October 8, 1898
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! PORTLAND Di ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1832—YOL. 35. 1'ORTLAND, j MAINE, SATURDAY MORI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. just in time to prevent a collision be- tween their forces. It appears that souse Spanish officers, who had misunderstood ALMOST A FIGHT. an order from Col, Parron, had just no- tified t.he American troops that they must A leave Immediately. Capt. Frost in com- mand refused _t_. (jluring Col. Hay’s absenoe, to comply, whereupon he was told that of the blood of his men would be upon Quart their heads. At this moment Ool. Hoy came -up, and Capt. Frost related the Water Averted occurrence. Col. Parron promptly or- Hot Trouble Narrowly dered fciig over-zealous subordinate away. Then began the march of a mile to the will thoroughly remove all barracks through the crowded streets, soapmess from the hair after at Manzanillo. most of the on-lookers being evidently applying Hay’s Tar Cream pro-Spanish judging from their scowling It leaves the hair Shampoo, looks and remarks with a natural uncomplimentary clean and Just The msroh led around the Af softness. square. the Americans the gai- 26c a jar for homo use. passed Spanish Many of the best halm e sers rlson, the latter presented arms. The have it and will apply ;t upon barraoks were found in a healthy locali- request. AMERICANS LAND TO TAKE ty and in good condition. It wa?’ Col. Hay’s firm intention to take action as soon as the cable olosed and 1, POSSESSION. was evident that the soldiers on both sides were quite ready to try conclusions, the Spanish officers especially not taking H. H. DAY & SOS, at all ! kindly to evacuation, But some time before the cable closed, Ool. Ray middle Street. received a despatch from Gen. Wade ex- plaining that the commander of the Commander Must Spanish troops at Manzanillo had re- Crir Spanish Says They quested -a delay until Ootober 10, and ♦♦♦I that the formal evacuation was, there- Wait Until Monday. fore, postponed. The'Urdted States troops remain in the barraoks by permission of Col. Pairon. — Conside rable alarm was experienced by “Vitos” the civilians who understood the call to arms and! Its iiMl-3igniQoan.ee. eenorita of com- THREATENED TO USE FORCE IF Parron, daughter the Spanish mander a beautiful was j is a breakfast cereal, the 4j and very girl, X greatly distressed and in tears. Her and in the THEY DID NOT WITHDRAW. cheapest 4 father is a fine looking, dignified man, market, 1 about 50. So far as duty permits, Col. Mill Ray will lex tend every possible courtesy to Col. Parron and his officers, with their families in the evaontlon. ibestand i Col. Kay in Command of American Forces C\OL. RAY’S ARRIVAL. 1 Told Him He Might—Soldiers Almost His First .Interview With the Spanish X a 4 Commander. X is rapidly beaoming Had a Collision While Chiefs Were T favorite, because of its 2 Provlnce^oF Je I Argueing the Question—The Delay Manzanillo,' Santiago X merit as a food product. Cuba, October 7. —One battalion of Col. J Granted Order of Gen. Finally by Ray’s third Immnnes, arrived last night • I Wok Wade. at Cnlicite on board tho Retna do los Angelos, en route for Manzanillo, A Manzanillo, October 7.—Afternoon— It’s Backer 1 Calclte Is a small port belonging to the This will be a day to be remembered long Cabans and! surrounded by-sugar planta- S | in the history of Manzanillo. A light of X 1 tions, a few miles south Manzanillo. of “Best” 2 was averted between the 2 is Pillsbury, narrowly Span- The troops were received with enthugi- I! ish nnder Col. Perron and the ♦ Flour renown, who pro- x garrison BStto cheer* by the insurgents who are United States under Ool. Ray, c X duces no goods but the 4 troops apparently "at and hearty. The insur- who have arrived here from Santiago to T best 2 gent rtfajor tn oonmanchproqaptly oalled I Tu.ThSsS take of the oity. At 7 o’olook f. sep29 4 possession upon Ool. R ay and reported conlJitions ♦ this Col. not heard ♦ morning, Ray, having are no*- better -than those pre- that bly Canto) from Gen. Lawton to the contrary, sent vailing in most other. pprtion s of the to Ool. Parron ton, a bi Makesi word by Adintant Collins province. Hie said he had on hand a his was shot ADAMS & that in aooordance with instructions, of corn and Cob ANDERSON, CO., quantity vegetables. before tL he should march his men to the oity from the Rameros plantation, Insurance Hay w Fire Agency a mile where the United vlsitejd house, the dock, away, which is as a Cuban camp and found 31 Exchange Street. used; 819 Llno< States transport Reina do Los Angeles there some v aluable machinery, undam- to have First Class American and Foreign Companies had moved at the request of Ool. Par- aged. t This morE the battalion reaohed were flri Chas. C. Adams and would take of the lng Horace Arperson. ron, possession *o the evident astonishment Little. eodtl Manzanillo, an< de018 Thos. J. Ip People. in the name of the claimed bod/ public buildings of the h authorities who Spanis u United States. that they hikd not expeoted the United placed tates for the next ten days. murder. At 8 o'clock the battalion was in mo- S troops FALL FOOTWEAR Cob Ray, accompanied by Collector Don- Saxtoi tion with colors flying. Col. Ray marched aldson of and an interpreter, Santiago arrived 1 toward the oity, but before the troops visited the Spanish oolonel Parron, in OPEN. command of th'a local garrison, number- shooting NOW JFdll ar- reached the oity gate, adjutant Collins We have received most of our Fall 903. He Col. Parron that The lat- ing informed ph/sioia rived with Col. Parron’s reply. he had arrived to take charge of the gov- Fwtwear and can show a splendid as- "■—j The d< ter said he had no objection to surrender- ernment bulld'mgs and to assume military sortment of the latest styles for men, in accordance with death v> ing the customs house at onoe provided command of tide city women and children. the fisaohed between the United having diseases arising from a debilitated) the A mericau flag was not raised. Col. agreement States and evacuation com- His for is Paine’S' Sppanish pc See our Hunan $3.00 Shoe .nervous system, and that Ray retorted that the United States was missioners at HJivana. Cob Parron, who welcomed on the s men in Enamel, Box Calf and Russet. so generally pre- not accustomed to taking possession was exceedinglfr courteous, celery compound, ! who said he had when t the of its the Amerioan officer, Also our line at $3.30. scribed by physicians. Without displaying insignia communication received a telegraphic was tak> him that Everything in the lateststyleinLadies1 It is the most remarkable rem- sovereignty. from Gen. BBanco informing i Amerioan placed footwear. that the scientific research ol< The march was then continued toward the date for the oooupatioD edy October 10 and re- ately af the city. When the troops passed the had been changed to We have Nature’s East for Chil- America has produced. quested Col. R ly to cable Gen. Lawton the hoi at the gate, a body of 25, the latter dren. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., guard at Santiago for further instructions. law, wb __ lined and saluted. The red to take over the cus- up report quiok- Col. Ray offe married LL. D., of Dartmouth College, first allow the other build- ly spread through the city that the Ame- toms house and to this cure for to wait a formal surrender until Mr. S prescribed positive colors and ings ricans had arrived with flying, Col. Parron objf o ed to biliousness, liver com- Dext Tuesday. & dyspepsia, the streets were soon thronged by appar- all or none should be Center McDowell, this, saying tjhat was the neuralgia, rheumatism, all women delivered. It finally arranged that 539 CONGRESS ST., plaint, ently the whole 4 population, men, (was friends, both cominandorls should telegraph their nervous diseases and kidney; ana onuaren, turning out, uy i/iiuuorauua superiors, but ,'if Col. Ray does not re- and loo' as the marched toward the he will troubles. regiment ceive a reply by(r tomorrow carry Althout where it halted. out his oirders. OVERCOATS principal square original past tbr AT ALL. that arose was re- WKKNN IsN’TDEAD At this a sounded Tho next point Spanish bugler question said a v or cleansed and pressed the of troops. Cpl. dyed October 7.—Mr. Philip \V. arms and the garding laipding Oambridge, the call to Spanish garrison Parron wanted I Cob Ray to pitch his shootlr brother of Robert D. 'Wrann of Wrenn, turned out to the number of 600 men on cams two miles aiff. for fear of a clash. the Rough Riders, whose death was re- Mrs. side of the Ool. Col. Kay objected! to this, saying scat ne ferred to in today’s testimony of Major the other square. Ray FOR $2.00. wanted his men in the city and moreover | Horsey before the war com- visited Col. Parron at the palace and a investigation to have them la nd tomorrow in order Isn’t that cheaper than a new one? mission, denied tonight that his brother took somewhat stormy Interview, place that they might g et oooked provisions was dead. He said that he was in good v between with the aid of an inter- He pledged his wi >rd that there would ALL KINDS OF GARMENTS, health at his father's home at Highland them, no clash so far as ! lie men were ooncerr preter.