Of The. Same City, Ifl. the Wes^ Riding of The. County Pjf Ypr,K, and Nprth
of the. same city, ifl. the wes^ riding of the. county ampton, and Peterborough and. the, 'Syston. and, pjf Ypr,k, and nprth riding of the,'county of York Peterborough Railways, at or near,, to. the station or one of them. at Peterborough,, in the parish pif Flettonj. in the. 'A branch railway, with all proper works, ap- county of, Huntingdon, and passing froni., in^ proaches, and conveniences connected therewith through, or into the several parishes, townships,, diverging froui th.e said main line at or near Steven- and extra-parochial and other places. following, age, in the parish of Stevenage, in the(county of H,ert or some of them, that is to say, Stiltpjj^ Folkes-. fprd, and to terminate at or n,ear tp, Potter-stree worth, Yaxley, Nprman Cross H^addon, Cft*estertjpn, Bedford, in the parishes of Saint Mary and Sain; Aljlwalton, O.verton Waterville or C.b,errj Ortpn^ John's Bedford, or one of them, in the county of Qverton, Longvijle or Long Orton. with. Bjptol-olt Bedford^; and passing from, in, through or into the Bridge, Farcett, Fletton, Woodstone, and IjStand- several parishes, to,wnships, anijl extra parochial or ground, in the county of Huntingdon: Peterbo- other places following, or some, of them, that is to, rough, Saint Jphn. the. Baptist in, the pity and; say, Stjeyenage, Fisher's Gr?en, T°dd.'s Qxeen, Tit- liberty of Peterbp.rpugh,, in tjhe. cpun.tjy pf. North- more Gireeh, Ipppjjitt.s otheijwisf? Saint Hippplyts, amptph, the precincts of Peterbprough Cathedral,, Little Wymondly, Much Wymondly.
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