Held at Oaks Working Men’s Club, Ardsley

7th November 2007

38B (1) Present:- Councillors Clowery (Chairman), Bristowe, Dyson and J.Smith together with Co-opted Member Mr. R. Stendall.

1 member of the public was also present.

(2) Introduction to the Forum

The Chairperson gave an introduction explaining how the Forum operates and how and when the public could participate. Members of the Forum introduced themselves to the meeting.

(3) Declarations of Personal Interest

No declarations of interest were made by members of the Forum present at this meeting.

(4) Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 10th October 2007 were approved as a correct record.

(5) Area Forum Officer’s Report

Ruth Steedman, Area Forum Officer, presented the following information in her report:-

(a) The Area Forum was invited to consider a report of the Area Forum Officer regarding co-options to the Forum and the Area Board for the year 2007/8. The report explained that the composition of the Forums now provided for three co-optees. The current co-optees are Robert Stendall representing the Ardsley Residents Association and Steve Redford representing the Kendray and Worsbrough Community Partnership. Steve Redford had announced his intention to resign the position. The report invited the Forum to consider appointing Mandy Jackson, Laying the Foundations, as a new co-optee.

A member of the Forum explained, however, that he had received a communication from Mandy Jackson explaining that she had recently commenced a new job and that it may be difficult to her to attend Forum, and especially Board meetings, due to the commitments associated with her new job.


(i) the resignation of Steve Redford as co-optee representing the Kendray and Worsbrough Community Partnership be noted and he be thanked for his valuable contribution as a co-optee to the Forum;




(ii) that conformation be given to Robert Stendall continuing as a co-optee on this Forum and the Area Board representing the Ardsley Residents Association; and

(iii) that in the light of the information now reported at this meeting, clarification be sought in relation to the appointment of a co-optee representing Laying the Foundations.

(b) The Forum considered a report of the Area Forum Officer on the Area Board Conferences held on Sunday 9th September 2007 and Ardsley and Stairfoot Community Centre and on Saturday 15th September 2007 at Bank End Youth Club. The report explained that both events had been successful and a full report would be presented to a future meeting of the Area Board on the matters requiring consideration as a result of the Area Conference Consultation events.

IT WAS AGREED that the reported be noted and the success of the conferences be welcomed.

(c) The following progress has been made in relation to issues raised at previous Forum meetings:-

• The Highways Service has inspected the condition of the walls on High Street and Bank End Road, Worsbrough Dale and has deemed that, whilst they may be unsightly and a public nuisance, they do not appear to be unsafe or dangerous. The Highways Service has forwarded letters to appropriate land owners drawing attention to the poor condition of the walls and the fact that they are responsible for repairs.

The Highways Service had explained that the use of the stones from the walls as missiles was a matter for the police/Safer Neighbourhood Team.

• In relation to a question raised at the previous meeting about expenditure incurred by the Council in engaging legal experts, a reply has been received to indicate that this is not easy to quantify. The Council instructs barristers from time to time but this is felt to be a more appropriate approach when compared to employing experts on an in- house basis. Much of this work is very specialist in nature and the Council believes that instructing barristers as and when required does allow people to be engaged who have the appropriate expert knowledge to look into the matter concerned.

• In relation to the question raised at the previous meeting regarding excluded students, the questioner has been contacted directly in order to discuss the concerns raised. The “excluded students” referred to may not have been young people excluded from school but may be students truanting. The Education Welfare Officers have been informed and will be making further investigations.

IT WAS AGREED that the information now reported in relation to questions raised at previous meetings, be noted.

(d) The following Community Support Fund applications were presented:-

• An Area Forum Scheme for £450.00 for the insulation of a litter bin at Hunningley Lane/Hunningley Close, Stairfoot




• An Area Forum Scheme for £1,150.00 to re-surface the path between 30 and 32 St Paul’s Parade, Ardsley

• An Area Forum Scheme for 350.00 for the purchase of a Christmas tree for Stairfoot Roundabout and the associated electrical installation

• An Area Forum Scheme for £300.00 for electrical installation costs in relation to Christmas trees at Bank End and Ward Green

• An Area Forum Scheme for £800.00 to re-surface the entrance road leading from Sheffield Road to the “Daisy Field”

• An Area Forum Scheme for £7,104.00 in order to reduce the traffic island on Bank End Avenue

• An Area Forum Scheme for £900.00 for the provision of two litter bins on Park Road, Worsbrough Bridge

• An Area Forum Scheme for £450.00 for the installation of one litter bin on Vernon Road, Ward Green

• An Area Forum Scheme for £228.00 in order to meet the additional cost involved in the installation of fencing at Allendale Shops, Bank End (£4,020.00 was agreed for this scheme at the Forum meeting held on 12th September 2007)

• An application submitted by the Safer Neighbourhood Team Warden Scheme for £1,740.00 for the purchase of educational and promotional materials and equipment.

IT WAS AGREED that approval be given to the above Community Support Fund applications subject to final approval by the Borough Secretary.

(e) Details of changes to local bus services were outlined at the meeting. It was also explained that the National Concession Scheme will come into operation from April 2008 and existing pass holders should be forwarded details in order to apply for new passes which will allow the bearer to travel on local bus services throughout .

IT WAS AGREED that the information now reported by the Area Forum Officer regarding bus services, be noted.

(6) Community Safety Issues

Julie Mitchell, Inspector with the Safer Neighbourhood Team explained that Jackie Heald, Tasking Officer was unable to attend the meeting due to attendance on a course, and proceeded to outline the following information relating to the work of the team:-

• The following figures for October 2007 together with the target figures for that type of crime were given:-

8 Burglary from dwellings (Government target 7) 970



10 Other burglaries (mainly from sheds and outhouses) 15 Vehicle crime including attempted vehicle crime 26 Violent crime (Government target 25) (This includes a range of crime from serious wounding to domestic incidents to swearing/abuse in the street) 39 Criminal damage (32 of these incidents were recorded during the second half of the month during the “Mischief” period) (Government target 59) 2 Racially motivated offences

• Beat sweeps have been undertaken in areas around Coronation Terrace, Dale Park and Kingwell Road/Genn Lane

• New powers of dispersal have now been approved by the Government and these have been very useful in moving people on when they are deemed to be involved in conduct which could lead to disorder. This has been used on four occasions to very good effect.

Julie Mitchell then proceeded to respond to issues raised at the meeting in relation to the work of the team:-

(a) Are the ABC procedures still being used in order to control nuisance?

Use is still made of the ABC procedures in appropriate cases. The procedure is that an initial letter is forwarded to the appropriate persons followed by a second letter if thought necessary. If the situation is still not felt to be satisfactory the appropriate persons are then invited to participate in a voluntary ABC contract.

(b) What can be done to control rowdy neighbours if the issues emanate from inside a property rather than in the street?

Breach of peace powers can be used and if it is thought to be a domestic dispute or other criminal matter, powers exist to enter the premises. In the case of Council owned properties, the Safer Neighbourhood Team will work with Berneslai Homes as appropriate.

(c) If there is a problem with loud music emanating from a property can the Safer Neighbourhood Team take action?

Police powers are limited in the case of loud music and those affected by this type of inappropriate behaviour are encouraged to contact the Environmental Health Service who can test the loudness of the noise in the first instance and then the case can be pursued if felt necessary.

(d) What is the law relating to untaxed vehicles when the vehicle has not been used for some time i.e. in a Council or garage site?

The test in relation to untaxed vehicles is whether or not they are parked on a public road. If they are on a public road the Safer Neighbourhood Team will deal with the matter. Vehicles should either be taxed or subject to a Statutory Off Road Notice. In any event action will be taken by the Safer Neighbourhood Team in appropriate cases where these rules are not adhered to. 971



(e) What is the position with regard to Police Community Safety Officers and the Probation Officer post in the Ardsley area?

Ardsley is now covered by a Probation Officer and five PCSOs.

(f) Are Police Constables being encouraged to attend Crime Safety Sub-Groups?

Normally there should be Police Constable representation at these Sub-Groups supported by Police Community Support Officers rather than PCSOs attending on their own.

(g) Could the Safer Neighbourhood Team help with nuisance caused by youths in the vicinity of St Paul’s Parade especially as the Community Support Fund application approved at this meeting seeks to provide money to re-surface the pathway between numbers 30 and 32 on the Parade?

It is appreciated that Youths do tend to congregate in this vicinity and there is a lot of refuse in the local area. The Safer Neighbourhood Team will look into this problem and it may be the subject shortly of a beat sweep.

(h) What is the situation regarding funding for posts in the Safer Neighbourhood Team bearing in mind Government funding is not yet secure for the future?

It is anticipated that the Safer Neighbourhood Team role will be enhanced since the Government is encouraging Police Forces to achieve greater customer satisfaction and maintain a good police performance record. The presence of the Teams in this vicinity is a very important part of the work of South Police in this regard.

(i) Is it possible that the newsletter recently widely distributed in the local area outlining the details of the work of the Safer Neighbourhood Team could be distributed to all properties in the Forum area bearing in mind its usefulness in making local residents aware of how to contact the team?

Every effort is made to distribute the newsletter as widely as possible and any issues in relation to its distribution will be investigated.

IT WAS AGREED that Inspector Julie Mitchell be thanked for attending the meeting to outline the work of the Safer Neighbourhood Team and for responding to questions relating to community safety.

(7) Think Local 2007 Consultation Exercise

The Area Forum Officer circulated a booklet outlining responses received to the Think Local 2007 Consultation Exercise. Key features of the results were also depicted on a display board at the meeting. The Area Forum Officer explained that very valuable support had been received from the Safer Neighbourhood Team and Voluntary Action in administering the consultation exercise. 972



IT WAS AGREED that the results of the Think Local 2007 Consultation Exercise be noted, and the success of the consultation process be welcomed.

(8) Questions by the Public

One question was asked at the meeting relating to the proposals for the re-modelling of Stairfoot roundabout.

Local members explained that they had been informed by letter that the work was imminent but there did not appear to have been detailed consultations beforehand.

IT WAS AGREED that the issues raised by the member of the public present at the meeting in relation to the proposed re-modelling of Stairfoot roundabout be noted, and the Highways Service be asked for further information on this matter.

(9) Appointment of Chairman for the Next Meeting and Date, Time and Venue for that Meeting

IT WAS AGREED that the next meeting of the Forum be held at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 5th December 2007 at Worsbrough Bank End Primary School and that Councillor Bristowe be appointed Chairman for this meeting.

(10) Items for Future Forum Meetings

The Area Forum Officer suggested that the next meeting of the Forum receive information in relation to the Bank End Neighbourhood Project bearing in mind that the meeting scheduled to be held at the local primary school.

IT WAS AGREED that the suggest outlined above by the Area Forum Officer be noted, and that the Officer together with the Chairman be authorised to determine the items for the agenda for the Forum meeting to be held on Wednesday 5th December 2007.

……………………………. Chairman.