passion to change erected, situate, lying and being in the York, Workers Compensation Board prophet, it would become, as Rav the world. To do that you have to take Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, of the State of New York, City of New NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Soloveitchik said, soulless, dry and thought and turn it into song. That is City and State of NY, Block: 1387 Lot: York Department of Transportation COUNTY OF KINGS, PENNYMAC insensitive. Ha’azinu, Moses’ great hymn to God’s 49. Approximate amount of judgment Parking Violations Bureau, City of CORP., Plaintiff, vs. ANNA CZINO; Which brings us to our parsha. love for His people and his role in $764,296.82 plus interest and costs. New York Environmental Control MARIE KALLO, ET AL., Defendant(s). In Ha’azinu, Moses does the ensuring, as Martin Luther King put Premises will be sold subject to Board, “John Smith”, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure unexpected but necessary thing. it, that “the arc of the moral universe provisions of filed Judgment Index# Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and Sale duly filed on May 31, 2018, and sale entered on July 31, 2018 I, the I, the undersigned Referee will sell at He teaches the Israelites a song. is long but it bends towards justice.” 9649/13. Jageshwar Sharma, Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC undersigned Referee will sell at public public auction at the Kings County He moves from prose to poetry, In Ha’azinu, the man of intellect and Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile auction to the highest bidder at ROOM Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams from speech to music, from law moral courage becomes the figure Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New 224 F/K/A ROOM 274 OF KINGS Street, Brooklyn, NY on October 25, to literature, from plain speech to of emotional intelligence, allowing York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: COUNTY SUPREME COURT, 360 2018 at 2:30 p.m., premises known as vivid metaphor: himself to be, in Judah Halevi’s lovely August 17, 2018 56796 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, NEW 88 Bay 34th Street, Brooklyn, NY. All Listen, heavens, and I will image, the harp for God’s song. AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/ YORK 11201 on October 25, 2018 that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, speak; This is a life-changing idea:If at 2:30 PM premises known as 1370 with the buildings and improvements Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11208. thereon erected, situate, lying and being And let the earth hear the you want to change lives, speak to SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF KINGS THE BANK OF NEW ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel in the Borough of Brooklyn, County people’s feelings, not just to their words of my mouth. YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, of land, situate, lying and being in the of Kings, City and State of New York, May my teaching fall like minds. Enter their fears and calm NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FKA Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Block 6873 and Lot 47. Approximate rain, them. Understand their anxieties THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST City and State of New York. Block: amount of judgment is $207,392.96 My speech flow down like and allay them. Kindle their hopes COMPANY, N.A. AS SUCCESSOR 4270 Lot: 25 Approximate amount plus interest and costs. Premises will dew; and instruct them. Raise their TO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. of lien $702,568.32 plus interest and be sold subject to provisions of filed Like gentle rain on tender sights and enlarge them. Humans AS TRUSTEE FOR RAMP 2005SP3, costs. Premises will be sold subject Judgment Index # 508095/2013. Leo plants, are more than algorithms. We are Plaintiff against HURBY L. GIBBS, et al to provisions of filed judgment Index Salzman, Esq., Referee Knuckles, Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment # 502634/2014 Leo Salzman, Esq., Komosinski & Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Like showers on the grass. emotion-driven beings. of Foreclosure and Sale entered on REFEREE STEIN, WIENER AND Road, Ste. 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, (Deut. 32:1-2) Speak from the heart to the August 21, 2018. I, the undersigned ROTH, L.L.P., ATTORNEYS FOR THE Attorneys for Plaintiff Cash will not be Why? Because at the very heart, and mind and deed will Referee will sell at public auction in PLAINTIFF ONE OLD COUNTRY accepted. end of his life, the greatest of all follow. Room 224 of the Kings County Court- ROAD, SUITE 113 CARLE PLACE, NY AJ; 9/21/28; 10/5/12/ the prophets turned to emotional house, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, 11514 DATED: September 06, 2018